Tucker Carlson in Moscow to interview Vladimir Putin

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
I'm sure Mary -Mog Mother of God recognizes the need to be contrite.... but that doesn't mean she will bow to it.
Hmmmm….So marymog needs to be contrite. How about you Mr. E.?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Opinion does not trump Fact.

Fact is, NATO has provoked Russia to war. Agressors are wrong.
For many years NATO has denied Ukraine membership. Soooo how did NATO provoke Russia to war?

Also, you say Ukraine should seek peace after being attacked by an aggressive Russia and Ukraine should seek peace because blessed are the peace makers. How is Russia attacking Ukraine making peace?

You make zero sense…..
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Typical Wikipedia bias against any opinions that they don't like. All wikipedia articles are opinion-based and it's an open forum where users can contribute and clarify and add context.

You have your own bias. You have your own opinion.

It doesn't change the set of facts surrounding what was done and said in 1990. Your feelings don't change the facts.

As Ben Shapiro famously quipped-- "Facts don't care about your feelings."

Are you suggesting that James Baker didn't promise that NATO would not expand one inch Eastward (toward Russia) back in 1990?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Opinion does not trump Fact.

Hamas was the agressor Oct 7 in launching 5,000 missiles.
Hmmmmm…..so Hamas was the aggressor by launching 5,000 missiles into a sovereign country so they could kill as many Jews as possible. But Russia isn’t the agressor when they launch 8,000 missles, artillery,tanks, thousands of soldiers and planes to take down a corrupt country with some Nazi’s in it?

Huh? Russia’s war is a “justified war” because………?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
I would suggest when there are Oro-Russia advocates who insist Americans are warmongers, while Putin is a голубь of peace.

Err on the side of reality when others do not.
Hi blessed peace,

I think both are probably true. Politicians at the time probably did verbally indicate, but not flat out say, NATO wouldn’t expand to previous Soviet satellite countries. But it was never put in writing.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Hi blessed peace,

I think both are probably true. Politicians at the time probably did verbally indicate, but not flat out say, NATO wouldn’t expand to previous Soviet satellite countries. But it was never put in writing.
I think we know by its history that Russia does as it pleases.

The pro-Russia argument is easy to make when one doesn't live there.

Recently, a beautiful ballerina who has duel access to Russia,her country of origin,and America , was arrested upon arrival there.

Who knows when she'll ever see freedom? But she did volunteer to be another hostage in returning to Russia.

The media said she had duel citizenship.

Nonsense. When a foreigner applies for U.S citizenship they renounce,per the oath,all allegiance to their former homeland.

Russia is beautiful. Her government is not.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018

You did justify war. You said provocation from Ukraine, the justification for Russia to invaded them, was because of corruption and Nazi’s in Ukraine.

You then said that Ukraine should seek peace beacause of the 400,000 killed and you justified them seeking peace by using scripture; blessed are the peace makers. However, you twisted scripture to make it sound like Jesus was saying if someone attacks you then you should give up and seek peace with them. That is NOT what that passage means. That passage means Peacemakers are blessed. It does not mean once you are attacked, give up and make peace.

I pointed out that Jesus also said sell your cloak and buy a sword. You said Jesus meant the sword is for defense, not aggression. I then pointed out Russia used their sword for aggression (war) And Ukraine is using it for defense. However you doubled down on your justification for war.

YOU are justifying war, but then call me a war monger. YOU say if there is corruption and a group of people you don’t like in another Country then you are justified to attack them using the sword that YOU said is not for aggression. YOU then say that the country being attacked is not allowed to use their sword of ‘defense’ that they should seek peace because blessed are the peacemakers. NOTHING you have said makes sense.

You say there is NATO aggression and a desire to expand when the fact is NATO hasn’t attacked anyone to expand and Russia is the only one showing aggression/expansion by attacking Afgansistan, Georgia, Ukraine, Abkhazia and Crimea etc

Surely you can see how wrong you are?
Just a right to Vote would have saved the lives of everyone in this case in fact ! Russia would of won the Vote by 80 % and all people would of been happy living in peace !

Russia has not invaded Ukraine ? The MSM claim that it's a full on invasion of Ukraine, that's an outright Lie in fact !
Russia has every right to that part of Ukraine because of such a total moron like Zelensky who clearly has no regard to the lives of the people in Ukraine, but what do you expect from a Puppet of a hand full of very wealthy who want to gain big money out of Oil and Gas that has been found, that's the key to all this and another key is that Russia can supply cheep oil to the world in fact and it's this that people like Jo Biden clearly do not want, as they want to drive up the price of fuel for their Goals regarding Climate change Lies deception in fact !
Not to mention that they want to take over the main Russian Military Base, that's the intent !

A insane mad man Socialist Joe Biden is trying to force all this trouble and has forced Putin's hand so as too enter into this stupid War in fact !
Putin can not stand aside and let such happen on his Boarder in fact because that would be Treason to Russia in fact !

The War will only escalate in fact and why is that ? well Joe Biden is the one who is pushing escalate escalate all the time and nothing but Escalate in fact ! so this make Russia have to do the same in fact !

Russia is never going to let that area go ever ! it can not afford not to in fact and it will become Nuclear in fact before Russia give in to such insanity of the Handful of greed driven Vampires.

Give Russia that bit of Land and all will be fine ! No Nuclear War !
But if we keep pushing for this stupid War we will pay the price for it all and our economy will suffer Australia has given 2 Billion to this dead end street so far, it's all dead money in fact ! No one could be so stupid !

But we will get Nuclear War before Russia gives up on it's Major Military Base down their and they have pointed this out loud and clear for over 60 years in fact !

I would not give one cent to Ukraine at all in fact, but i would demand the right to them people to Vote ! That's what the biggest miscarriage of justice is all about, it has brought on this stupid moronic War ! killed how many people for what, Nothing ! They are being killed for nothing but fat cats who pushed for War in fact and it's they who brought it all on in fact !


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Yeah, well, ours is a war God. Not a pacifist.

Made in the image and likeness....and all that.

Russia's idea of peace is their boot on the throats of their targets. Or has their history,post and contemporary,escaped notice?
It’s very important to distinguish between governments and the church. Discern between the holy and the common.

Jhn 18:36

Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

We must be born again, born of the Spirit, in order to have ears to hear by the Holy Spirit. Understanding and Godly wisdom comes from HIM, His Spirit…. it’s not of our own. And we would need to accept the scriptures as being the word of God.

2Ti 2:4

No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

A born again believer is a soldier serving in God's heavenly army for the kingdom of heaven, where our citizenship is. And our weapons are not carnal because we are not wrestling with flesh and blood but with powers and principalities. We are not to get too caught up with and distracted by worldly concerns.

That said the Lord is sovereignly ruling over the kingdoms of this world too…..and He uses earthly governments/authorities to execute His judgment or blessings at various times. Scripture says He is the one who raises and lowers kings and kingdoms and sets over them whoever He wills. I believe a born again believer may serve in the military or in government, since Jesus didn’t tell either the centurian or tax collector to quit their jobs, just to aquit themselves honestly and honourably in them…….however it's important to understand the difference between our mission as God’s ambassadors on earth, serving Him as strangers in a strange land, and an earthly job.

And just to add, Jesus told His disciples to sell their cloaks and buy a sword...just as a deterrent, so that they would not be arrested with Him. When Peter erred and cut off the ear of that man with his sword Jesus set him straight. We may be wise as a serpent, but harmless as a dove.

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
And yesterday-- from the New York Times we get a story that confirms exactly what Putin has been accusing the US of doing....

The United States 8 years ago created 12 secret bases in Ukraine along the border for actions against Russia, this forced Putin to launch a military defense system - New York Times.

Listening of Russian broadcasts was carried out from these bases in underground bunkers, and now kamikaze drones are also being controlled for attacks on the Russian Federation. “The CIA and other US intelligence agencies provide intelligence for targeted missile strikes, track Russian troop movements and help maintain spy networks.” "This has turned Ukraine... into one of the most important intelligence partners of the United States in the fight against Moscow."

In 2016, the CIA began training the Ukrainian “Detachment 2245”, which captured Russian drones and communications equipment so that the CIA could hack them. One of the officers of this unit was Kirill Budanov, the current head of the Main Intelligence Directorate. "The CIA also helped train a new generation of Ukrainian spies who operated inside Russia, throughout Europe, in Cuba and other places where the Russians have a large presence."

Over 10 years, this cooperation "turned Ukraine into an intelligence gathering center that intercepted more Russian communications than the CIA station in Russia." Such involvement of Americans became one of the factors that formed the basis of Putin’s decision to launch the SMO. "According to a senior European official, in late 2021

Putin was considering whether to launch an operation. He met with the head of one of Russia's main intelligence agencies, who told him that the CIA, along with British intelligence MI6, were controlling Ukraine and turning it into a springboard for operations against Moscow,” writes the NYT.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
And yesterday-- from the New York Times we get a story that confirms exactly what Putin has been accusing the US of doing....

The United States 8 years ago created 12 secret bases in Ukraine along the border for actions against Russia, this forced Putin to launch a military defense system - New York Times.

Listening of Russian broadcasts was carried out from these bases in underground bunkers, and now kamikaze drones are also being controlled for attacks on the Russian Federation. “The CIA and other US intelligence agencies provide intelligence for targeted missile strikes, track Russian troop movements and help maintain spy networks.” "This has turned Ukraine... into one of the most important intelligence partners of the United States in the fight against Moscow."

In 2016, the CIA began training the Ukrainian “Detachment 2245”, which captured Russian drones and communications equipment so that the CIA could hack them. One of the officers of this unit was Kirill Budanov, the current head of the Main Intelligence Directorate. "The CIA also helped train a new generation of Ukrainian spies who operated inside Russia, throughout Europe, in Cuba and other places where the Russians have a large presence."

Over 10 years, this cooperation "turned Ukraine into an intelligence gathering center that intercepted more Russian communications than the CIA station in Russia." Such involvement of Americans became one of the factors that formed the basis of Putin’s decision to launch the SMO. "According to a senior European official, in late 2021

Putin was considering whether to launch an operation. He met with the head of one of Russia's main intelligence agencies, who told him that the CIA, along with British intelligence MI6, were controlling Ukraine and turning it into a springboard for operations against Moscow,” writes the NYT.

View attachment 42362
Wow....Breaking news from the New York Post. The US Government was spying on Russia from the Ukraine.

I guess Finland, Norway, Estonia and Poland are next since they border Russia and the CIA has spy equipment in those NATO nations, also.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
That's the propaganda they be feeding people... nothing but BULLoney
@Wrangler said that 400,000 Ukrainians have died.

Your response to him/her is, that's propaganda an BULLoney.

I can find evidence that what wrangler is saying is true. It has been reported that 300-500 thousand have been killed.

Where is your evidence that those numbers are propaganda? :IDK:

How many Russians have been killed?

Curious Mary
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
@Wrangler said that 400,000 Ukrainians have died.

Your response to him/her is, that's propaganda an BULLoney.

I can find evidence that what wrangler is saying is true. It has been reported that 300-500 thousand have been killed.

Where is your evidence that those numbers are propaganda?
Again, the first casualty of every war is the truth. I am reminded of JFK's address to the nation and the world regarding the Cuban missile crisis. He told the Cubans how the nuclear weapons are not in the interests of the Cuban people. War is never in the interest of the people, the common man. It is always in the interest of BIG GOVERNMENT. And that is what is at stake here, the globalists dream of NWO, a New World Order of global governance.

Marymog, it must have been difficult for you to acknowledge evidence exists supporting what I said is true. Another disturbing number I heard a couple of weeks ago is that the average age of a Ukranian soldier is 43 (In Vietnam, the average US soldier's age was 19). Although I am against the corruption and nazism of Ukraine, I have no bad will against the people of Ukraine, the common man.

Their leadership has failed them as Germany's leadership failed the people of Germany in WWII. A good leader would have negotiated an end to the war to prevent unnecessary hardship and deprivation of his people. One could tell that Albert Speer reluctantly had to admit this in Inside the Third Reich about a man he once considered a demigod. Hitler betrayed his people. And Zelensky has betrayed his people.

I say it again. I am on the record for opposing war with Russia. And I am ashamed of my country, which was the source of such pride as a child. I am ashamed because my country is the leading war monger nation in the world. From a Scriptural point of view, there will be a divine reckoning because blessed are the peacemakers. <sigh>
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Marymog, it must have been difficult for you to acknowledge evidence exists supporting what I said is true.
Nope. It wasn't difficult at all to acknowledge that there is evidence what you said it true. Weird for you to think that.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Nope. It wasn't difficult at all to acknowledge that there is evidence what you said it true. Weird for you to think that.....
The end of the world must be near … we find ourselves on the same side more in the last month than in all our exchanges combined.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
And Zelensky has betrayed his people........ I am on the record for opposing war with Russia.

Yup, Zelensky probably has betrayed his people. Does that make it ok for Russia to invade any Country in which the leader has betrayed it's citizens?

You are also on the record for supporting war!! Quote, by YOU: Russia invaded for very good reasons and are totally justified,....

In summary: You oppose NATO going to war with Russia after Russia invaded a sovereign country, but you are ok with Russia going to war with the Ukraine!!! That makes no sense......

You are also on the record saying Ukraine should give up because so many people have died!!! THEY are not justified in defending themselves.

You are also on the record saying that the sword in Luke 22:36 is meant for defense, not aggression. But then are against Ukraine using that sword for defense. You support Russia for using that same sword for aggression.

Your contradictory statements (plural) are one of those things in life that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm......that makes no sense :IDK:


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
The end of the world must be near … we find ourselves on the same side more in the last month than in all our exchanges combined.
I will always support and acknowledge the truth (or what appears to be the true). :)