The kingdom of God is in the MIDST of you

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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
You didn’t answer so I have no way of knowing if I’m assuming wrong that it reminded me of Jehovah witnesses.

I don’t believe the same as I once did about hell and torment.
Yes JW. Sorry I didn't realize it was a question.
I was raised Anglican, and saw and heard so much that never sat well with me, so when JW said they could answer my questions, I fired a thousand of them point blank. There was no beating around the bush, just solid answers that came straight from the Bible. I knew it was the truth straight away but I accepted a Bible study and made sure of everything I was taught and dedicated my life to Jehovah after two solid years of study.

I have been a Bible student and teacher for most of my life. I question everything and it all has to fit into the big picture for me. I never realized that there was a big picture until I learned what the Lord's Prayer was all about. I had parroted those words off in church for years without ever knowing what I was praying for....
I have studied the Bible deeply and thoroughly for over 50 years so I know what the scriptures teach but more importantly I know why everything fits into that big picture.

Do you have a big picture?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2023
Translating language is difficult when things that have no gender are assigned it.
John 16:7 But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate [G3875] will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Yes JW. Sorry I didn't realize it was a question.
I was raised Anglican, and saw and heard so much that never sat well with me, so when JW said they could answer my questions, I fired a thousand of them point blank. There was no beating around the bush, just solid answers that came straight from the Bible. I knew it was the truth straight away but I accepted a Bible study and made sure of everything I was taught and dedicated my life to Jehovah after two solid years of study.

I have been a Bible student and teacher for most of my life. I question everything and it all has to fit into the big picture for me. I never realized that there was a big picture until I learned what the Lord's Prayer was all about. I had parroted those words off in church for years without ever knowing what I was praying for....
I have studied the Bible deeply and thoroughly for over 50 years so I know what the scriptures teach but more importantly I know why everything fits into that big picture.

Do you have a big picture?
I asked because we come from much different backgrounds. One thing I was told about JW growing up was not to invite them into your house. Referring to the verse of if anyone comes to you preaching another gospel, don’t accept them into your house. I’ve had Jehovah Witnesses come to my house and I did invite them in. My husband was there too. There was one we befriended and she would come back to check on us. But that is where I first heard of some chosen for heaven and some chosen for earth. After thinking about it for a while…it isn’t that different from what those that told me not to invite a JW in, taught. They also taught some are selected to rule with Christ in His Kingdom. And some not.

Mine and your perspective is different. But I do agree with you with being content wherever He places you.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I asked because we come from much different backgrounds. One thing I was told about JW growing up was not to invite them into your house. Referring to the verse of if anyone comes to you preaching another gospel, don’t accept them into your house.
My experience was similar....I had heard only bad things about this strange cult that taught "a different gospel"....but the church I was in was full of hypocrites who would do nothing but gossip about others, never worried about being Christ-like in their attitude and never preached the gospel as if it was the minister's job to do that even though he never left his house to preach to anyone. (Matt 10:11-14) It apparently wasn't his job either, unless someone wandered in off the street into the building where he preached only to the converted.

I came to see through this fake 'Christianity' and wanted more......I wanted to belong to a body of Christians who knew what the Bible taught, and could show anyone the answers to all the difficult questions straight from their own Bible..
And most importantly, the identifying mark of true Christianity is "love among yourselves". (John 13:35) I found a brotherhood who truly looks after one another.
I’ve had Jehovah Witnesses come to my house and I did invite them in. My husband was there too. There was one we befriended and she would come back to check on us. But that is where I first heard of some chosen for heaven and some chosen for earth. After thinking about it for a while…it isn’t that different from what those that told me not to invite a JW in, taught. They also taught some are selected to rule with Christ in His Kingdom. And some not.

Mine and your perspective is different. But I do agree with you with being content wherever He places you.
Those who believe all Christians must go to heaven, usually have no idea why they are going there....there is a purpose to being chosen for heavenly life, and God is the one doing the choosing. I am happy to be one who enjoys God's earthly is, after all, where he put us to "live forever" in mortal flesh at the beginning. (Genesis 3:22-24) "The tree of life" was there in the garden to guarantee unending life, as long as the humans were obedient to their rightful Sovereign. When disobedience led to sin and death, access to the tree of life was denied.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
My experience was similar....I had heard only bad things about this strange cult that taught "a different gospel"....but the church I was in was full of hypocrites who would do nothing but gossip about others, never worried about being Christ-like in their attitude and never preached the gospel as if it was the minister's job to do that even though he never left his house to preach to anyone. (Matt 10:11-14) It apparently wasn't his job either, unless someone wandered in off the street into the building where he preached only to the converted.

I came to see through this fake 'Christianity' and wanted more......I wanted to belong to a body of Christians who knew what the Bible taught, and could show anyone the answers to all the difficult questions straight from their own Bible..
And most importantly, the identifying mark of true Christianity is "love among yourselves". (John 13:35) I found a brotherhood who truly looks after one another.

Those who believe all Christians must go to heaven, usually have no idea why they are going there....there is a purpose to being chosen for heavenly life, and God is the one doing the choosing. I am happy to be one who enjoys God's earthly is, after all, where he put us to "live forever" in mortal flesh at the beginning. (Genesis 3:22-24) "The tree of life" was there in the garden to guarantee unending life, as long as the humans were obedient to their rightful Sovereign. When disobedience led to sin and death, access to the tree of life was denied.
It’s not their words from my past (previous churches) that keep me from becoming a JW. The woman I told you about…Misty. She felt like a sister. She would come back to visit, not to give me more tracks or push me to become a JW before she could care about me. I had shared with her I’d recently been diagnosed with MS. She brought me natural things she thought I could use for my health. (Misty told me that she wasn’t chosen for Heaven either, but like you was happy to be chosen for earth). My number changed because my phone broke(I had to get a new one). We had even spoke on the phone to check on one another. Now we don’t have one another’s number. I wish she would stop in again but she stopped coming. We talked a lot about the word and God. I’m not envious about some chosen to go to heaven. But I (personally) don’t understand some within the church elevated to chosen. his word to me says to take the lower seat. I don’t understand how they have already decided to take the higher seat.

I’m only telling you the things that I question now. Not man interfering saying “don’t do it.” But my concern. I don’t go door to door but to me I witness to others by being thankful unto God towards others. By demonstrating the mercy and patience and long suffering and love He has shown me …towards others. I do feel like I witness Christ to my mom who cries and says she doesn’t belong anywhere. Way before secrets come out that she kept about who my (biological) father is, I’m convinced God prepared me before those secrets came out to be able to forgive. So you may assume people in churches don’t witness the gospel to others if they don’t go door to door…but you can’t be sure they are not “Jehovah God Witnesses” in daily life and interactions. For example those that stand in the crowd at the fair and hand out tracks about grace, love, mercy and truth but they are screaming in rage “homosexual will burn in Hell!” …point is you can hand out tracks and yet not preach the gospel of grace.

I’ve never been to a JW hall. But I’m skeptical that there is not gossiping going on, same as in other churches. (I’m just being honest)

I kind of agree with you about the Spirit not being a person. But “to every seed” is given a body. No the Holy Spirit may not have a body like a person …yet He does have a Spiritual Body. One big stand out for me is reverting back to Jesus ruling from His Throne with some chosen as men (are there any women?) to rule with Him in the Heavenly …He is Spirit. And those who serve Him, serve in Spirit? Whatever that body appears like but I don’t think it’s gender and so literal. That is a warning flag for me. Because I don’t think (Imo) His body given to that seed which is Christ has the same Body subject to decay but instead He put off death.

Personally, I have a weird opinion on God created a New Heaven and Earth. I would not be surprised if it is no longer the Heavenly and the Earth but instead made into ONE. No longer divided but the New Heaven and New Earth made One. Heaven on and in Earth; and Earth on and in Heaven… where what we have known as separated: are in Newness made One and tempered; joined; fitted together. Then who’s going to be chosen to rule becomes to me not really something of concern.

I know. Some weird opinions I have. But just letting you know it is weird to me some in JW taking the higher seats. I don’t want to be next to them when He possibly tells them to move down lower.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
More specifically, the Holy Spirit is a witness. See My take on Trinity
I try not to define it, and loved how you said “I neither affirm nor deny” the Trinity. to me they are one in nature, mind and heart. However or whatever “One” means I don’t think they (Father Spirit Son) contradict one another in attributes, in voice, or in nature …Being in agreement.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Matthew 23:

ἐντὸς (entos)
Strong's 1787: Within, inside, the inside. From en; inside.

Surprisingly this adverb appears only twice in the Bible. Outside of the Bible, ἐντός appears frequently (BDAG).

Greek Word Study Tool:

Wiki agrees exactly:

But then, ESV Luke 17:

Well, if the kingdom of God is in the midst of you people, then it is externally measurable.

New King James Version provides a better translation:

The kingdom of God is inside each one of us. The Paraclete dwells in each one of us.

It's actually in reference to our future glorious body in Christ Jesus.

Rom 8:22-23
22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves,
waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I’m not envious about some chosen to go to heaven. But I (personally) don’t understand some within the church elevated to chosen. his word to me says to take the lower seat. I don’t understand how they have already decided to take the higher seat.
Firstly, I want to thank you for your honest and humble response and I am so sorry to hear that you have MS.
My family have Huntington’s Disease as an awful inheritance. I lost my husband 9 years ago to this disease and my son also has it, and will succumb to it as his father did. It’s a slow and debilitating death. There is no cure and little in the way of treatments that don’t involve drugs with awful side effects. But our faith keeps us going as I am sure your friend Misty would have mentioned the resurrection hope.…of seeing our lost loved ones again when Jesus calls them from their graves. (John 5:28-29)

I am sad that you lost contact with Misty. But on another site I used to post on, there was a sister named Misty….I wonder if it could be the same person?
I don’t go door to door but to me I witness to others by being thankful unto God towards others. By demonstrating the mercy and patience and long suffering and love He has shown me …towards others.
You know, we always say that the best witness requires no words…..actions speak louder.
1 Peter 3:1-2…
”In the same way, you wives, be in subjection to your husbands, so that if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives, 2 because of having been eyewitnesses of your chaste conduct together with deep respect.

Going “door to door” is what Jesus told us to do and how the apostles preached Christ‘s message of salvation. (Matthew 10:11-14; Acts 20:20) Our message is life saving, so when emergency services personnel are told to warn the public of an approaching disaster, they don’t rely on TV or radio or the internet to do that job…..they go “door to door” so they don’t miss anyone. A disaster of monumental proportions is about to strike this earth (Matt 24:21) and no one can stop it. We have to warn people and tell them about the hope of the kingdom.
you may assume people in churches don’t witness the gospel to others if they don’t go door to door…but you can’t be sure they are not “Jehovah God Witnesses” in daily life and interactions. For example those that stand in the crowd at the fair and hand out tracks about grace, love, mercy and truth but they are screaming in rage “homosexual will burn in Hell!” …point is you can hand out tracks and yet not preach the gospel of grace.
I agree, but I have the Bible to tell me how God feels about that….firstly Paul’s words to his fellow Christians are very clear….
1 Cor 1:10….
”Now I urge you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you should all speak in agreement and that there should be no divisions among you, but that you may be completely united in the same mind and in the same line of thought.”

Does that describe the fractured churches of Christendom? God’s spirit unifies his people so that there is no room for disputes, disagreements or dissension. The congregation is a place of peace and unity where love grows. (John 13:35)

Is it perfect? NO! We are all imperfect sinners but with God’s help we try to imitate Christ in his concern for others….it’s what motivates us to go out in the preaching work, knowing that we will not be received kindly (sometimes angrily) by the majority of people we encounter, but they know who we are, and why we call. It’s their decision to listen…or not, for whatever reason. (John 15:18-21) But even if one person listens, it was worth whatever we had to face to find them, and tell them the “good news”…..can I ask what you believe the “good news of the Kingdom” is? (Matt 24:14) Most people have no idea.
I’ve never been to a JW hall. But I’m skeptical that there is not gossiping going on, same as in other churches. (I’m just being honest)
I’m sure you will be able to see a vast difference between the churches and the brothers and sisters at the Kingdom Hall. Misty will most likely be there. We call on people in our own local area. Why not give it a try? What have you got to lose….you will know if you feel “at home” and welcome there.
One big stand out for me is reverting back to Jesus ruling from His Throne with some chosen as men (are there any women?) to rule with Him in the Heavenly …He is Spirit. And those who serve Him, serve in Spirit? Whatever that body appears like but I don’t think it’s gender and so literal. That is a warning flag for me. Because I don’t think (Imo) His body given to that seed which is Christ has the same Body subject to decay but instead He put off death.
Yes, many of those anointed for life in heaven are women. Once given their spirit bodies in order to receive their inheritance, there will be no gender (which only pertains to earthly creatures for reproduction).

It is not their choice to go to heaven, but God’s choosing of them for that specific role. His spirit “bears witness” to them so that they don’t just “think” or “believe” that they are chosen….they “know” that they are, and are fully aware of what that role is. (Rev 20:6) They will receive a “first resurrection” to spirit life by being “born again”…..leaving their bodies of flesh behind, and being given an appropriate spirit body in order to dwell in the spirit realm. Being “born again” means a complete rebirth in a new body, whereas being resurrected by Jesus after the kingdom is established on earth will be a return to this life in a new physical body. Since there is no immortal soul, the dead “sleep” peacefully in their graves, and will awaken just as Lazarus did. (John 11:11-14; Eccl 9:5, 10)
Personally, I have a weird opinion on God created a New Heaven and Earth. I would not be surprised if it is no longer the Heavenly and the Earth but instead made into ONE. . . . . made One and tempered; joined; fitted together. Then who’s going to be chosen to rule becomes to me not really something of concern.
You are not far from the truth there….it was always God’s intention to have one family of ’children’….some who will dwell with him in the heavenly realm, and some to live a wonderful life in the material realm….a beautiful paradise…..each created to enjoy the life that they are given. It was always God’s intention to have those who dwell in heaven and on earth united as one family in his worship.

When Adam sinned, he separated us from God so that we were alienated due to no fault on our part (Rom 5:12)… God determined to fix that problem with a long term solution rather than a short term one. The long term solution was to hand the human race over to the “god“ whom they had chosen to obey, in order for them to see that obeying their Creator is always a wise thing to do. The devil is a fraud, and he is a good con artist….deception is how he operates. (2 Cor 4:3-4)

By obeying satan, the first humans became his slaves and so did all their children……but God provided a ransom for Adam’s children in the sacrifice of his own son, so that he could redeem them out of that slavery and re-establish his rightful kingship over them. He did not demand obedience, but asked his free willed children to offer it willingly, knowing that he always had their best interests at heart. This required genuine love and trust which must be earned if it is to be given willingly.
Only those who truly love God and trust him in all their ways will inherit the prize of everlasting life, (Prov 3:5-6) whether in heaven or on earth.

I know. Some weird opinions I have. But just letting you know it is weird to me some in JW taking the higher seats. I don’t want to be next to them when He possibly tells them to move down lower.
They do not take the higher seats, but are given them by God himself…..and there is no personal glory on earth for those who receive that “heavenly calling”. They are not treated any differently to any other brother or sister, and are usually humble enough never to even refer to their status…….they are just part of the congregation.…part of Jehovah’s universal family.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Firstly, I want to thank you for your honest and humble response and I am so sorry to hear that you have MS.
My family have Huntington’s Disease as an awful inheritance. I lost my husband 9 years ago to this disease and my son also has it, and will succumb to it as his father did. It’s a slow and debilitating death. There is no cure and little in the way of treatments that don’t involve drugs with awful side effects. But our faith keeps us going as I am sure your friend Misty would have mentioned the resurrection hope.…of seeing our lost loved ones again when Jesus calls them from their graves. (John 5:28-29)
I’m sad to read about your husband and son. So many things with no cure. I had to look up Huntington’s Disease since I am not familiar with it. I do have hope. Hope is the only thing there is to me. If there is no Hope in Him then I don’t think there is anything worth moving forward for. It’s the Hope in the midst of “no cure” that makes me want to rejoice.
I am sad that you lost contact with Misty. But on another site I used to post on, there was a sister named Misty….I wonder if it could be the same person?
It could be her but I’m doubtful. But it could be…if she lives in North Carolina then there’s a greater likelihood it’s the same Misty.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Yes, many of those anointed for life in heaven are women. Once given their spirit bodies in order to receive their inheritance, there will be no gender (which only pertains to earthly creatures for reproduction).
Not to be rude but a serious question then…are those chosen for earth still gender for reproduction?

I also view “no gender” slightly different. Because there is also no bond or free, no more Jew or Greek. I’m not so sure it is talking about anatomy of the flesh but instead the anatomy of the mind and heart. Like with husband and wife and the verses that speak on both, and for husbands to treat their wives as also “heirs of grace”. Knowing no more no man after the flesh, no longer knowing Jesus after the flesh …but those flesh anatomy hinderances taken out of the way. The perspective of the heart and mind changed to where it is no longer your Jew and I’m Greek, your female and I’m male and your bound and I’m free….but the perspective being “heirs of grace” …to me we make too much out of the anatomy of the body of flesh as if that is the focus instead of removal of that focus on “types” as a hindrance in respect of persons…instead “heirs of Christ”

It is not their choice to go to heaven, but God’s choosing of them for that specific role. His spirit “bears witness” to them so that they don’t just “think” or “believe” that they are chosen….they “know” that they are, and are fully aware of what that role is. (Rev 20:6) They will receive a “first resurrection” to spirit life by being “born again”…..leaving their bodies of flesh behind, and being given an appropriate spirit body in order to dwell in the spirit realm. Being “born again” means a complete rebirth in a new body, whereas being resurrected by Jesus after the kingdom is established on earth will be a return to this life in a new physical body. Since there is no immortal soul, the dead “sleep” peacefully in their graves, and will awaken just as Lazarus did. (John 11:11-14; Eccl 9:5, 10)
Question here. it sounds like they are only the ones His Spirit bear witness to? The “first fruits”…?
You are not far from the truth there….it was always God’s intention to have one family of ’children’….some who will dwell with him in the heavenly realm, and some to live a wonderful life in the material realm….a beautiful paradise…..each created to enjoy the life that they are given. It was always God’s intention to have those who dwell in heaven and on earth united as one family in his worship.

When Adam sinned, he separated us from God so that we were alienated due to no fault on our part (Rom 5:12)… God determined to fix that problem with a long term solution rather than a short term one. The long term solution was to hand the human race over to the “god“ whom they had chosen to obey, in order for them to see that obeying their Creator is always a wise thing to do. The devil is a fraud, and he is a good con artist….deception is how he operates. (2 Cor 4:3-4)
“The devil is a fraud …he is a good con artist…deception is how he operates.” That is no lie.
Growing up I believed a big ol’ lie of the devil. It started young this whisper into my mind, heart, body and life…a little whisper of “hey, you’re stupid. You can’t read.” The whisper got louder. I hid when the teacher called on children to read. It was other things whispered meant to tear down. I accepted the fraud. I wholeheartedly accepted the con-artist. My anxiety grew and spiraled out of control. Everything seemed to support the whispers of the con-artist. No. I’m not crazy. But I know for certain a lie was being planted deep…as you said the devil is known for it. The lie spilled over into my children and then my grandchildren. My daughters heard the whisper too…that they were not capable of much either. Then i see those things now spilling over into my grandchildren. I had a part in it too. Recirculating the lie. Tearing down. It wasn’t until my forties that I picked up my first book and read it. I had believed a lie. Years of panic attacks, anxiety, phobias, obsession compulsive disorder…all based off of a lie.

One of my daughters is a beautician. Yesterday she had to go do a young girls hair at her home. She came home saying “mom, I’m concerned for her. She has isolated herself in her home. She can’t work. She doesn’t go outside. She barely would let me touch her to help fix her hair.” The girl kept circling around to “I’m ugly” “I’m fat” “what am I going to do.” The girl is totally convinced and it’s a lie. A straight up lie that she has accepted as true. It has hindered her life. I can relate.

So yeah…I recognize the devil as a really manipulative liar that is a pro at convincing people to hinder life and being a part of others and able to function as if to trap them in the lies that are not true. Like children sold the lie …that divorce “it’s my fault” “I’m a problem” “I’m trouble” …

By obeying satan, the first humans became his slaves and so did all their children……but God provided a ransom for Adam’s children in the sacrifice of his own son, so that he could redeem them out of that slavery and re-establish his rightful kingship over them. He did not demand obedience, but asked his free willed children to offer it willingly, knowing that he always had their best interests at heart. This required genuine love and trust which must be earned if it is to be given willingly.
Only those who truly love God and trust him in all their ways will inherit the prize of everlasting life, (Prov 3:5-6) whether in heaven or on earth.
I trust God that the devil lies.
They do not take the higher seats, but are given them by God himself…..and there is no personal glory on earth for those who receive that “heavenly calling”. They are not treated any differently to any other brother or sister, and are usually humble enough never to even refer to their status…….they are just part of the congregation.…part of Jehovah’s universal family.
I can’t really comment here since I’ve never been to a Jehovah Witness Hall. Even here in the board some with tell you they have been chose to rule with Christ…right after or while tearing you down and mocking you as not at their level. That has left a bad taste in my mouth.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Not to be rude but a serious question then…are those chosen for earth still gender for reproduction?
Thank you again for your thoughtful response….

That is a ‘wait and see’ because Jesus spoke of two different resurrections….one to heaven for the elect, and one for those who have proven worthy of being granted everlasting life through these “last days” as well as those who lived and died in ignorance before Israel became a nation, never getting an opportunity to know about the true God and his purpose for mankind, living in countries where false religion was all they knew.

Jesus said…..”The children of this system of things marry and are given in marriage, but those who have been counted worthy of gaining that system of things and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage. In fact, neither can they die any more, for they are like the angels, and they are God’s children by being children of the resurrection.” (Luke 20:34-36)

We know that death ends a marriage and frees the widowed one for remarriage. But we can only imagine how difficult it would be for the spouse who died to come back in the resurrection expecting to still be married to someone who now belongs to someone else…..the Sadducees had tried to trick Jesus with the question that prompted his response above….(this was based on “brother-in-law marriage which ensured inheritance rights.)

27 However, some of the Sadducees, those who say there is no resurrection, came and asked him: 28 “Teacher, Moses wrote us, ‘If a man’s brother dies, leaving a wife, but he was childless, his brother should take the wife and raise up offspring for his brother.’ 29 Now there were seven brothers. The first took a wife but died childless. 30 So the second 31 and the third married her. Likewise even all seven; they died and left no children. 32 Finally the woman also died. 33 Consequently, in the resurrection, whose wife will she become? For the seven had her as a wife.”

So Jesus’ response seems to apply to those resurrected back to this earth. But again, we will wait and see….whatever God allows, we will fall into line with it. His first purpose was for humans to “fill the earth” but not “overfill” it, so we do not know at this point what God was going to do once the human race had reached capacity. Would reproduction cease? Would God make other planets habitable as he did the earth and start to colonize the universe? He simply does not tell us……yet.

We know that the angels have no gender as spirit creatures, (each were individually created) but when they materialized, they presented as only as males. Those who are given a spirit body to dwell in heaven will not need to be any of their former gender or nationality or social standing…..all will be equal in status as servants of God, even as Jesus was. (Acts 4:27) They will all be “kings and priests”, so they will need subjects to rule, and sinners to guide on their way back into reconciliation with Jehovah. This is the whole purpose of God’s kingdom….taking us back to where we started in sinless perfection, enjoying paradise conditions with our loved ones forever.
I also view “no gender” slightly different. Because there is also no bond or free, no more Jew or Greek. I’m not so sure it is talking about anatomy of the flesh but instead the anatomy of the mind and heart.
It’s both according to the Bible. Those chosen for life in heaven will have a change of body as well as a change in mind and heart, no longer shackled to imperfect flesh, (and its sinful tendencies) and having direct access to the Spirit Being who is Jehovah…..all they will do for the redeemed ones of mankind will be as God wills.
The perspective of the heart and mind changed to where it is no longer your Jew and I’m Greek, your female and I’m male and your bound and I’m free….but the perspective being “heirs of grace” …to me we make too much out of the anatomy of the body of flesh as if that is the focus instead of removal of that focus on “types” as a hindrance in respect of persons…instead “heirs of Christ”
Yes, we will all need to get rid of those divisive obstacles that the devil has planted in his world…racism, physical presentation that is motivated by vanity, and educational or social status…all the things the world focuses on that are designed to produce envy, division, greed and elevated superiority over others because of wealth or education……none of that will exist in the world where Jesus rules as King. All will be children of God as he first intended…..all doing what their Creator designed them to do….to take care of this beautiful earth, to look after its creatures, and to use our free will to the benefit of others not just ourselves.
Question here. it sounds like they are only the ones His Spirit bear witness to? The “first fruits”…?
Revelation 14:1-5 tells us…
Then I saw, and look! the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who have his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads. 2 I heard a sound coming out of heaven like the sound of many waters and like the sound of loud thunder; and the sound that I heard was like singers who accompany themselves by playing on their harps. 3 And they are singing what seems to be a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders, and no one was able to master that song except the 144,000, who have been bought from the earth. 4 These are the ones who did not defile themselves with women; in fact, they are virgins. These are the ones who keep following the Lamb no matter where he goes. These were bought from among mankind as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb, 5 and no deceit was found in their mouths; they are without blemish.”

The 144,000 are the chosen ones…”firstfruits to God and to the Lamb” Jesus Christ.…”bought from the earth”, so there is no doubt that they were once human beings who did not let themselves be “defiled” by false worship, like literal Israel did on many occasions (God called them adulterers, because they were spiritually unfaithful to him, worshipping false gods). Physically, they are not “virgins”, but spiritually they are “without blemish” having proven their faith “unto death”.
I can’t really comment here since I’ve never been to a Jehovah Witness Hall. Even here in the board some with tell you they have been chose to rule with Christ…right after or while tearing you down and mocking you as not at their level. That has left a bad taste in my mouth.
I can understand that, but the call to rule with Christ in heaven is a powerful one that alters the lives and thinking of those who genuinely have “the heavenly calling” (Hebrews 3:1)……they have to alter their thinking and conduct whilst still in imperfect flesh to even qualify for that role. So no one who is truly anointed for life in heaven will have those negative qualities. Humility will govern all that they do and say.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
What about today? Right now, where is the Body of Christ?
In practically every nation on earth with those who believe on Jesus Christ as their Savior. Christ's authentic Church is of The Spirit, not geographic location. (Ephesians 2).


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2022
United States
Matthew 23:

ἐντὸς (entos)
Strong's 1787: Within, inside, the inside. From en; inside.

Surprisingly this adverb appears only twice in the Bible. Outside of the Bible, ἐντός appears frequently (BDAG).

Greek Word Study Tool:

Wiki agrees exactly:

But then, ESV Luke 17:

Well, if the kingdom of God is in the midst of you people, then it is externally measurable.

New King James Version provides a better translation:

The kingdom of God is inside each one of us. The Paraclete dwells in each one of us.

Christ was speaking to Pharisees who believed there would be a physical manifestation of the Kingdom of God on this earth. Christ tells them the Kingdom of God does not come with observation, IOW it is not a physical Kingdom of this world. For this reason we should not follow or believe those who tell us the Kingdom of God is on or will be on this earth. Why? Because His Kingdom, being a spiritual Kingdom and not NOW a physical Kingdom on this earth is "within" His faithful followers.

If the Kingdom of God is merely in our midst as some mistranslations have it, Christ would not have told them His Kingdom NOW is not of this world. The Kingdom of God shall NEVER be of this world, nor does His Kingdom come from this world.

John 18:36 (KJV) Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2022
United States
What did Christ mean when He said "the Kingdom of God is within you"? Ye must be born again to know and enter the Kingdom of God, because His Kingdom is not flesh and blood, but His Spirit in you.

John 3:3-7 (KJV) Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2022
United States
The Paraclete is different. He was not available in the OT. See The Paraclete was released if and only if Jesus died

According to Christ He was!

John 14:16-17 (KJV) And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2022
United States
What about today? Right now, where is the Body of Christ?

Those who have physically died are a spiritual body of believers in heaven. And those who are still gathering together physically alive are a body of believers on the earth, called "His Church".