Rule Clarification On Denominational Threads & Posts

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Feb 12, 2006
South Carolina
United States
I can count at least one member that has left us over this, so I want to get it out in the open. It concerns a provision of our forum rules:

Denominational Posts – Excessive posts either attempting to either push a single denomination (or group) or attacking another denomination are included in this rule.

I realize this rule is pretty ambiguous, so I'm willing to clarify it a bit.

When we say "excessive" we simply mean that when your posting solely becomes concerned with your denomination, then there is a problem. Examples that would not fall under this are simple remarks about beliefs, comments in a general thread about one's denomination, etc.

A prime example of what we do mean with this rule is a thread created posting links and information about your denomination. Frankly, we're not interested and neither is the community. If you're posting links to your denomination's website, then it basically amounts to spam. Websites exist in the first place to put out this information, and it doesn't need to be copied & pasted here on CB nor on any other forum. We are trying to create an environment where the only denomination is Christ, and posts that don't really contribute to this help no one. Unfortunately this seems to conflict with some denominations more than other, and it usually ends up with an accusation that we're anti-___________. I'm simply here to make a public statement that we are not anti-denominational but instead are non-denominational.

Feedback on this subject is welcome either here publicly or privately via Personal Messenger or Email.

Special thanks to all of you who understand this and do such a great job! :)

Brother Mike

New Member
Sep 16, 2008
For one, the debate forum is just that. Debates. Can someone debate without getting personally upset? The Whole debate forum is based on denominational beliefs. Being a Kenneth Copeland supporter and part of the Word of Faith group I find myself a target all the time, but I knew this coming in.

Denominational Responsibility and Maturity.

I think it reasonable that someone who believes in Rapture, is Catholic, Is Word of faith, should expect some opposition. To think they will not get opposition means they have their head in the sand.

I think we should focus on Personal attacks against someones love of God, or their standing in the book of life. To personally attack someone should be stopped right away.

It is one thing to say "Not Tithing" is stealing. It's something else to put down someone and call them a thief, and someone that does not love God. I think the tone should be accounted for also if the line is sort of crossed.

Well, go ahead and just steal that tithe from God, with that extra money, I am sure you can send a gift my way.

As opposed:

You are a thief, and have no love of God in you. Your going to burn in hell.

Posting Links to Websites:

I think there should be like 300 post before posting a link, it is a trust issue. Some churches do offer free teaching material for download that someone may find helpful. For me, some sites I go to following a link because there is material that explains in more detail on what someone is trying to say. I may not agree at all with their stance on Healing or anything else, but that does not mean I can't learn something.

Links to promote a denomination or personal interest should be banned. It is interesting to see where others go to church though, if done with a right heart.

I don't want to see this site end up like a few others where we feel that we have to walk on egg shells. I have been banned from 3 other sites already.

Jesus Is Lord.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Feb 12, 2006
South Carolina
United States
For one, the debate forum is just that. Debates. Can someone debate without getting personally upset? The Whole debate forum is based on denominational beliefs. Being a Kenneth Copeland supporter and part of the Word of Faith group I find myself a target all the time, but I knew this coming in.

That's part of a forum atmosphere - I think reasonable debate is part of being a knowledgeable Christian well studied in the word. Iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17). I guess what I'm driving at is that to me there is a difference between going "Hey, you know how you believe in a Saturday Sabbath?" or "Hey you believe you eat Jesus!" (to pick some controversial topics off the top of my head for certain denominations) as compared to saying "You're a SDA/Catholic so you're going to hell!" If someone believes that Christ is the one way, then that's all I really need to know that this person is reasonable.

The other side of the coin is that you have these folks who want to post this information, but then get angry when it's against the rules (they're subject to the same ones everyone else abides by) or they are challenged by the members here. I'm aware of what gets said about CB sometimes and this forum has acquired an anti-Catholic reputation, as an example. And it's solely because we don't allow the endless postings and links about Catholic doctrines in threads. Frankly it gets annoying when every post contains a handful of links to a person's denominational beliefs. I don't mind people sharing movies and other media, but it's like some folks have got to post their entire church's media library in the forum - and this is not limited to just Catholics by any means. Heaven forbid you tell them no!

I think there should be like 300 post before posting a link, it is a trust issue. Some churches do offer free teaching material for download that someone may find helpful. For me, some sites I go to following a link because there is material that explains in more detail on what someone is trying to say. I may not agree at all with their stance on Healing or anything else, but that does not mean I can't learn something.

I originally did this. I hate to cut out the links for the folks that don't abuse the system, though. I'm open to suggestions, but I think something like a 10 or 25 post requirement to begin posting links is reasonable. I don't know why people - particularly Christians - don't get that psoting your URL on another forum in huge bold letters is rude! That's common sense and simple forum etiquette. I always point out that's what signatures are for. Folks don't go to your website when they see you spamming a place. They go to your website when they see you making positive contributions and come to respect what you say. I do this (albeit in another category) for a living as well as moderate on much larger forums than CB. You can pull in visits by the tens and hundreds if you forgo the spam and contribute.

I'll end my rant on the link subject, but I don't get why people don't understand this.

I don't want eggshells around here - so I'm always open to ideas on how to curb this stuff and yet still keep this place friendly.


New Member
Jan 12, 2010
Richland City, Indiana
For one, the debate forum is just that. Debates. Can someone debate without getting personally upset? The Whole debate forum is based on denominational beliefs. Being a Kenneth Copeland supporter and part of the Word of Faith group I find myself a target all the time, but I knew this coming in.

Denominational Responsibility and Maturity.

I think it reasonable that someone who believes in Rapture, is Catholic, Is Word of faith, should expect some opposition. To think they will not get opposition means they have their head in the sand.

I think we should focus on Personal attacks against someones love of God, or their standing in the book of life. To personally attack someone should be stopped right away.

It is one thing to say "Not Tithing" is stealing. It's something else to put down someone and call them a thief, and someone that does not love God. I think the tone should be accounted for also if the line is sort of crossed.

Well, go ahead and just steal that tithe from God, with that extra money, I am sure you can send a gift my way.

As opposed:

You are a thief, and have no love of God in you. Your going to burn in hell.

Posting Links to Websites:

I think there should be like 300 post before posting a link, it is a trust issue. Some churches do offer free teaching material for download that someone may find helpful. For me, some sites I go to following a link because there is material that explains in more detail on what someone is trying to say. I may not agree at all with their stance on Healing or anything else, but that does not mean I can't learn something.

Links to promote a denomination or personal interest should be banned. It is interesting to see where others go to church though, if done with a right heart.

I don't want to see this site end up like a few others where we feel that we have to walk on egg shells. I have been banned from 3 other sites already.

Jesus Is Lord.



New Member
Feb 1, 2008
non Denominational churches are concidered to be and they are in the reformed protestant camp as in calvin and zwigli camp---- rather than the Lutheran camp ..

i am in the confessionional Lutheran camp which is a confession of B-O-C ---

FIRST TWO staments from book of concord -
Epitome of the Formula of Concord..
Comprehensive Summary, Rule and Norm According to which all dogmas should be judged, and the erroneous teachings [controversies]that have occurred should be decided and explained in a Christian way.

1] 1. We believe, teach, and confess that the sole rule and standard according to which all dogmas together with [all] teachers should be estimated and judged are the prophetic and apostolic Scriptures of the Old and of the New Testament alone, as it is written Ps. 119:105: Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. And St. Paul: Though an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you, let him be accursed, Gal. 1:8.

2] Other writings, however, of ancient or modern teachers, whatever name they bear, must not be regarded as equal to the Holy Scriptures, but all of them together be subjected to them, and should not be received otherwise or further than as witnesses, [which are to show] in what manner after the time of the apostles, and at what places, this [pure] doctrine of the prophets and apostles was preserved.



New Member
Feb 1, 2008
I can count at least one member that has left us over this, so I want to get it out in the open. It concerns a provision of our forum rules:

I realize this rule is pretty ambiguous, so I'm willing to clarify it a bit.

When we say "excessive" we simply mean that when your posting solely becomes concerned with your denomination, then there is a problem. Examples that would not fall under this are simple remarks about beliefs, comments in a general thread about one's denomination, etc.

A prime example of what we do mean with this rule is a thread created posting links and information about your denomination. Frankly, we're not interested and neither is the community. If you're posting links to your denomination's website, then it basically amounts to spam. Websites exist in the first place to put out this information, and it doesn't need to be copied & pasted here on CB nor on any other forum. We are trying to create an environment where the only denomination is Christ, and posts that don't really contribute to this help no one. Unfortunately this seems to conflict with some denominations more than other, and it usually ends up with an accusation that we're anti-___________. I'm simply here to make a public statement that we are not anti-denominational but instead are non-denominational.

Feedback on this subject is welcome either here publicly or privately via Personal Messenger or Email.

Special thanks to all of you who understand this and do such a great job! :)

non denominational who being brought up in the reformed protestant camp and thus don't see Christs work in infant baptism and his real presence of body and blood in the Lords supper
are trying to create a web site where the only denomination is Christ ----.And you REALLY dont think what you were taught in your nondenominational reformed protest camp of churches ..
Have influenced what you believe about christ or his bible.? because i am going to shock you,, i suppose because --- they have ..
so being very honest ---you have to be kidding.....

think about it ... it would be like me being raised Lutheran telling you this same line of yours ,, that your trying to feed the rest of us..i mean no disrespect,, yet I also know you would not buy this ..either ..
if this line of yours came from a well schooled Lutheran .. some one that does not know a lot--- could not have made this web site so well,, in the first place..your no dumby's about the different theology's..


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
wikipedia on non denominational christianity ---------------its propably not what some think ..

Boston University religion scholar Stephen Prothero argues that non-denominationalism hides the fundamental theological and spiritual issues that drove the division of Christianity into denominations in the first place behind a veneer of "Christian unity." He argues that non-denominationalism encourages a descent of Christianity—and indeed, all religions—into comfortable "general moralism" rather than being a focus for facing the complexities of churchgoers' culture and spirituality. Prothero further argues that it also encourages ignorance of the scriptures, which in turn reduces overall religious literacy, increasing the potential for inter-religious misunderstandings and conflict.[2]

read the whole of what wikipedia says about nondenominationalism


New Member
Jan 29, 2012
The City
I'm glad to have the "denomination" position clarified. I was concerned that this forum might secretly be a vessel for 10-tribe denominations to educate Christians on “how they are ignorant to the bible”. I have been bombarded by this particular denomination’s teaching since coming here; which has been sour wine for me. I apologise to anyone who may have found me intolerant; but it was like I was being infested by spiders and I had to desperately shake and wriggle to get them all off me.

I am glad to have spoken to three moderators personally, and you all seem to be wonderful mature Christians. Keep up the great work.



New Member
Dec 16, 2012
New Zealand
Brother Mike said:
For one, the debate forum is just that. Debates. Can someone debate without getting personally upset? The Whole debate forum is based on denominational beliefs. Being a Kenneth Copeland supporter and part of the Word of Faith group I find myself a target all the time, but I knew this coming in.

Denominational Responsibility and Maturity.

I think it reasonable that someone who believes in Rapture, is Catholic, Is Word of faith, should expect some opposition. To think they will not get opposition means they have their head in the sand.

I think we should focus on Personal attacks against someones love of God, or their standing in the book of life. To personally attack someone should be stopped right away.

It is one thing to say "Not Tithing" is stealing. It's something else to put down someone and call them a thief, and someone that does not love God. I think the tone should be accounted for also if the line is sort of crossed.

Well, go ahead and just steal that tithe from God, with that extra money, I am sure you can send a gift my way.

As opposed:

You are a thief, and have no love of God in you. Your going to burn in hell.

Posting Links to Websites:

I think there should be like 300 post before posting a link, it is a trust issue. Some churches do offer free teaching material for download that someone may find helpful. For me, some sites I go to following a link because there is material that explains in more detail on what someone is trying to say. I may not agree at all with their stance on Healing or anything else, but that does not mean I can't learn something.

Links to promote a denomination or personal interest should be banned. It is interesting to see where others go to church though, if done with a right heart.

I don't want to see this site end up like a few others where we feel that we have to walk on egg shells. I have been banned from 3 other sites already.

Jesus Is Lord.
And then we are called "heresy hunters", "divisive", "judgmental" and any number of names because we try to point out some of the false teachings in the movement.

I think it is a shame that we are unable (it seems) to discuss our beliefs whatever they are without coming under personal attack or taking every criticism of said belief personally.

I agree with you, I too would not like to be walking on egg shells. I have to do it enough in real life, so let's disagree and respect one another in the process. B)


New Member
Feb 3, 2013
surely we can all agree to serve Jesus without throwing stones at the differences we have. Are we enemies because our church has a different name and understanding on some verses that aren't absolutely clear?
If I have a belief that differs from yours, it is easy for me to say what the difference is without hurling abuse at your belief.


New Member
Feb 6, 2013
aussie said:
surely we can all agree to serve Jesus without throwing stones at the differences we have. Are we enemies because our church has a different name and understanding on some verses that aren't absolutely clear?
If I have a belief that differs from yours, it is easy for me to say what the difference is without hurling abuse at your belief.
Aussie....well said! I don't think there's anything wrong with sharing what you believe in this type of forum. It's just the ones who promote the idea that everyone else's Christianity is lacking if others don't believe/worship as they do, that becomes tedious. We can learn from each other about all the differences there are in the body of Christ as long as we can stick to the basics.


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
jiggyfly said:
,,Sorry but I'm not seeing your point.
the problem is not denominations the problem is teachings that are not biblical, it can come under the name new hope church or community church or bible church or under a denominational name .

MonkeyMan said:
I'm glad to have the "denomination" position clarified. I was concerned that this forum might secretly be a vessel for 10-tribe denominations to educate Christians on “how they are ignorant to the bible”. I have been bombarded by this particular denomination’s teaching since coming here; which has been sour wine for me. I apologise to anyone who may have found me intolerant; but it was like I was being infested by spiders and I had to desperately shake and wriggle to get them all off me.

I am glad to have spoken to three moderators personally, and you all seem to be wonderful mature Christians. Keep up the great work.


If this was a confessional Lutheran site you would know it right away there would be no wondering about it. were not deceptive it would say Lutheran site.
and only our pastors teach bible information courses. so one can become a member .. and this course takes about a year and you would have to agree with every thing it taught.
to become a member.
and its taught at church .not on some non lutheran internet site
We could care less that other Christians call us strict or unbendable when it comes to what the bible says. if we cared we would not practice "close church fellowship" we would have feel good woopie worship .and pray and worship with what ever and whom ever. and besides being a member of one of our churches means you could no longer worship with mom and dad at their church .. because their beliefs are different That also means when at mom or dads you could not let them lead you in bible study or prayer. it would mean you would have to lead them or pray your own prayers as they prayed theirs
It would also mean your wife who is use to voting at her old church or at the local polling place would no longer do so.. and that's just a few things why I don't think you would want to join a confessional Lutheran church.. oh and then there that scouting thing and fraternal organizations like the masons that you can no longer belong to.. :D So you can see how silly it is That the webmaster of this site would have any concerns about people becoming Lutheran.. most confessional Lutherans have simply been brought up
in the bible from infancy .. its not some thing one by their free will chooses to become. :rolleyes:
the new hope church of the webmaster of this site is by far more appealing to become.
or being Methodist or Baptist or any thing else but a confessional Lutheran.
who wont even pray or worship with their own non Lutheran family's because of their different beliefs.
but then Jesus did pray for unity not compromise.

Graceismine said:
And then we are called "heresy hunters", "divisive", "judgmental" and any number of names because we try to point out some of the false teachings in the movement.

I think it is a shame that we are unable (it seems) to discuss our beliefs whatever they are without coming under personal attack or taking every criticism of said belief personally.

I agree with you, I too would not like to be walking on egg shells. I have to do it enough in real life, so let's disagree and respect one another in the process. B)
there is nothing wrong with promoting your denomination if a person thinks it the best for every one. but candy coating
what may run counter to this worlds culture should not be done either.. be honest about your beliefs . and let the chips .fall where they may. And besides would you really want some one in your denomination later only to leave it because you candy coated a hard truth to accept. The goal as far as Lutherans are concerned is to fill heaven not our church pews.
because heaven is where every one will believe like us confessional Lutherans . so it all works out in the end as it should . So why push um all into it down here ! :D


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
the problem is not denominations the problem is teachings that are not biblical, it can come under the name new hope church or community church or bible church or under a denominational name
It could also come under the Confessional Lutheran banner...I'm sorry but no-one is able to profess that their teaching is 100% correct and other denominations are not because humans can misinterpret the things of God because they are spiritual and we are still partly flesh... :huh:

If this was a confessional Lutheran site you would know it right away there would be no wondering about it. were not deceptive it would say Lutheran site.
and only our pastors teach bible information courses. so one can become a member .. and this course takes about a year and you would have to agree with every thing it taught.
to become a member.
and its taught at church .not on some non lutheran internet site
We could care less that other Christians call us strict or unbendable when it comes to what the bible says. if we cared we would not practice "close church fellowship" we would have feel good woopie worship .and pray and worship with what ever and whom ever. and besides being a member of one of our churches means you could no longer worship with mom and dad at their church .. because their beliefs are different That also means when at mom or dads you could not let them lead you in bible study or prayer. it would mean you would have to lead them or pray your own prayers as they prayed theirs
It would also mean your wife who is use to voting at her old church or at the local polling place would no longer do so.. and that's just a few things why I don't think you would want to join a confessional Lutheran church.. oh and then there that scouting thing and fraternal organizations like the masons that you can no longer belong to.. :D So you can see how silly it is That the webmaster of this site would have any concerns about people becoming Lutheran.. most confessional Lutherans have simply been brought up
in the bible from infancy .. its not some thing one by their free will chooses to become. :rolleyes:
the new hope church of the webmaster of this site is by far more appealing to become.
or being Methodist or Baptist or any thing else but a confessional Lutheran.
who wont even pray or worship with their own non Lutheran family's because of their different beliefs.
but then Jesus did pray for unity not compromise.
This is a non-denominational forum site. The idea of it being non-denominational is so that all members of the body of Christ are able to fellowship together, to learn and to share without the denominational lean...The keystone is "Christ Jesus" our Lord and savior. Past experience has taught us that denominational debates contribute to the breakdown of unity, which is found in Christ. Something we are hoping to achieve here - unity in Christ. If we cannot fellowship together here on earth, how are we ever going to get on together in heaven? :blink: Eternal is forever....we are Christians first [followers of Jesus] everything else should be secondary....

there is nothing wrong with promoting your denomination if a person thinks it the best for every one. but candy coating
what may run counter to this worlds culture should not be done either.. be honest about your beliefs . and let the chips .fall where they may. And besides would you really want some one in your denomination later only to leave it because you candy coated a hard truth to accept. The goal as far as Lutherans are concerned is to fill heaven not our church pews.
because heaven is where every one will believe like us confessional Lutherans . so it all works out in the end as it should . So why push um all into it down here.
There is nothing wrong with promoting your denomination agreed...but this sites purpose is for the promotion of Jesus and not our denomination. You stated that some may leave a denomination due to someone candy coating a truth only to find out that it was a soft peddle but you are talking about a particular teaching and not necessarily denomination. I understand that we are open to discuss doctrinal issues/ beliefs but leave the excessive denominational posts out because forum rules do not allow for it here. We are a Christ centered forum and not denomination centered....



New Member
Nov 27, 2009
North Carolina
horsecamp said:
the problem is not denominations the problem is teachings that are not biblical, it can come under the name new hope church or community church or bible church or under a denominational name .
Oh OK, like the Lutheran denomination, right?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Feb 12, 2006
South Carolina
United States
If this was a confessional Lutheran site you would know it right away there would be no wondering about it. were not deceptive it would say Lutheran site.
and only our pastors teach bible information courses. so one can become a member .. and this course takes about a year and you would have to agree with every thing it taught.
to become a member.
and its taught at church .not on some non lutheran internet site
Exactly, that sort of things does exist and it's called the local church. Obviously if everyone agreed 100% about everything then there would be no need of denominations, but we don't have that luxury. I wish and pray for a united Christian world, but I'm not going to let idealism trump my response to reality. There are a myriad of reasons why various groups don't agree and at least some of the concerns are perfectly legitimate.

For example, here in the US we have the LCMS, WELS, ELCA, ELS, ELCIC and LCC. All of these are Lutheran and more than a few in almost everyone one of those denominations would make some claim on being confessional Lutheran, yet there are different denominations with fairly significant belief discrepancies listed above. So who is confessionally Lutheran? The standards will vary depending upon whom you ask.

I made the mistake of treating this community like a church. Christianity Board is not a church. It is where the church gathers, but that does not make it a physical (or virtual) place where people to gather to do church.

there is nothing wrong with promoting your denomination if a person thinks it the best for every one. but candy coating
what may run counter to this worlds culture should not be done either.. be honest about your beliefs . and let the chips .fall where they may. And besides would you really want some one in your denomination later only to leave it because you candy coated a hard truth to accept. The goal as far as Lutherans are concerned is to fill heaven not our church pews.
because heaven is where every one will believe like us confessional Lutherans . so it all works out in the end as it should . So why push um all into it down here !
Well, that's where the rub comes in, how do we always and unequivocally distinguish between candy-coating and simply packaging a doctrine or truth in modern language?

This is my rub with the liturgical, creedal and confessional crowd. You've taken Christianity and made it something that one has to learn the lingo to be, and I just don't see that being the reality when Paul took the gospel to the Gentiles. It's essentially changing one preference for another, because one can be a cultural Christian of whatever denomination and go through the motions, yet not believe. I don't deny that Protestants do often struggle with watered-down doctrine and feelgood statements, but that doesn't negate honest work. That doesn't negate a guy like Tim Keller, for example.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I think there is a difference between talking about doctrinal differences and pushing doctrinal teaching as if they are, in fact, the complete and utter voice of God. The problem I see with people who cannot seem to get along with the community on this site is that they often believe they are sent here by God to this site in order to convert Christians to Christianity as they see it.

There is an important lesson that needs to be communicated to folks like these, IMO; opinions on truth and truth itself are different. I do not see any problem talking about religion or your relationship with Christ as long as you are able to step back from your opinion. It is called practicing the skill of meta-cognition, which is, exercising the ability to think about your thoughts rather than over-identifying and being defined by your thoughts. Not understanding meta-cognition is the reason many cannot talk about religion or politics without self destructing.

I think it is the difference between enjoying the truth of a sunny day and trying to qualify it - as if the truth is dependent on our efforts. Christianity is true, no matter how we respond to it.


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
HammerStone said:
Exactly, that sort of things does exist and it's called the local church. Obviously if everyone agreed 100% about everything then there would be no need of denominations, but we don't have that luxury. I wish and pray for a united Christian world, but I'm not going to let idealism trump my response to reality. There are a myriad of reasons why various groups don't agree and at least some of the concerns are perfectly legitimate.

For example, here in the US we have the LCMS, WELS, ELCA, ELS, ELCIC and LCC. All of these are Lutheran and more than a few in almost everyone one of those denominations would make some claim on being confessional Lutheran, yet there are different denominations with fairly significant belief discrepancies listed above. So who is confessionally Lutheran? The standards will vary depending upon whom you ask.

I made the mistake of treating this community like a church. Christianity Board is not a church. It is where the church gathers, but that does not make it a physical (or virtual) place where people to gather to do church.

Well, that's where the rub comes in, how do we always and unequivocally distinguish between candy-coating and simply packaging a doctrine or truth in modern language?

This is my rub with the liturgical, creedal and confessional crowd. You've taken Christianity and made it something that one has to learn the lingo to be, and I just don't see that being the reality when Paul took the gospel to the Gentiles. It's essentially changing one preference for another, because one can be a cultural Christian of whatever denomination and go through the motions, yet not believe. I don't deny that Protestants do often struggle with watered-down doctrine and feelgood statements, but that doesn't negate honest work. That doesn't negate a guy like Tim Keller, for example.
GOD Chose Those of us who came earlier to share his truths with you who came later. and now You mock us. Because in the liturgy CREEDS and our confessions it always proclims God's BIBLE TRuths hIS forgivness WON for you also.

Let me tell you a thing or two your pastors are not So perfect thet they dont need these same biblical truths as much as the rest of us do..

Your pastors "have been unfaithful" they have forgotten to tell your people Each time they open their forgetful mouths.. about the Forgivnes Jesus has won FOR ALL PEOPLE .

But the old tried and trrue Christian lturgy creeds and confessions never has fogotten to mention Jesus or the forgivness he Has won For all people..

they DONT get DEMENTIA OR HAVE MOMENTS OF DOUBTs Like human pastors have, ABOUT JESUS ... They just confess and proclaim him as true God and Lord as they always have AND ACCORDING to THE scrpture truths

when you Hammestone get to be as faithful as the old Christian liturgy creeds and confessions

that will be your death day the day you are transfered from the churh militant to the church triumphant.

but even then you wont always have been as faithful to Jesus as the liturgy or creed and cnfessons have been..

Why liturgy and creeds No congregation would stick around while some preacher OF YOURS endlesly quoted the Whole bible to them .

SO NO CREED BUT THE BIBLE IS JUST A STUPID and dunb ignorant and feel good thing to say but never lived up to even one of your church's. ever..

The creeds are used so we dont have to attempt to quote the whole bible as people run out of church building in horor and fear their pastor
may just try it.


Angelina said:
It could also come under the Confessional Lutheran banner...I'm sorry but no-one is able to profess that their teaching is 100% correct and other denominations are not because humans can misinterpret the things of God because they are spiritual and we are still partly flesh... :huh:

This is a non-denominational forum site. The idea of it being non-denominational is so that all members of the body of Christ are able to fellowship together, to learn and to share without the denominational lean...The keystone is "Christ Jesus" our Lord and savior. Past experience has taught us that denominational debates contribute to the breakdown of unity, which is found in Christ. Something we are hoping to achieve here - unity in Christ. If we cannot fellowship together here on earth, how are we ever going to get on together in heaven? :blink: Eternal is forever....we are Christians first [followers of Jesus] everything else should be secondary....

There is nothing wrong with promoting your denomination agreed...but this sites purpose is for the promotion of Jesus and not our denomination. You stated that some may leave a denomination due to someone candy coating a truth only to find out that it was a soft peddle but you are talking about a particular teaching and not necessarily denomination. I understand that we are open to discuss doctrinal issues/ beliefs but leave the excessive denominational posts out because forum rules do not allow for it here. We are a Christ centered forum and not denomination centered....

The reason why we can believe we are 100 pecent correct is due to a high reguard for Gods word. Luther taugt the bibe was vey clear in what it wanted people to believe.

he also taught the bible is absolute truth.. all these teachigs go against what many churches teach to day,, So i understand where your coming from.

Yet if were right and the bible is absolute truth and the holy spirit makes
'us the unwilling willing to belive it " Than we can be 100 percent right in what we beleive about what Gods promises are and how we receive them what he has revealed in his bible his word and about us being sinners..

So i cant disagree with you more since i beleive the bible is absolute truth and clear in what we are to believe and God wants us all to believe what it says.
and he is even willing to help our unbeleif believe. i wish you would think about it. either you believe the bible is a book of confusion or you believe
that people can have unity of true faith because of the bible.

IM NOT SAYING HERE LUTHERANS PRACTICE the bibles doctrines correctly . We may know the bibles doctrines with 100 percent certanty
YET only Jesus was able to live them PERFECTLY FOR ALL PEOPLE.

So what the lutheran claim to fame is ...........
were beggers of Gods mercy in Christ because of a 100 percent knowlege of the doctrines of christ we see that we are the worst of all sinners..