The God Particle

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New Member
Jul 20, 2012
Is anyone familiar with this website?

The "God Particle" was announced as 99.99% proved on July 4, 2012. NASA announced Planet X "Eris"has been proved simultaneously. The "Great Work" is complete. In "Science" the equation is Work=Force X Distance; the "Transfer of Energy"; F=Mass X Acceleration. The Word of God says the Earth is "Fixed" and the Firmament is "Stretched"; Physicists claim the Earth is accelerating around the Sun (Orbitting) and the Firmament (Universe) is expanding (Stretching). God Particles supposedly give "Mass" to every Atom, and connect every Atom in the Universe to every other Atom by "Force"; this requires "Inifinite Energy". Infinite "Force", Infinite "Distance" and "Infinite Energy" mean "Infinite Work" aka "Great Work". The motto of Sovereign Masonry is "Order out of Chaos"; "God Particles" provide this "Order" which they refer to as the "Grand Architect". Perhaps now you can see why Paul told Timothy in 1 Tim 6:12KJV Science is "Vain and Profane Babblings". Vanity is believing you are God. Profanity is Blasphemous contempt of God.
The "Great Work" is nearly complete; 99.99% to be exact; the reason the "God Particle" was announced on America's "Independence Day" is because America is not what you may think it is. Amurru is the Edomite shepherd and serpent god; Amurru is the land furthest west; Amar is the Canaanite god of the west and Amorica is the land of the Chaldean Magi aka Celtic Druids.
Esau (Edom) was prophesied by his father Isaac, he would obtain "Dominion" and cast off the yoke of his brother Jacob (Gen 27:39-41KJV) The yoke referred to here is the man Jacob wrestled with; God in Flesh aka Jesus Christ.
Folks, there is only a "Finite" amount of time to establish a relationship with Jesus Christ; He does not "Force" anyone to do anything against their will but will not allow this to go on forever. God will be with you when you ask Him to be; in doing so, He will be with you; no "Distance", no "Force" and no "Energy" on your part. Simple and easy; now go do it!

God Particle by Howard Ratcliffe

"CERN will prove existence of the God Particle by the end of this year" Dr Rolf-Dieter Heuer, head of the Large Hadron Collider CERN. BS! The God Particle is called the “Higg's Boson” after Peter Higgs who proposed its existence, or “Graviton”, a particle which theoretically gives Mass to everything according to Newton’s equation F=MA (Force=Mass X Acceleration) and Einstein’s re-written form E=Mc[sup]2[/sup] (Energy=Mass X Light Speed)
"But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers know not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones...and shall divide the world for gain" Dan 11:38-39
Read the rest of Dan 11; it describes WWIII and why people are aligning themselves with Edom, Moab and Ammon and their god of war Nergal; they escape the hand of this "god of forces".
The real God found in scripture of the Authorized Bible says Earth is "Fixed" on a Stable Foundation, that shall not "Move" and hung upon "Nothing"; the Stars (Lights) are "Stretched" ie the Universe (Firmament) is not getting bigger. (Job 26:7; Josh 10:13; Ecc 1:5; 1 Chr 16:30; Zech 12:1; Ps 93:1; 96:10 Is 48:13)
Space is not Dark Matter or Ether; it is Nothing. Stars and Planets including Earth are not accelerating; they are "Fixed".
Atom is derived from A and Tem meaning the "Finished Work" of "Alpha"; Egyptians knew Atem or Atum as the creator out of whose body "Ka" everything was made. The word means "Indivisible, Unhewn, Uncut" CERN is that was once called an "Atom Smasher". 1 Tim 6:20 says Science is falsely so-called, vain babblings".
Atum, and Pharoah as his incarnation is depicted with a Djed Pillar (Star Wars Jedi warriors; Cute eh?); a Surveyor's Transit and Staff of Authority considered the Backbone of Osiris (sun god). This is not the visible Sun, Star Physicians "Astrophysicists" claim makes up only 5% of Matter, but the "Dark Sun" (Tula or Thule aka Thule Society "Brotherhood of Death") out of which the "Big Bang" created "Atoms". Making any sense yet?
The "Forces" of Gravity, inside the Atom (Strong Nuclear, Weak Interaction “Radiation”, Electro-Magnetic, Gravity) are made up nonsense to honor the "god of forces". What about a Magnet? A force can be created with an Electric Field (Solar Radiation) and a spinning Magnet (Earth). EM energy is in fact the ultimate Gnostic weapon, they believe capable of destroying God at the 2nd Coming. Fortunately, Jesus removes His followers, both the dead and living on the last day (7th Trumpet) because Gnostics are in fact full of BS, destined to be burned up.
Gravity as a “Force” began with Freemason, Alchemist, Rosicrucian Isaac Newton (Force is measured in Newtons; Cute eh?) staring at the moons of Jupiter (Zeus). He was simply following the lead of Polish Astrologer Nicholas Copernicus and his “Heliocentric Theory”; Helios is Apollo or Adonis whose “Grove” is lit at Christmas; Cute eh? Space is a vacuum; tension forces cannot be transmitted in a vacuum because there is no friction. Einstein, an ardent Zionist, proposed “Relativity” by claiming Light was made of “Particles” or “Waves” simply because “Space” needed to become a “Medium” once known as “Ether”; He lied. Cabbalists of his day were obsessed with #137 the 33[sup]rd[/sup] Prime Number which they called the “DNA of Light”; just a guess, but CERN may claim proof of the Graviton Particle at an energy level of 137TeV.
CERN will prove existence of the God Particle by the end of 2012, so what is happening this year that "Astrophysicists" consider unique? The Sun will rise through an imaginary X (Osiris is represented by the X; Greek letter Chi=Christ). This is a Cosmic Christ, not Jesus Christ. The Labarum aka Chi-Rho was the symbol Emperor Constantine used to rally Christians to War. His astrologers informed him the Sun would rise through the “X” formed by the center of the Milky Way and Zodiac-Ecliptic (Path of the Sun viewed against the Fixed backdrop of Stars) at a future time indicated as on the incorrectly named “Mayan Calendar”. The 2012 Solstice, 3 days before Christ (Chi) Mass (Sacrifice and consumption of the host) will occur just before the Vernal Equinox Sun preceses from Pisces, symbolized by the Labrys aka “Golden Mean” (Phi=1.618 to 1), Egyptian Wedjat “Evil Eye” (Left eye of Horus) and Christian "Fish Symbol". This is this Cosmic Christ, not Jesus Christ; the Fish Symbol was used in Phoenicia (Lebanon) to represent the coming “Fisher King” at a time when Pisces moved into Aquarius "Water Pourer" aka Age of Jupiter/Zeus. In the US, the Lady of Freedom stands atop the Capitol Rotunda “Womb of Zeus” facing East at a height of 19.5ft for this reason. Ready for a Cosmic Baptism? Astrophysicists claim a "Black Hole" exists at the center of the Milky Way; Does it? Of course not, but the Truth will never get in the way of this Cosmic Gala (Galaxy=Gala) honoring “Sol Invictus”
Jesus was Conceived at Feast of Temple Dedication (8 days of Hanukkah; Mary became the New Covenant Temple) and was Born and Circumcised on the 8 day of Feast of Tabernacles (Jesus became the New Covenant Tabernacle of God ie Mobile Temple); Jesus became the 8th Covenant between God and Man in Flesh. He presented Himself at the Temple, was Crucified, laid in the Sepulchre on the 8th day of Passover (1 day for Passover, 7 days for Unleavened Bread) on the Feast of Unleavened Bread (15 Nisan) and bodily rose to Heaven on the 3[sup]rd[/sup] Day on Feast of First Fruits (17 Nisan). Not to be outdone, the Cosmic Christ is Conceived at Easter (Ishtar or Eastern Star, Venus aka Lucifer the “Morning and Evening Star”) and born at Hanukkah on "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti" (Nativity of the Unconquered Sun). Christmas is a Latin term for Sacrifice of Christ. The symbol for this is the Labarum. The Cosmic Christ (Sun) will be symbolically Crucified on "Good Friday", and Conceived at Easter at the Dawn (Eos=Eostre=Dawn=Ishtar=Venus=Lucifer) of Aquarius.
In 2013, Good Friday is 8 days after the Spring (Abib) Sun rises in Aquarius (Mar 29, 2013) and Easter "Ishtar" Sunday "Dies Solis" ends the month of Mars (Nergal, Aries is the pagan god of war) on Mar 31, 2013.
2012-2013 is unique for dozens of reasons relating to the "Finish" of the "Great Work". As in Egypt in the days of the Priests of Heliopolis "On" or "Osiris", Atum (Atom) returns to Chaos out of which a New Order "Order out of Chaos" is created after being "Purified by Fire", the source of the name "Tammuz". The Cathar Perfecti "Pure Ones" prophesied "In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again"; 700 years after the Council of Vienne disbanded the Knights Templar and confiscated their assets is 2012-2013 when the "god of forces will divide the world for gain".
No pun intended, but people simply need to realize the “Gravity” of the situation. I can assure you, God does not appreciate His children smashing Him and claiming the smallest unit of matter in creation is the "Force of Gravity" aka "God Particle". Why do I use the term BS so freely? The mythical Black Hole at the center of the Galaxy is none other than the Celestial Cow, Brahma or Hathor that gave birth to the Golden Calf that nursed all this Udder Nonsense and Scientific (Science=Scire) BS! Time to Wake Up folks, Time (Chaos) is getting short and Chronos (Chaos) eats his offspring.
Jesus Christ is standing at the door, but will not open it for you; the only other choice is wait for the Holy Door "Labarum" to open and for Jesus to close the "Book of Life" (Rev 6:14). that's not Smart. Bonus question: Why is Maxwell Smart Agent 86? Gnosticism is derived from Gnosis “Knowledge” and Sophia "Wisdom"; Door Frames are 86in high, and Abraham was 86 years old when Esau was born; he laid Isaac on the rock where the 3rd Temple will be built 13 years later. Esau, Moab and Ammon's goal is to "86" Isaac's physical and spiritual descendants through Jacob and Jesus Christ, which is why the Great Tribulation "Beast" rises from the Sea (Galactic Womb) at Rev 13, likely on the 2012 Solstice. 13 is the age Esau was at his brother's birth; '86" had a female partner at Control "99" who constantly battled "Chaos". Get Smart folks! Avoid this "Order out of Chaos" and get right with Jesus Christ. Chaos is Chronos aka Father Time, and his Scythe is being sharpened for slaughter.

I find this to be quite fascinating and was just wondering what other believers think of it.

666 cern logo image


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
The only understanding I have of this, is what has gone through my profile feed on FB...


Huh?? :huh:


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2012
Some of this is very similar to the findings of the writer of His is entirely Bible study, though. Nothing New Under the Sun is an interesting take on reality and the written word of God. I've never seen anyone rubbish 'science' so relentlessly. It's ... um... unusual? Mike Hoggard has made a study of Masonry, too, and what he believes the Bible says about its agenda. He is very focused on scripture, too.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2012
Hi Watchwithme,

What do you make of the Cern logo? (I know Mike Hoggard would have a few things to say.) I'll muse a bit longer on it.



New Member
Jul 20, 2012
Some of this is very similar to the findings of the writer of His is entirely Bible study, though. Nothing New Under the Sun is an interesting take on reality and the written word of God. I've never seen anyone rubbish 'science' so relentlessly. It's ... um... unusual? Mike Hoggard has made a study of Masonry, too, and what he believes the Bible says about its agenda. He is very focused on scripture, too.

What of do you think of his "gravity" is a myth idea and the sun and universe revolves around the earth not the opposite that we are told by science?

Hi Watchwithme,

What do you make of the Cern logo? (I know Mike Hoggard would have a few things to say.) I'll muse a bit longer on it.


It looks like three x 6 to me

The only understanding I have of this, is what has gone through my profile feed on FB...


Huh?? :huh:



Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2012
Hi Wwm,

What of do you think of his "gravity" is a myth idea and the sun and universe revolves around the earth not the opposite that we are told by science?

Fascinating! I mean, how can anyone prove anything without a national defence budget to play with?

Seriously, though, about gravity, you might not believe this, but I've thought that God has more to do with gravity than anyone else, because it is so counter-intuitive. I mean, it's obvious everything should be falling off the earth because (we are led to believe) it is rotating so fast - but nothing does.

The other thing which has often crossed my mind is, how we seem to be at the edge of the Universe. I've wondered why God put a place so important to His heart, way out here...? But, if the Universe is revolving round us, that makes a whole lot more sense!

It looks like three x 6 to me

Keep in mind I'm no expert. I see the 3 x 6 you see, but, do you also see incomplete triangles and circles? They remind me of the set square and compass of Masonry. The way the circles overlap also forms an eye. If I knew more about genetics, there may be something else there, too.

Howard Ratcliffe certainly has done a lot of work. I shall be reading more of it.


New Member
Jul 20, 2012
They remind me of the set square and compass of Masonry. The way the circles overlap also forms an eye. If I knew more about genetics, there may be something else there, too.

Howard Ratcliffe certainly has done a lot of work. I shall be reading more of it.

Well spotted, I didnt even notice that. Keep in touch with your finding of Howards Work. I have spoken to the man via email a few times, we had an amicable disagreement about the rapture, he comes across as a very since genuine guy via emails. I think the guy is really very very clever, and when I read his work it's like I have speed read it it's so interesting to me.

The other thing which has often crossed my mind is, how we seem to be at the edge of the Universe. I've wondered why God put a place so important to His heart, way out here...? But, if the Universe is revolving round us, that makes a whole lot more sense!

Check this out:

Jos 10:12 ¶ Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
Jos 10:13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. [Is] not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
Jos 10:14 And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel.

Clearly the sun and the moon where moving before God made them stand still. He didnt stop the earth, because I believe scripture says the earth is fixed, just cant find the scripture right now.

Arnie Manitoba

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2011
Manitoba Canada
I listened to an interesting interview of one of the leading physicists involved with CERN

He is a confirmed atheist.

Yet throughout the interview he kept talking about his excitement to find the access to the gods of old , the gods of our ancestors , the gods of mythology

Yet he does not believe in God.

One of the strangest interviews I have ever listened to. Yet is is an otherwise intelligent and highly regarded scientist in advanced physics today.

If they discover or access the so called "god particle" it may very well play a part in the end time delusion that is to come.

The physicist spoke as though he was having a religious experience.

Yet he thinks religion is nonsense.

We live in interesting times.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2012
Arnie that is fascinating! Truly the occultists are coming out of the woodwork like never before.

Wwm, thanks for reminding me about Joshua. This also bears out the idea that the sun is moving.

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
3 [There is] no speech nor language, [where] their voice is not heard.
4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.
In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, 5 Which [is] as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
[and] rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. 6 His going forth [is] from the end of the heaven,
and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.

The psalm continues about the law of the Lord being perfect. We could include the laws of physics there!


New Member
Jul 20, 2012
I listened to an interesting interview of one of the leading physicists involved with CERN

He is a confirmed atheist.

Yet throughout the interview he kept talking about his excitement to find the access to the gods of old , the gods of our ancestors , the gods of mythology

Yet he does not believe in God.

One of the strangest interviews I have ever listened to. Yet is is an otherwise intelligent and highly regarded scientist in advanced physics today.

If they discover or access the so called "god particle" it may very well play a part in the end time delusion that is to come.

The physicist spoke as though he was having a religious experience.

Yet he thinks religion is nonsense.

We live in interesting times.

Where can we hear that interview please? id love to listen to that

[email protected]

Choir Loft
Apr 2, 2009
West Central Florida
Other Faith
United States
The 'God Particle' is only a scientific tool on the order of a simple definition of terms or a benchmark for research comparisons. It has nothing whatsoever to do with anything metaphysical or ethereal. The term is a misnomer and might more accurately be described as a 'skeleton key' for unlocking further understanding of the mechanics of quantum particles.

On the other hand the phrase has been picked up by religious bigots who are nearly as scientifically and philosophically illiterate as the journalists who bandy it about.

but that's just me, hollering from the choir loft...
Nov 22, 2008
Nova Scotia, Canada
I think that the atomic structure is the God particle
All things are made of them
And yet we have not fully figured them out yet
We only know that they are awesomely made
We know this because the only thing that we can be sure of
Is that they hold great power in them = atomic bomb
We are still trying to find a way to get a better look at how they are made
What they are made of, and how long they will be around for


Active Member
Mar 25, 2012
Whenever i hear stuff like this i ask myself whether or not it has anything to do with my salvation or sanctification.....the answer is always no and i move on.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2012
Hi Strat,

Whenever i hear stuff like this i ask myself whether or not it has anything to do with my salvation or sanctification.....the answer is always no and i move on.

Is self-interest really the only standard by which you judge other people's work and contributions to the wealth of the body of Christ?


Active Member
Mar 25, 2012
Hi Strat,

Is self-interest really the only standard by which you judge other people's work and contributions to the wealth of the body of Christ?

No,its realizing that the universe and everything in it is run by God and that man lived and died for centuries before he ever knew anything at all about it...what does the Bible say...ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth...saving faith in Jesus has nothing to do with the "God Particle" or any other Scientific "discovery" it is God who draws people to himself and he did long before man knew anything about the world around him...Science and knowledge for the sake of knowledge holds no attraction for me.....i have reached the point in life where all i care for is that which will build my faith and bring into clear focus the reality of God, heaven and hell and fitting it is for modern man to attempt to reduce God to a particle and excite and exalt himself for doing so.I am to work out my salvation with fear and trembling....not ooohhing and aahhing over man's latest and greatest.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2012
Hi Strat,

Thanks for your reply, which is a response to the title of the thread, mainly.

I found the website shared in the OP absolutely fascinating, because here is a man who has compared scripture with science, and pulled the rug out from science totally, because of what the Bible says. He has done a huge amount of detailed work on other things too, and has spotted the same counterfeit agenda in science, as in scripture. To me, that's very reassuring, and good to know when discussing these things with those who don't know the Lord, who are putting their faith in science, because that's all they've heard about.

Because I took the view that God made everything and it's under His control, it didn't occur to me that 'science' was manufacturing an entire world of make-believe to support itself. I really did think there were honest scientists. Now I'm unsure of that. Which is not to say there are no honest scientists, but their work is probably under-reported.