Rethinking the separation between church and state

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
The State ought to have nothing to do with christ Jesus ? is an insult to God !

Is the State solely from the point of view of prosperity of This carnal world, if such they have no higher power worthy of God ? so they will fail badly in fact, for who guides them ?

The Left do not believe in God at all in fact but they do believe in gods that they idolise in fact ! not to mention the far right has another god. That's the problem ! They do not serve Christ Jesus in fact, so how can such a one come to the Father ? for they do not have the Holy Spirit in fact, sure they have a spirit but it's not worthy of the Father ! for their Father is as Jesus pointed out, the Father of Lies and was a murderer from the begining !
I'm as far to the right as one could possibly be and I have no idea about another god.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I'm as far to the right as one could possibly be and I have no idea about another god.
Far right ?

Well i am a right wing conservative and in such i am not for what the top end of town do in explioting other people for their own ends ?
I have seen that my whole life and see such clearly as moronic ! as it is this type who created the Lefty and Communist morons in fact.

My builder mate over the years i have seen is pure evil intent in regards Society, for he is an atheist and all about himself getting rich off others for a fact ! he went to the top Schools and his dad was a Builder as well, so he knows the trade well and it's all about keeping everyone down in fact ! undermining everything ! and that's why their is no real good quality tradesmen around anymore.

If it was up to my builder mate most people would live under a rock, it would be like Africa, the real wealthy and the dirt poor, no middle class for they have worked against them all ! That's what the far right do and the Communist do ?

I am all for the middle class having a worthy power base that must be listened to !

I am not against the very rich as that a good thing but not all such people are worthy of respect as well but many are !

Then to the lowest class, well they are a product of intent that the Left does not truly help up to be middle class. they want most people to be lower class as that means equal ? that's the god that they serve in fact. lefty views do not serve bring people up truly at all, but create the deception that, that's what they are all about !
You can put trash people in high payed jobs regardles what class they were but trash begets trash and the worse trash i have seen is the rich trash for truly undermining a society.
The Dumb lower class trash is just dumb trash, you can do nothing with them truly, if they do not want to better themselves ? and the Left in my Nation has never adressed the lower problem class openly but hide it and lie about such and impower such idiots to keep them being such outright idiots. so clearly the problem will never be solved like that ! and Sadly the top end of town is trash in fact for they do not deal with the realitys.

So when the middle class are robbed like they are and sold out and not to mention are not alowed freedom of speech and just shut down ! as is going on in fact ! this creats a moronic warfare ? that ends up in Communism !

Just remember that Communism was truly created by very wealthy people in fact, as a joke and a way to dominate and undermine the people in fact.
A stupid Communist does not understand such a concept ? caust they are idiots ! and owned !
Very wealthy people walk about Communist Nations easy as, right from the start of Communist Russia in fact !

W Churchill pointed this out about Communist and Nazis as a joke ! he said that did not careless, that they were such at all he said ! for his god created them in fact, = The richest family in the world, who owned him in fact, as he was Rothschild's puppy dog. happy to go too War for the system, As he said in fact was just to win Markets ! That was what WW2 was truly all about in fact, W Churchill said so in an interview on TV in fact.

An old Freemason pointed out the reality of the system to me, he said for the system to work X amount have to fail ! it's all set up that way for the system to work ! and he was a full on right wing person and wealthy and a good man.

I do not like extreamist in any form, be it from the right or left, for such i call the 5% they are who control the rudder of the ship of fools ! 2.5% are radical left that are full of lies and the other 2.5% of the right who are full of lies ! for They creat deceptions and delusions ! that we see on TV etc.

If we can empower the middle class, then them 5% are more exposed for what they are, as it's not a strugle of class but an education in regard Christ Jesus. the 5% have no time for Christ Jesus at all in fact.

Expose the real problems as a real worthy Doctor should do.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2023
United States
Please show us the quote where God is mentioned.

While it doesn't specifically mention "God", it does allude to Him:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness... And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

Bear in mind that the Constitution is a political document, not a religious one.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I've always viewed the notion of separation between church and state as negative.

The meaning of that ""separation"", is not... "Freedom From Religion" as its been maliciously used by those who hate God, or deny His existence.

But rather the meaning is, as stated by the authors.. is that the GOVERNMENT cannot impose a religious denomination by FORCE /by Law upon its Governed.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
United States
While it doesn't specifically mention "God", it does allude to Him:
Their "Creator" is undefined; such worldly 'allusions' are everywhere e.g. USA FRN's that state, "In God We Trust." It's not Almighty God of the Holy Bible.

Scripture tells us to test people, to see if they are of God or not.

1 John 4:1, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."

This only makes sense, when one is sincerely interested in associating with godly people, while avoiding the contamination and influence of ungodly men.

The key, however, to the rejection of the rule of God was Article VI, Clause 3, "The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several state Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." And so, this is why folks have Satanists ruling over them today.

People can talk all they want to about a Christian Constitution, but they will never be able to get around the fact that God is not even mentioned in it.

Most are unaware the "Constitution" forbids God. The Constitution was a rebellion against Christ and his authority over the nation, replacing it with the rule of man. The Bible warns us, "Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?" (Isaiah 2:22).
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