The Complete List of President Trump's Accomplishments

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Feb 6, 2018
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This Article Is In The Public Domain And Doesn't Have Copyright, Please Review The Link Below To View The "Exhaustive" List Not Posted, Yes The Biden Admin Removed The "Exhaustive" List As (Dan O'Donnell) Predicted
The Complete List of President Trump's Accomplishments

OP ^

Aside from Presidential Accomplishments…

Refreshing to have HAD a legitimate Servant that was NOT some (20-50 years guy) on the receiving (welfare) end of the Public at Large’s LABOR efforts.

What Poli-TIC-Ian’s Tout as HONOR, is being glued to an Honored Seat, for decades.

The seat/office was established as HONORABLE. The same person sitting in the same HONORED seat for Decades, (noting Biden’s 5 decades), Living off the Labor of the American People, is NOT Honorable, but rather Selfish and Greedy, and particularly in Biden’s case, Embarrassing.

Obama is another case of Embarrassment of the American People. He, knowingly, (a supposed teacher of the US Constitution) The House Speaker, Pelosi, knowingly, vetted an ILLEGITIMATE candidate and presented this ILLEGITIMATE man to the American People to be seated in the highest Honored Seat of the American People’s Office. (For eight long embarrassing years.)

Obama was born to a Foreign father and American mother, questionable on what soil.

At birth, Obama had duel citizenship, that of his foreign father and his American mother.

Obama in several early years of childhood was living with his American mother and Foreign step father in a foreign nation, in a predominately Muslim Religious and Primary School community.

The US Constitution Requirement for a Lawful, LEGITIMATE Seated President of the US, IS that individual, or potential individual (VP), MUST be a “NATURAL BORN CITIZEN”.

The Founders and Framers of the US Constitution, relied on Vattels “LAW of Nations” well known defining of a “NATURAL BORN CITIZEN”, and expressly USED that exact phrase, “NATURAL BORN CITIZEN” IN the US Constitution.

So, WHAT ARE the THREE Requirements a person MUST MEET, to BE A LEGITIMATE and LAWFUL…US President or Vice President?
Age at least 35 years old.
Resident on US soil 14 years.
A Person who meets all three of the following requirements….

1) Father is a US Citizen at time of child’s birth.
2) Mother is a US Citizen at time of child’s birth.
3) Child born on US Soil

Moving along to another of Biden’s embarrassments. Kamala Harris’s ILLEGITIMATE and unlawful occupancy in the American Peoples honored VP seat and Office.

1) Father b: Jamaica
2) Mother b: India

Kamala b: 1964 on US soil.

Father: Foreigner arrives in US 1961 to attend University in California.
Mother: Foreigner arrived in US 1958 to attend University in California.

1962 Father and Mother meet.
1963 Father and Mother marry.
1964 Kamala born

Public information readily available (without physically researching govt documents)

Father connected to several foreign countries, per his field of studies and supposedly became a Naturalized US citizen “some time before 2015”.
Eh…51 years of Fathers unknown citizenship, between 2015 and Kamala’s 1964 birth.

Mother primarily remains in the US.
1968 - Mother applies for and receives a US Permanent Resident status card, (AKA a green card).

UH…Does the US Constitution PROVIDE a CLAUSE for a person Born of a “Permanent US Resident card holder” to BE LAWFULLY ELIGIBLE to RUN as a candidate OR BE Seated in the American Peoples Honored VP Seal and Office? NO!

Both OBAMA and HARRIS tout their accolades as University Graduates, Attorneys of Law, Back-patted honors from Colleagues … Knowingly ran as ILLEGITIMATE Candidates….knowingly SITTING ILLEGITIMATELY in the Peoples honored seats and offices, Being. Financially supported BY the Labor and wealth of the American people…

Obama a natural born citizen…? No.
Harris a natural born citizen…..? No.

Are the American People that BLINDLY IGNORANT “or” is the American People a thing of the PAST, and FOREIGNERS, with FOREIGN ideals underhandedly INVADING the US, and Underhandedly VOTING in the POLES and SEATING FOREIGN INFLUENCED and ILLEGITIMATE candidates with the BLESSING of anti-American Demon-craps ?

Not an either or but BOTH…
And all the while the Demon-craps grab the microphone and whine AGAINST the ONE resounding TRUMP which SAYS to the American People….

WOW….There was a REASON the founders of AMERICA established a NATION of Americans….and CUT ties with FOREIGNERS…and MADE multiple Warnings of Foreign Influences and Anti-God Almighty influences.

What an Embarrassing and SAD state of CORRUPT Affairs this once Great Nation has been SNARED by a WEB and gleefully pranced into a DEN OF SNAKES.

What a mockery, for WICKED sitting Reps, to pledge an OATH, place their signature according to THE YEAR OF OUR LORD….when they endorse THEFT, Bribery, Self-enrichment, False Promises, Lying, Hiding secrets, and the continual Advocation of Wars, Abortions, Drug Use, unhealthy chemical infused Food distribution, Modified Seeds, Assaults on Citizens in their Private Homes, (kicking indoors, ransacking, removing their possessions and even with military snipers, high power arms, and TANK).
WHO gave the People’s SERVANTS the power to RAPE the American People of their Well Established God Give RIGHTS, to LIFE, to WORK, to OWN, to CARE FOR their household, WITH encumbrances and Forced unwanted INTRUSION ?
The same who has earned the TITLE of CORRUPT!

DISGUSTING on all fronts.

Personally I like the play on words.
Over 100 times a trump was sounded in Scripture.
In America A Trump sounded…
Americans, come together and Let “US”;

And the foreigners and demon-craps shouted a resounding….NO!
Their motto is NOT LAND OF THE FREE…
But rather LAND OF THE FREEBIE SCRAPS, come and get em. Tents, Food, Transportation, clothing, phones, drugs, needles, education, voting ballots, and seats in government.

TO…the American Citizen who IS Converted IN Christ the Lord Jesus:
I IMPLORE YOU to earnestly with due diligence:
Evil, Wickedness, Immorality, Deceit, Poorness IN Spirit and Corruption that PLAGUES this Nation and her People.

Glory, Glory, Glory and Blessing to our Great Lord God Almighty,

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May 29, 2021
United States
The Trump I see today is NOT the man he “said” he was during the election
Trump admires the “ruler” of Russia and North Korea because they will remain in power for life. He sees himself as a “ruler” & during his second term in office he will abolish the two-term limit and appoint himself as the prime master leader; for life, a power he believes he can pass on to his children,
Setting that aside for a moment I have this to refresh your memory about Trump-----------
----Donald Trump's greatest achievements---- (to date)

Trump revokes background checks to buy guns
NEWS FEB 28 2017, 8:39 PM ET
Trump Signs Bill Revoking Obama-Era Gun Checks for People With Mental Illnesses
President Donald Trump quietly signed a bill into law Tuesday rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday rejected an Obama-era plan to make automobiles more fuel efficient, opening up a long process to weaken current standards and putting California and the federal government on a collision course over vehicle emissions.

Tell me, do you agree with Trump's action? Please explain why?

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump again called for an end to the filibuster and said there will be no deal with Democrats on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, also known as DACA.

NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL," Trump tweeted Sunday morning.

Tell me, do you agree with Trump's action? Please explain why?

The proposal by the U.S. Department of Energy would lower the status of some high-level radioactive waste in several places around the nation, including the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state — the most contaminated nuclear site in the country.

Reclassifying the material to low-level could save the agency billions of dollars and decades of work by essentially leaving the material in the ground, critics say.

The Complete List of President Trump's Accomplishments
Trump's 100 Most Tremendous Scandals: The Definitive List | The Daily Social Distancing Show

Trump asked China’s Xi to help him win reelection, according to Bolton book

President Trump asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to help him win the 2020 U.S. election, telling Xi during a summit dinner last year that increased agricultural purchases by Beijing from American farmers would aid his electoral prospects,

Fact Checking: Donald Trump Has Filed Bankruptcy Six Times.
Fact Checking: Donald Trump Has Filed Bankruptcy Six Times.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
The Trump I see today is NOT the man he “said” he was during the election
Trump admires the “ruler” of Russia and North Korea because they will remain in power for life. He sees himself as a “ruler” & during his second term in office he will abolish the two-term limit and appoint himself as the prime master leader; for life, a power he believes he can pass on to his children,
Setting that aside for a moment I have this to refresh your memory about Trump-----------
----Donald Trump's greatest achievements---- (to date)

What you see is your comments of speculation with no basis in fact.



Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Trump revokes background checks to buy guns
NEWS FEB 28 2017, 8:39 PM ET
Trump Signs Bill Revoking Obama-Era Gun Checks for People With Mental Illnesses
President Donald Trump quietly signed a bill into law Tuesday rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

Awesome! Keeping a check on the Liberty of a US citizens RIGHT to own arms without the governments permission or intrusion.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
A Person who meets all three of the following requirements….

1) Father is a US Citizen at time of child’s birth.
2) Mother is a US Citizen at time of child’s birth.
3) Child born on US Soil

Do you have a source for this?


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
Awesome! Keeping a check on the Liberty of a US citizens RIGHT to own arms without the governments permission or intrusion.

So you are against common sense background checks?

I ask this as someone who carries himself.
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Well-Known Member
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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Fact Checking: Donald Trump Has Filed Bankruptcy Six Times.
Fact Checking: Donald Trump Has Filed Bankruptcy Six Times.

Trump has taken the risk to start up HOW MANY companies?
About 500.

Trump has taken the risk of starting up companies which has for years provided employment for HOW MANY people?

Only 6 LAWFULLY PROVIDED bankruptcies?
WOW…what an impressive record.

How many companies have you taken the pressures of the RISK, to start up?
How many employment opportunities have you created for other people?

I would say Trump’s greatest down-fall, after his election was NOT SWEEPING CLEAN AND SANITIZING the American Citizens White HOUSE and Capital OFFICE Building.

I would say Trump’s greatest achievement of stamina, was working diligently for four years For the American People with an AXE LODGED IN HIS BACK.
And BTW, that AXE remains to this day, nothing new, it IS the Democrat usual mode of operation, of course unless it is post Arkansas Governor Clinton with umpteen ties to assassinations, a stained blue dress, and doesn’t know what “IS” means.

And Trump Accepting his Required by Law quarterly Salary, keeping for his greedy (ha, ha) self, ONE DOLLAR and donating the rest.

Curious, ya think Biden, collecting a paycheck as the people’s debt for 50 years, and proponent and advocate for millions of foreigners to illegally enter this Nation…seeking freebie, housing, food, clothing, etc… that while Biden is squatting in the People’s White House, did he open either of HIS TWO PERSONAL homes for ANY illegal foreigners to be housed, fed, clothed and keeping children with their mommy and daddy? LOL
Maybe he forgot he has two homes, since he can not even seen to remember how to get on and off a stage platform or what he is supposed to say and not say into a live mic.


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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
So you are against common sense background checks?

I ask this as someone who carries himself.

It’s a tight squeeze and hard way …. WHEN the real problem goes unchecked, unaddressed, NOT fixed.

There are millions of people in this country, Illegally, via no border patrol and expired visas, and their identity and whereabouts clouded in mystery, and many themselves criminals, armed, committing crimes.

So to look as though the government has real concern for Americans “safety”, Penalize, through a series of Government Intrusions into the private lives, and papers of the American whose God given right to have arms is Constitutionally recognized….

Point being, Ignoring the PROBLEM, (even promoting the PROBLEM), rather that FIXING the problem, BUT INSTEAD causing another theft of the peoples Liberty, under the guise of “SAFTEY” is a hoax.

Trying to pretend the District of Corruption, is the best suited with their umpteen illegal agencies, and corrupt henchmen to dictate, threaten, harass American citizens when their JOB is to stop border invasions and keep track of expired visa holders and escort them out of the county and ban their reentrance.

Just saying crap upon crap is still crap.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
The Trump I see today is NOT the man he “said” he was during the election
Trump admires the “ruler” of Russia and North Korea because they will remain in power for life. He sees himself as a “ruler” & during his second term in office he will abolish the two-term limit and appoint himself as the prime master leader; for life, a power he believes he can pass on to his children,
Setting that aside for a moment I have this to refresh your memory about Trump-----------
----Donald Trump's greatest achievements---- (to date)

Trump revokes background checks to buy guns

NEWS FEB 28 2017, 8:39 PM ET
Trump Signs Bill Revoking Obama-Era Gun Checks for People With Mental Illnesses
President Donald Trump quietly signed a bill into law Tuesday rolling back an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Monday rejected an Obama-era plan to make automobiles more fuel efficient, opening up a long process to weaken current standards and putting California and the federal government on a collision course over vehicle emissions.

Tell me, do you agree with Trump's action? Please explain why?

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump again called for an end to the filibuster and said there will be no deal with Democrats on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, also known as DACA.

NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL," Trump tweeted Sunday morning.

Tell me, do you agree with Trump's action? Please explain why?

The proposal by the U.S. Department of Energy would lower the status of some high-level radioactive waste in several places around the nation, including the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state — the most contaminated nuclear site in the country.

Reclassifying the material to low-level could save the agency billions of dollars and decades of work by essentially leaving the material in the ground, critics say.

The Complete List of President Trump's Accomplishments
Trump's 100 Most Tremendous Scandals: The Definitive List | The Daily Social Distancing Show

Trump asked China’s Xi to help him win reelection, according to Bolton book

President Trump asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to help him win the 2020 U.S. election, telling Xi during a summit dinner last year that increased agricultural purchases by Beijing from American farmers would aid his electoral prospects,

Fact Checking: Donald Trump Has Filed Bankruptcy Six Times.
Fact Checking: Donald Trump Has Filed Bankruptcy Six Times.
Pure propaganda in opinion

The liberal left has been trying to get Trump ever since he announced his presidential run in 2016

Just One Example:

America was held hostage for 2+ years on the (Russia Hoax) driven by numerous treasonous traitors trying to overthrow a duly elected president Trump, $millions$ of taxpayer dollars spent, and it was driven by the bought and paid for Hillary Clinton and DNC phony "Steele Dossier", and carried by FBI Comey and Company, Robert Mueller, the leftist MSM, and tooooo many others to list!

The Treasonous Traitors (Russia Hoax) Coup Attempt "Failed"!

American Patriot And Hero, President Donald J. Trump MAGA 2024!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
Point being, Ignoring the PROBLEM, (even promoting the PROBLEM), rather that FIXING the problem, BUT INSTEAD causing another theft of the peoples Liberty, under the guise of “SAFTEY” is a hoax.

I will disagree with you.

There are people with mental issues that should not be holding a gun, guaranteed right or not. I will always believe this.
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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Do you have a source for this?

Some background on Emmerich de Vettel, author of The Law of Nations published 1758, and book, page, s/s subsections, is revealed. Along with other pertinent information that can be accepted as is or personally researched….
Is in an excellent article you should be able to see and read by entering a search for:
We personally, for our own interest, and quest, and satisfaction did research years ago, on Vettel, the founders, USSC cases, regarding this topic.
(Regarding Obama, I did research in Kenyan Law, that revealed the offspring of a Kenyan citizen is also a legal Kenyan citizen, and if not living in the country, the automatic citizenship would expire at age 10, so his natural citizenship was a DUEL citizenship, not a natural born US citizen.)

by John Charlton


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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
I will disagree with you.

There are people with mental issues that should not be holding a gun, guaranteed right or not. I will always believe this.

There is no Constitutional statute or clause for this mental state or that mental state.
And the boloney, of freely doing mind altering drugs is a common as apple pie, yet all day long they commit crimes, and are sent to phoney, costly, rehab centers instead of punished for their choices….and the one defending himself being threatened for defending himself, some even serving prison time. Messed up.
I see a lot of new corrupt laws as the solution to to fix old corrupt laws.
And seriously there are over 5,000 federal laws regarding arms! And the regulations…ha 10s of thousands of ridiculous regulations…

Land of the Free? where?


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
There is no Constitutional statute or clause for this mental state or that mental state.
And the boloney, of freely doing mind altering drugs is a common as apple pie, yet all day long they commit crimes, and are sent to phoney, costly, rehab centers instead of punished for their choices….and the one defending himself being threatened for defending himself, some even serving prison time. Messed up.
I see a lot of new corrupt laws and the measure to fix old corrupt laws.
And seriously there are over 5,000 federal laws regarding arms! And the regulations…ha 10s of thousands of ridiculous regulations…

Land of the Free? where?

As I said will disagree with you. I have seen mental conditions working as an EMT that have zero to do with mind altering drugs.

Mental illnesses such as Schizophrenia that develop without the use of mind altering drugs comes to mind. Bi-polar disorder is another. I have seen these diseases in action. These people were not using mind altering drugs.

These people should never hold a gun, ever! Guaranteed right or not! There also does not need to be a constitutional anything to stop them from holding a gun.

Sadly, common sense is lacking with some Christians.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
I will disagree with you.

There are people with mental issues that should not be holding a gun, guaranteed right or not. I will always believe this.
And a current president (Joe Biden) with mental and physical issues, that holds the brief case and red phone with nuclear capability "Scary"!


Well-Known Member
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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
As I said will disagree with you. I have seen mental conditions working as an EMT that have zero to do with mind altering drugs.

Mental illnesses such as Schizophrenia that develop without the use of mind altering drugs comes to mind. Bi-polar disorder is another. I have seen these diseases in action. These people were not using mind altering drugs.

These people should never hold a gun, ever! Guaranteed right or not!

Sure. There are people diagnosed with metal issues and put on a regiment of drugs for their condition. Do they all stay on the regiment, get regular checks? Who knows?

Do they get a pass for having, baring arms, threatening another? Pretty much.

My son chose to be in a dangerous profession of law enforcement as well as is a military servant. So it is not that I do not understand your point. I do.

God Bess you,


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
And a current president (Joe Biden) with mental and physical issues, that holds the brief case and red phone with nuclear capability "Scary"!

He has probably forgotten how to use a phone or know where the red phone is.

You know he just shuffles and mumbles all day, while someone else is the puppet in charge…eh?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
He has probably forgotten how to use a phone or know where the red phone is.

You know he just shuffles and mumbles all day, while someone else is the puppet in charge…eh?
I fully agree, Biden is a puppet, the great imposter, and a bad one at that
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May 29, 2021
United States
I fully agree, Biden is a puppet, the great imposter, and a bad one at that
Trump is a pathological liar, which is a mental illness, but I am not sure what your problem is?
or so it seems to me.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2020
Los Angeles
United States

The Complete List of President Trump's Accomplishments​

You are speaking of the accomplishments of Trump as a president and NOT his character as a man, correct???

To God Be The Glory