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My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
Have you had the experience when you have been studying something and been looking for information and facts about a subject and you get an aha moment and things fall into place?

I had one this morning about transgendersim. I was reading an article which threw up some interesting ideas about the subject and it dawned on me what was going on.

As you probably know that transgendersim is all about a girl becoming a boy and a boy becoming a girl. They are not happy being their birth sex so they want to become the opposite as they believe that will solve all their unhappiness.

Judging by the number of people that are de-transgenderising it is very clear it solves nothing.

To this point I knew that those wanting to change sex had underlying problems that caused their unhappiness. One of the most common ones is autism. Even when they had changed from male to female or female to male the autism didn’t go away.

Another one particularly amongst girls is that they thought boys were treated better than girls so if they became a boy, they would be treated better. But it did not happen because deep down they knew they were a girl so they could not play out the role of a being a boy.

Another underlying reason is that the person concerned had ADHD and changing sex was seen as a way of getting rid of it. Except for one thing. It didn’t.

So, enough males and females have realised that changing their sex made no different to solving the problem they thought they had that would be solved by changing their sex.

Now, underlying this as is the case with all aberrations thrown up by society, is that it is basically a work of Satan to distort God’s image. He has been trying to do that from day one for the simple reason that every time he sees a male or as female he sees God and that revolts him.

Today, I realised that transgenderism is just another step further along the road from homosexuality which is another distortion of God’s image. It is another way that Satan can screw up what is and should be normal.

Now, what is the core of this issue? I believe it is in a question that they never ask. Did your parents both work full time?

In my country the government is working overtime to make it easy for mothers to go out to work full time. What does that mean? Simply this. The children are abandoned to full time carers that are foreigners to the children.

There is medical evidence that a baby recognises their mothers voice in the womb. When they are born their closest and most important relationship is with the mother.

Six months or a year later they are ripped away from that comforting contact and they are passed on to a stranger that the do not know or care for and have no close bond with.

End result. Who am I? Babies, children understand much more than what we think. One minute it is comfort, cosy and predictable and then all of sudden they are plunged into a strange world of foreigners, and they have to fight for attention with 20 others.

NOT GOOD. At the back of their mind is money is more important than me. I want my mummy, not a new teddy bear.

So we produce a generation of children who deep down feel abandoned, don’t know who they are and feel unimportant. In other words, totally confused.

Enter Transgendersim. If I don’t know who I am why not experiment with being the opposite sex. I have got nothing to lose as my parents don’t care about me. I have had nothing but misery since I have been born, so let’s try the alternative. They hear of or see others in the same boat, so they go down the same path, known as social cohesion.

Some transgenders have homosexual tendencies so they change sex so they can have a normal relationship with a person of the opposite sex.

All in all, what you might call one big unholy mess. The sad thing is that government, the medical and educational authorities have bought into the lie and are encouraging it. In a word, they are destroying young lives and are being paid to do it.

All teenagers go through angst in some form or another and in the past we rode through the storm with them, and they came out the other side relatively normal.

Today it is “Problems, get a sex change.” If you disagree you are transphobic. Even parents are not allowed to have a different view. This seems to be the standard reply for anyone who thinks differently about the aberrations being thrown up today as an answer to life’s problems. Disagree and you are being charged with hate speech.

Of course, we know who came up with that nonsensical idea.

So, what is the answer to all this. My advice is this. Think very, very carefully before you abandon your child to a stranger and deprive it of the relationship which the child should have and needs. That of its mother. After all. You gave birth to the child, not to pass it onto a stranger to raise. Rather to raise it, love it and to inculcate the values that are important to you.

Research shows that the main reason why children love grandparents so much is that they have always got time. If time is so important to children, it has to start with the parents.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2021
United States
Transgender is an umbrella term. It encompasses anyone who identifies as a gender differing from their biological sex or as no gender at all, or anyone who has had a sex-change operation. A person who is transgender might be a male who identifies as female. She might be a female who identifies as male. A transgender person can identify as neither male nor female. Or he/she could be a person who identifies as a mix of both.
A transgender male is a person who was born female and who now lives as a male. A transgender female is a person who was born male and who now lives as a female.
Simply put, individuals who are transgender have a gender identity—an “internal, deeply held sense of their gender”—that differs from their sex at birth.
In other words, a person’s gender identity is the way he feels about what sex he is.
In other words, a person’s gender identity is the way he feels about what sex he is.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Have you had the experience when you have been studying something and been looking for information and facts about a subject and you get an aha moment and things fall into place?

I had one this morning about transgendersim. I was reading an article which threw up some interesting ideas about the subject and it dawned on me what was going on.

As you probably know that transgendersim is all about a girl becoming a boy and a boy becoming a girl. They are not happy being their birth sex so they want to become the opposite as they believe that will solve all their unhappiness.

Judging by the number of people that are de-transgenderising it is very clear it solves nothing.

To this point I knew that those wanting to change sex had underlying problems that caused their unhappiness. One of the most common ones is autism. Even when they had changed from male to female or female to male the autism didn’t go away.

Another one particularly amongst girls is that they thought boys were treated better than girls so if they became a boy, they would be treated better. But it did not happen because deep down they knew they were a girl so they could not play out the role of a being a boy.

Another underlying reason is that the person concerned had ADHD and changing sex was seen as a way of getting rid of it. Except for one thing. It didn’t.

So, enough males and females have realised that changing their sex made no different to solving the problem they thought they had that would be solved by changing their sex.

Now, underlying this as is the case with all aberrations thrown up by society, is that it is basically a work of Satan to distort God’s image. He has been trying to do that from day one for the simple reason that every time he sees a male or as female he sees God and that revolts him.

Today, I realised that transgenderism is just another step further along the road from homosexuality which is another distortion of God’s image. It is another way that Satan can screw up what is and should be normal.

Now, what is the core of this issue? I believe it is in a question that they never ask. Did your parents both work full time?

In my country the government is working overtime to make it easy for mothers to go out to work full time. What does that mean? Simply this. The children are abandoned to full time carers that are foreigners to the children.

There is medical evidence that a baby recognises their mothers voice in the womb. When they are born their closest and most important relationship is with the mother.

Six months or a year later they are ripped away from that comforting contact and they are passed on to a stranger that the do not know or care for and have no close bond with.

End result. Who am I? Babies, children understand much more than what we think. One minute it is comfort, cosy and predictable and then all of sudden they are plunged into a strange world of foreigners, and they have to fight for attention with 20 others.

NOT GOOD. At the back of their mind is money is more important than me. I want my mummy, not a new teddy bear.

So we produce a generation of children who deep down feel abandoned, don’t know who they are and feel unimportant. In other words, totally confused.

Enter Transgendersim. If I don’t know who I am why not experiment with being the opposite sex. I have got nothing to lose as my parents don’t care about me. I have had nothing but misery since I have been born, so let’s try the alternative. They hear of or see others in the same boat, so they go down the same path, known as social cohesion.

Some transgenders have homosexual tendencies so they change sex so they can have a normal relationship with a person of the opposite sex.

All in all, what you might call one big unholy mess. The sad thing is that government, the medical and educational authorities have bought into the lie and are encouraging it. In a word, they are destroying young lives and are being paid to do it.

All teenagers go through angst in some form or another and in the past we rode through the storm with them, and they came out the other side relatively normal.

Today it is “Problems, get a sex change.” If you disagree you are transphobic. Even parents are not allowed to have a different view. This seems to be the standard reply for anyone who thinks differently about the aberrations being thrown up today as an answer to life’s problems. Disagree and you are being charged with hate speech.

Of course, we know who came up with that nonsensical idea.

So, what is the answer to all this. My advice is this. Think very, very carefully before you abandon your child to a stranger and deprive it of the relationship which the child should have and needs. That of its mother. After all. You gave birth to the child, not to pass it onto a stranger to raise. Rather to raise it, love it and to inculcate the values that are important to you.

Research shows that the main reason why children love grandparents so much is that they have always got time. If time is so important to children, it has to start with the parents.

In the 1950's a mans wage was enough to provide for his wife and children and buy a house and go on plenty of holidays.
But then they started to trick women into the workforce, telling them that satisfaction in life doesn't come from family but from career.
Its part of the feminist movement which was never led by females but by the elite... Women were tricked by the elite

A few years ago i was explaining this to my mum and asked if she would have preferred to had been with us or working...
She started crying... Off course a mother would rather be raising her kids than be at work... Ask any mother

By almost doubling the workforce they were able to bring down wages...
Now you need two incomes to be able to buy a home around the cities
Women are taught to compete against men and work. For most women, they have no choice, they have to work...

My dad worked day shift and my mum worked afternoon shift at the same factory to make ends meet.
So while we were at school in the day it was our dad who took care of us in the evening.

So its hardly fair to blame these women i think... The blame ought to be focused on society which have stolen mothers away from children
I recently read that mothers are strangling our economy and they need to work. Its so evil

Another reason that kids want to change sex is narcissism. They need a good old fashioned kick in the backside.
"Oh im special... Oh im different" No your not... You are a human created in God's image


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
United States
In the 1950's a mans wage was enough to provide for his wife and children and buy a house and go on plenty of holidays.
But then they started to trick women into the workforce, telling them that satisfaction in life doesn't come from family but from career.
Its part of the feminist movement which was never led by females but by the elite... Women were tricked by the elite

A few years ago i was explaining this to my mum and asked if she would have preferred to had been with us or working...
She started crying... Off course a mother would rather be raising her kids than be at work... Ask any mother

By almost doubling the workforce they were able to bring down wages...
Now you need two incomes to be able to buy a home around the cities
Women are taught to compete against men and work. For most women, they have no choice, they have to work...

My dad worked day shift and my mum worked afternoon shift at the same factory to make ends meet.
So while we were at school in the day it was our dad who took care of us in the evening.

So its hardly fair to blame these women i think... The blame ought to be focused on society which have stolen mothers away from children
I recently read that mothers are strangling our economy and they need to work. Its so evil

Another reason that kids want to change sex is narcissism. They need a good old fashioned kick in the backside.
"Oh im special... Oh im different" No your not... You are a human created in God's image

i though i was the only one who knew this.

you're absolutely correct about how they drop wages in the work force back in then. and narcissism has a lot to do with what these generations want to justify to themselves and others.

but the sex thing is nothing more than a person can convince itself to desire anything, a traffic cone, anything. it miss guided desire, as result of self guidance, and self guidance isn't guidance at all. the morons preach follow your own heart, but what if one has the heart of a serial killer?
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Stan B

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2019
The Bible addresses the transgender issue. We have all experienced inappropriate thoughts, but we don't act upon them. It is when those feelings are activated, that they have the potential of becoming a sin. In the case of transgender thoughts being acted out, it is clearly condemned by Scripture:

"A woman shall not wear man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God." Deut 22:5

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
The Bible addresses the transgender issue. We have all experienced inappropriate thoughts, but we don't act upon them. It is when those feelings are activated, that they have the potential of becoming a sin. In the case of transgender thoughts being acted out, it is clearly condemned by Scripture:

"A woman shall not wear man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God." Deut 22:5

Long time no see... Welcome back


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
In the 1950's a mans wage was enough to provide for his wife and children and buy a house and go on plenty of holidays.
But then they started to trick women into the workforce, telling them that satisfaction in life doesn't come from family but from career.
Its part of the feminist movement which was never led by females but by the elite... Women were tricked by the elite

A few years ago i was explaining this to my mum and asked if she would have preferred to had been with us or working...
She started crying... Off course a mother would rather be raising her kids than be at work... Ask any mother

By almost doubling the workforce they were able to bring down wages...
Now you need two incomes to be able to buy a home around the cities
Women are taught to compete against men and work. For most women, they have no choice, they have to work...

My dad worked day shift and my mum worked afternoon shift at the same factory to make ends meet.
So while we were at school in the day it was our dad who took care of us in the evening.

So its hardly fair to blame these women i think... The blame ought to be focused on society which have stolen mothers away from children
I recently read that mothers are strangling our economy and they need to work. Its so evil

Another reason that kids want to change sex is narcissism. They need a good old fashioned kick in the backside.
"Oh im special... Oh im different" No your not... You are a human created in God's image

Ther current Federal Government in Australia (and most likely many other governments) are destroying the family as we know it. They are spending billions to make it possible for mothers to go out to work and abandon their children. The scripture says bring up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it. This is vastly important. As has been said the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Today parents have given up rocking the cradle. They have farmed that out to strangers who are singing a different song to the one you sing.

That being the case, we should not be at all surprised if our children embrace ideologies that are totally foreign to us.

In America, the push to teach every perversion under the sun as normal to children is in full speed ahead mode. The children are taught that what is abnormal is mum and dad and two kids commintted to each other. One should not be surprise if the child comes home singing the praises of homosexuals....or transgenders.....or lesbians......or sex before marriage and so on and so on.

I read the story of a christian teenage boy who proudly said no to sex before marriage. He was considered a weirdo.

I never understand parents who say that child care is so expensive as most of the wife's earing go on child care fees. If that is the case, stay home and look after your own children. Why go out to work if there is no tangible benefit from doing so.

I lost my job when we had a 10 month old baby and had to survive on unemployment payments. Did we go without? No. We stopped spending on anything that was not essential. Once our first child arrived my wife gave up work and did not go back to work until they were in their teens and only then part time. We only spent money that we had. If we didn't have it we didn't borrow it. Despite this we ended up owning one of the biggest houses in town through prudent money management.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
There is also the other side of this equation, the parents themselves are confusing so many children by ‘ opting out ‘ of sexual identity with their children. Also there seems to be a trend with some that is fashionable to have a child that transitions…..the parents add to the confusion of the child. Then there is peer pressure and the ongoing problems with ‘ being a victim mentality ‘ that is rife amongst the western world.

Not sure you can always blame feminism, in the U.K. women became the workforce during world war 2 out of necessity …then when the war was over they were told they could go back to the kitchen ( !!!!!! ) Many had had the taste of having their own income, rather than having very little financial income from the husbands, so they started to resent being expected to go back to their old way of life.

The other issue is divorce and women having so many different fathers with different children, they reckon that this can also contributed to confusion with sexuality. Abuse is another ….the list is endless.
I disagree that anyone should transition, especially before adulthood ( unless there is proof that it is a genetic issue as I know some babies can be born with problems that will confuse their sexuality ( not sure what it is called but they can have the sex organs of one and the genetic make up of another )

my grand daughter has confusion over her sexually identity, she is on the lower spectrum of autism, but there seems to be a whole range of labels that she aligns too and society seems to accept all of them as being valid.

Still confusion rules, and that’s definitely a root aim and cause of the adversary.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
There were a few transgender people around even in the first half of the last century, but there's been an explosive increase in the last decade or so. I doubt that full-time working mothers have much to do with it, and it really doesn't help to "blame" the parents. There are more plausible hypotheses: one that I've come across is the increase in hormonally active substances polluting the environment, which could affect the development of the embryo brain. Also the enormous amount of publicity encourages young people to think about the possibility that they might be transgender, and it's not surprising that so many seize on it as a potential explanation of their psychological problems. Transgender has a "cure", whereas autism doesn't.

Also, tsr is right: "transgender" is an umbrella term embracing all kinds of people. It covers many different conditions that probably have a multitude of different causes. There won't be a single explanation.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Thank you. I am just emerging from 7 months in hospital and long-term care. It was actually quite an enjoyable experience and I feel 10 years younger now, with no residual after-effects. :)

That's good to hear

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Ther current Federal Government in Australia (and most likely many other governments) are destroying the family as we know it. They are spending billions to make it possible for mothers to go out to work and abandon their children. The scripture says bring up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it. This is vastly important. As has been said the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Today parents have given up rocking the cradle. They have farmed that out to strangers who are singing a different song to the one you sing.

That being the case, we should not be at all surprised if our children embrace ideologies that are totally foreign to us.

In America, the push to teach every perversion under the sun as normal to children is in full speed ahead mode. The children are taught that what is abnormal is mum and dad and two kids commintted to each other. One should not be surprise if the child comes home singing the praises of homosexuals....or transgenders.....or lesbians......or sex before marriage and so on and so on.

I read the story of a christian teenage boy who proudly said no to sex before marriage. He was considered a weirdo.

I never understand parents who say that child care is so expensive as most of the wife's earing go on child care fees. If that is the case, stay home and look after your own children. Why go out to work if there is no tangible benefit from doing so.

I lost my job when we had a 10 month old baby and had to survive on unemployment payments. Did we go without? No. We stopped spending on anything that was not essential. Once our first child arrived my wife gave up work and did not go back to work until they were in their teens and only then part time. We only spent money that we had. If we didn't have it we didn't borrow it. Despite this we ended up owning one of the biggest houses in town through prudent money management.


Your home state isn't far behind Canada and those democratic states in America either.
I'm sure you are aware of the transgender laws Daniel Andrews has brought in under the cover of covid?

It's all part of Satan's plan to pull us away from God... It's sad but Christ said that all this must come to pass... So we must not get too disheartened by it. I know I sometimes do

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Not sure you can always blame feminism, in the U.K. women became the workforce during world war 2 out of necessity …then when the war was over they were told they could go back to the kitchen ( !!!!!! ) Many had had the taste of having their own income, rather than having very little financial income from the husbands, so they started to resent being expected to go back to their old way of life.

Women always had the the choice to work or not even before the war... All feminism did was force them to work and took mothers away from their kids...
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
There were a few transgender people around even in the first half of the last century, but there's been an explosive increase in the last decade or so. I doubt that full-time working mothers have much to do with it, and it really doesn't help to "blame" the parents. There are more plausible hypotheses: one that I've come across is the increase in hormonally active substances polluting the environment, which could affect the development of the embryo brain. Also the enormous amount of publicity encourages young people to think about the possibility that they might be transgender, and it's not surprising that so many seize on it as a potential explanation of their psychological problems. Transgender has a "cure", whereas autism doesn't.

Also, tsr is right: "transgender" is an umbrella term embracing all kinds of people. It covers many different conditions that probably have a multitude of different causes. There won't be a single explanation.

True. There isn't a single explanation.
I agree that publicity has a big part to play in most cases. I mean, their promoting it to kids at school.
As Rita said above its become cool to become trans


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2012
United Kingdom
This is horrifying
Children as young as four will be able to change their name and gender at school without their parents’ consent under new LGBT inclusivity guidelines drawn up by the Scottish Government.

A 70-page document, issued to schools north of the border on Thursday, calls on teachers not to question pupils if they say that they want to transition to live as a boy or a girl and to instead ask them for their new name and pronouns.

The controversial guidance claims that it is possible to “come out” as transgender “at any age” and that the views of young people should be respected if they do not want their parents to be informed.

Scotland’s schools have also been told that trans pupils should be able to use whatever lavatory or changing room they choose, to develop “gender neutral” uniform options, and to include transgender characters and role models in reading material and lessons.

(Telegraph 12/8/21)


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
My ex-brother-in-law is transgender.
She is around 60 years old.
I say she because he truly believes in his heart, he was meant to be a she.
When she first introduced herself it was about 6 or 7 years ago now, I was given the "opportunity" to ask her questions.
I really didn't have any.
But I gave it my best shot.
When did you realize you wanted to be a female?
She said in her early teens she knew something was different. She didn't feel like the other boys.
She wasn't attracted to men, so it's not a homosexual attraction. She still enjoyed women.
As a man, he entered the military as a marine, got married, had 3 children, and played the role of father until they had all grown up and left the roost.
But he found himself attracted to women's clothing and products and knew deep inside he was always meant to be a she.

I don't know about any of this.

The other side of the story...

When "Cindy" was very young maybe 4 or 5, his mother lost a child. It was a girl.
Mom went through a deep depression and dad was also having a very hard time for losing their daughter.
The daughter hadn't been born yet, she was lost during miscarriage. But the scar that formed remains even today with my mother-in-law.
It was traumatizing.
I wonder if the trauma from the mother losing her daughter, somehow became a call in the son's mind, that if he was a girl perhaps that would ease his mom and dad's pain of loss?
There are 2 sons. 1 is a transgender and the one I married was looking for a "platonic" relationship only, which I didn't realize until after almost 10 years of marriage. I always felt something wasn't right. The natural interests between a husband and wife was lacking.
I thought it was me... we always do, whoever is the one on the opposite end. Must be something about me.

After we got divorced I asked him.. was it me? He said no, he just was never interested in that kind of relationship.
(I wished I'd known 10 years earlier it would have avoided a lot of misconceptions)
I asked him if he was gay..
He said he didn't know.
But he isn't interested in any kind of sexual relationship, he just prefers to hang with the guys than the girls.

Is this because his own older brother acted in a more feminine way and he didn't want to be associated with that?

I'm no psychologist. All I know is what I lived for a certain part of my life. A glimpse of an alternative reality in my world.

As far as transgenderism goes, I don't believe it is just a choice. I believe something is the cause of the divion between the psychology and the biology of the body. They just don't add up.
I don't know if it's all the hormones they put in the food products.. but they grew up on a farm before there was GMO foods.
They lived off the land mostly. So it can't all be due to todays technology in agriculture.

I don't have an answer. I get confused myself.
Here is a man who insists he is a woman. Changed his birth certificate to say he was born a she. Had an official name change.
He is now legally a she. Still a biological male that has girlfriends.. biological girlfriends.
Ofcourse His wife had a hard time after almost 30 years of finding out she had married a wife instead of a husband, and chose to leave that part of her life behind.

"Cindy" acts like a teenager in an adult body. Enjoys ghosthunting, and seances, believes an "entity" lives in her house and gives advice.

I'm concerned, because I know where this comes from. And my mother-in-law is aware also, but she won't condemn it. She relies on her for everything. No rocking the boat here.
One day mom ( I always call her mom) called Cindy by her birth name, or mom called her a him, and what resulted from that was total isolation for almost a week. She wouldn't call, do the shopping, pick up meds.. nothing.. worse than a spoiled brat in my opinion.
My mom is 86 years old, almost fully blind, uses a walker, lives alone in an apartment.
And Cindy pulled this.. crap.

What kind of daughter does that?

just a look at a little of the inside of my life's dilemmas.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
~ marksman ~
You have hit on issues being observed, and the long trending issues of ploys (which ARE many) governing authorities "OF" this world have used (for decades) to separate the bonds of parents from raising their own children.

The trending of encouraging 'self-gender identity'...was once an oddity...but...what also has lent to it popularity explosion?
It Circles right back to the Parents... Parents who deeply love their children, as all loving Parents....DO...never want to LOSE their Death or to Separation from their children.....ARE in FULL acceptance and support of whatever thier children DECIDE...
For FEAR of being "rejected, lost" to their children.

Parents ARE accepting out of Fear of losing their child.
Even Clerics ARE accepting out of Fear of losing congregates.

Jesus was VERY CLEAR...agree with the Devil, and you SHOULD FEAR losing your soul.

Glory to God,

An Apologetic Sheepdog

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Atlanta, Ga
United States
I will certainly pray for your strength and endurance during this trial but at some point you and yours will have to take the proverbial stand on the Word if you want God's intervention (knowing sometimes the answer will be no)

As far as transgenderism goes, I don't believe it is just a choice. I believe something is the cause of the divion between the psychology and the biology of the body. They just don't add up.

They add up perfectly. There is no fellowship between light and dark. Choose this day whom you shall serve. ( and the list goes on)

Jesus is the textbook example of zero tolerance for sin in every form. Nowhere ever did Jesus ever even give a hint of tolerance to sin or sinners. Even forgiveness is contingent on repentance.

Satan, OTOH, has a virtual infinite number of ways to attack and weaken the flock with things like this. It forces man to shrink back from Gods clear word and examples and makes us start "rationalizing" and thats when the trap is sprung.

Not all "evil" comes in the form of the werewolf which would tip people off- most of it comes in the form of a serpent using deception as the main tool.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Nowhere ever did Jesus ever even give a hint of tolerance to sin or sinners.
Oh I don't know about this...
Jesus ate with sinners, he came to save sinners.
I believe Jesus was very patient and "tolerant" let's call it merciful.

If we had to wait on forgiveness on the contingency of repentence, no one would ever get saved.
God loves us so much, we are already forgiven. We have to acknowledge that, believe that, accept that.
And only then is repentance an option.
You can choose not to repent.
Doesn't make his forgiveness any less forgiving. You have already been forgiven, now it's up to you to fulfill the other half of that new contract.
Will you sign your name on the dotted line?
Will you repent?
The offer is always on the table for any who are willing to sign up.

I agree there are a lot of sinister deceptions in the world.
But I don't believe most people even realize they are being decieved.
You tell a transgender, you don't really feel the way you do, the world is decieving you...
you think they're going to listen?

You have to be wise and understanding.
Coming at people with sticks and stones only chases them farther away.
That's not the game plan.
We need better tactics to open the door of hospitality, to invite people to a better way.
I just don't see how beating people into submission would work.

One thing we need to remember..
We are not God.
We don't hold the sceptre and make the laws.
Our job is to love our neighbors, our enemies, and introduce them to the one that can change their lives.
If they don't listen... walk away.
The Lord will deal with them in his good time.

Those just my thoughts..