The UK & Europe, and the Moral Crisis

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Active Member
Jan 11, 2022
Okinawa, Japan
The UK & Europe, and the Moral Crisis

By Mike Genung

In 2019 we exhibited for the first time at the Christian Resources Show in the United Kingdom. In the first hours of the first day of the show, no one stopped by our booth; some even made an extra effort to veer away from it. CRE had a booth nearby that offered prayer. I approached the couple who ran it, told them I believed we were experiencing warfare, and prayed with them. Not long after we prayed, the the dam broke wide open and we got busy.

Great Britain is the second largest consumer of porn in the world (the US is number 1). Surveys show that 75% of UK Christian men are viewing porn. There are few resources there in this arena there; the need for help is great. And, as they told me repeatedly, British pastors are as shy about talking about sex as their American counterparts.

From October 5 – 25, Bekah and I will be in the UK, Greece, Austria, and Finland. The schedule is below. We have 2 booths at CRE in Sandown Park, one for Blazing Grace, and a second for The Rogue Christian. I will be speaking twice at the show, and we will be giving a lot of books away at no charge. The rest of the trip in the UK and the other countries will include counseling sessions, meeting with groups or ministries, and other meetings. If you’re in one of those countries and would like to meet up, let me know by replying to this email.

Please pray. We usually encounter warfare on these trips, but more than this, please pray for fruit, changed hearts, and open doors!

(Removed. Please read forum rules re: solicitation)

Here is the schedule. The counseling appointments and group meetings are left out for confidentiality purposes. We are continuing to add more appointments.

October 6: Arrive in London
October 11-13: CRE Christian show, Sandown Park, United Kingdom.
October 11, Tuesday, 1:30pm: Live seminar at CRE, Healing from Porn Addiction and Adultery.
October 12, Wednesday, 1:30pm: Live seminar at CRE, Healing from Porn Addiction and Adultery.
October 15-16: Greece
October 17-19: Austria
October 21-23: Finland
October 25: Back to the US

The Moral Crisis

I met with the senior pastor of a church of 1,000 here in AZ for lunch this week. He told me that at their recent men's retreat, 80% of the men admitted to struggling with pornography. When he asked how many would take a specific action step to overcome it, one signed on. He also told me he believes the surveys showing that two-thirds of Christian men are viewing porn are understated and that the real numbers are much higher. In his 40 years of life, he knew just two men who claimed never to have seen porn.

80%. Think of the ramifications of a church filled with men whose hearts are poisoned with the spiritual sewage of lust. Those men will eventually come to a crisis point and get help, waste their lives in lukewarm apathy, or worse. Remember Ravi Zacharias. More women are being ensnared (at least 33%, up from 20%), and the numbers of youth that are engaged with porn is up in the 90% range.

This should provoke churches to an awareness that we have a moral crisis on our hands that demands action.

It would… if we hadn’t been put to sleep with spiritual lullabies and there was more emphasis on character, holiness, and equipping people to be spiritual warriors and overcomers. What would John the Baptist say if he walked into one of our modern churches?

Get help if you’re in bondage. Get plugged in to one of our prayers groups or take our 8-week men’s course. The same goes for hurting wives. Your healing is just as critical as your husband’s recovery. Do not live the Christian life in isolation! Isolated believers are easily picked off.

If you’re tired of watching the church get its butt kicked and want to make an impact, consider hosting one of our From Porn to Grace conferences.

We are a church at war and have lost significant ground. Let’s start taking that territory back by getting in the fight.
New Shows:

The Great American Hoax of Retirement
Psalm 92 tells us that the “righteous still bear fruit in old age.” Caleb, at the age of 85, continued to take new territory. Anna, the 84 year old prophetess, devoted her life to prayer, worship and fasting. We are given no pictures in the Bible of spiritual retirement; the parable of the rich man in Luke 16 who planned to spend his golden years “relaxing, eating, and drinking” and had God end his life is a warning for us to make our lives count for eternity into our final years.
Mike talks with Curt Douglas, who, at the age of 83, has continued to live his life with eternal impact. While in his sixties and seventies, Curt ministered to sex offenders, along with other ministry opportunities.

With Pastor Jim Tilley on the Heart
Proverbs 4:23 tells us to “Watch over our heart with all diligence, for from it flows the springs of life.” Our Google-ized culture prizes knowledge and education; if God’s truth doesn’t radically change the core beliefs of the heart we become little more than the clanging gongs of 1 Cor 13. Knowing Scripture isn’t enough; it’s critical that we receive and believe it’s wonderful truth. Mike begins with a quote from John Piper on how those with PHD’s in theology are more prone to adultery than those without a seminary degree, and discusses the heart issues with Pastor Jim Tilley.

Answers for the Church
The American church is corrupted with sexual sin. Mike begins this episode by sharing recent news articles describing how Christians at every level of the church, including pastors, are being arrested or exposed daily for sexual sin. He gets into the Biblical, core reason why we avoid the topic of sex, then provides the action steps we can take to make a difference.

Sandy and Rachel on the Need for a Prayer Partner
Sandy England and Rachel, who are prayer partners, discuss how having another support and prayer partner in our lives is critical. Most (90%) Christians are isolated, meaning they don’t meet with another believer for the purpose of accountability and support. Sandy and Rachel share how their relationship has been a blessing to them and their families.

Blazing Grace Radio airs:
In Phoenix, AZ on 1360AM Faithtalk, Fridays at 3:00PM.
In Las Vegas, NV on KKVV 1060AM, Mondays at 3:30PM
In the United Kingdom on 90.1 Hope FM, Sunday and Monday nights at 9:00PM.
You can also listen to the shows on our podcast, Spotify, Apple podcasts, or Googleplay
See the podcast page for a listing of shows - Podcast Archive - Blazing Grace.
Words from Another Rogue Christian

“If you profess to be a Christian, yet find full satisfaction in worldly pleasures and pursuits, your profession is false.”
-Charles Spurgeon
Quick Links

Blazing Grace
Blazing Grace Europe
Blazing Grace Radio Show
Facebook Page
Men’s 8 Week Course
Mike Genung’s books
Prayer Groups
The Rogue Christian
Two Day Intensive
Wives 10 Week Course
Youth Group
Blazing Grace’s purpose is to minister to the sexually broken, encourage believers to draw closer to God, and encourage the church to effectively deal with the porn epidemic.

Please feel free to forward this newsletter.

Content from the Blazing Grace Newsletter may be posted on websites or otherwise reprinted for ministry purposes. (Please show the correct byline, and add a link to when posting any material electronically.) Publication for commercial use is prohibited without written permission.

I enjoy reading your feedback.
Peace to you.
Mike Genung

All material copyright 2022 Mike Genung
End of the newsletter

Hi, I wanted to post Mike's newletter on the helpful resources with the hopes that you will be blessed.

Dominic ;)


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
I met with the senior pastor of a church of 1,000 here in AZ for lunch this week. He told me that at their recent men's retreat, 80% of the men admitted to struggling with pornography.
This does not sound right. And should this statistic be applied across the board? I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
Surveys show that 75% of UK Christian men are viewing porn.
...The trip will cost around $15,000.00. If you believe in what we’re doing and would like to support us financially..See donate for more information.

I think most UK blokes would rather spend their cash on importing a Thai bride..

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Why weren't you minding your own business?
The man is in the thralls of all out lust and has no fear to say so . Try reading the part where he says His binoculars kept steaming up .
WELCOME to todays christanity . AND i bet its more than eithty percent of men within the church that do so too .
INCONTINENCE . that was to be a huge end time sign . And lambando should be ashamed of himself for even putting a like
on that mans response . I dont care what folks think about me , I AM CALLLING out all error and sin
no matter the cost . SOMEONE has to .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I am pretty sure that drop ship was joking, at least that’s how I read it, pretty sure that’s why he got the ‘ like ‘
The fault still lies on him even if he was joking . WOULD JESUS JOKE like that . THEN neither should we .
You are loved rita . But even if he was kidding , ITS NOT What JESUS would say or do . SO its not what we should say or do .
Joking about sin aint funny to a lamb . We love the peoples and want what is best for them . SIN is no laughing matter .
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
Not sure I need your reassurance that I am loved Amigo - and in many respects I was addressing your false judgements about what you thought he was doing, and presuming he was like that- so that is also a fault !
The issue of making light of something, well that’s a different aspect…….

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
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