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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I believe it is a lie that our minds can be controlled by a cult to do things like assassinate people/whatever, under Christ Jesus. Like unaware parts. If I understand you, this is what you mean. Like why I see the playing cards sometimes on the ground to come in for programming... I believe there is something weird about that, but under Christ, I couldn't come in unaware of what is going on. I am responsible for my actions. Everyone is... I haven't seen them in awhile...I admit I was very anxious about it for awhile. Had a vision of moving chains I do not believe was from God.

But if this thread is about understanding MK, that is something I want to understand. Is this what MK teaches? I read about it and it seems to point to that. But what we believe is going to determine what doors we open in our lives. Battling damage from things, yes. Lies yes... But it is important I think to know we are not under demonic control any longer or have alters doing things unaware.
I do believe that one dream was from the Lord and He was showing you the journey you must take. He showed you that He would be with you as you walk toward the darkness. And you were pushing your daughter ahead of you. Remember that.

No one is saying that a born again person is demon possessed. But there are still strongholds that have to be removed ....else, why are you here and struggling with this? Ask Him.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020
God's green earth
United States
Mayflower, one thing I was confronted with after the Lord exposed me to walking with survivors, was the failure of my own flawed theology. I was brought into conflict....over and over...with things I was seeing and hearing that my "theology" said was "impossible ". One thing I know is that when my theology "breaks down" when confronted with reality, the problem is not with the Word. The problem is my understanding of the Word is wrong. Over and over I was driven back into the Word, trying to figure out why my "gheology" was breaking down. I was shown how, and where things I believed to be true....were not true at all. When confronted with real situations, the lies (falsely understood theology) just couldn't explain reality. Fortunately, the Holy spirit is the Teacher of the Church, and in time He did show me and teach me what the lies I had been believing were, and where the truth is, in the Word. One of those lies was believing a born again believer could not possibly have amnesiac alters that are still cult aligned, sympathetic and fully controlled. It can happen, it does happen and I see it happening every day.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I won't argue, but I know they have effected many lives for the good. Imagination library has helped so many kids including my home. Many have come to Christ Jesus because of Billy Graham. Why would a satanic cult allow that? I think these questions are important.
The same reason that satan infiltrates any religion ....to intercept those who would seek freedom and keep them in a religious and works-based, controlled setting ...so they don't look deeper and actually acknowledge the truth and gain freedom.

I and every survivor here and thousands if not millions of other survivors ...have had "pastors" who were preaching the Gospel by day and doing cult rituals ....INSIDE THE CHURCH ...by night ....and molesting and raping children at every chance.

If they can confuse the mind, it benefits them. The mind will work very hard to protect the "good" (christian alters) from knowing the "evil" (things other parts are forced to endure or take part in). The cult knows this. They are polar opposites and it creates the strongest anmesic barriers and keeps things well hidden. It takes a true solid foundation and relationship with Jesus Christ to break through that amnesic barrier.

When I came to the Lord at age 13 .....a true conversion, as the Lord had been speaking to me and calling me for 3 years prior ....I fought through flashbacks every single time I walked into that church. I saw flashes of rapes by the pastor and by "God." I did everything I knew to make them go away ...quote scripture, cast down "imaginations" ...rebuke the devil so he would flee ...and they never went away ..... UNTIL I was in my 30's and chose to walk forward with the Lord and see the truth of what was at the root. Then, and only then, did my flashes in church go away .....because I chose to know the truth (not denial) and allowed God to bring healing to those memories.

Now, years later, I discover after reconnecting with my mother ....that I have a male cousin who is living a gay lifestyle and he says the reason he is gay is because our pastor raped and molested him as a boy. I BELIEVE HIM!!!! His claims verify and validate my flashbacks. Looking back, I can see ...so many indicators ...most would miss seeing them and just say he was human with flaws.

Now, don't tell me a person can't appear godly and still participate in evil. It happens all the time....and they usually like to be in children's ministry, worship, or pastoring, etc. Worship and children are two very key areas ....because of the obvious. Children are vulnerable and we are instructed to train them up in the way they should go ....why?? ...because "when they are old, they will not depart from it." What we are taught and what we experience as children does stay with us into adulthood. It is a Biblical principle. That's why Jesus said not to offend one of the little ones and that it is better that a millstone be tied around their neck and be cast into the sea, than to harm one of them. It is that serious!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020
God's green earth
United States
We need to dig into a Biblical understanding of why it IS possible, in spite of our flawed theology. Understanding the tri-partite nature of our creation, spirit, soul and body is critical to understanding how programmed, DID survivors truly can possess cult aligned alters even after they are born again by the Spirit.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
When I came to the Lord at age 13 .....a true conversion, as the Lord had been speaking to me and calling me for 3 years prior ....I fought through flashbacks every single time I walked into that church. I saw flashes of rapes by the pastor and by "God." I did everything I knew to make them go away ...quote scripture, cast down "imaginations" ...rebuke the devil so he would flee ...and they never went away ..... UNTIL I was in my 30's and chose to walk forward with the Lord and see the truth of what was at the root. Then, and only then, did my flashes in church go away .....because I chose to know the truth (not denial) and allowed God to bring healing to those memories.
Two things I want to say about this ...
#1, I do not believe I was raped by God. But my alters did. That was a lie they needed freedom from. And they wouldn't gain that freedom until I/we were ready to bring that pain to Him so He could speak truth into those memories. The truth was that we were raped by men (pastors, religious leaders, etc) and by entities using the name of God, Jesus, Father, etc
#2, casting down imaginations doesn't work with things that aren't imaginations. Memories are real, not imaginations. BUT ....the parts that were not true were the parts that needed His truth spoken into them. Then, He could bring lasting healing.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I'm not trying to call anyone a liar, but it is a life altering belief I cannot just accept.
If you're not calling anyone a liar, then don't insinuate it. And if you can't accept your own truth ..... you're simply not ready. Don't force yourself to be here. No one is forcing you.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2020
United States
i figured out the ET thing. it is something i might have always known. i might have told t in private. who knows....?
well you know how ET walks weird like the side walking like he might topple over? idk how to describe it.
well 3 years ago before i told my mom.... he walked toward me similar to that and that was my thought it was him. and when i used to see him at night maybe?
i am still unsure but it seemed so familiar...
sorry didnt mean to interrupt..


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2020
United States
I'm a big fan of Dolly Parton and Billy Graham, so I do think it is a mistake that they are thought of as sra handlers...they are really good people.

I believe mind control and sra happen. But I do not believe under Christ, minds can still be controlled to do bad things without knowledge through different parts of my mind. Under Christ, we are now under His control, so no matter what the enemy has done, I don't see how that is possible... I do think I have been mourning/healing from some traumatic memories that were obsessive stories in my mind many years before Christ. But I want to walk in freedom and the present. Not the past. If something real comes to my mind, I will work through it, but I have been praying and laying things down before God that I never took time to look at. I didn't stop and recognize the trauma (and fear that has stayed because of it), because these stories were not real. If they have real behind it, I do not know, but it is like aliens. There is too much fantasy to be a real memory. I believed it to be the wicked parts of me... Like a spiritual OCD that God very graciously took away when I got saved. It could be. A man's heart is wicked from his youth up as the Bible talks about. It could be a demon. It could have real attached to it. Could be from the abuse I did endure. But I do not believe I can do bad things and not be aware of it.
there is a survivor named fiona barnett who made claims about billy graham.
i didnt really like when people told me i had demons attached to me when i was seeking help. and the casting imaginations thing.... it helped to see why casting imaginations didnt help me cos i wasnt imagining.
the aliens arent real but they must be the demons that fell from heaven cos they have to go somwhere.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
i figured out the ET thing. it is something i might have always known. i might have told t in private. who knows....?
well you know how ET walks weird like the side walking like he might topple over? idk how to describe it.
well 3 years ago before i told my mom.... he walked toward me similar to that and that was my thought it was him. and when i used to see him at night maybe?
i am still unsure but it seemed so familiar...
sorry didnt mean to interrupt..
You're not interrupting, sis. Everything you have to share in the past, now, or in the future is relevant. I do remember you telling me about the ET thing awhile back, actually.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
sorry i havent responded @truthquest @TLHKAJ @Shattered
i appreciate it and have read.
i have been tired and in bed since sunday night.
i read and havent really logged in.
honestly, i feel guilty and have trouble feeling a way about my mother. my heart still wants that she is my ally.... :(
The whole mother issue is very difficult. It's natural and very normal to want our moms to be our allies.

I want you to know that you are free to take anything in this thread at your own pace. If you need to just read or skim what others are posting and don't feel up to responding to every post, that's exactly what you need to do ....wait, set it on the back burner, and maybe you'll be able to respond later....or maybe not. I know your heart is here. And you need to post what is on your mind and heart ....whether it "fits" the current conversation/topic or not.

I hope that made sense.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
there is a survivor named fiona barnett who made claims about billy graham.
i didnt really like when people told me i had demons attached to me when i was seeking help. and the casting imaginations thing.... it helped to see why casting imaginations didnt help me cos i wasnt imagining.
the aliens arent real but they must be the demons that fell from heaven cos they have to go somwhere.
Exactly. Fiona's accounts of several things are so much like my own, including the Bohemian Grove accounts ...and her testimony related to BG fall in line with the testimony of another survivor I've known for 12+ years. That's the thing ....survivors all have different experiences. There will be some very strong commonalities and similarities ...with a uniqueness per each survivor. But very often, we find validation between survivors sharing their experiences. I know that in the early months of @truthquest and I's interactions together in a survivor group, she and I had written about a specific ritual we endured and our experiences were so nearly identical that we wondered if we were at the exact ceremony together. But that was impossible since her experience happened before I was born. So survivors will often have very similar experiences and validation is HUGE ...even promoting healing.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
It wasn't hard for me to believe other survivors' accounts related to BG for a few reasons...
#1, Graham is a cult bloodline.
#2, I have experienced so much abuse/trauma at the hands of religious leaders myself... and...
#3, I watched BG fudge on the Gospel over the last decade or so of his life.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
But I do believe it is dangerous to believe that born again Christians can have unaware alters. Especially for something as serious as assination or hurting someone else. That can keep someone bound in fear.
Actually, it's way more dangerous to embrace denial once God begins to put HIS finger on things. He does this because He wants His people FREE. Think God's people can't be bound? Why the rebukes to the seven churches? And why the admonition to "Come out of her (Babylon) MY people"? The beast system is built upon MK/SRA. They go hand in hand. Babylon is the beast system that will bring in the antichrist.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
The bottom line answer to your question is "revelation "

Cult controlled pastors have very precisely programmed host presenter alters that l make them publicly appear to be normal men and women in ministry. The deception is often so well crafted its impenetrable to the natural mind. In those cases, even fairly mature Christians can be fooled.

One thing you can note with many: VERY often cult controlled pastors will be controllers. They will have lots of rules and demand compliance with the rules by the whole congregation. With lots of shaming publicly of people who transgress their "rules". Or other harsh consequences.

Another general characteristic is a very chauvinistic interpretation the Bible's teaching about relationships between men and women. Women are taught to be "submissive" to men in ways that portray them as slaves to the wishes of men. Women are often treated as property, not human beings. In extreme cases women are taught to be submissive to ALL the men in the congregation....not just their husband and. There are other characteristics that can serve as jndicators...but those are two big ones.
Yes, this is very much what I experienced.
And there is also the opposite ...pastors who present such a shallow gospel, runs a social club more than shepherding a flock ... keeping members from gaining a true deep connection with the Lord (because that is what is required in order to gain freedom).

Then there are churches with the light shows, entertainment rather than true heart worship ...programs for this, and programs for that ...busy "working, working, working" or else busy "fellowshipping" ...social gatherings right and left ....all diversions from the deeper importance if just heart to heart sharing and teaching the Word, worshipping Him in spirit and in truth (not hype), and knowing God at a personal level.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2021
Western United States
United States
sorry i havent responded @truthquest @TLHKAJ @Shattered
i appreciate it and have read.
i have been tired and in bed since sunday night.
i read and havent really logged in.
honestly, i feel guilty and have trouble feeling a way about my mother. my heart still wants that she is my ally.... :(

Don't worry, @lilygrace . I've been in a quiet place myself and there's nothing wrong with that.