Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
Heaven bound
United Kingdom
rather odd that todays preachers and todays pope
all try and convince the faiths and false religoins to just come together
and find common ground .
THEY had common ground at the BUILDING OF THE TOWER OF BABEL
THEY all had one purpose one mind , one common goal , DIDNT WORK OUT TOO WELL DID IT
and guess what
and guess what todays common ground goal is , TO CONVINCE ALL RELGIONS we serve the same GOD
that humanity indeed through this tower of love will attain to heaven . TALK ABOUT
an allegory indeed . THIS IS NOT gonna bode well on the DAY OF THE LORD for them eithier .


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018

Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex​

...particularly if its the last trump!
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Active Member
Jul 30, 2022
United Kingdom
i bet if i had a time machine
and went back and asked ya that question
at the moment of your own conception you WOULD sure be thinking a bit different .
Imagine if you were present at your own conception , the moment egg met sperm .
THEN you have a room full of people and they are asked
is that just a clump of cells and if so can we just end it if we like .
I can bet if you HAD A MOUTH
you would be screaming in uholy terror , HEY WAIT GUYS that is gonna be me in a few months .
DONT JUST KILL ME because you think its nuaght but concieved cellls and not yet human .
YALLS HYPROCRISY seemeth to know no limits . I bet if i did have a time machine
and could bring anyone and everyone who even SUPPORTED BIG TIME abortion
to the moment of their own conceptoin , THEY WOULDNT BE PRO CHOICE ON THAT DAY . exactly my hyprocritcal
friends . ALL would be saying , WAIT , WAIT , its not just cells developing , THAT IS GONNA BE ME , A PERSON
dont just wipe me out of existance . HYPROCRISY seems to truly know no BOUNDS .
What is at play here is different religious beliefs as to what is a human being.
If our perception and identity is grounded in our physical being, ie a brain, the ability to process ideas etc or are we
spiritual beings separate from our bodies who have thoughts and actions outside our brain consciousness.

I believe we are physical being, dust to dust, ashes to ashes, into which the Lord pours meaning and significance.
The problem with putting too much meaning into unborn babies is misscarriages are vey common and part of life.

The actual possibility of us coming into existence as an individual from one sperm and one egg is very small.
The complexity of development and the likely of our death in childhood used to be almost certain.

In a real sense quality of life is a real measure, and showing love within the total social context is very important.

So in simplistic terms the cells that will develop into a baby are the property of the mother and father.
Until the baby is self aware, it is still just a potential.

I would hold until the baby is capable of self sustaining life, it is part of the mother.
As a whole this is the common consensus of society across different belief systems, and is clearly the emotional
reality women actually experience. If one wants to be biblical, a child could be executed for being a rebellious
child. Some have suggested this is to deal with psychopaths. Scripture is silent on abortion, leaving it to society
to handle this most difficult of questions, both at a personal and social level.

It is clear though the right wing wish to call this all murder and paint anyone who wants to listen to both sides
an evil murderer who should be executed. It is odd that the answer to this question is to create a dictatorship
so the majority cannot exercise their choices. God bless you


Active Member
Jul 30, 2022
United Kingdom
i bet if i had a time machine
and went back and asked ya that question
at the moment of your own conception you WOULD sure be thinking a bit different .
Imagine if you were present at your own conception , the moment egg met sperm .
THEN you have a room full of people and they are asked
is that just a clump of cells and if so can we just end it if we like .
I can bet if you HAD A MOUTH
you would be screaming in uholy terror , HEY WAIT GUYS that is gonna be me in a few months .
DONT JUST KILL ME because you think its nuaght but concieved cellls and not yet human .
YALLS HYPROCRISY seemeth to know no limits . I bet if i did have a time machine
and could bring anyone and everyone who even SUPPORTED BIG TIME abortion
to the moment of their own conceptoin , THEY WOULDNT BE PRO CHOICE ON THAT DAY . exactly my hyprocritcal
friends . ALL would be saying , WAIT , WAIT , its not just cells developing , THAT IS GONNA BE ME , A PERSON
dont just wipe me out of existance . HYPROCRISY seems to truly know no BOUNDS .
An interesting question. Most are doomed to hell. In this theology the gift of life is suffering on earth with failure,
a lack of love and disappointment followed by an eternity of torture.

If I had a time machine and said to someone this is your life, would they say, good ridence or bring it on?

I actually believe the gift of life is that, a true wonderful gift, but also it needs handling well.
Labelling mothers murderers and the doctors who help them, criminals makes things worse rather than better.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
What is at play here is different religious beliefs as to what is a human being.
If our perception and identity is grounded in our physical being, ie a brain, the ability to process ideas etc or are we
spiritual beings separate from our bodies who have thoughts and actions outside our brain consciousness.

I believe we are physical being, dust to dust, ashes to ashes, into which the Lord pours meaning and significance.
The problem with putting too much meaning into unborn babies is misscarriages are vey common and part of life.

The actual possibility of us coming into existence as an individual from one sperm and one egg is very small.
The complexity of development and the likely of our death in childhood used to be almost certain.

In a real sense quality of life is a real measure, and showing love within the total social context is very important.

So in simplistic terms the cells that will develop into a baby are the property of the mother and father.
Until the baby is self aware, it is still just a potential.

I would hold until the baby is capable of self sustaining life, it is part of the mother.
As a whole this is the common consensus of society across different belief systems, and is clearly the emotional
reality women actually experience. If one wants to be biblical, a child could be executed for being a rebellious
child. Some have suggested this is to deal with psychopaths. Scripture is silent on abortion, leaving it to society
to handle this most difficult of questions, both at a personal and social level.

It is clear though the right wing wish to call this all murder and paint anyone who wants to listen to both sides
an evil murderer who should be executed. It is odd that the answer to this question is to create a dictatorship
so the majority cannot exercise their choices. God bless you
How does GOD view this is what should matter .
Its HE who creates . He who giveth and He who taketh away .
Rather than focusing on OUR RIGHTS
i say we ought to focus RATHER on what GOD sees as right and avoid what he seeth as evil doing .
SEE HOW SIMPLE that is . Didnt take a long explanation either .
SO lets sum it up . Whatever GOD does not approve of doing we ought not to approve of doing .
Another example is that many now try and debate whether one is born gay or not .
The question they should be asking is this , DO GOD APPROVE OF THAT ACT . see how simple
I keep things . LET GOD BE OUR GUIDE and not men , not science and not their philsophies and reasonings .
LET GOD BE TRUE but every man a liar . Learn HIS words and not rather the words of men who
always try and reason a way AROUND HIS WORDS . See how simple this wee child keeps things .
IF GOD APPROVES , then we approve , if HE DONT approve then we ought not to approve . Its really that simple .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
An interesting question. Most are doomed to hell. In this theology the gift of life is suffering on earth with failure,
a lack of love and disappointment followed by an eternity of torture.

If I had a time machine and said to someone this is your life, would they say, good ridence or bring it on?

I actually believe the gift of life is that, a true wonderful gift, but also it needs handling well.
Labelling mothers murderers and the doctors who help them, criminals makes things worse rather than better.
Justifying it is what has made this far worse . And your reasoning falls short .
I mean look at what you wrote in your first sentence .
Only those who reject JESUS CHRIST are doomed to the lake of fire .
unborn babies and small children have not reasoning . Try and remember
its the children that were not old enough to discern between the evil and the good
who were not destroyed as was the older ones who had rejected the promise of entering into the land .
As far as labelling , it aint labelling to remind one that abortion is the taking of life .
and as far as any who have done it , My advice to those would be repent and come to CHRIST
and you are forgiven of your sins . JUST DONT TRY and JUSTIFY this act . cause those who try and justify it
be as guilty as those who do it . Rather true repentance would turn the heart from evil
and to do good . REMEMBER , IF GOD DONT APPROVE , we ought not to approve .
And it be not a sin to remind folks to not do EVIL and to do good
and it be not a sin to rebuke and correct the error or sins of brethren .
TRUTH is , it be hate not to .
YE shall not hate your neighbor in your heart , you shall in any way rebuke , correct them
and not allow sin upon them . KEEP THAT IN mind
the next time you feel the need to REBUKE one who is simply reminding us NOT TO DO EVIL .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States

Trump is dangerous - a Messianic Complex​

...particularly if its the last trump!
not if one is a lamb . but if one rejected JESUS as the CHRIST . then they better be terrified
Better we hurry and begin again to point to the dire necessity of believing on JESUS CHRIST
and to remind all that JESUS is not the ministir of any sin either .
You be encouraged now my friend . Any love that negates the fact one must believe on JESUS CHRIST
is no LOVE OF GOD .
and any love that has JESUS holding the wrong rainbow or any other sin , IT AINT THE LOVE OF GOD
and it aint jesus they came too either . The devil can wear wool .
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Active Member
Jul 30, 2022
United Kingdom

Forgive me, but I don't think your statement is very representative of the article's intent and purpose, which seems to be clear enough from the first paragraph. And even the article itself makes some unsubstantiated claims. Political power and national security have always had a tense relationship.

Also, your assertion seems a vastly over-simplified view of the system of information classification. I sat through many classes on the subject when I was required to have a Top Secret clearance in the Air Force for certain duties. You couldn't go near certain aircraft otherwise.

One time when I had to work on an F-111E in central Europe, my TS wasn't even enough to get me into the secured area of the flight line. A Security Police troop with an M-16 stood over me the whole time I was working. If President Reagan had made an impromptu appearance, he might have been shot. And all I was doing was removing a broken bolt from the pilot's seat assembly.

The fact that the President has genuine executive power over everyone who handles and administers classified information in no way makes him a sovereign arbiter and clearing house of same. It was drummed into our heads that "need-to -know" supercedes all levels of authority and security clearance levels.

Surely it's not hard to imagine the scope of things that transpire without the President's knowledge, and not just because they're too trivial.

Secrets are often kept from the President about things that, while could arguably be considered "his business," are concealed, effectively, to protect him.

This is just how things work, and is a simple matter of history.

The situation of the difference between on the ground action and strategic action is not understood. The presidents role is strategic and directional, while handling security document is executional. All the previous presidents understood the difference, Trump does not, and just wants what he wants without any filters. It is like having a child pilot a passenger air plane, it only works because the institutions around them know what to do.

What staggers me is dictator Trump is back filling his position, and denies anything he does is wrong, and if you think its wrong, it never happened. He lies constantly, because he is the King, so whatever makes him sound good is the truth.

It is why his court cases are so weird because he lies all the time about what is happening in court, as if what he is saying matters more than the actual facts of the case which are clearly proving he is guilty of breaking the law. But then the King is above the law, which again weirdly he is happy to argue, which simply shows who he truly is and what his intentions are.

Sadly the internet and media are empowering this ability to create delusion out of facts, when with the level of information available the facts can be found and proved. And if we want a world of peace, we need to be prepared to lay down our lives to declare the truth, of which love and Jesus are its foundation. God bless you
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Active Member
Jul 30, 2022
United Kingdom
Justifying it is what has made this far worse . And your reasoning falls short .
I mean look at what you wrote in your first sentence .
Only those who reject JESUS CHRIST are doomed to the lake of fire .
unborn babies and small children have not reasoning . Try and remember
its the children that were not old enough to discern between the evil and the good
who were not destroyed as was the older ones who had rejected the promise of entering into the land .
As far as labelling , it aint labelling to remind one that abortion is the taking of life .
and as far as any who have done it , My advice to those would be repent and come to CHRIST
and you are forgiven of your sins . JUST DONT TRY and JUSTIFY this act . cause those who try and justify it
be as guilty as those who do it . Rather true repentance would turn the heart from evil
and to do good . REMEMBER , IF GOD DONT APPROVE , we ought not to approve .
And it be not a sin to remind folks to not do EVIL and to do good
and it be not a sin to rebuke and correct the error or sins of brethren .
TRUTH is , it be hate not to .
YE shall not hate your neighbor in your heart , you shall in any way rebuke , correct them
and not allow sin upon them . KEEP THAT IN mind
the next time you feel the need to REBUKE one who is simply reminding us NOT TO DO EVIL .
"Only those who reject JESUS CHRIST are doomed to the lake of fire"
This is new theology outside the common understanding of the christian faith.
Paul did not believe this, he held children born of a believer were deemed holy, while others are not.

And if you believe unborn babies from conception onwards are all saved to eternal life, then going to
be with the Father is a blessing, side stepping the trouble of life on earth.

My emotional position is with the mothers, friends of my daughter caught out at a party, with the potential
of being pregnant using a tablet which stops implantation in the uterus. I would help them anytime, anywhere.

The gift of life is precious but to put a child into such a situation would be a curse on their life.
And I do this because for me cells are cells, no matter what.


Active Member
Jul 30, 2022
United Kingdom
How does GOD view this is what should matter .
Its HE who creates . He who giveth and He who taketh away .
Rather than focusing on OUR RIGHTS
i say we ought to focus RATHER on what GOD sees as right and avoid what he seeth as evil doing .
SEE HOW SIMPLE that is . Didnt take a long explanation either .
SO lets sum it up . Whatever GOD does not approve of doing we ought not to approve of doing .
Another example is that many now try and debate whether one is born gay or not .
The question they should be asking is this , DO GOD APPROVE OF THAT ACT . see how simple
I keep things . LET GOD BE OUR GUIDE and not men , not science and not their philsophies and reasonings .
LET GOD BE TRUE but every man a liar . Learn HIS words and not rather the words of men who
always try and reason a way AROUND HIS WORDS . See how simple this wee child keeps things .
IF GOD APPROVES , then we approve , if HE DONT approve then we ought not to approve . Its really that simple .
Your position sounds like grace is everything, the way you live is irrelevant, only belief in Jesus matters.
The problem with this believers can do anything, and there is no moral consequence, yet abortion is murder so terrible.

I debated with one guy who claimed this but denied they used drugs because that was terrible.
They actually liked forgiveness while condemning others for their immorality, but not Gods immorality, only their own.

And worse still saying morality does not matter, yet a dictatorship is better than democracy again is a total contradiction.
Dictators tell you what to do and not to do, in everything, and kill you if you do not follow. That is 100% worse than democracy
and has no consensus just the whims of the dictators ruling group.

Democracy has its own limitations and rules, but these are minor compared to the alternative and often are built because
of life and death struggles of others outside our own personal experience.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Which is pretty much the point of the article from The Hill, and has not escaped my attention.

But you're omitting some of the information, which is to be expected, I suppose.

Evidently, 80% of the Bar consists of something called "Demonrats," so it probably doesn't matter how much you read, anyway.

The problem with mass strenuous objection is that anything will suffice to discredit, even if it is internally contradictory.

And I didn't jump to any conclusions, but I definitely know more about the classification of sensitive information than anyone posting the little bit I've read of this echo chamber thread.

And since I have no political leanings whatsoever, I'm sure the end of my participation in this discussion will be welcome to most of those involved. :)

Just like the lack of substance of the Constitutional position ......your classification experience along with my legal experience would get us both in trouble quickly. The Libraries of Alexandria held more than exists
today. Trump is being tried for being Trump .....nothing more ....It will take a SCOTUS position to create a sideline for this argument.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I support fully so much of the policy decisions President Trump has made and put into effect. I voted for him in 2016 and 2020 and also supported his Presidential run with money. His narcissism in the past I attributed to a sense of humor that was geared to tweak and arouse the anger of leftists and RINOs. Now I am seeing his narcissism has become solidly how he truly thinks. This is dangerous for his belief that he can never be wrong has gone to extreme. The following statements in that video are repulsive to me as a believer in Jesus the Christ, Jesus the Messiah sent to save his people:

“And on June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, ‘I need a caretaker,’ so God gave us Trump.”

The Trump video includes repeated religious references and quotations from the Bible. A narrator describes Trump as one who “follow(s) the path and remain(s) strong in faith.”

Trump, "strong in the faith"???? The only faith Trump evidences is faith in himself, not faith in God or the American people. I do not like making a political commercial or whatever they call it, of a human being being described in like manner as when God the Father sent God the Son to earth to save his people. That seems blasphemous to my thinking.

In 2016 and 2020 I passed Trump off as our modern day Cyrus, not a child of God by faith in Christ, but he was used by God to make certain policy decisions to give opening for Christians to live and breathe freely under our government. His Roe Vs Wade view on appointing the 3 Supreme Court Justices was his greatest achievement; and, he did seem to try to stop the flow of illegals into the USA, with intense opposition by Leftists and de facto Communists in this country.

While Governor DeSantis is not great on a debate stage, nor is he an imposing presence; in Florida he did excellent work, and kept his finger on most things happening in the State. Governor DeSantis is fully conservative and effective in an executive position like Governor and President. I'll vote for DeSantis in the primary and hopefully in Nov. 2024; but I'm concerned Trump will win the nomination even with all the personal baggage he'll have. I'll end up either voting 3rd Party or not vote in the Presidential choice part of the ballot. There are two sayings I've considered: "Don't vote for the lesser of two evils for it is still evil"; or "Don't reject the good for an insistence on the perfect." I may not have the exact wording, but that is the substance.

In the past I could view Trump as our Cyrus, today I must reject him for his increased narcissism which has become extreme and no longer humorous. We can have good Christian and conservative values in Gov. Ron DeSantis without so much underlying wickedness. He has proven himself as an efficient executive in the State of Florida.

Typically a person of acclaim has sidekicks, media, (whatever title or description one cares to use)…FOR the PURPOSE of revealing, reporting noteworthy accomplishments FOR the public at large regarding the individual.

Since the day TRUMP announced his intent to run for servants governmental office…

Can YOU name ANYONE, in business, in the media, in the political arena….WHO spoke of him in a positive light? Day after Day “personal digs”….and moving on DURING his Administration….the continual endless “personal digs” with the ADDITION of FAKE documents, the endless MADE UP Accusations, the gutter digging for sleazy women offered money to recount a cloudy memory of their gold digging encounters.

Where are the accounts of his Accomplishments AS a servant of the People? An individual willing to investigate would know, but certainly not by means of the “so called” new reports, and “news” outlets “opinion panels”.

Trump rings his own bell, and so what? A servant of the People is a difficult job in itself….the 24-7 DAGGAR in his Back…is surprising he has the stamina to take it.
But then early on he said, He would rather the blows Be ON Him, than ON the People who were and are content with his works.

So what IS your real beef with Trump?
You seem knowledgable about some of Trumps’ policies, and in agreement…

And BTW…what other government Servant has been repeatedly “grilled” about his Faith?
And for what purpose?

Seems by your comment, the PURPOSE is revealed…to make those pesky Christian’s turn AGAINST Trump….
Those “CRISTIANS”…have repeatedly MADE the “so call news”….of HOW COULD THEY…
“Support TRUMP”, the proverbable Thorne in the side of Liberal Democrats…

Tump says he loves the Lord, has zero hesitation to ask Gods Blessing on America and her people. He tries to do good, when he fails he exerts his own effort to correct it.

What’s your beef? Trump tooting his own horn? Trump taking a que from God to use his position to serve others for THEIR benefit? Aw…that GREEDY Trump, donating his salary every quarter while seated in office to benefit others!
ya sure…questionably ungodly…pffff!

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Your position sounds like grace is everything, the way you live is irrelevant, only belief in Jesus matters.
The problem with this believers can do anything, and there is no moral consequence, yet abortion is murder so terrible.

I debated with one guy who claimed this but denied they used drugs because that was terrible.
They actually liked forgiveness while condemning others for their immorality, but not Gods immorality, only their own.

And worse still saying morality does not matter, yet a dictatorship is better than democracy again is a total contradiction.
Dictators tell you what to do and not to do, in everything, and kill you if you do not follow. That is 100% worse than democracy
and has no consensus just the whims of the dictators ruling group.

Democracy has its own limitations and rules, but these are minor compared to the alternative and often are built because
of life and death struggles of others outside our own personal experience.
well you are defintely seeing what you want to see . that is for sure and for certain .
and all to defend abortion and those rights .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Your position sounds like grace is everything, the way you live is irrelevant, only belief in Jesus matters.
The problem with this believers can do anything, and there is no moral consequence, yet abortion is murder so terrible.

I debated with one guy who claimed this but denied they used drugs because that was terrible.
They actually liked forgiveness while condemning others for their immorality, but not Gods immorality, only their own.

And worse still saying morality does not matter, yet a dictatorship is better than democracy again is a total contradiction.
Dictators tell you what to do and not to do, in everything, and kill you if you do not follow. That is 100% worse than democracy
and has no consensus just the whims of the dictators ruling group.

Democracy has its own limitations and rules, but these are minor compared to the alternative and often are built because
of life and death struggles of others outside our own personal experience.
its not me justifying ungodly living . Now is it . Ponder on that for a bit .
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
Wait. Doesn’t the POTUS have the authority to determine classification?
Yes. He does. This is very important because, as it turns out, people in the Obama administration classified documents to hide crimes they were committing, which is against the law. President Trump declassified these documents as he was leaving office. The documents revealed the crimes of the Obama administration, which is why the Biden Administration attempted to find them at Trump's house.

Duck Muscles

Active Member
Mar 19, 2024
It is man who makes his own idol then FALLS down to worship it.. The Lord showed me in a dream....that it didn't originate with DT. But it is the people who are making him into a "messiah" figure and egging him on.....and the old saying is still true, that power corrupts. The people themselves are forgetting that it's supposed to be government FOR the people and BY the people and they are craving and seeking a flesh and blood King to be their saviour and lord like Israel of old.

One way you can tell if something or someone is an idol in someone's heart is if they often get mad as a hornet if you voice any type of level-headed critique about their idol. It really hits a nerve if you touch or try to tip over someone's sacred cow.

Christianity in the west is adding sin to sin now. God is our ONLY hope. When He turns and becomes our Adversary it is HE we need to make amends with, and seek terms of peace with HIM. The Lord pleading with His people that if they would only acknowledge their sin and return unto Him, then HE will heal what needs healing in their land.

I think your judgement regarding idols
is lacking. As in realizing the points you've made to define idol can just as easily be applied to any Christian in their debate of scripture.

Furthermore, while anyone is entitled to an opinion, I think critical judgement of Americans who hold to a political ideology in a country that boasts itself as a Constitutional Democratic Republic, and a political candidate who esteems those party values is tantamount to idolatry, is naive . And indefensible at the very least.

Americans look to a party candidate(s) to change our current situation because three branches of government,a secular trinity of sorts, manifest by law and exercise of federal policy the American way of life and practice.

Christians who subscribe to a political party ideology are not Idolaters because they object to hateful recriminations against the only viable candidate currently able to fight against a party that betrays everything America stands for.

I've lived in Canada. Only a very lucrative contract could persuade my return.

Rather than join a bandwagon against Trump here, if conflict baiting wets your appetite, I suggest you look to Trudeau and your Parlimentary Democracy.

Especially as a matter of concern and survival when one also identifies as Christian. There are plenty of servings to satiate that type of appetite.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
I think your judgement regarding idols
is lacking. As in realizing the points you've made to define idol can just as easily be applied to any Christian in their debate of scripture.

Furthermore, while anyone is entitled to an opinion, I think critical judgement of Americans who hold to a political ideology in a country that boasts itself as a Constitutional Democratic Republic, and a political candidate who esteems those party values is tantamount to idolatry, is naive . And indefensible at the very least.

Americans look to a party candidate(s) to change our current situation because three branches of government,a secular trinity of sorts, manifest by law and exercise of federal policy the American way of life and practice.

Christians who subscribe to a political party ideology are not Idolaters because they object to hateful recriminations against the only viable candidate currently able to fight against a party that betrays everything America stands for.

I've lived in Canada. Only a very lucrative contract could persuade my return.

Rather than join a bandwagon against Trump here, if conflict baiting wets your appetite, I suggest you look to Trudeau and your Parlimentary Democracy.

Especially as a matter of concern and survival when one also identifies as Christian. There are plenty of servings to satiate that type of appetite.
I mentioned our situation here in Canada must not have seen it, otherwise you'd know that I don't much like living here either. Like the USA the current government seems possessed by a spirit that is bent on destruction. Without repentance, the best that might happen now is a temporary reprieve or two.

It's in the heart of each individual whether they are idolizing/trusting in a man or not. All I can say is it's not looking good in a general sense.....people are being deceived. But this is God's judgment....."Ah Lord God you have greatly deceived this people.......".

Except the LORD keep the city the watchmen waken in doesn't look like the Lord is keeping the west any more. Western formerly Christian apostate nations should be taking warning from Israel's ensample but aren' the writing is on the wall.

We need to "Come out of her" while we still can. (I don't mean physically, but in our hearts.)


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Furthermore, while anyone is entitled to an opinion, I think critical judgement of Americans who hold to a political ideology in a country that boasts itself as a Constitutional Democratic Republic, and a political candidate who esteems those party values is tantamount to idolatry, is naive . And indefensible at the very least.

People are entitled to their naive and indefensible opinions?

If it's just an opinion and they're entitled to it, why does it need to be defensible?

And "indefensible at the very least?" Is naivete vastly ("very") worse than something that is indefensible?

This thread just seems to be bringing out the worst in people's desperation to defend their own political views and heroes/idols.

Most Americans look to party presidential candidates because they're too selfish and lazy to change the world beginning with themselves and within their own communities.

Will Rogers once wisely said that Americans vote based on how much money they have in their wallets at election time. And I've personally witnessed this phenomenon work countless times in my life. My father-in-law was a die-hard union man in the '70s and '80s but when he got laid off a few times and was compelled to start himself a business in the '90s, he became radically conservative practically overnight. Things have become more (deceptively) sophisticated since Will Rogers's day, but basic human nature and motivation have not.

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