Russian-Ukraine War: The West's Fault

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GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
It's quite alright. And I'm a lot more than just out of sorts. I'm in complete head hunter mode the last three days. What you see in this thread is me containing myself from coming completely unglued, so by my own admission I really need to be limiting my involvement. Your prayers would be appreciated.

But thank you for the post. You're a good friend.
- H
Precious friend, I will pray for you, also. God's GRACE In our infirmities...

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
PM me . . .
Precious friend, I will pray for you, also. God's GRACE In our infirmities...

It's cool, but thank you both very much. The Lord tends to come to my defense, which means those who attempt to shame me often end up being brought to shame themselves, and in my darker moods it's something I enjoy watching. But that's not of the Lord, and I fully recognize it. Nevertheless, something needs to be done with the present situation. The member in particular who is setting me off has been doing this to others for years now, and I'm no longer going to tolerate it for even an inch. Whenever I see him do it to anyone he's gonna get nailed over it. So we're gonna see how things play out over the next 10-20 years.

Anyway, I appreciate the prayers, but not to worry too much. Just forum life, and I have some business to attend to now.

Blessings to both of you, and thanks.
Your friend,

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
What kind of a stupid headline is this? Who marched into Ukraine a few days ago? To make Russia the victim is about as stupid as it gets.

Here you go, Enoch. More proof positive of how "stupid" and "absurd" it is to even question that the MSM could somehow be lying to us. After all, they're always so trustworthy, right?

Picking it up at the 1:42 minute mark:

So let's start with what I think is the most astonishing example of fake news circulating. It is being reported that 13 soldiers on Snake Island were confronted by a Russian warship. The audio recording shows the Russian warship telling the Ukranians to lay down their arms to avoid bloodshed, and unjustified death. The Ukrainians are infamously heard saying, "Russian warship. Go eff yourself." It was then reported that they fought valiantly, until they were all killed by the Russians. President Zelensky even pronounced posthumously that he would award the men medals of valor. Turns out, whoever claimed they had died were mistaken. Instead, Ukranian border guards disputed whether anyone was killed and shortly afterward video footage emerged of the Russians giving food and water to the eighty-two men, not thirteen, from Snake Island, who were then being transported to Crimea. Some of the soldiers have no given interviews saying that if the Russians wanted to bury them they would have, and now they will instead go home to their families.

I watched this brainwashing garage no less than 20 times on both CNN and FOX, because they kept pounding away at it night and day, and how it had become some big "rallying cry" for the Ukranians to fight to the death. The whole thing was a piece of propaganda, and what it really proves is that Zelensky is a liar and a fraud, seeing as how he was entirely complicit in this lie from the outset.

Here's some confirmation for you, since you only trust the MSM for your sources of information. The whole narrative was a lying fraud that Western media outlets almost universally ran with for close to a week, and some still probably are. I wouldn't be a bit shocked if you still believe it, given how naive and blind you apparently are:

Ukraine Soldiers Who Told Russian Ship "Go Fu*k Yourself", Alive
On the second day of the Russian invasion last week, Ukraine had said it would posthumously honor the Ukrainian border guards who were killed defending the tiny island in the Black Sea.


But on Friday, Russia's Defence Ministry said 82 Ukrainian soldiers on the island had surrendered to them voluntarily. It made no mention of carrying out strikes or inflicting casualties. Julia Kanin, a journalist, tweeted that one of the soldiers from Snake Island who surrendered to Russia gave an interview.

Ukraine Soldiers Who Told Russian Ship "Go Fu*k Yourself", Alive: Reports

Then we have CNN admitting it was a fraud as well, but did they pound away at this confession night and day in a similar fashion on air like they did with the lie? No. They posted it online, probably just to cover their lying tracks once the truth got out. So far as the vast majority of people out their who get their news from cable TV or twitter or Facebook or any of the other players who are complicit in this lie are concerned, this "rallying cry" is still true. Only the few people out there who are willing to question what is going on are aware it was all a lie and hoax that the MSM brainwashed them to believe for days on end. I'll highlight the part where hypocrite Zelensky lied through his teeth, and even tried to further the lie that there were only 13 poor brave soldiers when there were actually 82:

The defiant soldiers of Snake Island are actually 'alive and well,' says Ukraine's navy

Updated: 2:57 PM PST Feb 28, 2022

The Ukrainian defenders of Snake Island — who were all feared dead after their defiant response to threats from a Russian warship — are actually "alive and well," according to the Ukrainian Navy.

All of the soldiers on the tiny island in the Black Sea were thought to have been killed in an attack on the first day of Russia's invasion of Ukraine last Thursday. According to a purported audio exchange, one of the Ukrainian troops had responded to a warning from an approaching Russian vessel to lay down their weapons or face bombing by saying, "Russian warship, go (expletive) yourself." Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said later on Thursday that 13 soldiers on Snake Island all died "heroically" by Russian bombardment. But — after the Ukrainian border guard said that it had information disputing the deaths — a statement on Monday from the country's navy suggested this was certainly not the case.

According to the navy the soldiers on the island repelled two attacks by Russian forces but in the end were forced to surrender "due to the lack of ammunition."

The statement added that Russian attackers have completely destroyed the island's infrastructure, including lighthouses, towers and antennas.


AP Photo
Snake Island
Russian state media also showed the arrival of the Ukrainian soldiers in Sevastopol, Crimea where they are being held.

Snake Island, also known as Zmiinyi Island, sits about 30 miles off the southern tip of the Ukrainian mainland in the northwestern Black Sea. It's about 185 miles west of Crimea, the Ukrainian territory that Russia annexed in 2014.

Though it is only about 46 acres in size, a report last year from the non-partisan Atlantic Council think tank called it "key to Ukraine's maritime territorial claims" in the Black Sea.

Highlighting its strategic importance, Zelenskyy chose Snake Island last year as the spot for an interview with Ukrainian media in advance of a summit to try to reverse Russia's annexation of Crimea, the Atlantic Council report said.


Any comments about your heroes at CNN, Enoch the All-Knowing, who can obviously spot "stupidity" a mile away?
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
A mystery is why the USA is so Anti-Russian, and so PRO- Ukraine.
THey have no oil. They have no Gold. Yet, starting with Barak Obama, and till today, the USA Government is completely Pro-Ukrainian.
I suspect that the long standing "cold war" mentality that the USA maintains against Russia, in general, is why they are so pro-Ukraine.
Some very powerful USA leaders, were saying in the last few days that the USA should attack Russia.
That is : Crazy.
This turned into "Sanctions".
The Current Ukraine Gov, is headed by a fascist, who hates Russians, and has been killing them for 8 yrs.
This is : Donbas.

What this is, (Donbas)... is a section of the Ukraine that has Russian people in it who are not willing to submit to Ukraine ideology.
They dont want to learn how to be Ukrainians. They wont submit.
So, the leader of Ukraine, Zelenskyy, has been murdering them for 8 yrs.
You dont hear about only hear about "that devil Putin"., and he certainly is no saint. Putin is a Hard liner......He is a "Soviet" Russian, mentality.
His Communism is deep and it desires to control the world., as that is what communism, of the Marxist style, is designed to do.
Its the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat"......and He is all about doubt.

So, What Putin decided to do, to stop this killing of Russians, mostly in Donbas, is replace the Ukrainian Government, as that is the only way to stop them from massacring more Russian's in Donbas.

That is what he is going to do....and you see it happening on TV.

The FAKE NEWS, is telling the world that its "war in Europe", but, its not....... It will only become this if Biden sends in an army, Or if Nato sends in an army, or if BOTH finance heavy Ukrainian resistance against Putin's soldiers.

Could this lead to WWIII. ?
Well, the fake news is already telling you its a "war in Europe".

Wait about one more week or 2, OBO.... and then we should all know....
I agree with you but for Putin being a Communist, Putin has talked much for years about Communism being sub human trash and he is the number one man who is stoping Russia from going back down that track in fact, if Putin is out of the way you will see Communism come back, no protesters on the streets then ! and no mouthing off against the Leadership at all. Putin is a saint to what we will get next for sure running Russia.

Biden has another agenda in all this for sure. and putting the screws to over board on Putin will only make things much worse for the world. such is not bright at all, it's moronic. and all this talk of 16yo kids being heroes going to war ! that type of nonsense is just like the Islamic nonsense.

Putin will knockout all of the satellites and block off shipping world wide, if they put the screws to hard on Russia. so get ready to have no Phone coverage and no computer and no fuel for your generator or car. well we in Australia are siting ducks. as all of our new high tec systems are made to be totally hopeless now and we do not make our own fuel. we have been totally led astray by our Governments into a case of war, we are sitting ducks. we have no guns and if you do it's total rubbish bolt action and lack of bullets, it's all the game plan of the NWO for years. Godless Communism is coming !
Our old Phone lines would still of worked but not now that that Traitor PM Turnbull rolled out NBN.

A God less Queer deranged society has been taking the world over for years in the planning, I can not believe how much we are being dictated over and how many people just have no clue, Get your Covid Jab ! or else the Nazi tactics come out, it's all lies or half lies backed up with BS.

Look at how many years our MSM has not truly covered Russia, so the majority here do not know anything about what Putin has been talking about, they are totally ignorant on the subject, not to mention stupid as. it's like oh we will just do X,Y and Z ? but if you do such well it's not some backward Arab State you are dealing with here, but the majority just do not get it, so we have all them total fools in Ukraine claiming, who would of guest that this would happen, talk about Morons !

I just talked to a bloke up the road, that has a generator but could not use it in our flood when the power was out because had no fuel ? moron ! tossed all their food out ! Not prepared at all and totally ignorant, they could of got fuel out of the car ? then I waned him of what can come next and he just did not want to hear at all. best be a totally ignorant idiot, is such peoples motto.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
I got completely tired of the mindless drivel coming from Western media outlets, including the worthless BBC, so I decided to go searching for some semblance of an accurate analysis of what is actually going on in the Ukraine and why. Found this. Thought it was worth posting for those not yet so brainwashed that they can still think for themselves. Written eight years ago, and more accurate than anything you will ever hear anyone in the controlled media give you these days on the subject:

It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war
Seumas Milne

The attempt to lever Kiev into the western camp by ousting an elected leader made conflict certain. It could be a threat to us all. The reality is that after two decades of Nato expansion, this crisis was triggered by the west's attempt to pull Ukraine decisively into its orbit.

The threat of war in Ukraine is growing. As the unelected government in Kiev declares itself unable to control the rebellion in the country's east, John Kerry brands Russia a rogue state. The US and the European Union step up sanctions against the Kremlin, accusing it of destabilising Ukraine. The White House is reported to be set on a new cold war policy with the aim of turning Russia into a "pariah state".

That might be more explicable if what is going on in eastern Ukraine now were not the mirror image of what took place in Kiev a couple of months ago. Then, it was armed protesters in Maidan Square seizing government buildings and demanding a change of government and constitution. US and European leaders championed the "masked militants" and denounced the elected government for its crackdown, just as they now back the unelected government's use of force against rebels occupying police stations and town halls in cities such as Slavyansk and Donetsk.

"America is with you," Senator John McCain told demonstrators then, standing shoulder to shoulder with the leader of the far-right Svoboda party as the US ambassador haggled with the state department over who would make up the new Ukrainian government.

When the Ukrainian president was replaced by a US-selected administration, in an entirely unconstitutional takeover, politicians such as William Hague brazenly misled parliament about the legality of what had taken place: the imposition of a pro-western government on Russia's most neuralgic and politically divided neighbour.

Putin bit back, taking a leaf out of the US street-protest playbook – even though, as in Kiev, the protests that spread from Crimea to eastern Ukraine evidently have mass support. But what had been a glorious cry for freedom in Kiev became infiltration and insatiable aggression in Sevastopol and Luhansk.

After Crimeans voted overwhelmingly to join Russia, the bulk of the western media abandoned any hint of even-handed coverage. So Putin is now routinely compared to Hitler, while the role of the fascistic right on the streets and in the new Ukrainian regime has been airbrushed out of most reporting as Putinist propaganda.

So you don't hear much about the Ukrainian government's veneration of wartime Nazi collaborators and pogromists, or the arson attacks on the homes and offices of elected communist leaders, or the integration of the extreme Right Sector into the national guard, while the anti-semitism and white supremacism of the government's ultra-nationalists is assiduously played down, and false identifications of Russian special forces are relayed as fact.

The reality is that, after two decades of eastward Nato expansion, this crisis was triggered by the west's attempt to pull Ukraine decisively into its orbit and defence structure, via an explicitly anti-Moscow EU association agreement. Its rejection led to the Maidan protests and the installation of an anti-Russian administration – rejected by half the country – that went on to sign the EU and International Monetary Fund agreements regardless.

No Russian government could have acquiesced in such a threat from territory that was at the heart of both Russia and the Soviet Union. Putin's absorption of Crimea and support for the rebellion in eastern Ukraine is clearly defensive, and the red line now drawn: the east of Ukraine, at least, is not going to be swallowed up by Nato or the EU.

But the dangers are also multiplying. Ukraine has shown itself to be barely a functioning state: the former government was unable to clear Maidan, and the western-backed regime is "helpless" against the protests in the Soviet-nostalgic industrial east. For all the talk about the paramilitary "green men" (who turn out to be overwhelmingly Ukrainian), the rebellion also has strong social and democratic demands: who would argue against a referendum on autonomy and elected governors?

Meanwhile, the US and its European allies impose sanctions and dictate terms to Russia and its proteges in Kiev, encouraging the military crackdown on protesters after visits from Joe Biden and the CIA director, John Brennan. But by what right is the US involved at all, incorporating under its strategic umbrella a state that has never been a member of Nato, and whose last elected government came to power on a platform of explicit neutrality? It has none, of course – which is why the Ukraine crisis is seen in such a different light across most of the world. There may be few global takers for Putin's oligarchic conservatism and nationalism, but Russia's counterweight to US imperial expansion is welcomed, from China to Brazil.

In fact, one outcome of the crisis is likely to be a closer alliance between China and Russia, as the US continues its anti-Chinese "pivot" to Asia. And despite growing violence, the cost in lives of Russia's arms-length involvement in Ukraine has so far been minimal compared with any significant western intervention you care to think of for decades.

The risk of civil war is nevertheless growing, and with it the chances of outside powers being drawn into the conflict. Barack Obama has already sent token forces to eastern Europe and is under pressure, both from Republicans and Nato hawks such as Poland, to send many more. Both US and British troops are due to take part in Nato military exercises in Ukraine this summer.

The US and EU have already overplayed their hand in Ukraine. Neither Russia nor the western powers may want to intervene directly, and the Ukrainian prime minister's conjuring up of a third world war presumably isn't authorised by his Washington sponsors. But a century after 1914, the risk of unintended consequences should be obvious enough – as the threat of a return of big-power conflict grows. Pressure for a negotiated end to the crisis is essential.
It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war | Seumas Milne

I do not love Joe Biden necessarily (I think Tulsi or even Bernie would have made better Presidents), but I do think that Putin is the undeniable aggressor and invader in this situation.

Perhaps in the weeks before, I might have paused and listened if someone told me that NATO was the one aggressively stoking tensions. But NOT after Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine, taking their sovereign territory, bombing their cities and civilians, causing hundreds of thousands of people to be terrorized and displaced from their homes and families, etc.

Russia has pulled its people back perhaps a hundred years. We cannot condone this kind of injustice, not now or ever.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
I got completely tired of the mindless drivel coming from Western media outlets, including the worthless BBC, so I decided to go searching for some semblance of an accurate analysis of what is actually going on in the Ukraine and why. Found this. Thought it was worth posting for those not yet so brainwashed that they can still think for themselves. Written eight years ago, and more accurate than anything you will ever hear anyone in the controlled media give you these days on the subject:

It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war
Seumas Milne

The attempt to lever Kiev into the western camp by ousting an elected leader made conflict certain. It could be a threat to us all. The reality is that after two decades of Nato expansion, this crisis was triggered by the west's attempt to pull Ukraine decisively into its orbit.

The threat of war in Ukraine is growing. As the unelected government in Kiev declares itself unable to control the rebellion in the country's east, John Kerry brands Russia a rogue state. The US and the European Union step up sanctions against the Kremlin, accusing it of destabilising Ukraine. The White House is reported to be set on a new cold war policy with the aim of turning Russia into a "pariah state".

That might be more explicable if what is going on in eastern Ukraine now were not the mirror image of what took place in Kiev a couple of months ago. Then, it was armed protesters in Maidan Square seizing government buildings and demanding a change of government and constitution. US and European leaders championed the "masked militants" and denounced the elected government for its crackdown, just as they now back the unelected government's use of force against rebels occupying police stations and town halls in cities such as Slavyansk and Donetsk.

"America is with you," Senator John McCain told demonstrators then, standing shoulder to shoulder with the leader of the far-right Svoboda party as the US ambassador haggled with the state department over who would make up the new Ukrainian government.

When the Ukrainian president was replaced by a US-selected administration, in an entirely unconstitutional takeover, politicians such as William Hague brazenly misled parliament about the legality of what had taken place: the imposition of a pro-western government on Russia's most neuralgic and politically divided neighbour.

Putin bit back, taking a leaf out of the US street-protest playbook – even though, as in Kiev, the protests that spread from Crimea to eastern Ukraine evidently have mass support. But what had been a glorious cry for freedom in Kiev became infiltration and insatiable aggression in Sevastopol and Luhansk.

After Crimeans voted overwhelmingly to join Russia, the bulk of the western media abandoned any hint of even-handed coverage. So Putin is now routinely compared to Hitler, while the role of the fascistic right on the streets and in the new Ukrainian regime has been airbrushed out of most reporting as Putinist propaganda.

So you don't hear much about the Ukrainian government's veneration of wartime Nazi collaborators and pogromists, or the arson attacks on the homes and offices of elected communist leaders, or the integration of the extreme Right Sector into the national guard, while the anti-semitism and white supremacism of the government's ultra-nationalists is assiduously played down, and false identifications of Russian special forces are relayed as fact.

The reality is that, after two decades of eastward Nato expansion, this crisis was triggered by the west's attempt to pull Ukraine decisively into its orbit and defence structure, via an explicitly anti-Moscow EU association agreement. Its rejection led to the Maidan protests and the installation of an anti-Russian administration – rejected by half the country – that went on to sign the EU and International Monetary Fund agreements regardless.

No Russian government could have acquiesced in such a threat from territory that was at the heart of both Russia and the Soviet Union. Putin's absorption of Crimea and support for the rebellion in eastern Ukraine is clearly defensive, and the red line now drawn: the east of Ukraine, at least, is not going to be swallowed up by Nato or the EU.

But the dangers are also multiplying. Ukraine has shown itself to be barely a functioning state: the former government was unable to clear Maidan, and the western-backed regime is "helpless" against the protests in the Soviet-nostalgic industrial east. For all the talk about the paramilitary "green men" (who turn out to be overwhelmingly Ukrainian), the rebellion also has strong social and democratic demands: who would argue against a referendum on autonomy and elected governors?

Meanwhile, the US and its European allies impose sanctions and dictate terms to Russia and its proteges in Kiev, encouraging the military crackdown on protesters after visits from Joe Biden and the CIA director, John Brennan. But by what right is the US involved at all, incorporating under its strategic umbrella a state that has never been a member of Nato, and whose last elected government came to power on a platform of explicit neutrality? It has none, of course – which is why the Ukraine crisis is seen in such a different light across most of the world. There may be few global takers for Putin's oligarchic conservatism and nationalism, but Russia's counterweight to US imperial expansion is welcomed, from China to Brazil.

In fact, one outcome of the crisis is likely to be a closer alliance between China and Russia, as the US continues its anti-Chinese "pivot" to Asia. And despite growing violence, the cost in lives of Russia's arms-length involvement in Ukraine has so far been minimal compared with any significant western intervention you care to think of for decades.

The risk of civil war is nevertheless growing, and with it the chances of outside powers being drawn into the conflict. Barack Obama has already sent token forces to eastern Europe and is under pressure, both from Republicans and Nato hawks such as Poland, to send many more. Both US and British troops are due to take part in Nato military exercises in Ukraine this summer.

The US and EU have already overplayed their hand in Ukraine. Neither Russia nor the western powers may want to intervene directly, and the Ukrainian prime minister's conjuring up of a third world war presumably isn't authorised by his Washington sponsors. But a century after 1914, the risk of unintended consequences should be obvious enough – as the threat of a return of big-power conflict grows. Pressure for a negotiated end to the crisis is essential.
It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war | Seumas Milne

Although I agree with much of the above and have thought this through to the best of my ability, I'd have to agree with @LouisWilliams in post 65.

Also, I won't get into this too much because it's very disturbing, to say the least.

I would like to read what @Enoch111 thinks about all this. I find I agree with him a lot...just out of curiosity.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
I stopped reading at "I got completely tired of the mindless drivel coming from Western media outlets, including the worthless BBC, so I decided to go searching for some semblance of an accurate analysis of what is actually going on in the Ukraine and why."

Why should anyone accept your opinion (which is all that it is) and the accompanying biased article? I too get completely tired of the mindless drivel coming from biased sources.
It's all our opinion Jim.
Mine is that Russia has overstepped its bounds.

Won't say much more, but I do know that a lot goes on behind the scenes, which we all know. So how to have real knowledge?

Except that I do see bombs falling and ruining a city and the life of persons, and people trying to escape. This we know for sure.
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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick

Although I agree with much of the above and have thought this through to the best of my ability, I'd have to agree with @LouisWilliams in post 65.

Also, I won't get into this too much because it's very disturbing, to say the least.

I would like to read what @Enoch111 thinks about all this. I find I agree with him a lot...just out of curiosity.
I dont like either one for any government office particularly.
People tend to get back exactly what they vote for.
Sanders is a communist at heart, and Gabbard is a believer in Hinduism philosophies.
Tulsi Gabbard holds a mighty belief for the Hindu religion, and she follows Gudiya Vaishnavism.
(1) Gudiya Vaishnavism - Bing images


I vastly would prefer this country turn its heart back to the one true God.
Not having a communist-socialist or false religion believing POTUS, which religion is highly antichrist by nature and deed. Hindus do persecute Christians.

Yes, Tulsi is a nice person, friendlier than Sanders. I don't like the idea of policy makers already prejudiced against our Christian faith from gaining more power. and influence.

Tulsi Gabbard Ethnicity Religion - Is She Hindu? Family & Husband (
Even her first name comes from a Sanskrit word of holy basil, a sacred plant for Hindus. She is a vegan and describes herself as a karma yogi. She valued Bhagavad Gita as a spiritual guide and took the oath of office in 2013 using her copy, which she gave to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit in 2014.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
I dont like either one for any government office particularly.
People tend to get back exactly what they vote for.
Sanders is a communist at heart, and Gabbard is a believer in Hinduism philosophies.
Tulsi Gabbard holds a mighty belief for the Hindu religion, and she follows Gudiya Vaishnavism.
(1) Gudiya Vaishnavism - Bing images


I vastly would prefer this country turn its heart back to the one true God.
Not having a communist-socialist or false religion believing POTUS, which religion is highly antichrist by nature and deed. Hindus do persecute Christians.

Yes, Tulsi is a nice person, friendlier than Sanders. I don't like the idea of policy makers already prejudiced against our Christian faith from gaining more power. and influence.

Tulsi Gabbard Ethnicity Religion - Is She Hindu? Family & Husband (
Even her first name comes from a Sanskrit word of holy basil, a sacred plant for Hindus. She is a vegan and describes herself as a karma yogi. She valued Bhagavad Gita as a spiritual guide and took the oath of office in 2013 using her copy, which she gave to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit in 2014.
Hey Scott,
I've been our of the U.S. for a long time now.
I really don't know very deeply what's going on over there. If a person doesn't live in a country, he cannot really know the everyday happenings in politics, and, since I used to be very interested, I know that a lot goes on that is missed by many (including me).

I don't really know the persons you speak of but do owe a courtesy of response.
Things are just getting worse in Ukraine - this I know for sure.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
I got completely tired of the mindless drivel coming from Western media outlets, including the worthless BBC, so I decided to go searching for some semblance of an accurate analysis of what is actually going on in the Ukraine and why. Found this. Thought it was worth posting for those not yet so brainwashed that they can still think for themselves. Written eight years ago, and more accurate than anything you will ever hear anyone in the controlled media give you these days on the subject:

It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war
Seumas Milne

The attempt to lever Kiev into the western camp by ousting an elected leader made conflict certain. It could be a threat to us all. The reality is that after two decades of Nato expansion, this crisis was triggered by the west's attempt to pull Ukraine decisively into its orbit.

The threat of war in Ukraine is growing. As the unelected government in Kiev declares itself unable to control the rebellion in the country's east, John Kerry brands Russia a rogue state. The US and the European Union step up sanctions against the Kremlin, accusing it of destabilising Ukraine. The White House is reported to be set on a new cold war policy with the aim of turning Russia into a "pariah state".

That might be more explicable if what is going on in eastern Ukraine now were not the mirror image of what took place in Kiev a couple of months ago. Then, it was armed protesters in Maidan Square seizing government buildings and demanding a change of government and constitution. US and European leaders championed the "masked militants" and denounced the elected government for its crackdown, just as they now back the unelected government's use of force against rebels occupying police stations and town halls in cities such as Slavyansk and Donetsk.

"America is with you," Senator John McCain told demonstrators then, standing shoulder to shoulder with the leader of the far-right Svoboda party as the US ambassador haggled with the state department over who would make up the new Ukrainian government.

When the Ukrainian president was replaced by a US-selected administration, in an entirely unconstitutional takeover, politicians such as William Hague brazenly misled parliament about the legality of what had taken place: the imposition of a pro-western government on Russia's most neuralgic and politically divided neighbour.

Putin bit back, taking a leaf out of the US street-protest playbook – even though, as in Kiev, the protests that spread from Crimea to eastern Ukraine evidently have mass support. But what had been a glorious cry for freedom in Kiev became infiltration and insatiable aggression in Sevastopol and Luhansk.

After Crimeans voted overwhelmingly to join Russia, the bulk of the western media abandoned any hint of even-handed coverage. So Putin is now routinely compared to Hitler, while the role of the fascistic right on the streets and in the new Ukrainian regime has been airbrushed out of most reporting as Putinist propaganda.

So you don't hear much about the Ukrainian government's veneration of wartime Nazi collaborators and pogromists, or the arson attacks on the homes and offices of elected communist leaders, or the integration of the extreme Right Sector into the national guard, while the anti-semitism and white supremacism of the government's ultra-nationalists is assiduously played down, and false identifications of Russian special forces are relayed as fact.

The reality is that, after two decades of eastward Nato expansion, this crisis was triggered by the west's attempt to pull Ukraine decisively into its orbit and defence structure, via an explicitly anti-Moscow EU association agreement. Its rejection led to the Maidan protests and the installation of an anti-Russian administration – rejected by half the country – that went on to sign the EU and International Monetary Fund agreements regardless.

No Russian government could have acquiesced in such a threat from territory that was at the heart of both Russia and the Soviet Union. Putin's absorption of Crimea and support for the rebellion in eastern Ukraine is clearly defensive, and the red line now drawn: the east of Ukraine, at least, is not going to be swallowed up by Nato or the EU.

But the dangers are also multiplying. Ukraine has shown itself to be barely a functioning state: the former government was unable to clear Maidan, and the western-backed regime is "helpless" against the protests in the Soviet-nostalgic industrial east. For all the talk about the paramilitary "green men" (who turn out to be overwhelmingly Ukrainian), the rebellion also has strong social and democratic demands: who would argue against a referendum on autonomy and elected governors?

Meanwhile, the US and its European allies impose sanctions and dictate terms to Russia and its proteges in Kiev, encouraging the military crackdown on protesters after visits from Joe Biden and the CIA director, John Brennan. But by what right is the US involved at all, incorporating under its strategic umbrella a state that has never been a member of Nato, and whose last elected government came to power on a platform of explicit neutrality? It has none, of course – which is why the Ukraine crisis is seen in such a different light across most of the world. There may be few global takers for Putin's oligarchic conservatism and nationalism, but Russia's counterweight to US imperial expansion is welcomed, from China to Brazil.

In fact, one outcome of the crisis is likely to be a closer alliance between China and Russia, as the US continues its anti-Chinese "pivot" to Asia. And despite growing violence, the cost in lives of Russia's arms-length involvement in Ukraine has so far been minimal compared with any significant western intervention you care to think of for decades.

The risk of civil war is nevertheless growing, and with it the chances of outside powers being drawn into the conflict. Barack Obama has already sent token forces to eastern Europe and is under pressure, both from Republicans and Nato hawks such as Poland, to send many more. Both US and British troops are due to take part in Nato military exercises in Ukraine this summer.

The US and EU have already overplayed their hand in Ukraine. Neither Russia nor the western powers may want to intervene directly, and the Ukrainian prime minister's conjuring up of a third world war presumably isn't authorised by his Washington sponsors. But a century after 1914, the risk of unintended consequences should be obvious enough – as the threat of a return of big-power conflict grows. Pressure for a negotiated end to the crisis is essential.
It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war | Seumas Milne
Good article, I agree

The western world caused this war, Ukraine joining NATO would put missile bases on Russia's border, 500 miles away from Moscow

Yes the western world knew exactly what would happen, and it used Ukraine as a pawn for their desires and goals

Putin shouted for months, upon deaf ears in the west, and a world population watching, under the spell of their controlled media machine

GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
This war is not from Putin or NATO but from Jesus telling people to repent
Precious friend from Israel: How is war "telling people to repent" when it is the
commission Of CHRIST To His "ambassadors of reconciliation," to take His
Wonderful Message Of GRACE And Peace
(not war and judgment), to
UNbelievers "lost in sin," Today Under HIS Pure GRACE?

GRACE And Peace...
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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
This war is not from Putin or NATO but from Jesus telling people to repent from their sin similar to that committed by Adam &Eve by choosing the knowledge of good & evil.

Do you really think that the war is Jesus telling people to repent from their sin? Do you think that our Lord and Savior is responsible for the wanton murder of innocent people? Really?????
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I will likely have already forgotten about this stuff within another month, so for those who believe the Western media might actually be lying to us, here's our great leader, the "man" of the Ukrainian people himself, Zelensky in stilettos.
You are being redirected...

Despite the media's portrayals of him, he's in reality nothing more than an actor turned billionaire by his NWO Globalist handlers, and was largely hated in his own country until this war began and suddenly he started being painted by the Western press as a great War Hero. Far preferable to a leader who has been outspokenly opposed to homosexuality in his own country?

Confirmation from Newsweek, I suppose because a flaming homosexual becoming highly visible as a world leader actually IS a "hero" to them:
Resurfaced clip of Volodymyr Zelensky dancing in high heels goes viral

Many Ukrainians actually hate the man, but attempting to flee the country with your wife will get you shot on sight. And people wonder why the Russians call Zelensky a NAZI.
You are being redirected...

And here's our leader in the US boasting about how he has the Ukrainian Government under his thumb:
Ukraine is the most corrupt globalist owned Country in the world. It’s literally the Cabals Headquarters. – Investment Watch
I had a sense this had to do with Ukraine.

I'm still going on break, sister, but if you look back at my interpretation, I mentioned how the West is actually playing Putin. I find it interesting that Putin was saying the exact same thing just before the invasion began about the way they have always treated the Russians, and for decades now.

"This array [of Western lies] included promises not to expand NATO Eastward by even an inch. To reiterate: They have deceived us, or to put it simply, they have played us. Sure, one often hears that politics is a dirty business. It could be, but it shouldn't be as dirty as it is now, not to such an extent. This type of con-artist behavior is contrary not only to the principles of international relations, but also above all to the generally accepted norms of morality and ethics." (7:54 - 8:30)

So that's what we're seeing. The Western media is telling us Zelensky and his government are the ones operating on the side of morality and ethics, but it's really just a deception and a con game. He's an immoral man and a globalist puppet, being paraded about by the Western press now like he's some kind of war hero, when he's really just a prostitute to the god of this world, and proving it by his actions.

I know you're probably not up on world politics and didn't want to be taking sides here, but that wasn't my point. Simply informing you that your dream was likely accurate. Just as they have been playing Russia for decades, they are playing them even more so now, hence the imagery of boys and girls playing "a game." But it's one that girls like Zelensky are going to win, because intelligence and the Western media are fully on their side, and there are only a few who are smart enough to see through it all.

God bless, and pray for me that I leave this stuff alone. As usual, I just thought it was important enough to share.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Fox News is really stirring the pot against Putin, some talking heads and interviewees are calling Putin old and crazy and about to launch his nukes, like he is some kind of Bond villain, picture on their site posting as a developing story
US tells all US citizens to evacuate Ukraine immediately
Fox News

View attachment 20840

Hey, Scott. In case you don't get the alert, you might be interested in Post #74 above. Has some interesting information about the supposed "hero" in this whole narrative.

God bless, and take care.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Good article, I agree

The western world caused this war, Ukraine joining NATO would put missile bases on Russia's border, 500 miles away from Moscow

Yes the western world knew exactly what would happen, and it used Ukraine as a pawn for their desires and goals

Putin shouted for months, upon deaf ears in the west, and a world population watching, under the spell of their controlled media machine

Same to you as above, Truth, and thanks for the contribution. Good to know there are others out there who are watching and still thinking for themselves.
- H


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
I got completely tired of the mindless drivel coming from Western media outlets, including the worthless BBC, so I decided to go searching for some semblance of an accurate analysis of what is actually going on in the Ukraine and why. Found this. Thought it was worth posting for those not yet so brainwashed that they can still think for themselves. Written eight years ago, and more accurate than anything you will ever hear anyone in the controlled media give you these days on the subject:

It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war
Seumas Milne

The attempt to lever Kiev into the western camp by ousting an elected leader made conflict certain. It could be a threat to us all. The reality is that after two decades of Nato expansion, this crisis was triggered by the west's attempt to pull Ukraine decisively into its orbit.

The threat of war in Ukraine is growing. As the unelected government in Kiev declares itself unable to control the rebellion in the country's east, John Kerry brands Russia a rogue state. The US and the European Union step up sanctions against the Kremlin, accusing it of destabilising Ukraine. The White House is reported to be set on a new cold war policy with the aim of turning Russia into a "pariah state".

That might be more explicable if what is going on in eastern Ukraine now were not the mirror image of what took place in Kiev a couple of months ago. Then, it was armed protesters in Maidan Square seizing government buildings and demanding a change of government and constitution. US and European leaders championed the "masked militants" and denounced the elected government for its crackdown, just as they now back the unelected government's use of force against rebels occupying police stations and town halls in cities such as Slavyansk and Donetsk.

"America is with you," Senator John McCain told demonstrators then, standing shoulder to shoulder with the leader of the far-right Svoboda party as the US ambassador haggled with the state department over who would make up the new Ukrainian government.

When the Ukrainian president was replaced by a US-selected administration, in an entirely unconstitutional takeover, politicians such as William Hague brazenly misled parliament about the legality of what had taken place: the imposition of a pro-western government on Russia's most neuralgic and politically divided neighbour.

Putin bit back, taking a leaf out of the US street-protest playbook – even though, as in Kiev, the protests that spread from Crimea to eastern Ukraine evidently have mass support. But what had been a glorious cry for freedom in Kiev became infiltration and insatiable aggression in Sevastopol and Luhansk.

After Crimeans voted overwhelmingly to join Russia, the bulk of the western media abandoned any hint of even-handed coverage. So Putin is now routinely compared to Hitler, while the role of the fascistic right on the streets and in the new Ukrainian regime has been airbrushed out of most reporting as Putinist propaganda.

So you don't hear much about the Ukrainian government's veneration of wartime Nazi collaborators and pogromists, or the arson attacks on the homes and offices of elected communist leaders, or the integration of the extreme Right Sector into the national guard, while the anti-semitism and white supremacism of the government's ultra-nationalists is assiduously played down, and false identifications of Russian special forces are relayed as fact.

The reality is that, after two decades of eastward Nato expansion, this crisis was triggered by the west's attempt to pull Ukraine decisively into its orbit and defence structure, via an explicitly anti-Moscow EU association agreement. Its rejection led to the Maidan protests and the installation of an anti-Russian administration – rejected by half the country – that went on to sign the EU and International Monetary Fund agreements regardless.

No Russian government could have acquiesced in such a threat from territory that was at the heart of both Russia and the Soviet Union. Putin's absorption of Crimea and support for the rebellion in eastern Ukraine is clearly defensive, and the red line now drawn: the east of Ukraine, at least, is not going to be swallowed up by Nato or the EU.

But the dangers are also multiplying. Ukraine has shown itself to be barely a functioning state: the former government was unable to clear Maidan, and the western-backed regime is "helpless" against the protests in the Soviet-nostalgic industrial east. For all the talk about the paramilitary "green men" (who turn out to be overwhelmingly Ukrainian), the rebellion also has strong social and democratic demands: who would argue against a referendum on autonomy and elected governors?

Meanwhile, the US and its European allies impose sanctions and dictate terms to Russia and its proteges in Kiev, encouraging the military crackdown on protesters after visits from Joe Biden and the CIA director, John Brennan. But by what right is the US involved at all, incorporating under its strategic umbrella a state that has never been a member of Nato, and whose last elected government came to power on a platform of explicit neutrality? It has none, of course – which is why the Ukraine crisis is seen in such a different light across most of the world. There may be few global takers for Putin's oligarchic conservatism and nationalism, but Russia's counterweight to US imperial expansion is welcomed, from China to Brazil.

In fact, one outcome of the crisis is likely to be a closer alliance between China and Russia, as the US continues its anti-Chinese "pivot" to Asia. And despite growing violence, the cost in lives of Russia's arms-length involvement in Ukraine has so far been minimal compared with any significant western intervention you care to think of for decades.

The risk of civil war is nevertheless growing, and with it the chances of outside powers being drawn into the conflict. Barack Obama has already sent token forces to eastern Europe and is under pressure, both from Republicans and Nato hawks such as Poland, to send many more. Both US and British troops are due to take part in Nato military exercises in Ukraine this summer.

The US and EU have already overplayed their hand in Ukraine. Neither Russia nor the western powers may want to intervene directly, and the Ukrainian prime minister's conjuring up of a third world war presumably isn't authorised by his Washington sponsors. But a century after 1914, the risk of unintended consequences should be obvious enough – as the threat of a return of big-power conflict grows. Pressure for a negotiated end to the crisis is essential.
It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war | Seumas Milne
I was just saying to a friend who was watching CBS reporting on the war that they should turn it off....certain political leaders wanted this war to will lead us into one world order....well, as well as the other steps taken to make it happen.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Nobody said anything about "poor little Russia," and if you could READ you would have known that by now, but YOU DON'T READ AND YOU DON'T THINK. And since you're such a little child that you can never resist playing around with BOLD all the time I guess I have no choice but to get down on your infantile little level.

Happy, little Enoch?

HEY be nice bro.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
I will likely have already forgotten about this stuff within another month, so for those who believe the Western media might actually be lying to us, here's our great leader, the "man" of the Ukrainian people himself, Zelensky in stilettos.
You are being redirected...

Despite the media's portrayals of him, he's in reality nothing more than an actor turned billionaire by his NWO Globalist handlers, and was largely hated in his own country until this war began and suddenly he started being painted by the Western press as a great War Hero. Far preferable to a leader who has been outspokenly opposed to homosexuality in his own country?

Confirmation from Newsweek, I suppose because a flaming homosexual becoming highly visible as a world leader actually IS a "hero" to them:
Resurfaced clip of Volodymyr Zelensky dancing in high heels goes viral

Many Ukrainians actually hate the man, but attempting to flee the country with your wife will get you shot on sight. And people wonder why the Russians call Zelensky a NAZI.
You are being redirected...

And here's our leader in the US boasting about how he has the Ukrainian Government under his thumb:
Ukraine is the most corrupt globalist owned Country in the world. It’s literally the Cabals Headquarters. – Investment Watch

I'm still going on break, sister, but if you look back at my interpretation, I mentioned how the West is actually playing Putin. I find it interesting that Putin was saying the exact same thing just before the invasion began about the way they have always treated the Russians, and for decades now.

"This array [of Western lies] included promises not to expand NATO Eastward by even an inch. To reiterate: They have deceived us, or to put it simply, they have played us. Sure, one often hears that politics is a dirty business. It could be, but it shouldn't be as dirty as it is now, not to such an extent. This type of con-artist behavior is contrary not only to the principles of international relations, but also above all to the generally accepted norms of morality and ethics." (7:54 - 8:30)

So that's what we're seeing. The Western media is telling us Zelensky and his government are the ones operating on the side of morality and ethics, but it's really just a deception and a con game. He's an immoral man and a globalist puppet, being paraded about by the Western press now like he's some kind of war hero, when he's really just a prostitute to the god of this world, and proving it by his actions.

I know you're probably not up on world politics and didn't want to be taking sides here, but that wasn't my point. Simply informing you that your dream was likely accurate. Just as they have been playing Russia for decades, they are playing them even more so now, hence the imagery of boys and girls playing "a game." But it's one that girls like Zelensky are going to win, because intelligence and the Western media are fully on their side, and there are only a few who are smart enough to see through it all.

God bless, and pray for me that I leave this stuff alone. As usual, I just thought it was important enough to share.
Just a few questions if you can answer..

What has been going on since 2014 between Ukraine and Russia?

Do you liken this to the Cuban Missile Crises of 1963?

Do you think Putin had overreacted?


Desire Of All Nations

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2021
United States
People's priorities are all out of whack here. A significant bible prophecy has just been fulfilled in Germany this past weekend with the new chancellor announcing that Germany will return to being a militaristic nation, and people are too busy fighting over who is to blame for the situation in Ukraine

At this point, it hardly matters who is at fault because that announcement does not bode well for the rest of the world, especially the English-speaking countries.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
I got completely tired of the mindless drivel coming from Western media outlets, including the worthless BBC, so I decided to go searching for some semblance of an accurate analysis of what is actually going on in the Ukraine and why. Found this. Thought it was worth posting for those not yet so brainwashed that they can still think for themselves. Written eight years ago, and more accurate than anything you will ever hear anyone in the controlled media give you these days on the subject:

It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war
Seumas Milne

The attempt to lever Kiev into the western camp by ousting an elected leader made conflict certain. It could be a threat to us all. The reality is that after two decades of Nato expansion, this crisis was triggered by the west's attempt to pull Ukraine decisively into its orbit.

The threat of war in Ukraine is growing. As the unelected government in Kiev declares itself unable to control the rebellion in the country's east, John Kerry brands Russia a rogue state. The US and the European Union step up sanctions against the Kremlin, accusing it of destabilising Ukraine. The White House is reported to be set on a new cold war policy with the aim of turning Russia into a "pariah state".

That might be more explicable if what is going on in eastern Ukraine now were not the mirror image of what took place in Kiev a couple of months ago. Then, it was armed protesters in Maidan Square seizing government buildings and demanding a change of government and constitution. US and European leaders championed the "masked militants" and denounced the elected government for its crackdown, just as they now back the unelected government's use of force against rebels occupying police stations and town halls in cities such as Slavyansk and Donetsk.

"America is with you," Senator John McCain told demonstrators then, standing shoulder to shoulder with the leader of the far-right Svoboda party as the US ambassador haggled with the state department over who would make up the new Ukrainian government.

When the Ukrainian president was replaced by a US-selected administration, in an entirely unconstitutional takeover, politicians such as William Hague brazenly misled parliament about the legality of what had taken place: the imposition of a pro-western government on Russia's most neuralgic and politically divided neighbour.

Putin bit back, taking a leaf out of the US street-protest playbook – even though, as in Kiev, the protests that spread from Crimea to eastern Ukraine evidently have mass support. But what had been a glorious cry for freedom in Kiev became infiltration and insatiable aggression in Sevastopol and Luhansk.

After Crimeans voted overwhelmingly to join Russia, the bulk of the western media abandoned any hint of even-handed coverage. So Putin is now routinely compared to Hitler, while the role of the fascistic right on the streets and in the new Ukrainian regime has been airbrushed out of most reporting as Putinist propaganda.

So you don't hear much about the Ukrainian government's veneration of wartime Nazi collaborators and pogromists, or the arson attacks on the homes and offices of elected communist leaders, or the integration of the extreme Right Sector into the national guard, while the anti-semitism and white supremacism of the government's ultra-nationalists is assiduously played down, and false identifications of Russian special forces are relayed as fact.

The reality is that, after two decades of eastward Nato expansion, this crisis was triggered by the west's attempt to pull Ukraine decisively into its orbit and defence structure, via an explicitly anti-Moscow EU association agreement. Its rejection led to the Maidan protests and the installation of an anti-Russian administration – rejected by half the country – that went on to sign the EU and International Monetary Fund agreements regardless.

No Russian government could have acquiesced in such a threat from territory that was at the heart of both Russia and the Soviet Union. Putin's absorption of Crimea and support for the rebellion in eastern Ukraine is clearly defensive, and the red line now drawn: the east of Ukraine, at least, is not going to be swallowed up by Nato or the EU.

But the dangers are also multiplying. Ukraine has shown itself to be barely a functioning state: the former government was unable to clear Maidan, and the western-backed regime is "helpless" against the protests in the Soviet-nostalgic industrial east. For all the talk about the paramilitary "green men" (who turn out to be overwhelmingly Ukrainian), the rebellion also has strong social and democratic demands: who would argue against a referendum on autonomy and elected governors?

Meanwhile, the US and its European allies impose sanctions and dictate terms to Russia and its proteges in Kiev, encouraging the military crackdown on protesters after visits from Joe Biden and the CIA director, John Brennan. But by what right is the US involved at all, incorporating under its strategic umbrella a state that has never been a member of Nato, and whose last elected government came to power on a platform of explicit neutrality? It has none, of course – which is why the Ukraine crisis is seen in such a different light across most of the world. There may be few global takers for Putin's oligarchic conservatism and nationalism, but Russia's counterweight to US imperial expansion is welcomed, from China to Brazil.

In fact, one outcome of the crisis is likely to be a closer alliance between China and Russia, as the US continues its anti-Chinese "pivot" to Asia. And despite growing violence, the cost in lives of Russia's arms-length involvement in Ukraine has so far been minimal compared with any significant western intervention you care to think of for decades.

The risk of civil war is nevertheless growing, and with it the chances of outside powers being drawn into the conflict. Barack Obama has already sent token forces to eastern Europe and is under pressure, both from Republicans and Nato hawks such as Poland, to send many more. Both US and British troops are due to take part in Nato military exercises in Ukraine this summer.

The US and EU have already overplayed their hand in Ukraine. Neither Russia nor the western powers may want to intervene directly, and the Ukrainian prime minister's conjuring up of a third world war presumably isn't authorised by his Washington sponsors. But a century after 1914, the risk of unintended consequences should be obvious enough – as the threat of a return of big-power conflict grows. Pressure for a negotiated end to the crisis is essential.
It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war | Seumas Milne
This is enough for me re the questions I asked you.
Catch you later...


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
I was just saying to a friend who was watching CBS reporting on the war that they should turn it off....certain political leaders wanted this war to will lead us into one world order....well, as well as the other steps taken to make it happen.
I agree it's leading into a world order

The UN is putting sanctions and seizing personal property of Russian citizens around the world, kicking Russian students, citizens, out of countries and athletes from the olympics, what's next?

You will closely note the Ukranian military pulling African blacks off of trains and buses, allowing for white Ukrainian's to escape the war zone

Also blacks and Indian's being held hostage by Ukrainian forces, unable to leave warzones, Russia is providing cease fire escape corridors and transportation to help evacuation, as Ukraine is using them as human shields

When it's all said and done, you will find Zelenskyy is the war criminal
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