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Is Satan still active today?

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Not Afraid To Stand
Jul 20, 2011
Satan: is he still active today? Can he still a threat to Christians? or is he just someone/something imagined by us? a vanquished foe, conquered at Calvary, unable to do anything anymore? a foe conjured up by our minds as an excuse?

Is Satan still active today or not?

Is he still our enemy, or don't we have to contend with him anymore?


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
To put it simply, Satan would love for us to believe he is no threat to us. Many have made this eternally fatal mistake.


New Member
Mar 30, 2011
Yes Satan is dead. once saved all ways saved put a end to that for good
And once we are saved we don't need that jesus dude any more do we because he did all the work, so all you have to do is say you believe it and that the end of the whole matter entirely. so you don't even need a Bible ! why bother your saved so do what ever you want.

Hang about ! that is only what some have said. maybe i should look for my self. as i have come across people who do like to mislead others.
Mislead others is that not the work of Satan.


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
Of course the Devil is alive and well today.

If not, things are going to turn out a lot different than they are predicted in Revelation.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
Satan is being used as a rod of punishment upon the rebellious. In Isaiah 10 God used the title of the "Assyrian" as a symbolic name for him, as also in Ezek.31 and at the end of Isaiah 30. God calls him "the rod of Mine anger". Like a switch off a tree used for whipping, when the whipping is done it is thrown into the fire.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2009
United States
After having caused the defection of both Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:1-6), Satan (meaning "resisitor") had no time agenda. The beginning of mankind (Adam was created in 4026 B.C.E.) was just now at the horizon. Satan took no note of God's timetable and of his eternal purpose, feeling "footloose and fancy free".

He became the first rebel and liar, followed by his adherents, Adam and Eve. Over the course of over 6000 years of human history, Satan has had control of the "world", the majority of mankind alienated from God.(John 14:30) The apostle Paul called Satan "the god of this system of things (that) has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, might not shine through."(2 Cor 4:4)

The apostle John, in about the year 98 C.E., said: "We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the [power of the] wicked one."(1 John 5:19) The only ones who are not under Satan's manipulative control, knowingly or unknowingly, are those who closely follow in Jesus footsteps.(1 Pet 2:21)

Today, however, Satan the Devil is more active than any time in human history. Since his being cast out of heaven in 1914 C.E., when Jesus took the reigns of God's kingdom (Dan 7:13, 14), he is now more busy than ever causing chaos and troubles. Revelation 12:7-9 says that "war broke out in heaven: Mi´cha·el and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled but it did not prevail, neither was a place found for them any longer in heaven. So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him."

Because he no longer posed any threat to the angelic hosts in heaven following his ouster down to the vicinity of the earth, Revelation 12:12 says: "On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.” Satan now knows that his time period is "short", a very confined time allotment, compared to the time prior to his being cast out of heaven. He is indeed very angry for having been restrained in both space and time.

Throughout the earth, he is causing disruptions, terrorist activities, wicked acts of humans against humans, degraded and demoralized people roaming everywhere, with the only intent is to do deadly harm, just as the Nephilim (the wicked sons born to the rebel angels that materialized before the Noachian Flood, fathering hybrid offspring, Gen 6:4). These wicked and demented conditions are proof of Satan's rulership over the earth. Yet, his rulership has a limited time frame, for God had purposed that he be put into the "abyss", or state of inactivity for one thousand years following the battle of Armageddon.(Rev 16:16; 20:1-10) This allows for the earth to be transformed into a Paradise.(Luke 23:43)

Satan will always be a threat as long as he is alive and active. But, following his release from the sleep-like abyss (of one thousand years) at the end of Jesus thousand year reign and his subsequent attempt to once again rule the earth, he, along with his demon angels and those who have followed his rulership, will be permanently destroyed.(Rev 20:7-10) Satan, or anyone for that matter that proves to be rebellious (Prov 2:21, 22), will never exist again, to devastate the "abundance of peace" that God said would encapsulate the earth forever for "meek" ones, just as God purposed "from the beginning".(Matt 19:4; Ps 37:11, 29)


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
Is he not the king of this world? Did he not offer Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth?

Doesn't Paul say that we contend not with flesh, but with powers and principalities?

Doesn't Peter says he prowls like a lion waiting to devour his enemy?

The devil is real and powerful. And he is far slicker than we think. There are so many ways he can affect us... The world is his platform and he is the master deceiver. The war is here and now. His work is to deceive, and he is bringing everything he can into deception.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Satan's example and reputation is the real power, today.

Once we recognize rebellion, ego-love, and hedonism is not only possible, but bought and sold in our world, everyday; we are off and running after Satan's example. It is all because of His trailblazing ways and our own pleasure seeking hearts.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
Is he not the king of this world? Did he not offer Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth?

Doesn't Paul say that we contend not with flesh, but with powers and principalities?

Doesn't Peter says he prowls like a lion waiting to devour his enemy?

The devil is real and powerful. And he is far slicker than we think. There are so many ways he can affect us... The world is his platform and he is the master deceiver. The war is here and now. His work is to deceive, and he is bringing everything he can into deception.

Yet Satan is fulfilling God's Will. That's very important to understand, because Satan has no power of his own, nor power over us unless we allow it. That usually comes when we forget our walk with Christ Jesus. Satan is God's whipping stick, which is what God is pointing to in Isaiah 10. So he cannot deceive anyone unless God first allows it, and then we allow ourselves to be deceived.

Our Heavenly Father made sure those who study His Word will know what to expect, He told us already how the end time events are going to play out. He also showed us what relation Satan has with the negative side of His Salvation Plan. That's given in God's Word too, but not that many seem to want to understand it. The children of darkness spend a lot of time and money trying to create fear and make us afraid of Satan. God showed us we are not to have fear of Satan nor any man, but to fear God only.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
Yet Satan is fulfilling God's Will. That's very important to understand, because Satan has no power of his own, nor power over us unless we allow it. That usually comes when we forget our walk with Christ Jesus. Satan is God's whipping stick, which is what God is pointing to in Isaiah 10. So he cannot deceive anyone unless God first allows it, and then we allow ourselves to be deceived.

Our Heavenly Father made sure those who study His Word will know what to expect, He told us already how the end time events are going to play out. He also showed us what relation Satan has with the negative side of His Salvation Plan. That's given in God's Word too, but not that many seem to want to understand it. The children of darkness spend a lot of time and money trying to create fear and make us afraid of Satan. God showed us we are not to have fear of Satan nor any man, but to fear God only.

In Christ we can overcome him. But the devil is great in power. If we go against him, he will go as far as the Lord allows him to take us down.

The devil is very good at deceiving. There's a million ways to be wrong. He'll use them.

We need not be afraid. But we need have all humility, even Michael wouldn't take him lightly. He is a roaring lion seeking to devour us. And if we think our human reasoning and understanding can be helpfull to overcoming him, we fool ourselves. We are far weaker than he is, only Christ in us is stronger than the devil. As we die and let Christ live in us, we overcome the devil, yet not us, the Lord.

The devil has power. Only by Christ's life and power can he be overcome.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
In Christ we can overcome him. But the devil is great in power. If we go against him, he will go as far as the Lord allows him to take us down.

The devil is very good at deceiving. There's a million ways to be wrong. He'll use them.

We need not be afraid. But we need have all humility, even Michael wouldn't take him lightly. He is a roaring lion seeking to devour us. And if we think our human reasoning and understanding can be helpfull to overcoming him, we fool ourselves. We are far weaker than he is, only Christ in us is stronger than the devil. As we die and let Christ live in us, we overcome the devil, yet not us, the Lord.

The devil has power. Only by Christ's life and power can he be overcome.

The only power the devil has is what God allows him to have. In cases of deception, we must first allow it upon ourselves for it to happen. And I speak of a follower of Christ Jesus in that. To be in Christ Jesus is to have power over the enemy.

There is a law called the law of suggestion. It's the same law that causes hypnosis, triggers epilepsy, etc. We can suggest ideas to ourselves that in every way we may come to believe it. The mind is a tricky thing, and that's why we always need to stay focused on Christ Jesus. The devil knows about that law of suggestion, and constantly tries to use it against us. Staying apart from the world while living in it is one way to combat that effect. One staying in Christ today does battle against Satan and his minions daily. It happens every time you turn on your TV.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
The only power the devil has is what God allows him to have. In cases of deception, we must first allow it upon ourselves for it to happen. And I speak of a follower of Christ Jesus in that. To be in Christ Jesus is to have power over the enemy.

There is a law called the law of suggestion. It's the same law that causes hypnosis, triggers epilepsy, etc. We can suggest ideas to ourselves that in every way we may come to believe it. The mind is a tricky thing, and that's why we always need to stay focused on Christ Jesus. The devil knows about that law of suggestion, and constantly tries to use it against us. Staying apart from the world while living in it is one way to combat that effect. One staying in Christ today does battle against Satan and his minions daily. It happens every time you turn on your TV.

Ok. I agree with you :)

What I'm trying to say is that the power of the devil to deceive is far more sneaky than we think and takes use of things that look 'good' to the human eye.

I agree with what you say, I'm just not sure you agree with what I just said, so that's what I'm trying to get at. :)

Like they say; it's easier to take the people out of Egypt than to take Egypt out of the people. When we come to Christ, we need our mind to be renewed so that it would not follow the pattern of this world anymore, which serves the enemy's purpose.


New Member
Aug 12, 2011
When you stop and think about it satan is God's most faithfull servant! He can't do a thing unless God says. When told, he does exactly what he's allowed to do. To many still believe he's fighting the almighty, he is a defeted foe. Does he still exist,of course. Does he still deceive the deceiveable, sure. I'm reminded of a minister named Smith Wigglesworth hearing a noise while sleeping. He gets up, goes halfway down the stairs and sitting in a rocking chair was the devil himself. Smith looked and said Oh, it's only you, and went back to bed! Spending time on him is fruitless.The real enemy is the adamic nature.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
Ok. I agree with you :)

What I'm trying to say is that the power of the devil to deceive is far more sneaky than we think and takes use of things that look 'good' to the human eye.

I agree with what you say, I'm just not sure you agree with what I just said, so that's what I'm trying to get at. :)

Like they say; it's easier to take the people out of Egypt than to take Egypt out of the people. When we come to Christ, we need our mind to be renewed so that it would not follow the pattern of this world anymore, which serves the enemy's purpose.

This is why it's so important to stay in God's Word with understanding, and in prayer, and I mean all... of God's Word, for the OT events serve as "ensamples" for us per Apostle Paul in 1 Cor.10.

Will the devil try to tempt us to turn us? Yes, every day we live upon this earth. That mostly comes in the form of the things of this world, worries and cares that we shouldn't dwell on, wonderings that can cause doubt, influence of lusts of the flesh, etc.

Even methods of the practice of religion can get in the way by being used by the devil to tempt us. This is why we should never put our Faith in any Church building or religious organization of man, nor in any one except The Father and His Son by The Holy Spirit. It's a difficult walk, and we all are going have slip ups at times and need to repent. Our Lord knows all of this of course, and it should be quite obvious this struggle is why He gave us The New Covenant in His Blood, freeing us from reliance upon men and ceremonial worship for His Salvation.

But what do many do? They go right to the same things old Israel did in rebellion, following man's religion trying to outwardly appear holy, trusting some man with a bunch of credentials at the end of his name more than God's simple Word, turning the House of God into a place for festival parties, commerce, and a platform for other religions to come in and teach paganism.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
This is why it's so important to stay in God's Word with understanding, and in prayer, and I mean all... of God's Word, for the OT events serve as "ensamples" for us per Apostle Paul in 1 Cor.10.

Will the devil try to tempt us to turn us? Yes, every day we live upon this earth. That mostly comes in the form of the things of this world, worries and cares that we shouldn't dwell on, wonderings that can cause doubt, influence of lusts of the flesh, etc.

Even methods of the practice of religion can get in the way by being used by the devil to tempt us. This is why we should never put our Faith in any Church building or religious organization of man, nor in any one except The Father and His Son by The Holy Spirit. It's a difficult walk, and we all are going have slip ups at times and need to repent. Our Lord knows all of this of course, and it should be quite obvious this struggle is why He gave us The New Covenant in His Blood, freeing us from reliance upon men and ceremonial worship for His Salvation.

But what do many do? They go right to the same things old Israel did in rebellion, following man's religion trying to outwardly appear holy, trusting some man with a bunch of credentials at the end of his name more than God's simple Word, turning the House of God into a place for festival parties, commerce, and a platform for other religions to come in and teach paganism.

I agree with what you say.

We must walk by the Spirit, not the flesh. Church is not a building with the word 'church' written on it. That is just too easy of a foolery!


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
Satan is being used as a rod of punishment upon the rebellious. In Isaiah 10 God used the title of the "Assyrian" as a symbolic name for him, as also in Ezek.31 and at the end of Isaiah 30. God calls him "the rod of Mine anger". Like a switch off a tree used for whipping, when the whipping is done it is thrown into the fire.
