"Righteous Noah, are we like him?" (Genesis 6:22-11:32)

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Ben Abraham

Active Member
Dec 13, 2020
United States
GENESIS 6:9-11:32 "Noah HaTzadik" (The Righteous) "Noah's flood or God's Flood?" "Noah's Ark or God's Ark?"

"God's Flood" because God sent the flood waters, not Noah. "God's Ark" (Yes, Noah built it, but God drew the construction plans)

We all know the story of Noah and the flood which destroyed mankind from off the face of the earth. It would be great to study a "verse by verse" study, but I'd lose 99% of the people reading. I would like to do a general study and highlight some points.

The pre-diluvian world was a violent and rough place to live. I guess you could say that you had three big dangers in everyday life. Your neighbor was wicked. He could just go out and kill you if he felt like it. There were bloodthirsty giants who were the offspring of the "Nephilim" the fallen angels who cohabitated with women who brought forth the giants. You had meat-eating dinosaurs like T-Rex, etc. always looking for a "man-snack"

Noah survived all of those and also many of his days also survived and produced children. We see that the longevity of mankind was 900 years. Imagine how many children could come from a pre-diluvian couple, even if the woman got pregnant every other year. 450 children (at least) in 900 years. I would imagine not all would survive because of those imminent dangers. Yet this was Noah's world. Yet he maintained his "righteousness" in a completely evil world. God recognized this and told him;

"The end of all living beings has come before me. for because of them the earth is filled with violence. I will destroy them along with them. Make yourself an ark of gofer wood.... (Gen 6:13)

God gives the dimensions of the ark. In feet, it was 450 feet long, 75 feet high, 45 feet wide. Three decks, on top a length long opening which was a cubit (18 inches) for ventilation. A door was put in the side to allow entrance of the animals.

The flood came in the 600th year of Noah's life. Noah was a "preacher of righteousness" yet no one paid any attention. We learn that when Noah was 500 years old, his sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth were born. Between that time and his 600th year, he received instructions from God to build the ark. I'm sure that his sons helped him. While building the ark, he told the people of the "imminent judgment" yet no one heeded the call of repentance.

Here are some interesting facts:

The ark had 3 decks, the Tabernacle was divided into 3 parts. (The outer court, the inner court, and the Holy of Holies)
The Ark of the Covenant had 3 parts: Outside, Inside, and the cover. "3" is the number of "Elohim"
The Ark was covered with pitch "Kopher" This is also similar to "Kippur" which is "covering" (Yom Kippur) This would make the ark waterproof.

Noah found "grace" in the eyes of God. Therefore, he was saved from the worldwide destruction. It's interesting that the name "Noach" spelled backward is "Chen" (with Hebrew letters) and "Chen" = "grace" ("ch" is pronounced like a hard "h" like the German "Bach")

The word for "ark" in Hebrew is "Teivah" which has only three letters in Hebrew. "Tav (T) "Beit' (B) and "Hey" (H) The word is symbolic for "Behold the House of Covenant" The Ark would be the "Place of Covenant" for Noah and his family. There would be no other place. "It's inside the ark of safety or destruction" This reminds us what Yeshua said; "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by ME" (John 14:6)

There are no other ways for salvation, only through Jesus/Yeshua. Noah and his family would have the ark and the ark only. There were "7" days of waiting before the flood waters hit the earth. "7" is the perfect number of God. verse 16 reads; "and God shut them in" GOD closed the outside door. Once the door was closed, there would be no opening it until God would give the order. The time of "Grace" ended, and "judgment" would begin.

There is a time when God is near, and while the breath of life is within us, there is "grace" and "hope" yet "grace" ends when we breathe our last. Yet God's grace can even end before because many hard-hearted people want nothing to do with God. His spirit will not strive forever with them.

With all the animals inside along with Noah and his family. The flood waters begin. The vapor canopy high in the atmosphere collapsed. Many think it might have been composed of lattice-like ice crystals that protected the Earth against the ultraviolet rays from the sun. The ground opened up letting loose underground water, and thus, flooding the whole earth in 40 days.

Verse 20 states that the waters rose 15 cubits above the highest mountains (at that time) which was about 22 feet. It is interesting that the number "15" is the equivalent of "Yod Hey" (The first two letters or the first and the last letter of the most Holy name of God, YHVH) Meaning that God (YHVH) was with Noah and guided the ark on the open water.

The ark floated on the flood waters for about a whole year, and came to rest upon the "mountains of Ararat" (it doesn't say "Mt. Ararat) It came to rest on the second day of Sukkot (October 2nd). Noah removed the covering of the ark (Maybe the door) on New Year's day (Nissan 1) and looked out at a strange new world.

The ark is likened unto Yeshua/Jesus who is our "ark of safety" in a lost and dying world. The LORD will guide our "ark" throughout our life, and when we "disembark" someday, and only HE knows when we will emerge into our "New World" the "New Jerusalem" our heavenly home.

Shavua Tov (Happy Week)

Ben Avraham
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Gen 7:1 . .The Lord then said to Noah: Go into the ark, you and your
whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation.

Righteousness comes in more than one flavor.

There's the sinless perfection of God; which thus far none of us have been
able to produce. (Rom 3:23, 1John 1:10)

There's a tolerable righteousness obtained by compliance with the covenant
that Moses' people agreed upon with God. (Luke 1:6 & Phil 3:6)

There's a civil kind of righteousness relative to one's treatment of their
fellow man. (Ezek 14:12-20)

And then there's an imputed righteousness obtained by faith. (Gen 15:6,
Rom 4:1-5, cf. Phil 3:9)
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Wick Stick

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2023
United States
You know what I find interesting?

The language describing the flood is very similar to the language describing the creation. It seems like the story is an undoing of the creation, and then a re-creation.


Active Member
Jan 31, 2023
United States
Those who have seal of God are like Noah. Revelation chapter 7 to document God's servants have seal of God.

Isaiah chapter 6 and romans chapter 11. Some people have spirit of stupor for their own protection.

The wicked don't have spirit of stupor.

Noah's flood was 5 month's. Revelation chapter 9:5, antichrist has 5 months.

Revelation chapter 13 . The one world system is 5 month period. Satan as antichrist will come 6th trump.

Those who have seal of God, won't worship antichrist near future. Many people already have mark of beast. They are spirtualty dead. Biblically illiterate.

Hebrews chapter 5 . After 20 years, a Christian should be teachers. It's a disgrace to see some still in congregations, after 50 years, still biblically illiterate.

Just like Noah's time. Satan as antichrist and fallen angels will come 6th trump. Matthew chapter 24. Jesus warns us it will happen.

Second thessalonians chapter 2 warns us it will happen.

Some people dont care. Or are banking on the rapture.

Those who have seal of God will inherit kingdom of God. Revelation chapter 15. The overcomers will sing song of moses and the lamb.

Zao is life

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2020
South Africa
You know what I find interesting?

The language describing the flood is very similar to the language describing the creation. It seems like the story is an undoing of the creation, and then a re-creation.
And the day the destruction came, those who were in Christ the ark were lifted off the ground by the ark, like the day of the destruction of the beast's Pharaoh's armies was the day of the redemption of God's people, and the day of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was the day of the redemption of Lot.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
20 Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded to plant a vineyard. 21 When he drank some of its wine, he got drunk and lay naked inside his tent. (Genesis 9:20-21)

Aren't you glad the Bible tells us the truth about the heroes of the faith?

Ben Abraham

Active Member
Dec 13, 2020
United States
We can look at the Genesis flood in this way. It is symbolic of the Rapture. The waters rose and lifted the Ark "Above" the waters of judgment, so in the future, All believers will be "lifted above" the fires of judgment. The original creation was changed/destroyed, and Noah settled on a "new earth" as we will inherit also, a "new earth" The original creation became corrupted, and destroyed, and the present earth appeared, yet there will be "New Heavens and a New Earth. Maybe like the original Earth. Yes, Noah got drunk, he still had the sin nature.