The Coming Global Mandates of Evildoers - Ready for the Harvest?!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
You be one who must know that Anti-Semitic is a nonsense ! Think about it, the Arabs Islamic people are the Semitic people in fact !

Anyone who does not know this is a fact is not worthy !
You know that i am a Jew or that my forefathers were Jews but they became Christians, so i looked into all such things, Why ! well because i wanted to be informed on such subjects as i was really into such, even from 6yo i would ask and ask all the time what's this what's that but as to going in depth that was like pulling teeth !
I was only talking to idiots everywhere i went, the School was totally hopeless in regards to a education on such matters in depth and that was back in the 60's 70's sure i talked to people who were in WW2 and Jews with real true numbers on their arm.

I wanted to know in depth ! It lead me to seek about the Church and study the Bible intently and questioned everything in Bible study but that was full of lack of depth as well, as i was told to just believe ? how can i believe if i do not truly understand such, blind faith is not my cup of tea at all !

I had heard the story of what my Grand parents were going to do to their children, they were going to kill them all and themselves before the Nazis took over our Country ? So this was good reason for my seeking everything ! Who is who and who is truly who ? and what is truly the problem ! Do Goy think in depth, i think it must be surely not ?

As you are one who is bright on the subject and everyone that i know all my life could not give a rats about such in depth but for stupid foolish typical shallow dribble about Jews, that for the most is just only indoctrination and clearly not educated regarding such subjects in fact truly at all. that i am astounded of the majority's stance is just of a fool !

I remember talking to the old dudes who were in WW2 and they all would say, Better the Devil that you know, was their reason, that's what it all came down to why they were at War ? Devil indeed ! as the Devil is in the detail !
I think look out ! for idiots within our own Nations for all are not worthy people in fact as in my life i have came across many bad or real evil people who are an enemy in fact to all, as they will do anything to get wealthy etc they have a totally corrupt state of mind, nothing to do with race at all in fact ! as the Bible points this problem out in fact, for they are a product of Sin and they are Lost to this world and such morons disregard Christ Jesus, for they do not know him at all ! so such people go from bad to worse ?
Bad is just a idiot fool and many so called Christians are good for nothing dupes of their Religion totally blind and shallow worldly dupes ! who would bark on about a word they do not understand. like Anti-Semitic and go into a blind rage if anything goes nears such this Idol ? But 9 times out of 10 you will see the same moron, will take no regard if one was to mention Ant-Christ !
So i know directly that if one does not batter an eyelid at the mention of Anti-Christ, i know that they are not worthy of Christ Jesus in fact at all, for they are not Saved !
But if they play into the hands of having a spack attack regarding mention of Anti-Semite, then i know that they are total morons directly ! For the Semitic people are Arabs not Jews at all in fact but for a percentage are Semitic in fact !

Any one who has studied the Bible knows that the Jews came from only one Tribe of Semitic people in fact and then as you say the bastard Khazar Mob who are not worthy of being a Hebrew at all in fact !

People who idolise the Jews are of Satan in fact ! for they do not have a clue, i have seen religious dupes on the same page as any stupid Atheist moron on the issue ! They do not know anything that is worthy of Gods Hebrews in the Bible in fact ! They are not on the same page in fact and are clearly barking up the wrong tree !
Just as Jesus was having to deal with the every same issue and we still have the very same Lost people who are just like they were who attacked Jesus in fact !

Look at all who attack D. J. Trump. that is of the same spirit as they who killed Jesus, for they are on the same page, it's attack 24/7 relentless undermining, why because they have a evil spirit that is controlling them !
All such of an evil spirit only work to ramp up escalating and escalating, for they have to or they will become exposed if they do not !
Yes, they do not use this Anti-Semitic' trick on any Arabs, ever, because they would be laughed out of the room. The Arabs who know their history know these people in their lands are not the original Jews of the 1st century. And yet many in this West believe this lie.

It's a quote:

What do you think of this quote by former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni which can be loosely summarized as "Anti-semitism is a trick we use when people criticize Israel"?

and a comment:

"It's pretty much with what I've seen on various discussion boards, including this one. I always tell young people, that if they are going to oppose the policy of the government of Israel towards Palestinians, and support Palestinian independence they had better be prepared for accusations of anti-Semitism. It's just a tool in their box for shutting down the debate, because decent people don't like to be called anti-Semitic. It hasn't worked so far, and I doubt if it will work in the future."
Bob Metcalfe
Ex history teacher and historian. Author
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
This is so much nonsense. It is a word game you play. Anti-semite has a sense of the word you are denying, Jew hatred, prejudice and racism. Pivoting on religion and politics.

Regarding religion, Jesus was a Jew and from that perspective, it is really mind blowing that you don't honor the culture he came from in forming the Judeo-Christian religion. On top of that, the end times includes Jesus people coming to accept him as the Messiah. Because I want Jesus to return, I encourage Jesus' people to turn to Christ. I don't worship the Jewish people but I do relate to them as kindred spirits, both theologically and politically. Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, after-all.

There are many miracles reported in Gaza since Oct 7. And I started a thread about the miracle of Oct 7, itself. Absolutely fascinating to see prophecy fulfilled and the hand of God at work. I weep at Christiandom not having eyes to see or ears to hear.

Regarding politics, your prediction of them starting WWIII is pure paranoia in that Israel only comprises 0.4% of the world's population. What a global threat they are! IMO, WWIII is more likely to be caused by NATO provocative expansion involving Russia via Ukraine and China via Taiwan.
Why in the last 10 years or so that people say Judeo-Christian religion ? I never heard such ignorance before this nonsense came out as Christianity was Only called Christianity period !

Then i heard such total nonsense about the same time as this bastard Judeo-Christian rubbish was that the Jews are seen as our Elder Brothers ? how pathetic ! They are not our Elder Brother or such a thing at all.because they are more like the prodical Son in fact if anything ! For remember it's they who are lead astray in fact !
The Worthy Jews will come to Christ Jesus in time, but not all in fact ! for they are not worthy of Judaism in fact !

The biggest stumbling block to the Jews is the Talmud Whore in fact for anyone who supports such as the Talmud is a outright Bastard to God in fact ! It is the most evil Books that have ever been written in the history of man ! Totally stupid outright racial prejudice extremism that even exceeds that of Hitlers Nazis by far in fact and everything in the Talmud is totally Evil and this nonsense was the Key to all of the creation of the Communism and Nazi BS in fact !

The fact is that anyone who is looking forward to the second coming, is not Saved in fact ! that's why they seek the Hellfire that will come because they have reaped what they have Sown in fact, they bring it all on themselves because they are lost in fact !

When one is truly Saved in Christ Jesus you can never be un Saved in fact ! period !
What happens to the Saved in the Second Coming ? nothing because they are already Saved in fact and you can not be saved and then Saved again !
Even if a Saved is killed in the Hellfire created by Man, such as the Saved are Saved regardless and go to Heaven.

The Jews are not going to Heaven are they in fact ! As Christians it's our duty to try and bring all to Christ Jesus in fact, to save their Soul ! If we are jumping on the OT band wagon thinking we will be saved by the so called Jews who do not understand that Jesus is the Christ in fact ! Period ! The Jew must come to Christ Jesus Period ! no one can be truly saved outside of Christ Jesus in fact !
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Why in the last 10 years or so that people say Judeo-Christian religion ? I never heard such ignorance before this nonsense came out as Christianity was Only called Christianity period !

Then i heard such total nonsense about the same time as this bastard Judeo-Christian rubbish was that the Jews are seen as our Elder Brothers ? how pathetic ! They are not our Elder Brother or such a thing at all.because they are more like the prodical Son in fact if anything ! For remember it's they who are lead astray in fact !
The Worthy Jews will come to Christ Jesus in time, but not all in fact ! for they are not worthy of Judaism in fact !

The biggest stumbling block to the Jews is the Talmud Whore in fact for anyone who supports such as the Talmud is a outright Bastard to God in fact ! It is the most evil Books that have ever been written in the history of man ! Totally stupid outright racial prejudice extremism that even exceeds that of Hitlers Nazis by far in fact and everything in the Talmud is totally Evil and this nonsense was the Key to all of the creation of the Communism and Nazi BS in fact !

The fact is that anyone who is looking forward to the second coming, is not Saved in fact ! that's why they seek the Hellfire that will come because they have reaped what they have Sown in fact, they bring it all on themselves because they are lost in fact !

When one is truly Saved in Christ Jesus you can never be un Saved in fact ! period !
What happens to the Saved in the Second Coming ? nothing because they are already Saved in fact and you can not be saved and then Saved again !
Even if a Saved is killed in the Hellfire created by Man, such as the Saved are Saved regardless and go to Heaven.

The Jews are not going to Heaven are they in fact ! As Christians it's our duty to try and bring all to Christ Jesus in fact, to save their Soul ! If we are jumping on the OT band wagon thinking we will be saved by the so called Jews who do not understand that Jesus is the Christ in fact ! Period ! The Jew must come to Christ Jesus Period ! no one can be truly saved outside of Christ Jesus in fact !
Their Talmud is an abomination and is very Anti-Christian
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Yes, they do not use this Anti-Semitic' trick on any Arabs, ever, because they would be laughed out of the room. The Arabs who know their history know these people in their lands are not the original Jews of the 1st century. And yet many in this West believe this lie.

It's a quote:

What do you think of this quote by former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni which can be loosely summarized as "Anti-semitism is a trick we use when people criticize Israel"?

and a comment:

"It's pretty much with what I've seen on various discussion boards, including this one. I always tell young people, that if they are going to oppose the policy of the government of Israel towards Palestinians, and support Palestinian independence they had better be prepared for accusations of anti-Semitism. It's just a tool in their box for shutting down the debate, because decent people don't like to be called anti-Semitic. It hasn't worked so far, and I doubt if it will work in the future."

Bob Metcalfe
Bob Metcalfe
Ex history teacher and historian. Author
Even the Jews in Israel get called Anti-Semites by other Jews ! it's just another low life tactic that is just used to shut them or anyone down.
It works a treat !

Just call out Anti-Semite out of the blue anywhere and see what happens, get ready for the morons that are ready to go to town and fight ! Just call out Anti-Christ out of the blue anywhere and see such fall on deaf ears totally ! they could not care less ! talk about morons ! we will be heading for the Hellfire that evil has created for sure !

Only Atheist make claims of Anti-Semitic in fact ! why well it's because such comes from an Atheist position in fact, Why is that in fact, well because in regards to true Christianity, Race is not the issue in fact ! And anyone who claims a race card is a total dip stick who clearly knows jack about Christ Jesus !
The Issue is about Sin ! and one who is not truly born again is just like them who attacked Jesus in fact, for they are of this world that Jesus said was full of delusions and deceptions. That is the Key to understand this world and all of the people who are lost.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Their Talmud is an abomination and is very Anti-Christian
Sadly it's the so called Christians that are a issue, just as they who call themselves Jews that are not worthy of the OT in fact !

I have seen Christian Churches come crashing down with no real regard for Christ Jesus in the last 10 years they have turned their backs totally on Christ Jesus ! because they are full on abiding in this world and on a socialist quest !
Look at that blight Pope Francis the total moron can not even say the words Christ Jesus ! for he may offend some blighted morons. Sure he does say such when he has to, when he can not do so. What a blight !
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Sadly it's the so called Christians that are a issue, just as they who call themselves Jews that are not worthy of the OT in fact !

I have seen Christian Churches come crashing down with no real regard for Christ Jesus in the last 10 years they have turned their backs totally on Christ Jesus ! because they are full on abiding in this world and on a socialist quest !
Look at that blight Pope Francis the total moron can not even say the words Christ Jesus ! for he may offend some blighted morons. Sure he does say such when he has to, when he can not do so. What a blight !
If you or I were to do some extensive research on the movers and shakers in society, yesterday and today, and I have for good reasons, it will be NO coincidence to find that these persons are by far those calling or hiding they are these self-styled Jews, these so-called Zionists.

Many are high ranking masons and most are Luciferians, pseudo-Jews of a Babylonian wicked pagan race of the early Scythians and other wandering tribes who settled in today's SE Ukraine. Ironic that this is where most of the Russo-Ukraine conflict is located today.

Anyway, just view this short list: Hungarian George Soros and his clan, Rothschilds of course, Elon Musk the South African, a crypto-Jew, the head of the WEF Swab face, Bill Gates, the faker and robber of Windows, and the new VAX and digital ID fanatic king. The heads of 90% of the VAX and drug companies, the richest man and in control many other companies by far, Black Rock's, Larry Fink. Those in charge of nearly all Central Banks in the world,

A family of these thugs control Hollywood today and did from its early beginnings. They literally stole Edison's invention of the moving frames-picture device/camera and called it their own. That is how Hollywood got its start. Hollywood, born out of a desire to avoid Edison’s intellectual property claims . Edison had legal rights (patents) to his invention at that time. They fled to the West coast before 1913 because Edison was in New Jersey.
"I am experimenting upon an instrument which does for the eye what the phonograph does for the ear, which is the recording and reproduction of things in motion ...."
--Thomas A. Edison, 1888

The invention of the Kinetograph (a motion picture camera) and the Kinetoscope (a peep-hole motion picture viewer). Most of this work was performed by Edison's assistant, William Kennedy Laurie Dickson, beginning in 1888.

Thomas Edison Drove the Film Industry to California​

By Dan Lewis | Sep 29, 2022, 3:54 PM EDT​

Getty Images/Erin McCarthy

Getty Images/Erin McCarthy / Getty Images/Erin McCarthy

Now to be fair there is an old rumor that is mostly hidden today that Edison stole this moving picture invention and murdered the inventor in the process..?

Louis Le Prince invented the motion picture camera in 1888. Then he vanished​

By Sophie Kesteven and Julie Street for Late Night Live
Posted Tue 14 Mar 2023 at 2:00pmTuesday 14 Mar 2023 at 2:00pm
Single lens camera

Louis Le Prince's daughter pictured admiring her father's invention, a single lens camera, in 1915.(Getty: Hulton Archive)

Back to these people again....These people also own virtually all printed news and major/popular magazines in the world today.

And beneath or 'below' these types Anti-Christians are the selected non-pseudo-Jews who think they have a spot in the inner circle or table, as George Carlin used to say. These are the visible faces for those at the top of this food chain, the useful idiots for now...



Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
As long as light filled believers exist on earth there will always be pointing to God. Continue to reach and teach people a try to live a life full of days served unto Yahavah. This world ain’t going no where, even if it tries to destroy itself. Even the creation speaks of Yahavah.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
As long as light filled believers exist on earth there will always be pointing to God. Continue to reach and teach people a try to live a life full of days served unto Yahavah. This world ain’t going no where, even if it tries to destroy itself. Even the creation speaks of Yahavah.
I agree with the first part, although I do not wager or gamble that this earth will yet again be recreated as new terra ferma. There will be no longer any physical earth in the end, imo.

As someone once said, in order for the earth to be completely absent of evil again, all traces of it fallen evil history must also be removed completely. That means even all remains of extinct creatures in the earth, like the dinosaurs' record for starters.

I do not believe this earth will become again a planetary fixer upper as it once was before. This will not do for God, his angels and his new human immortals as Christ is the head, of sinless beings of a new earth and new heavenlies.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
As I said before you are in this too deep in this lie. These are not the Jews even of Christ's time today. And you will come back and say its all nonsense.

We agree that one of us has succumbed to a lie. The difference is, you are blind to the hate the lie you have succumbed to has produced. Use of the term "these people" drip with contempt.

Please explain this paranoia. What would be the motive for millions of people to pretend for generations to be Jewish who actually live in Israel, practice the Jewish religion and speak the Jewish language, enduring world wide hate with the goal of Muslims to destroy them using violence all the time?

Honor the culture of who and from where? These people borrowed and stole the customs and inventions of many people over the centuries. They do not have a real traditional culture.

Honor the tradition our Lord came from, which is Jewish from Israel.

Western Civilization, of which the modern Jewish State is a part, is great in part precisely because they took the best parts of other cultures. This has been vilified in recent decades with such terms as 'cultural appropriation' but as you guessed, I call it pure nonsense.

Western Civilization culture is derived from Judeo-Christian religion, Roman law, Greek mythology and architecture, British trade and American ingenuity, etc. The Jewish culture is even more ancient, organically adopting from many cultures that affected it.

Just out of curiosity, what culture meets your standard of real that did not borrow or "steal" customs and inventions of many people over the centuries? Who today is not using Edison lightbulbs, Westinghouse electricity, Bill Gates & Steve Jobs computers, Ford derived cars? I've never come across a man so insightful in who God is and who his son is, yet so blinded by hate and lies of the Jewish people. You are being redirected...

You are routing for the wrong Jew. The ones you are speaking of and of Christ all died out, by divine plan. Killed, became slaves and assimilated into the nations centuries ago. Many became Christians. There was no Law and Pharisaic teaching of it anymore.

In Benjamin Netanyahu's book, Bibi, he delved into the history of the modern Jewish State and listed miracle after miracle. One was the work of his Father and his Father's friend who kept the Jewish language from becoming extinct in the early 20th century - before the Holocaust.

You invoke another hate-filled lie. I am NOT speaking of people who all died out for they live in Israel today by the millions! I personally believe another miracle is how God blessed them with the highest IQ on Earth.

Why in the last 10 years or so that people say Judeo-Christian religion ?
Because one came from the other. See OT. Jesus exists in only one form, the Jewish Messiah.

One cannot understand too much of what Jesus said without understanding the Jewish religion and language. For instance, his dying words on the cross about his God forsaking him come from Psalm 22. When he talked about not coming to abolish the law, he's not talking politics but the Books of Moses. The same ting when Paul explains we are not saved by the Law but by Grace.

At least 4/5 of the Bible is Jewish (OT). And every author of the Bible is Jewish, with the possible exception of Luke. This explains why people say Judeo-Christian. Christianity did not pop into existence divorced from the culture around it - Jewish language, religion, history and customs.

I'm glad you asked but that term is much older than 10 years. According to this article, the term originated in 1821.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States

Another common Israeli 'Miracle' in Gaza------------

Israel Opens Fire On Crowd Of 1,000 Gazans Waiting For Food, Killing Over 100 – CNN Calls Massacre A ‘Chaotic Incident’​

by Kelen McBreen
February 29th 2024, 2:31 pm

IDF claims troops were in danger as crowd rushed towards supplies


Mainstream media and the Israeli military were lambasted online Thursday after Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers shot into a huge crowd of Palestinians and CNN downplayed the massacre as a “chaotic incident.”

A CNN headline reads, “At least 100 killed and 700 injured in chaotic incident where IDF opened fire as people waited for food in Gaza, Palestinian officials say.”

The current toll being reported by the press is 104 deaths and 760 injuries.

The numbers came from the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza and have yet to be verified.
However, an Israeli official did confirm to CNN that IDF troops fired live rounds on people surrounding an aid truck, claiming “the crowd approached the forces in a manner that posed a threat to the troops, who responded to the threat with live fire.”

The death count is expected to rise as the street where the attack took place is said to be littered with bodies emergency crews cannot get to due to rubble blocking the way.

The footage below claims to show the moment IDF opened fire on the civilians, according to Al Jazeera Arabic.

Many people slammed Israel and the media on .

“It’s called genocide, not a ‘chaotic incident,’” wrote Lebanese journalist Sarah Abdallah.

She also claimed the president of Colombia declared the murders an example of “genocide” by Israel.

The Joe Biden White House called the killings “alarming,” but as journalist Glenn Greenwald accurately points out, the bombs and bullets used against the Palestinians were paid for by the U.S. government.

U.N. Special Rapporteur on the right to food Michael Fakhri said this isn’t the first time IDF has shot at Palestinians trying to access food, telling Democracy Now it appears as if Israel is trying to intentionally starve the millions of people living in Gaza.

This might be a turning point in the deadly conflict as millions of people across the globe are praying for it to end.

------------------------------------------------------another miracle in Gaza for the heathens---------------------


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States

Lara Logan - Soros' Commie NGO's Slander & Intimidate Journalists

February 29, 2024


"These nonprofits that I'm talking about are part of a vast censorship network that includes government agencies. They use deception to mask their actions with lofty goals like preventing the spread of misinformation, disinformation hate speech...The media is collaborating with government agencies and operatives to censor and shape the information battlefield to justify certain actions."

"Edward Gray in 1914, at the beginning of the First World War, he said, "The lamps are going out all over Europe. We shall not see them lit again in our lifetime". We are once again watching the lights of freedom go out. They're going out here and all over the world and it is up to us to determine if they will be lit again ever.

Lara Logan outs Corporate Media-Government Collusion

by Lara Logan
(Abridged by

We as journalists should stand together united and regardless of politics,
we should fight for the truth and we should fight for freedom. Yet not very long ago, we allowed one of our own Tucker Carlson to be branded as a traitor simply for doing his job. In fact, there were many, so-called journalists who were leading the charge against Tucker, accusing him of treason for the simple fact of interviewing the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. And to my knowledge, there was not a single legacy media institution that spoke up.

This was more than a politically motivated attack on one man. It was a betrayal of the most sacred principles of a free press. And my media colleagues know this to be true no matter what they say. My fear is that they either no longer care or that they lack the moral courage to be honest, including with themselves. I have worked at the highest levels of the media as a full-time correspondent for 60 Minutes, chief Foreign correspondent for CBS News, chief Foreign Affairs correspondent for CBS News. That was my home for 16 years. And as a journalist, I have sat down with world leaders, mass murderers and terrorists, and I have held people on both sides of the aisle accountable.

I have seen suffering and I have faced evil, and I have walked through the fires of hell on distant battlefields. I faced my own death at the hands of a mob of some 200 men in Egypt when I was gang raped and sodomized and beaten almost to death while on assignment for 60 minutes.


... In America and all over the world, media companies, institutions, and journalism schools have failed all of us. And for too long we have allowed nonprofit organizations to masquerade as nonpartisan media watchdogs, when in fact they are a little more than highly paid political propagandists and assassins, whose entire reason for being is to crush anyone who stands in their way.

And along with them, the long held and cherished ideas of free speech, free thinking, and free minds. This is a blood sport for them. Their political allies and their puppet masters. They know how to kill a journalist without murdering them. We call it cancel culture. In truth, it is a death sentence and they get away with it because they have information dominance. Some are strong enough to survive, but only a few like Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carlson, Matt Taibbi, only a few like them are able to reach greater heights and thrive.

These nonprofits that I'm talking about are part of a vast censorship network that includes government agencies. They use deception to mask their actions with lofty goals like preventing the spread of misinformation, disinformation hate speech. They use phrases like protecting democracy. And make no mistake, words matter. The media is collaborating with government agencies and operatives to censor and shape the information battlefield to justify certain actions.

For example, when the president of the United States threatens the unvaccinated saying his patience is wearing thin and accuses them of putting communities at risk, his words are designed to justify hatred, censorship, and intimidation. And when the Vice President compares January 6th to 9-11 and Pearl Harbor, it is a predicate to silence the opposition and justify the weaponization of the justice system.

We are already witnessing another shaping operation to influence the outcome of the 2024 election this time with the false claim that if one side wins, it'll be the end of democracy. This lie contrived to ensure a particular outcome and to sabotage free speech. Yet again, overseas taxpayer funds from hardworking Americans are being doled out by contractors under the Office of Transition Initiatives at USAID or the State Department Bureau, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. These contractors, many of them ideological zealots, who are not even US government officials often make over a quarter million dollars a year and are outside the reach senators like yourself and committees like this.

They hand out taxpayer dollars to programs that are shaped by highly partisan NGOs who hide behind terms like interreligious dialogue, when in fact they are funding Muslim schools that train Islamic terrorists like they did in Malaysia. Another example is Humanist International. Through them, the State Department is funding atheism grants that actively cultivate an atheist advocacy network in Nepal. This is not just to attack religion and manipulate foreign politics. It is an attack on free speech, faith and God. While propaganda and censorship are not new, technology means unprecedented power and reach in the hands of a few companies like Facebook, Instagram, and Google. As you have heard many times today, they have been allowed to amass monopoly power. And as a result, they not only reach billions of people across the world every second of the day, they have absolute control over what we see and what we hear. Imagine those tools in the hands of Lenin, Stalin, Mao or Hitler.


Yes. I'm reporting the truth about Benghazi. I was attacked by one of those NGOs that masquerades as a nonpartisan watchdog in violation of its 501c3 status. It occupies a highly partisan position. I'm talking about Media Matters for America. I'm sure there are many doctors in this room, scientists who've been attacked by the same people, the same people that run that - David Brock, for example.

And another political assassin now runs an organization called Facts First, USA, which is designed to make sure that your research, Dr. (Sabin) Hazan never reaches the people or the public. There are other organizations like Defeat Disinformation, which claims to be a PAC that goes after disinformation, particularly set up to target Covid. And throughout Covid with General Stanley McChrystal and the other people that advise that organization. But what Senator Johnson, it's not a secret that these organizations exist. What is not widely known and talked about is that it's paid for by us.

It's paid for by the taxpayers in your omnibus spending bills that get shoved through the House and the Senate against the will of the people of this country. There are cutouts for these NGOs, and what they do is they launder this money. They pass it from one NGO to the next, and in the name of preventing the spread of disinformation, they censor silence, intimidate, and punish.

I said that this is a death sentence for journalists. It's how you murder a journalist without killing them. It's how you murder a scientist without killing them. It's how you murder a doctor without killing them. It's how you murder the vaccine injured when they haven't died yet. It's how you finish them off and everybody else in their family...

So, it's time now for us to stop taking taxpayer funds to slit our own throats.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
I agree with the first part, although I do not wager or gamble that this earth will yet again be recreated as new terra ferma. There will be no longer any physical earth in the end, imo.
Is it hard to just let God be one’s life source, at the age you are now can you tell me from your experience?

I don’t think we will need all the materials after here.
As someone once said, in order for the earth to be completely absent of evil again, all traces of it fallen evil history must also be removed completely. That means even all remains of extinct creatures in the earth, like the dinosaurs' record for starters.
It would be senseless to destroy a world reconciled to God.
I do not believe this earth will become again a planetary fixer upper as it once was before. This will not do for God, his angels and his new human immortals as Christ is the head, of sinless beings of a new earth and new heavenlies.
Idk if we will see material or just live with God in the spiritual aspects. I can’t say for sure some have the hope of having a new material body but I just don’t see it personally due to my hope is to go and live with Yahavah.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States

The Latest | Gaza death toll tops 30,000 as over 100 killed in aid convoy violence​


Palestinians mourn their relatives killed in the Israeli bombardments of the Gaza Strip in front of the morgue of the Al Aqsa Hospital in Deir al Balah, on Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024. Credit: AP/Adel Hana

By The Associated Press
Updated February 29, 2024 8:14 pm

More than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed and over 70,000 wounded in the Gaza Strip since the Israel's war on Hamas began nearly five months ago, health officials in the territory said.
On Thursday, Palestinian witnesses say Israeli troops opened fire on a crowd of people scrambling for aid in Gaza City. More than 100 people were killed and at least 700 wounded, according to Palestinian witnesses and Gaza's Health Ministry.
Israel said many of the dead were trampled in a chaotic stampede for the food aid and that its troops only fired when they felt endangered by the crowd.

Israel's war against Hamas has created a humanitarian catastrophe throughout the Gaza Strip and devastation in northern areas like Gaza City, which are largely cut off from the rest of the territory with little aid entering.
The U.N. says a quarter of Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinians face starvation; around 80% have fled their homes.

The war began after Hamas-led militants stormed across southern Israel on Oct. 7, killing 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and taking about 250 others hostage.

— Israel-Hamas war brings painful memories for Argentine Jewish community long after 1994 bombing
— Palestinian-American woman who faces trial in Israeli military court is released on bail
— Aid groups appeal to the EU to release urgent funds for Palestinian refugee agency
— Journalism leaders express support for media covering the war

Lovely picture and the smell of victory. What hateful people! Can you picture yourself with these loving people?

Israeli female soldiers pose for a photo on a position on the Gaza Strip border, in southern Israel, Monday, Feb. 19, 2024. Israel and Hamas are inching toward a new deal that would free some of the roughly 130 hostages held in the Gaza Strip in exchange for a weeks-long pause in the war, now in its fifth month. A deal would bring some respite to desperate people in Gaza, who have borne a staggering toll in the war, as well as to the anguished families of hostages taken during Hamas' Oct. 7 attack that sparked the war. Credit: AP/Tsafrir Abayov
— Find more of AP’s coverage at Israel-Hamas war | Breaking News & Live Updates.

Here's the latest:
UNITED NATIONS — Arab nations have failed to get immediate support for a U.N. Security Council statement that would have blamed Israeli forces for opening fire at Palestinians waiting for the delivery of food and other humanitarian aid near Gaza City and killing over 100 people.

Witnesses said Israeli troops fired on a large crowd of Palestinians racing to pull food off an aid convoy on Thursday. More than 100 people were killed in the chaos, bringing the death toll since the start of the Israel-Hamas war to over 30,000, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian U.N. ambassador, told reporters after an emergency closed council meeting on the killings late Thursday that 14 of the 15 council members supported the statement put forward by Algeria, the Arab representative on the body.
The United States didn’t support the statement and U.S. deputy ambassador Robert Wood told a reporter who questioned why, “We don’t have all the facts on the ground – that’s the problem.”

He said there are contradictory reports and the U.S. is trying to gather all the facts, including on the “circumstances around how people died” which is a key issue.

Wood said diplomats were working “to see if we can find some language that everyone can agree on,” and an agreement could come Thursday night or not at all.

UNITED NATIONS – The Palestinian ambassador to the U.N. is accusing Israel of “deliberately and systematically” targeting a humanitarian convoy, saying according to his information dozens of the 112 Palestinians killed were shot in the head. Let that sink in for bit....

Riyad Mansour told reporters ahead of a closed emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council late Thursday afternoon that according to his information every few days trucks with humanitarian supplies including flour, sugar and other basic necessities traveled to the same place in northern Gaza to give desperately needed help to Palestinians in need.

He said the trucks did the same thing earlier Thursday, and thousands of Palestinians were there. “And then all of a sudden, the Israel army started firing at them and shooting, and according to the information that we have, dozens of them have bullets in their heads,” he said. There has been no independent confirmation of this claim.

“It’s not like, you know, firing in the sky to restrain people if there was confusion and chaos,” Mansour said. “It was intentionally targeting and killing, and the number that we have now is 112 have been killed and the number is increasing, and 750 injured, and possibly the number would be increasing.”

Mansour said he met U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield and implored her to support a U.N. Security Council statement condemning the killings and urging that those responsible be found and held accountable.

UNITED NATIONS — U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is “appalled” that 30,000 people have been killed by the war in Gaza and condemned Thursday's killing of more than a hundred people seeking life-saving aid, his spokesperson said.

Witnesses say Israeli troops fired on a large crowd of Palestinians racing to pull food off an aid convoy in Gaza City on Thursday. More than 100 people were killed in the chaos, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.
U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters this was not a U.N. convoy and “there was no U.N. presence there,” so it is trying to determine the facts.

“These people died because humanitarian aid has not been able to be delivered in a safe manner,” Dujarric said. Whether they died or were wounded by Israeli gunfire, were crushed by a crowd or run over by trucks, “these are all acts of violence in a sense due to this conflict.”
Dujarric said the United Nations hasn’t been able to deliver aid to northern Gaza for more than a week because of the ongoing conflict and lack of safety for humanitarian staff and the people receiving aid.

“We want to see an immediate humanitarian cease-fire so that we can distribute aid in an organized, predictable and safe manner which is currently not an option for us,” he said.

Guterres reiterated his call for an immediate humanitarian cease-fire and release of all hostages taken captive during Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack in southern Israel, Dujarric said.

BERLIN — Germany will increase its humanitarian aid for Gaza by 20 million euros, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said Thursday night. She called on Israel to “immediately” allow more aid into Gaza and make sure that aid can also be distributed.

Baerbock added that if not enough aid was able to get into Gaza by trucks, Germany would cooperate with Jordan to airlift aid into Gaza.
Her statement didn’t specify the total amount of aid Germany has promised for Gaza. The website of the German Foreign Office says it has given 138 million euros of humanitarian aid since Oct. 7 to the Palestinian Territories, which would include aid for the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

WASHINGTON — The chairman of the Senate’s armed services committee has asked President Joe Biden to deploy a military hospital ship and support units to treat Gaza’s wounded and help establish a sea route for delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Chairman Jack Reed, a Rhode Island Democrat, made the request in a letter to the White House Wednesday night. Sen. Angus King, a political independent from Maine and another senior member of the armed services committee, joined in the request.

Despite U.S. appeals to Israel, Gaza residents trapped in the conflict between Israel and Hamas continue to suffer without adequate medical care, food and other aid, the senators said.

“Consequently, we urge you to take additional steps to deliver humanitarian aid by deploying a U.S. Navy hospital ship and support elements to the region and by working with the Israeli and Egyptian governments to establish maritime logistics routes and ensure civilian access to aid,” the senators wrote.

The two acknowledged the risks but said the U.S. military was best-equipped to handle them. The deployments “would bring immense capacity to bear off the coast of the Gaza strip.” they wrote the White House. “It would be a visible embodiment of America’s commitment to the humanitarian challenges of the region.”

The U.S. has two dedicated hospital ships, the USNS Mercy and USNS Comfort. Each has a suite of advanced medical facilities, including scores of intensive care unit beds, blood banks and operating rooms.

-----------continued below---------------


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Feb 4, 2018
United States
WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden said Thursday that a deal to pause fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza and release some hostages held by the militant group would “probably” not be done by Monday. His comments at the White House came days after he said he hoped to have an agreement in place by the end of the upcoming weekend.

“Hope springs eternal,” Biden told reporters on the South Lawn before departing for Texas, where he is to visit the U.S.-Mexico border. “I was on the telephone with people from the region. Probably not by Monday, but I’m hopeful.”

The White House later said the president had spoken by phone Thursday with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi and Qatar’s emir, Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani. The calls focused on the war in Gaza and cease-fire negotiations, as well as plans to get more humanitarian aid into the besieged territory.

Biden and the two leaders emphasized in their calls how “the release of hostages would result in an immediate and sustained cease-fire in Gaza over a period of at least six weeks,” a White House statement said.

Biden also said the U.S. was still trying to determined what happened in Gaza City on Thursday, where witnesses say Israeli troops fired on a large crowd of Palestinians racing to pull food off an aid convoy. Biden said the loss of life would complicate ongoing talks to free hostages and pause fighting between Israel and Hamas.

“We’re checking it out right now,” Biden told reporters. “There’s two competing versions of what happened. I don’t have an answer yet.”
JERUSALEM — Two Israelis were killed in a Palestinian shooting attack at a gas station in the occupied West Bank on Thursday, the Israeli military said.

The Israeli military said one attacker was killed after opening fire at the gas station near the Jewish settlement of Eli, and that Israeli forces were searching the area for additional suspects.

Paramedics pronounced a 57-year-old man and another in his 20s dead at the scene, one in a vehicle and another nearby, the Magen David Adom medical agency said in a statement. It said a civilian shot and killed the attacker.

BEIRUT — Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan’s foreign ministries condemned Israel for its forces firing on a large crowd of Palestinians trying to get aid in northern Gaza, which the three Arab governments called an attack targeting civilians.

The three foreign ministries in separate statements called for increased safe passages to deliver humanitarian aid and for the international community to take decisive action to pressure Israel to abide by international law and to reach an agreement for an immediate ceasefire.


TEL AVIV, Israel — Israeli officials have acknowledged that troops opened fire on a large crowd of Palestinians who had converged on an aid convoy as it entered northern Gaza.

The officials insisted on anonymity to give details about what happened early Thursday. They said troops opened fire after the crowd approached the soldiers in a threatening way.

Gaza’s Health Ministry says 104 people were killed and 760 wounded. Palestinian witnesses told The Associated Press that troops shot at the crowd and a tank opened fire.

The Israeli military said in a statement that “dozens were killed and injured from pushing, trampling and being run over by the trucks.”
The military also circulated aerial footage showing hundreds of people crowding around trucks, saying it showed that the deaths and injuries were caused by the crowd itself. It was not clear from the footage if anyone was being trampled.

It was not clear from the footage if anyone was being trampled. Because they systematically lie!!


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Feb 4, 2018
United States
This article here, below, is from a rabbi of a type of modern pseudo-Jew who practices 'Judaism,' and Christ would never recognize this rabbi of today as part of his his common people and culture. I know, you want so desperately to believe in and bring back those Jews that were deliberately destroyed by God by 70 AD. God's remnant faded amongst the nations, and they became Christians. End of story. They do not exist today, period.

So these J-C values, traditions that many consider sacred is a pure hoax as much as the term 'Anti-Semitism'. The J-C trick term was readapted from the words of a missionary in the 1820s, and then redefined and established, solely for political purposes in the 1930s and on. They had no interest in what God might think of it and nor did they care.

In many ways I agree with this author, And in other ways, as I have bolded the areas, it reveals what I've already said that these Jews, including this rabbi, with his OWN WORDS partially reveal they are not of the same blood or spirit of the remnant of Judeans left by God in the 1st Century. These Judeans died off by the end of the 1st century.

And from his positive view of the LBTQ + crowd I doubt this rabbi actually believes in the God of Abraham, and possessing any spirit of God.

This article drifts off topic quite a bit into his discussion of his Judaism..

----------------the entire article, 100% intact---------------

Stop Saying “Judeo-Christian Values”​

APR 28, 2021, 10:51 PM

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It has become more and more common that politicians, religious leaders, and laypeople discuss America through this lens, such as stating “America was founded & grew strong on a bedrock of Judeo-Christian values.”

There’s a few major issues with statements like this. The first, which I think may be one of the more important in our political climate is that America was not founded on a “Judeo-Christian” value system:

“The ‘Judeo-Christian tradition’ was one of 20th-century America’s greatest political inventions. An ecumenical marketing meme for combatting godless communism, the catchphrase long did the work of animating American conservatives in the Cold War battle. For a brief time, canny liberals also embraced the phrase as a rhetorical pathway of inclusion into postwar American democracy for Jews, Catholics, and Black Americans. In a world divided by totalitarianism abroad and racial segregation at home, the notion of a shared American religious heritage promised racial healing and national unity.”

Similar to the adding of “Under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance in the mid 20th century, the original narrative and reason has been washed away in place of a revisionist idea that it was always there (it wasn’t.) More recently, the term “Judeo-Christian” has been used specifically as an exclusionary device against other religions, “most often used to draw a line between imagined Christian values and a perceived (but false) threat of Muslim immigration,” as a colleague of mine explained so succinctly:

“Judeo-Christian” isn’t a thing. It a) positions Jews & Christians against Muslims, is Islamophobic b) elides Christian oppression & murder of Jews over more than 1000 years & c) ignores Jewish civilization worldwide & facts of key Jewish developments in Middle East & N Africa.

Indeed, the term “Judeo-Christian” has been used to isolate and discriminate against Islam, while those supporting it seem to forget that “Jews have been systematically excluded from and terrorised by states that claim this Judeo-Christian foundation.”

Unfortunately, the term, misguided as it is, has become a “dog-whistle” by the use of the Religious Right, in that The phrase appears with regularity in rhetorical attacks on Islam and the progressive left, in attempts to restrict immigration and LGBTQ rights, and in arguments in favor of religious freedom that would collapse the wall of separation between Church and state.

In other words, this term, which has a misunderstood origin (originally “a word for Jewish converts to Christianity”), has been weaponized to discriminate against those of Muslim origin as well as any other minorities that don’t fit to a particular interpretation of the Bible.

This argument came up in the past few years when “Biblical Literacy” bills came about in the United States, with Right-winged politicians attempting to have the Bible taught in public schools.

Just as the term “Judeo-Christian” is a loaded term with hidden agendas, so is the idea of teaching the Bible in schools:
Hebrew and Greek, as stated above, contain many ambiguities, but translators do not. Rather, they frequently push their subconscious or conscious agendas on the reader by choosing meanings of words that fit their theologies….Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, Bahai, and many others would be subjected to a very particular “Bible literacy,” meaning a Christian interpretation of the words of the Bible by Christian translators, with Christian theology packed into the choices of the words on the pages.

It was clear, right away to Jews at least, that teaching Bible in public schools meant teaching Christianity in schools, just as it is clear that those politicians who weaponize the word “Judeo-Christian” mean, simply, Christian values. The truth of the matter, ironically, is that Christianity exactly what Judeo-Christian means, but not for the reason the politicians would like. Despite the long history of prejudice, anti-communistic, and minority suppressing uses of the term, what is most important is that there actually no such thing as “Judeo-Christian” values. Why? Well mostly because:

---------------continued below---------------


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Jesus was a (brown-skinned, Middle Eastern) Jew, but his followers were not. Jews changed their liturgy to be clear about that differentiation pretty early. And guess what? Judaism has continued to evolve since the Second Temple was destroyed!

To put it simply, Judaism and Christianity, while holding on to parts of each other when the latter came to be, soon began to evolve completely differently in the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE. As we discussed in previous chapters, cultic and Biblical Judaism changed dramatically when the 2nd Temple was destroyed, and began to transform under the guise of the rabbis, with documents such as the Mishnah, Talmud, and Midrash. While this was happening, Christians began writing the Gospels, the New Testament, and canon scripture, building between Jews and Christians “separate paths of the last 1900 or more years.”

So what does this mean? Quite simply, the values inside Biblical Judaism were (and are) interpreted through a Jewish lens by the rabbis, the books of law and interpretation, and finally into law codes and responsa that now form Modern Judaism.

Parallel to this were the values that Christians interpreted from Biblical Judaism focusing on their theological ideas, such as, for instance, the typological predictions of Jesus, and seeing the laws and stories of the “Old Testament” through the lens of a “new” one. In other words, there never were any Jewish-Christian values, nor can there ever be, because as soon as the Jesus movement began in the 1st century CE, the followers of Jesus began to rework and reinterpret Jewish values into their own. Now, one might ask, “what about the moral statutes in Judaism and Christianity that we can bond together?”

These are perfect examples. Let us take one of the more simple and well known commandments of the Torah, “You shall not murder.” This commandment, which occurs in the “decalogue” in Exodus 20 and in its similar retelling in Deuteronomy 5 is a wonderful place to start. For one, most Jews and Christians alike have mistranslated the Hebrew to be “You shall not kill,” which is incorrect as “killing” is a prescribed punishment for countless sins in the Torah and elsewhere.

But more to our discussion, most laypeople would argue that both the Jewish and Christian “value” is to not murder. However, those doing so make a critical error in theology, particularly that of the reason for morality, the reason to not murder. In Christian theology, sinning has a specific punishment (Hell), and in some cases a specific remedy (forgiveness), but in Judaism there is no such system:

Jews do not believe in a God who would use “hell” as an incentive to make them moral. Jews are moral because that is the proper way to live. Unlike “fear,” this is a fine incentive…Further, we deny hell altogether as barbaric and contrary to the nature of God.

Therefore, while Jews and Christians follow the law to “not murder,” it is for different reasons, and thus different values are placed behind the following of that law. This is the same for all “laws” and “values” found in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament (and beyond). Jews and Christians may want the same things at times, but for different reasons.

Let us revisit this idea through a more positive commandment, which has come to be known as the “golden rule.” When interpreting the Levitical commandment of “Love your neighbor,” Jesus, according to the Gospel of Matthew, states, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”

As a scholar and charismatic teacher, we are right to assume that Jesus most likely was aware of the Jewish teachings of his time and before, including the words of a famous Rabbi, Hillel, who, a generation earlier when challenged by a gentile to summarize the Torah while he stood on one foot, stated, “what is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow, that is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation, go and learn it”.

These words are recorded in the Mishnah, ,as we have said, a rabbinic text of collected teachings dating from the 1st century BCE to the 2nd century CE. It is not surprising, then, that Jesus, being aware of the literature of his day, was moved by Hillel’s words, “what is hateful to you do not do to your fellow,” and sought to rewrite it in the form of the affirmative. While this can be taken as a wonderful example of similarities in Judaism and Christianity, one that I personally have used to build bridges of dialogue, it should not be forgotten what the context of the two texts are, and what agenda the two teachers are interpreted to have. In the Gospel of Matthew, the context is as follows:

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Whereas, the context for Hillel which occurs in the Talmud, Tractate Shabbat 31a is:
Another time a non-Jew came before Shammai and said, “I will convert if you can teach me the entire Torah while I stand on one foot.” Shammai pushed the non-Jews aside with the ruler that was in his hand. The non-Jew came before Hillel and Hillel converted him saying, “What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor, that is the entire Torah, the rest is just commentary, now go and study.”
Within the Gospel of Matthew the context surrounds concepts of good and evil, and the mentions “Father in heaven,” which is in accordance with very Christian ideals and theology.

The Talmud tells of a story of a proselyte, one who wished to convert to Judaism, and how to lead those down the path of conversion (at least according to two sages, Hillel and Shammai.) While both teachers, Hillel and Jesus, spoke nearly the same words, they were said for very different reasons, and thus have very different values attached.

I bring this to the attention of the reader not only for a lesson in political misuse of religious terminology, but as a blanket to spread over the beginnings of dialogue between Jews and Christians. If there ever was a term in antiquity entitled “Judaeo-Christianity, it would be described this way, as Daniel Boyarin summarized:

Judaeo-Christianity, not now Jewish Christianity, but the entire multiform cultural system, should be seen as the original cauldron of contentious, dissonant, sometimes friendly, more frequently hostile, fecund religious productivity out of which ultimately precipitated two institutions at the end of late antiquity: orthodox Christianity and rabbinic Judaism.

To go back to the original topic from above, when Jews and Christians approach each other’s holidays, one cannot simply say to the other “we want to celebrate what Jesus celebrated.” Not only is that statement historically inaccurate, but the reason for holidays in the Jewish tradition and the values associated with them have been changed through Christian thought and evolution so that when Christians attempt to celebrate Jewish holidays (without Jewish supervision) the original value system is lost. In sum, Judeo-Christian values do not exist, but there are semantic similarities in Jewish values and Christian values.

Michael E. Harvey is the Amazon bestselling author of Let’s Talk: A Rabbi Speaks to Christians. An ordained rabbi, he has led congregations and now proudly serves as a hospital chaplain. Rabbi Mike is passionate about social justice, interfaith cooperation, and bringing deep Jewish learning to the lay public. He has followed these passions in serving his community, including founding and directing the Interfaith Council of the Caribbean as well as directing the Interfaith Leaders of Greater Lafayette. He also serves on the rabbinic advisory council of the American Jewish Archives. His new book "From the Gospels to the Gas Chambers: How Christian Scripture Inspires a Pattern of Genocide" is in production and is in need of a publisher.


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Feb 4, 2018
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Christian Observer


There’s No Such Thing as “Judeo-Christian” Values​

March 5, 2019 by Yvonne Nachtigal

Pictured above: the cross of Christ and the satanic star of Saturn. “What hath light to do with darkness?” (2 Cor 6:14)

Not only is the Hebrew Roots movement heretical, since it puts believers back under the law that Christ died to set us free from (Gal 3:1-14). But the term Judeo-Christian is an oxymoron. In fact, the term Judeo-Christian is offensive to many Jews, who state they have more in common with Muslims than with Christians.
From the Jewish Press: There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values, here it is in their own words:

“Let’s be clear: Far from “sharing” one tradition, Orthodox Jews are prohibited from marrying Christians, setting foot inside a Christian church—and we can’t even drink from an open bottle of kosher wine that has been used by a Christian. We reject the Christian idea of salvation, we abhor Christian divine teachings on every subject, and we are repulsed and outraged by incessant attempts by Christian missionaries to bring us into their fold.

It is particularly disturbing when Klinghoffer makes statements which reveal his complete assumption of elements of New Testament Pauline ideology, for instance, the requirement that wives submit to their husband’s authority. There is no mandate on precisely how a woman should behave with her husband—Jews expect the happy couple to work it out for themselves. Also, while divorce may be a tragedy, and God cries, it is in no way banned—in Judaism, that is. The story in Christianity, and Klinghoffer’s “Judeo-Christian Biblical America,” is different.

Incidentally, we have more in common with Muslims than we do with Christians; Jewish law permits Jews to enter a mosque… but not a church….

Jews and Christians differ on every single fundamental principle—even on the meaning of core Scriptural texts.

More crucially, Christians rely on the Old Testament for legal delineation; whereas Jews rely solely upon our rabbinic tradition. We never, ever turn to our Bible for legal guidance, only to our rabbinic literature. To suggest that our Sages had anything at all in common with the likes of Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Carter or Pat Robertson is a slap in the face of 2500 years of scholarship.”

-------------------------------------- @Wrangler Is this your team Israel? Not mine at all!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Is it hard to just let God be one’s life source, at the age you are now can you tell me from your experience?

I don’t think we will need all the materials after here.

It would be senseless to destroy a world reconciled to God.

Idk if we will see material or just live with God in the spiritual aspects. I can’t say for sure some have the hope of having a new material body but I just don’t see it personally due to my hope is to go and live with Yahavah.


They are of the world, therefore they speak as of the world., and the world hears them. (1 Jn 4:5)

Virtually every world religion looks forward to a utopian age of peace and prosperity on the earth.

“The expectation of a golden age of peace and prosperity on earth can be found in nearly every religious system, including some denominations of Christian eschatology. This idealistic dream of an earthly utopian millennium, widely promoted by New Age leaders, has long been the focus of investigation by the church to unlock the identity of Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17 and 18. However, its roots can be traced back to ancient Babylon from where it was adopted by the blind leaders of Israel during their captivity and later codified in the writings of the Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah.” – Deanne Loper, Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know, pg. 106.

In contrast to this expectation, the kingdom of God is not carnal, nor is it yet-to-come. It is here, now. “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col 1:27). His kingdom existed in the days of the Apostles, and it exists today in the hearts of individual men and women. Rather than what dispensational eschatology has turned it into; a coming earthly reign of Christ, the great Revelation of Jesus Christ speaks of that spiritual Kingdom and the experiences of those who are in it.