The meaning of 666 and its identity

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Now concerning the mark of the forehead. As for the forehead, it is where the mind is, and is illustrative of man's thinking. By giving us spiritual images of believers with the name of God written in their foreheads, it is revealed their minds are sealed in Christ Jesus so that their thoughts become one with his. Believers all have one mind as they are all sealed or secured of the Spirit in Christ.


Believer's having the name of God written in their foreheads are illustrative of a people who are of one Spirit where God is guiding them in their will and in their thinking. It is the fulfilling of Old Covenant prophecy.

No one would look at Hebrews 10:16 and even begin to think that God means that He's literally written Scripture on someone's heart, or that He has literally carved laws on our foreheads or in our minds. Because of the Spirit we readily understand its imagery or a spiritual metaphor illustrating our spiritual nature. And yet, some theologians will take the verse in Revelation chapter 13, which is an even more obviously symbolic and spiritual book, and try and force the name or number of the non-literal beast, to be literally something marked in one's forehead. And ironically, usually, all while looking at the beast, it's horns, and it's rising from the earth and sea, as symbolic. There is no scriptural justification for this type of interpreting. Not in the context, content, or character of the chapter can we "read into" Scripture such ideas. The mark is no more talking about a literal mark, than Hebrews 10:16 is talking about literal marks of Scripture written upon our hearts or passages scribbled in our minds. It is mere symbolism that we are sealed with God's Spirit in our minds (2 Corinthians 1:22, Ephesians 4:30, Revelation 7:3), that we have an earnest desire to obey God's laws and do His will by our hand. It is by the Spirit ingrained upon our hearts and minds that we will and do.

All true believers have the spirit of a sound mind, the one mind in Christ Jesus. The name of Christ is the word of God, and that is what is spiritually sealed within our minds that we would obey and work and do.

By the same token, those who are deceived by the spirit of Satan also have the same mind and purpose in life. But instead of the mind of lawfulness, they have the mind of lawlessness once they have given themselves over to a false system of worshipping. Their desire is not to do the will of God, but to be disobedient and do the will of their father, the Devil. Even though the very ones given over to this spirit of antichrist are so blinded they truly think they are serving God, Jesus Christ, and following the scriptures! A STRONG DELUSION has been given to them by God by LEAVING THEM TO THEIR OWN SINFUL LUST just as God did to Pharaoh of old.

Jesus told the Scribes and Pharisees that their mind was defiled because they were of their father, the Devil. Why? Because the mind of the people of Israel was given over to that prince or ruler, Satan. Spiritually speaking, he had become their king and held them in bondage (John 8:36). In this same fashion, when the church falls into the apostasy illustrated in Revelation chapter 13, these also will be brought into bondage by Satan. And as the true believers are sealed in their foreheads to signify they are all of one mind in the Spirit of Christ, so these will be spiritually marked in their forehead signifying that they are all of one mind in the spirit of antichrist. Indeed, as it is written:

One mind, one spiritual father, one character of the beast. Collectively, we have either the mind of Christ, or the mind of Satan. And those who fall away are spiritually defiled. The same type of illustration as found in Titus, where it speaks about the mind of the unrighteous being defiled.

This is what the mark on the forehead symbolized. That their mind is defiled and they are all of one spirit to give their hand in work for the beast's kingdom. So again, the mark of the Beast in man's hand and forehead is not a carnal or fleshly mark, rather it is the mark of the flesh, or of carnality. For the carnal mind is illustrated in the will of the flesh. The mind being marked signifies carnal thinking, and the hand signifies the will of the flesh in agreement on the same gospel. The mark is a token of the nature of disobedience and signifies that one does not have the Spirit of God, but is sold out to the flesh. And one who has the mark of the beast in his head, has the sign of death upon him.

How can we answer the question, "What is the mark of the beast?" We answer that it is the carnal mind, the mind spiritually marked of the beast that has deceived them that they take on his character and do his will. Their hand is to serve in his kingdom to the same gospel, rather than in Christ's. And in this same cryptic fashion, Revelation 17:5 talks about the Harlot with a name written on her forehead saying "Mystery Babylon, the Great, the Mother of harlots, and abominations of the earth." Is this a literal woman with literal writing in her forehead? Again, not at all. It is symbolic language signifying a fallen spiritual city that outside looks rich and true, but inside is abominations and filth. To look for a literal woman with a name literally marked in her forehead would be foolishness. Yet this type of unsound hermeneutic is routinely practiced by many theologians in Revelation. But in these cryptic images we see battle against the one true God, and the images of the god of this world. One Kingdom of the Lamb, with the man of law serving God, and the other is the kingdom of the beast, with the man of lawlessness (sin) serving Satan. Images of the Christ, and of the false Christ.
Amen..."we are marked in Him with a seal"....aka Holy Spirit. This is like the old covenant Jews who the Lord told to BIND the word of God to their right hand and forehead. Aka seal it to themselves. This was a shadow of the Holy Spirit to come with the true Messiah, Christ. And so, to me people taking the mark of the beast seems like a picture of those who are given over to a wrong spirit, of deception/delusion and worshiping the beast.

I can't parse everything that is in Rev by far, but I believe God's word itself tells us what these things mean. So much of it, if not all of it, seems to reiterate things that have already been written in the bible. Eg, the only book in the bible that was sealed was the book of it's no coincidence that so much of the allegory/imagery in Rev is taken from Daniel. Even the name Babylon. So the unsealing of that book meant that those prophecies in Daniel would now (shortly) be fulfilled.

Where we see 666 in the bible is with Solomon (flesh and blood king - a man - who built the temple of stone)...his annual income was 666 talents of wealth/money or the love of it is a characteristic with what is being, merchants of that great city, false teachers making merchandise of us.....and Jesus' indictment of "you have turned my Father's house into a house of merchandise" Also in Babylon, the measurements of Nebby's idol (of gold!) is written as 60 x 6 x 6 cubits. I believe his image was that of what he had just previously seen in his dream, with himself - a man - as head of those earthly kingdoms. (Not until Nebby was driven insane would he acknowledge that God is the real Head of kingdoms because He is the one who sets over them who He wills.)

Babylon in scripture represents God's people and city, taken captive, ie, being given over to the false loves/lusts/beliefs of their hearts. It represents the people and things of God turned upside down and become perverse, as it were. And Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil...we cannot serve two masters. Israel essentially became Babylon....Jerusalem , that great city, had become Babylon, spiritually speaking...serving two masters...."halting between two opinions"...trying to serve God and Baal/mammon both at the same time. Or maybe more accurate to say serving mammon in the name of God..... serving mammon but just using the name of God.

Well, these are some of my bits and pieces, peering through a glass darkly....I get so overwhelmed with all the details in the book of Rev, so I'll leave this for better heads than mine to weigh and sort out.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Revelation 13:16-18
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

In the book Book of Revelation Chapter 13:16–18, the Textus Receptus manuscripts of the New Testament, cryptically asserts 666 to be 'the number of a man' associated with the Beast of revelation.. Some manuscripts of the original Koine Greek use the symbols χξϛ chi xi stigma (or χξϝ with a digamma), while other manuscripts spell out the number in words. But there are a few that try to misdirect or say it is another number or put in the margin that some 'authorities' that 'read Six hundred and sixteen.' or 'one early ms has the letters for 616'

But it is clear that it is 666 and today this has become one of the most widely recognized symbols for the Antichrist. Now the number 666 in and of itself doesn’t mean anything bad. Sometimes something might cost 666 dollars, or someone’s address or phone number might contain the numbers '666' and many other examples. But in the Bible this number does have significance, in the final verse of Revelation 13 we find an identifying clue for the Beast: 'Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred sixty and six.'

So the Bible tells us that this number '666', is the number of a man, symbolized by the first beast of Revelation 13. Notice that “666” is not the “mark of the beast,” but is an identifier, something that helps us to identify who or what that beast is. This Beast is identified elsewhere as Babylon, which brought false worship and confused the people with it. You have to understand that false worship had spread from that to the true God, to the created objects such as the Sun, Moon and Stars. The ancient Babylonian false worship was basically development of star worship of what were created objects they saw. The heavenly bodies were seen as gods and worshipped as a supernatural beings. We find the sun, moon were identified with Shamash, Sin, and the planet Venus with Ishtar, Jupiter was Marduk, Saturn was the war god, Mercury was Nebo, Mars was Nergal, god of the dead as we find in history.

This system of identification was taken over and modified by the Greeks and Romans, using the names of their own deities. But when the Greek sailors and soldiers went to the temples they had to know or identify the "gods" or religious system they were worshiping, so the use of numbers/letter symbols of which "god" the temple was dedicated to or worshipped. We see the same system of identity in use today with the use of symbols on monstrance icons or on books, altars, baptismal fonts, communion hosts, letters which also have numeric meaning.

The use of "IHS" is translated some claim as a symbol for the name of Christ. As Greek has its own alphabet and in it “Jesus” is spelled “ιησυς” and when capitalized it becomes “ΙΗΣΟΥΣ”. The claim is that if you take just the first three letters of this word or “ΙΗΣ” which are the Greek letters “iota”, “eta” and “sigma”. When these letters are converted into modern alphabet it becomes “IHS”. However, no one can explain how these letters came about and their meaning with any certainty or real evidence which "god" they may represent.

The Roman Catholic priests hold up a monstrance during their high mass, and the form of a monstrance is that of a circular window which contain a host, which symbolizes the sun. It is surrounded by a golden rays of the sun emitting all around that circular window which contain "IHS" in the form of a host. This sunburst monstrance with the round host that symbolize the sun encased for the people to adore and venerate and so anytime this pagan sun symbol is viewed by the congregation, they kneel in submission. If you look you find that "IHS" is also the mystery name that the Roman Catholic churches have on their altar, on their vestments, when they say mass. You find this in the definition of "monstrance"...

mon·strance /ˈmänztr(ə)ns/

noun (in the Roman Catholic Church) an open or transparent receptacle in which the consecrated Host is exposed for veneration.

Now only is the symbol also on their host but they claim it becomes or transformed into the actual body of Christ, but we will leave that for another discussion. So letters in Greek had numeric meaning and these letters were used to identify what system of worship or "gods" the temples were dedicated to or followed.

We see in Revelation 13:18: “18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." The thing that throws most people off is when they look just at the "number of the man" 'anthrōpou' or 'of a human being' and then we are given the number which is 666. The number can represent the system of worship and at the same time show it is led by a "human being" not God, so we see how the number can be used to identify this antichrist entity, which at the same time is represented by a man.

Now as many will argue many other names, such as Nero, or Mohammed, or a king of Israel, none of these can be it as they do not fit the things it does or the length of its power, especially when it comes to the timeline which stretches to the end times. But we have to understand what prophecy in Revelation tells us and it gives us clues to follow of this system of worship which is led by a man..
Actually no, that is not what the "MoB" is at all.
For all of what church-ianity understands of the "MoB", all of it is equal to the foolishness of a sci-fi drama.
As you will see, the correct understanding is very much scriptural.

The number "six hundred threescore and six"
is described in 1 Kings 10:1-15, but to understand that number, one must stop thinking of it as to how "the wisdom of men" in church-ianity approach it. 1 Cor. 2:5.

First and foremost, there is nothing religious, or magical about the number "six hundred threescore and six". It is simply the amount of talents in gold, that CAME TO king Solomon received in one year, being a FREE gift of appreciation to Solomon, from the government of the Queen of Sheeba.

Now, as to buying and selling, as shown in Rev. 13:17, we Immediately recognize that it is about gold, which to us is money, cash, credit etc., of which we all use to buy and sell most everything.

So then, since there has been nothing to fear about buying and selling for thousands of years in that manner, we must at once recognize that the world will change in the way that it has been conducting economic trade and financial transactions, and what it is that is NOW being proposed, that shall cause the financial world to change.
The words: "no man might BUY or SELL" reveals that the change will be economic.

So my question to all is. Do you know what a "Central Bank Digital Currency" (CBDC) is?
It is programmable digital money.

After WW3 (Rev. 9:13-21), for a period of one year, digitized money will freely COME TO (be given) to all citizens, who worship (are compliant) with the Image of* the beast. Rev. 13:11-18.
[16] And he [the Image]* causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

All of such will freely receive monthly allotments of digitized money, through their respective governments. It is commonly understood as being "Universal Basic Income".

*Note: the United Nations (UN).

I urge all to do their own research about it.
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3 Resurrections

Active Member
Jan 20, 2024
South Carolina
United States
I do these lists.
There are no beast features that Daniel gave which characterized the Egyptian or Assyrian periods. The oldest empire in Revelation 13:2 was represented by the "lion" feature, which was symbolic of the Babylonian empire in Daniel's prophecy.

We cannot include the Egyptian or Assyrian periods in this Sea Beast. Under the Egyptian period of domination of the Hebrew people, Israel as an independent nation had yet to be developed. And Assyria never was able to conquer Jerusalem the capital city of Judah, so it was not included in the list of beasts which held control of the whole nation of Israel over the centuries. And we cannot include Papal Rome as a period of the Sea Beast's existence, since Israel as a nation and Jerusalem had already been conquered by the AD 70 Roman invasion. The Sea Beast entity is long dead by now. Once God "shattered the power of the holy people" (Daniel 12:7), the Sea Beast entity ceased to exist.

The list of empires within the Sea Beast entity starts with the Babylonian invasion of Jerusalem and that first deportation of Jewish nobility. In 607 BC. Which was 666 years until the time John was writing Revelation to his first-century audience. And that composition date for Revelation was somewhere between late AD 59 to early AD 60, just before the AD 60 Laodicean earthquake. John was writing to the Laodicean church prior to that disastrous earthquake, giving them Christ's warning that He was "about to spue thee out of my mouth" (in AD 60).

The 666 calculated number has no significance or danger for us today. And neither does the "mark" which once gave homage to the Sea Beast, since that Sea Beast entity is long dead by now.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States

A Crack in the Door​

Now that Protestantism has been in a state of separation from the Church for several centuries,

Beginning with a False narrative, does not end with the Truth.

Protestants did not separate from THE (Christ’s Church).
Protestants either separated from, or never joined: THE “Catholic Church”.

psychological pressures have eased, and many Protestants today recognize the absurdity of the papal Antichrist theory and reject those portions of their confessional writings that endorse it.

Rather I would say “many Protestants today don’t agree with the Catholic Church’s Teaching being the SAME as Jesus’ Teaching’s

This praiseworthy recognition provides the Catholic apologist with an opportunity to invite individuals to fundamentally reconsider the Protestant Reformation. If Protestants are prepared to admit that the pope is not the Antichrist and that the Catholic Church is not the Whore of Babylon, then the questions may be posed: “Then what are they? How can they be otherwise explained?”

The “Vatican City” is a city, state and independent Country, surrounded by the country of Italy, with unique aspects.
* Population totality slightly less than 600 Gentile persons.
* The Entire Population are members of the Catholic Church .
* Citizens primarily all Gentiles, of other countries may also become members of the Vatican’s Religious recognized Catholic Churches located in any other world country, while Not being citizens of the Vatican City.

Most Christians are and always have been members of the Catholic Church.

Speculative guesswork. Most Protestants today, have Never been members of the Catholic Church.
Most Protestants today ARE in allegiance with, and members of Christ’s Church founded and established upon;
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God; and Christ Jesus Himself IS the Rock foundation and head of His Church, to whit Jesus Offered ALL men (Jews and Gentiles) a WAY and MEANS to JOIN HisChurch.

The pope and the Catholic Church are too central to historic Christianity to be dismissed as simply an accident.

The “pope” IS the “Catholic Churches” Head.
(To which Catholic Church members Yield)

Christ Jesus IS the Head of “Christ’s Church”.
(To which Protestant Church members Yield)

Jesus was SENT to the Jews.
Jesus TAUGHT, APPOINTED and SENT Jews to carry on ministering TO Jews.

Jesus APPOINTED and SENT Saul/Paul of mixed Heritage, (Jew /Saul and Gentile / Paul);
(Excellent in knowledge of Jewish Law,
Taught for 3 years by the Holy Spirit, HOW TO teach “Gentiles” Jesus’ extended Offering for Gentiles to be Included IN Membership of Christ’s Church.

Only Saul / Paul was appointed by the Lord God to Teach, Preach, TO:
Jews andGentiles and Gentile Kings (ie a nations governing head.)

The difference is glaring.
The Church……………….Catholic
The Members……………Gentiles called Catholic.
The Church Head………Pope
The First Catholic (posthumous) pope, Jew, Peter.
The Governing Head….Pope
The Foundation………….Peter
The Head Church………Peter
The Anti-……………………Catholic
The Mother………………..Mary
The Father…………………God, man appointed Priests.
The without Sin………….God, Jesus, Man-appointed Mary
The Forever Forgiven….Faithful mortally dead.

The Church……………….Christ’s
The Members……………Gentiles (and or Jews) called Converted IN Christ; ie Born Again
The Church Head………Christ
The Governing Head….Christ
The Head Church………Internally withIN the Converted IN Christ.
The Foundation…………Christ
The Anti-……………………Christ
The Mother………………..without ancestor’s
The Father………………….The Lord God, God’s Appointed Abraham
The Without Sin…………Lord God Almighty
The Forever Forgiven….Sanctifi-ED

They must have some part in God’s plan. But if they are not the Antichrist and the Whore of Babylon, then the logical alternative is to recognize them as the Vicar of Christ and the Bride of Christ—the very realization that drove the early Reformers to the papal Antichrist theory.

THE anti-Christ, was Cast From Heaven TO Earth BEFORE the first Earthly man was Created and Made.

“THE” ANTI-Christ; IS “SATAN” was and has ALWAYS BEEN (from the day he was cast down to Earth)…and he Remains ON Earth to this day.

”Anti-Christs” ARE:
* Angel spirits (who FELL AWAY from their holy service unto the Lord God.) AND “MADE” their allegiance “with SATAN”.
* Human men who NEVER BECAME “MADE” Converted “IN” Christ Jesus.

”THE” ANTI-Christ….ie “SATAN”…
(Like ALL angels (which ARE spirits) which ARE Capable of entering a HUMAN BODY, and controlling that BODY to do “THEIR” will)….
“SATAN” SHALL enter the BODY of a “man-appointed’ world governing leader, for the express Intent and purpose of convincing the Population “OF” the world at large….

WHOSE BODY, “THE” ANTI-Christ SHALL ENTER, is of yet…Unknown.

WHO ARE….Are Anti-Christ’s….
* ARE (unseen by human eyes) spirit angels already in allegiance with SATAN.
* ARE visible Humans who “openly” Reject Christ Jesus.
* ARE visible Humans who “openly” and “intentionally” Teach in Direct Conflict with the Word of God, whilst “proclaiming” they Teach “according” to the Word of God.

“IS” the Catholic Pope of the Catholic Church ‘THE” Anti-Christ? No.
“THE” Anti-Christ IS “SATAN”.

“IS” or “HAS” any Pope of the Catholic Church, or Cleric of a Protestant Church BEEN “an Anti-Christ” ?
Probability is YES.

“IS” an Individual Converted IN Christ…an Anti-Christ? No.

No, ALL Christian’s did not BEGIN with Gentiles.

No. ALL Christian’s did not BEGIN with Catholics.

Begin with the TRUTH…
“THE” Church “IS” Christ’s Church, that which “IS” a Spiritual Church “EXPRESSLY WITH-IN A man having become MADE a member, BY the Power of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit”….regardless if that man IS CALLED: “A Gentile, A Jew, A Protestant, A Catholic” or any other “Name-tag an individual chooses”.

“THE” TRUTH “IS” Gods Own and Approved and Verifiable with His Approved Word “HAS” been numerous times Written, Copied, Bound, Published, Available … called Holy, called Sacred TEXT, for the Illiterate to be READ TO, and the literate TO READ for themselves.

“THE” TRUTH “IS” “some” man-made churches and the congregation members thereof are Promoted and Accept, written, copied, bound, published, revised, re-published TEXT, neither, holy or sacred TEXT, as a means outside of the Holy TEXT to “verify” what they are “verbally” preached and taught”.
The TRUTH “IS” such extra/ additional writings, WERE NOT, sanctioned, used, by The Lord, The Chosen and Appointed Apostles of Jesus.

The Individual Converted Jews…
The Individual Converted Gentiles….
ALL have differences of Knowledge and Understanding ACCORDING TO the individual’s OWN effort, otherwise known as THE DISTANCE they have progressed ON “THE” STRAIGHT and NARROW Path.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Beginning with a False narrative, does not end with the Truth.

Protestants did not separate from THE (Christ’s Church).
Protestants either separated from, or never joined: THE “Catholic Church”.

Rather I would say “many Protestants today don’t agree with the Catholic Church’s Teaching being the SAME as Jesus’ Teaching’s

The “Vatican City” is a city, state and independent Country, surrounded by the country of Italy, with unique aspects.
* Population totality slightly less than 600 Gentile persons.
* The Entire Population are members of the Catholic Church .
* Citizens primarily all Gentiles, of other countries may also become members of the Vatican’s Religious recognized Catholic Churches located in any other world country, while Not being citizens of the Vatican City.

Speculative guesswork. Most Protestants today, have Never been members of the Catholic Church.
Most Protestants today ARE in allegiance with, and members of Christ’s Church founded and established upon;
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God; and Christ Jesus Himself IS the Rock foundation and head of His Church, to whit Jesus Offered ALL men (Jews and Gentiles) a WAY and MEANS to JOIN HisChurch.

The “pope” IS the “Catholic Churches” Head.
(To which Catholic Church members Yield)

Christ Jesus IS the Head of “Christ’s Church”.
(To which Protestant Church members Yield)

Jesus was SENT to the Jews.
Jesus TAUGHT, APPOINTED and SENT Jews to carry on ministering TO Jews.

Jesus APPOINTED and SENT Saul/Paul of mixed Heritage, (Jew /Saul and Gentile / Paul);
(Excellent in knowledge of Jewish Law,
Taught for 3 years by the Holy Spirit, HOW TO teach “Gentiles” Jesus’ extended Offering for Gentiles to be Included IN Membership of Christ’s Church.

Only Saul / Paul was appointed by the Lord God to Teach, Preach, TO:
Jews andGentiles and Gentile Kings (ie a nations governing head.)

The difference is glaring.
The Church……………….Catholic
The Members……………Gentiles called Catholic.
The Church Head………Pope
The First Catholic (posthumous) pope, Jew, Peter.
The Governing Head….Pope
The Foundation………….Peter
The Head Church………Peter
The Anti-……………………Catholic
The Mother………………..Mary
The Father…………………God, man appointed Priests.
The without Sin………….God, Jesus, Man-appointed Mary
The Forever Forgiven….Faithful mortally dead.

The Church……………….Christ’s
The Members……………Gentiles (and or Jews) called Converted IN Christ; ie Born Again
The Church Head………Christ
The Governing Head….Christ
The Head Church………Internally withIN the Converted IN Christ.
The Foundation…………Christ
The Anti-……………………Christ
The Mother………………..without ancestor’s
The Father………………….The Lord God, God’s Appointed Abraham
The Without Sin…………Lord God Almighty
The Forever Forgiven….Sanctifi-ED

THE anti-Christ, was Cast From Heaven TO Earth BEFORE the first Earthly man was Created and Made.

“THE” ANTI-Christ; IS “SATAN” was and has ALWAYS BEEN (from the day he was cast down to Earth)…and he Remains ON Earth to this day.

”Anti-Christs” ARE:

* Angel spirits (who FELL AWAY from their holy service unto the Lord God.) AND “MADE” their allegiance “with SATAN”.
* Human men who NEVER BECAME “MADE” Converted “IN” Christ Jesus.

”THE” ANTI-Christ….ie “SATAN”…
(Like ALL angels (which ARE spirits) which ARE Capable of entering a HUMAN BODY, and controlling that BODY to do “THEIR” will)….
“SATAN” SHALL enter the BODY of a “man-appointed’ world governing leader, for the express Intent and purpose of convincing the Population “OF” the world at large….

WHOSE BODY, “THE” ANTI-Christ SHALL ENTER, is of yet…Unknown.

WHO ARE….Are Anti-Christ’s….
* ARE (unseen by human eyes) spirit angels already in allegiance with SATAN.
* ARE visible Humans who “openly” Reject Christ Jesus.
* ARE visible Humans who “openly” and “intentionally” Teach in Direct Conflict with the Word of God, whilst “proclaiming” they Teach “according” to the Word of God.

“IS” the Catholic Pope of the Catholic Church ‘THE” Anti-Christ? No.
“THE” Anti-Christ IS “SATAN”.

“IS” or “HAS” any Pope of the Catholic Church, or Cleric of a Protestant Church BEEN “an Anti-Christ” ?
Probability is YES.

“IS” an Individual Converted IN Christ…an Anti-Christ? No.

No, ALL Christian’s did not BEGIN with Gentiles.

No. ALL Christian’s did not BEGIN with Catholics.

Begin with the TRUTH…
“THE” Church “IS” Christ’s Church, that which “IS” a Spiritual Church “EXPRESSLY WITH-IN A man having become MADE a member, BY the Power of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit”….regardless if that man IS CALLED: “A Gentile, A Jew, A Protestant, A Catholic” or any other “Name-tag an individual chooses”.

“THE” TRUTH “IS” Gods Own and Approved and Verifiable with His Approved Word “HAS” been numerous times Written, Copied, Bound, Published, Available … called Holy, called Sacred TEXT, for the Illiterate to be READ TO, and the literate TO READ for themselves.

“THE” TRUTH “IS” “some” man-made churches and the congregation members thereof are Promoted and Accept, written, copied, bound, published, revised, re-published TEXT, neither, holy or sacred TEXT, as a means outside of the Holy TEXT to “verify” what they are “verbally” preached and taught”.
The TRUTH “IS” such extra/ additional writings, WERE NOT, sanctioned, used, by The Lord, The Chosen and Appointed Apostles of Jesus.

The Individual Converted Jews…
The Individual Converted Gentiles….
ALL have differences of Knowledge and Understanding ACCORDING TO the individual’s OWN effort, otherwise known as THE DISTANCE they have progressed ON “THE” STRAIGHT and NARROW Path.
Dear Church,
Please WAKE UP!!

I repost my post #82:

"Actually no, that is not what the "MoB" is at all.
For all of what church-ianity understands of the "MoB", all of it is equal to the foolishness of a sci-fi drama.
As you will see, the correct understanding is very much scriptural.

The number "six hundred threescore and six"
is described in 1 Kings 10:1-15, but to understand that number, one must stop thinking of it as to how "the wisdom of men" in church-ianity approach it. 1 Cor. 2:5.

First and foremost, there is nothing religious, or magical about the number "six hundred threescore and six". It is simply the amount of talents in gold, that CAME TO king Solomon received in one year, being a FREE gift of appreciation to Solomon, from the government of the Queen of Sheeba.

Now, as to buying and selling, as shown in Rev. 13:17, we Immediately recognize that it is about gold, which to us is money, cash, credit etc., of which we all use to buy and sell most everything.

So then, since there has been nothing to fear about buying and selling for thousands of years in that manner, we must at once recognize that the world will change in the way that it has been conducting economic trade and financial transactions, and what it is that is NOW being proposed, that shall cause the financial world to change.
The words: "no man might BUY or SELL" reveals that the change will be economic.

So my question to all is. Do you know what a "Central Bank Digital Currency" (CBDC) is?
It is programmable digital money.

After WW3
(Rev. 9:13-21), for a period of one year, digitized money will freely COME TO (be given) to all citizens, who worship (are compliant) with the Image of* the beast. Rev. 13:11-18.
[16] And he [the Image]* causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

All of such will freely receive monthly allotments of digitized money, through their respective governments. It is commonly understood as being "Universal Basic Income".

*Note: the United Nations (UN)."

I urge all to do their own research about it

Red Baker

Active Member
Jan 10, 2024
United States
Dear Church,
Please WAKE UP!!

I repost my post #82:

"Actually no, that is not what the "MoB" is at all.
For all of what church-ianity understands of the "MoB", all of it is equal to the foolishness of a sci-fi drama.
As you will see, the correct understanding is very much scriptural.

The number "six hundred threescore and six"
is described in 1 Kings 10:1-15, but to understand that number, one must stop thinking of it as to how "the wisdom of men" in church-ianity approach it. 1 Cor. 2:5.

First and foremost, there is nothing religious, or magical about the number "six hundred threescore and six". It is simply the amount of talents in gold, that CAME TO king Solomon received in one year, being a FREE gift of appreciation to Solomon, from the government of the Queen of Sheeba.

Now, as to buying and selling, as shown in Rev. 13:17, we Immediately recognize that it is about gold, which to us is money, cash, credit etc., of which we all use to buy and sell most everything.

So then, since there has been nothing to fear about buying and selling for thousands of years in that manner, we must at once recognize that the world will change in the way that it has been conducting economic trade and financial transactions, and what it is that is NOW being proposed, that shall cause the financial world to change.
The words: "no man might BUY or SELL" reveals that the change will be economic.

So my question to all is. Do you know what a "Central Bank Digital Currency" (CBDC) is?
It is programmable digital money.

After WW3
(Rev. 9:13-21), for a period of one year, digitized money will freely COME TO (be given) to all citizens, who worship (are compliant) with the Image of* the beast. Rev. 13:11-18.
[16] And he [the Image]* causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

All of such will freely receive monthly allotments of digitized money, through their respective governments. It is commonly understood as being "Universal Basic Income".

*Note: the United Nations (UN)."

I urge all to do their own research about it
The problem with your teaching is this: you are attempting to use extra biblical information to interpret the scriptures ~ that's not how biblical hermeneutics works. See posts #59,60 above. One must compare scriptures with scriptures to get their biblical answers, without which, every man's opinion is good as the next fruit cake that comes along.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
In Luke 1:46-47, we read - Then Mary said: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior! Why would Mary need a Savior if she was sinless? Romans 3:23 clearly states - ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Notice it doesn't say all "expect Mary." Jesus Christ was the only exception. Hebrews 4:15 - For we do not have a high priest (Jesus Christ) who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.
Apparently, you didn't read posts 47 & 63 where this was explained.
The fact that Mary was sinless was the work of her Savior.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Dear Church,
Please WAKE UP!!

I repost my post #82:

"Actually no, that is not what the "MoB" is at all.
For all of what church-ianity understands of the "MoB", all of it is equal to the foolishness of a sci-fi drama.
As you will see, the correct understanding is very much scriptural.

The number "six hundred threescore and six"
is described in 1 Kings 10:1-15, but to understand that number, one must stop thinking of it as to how "the wisdom of men" in church-ianity approach it. 1 Cor. 2:5.

First and foremost, there is nothing religious, or magical about the number "six hundred threescore and six". It is simply the amount of talents in gold, that CAME TO king Solomon received in one year, being a FREE gift of appreciation to Solomon, from the government of the Queen of Sheeba.

Now, as to buying and selling, as shown in Rev. 13:17, we Immediately recognize that it is about gold, which to us is money, cash, credit etc., of which we all use to buy and sell most everything.

So then, since there has been nothing to fear about buying and selling for thousands of years in that manner, we must at once recognize that the world will change in the way that it has been conducting economic trade and financial transactions, and what it is that is NOW being proposed, that shall cause the financial world to change.
The words: "no man might BUY or SELL" reveals that the change will be economic.

So my question to all is. Do you know what a "Central Bank Digital Currency" (CBDC) is?
It is programmable digital money.

After WW3
(Rev. 9:13-21), for a period of one year, digitized money will freely COME TO (be given) to all citizens, who worship (are compliant) with the Image of* the beast. Rev. 13:11-18.
[16] And he [the Image]* causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

All of such will freely receive monthly allotments of digitized money, through their respective governments. It is commonly understood as being "Universal Basic Income".

*Note: the United Nations (UN)."

I urge all to do their own research about it

There are different “KINDS” of BEASTS.

Brute Beasts…physically created and made animals to occupy the face of the Earth, Seas.

Heavenly Beasts…created and made Heavenly spiritual forms of animals to Worship God.

Created and made Holy Spiritual Beings (which fell from Grace) and roam about the Earth to Con MEN to reject the Lord God.

Fallen from Grace spirit beings, “IN” the earth, called BEASTS when they are risen up out of the Earth to the Earths face.

BEASTS so called “Heads” of “nations, countries, dynasties, etc. who are Human MEN AND ….ANTI-CHRIST’S….eventually under the HEAD of “SATAN’S Rulership and such MEN MARKED with the identifying number revealing allegiance to SATAN, the number of such MEN….666.

Yes, do your own study for Knowledge and Be thou Converted to Receive Wisdom and Understanding from God.

Yes, UN is a precursor to A World “king” (or whatever Title)….to whit..once established will be taken over by SATAN, posing as a MAN, while claiming to be God.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
Hamilton, New Zealand
New Zealand
There are no beast features that Daniel gave which characterized the Egyptian or Assyrian periods. The oldest empire in Revelation 13:2 was represented by the "lion" feature, which was symbolic of the Babylonian empire in Daniel's prophecy.

We cannot include the Egyptian or Assyrian periods in this Sea Beast. Under the Egyptian period of domination of the Hebrew people, Israel as an independent nation had yet to be developed. And Assyria never was able to conquer Jerusalem the capital city of Judah, so it was not included in the list of beasts which held control of the whole nation of Israel over the centuries. And we cannot include Papal Rome as a period of the Sea Beast's existence, since Israel as a nation and Jerusalem had already been conquered by the AD 70 Roman invasion. The Sea Beast entity is long dead by now. Once God "shattered the power of the holy people" (Daniel 12:7), the Sea Beast entity ceased to exist.

The list of empires within the Sea Beast entity starts with the Babylonian invasion of Jerusalem and that first deportation of Jewish nobility. In 607 BC. Which was 666 years until the time John was writing Revelation to his first-century audience. And that composition date for Revelation was somewhere between late AD 59 to early AD 60, just before the AD 60 Laodicean earthquake. John was writing to the Laodicean church prior to that disastrous earthquake, giving them Christ's warning that He was "about to spue thee out of my mouth" (in AD 60).

The 666 calculated number has no significance or danger for us today. And neither does the "mark" which once gave homage to the Sea Beast, since that Sea Beast entity is long dead by now.
The sea of sinful humanity still exists, from whence the first beast of Revelation 13 rises to achieve complete corporate control, extreme executive enforcement, and total temporal tyranny, as symbolised in its seven heads, ten horns, and ten crowns.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
In Luke 1:46-47, we read - Then Mary said: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior! Why would Mary need a Savior if she was sinless? Romans 3:23 clearly states - ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Notice it doesn't say all "expect Mary." Jesus Christ was the only exception. Hebrews 4:15 - For we do not havea high priest (Jesus Christ) who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Being sinless and being the savior are two completely different things.
Seriously? If Jesus wasn't sinless He couldn't die for our sins. He would have His own sins. How ridiculous!
Mary is considered sinless.
With ZERO Biblical proof.
And Jesus is considered both sinless and the savior.
And as I provided, Scripture clearly says both!
Jesus is only sinless BECAUSE he come from Mary who was sinless.
Someone told you a WHOPPER!
If Mary was not sinless then Jesus wouldn't be sinless as he would have come from sin.
Your opinion doesn't overrule the Bible.

3 Resurrections

Active Member
Jan 20, 2024
South Carolina
United States
The sea of sinful humanity still exists, from whence the first beast of Revelation 13 rises to achieve complete corporate control, extreme executive enforcement, and total temporal tyranny, as symbolised in its seven heads, ten horns, and ten crowns.
That first Sea Beast of Rev. 13 doesn't exist anymore.

John wrote in Rev. 13:2 that the Sea Beast was given the throne of Satan. John identified where that throne of Satan was in Rev. 2:13, and it was in Pergamos. That Pergamos throne was given to the Roman republic in 133 BC by the dying King Attalus III, who had no heir to pass his Pergamum kingdom to except for his Roman ally. This gift of Satan's throne in Pergamos to the Roman Republic clearly identifies the last phase of the Sea Beast. As an empire, Rome had ten crowned emperor horns which held control over the nation of Israel until that nation was destroyed by the Roman armies in AD 70. And the city of Rome sat on 7 hills, as represented by the 7 heads.

Daniel's world empires, as you know, were represented also in the statue of a man which was made of different metals. The "iron" in the legs and feet were the Roman republic / Roman empire, with which the "CLAY" of the nation of Israel had become blended in the feet and toes. That mixture of iron and clay was an unstable union of elements which never bonded well with each other. In the Jewish / Roman war, that unstable blend of iron and clay was smashed to pieces by the Stone which struck the feet of that statue, destroying the entire image into dust in the process. The dust of that entire statue blew away on the winds back then, and is no more to be found. There will be no more world empires that develop to replace that statue.

Christ's stone kingdom since AD 70 has been steadily growing over the centuries, and will eventually fill the whole world, as Daniel 2:35 predicted. Christ's Stone kingdom is one that will stand forever, as multiple prophets foretold, and "will not be left to other people".


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
Beginning with a False narrative, does not end with the Truth.

Protestants did not separate from THE (Christ’s Church).
Protestants either separated from, or never joined: THE “Catholic Church”.
The CC did not separate from Protestantism, Protestantism separated from the CC. That's why reputable PROTESTANT historians are your enemy.
Rather I would say “many Protestants today don’t agree with the Catholic Church’s Teaching being the SAME as Jesus’ Teaching’s
Because Protestants like you deny development of doctrine, which has been explained ad nauseum.
The “Vatican City” is a city, state and independent Country, surrounded by the country of Italy, with unique aspects.
* Population totality slightly less than 600 Gentile persons.
* The Entire Population are members of the Catholic Church .
* Citizens primarily all Gentiles, of other countries may also become members of the Vatican’s Religious recognized Catholic Churches located in any other world country, while Not being citizens of the Vatican City.
Off topic. It shouldn't surprise anyone to find Catholics in Vatican City so what is your point?
Speculative guesswork. Most Protestants today, have Never been members of the Catholic Church.
That's not what I said. I said most Christians, not most Protestants. We think most Protestants are Christians. Catholics are instructed to accept all baptized Protestants as brothers and sisters in the Lord. That's because there is ONE baptism. Most Protestant baptisms are valid in the eyes of the Church, and you have no idea why.
Most Protestants today ARE in allegiance with, and members of Christ’s Church founded and established upon;
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God; and Christ Jesus Himself IS the Rock foundation and head of His Church, to whit Jesus Offered ALL men (Jews and Gentiles) a WAY and MEANS to JOIN HisChurch.
Catholics don't exclude Protestants, even though separated, from being part of the Church. We hand you an olive branch and you spit on it.
"Yield to the pope" does not mean "yield to dominating dictatorship".
So do Catholics.
It is incorrect to regard St. Paul as some kind of spiritual “lone ranger,” on his own with no particular ecclesiastical allegiance, since he was commissioned by Jesus Himself as an Apostle.
-In his very conversion experience, Jesus informed Paul that he would be told what to do (Acts 9:6; cf. 9:17).
- He went to see St. Peter in Jerusalem for fifteen days in order to be confirmed in his calling (Galatians 1:18),
- and fourteen years later was commissioned by Peter, James, and John (Galatians 2:1-2, 9).
-He was also sent out by the Church at Antioch (Acts 13:1-4), which was in contact with the Church at Jerusalem (Acts 11:19-27). Later on, Paul reported back to Antioch (Acts 14:26-28).
-Acts 15:2 states: “. . . Paul and Barnabas and some of the others were appointed to go up to Jerusalem to the apostles and the elders about this question.”
-The next verse refers to Paul and Barnabas “being sent on their way by the church.
-Paul did what he was told to do by the Jerusalem Council (where he played no huge role), and
-Paul and Barnabas were sent off, or commissioned by the council (15:22-27), and shared its binding teachings in their missionary journeys: “. . . delivered to them for observance the decisions which had been reached by the apostles and elders who were at Jerusalem” (Acts 16:4).

The Jerusalem Council certainly regarded its teachings as infallible, and guided by the Holy Spirit Himself. The records we have of it don’t even record much discussion about biblical prooftexts, and the main issue was circumcision (where there is a lot of Scripture to draw from). -Paul accepted its authority and proclaimed its teachings (Acts 16:4).

Furthermore, Paul appears to be passing on his office to Timothy (1 Tim 6:20; 2 Tim 1:6, 13-14; 2 Tim 4:1-6), and tells him to pass his office along, in turn (2 Tim 2:1-2) which would be another indication of apostolic succession in the Bible.

The attempt to pretend that St. Paul was somehow on his own, disconnected to the institutional Church, has always failed, as unbiblical. Protestant frown upon institutions, but we Catholics rather like the Church that Jesus Christ set up, initially led by St. Peter.*

David, if you agree that Paul was commissioned as an apostle “by Jesus Himself” then does he derive his apostleship from Jesus or from Peter?

Both. Why do you feel compelled to make a choice? It’s the usual Protestant “either/or” dichotomous mentality. Calvin does the same thing repeatedly.
The difference is the CC seeks healing, forgiveness of past mistakes, mutual dialogue to heal the wounds of unity.
You seek further division, and Protestants can't agree on anything amongst themselves, except they are not Catholic and God exists. That's about it. Tearing down the CC at every opportunity does not prove you are holier than Catholics. If anything, it proves your own insecurities.


Active Member
Jan 22, 2024
Seriously? If Jesus wasn't sinless He couldn't die for our sins. He would have His own sins. How ridiculous!

With ZERO Biblical proof.

And as I provided, Scripture clearly says both!

Someone told you a WHOPPER!

Your opinion doesn't overrule the Bible.
So Jesus was born from sin?


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
Jesus was sinless. Mary was not.
I can assure SOME of our separated brethren in Christ that properly catechized Catholics who know *anything* about Catholic theology at all are quite aware that:
1. Mary is not God (as there is one God - monotheism).
2. Mary does not save herself (contra Pelagianism).
3. Mary is nothing that God did not grant to her, in grace (Catholics believe in sola gratia every bit as much as Protestants do, even -- especially -- where Mary is concerned). Even the Immaculate Conception was an absolute, pure, one-way act of grace by God. Mary couldn't have possibly cooperated since it was the moment of her conception.
4. Mary does not compete with God, but declares His glory, as the "masterpiece" of His creation, just as praise of a masterpiece of art is praise of the painter or sculptor or composer (Catholics don't view veneration of saints and worship of God as identical, and don't espouse an "either/or" or zero sum game notion: viz., that veneration of saints somehow detracts from or contradicts the worship of God, and His unique glory and majesty).