Talking to the Lord about current events

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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
As Christians, we are supposed to being hearing from our Lord Jesus Christ via His Holy Spirit!!!! Hear O Israel is the foremost commandment, and his sheep hear His voice, and He never leaves us! So Today is the day we hear from Him, right?

And since it is written that we should take all thoughts captive to Jesus Christ, we as Christians are talking to Him about "current events", right?

Now I do this, but it often (almost always) does not turn out like I think. It turns out that His thoughts are not my thoughts, just like it is written in the Bible. And when I actually listen to Him I find out that many things (pretty much all) the things I thought were wrong in one way or another, but basically because His thoughts are "higher" than my thoughts.

For example; when I talk to Him about the war in Ukraine, He usually winds up telling me "that these things must happen." Wow, it turns out that He is like He is presented in the Bible:

Mat 24:6 “You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end.

Now He doesn't mind talking to me, even about it, but it is not something that He is nearly as concerned about as getting people to seek HIm and listen to Him. The reason for that is the solution to the problem is more important than the problem! Which is to say that if the people would have been talking to Him, then they wouldn't have the wars!! But because people don't talk to Him, we people not only have wars, death, destruction, and so much more. Therefore the solution is always the same - seek Him and talk to Him. Therefore He has me preaching the Word of God, and that to mean listening to Him!

So, what is happening on the college campuses Today? Of course that answer is the same, and that is that people are not listening to Him Today, of course!!

And it turned out to be a bit more interesting when I talk to Him about this issue - in that He quickly pointed out that is was appropriate that this happens on our college campuses! He reasoning was that a college is a place were students are taught! And so He seemed to feel that not being rebellious is a good thing to be taught at college!!

He seemed pretty calm as He explained that most people that got rebellious at college tended to learn that rebellion was not the best way. It made sense to me, because though I went to college in the early 1970's, I was still aware of all the protests that had happened that had happened with the Vietnam war shortly before. Most of those people got older and more reasonable, with many turning into good successful valuable people to our society. Now the Lord is very much against rebellion whenever I talk to Him, but He is also very much for training, teaching, and helping people with understanding! That doesn't mean He doesn't punish people, whether they know it or not. When the protests got out of hand, people still deserve the punishment they get. God sits people in authority. And Samuel explained that if His people would listen to Him and keep His commandments, then He would make sure the leader of them would also listen to Him!

So by looking at the current events and talking to the Lord, how are we doing as a nation Today? Do our leaders listen to Him or not? And who do we want as a leader Today? Do we want leaders who promote the rebellion?

It is not surprising that Christians in general tend to support one party of the other, but even then are we really listening to Him like we should - Today???

Are we even telling people to listen to Him by faith like we should?

Look, I know that the Lord our God, who is the God of Israel, and indeed God of all things, made promises in the past. Gaza currently sits on land that He gave to Israel, and He said that if the people there would serve them, then it would be fine with them. But I know that He also knew even back then that they were going to cause problems. He knows how listens to Him and who doesn't. And few people, even the Jews or us Christian who are grafted into the Jewish root listen to Him much. Yet He made the promise and He tends to bring about His promises and prophecies, whether we like it or not!

Wars, rumors of wars must happen because of the rebellion. So people need to know Him. That is what we need to focus on is it not?