Trump To : "Halt Chain Migration"

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Former President Donald Trump previewed an executive order he would issue to stop chain migration if he is successful in his run for the presidency.

""""Joe Biden has launched an illegal foreign invasion of our country, allowing a record number of illegal aliens to storm across our borders," Trump said. "From all over the world they came. Under Biden's current policies even though these millions of illegal border crosses have entered the country unlawfully, all of their future children will become automatic U.S. citizens. Can you imagine?

"They'll be eligible for welfare, taxpayer funded healthcare, the right to vote, chain migration and countless other government benefits, many of which will also profit their illegal alien parents. This policy is a reward for breaking the laws of the United States and is obviously a magnet helping draw a flood of illegals coming across our borders. They come by the millions and millions and millions. They come from mental institutions. They come from jails. Some of the toughest, meanest people you will ever see. The United States is among the only countries in the world that says even if neither parent is a citizen nor even lawfully in the country, their future children are automatic citizens the moment the parents trespass onto our soil.

"As has been laid out by many scholars, this current policy is based on a historical myth and a willful misinterpretation of the law by the open border advocates. There aren't that many around. It's amazing. Who wants to have prisoners coming into our country, who wants to have people very sick coming into our country, people from mental institutions, coming into our country? And come they will. They're coming by the thousands, by the tens of thousands.

"As part of my plan to secure the border on day one of my new term in office, I will sign an Executive Order making clear to federal agencies that under the correct interpretation of the law, going forward the future children of illegal aliens will not receive automatic U.S. citizenship. It's things that bring millions of people to our country and they enter our country illegally. My policy will choke off a major incentive for continued illegal immigration, deter more migrants from coming and encourage many of the aliens that Joe Biden has unlawfully let into our country to go back to their country. They must go back.

"My order will also end the unfair practice known as birth tourism where hundreds of thousands of people; from all over the planet squat in hotels for their last few weeks of pregnancy to illegitimately and illegally obtain us citizenships for the child — often to later exploit chain migration, they jump the line and get green cards for themselves and their family members. It's a practice that is so horrible and so egregious, but we let it go forward. At least one parent will have to be a citizen or a legal resident in order to qualify [under the proposed Executive Order].

"We will secure our borders and we will restore sovereignty starting on day one. Our country will be great again. Our country will be a country again and we will have borders. We'll have proper education and we'll put America first.""""


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Former President Donald Trump previewed an executive order he would issue to stop chain migration if he is successful in his run for the presidency.
Which is all fine and good. However, when he had the presidency Trump failed to build that wall which he had promised to do. And everything goes back to the absence of a PROPER WALL (not a stupid fence) between the USA and Mexico. A wall that would actually stop illegal immigration and the flow of illegal drugs. The border should have been totally shut down until that wall had been completed. That was a national security issue. That should have been his primary focus, and he should have deployed the military right at the border, along with drones and all the technology and military hardware to block the foreign invasion of America. It is now a little too late after about 15-20 million illegals have already entered and are destroying America from within.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Which is all fine and good. However, when he had the presidency Trump failed to build that wall which he had promised to do.\

Its not honest to say that 100+ miles obo of Wall that Trump built, would not have been more had he not been blocked by the "other side", as much as they could possibly do it.

His first 2 yrs in Office, was nothing but .....>"Today a Federal Court Judged BLOCKED what Trump signed......""""

That he even completed 100+ miles is somewhat of a Miracle, when you consider that the Dems want no wall.
Right now, Biden is not as inclined to keep the Borders open, as he has to pretend he cares about Borders, to try to keep His Job.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
He didn't secure the borders when he was president.

Impossible to do it without votes (from the Dem party).., but at least He wants to do it. ITs the Plan.
He built a lot ot wall, but a lot was blocked, by the "opponents" side.
Nancy Pelosi made certain of that, Cassandra.

Biden does not want border's secured, as every Illegal is a future Dem voter.

30 Million obo, in the USA now.
If they have 2 babies that is 90 million Dem Voters
If they have 3, that is 120 million food stamp welfare State DEM voters, who just walked, ran, or rode, across the open border.
Add that to the usual Dem voters and all the Gay-Transgender voters who are all Dem voters.... and the Dems will be in power till the SUN turns to ICE< is their Plan.
That is why they LOVE Illegals, Gays, and similar. = VOTE gathering.

A.) It keeps them in POWER

That is their PLAN.... It'll take a few more years.

IN about 5 Yrs.....Americans are going to go to WalMart and the Hospital and the Emergency Room, and will think they are in MEXICO CITY.

Don't blame that on Trump.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
His first 2 yrs in Office, was nothing but .....>"Today a Federal Court Judged BLOCKED what Trump signed......
He could have ignored all those Leftist judges. He had the law on his side. In fact the judiciary is not supposed to interfere with the executive branch according the the Constitution. But he allowed that interference instead of challenging it with a TEAM of really good constitutional lawyers.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
He could have ignored all those Leftist judges. He had the law on his side. In fact the judiciary is not supposed to interfere with the executive branch according the the Constitution. But he allowed that interference instead of challenging it with a TEAM of really good constitutional lawyers.

No US President can override a Federal Court Judges "block".
All they can do is appeal ....or write another executive order that will be blocked again by another FD CT Judge.

And that can be years of, that is why the FED CT JUDGE blocks executive orders and signed bills.
That is how "politics" uses the Court system to stop what a US President is trying to do.
This Fed CT Judge knows that all the President can do is try to "Lawyer it", or take it to the Supreme Court....(same thing) and that can be years of process to try to get the Block, overturned.

See how that blocks the President?

Also, Nancy Pelosi was the House Speaker and she controlled the money that was given to the President's plans.

Nancy's party would not authorize enough money for the WALL to be completed, as they dont want the wall.
They want illegals to flood the USA, so they can give them ALL Voting rights and thereby stay in power forever.

in 10 yrs, it'll perhaps be 90 million illegals all voting....and that is for the Democratic party, who let them IN..

see it?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Biden is happily overriding federal judges rulings. It all depends on what you are prepared to do.

Stop lying.
Do some reading, and dont just argue to be contentious, for the sake of it. Enoch111.

The only way to deal with a FD CT BLOCK, is to fight it in court. And that is months, years, and Trump did that......but its a long process, and they know its a time waste.
The president can't overrule or override it.. He can only take it to court., and that is why the Fed CT Judges do that is as good as killing the bill or executive order.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Which is all fine and good. However, when he had the presidency Trump failed to build that wall which he had promised to do. And everything goes back to the absence of a PROPER WALL (not a stupid fence) between the USA and Mexico. A wall that would actually stop illegal immigration and the flow of illegal drugs. The border should have been totally shut down until that wall had been completed. That was a national security issue. That should have been his primary focus, and he should have deployed the military right at the border, along with drones and all the technology and military hardware to block the foreign invasion of America. It is now a little too late after about 15-20 million illegals have already entered and are destroying America from within.

He didn't have a Republican backing he should have had. Mitch McConnell is more Democrat than Biden. Paul Ryan much more so. Thankfully, Mitt Romney has realized he's no longer wanted either.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Which is all fine and good. However, when he had the presidency Trump failed to build that wall which he had promised to do. And everything goes back to the absence of a PROPER WALL (not a stupid fence) between the USA and Mexico. A wall that would actually stop illegal immigration and the flow of illegal drugs. The border should have been totally shut down until that wall had been completed. That was a national security issue. That should have been his primary focus, and he should have deployed the military right at the border, along with drones and all the technology and military hardware to block the foreign invasion of America. It is now a little too late after about 15-20 million illegals have already entered and are destroying America from within.
You have all you can do to worry about your own country in Canada, it's controlled by the dictatorship of Trudeau, hate speech, seized bank accounts, jailing political conservative opponents, on and on

President Trump did all he could do in trying to reallocate funds for the wall to build, he fought a democratic controlled congress that blocked his every move for funding

Mistake was in Texas, Arizona, not funding the wall back in 2018, as it stands they have payed the $6 Billion needed for completion many times over with the 3+ year Biden invasion that we are seeing presently


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
No US President can override a Federal Court Judges "block".
All they can do is appeal ....or write another executive order that will be blocked again by another FD CT Judge.

And that can be years of, that is why the FED CT JUDGE blocks executive orders and signed bills.
That is how "politics" uses the Court system to stop what a US President is trying to do.
This Fed CT Judge knows that all the President can do is try to "Lawyer it", or take it to the Supreme Court....(same thing) and that can be years of process to try to get the Block, overturned.

See how that blocks the President?

Also, Nancy Pelosi was the House Speaker and she controlled the money that was given to the President's plans.

Nancy's party would not authorize enough money for the WALL to be completed, as they dont want the wall.
They want illegals to flood the USA, so they can give them ALL Voting rights and thereby stay in power forever.

in 10 yrs, it'll perhaps be 90 million illegals all voting....and that is for the Democratic party, who let them IN..

see it?
Well said I agree 100%!

President Trump has the plan to go into effect day 1 on removal, increase Ice 5X with mobile detention centers, Large federal fines for businesses employing illegals, and the roundup starts

I see an agreement with Mexico/El Salvador if needed in handling those countries that don't want to receive their citizens back, and the wall construction will start day 1, with a stay in Mexico policy once again
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
United States
Former President Donald Trump previewed an executive order he would issue to stop chain migration if he is successful in his run for the presidency.

""""Joe Biden has launched an illegal foreign invasion of our country, allowing a record number of illegal aliens to storm across our borders," Trump said. "From all over the world they came. Under Biden's current policies even though these millions of illegal border crosses have entered the country unlawfully, all of their future children will become automatic U.S. citizens. Can you imagine?

"They'll be eligible for welfare, taxpayer funded healthcare, the right to vote, chain migration and countless other government benefits, many of which will also profit their illegal alien parents. This policy is a reward for breaking the laws of the United States and is obviously a magnet helping draw a flood of illegals coming across our borders. They come by the millions and millions and millions. They come from mental institutions. They come from jails. Some of the toughest, meanest people you will ever see. The United States is among the only countries in the world that says even if neither parent is a citizen nor even lawfully in the country, their future children are automatic citizens the moment the parents trespass onto our soil.

"As has been laid out by many scholars, this current policy is based on a historical myth and a willful misinterpretation of the law by the open border advocates. There aren't that many around. It's amazing. Who wants to have prisoners coming into our country, who wants to have people very sick coming into our country, people from mental institutions, coming into our country? And come they will. They're coming by the thousands, by the tens of thousands.

"As part of my plan to secure the border on day one of my new term in office, I will sign an Executive Order making clear to federal agencies that under the correct interpretation of the law, going forward the future children of illegal aliens will not receive automatic U.S. citizenship. It's things that bring millions of people to our country and they enter our country illegally. My policy will choke off a major incentive for continued illegal immigration, deter more migrants from coming and encourage many of the aliens that Joe Biden has unlawfully let into our country to go back to their country. They must go back.

"My order will also end the unfair practice known as birth tourism where hundreds of thousands of people; from all over the planet squat in hotels for their last few weeks of pregnancy to illegitimately and illegally obtain us citizenships for the child — often to later exploit chain migration, they jump the line and get green cards for themselves and their family members. It's a practice that is so horrible and so egregious, but we let it go forward. At least one parent will have to be a citizen or a legal resident in order to qualify [under the proposed Executive Order].

"We will secure our borders and we will restore sovereignty starting on day one. Our country will be great again. Our country will be a country again and we will have borders. We'll have proper education and we'll put America first.""""

Sounds like a rational plan to me.

If one has a family, one should take care of one's own family first rather than starving one's own family and feeding a stranger. It's good to share but take care of one's own family first.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Chain migration has always been national suicide.

We're seeing a corrupt traitor government of left wing national enemies giving everything possible to foreign invaders of this land. Even budgeting to do so now and into the future.

Meanwhile those same traitors on Capitol Hill are talking about a half billion dollar cut to the budget of the FBI. That federal agency that is tasked with protecting America.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
United States
@Cassandra Biden reversed 90% of Trump's immigration regulations. So now we have an illegal migrant crisis like never before.