The Liberal Democratic War Against Judeo-Christian Values

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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2012
United States
The fact that liberals seek to restrict Christian beliefs shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone but the reality that this is a long term plan established back the 60's may not be as readily apparent. This decades old movement has it’s roots in the 1920's with the Scope’s trial. Early in the planning stages they developed a long-term plan that was summarized in 1971 when Saul Alinsky published his book, “Rules for Radicals”. This was basically a book on how to bring socialist/communistic change to a capitalist democratic republic. This however wasn’t the first book on the subject. In 1958, W. Cleon Skousen published a book exposing the history and goals of Communism. In his book titled “The Naked Communist”, he laid out the 45 goals of the Communist Party USA wanted to achieve in order to destroy American Society and its Constitutional form of Government. Amazingly in the 50 years since publishing, these goals to overthrow America have nearly all been achieved! Interestingly, goal #28 of The Naked Communist was: "Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of 'separation of church and state.'

Knowing the only way to plan this long term war was to change the hearts and minds of the people, they decided to start with the children believing that if they could slowly brainwash (not a term they used) them into discounting religion they would have a much greater chance of success. The powers that were behind this decided the first step to rid the nation of its Judeo-Christian values should be to eliminate prayer in public schools. They won that round in 1962 under a democratic president via a Supreme Court decision regarding New York Public Schools. The 22 word prayer that offended certain people was this: “Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country.”

The second round occurred the following year, 1963, when the Court decided against the practice of sanctioned bible readings in school. The lone dissenter of the Warren court, Justice Potter Stewart proclaimed: “It led not to true neutrality with respect to religion, but to the establishment of a religion of secularism.” This sentiment is still echoed by many Christians today. It all took a while to accomplish but was finally finished in 1972. The ten commandments were removed from schools in 1980.
The results of all these rulings are apparent when we see the violence and lack of morality that prevails in our public school systems.

In Alinsky’s book he had a chapter about “Tactics”. There are 13 listed and he spent more time on #13 then the rest of them. If you’re paying any attention to the mainstream media’s attacks on Trump. You are seeing #13 in action. “13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” “Number 13 should be familiar to everyone; it’s the tactic of personal destruction.

It starts with “Pick the target”; the natural choice is the adversary who represents the greatest current threat, take Sarah Palin as an example. “Freeze it”, be relentless, keep the target always on the defensive. Stop them from moving forward by a constant need for responding to your attacks. The DNC sent a SWAT team of 30 high powered lawyers and Democratic operatives accompanied by members of the liberal mainstream media to Alaska at the height of her popularity. “Personalize it”, spread a story like the rumor that Palin’s daughter got pregnant while still in high school and her mother lied to cover up for her by claiming the baby was her own. “Polarize it”, surround the targeted person with controversy to maintain the public interest and keep the issue alive. The practice of personal destruction is deplorable and in many cases vicious. Unfortunately, it is also effective.
They have greatly intensified their efforts against Trump disguising it behind personality issues and worthiness but most of us know that it is because of his public support of Judeo-Christian values. This is what they really can’t tolerate as it goes against everything their godless mindset stands against.

Tactic #5- “Ridicule is man’s most important weapon.” Has anyone been listening to all the late night clowns or the mainstream media’s talk shows?
Tactic number 4 is “hypocrisy”. No one can live up to their own beliefs every hour of every day of every year. When an opponent slips, call them on it. The liberals eagerly await every speech or twitter feed ready to pounce on the slightest thing they think they can label hypocrisy.

One of the reasons the radical liberal left are constantly acting as obstructionists can be associated with this quote from Alinsky’s book: “Issues are not for solving while the ‘enemy’ (conservative republicans) is still in control. Issues are tools for building discontent with the status quo, a necessary step in the process of deposing those in control. To solve an issue is to waste it.” Throughout his book Alinsky refers to patriotic conservatives as “the enemy”.
They keep coming up with ideas on how to destroy our values. They’ve done it with Roe vs. Wade, the war on Christmas, taking down crosses and other symbols of religion freedom and by creating new groups of minorities that they believe are being repressed like the LGBT, illegal immigrants, the #me too movement, questioning gender identities, political correctness on steroids. They also create an atmosphere of fear by exaggerating the dangers of made up “man-made” climate change, playing with the statistics of gun violence, etc. They know that as long as gun owning christians have access to weapons they can never 100% achieve their goals so we’ll see that become more and more of a priority. An unarmed populace is an easily controlled populace.

They are playing up the so-called wisdom of children and celebrating women-hood by instigating an atmosphere of open sex and debauchery and putting them on a pedestal as the solution to all the “man made” problems. Have you seen any of these “marches for women’s rights? You know they’re just dying to put a woman in office. After the self glorification of their progressiveness by electing a black President, even though he was vastly under qualified, they yearn to repeat that with a female president. FYI, this past election put more LBGT people in office then we’ve ever had before! They claim progression, I claim national self-destruction. God will not be mocked. It is now easy to see how the fulfillment of Rev. 9:20-21 will come about. They run around seeking something or someone to blame for all the ills of society yet never once acknowledging the possibility that it is their own sin and rebelliousness against God’s authority that is to blame!

They also fail to heed the warning of Rom. 12:3 as they think more highly of humanity then they ought to think. They want to believe that they are in control and our humanness will come up with all the answers. They actually believe that we can create some type of futuristic man-made utopia with out any help from a non-existent God. I can assure you that without God’s intervention mankind would destroy themselves and the earth in a matter of decades.

As conservatives and christians it is our responsibility to be informed and aware of what is happening around us. To take off our rose colored glasses and see what evil is doing to overcome our nation. Yes, I said evil because that is exactly what it is. Of course, I am speaking of the leadership and not the pawns they are using to gain control. They have finally created a generation of young people who believe everything they are taught in school from evolution to open sexuality and it is all good. By using Orwellian double-speak they have made evil seem good and what we have always believed as good, they now consider evil thus reversing the morals and manners of christian society.