US Food Prices To Double Soon?

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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
The article included below deals specifically with what may soon be happening in the United States economy, but regardless of where you live, the question posed in the following thread is this: What would you do if food prices doubled within the space of just the next few months? Even if it merely increased by another 50%, what would you do to cope with the increased cost of living, and what would you consider cutting down on if you had to eliminate something, or several somethings?

As I also ask in Post #5, do you think the scripture that says, "having food and raiment, let us therewith be content" will or should become more applicable in the lives of Christians, especially in the US, than it has been in the past?

I ask because it appears food prices in the US may indeed be doubling soon. This is the contention of the following article, published last week in the Epoch Times, where several farmers were interviewed who are now warning that the costs they are presently incurring are going up dramatically, and these costs will of necessity have to be passed on to the consumer by the time their goods hit the market in just a few months.

New Wave of Food Price Hikes Set to Hit Americans This Fall
The inflation consumers have witnessed thus far does not yet reflect the severity of the cost increases farmers are facing today.
By Kevin Stocklin


In its effort to contain inflation, the Federal Reserve has begun what many expect to be a series of interest rate boosts, which are already taking a toll on stock and housing markets, with job losses likely to follow. While Americans grow weary of record-high gas and grocery prices, however, another round of price increases is making its way through the supply chain and is expected to reach consumers this fall.

"People don't realize what's fixing to hit them," Texas farmer Lynn "Bugsy" Allen said. "They think it's tough right now; you give it until October. Food prices are going to double."

The 8.8 percent increase in food prices that Americans have already seen doesn't take into account the dramatically higher costs that farmers are now experiencing. That's because farers pay upfront, and only recoup their expenses at the point of sale, months later.

"Usually what we see on the farm the consumer doesn't see for another 18 months," said John Chester, a Tennessee farmer of corn, wheat and soybeans. But with the severity of these cost increases, consumers could feel the effects much sooner, particularly if weather becomes a factor.

"Nothing that consumers are paying is going to bridge the gap for farmers right now," according to Lorenda Overman, a North Carolina farmer who raises hogs, and grows corn, soybeans and sweet potatoes. "The prices have not hit the grocery stores yet," but she expects they will start to by the end of summer... Higher food and energy prices will leave Americans with less money to spend on other goods, which will reduce demand and create repercussions for the wider economy.

In addressing something related more specifically to the question posed in this thread, the article also went on to state:

Economic reports are indicating that that Americans are already unable to keep up with inflation. Household savings fell to the lowest rate in 14 years, as people struggle to maintain their standard of living. Credit card debt is hitting record highs, and retailers say they are preparing for more consumers to limit their spending to the "bare-bones basics."

My guess is the answer for most (and this of necessity) will be to NOT continue trying to maintain their standard of living but start looking for ways to cut down, and most certainly it will not be to continue going deeper into debt, thinking things will all get better eventually. As scripture states, godliness with contentment is great gain, and this is a truth the modern, prosperous church may have a new appreciation for as we move deeper and deeper into the end-times.

God bless,
Hidden In Him

For those who have not read it, the subject matter discussed above and what to do about it is also dealt with in more detail in the following thread:
Returning To A 19th Century Standard Of Living Soon?
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
TRUST IN THE GLORIOUS LORD . He fed five thousand without money , HE will take care of the lambs .
Harder times are coming for the wickedness of man is great in the world and the light of the churches has turned into darkness
for it has sold the true light out and now preaches darkness as light . BUT WOE BE TO HE whose light is the darkness . WOE be unto he
who heeds and follows another jesus and preaches and teachers another gosepl and sells it as love when it is only death .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
REPENT CHRISTENDOM for Judgment cometh on the lands . IF the churches do NOT repent of this all inclusive
then the lands will only mourn and the times will only worsen .
THE ALL INCLUSIVE MUST BE REPENTED OF and very fast too . IF NOT prepare to meet the delusion and then reap
and heed not the all inclusive we are one ecuminical lie . I did what i could . REPENT is all that is left to say now .

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
TRUST IN THE GLORIOUS LORD . He fed five thousand without money , HE will take care of the lambs .

Good answer. :cool:

Whenever these discussions come up, I sometimes get "reprimanded" for quoting numerous passages that teach this very same thing, but as the word of God states, "sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Our primary responsibility is just to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. If we do, we can know He will see to meeting our needs, and things like food and clothing will be provided. Our job is simply not to be distracted from keeping our focus on the Lord and serving Him.

But let me ask, do you think Christians should also consider cutting down on things? As I stated, the teaching of the church was that godliness with contentment was great gain, and "having food and raiment, let us therewith be content." Do you think that scripture will become or should become more applicable to the lives of Christians, especially in the US, than it has been in the past?

God bless, and thanks for the responses.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
US Food Prices To Double Soon?
OP ^

Count on astronomical prices.
Count on empty store shelves.
As well, expect the trend to increase of having Less product inside those packages of food.

Count on crime to continue increasing.

Biden’s legacy; A depraved Civil and Morally bankrupted Nation.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
But let me ask, do you think Christians should also consider cutting down on things? As I stated, the teaching of the church was that godliness with contentment was great gain, and "having food and raiment, let us therewith be content." Do you think that scripture will become or should become more applicable to the lives of Christians, especially in the US, than it has been in the past?

God bless, and thanks for the responses.

I will quote a Scripture...

1 Tim 5:
[8] But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

How many Professed Christians have been a Dependent of the Government for years? Not providing for their own? Taking handouts that every other week the Government announces, free, free, free?

Does anyone not know, the Government produces nothing?
The Government must First TAKE what an other HAS worked for, to hand out their supposed Freebies.
As well all the Governments BORROWING, is a debt to your children, your grand-children, your great- grand children.

I highly doubt Long term Government Dependents, having NOT provided for themselves, will magically even know how to take care of their own.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
1 Tim 5:
[8] But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

How many Professed Christians have been a Dependent of the Government for years? Not providing for their own? Taking handouts that every other week the Government announces, free, free, free?

This is more of a political take than I was expecting, but I do agree that part of the trouble with accepting assistance (especially governmental assistance) is that you can grow dependent upon it, and then slowly start to get used to using others instead of being self-sufficient, and scripture did indeed warn against mooching off of others, because you can end up abusing other believers by that means (2 Thessalonians 3:7-11).

The direction I was leading towards, however, through my lines of questioning was this: The early church walked in hospitality. This is the reason they could teach, "be content with food and clothing" and mean it. It is almost entirely foreign to the thinking of most Americans not to own their own home, but as I have also been posting a lot on lately, many Americans may find themselves going into foreclosure as things get more desperate. Christians, too, will feel their belts tightening some, but there are always options when one is trusting in the Lord, and I have considered inviting my wife's sister to live with us if things get too rough for her to make the notes on her house. It would make the bills cheaper for all three of us, and that is the sort of solution the early church walked in when it came to what many would call today "poverty." It relates to your posts in that it is not waiting for a hand out; it is finding new and creative solutions on how to survive in a weaker economy.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
How soon? This fall or sooner?

Several times over the past 6 months I have see aisles of empty shelves in major chain grocery stores.

I have already seen higher prices in boxed foods, with less product in the boxes.

You can track general food products price increase, particularly meat.

When you seen the cheaper products “approved for welfare recipients”, soups, Mac-n-cheese, Ramon noodles, Outlets with day old white bread, stuff like that prices begin raising...everything else will already be skyrocketing...and then also very scant, hard to find.

It will be difficult for people who can afford to stock up, because all the processed foods are full of preservatives that expire and spoil the foods....and boo boo, when the government decides to have a rolling brown out...and your food in the freezer spoils.

And I would say the majority does not know how or have the means to raise and harvest food or have and slaughter animals.

Welcome to the Atheist planned re-set.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
You can track general food products price increase, particularly meat.

When you seen the cheaper products “approved for welfare recipients”, soups, Mac-n-cheese, Ramon noodles, Outlets with day old white bread, stuff like that prices begin raising...everything else will already be skyrocketing...and then also very scant, hard to find.

Another thread that may be helpful to some in that regard:
Smart Shopping: More Important Than Ever


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
This is more of a political take than I was expecting, but I do agree that part of the trouble with accepting assistance (especially governmental assistance) is that you can grow dependent upon it, and then slowly start to get used to using others instead of being self-sufficient, and scripture did indeed warn against mooching off of others, because you can end up abusing other believers by that means (2 Thessalonians 3:7-11).

The direction I was leading towards, however, through my lines of questioning was this: The early church walked in hospitality. This is the reason they could teach, "be content with food and clothing" and mean it. It is almost entirely foreign to the thinking of most Americans not to own their own home, but as I have also been posting a lot on lately, many Americans may find themselves going into foreclosure as things get more desperate. Christians, too, will feel their belts tightening some, but there are always options when one is trusting in the Lord, and I have considered inviting my wife's sister to live with us if things get too rough for her to make the notes on her house. It would make the bills cheaper for all three of us, and that is the sort of solution the early church walked in when it came to what many would call today "poverty." It relates to your posts in that it is not waiting for a hand out; it is finding new and creative solutions on how to survive in a weaker economy.

I think mature adults can grasp doubling up, being cautious, making do.
I do not think the majority brat pack of younger generations steeped in materialism will do so well.

Some “studies” on kids being kept out of school have given ratings as high as 70% “mental issues”... and kids suicide rates have risen.
Kids spend so little time at home, they don’t know what to do with themselves....and cut the TV, phone and internet...pfff....they will be a major burden, not an asset.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I think mature adults can grasp doubling up, being cautious, making do.
I do not think the majority brat pack of younger generations steeped in materialism will do so well.

Some “studies” on kids being kept out of school have given ratings as high as 70% “mental issues”... and kids suicide rates have risen.
Kids spend so little time at home, they don’t know what to do with themselves....and cut the TV, phone and internet...pfff....they will be a major burden, not an asset.

Someone posted elsewhere that my threads are too depressing, LoL, and that she felt for kids reading so much pessimism; that they would likely think they have no future. I responded that our future is in Christ, and that the things coming upon the world will prove to the earth as never before that humanity's hope is found only in Him. Scripture teaches quite plainly about the "deceitfulness of riches," and those who have put their hope in it or do so in the future will increasingly find out how deceitful they really are.

I do agree the younger generation is in for a big shock, and may feel "cheated" about the way things are turning. But for those willing to invest themselves in Christ it will be better than before. The Lord will show Himself strong on behalf of those who trust Him, and what is a "blessed" life in the flesh anyway? For many, it has served only as a distraction from what was really important anyway.

It looks like we are on the verge of men starting to think more in terms of the afterlife than this one for a change, which will be breath of fresh air as far as I'm concerned.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
Preppers are more than ready for this and even worse.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
The article included below deals specifically with what may soon be happening in the United States economy, but regardless of where you live, the question posed in the following thread is this: What would you do if food prices doubled within the space of just the next few months? Even if it merely increased by another 50%, what would you do to cope with the increased cost of living, and what would you consider cutting down on if you had to eliminate something, or several somethings?

As I also ask in Post #5, do you think the scripture that says, "having food and raiment, let us therewith be content" will or should become more applicable in the lives of Christians, especially in the US, than it has been in the past?

I ask because it appears food prices in the US may indeed be doubling soon. This is the contention of the following article, published last week in the Epoch Times, where several farmers were interviewed who are now warning that the costs they are presently incurring are going up dramatically, and these costs will of necessity have to be passed on to the consumer by the time their goods hit the market in just a few months.

New Wave of Food Price Hikes Set to Hit Americans This Fall
The inflation consumers have witnessed thus far does not yet reflect the severity of the cost increases farmers are facing today.
By Kevin Stocklin


In its effort to contain inflation, the Federal Reserve has begun what many expect to be a series of interest rate boosts, which are already taking a toll on stock and housing markets, with job losses likely to follow. While Americans grow weary of record-high gas and grocery prices, however, another round of price increases is making its way through the supply chain and is expected to reach consumers this fall.

"People don't realize what's fixing to hit them," Texas farmer Lynn "Bugsy" Allen said. "They think it's tough right now; you give it until October. Food prices are going to double."

The 8.8 percent increase in food prices that Americans have already seen doesn't take into account the dramatically higher costs that farmers are now experiencing. That's because farers pay upfront, and only recoup their expenses at the point of sale, months later.

"Usually what we see on the farm the consumer doesn't see for another 18 months," said John Chester, a Tennessee farmer of corn, wheat and soybeans. But with the severity of these cost increases, consumers could feel the effects much sooner, particularly if weather becomes a factor.

"Nothing that consumers are paying is going to bridge the gap for farmers right now," according to Lorenda Overman, a North Carolina farmer who raises hogs, and grows corn, soybeans and sweet potatoes. "The prices have not hit the grocery stores yet," but she expects they will start to by the end of summer... Higher food and energy prices will leave Americans with less money to spend on other goods, which will reduce demand and create repercussions for the wider economy.

In addressing something related more specifically to the question posed in this thread, the article also went on to state:

Economic reports are indicating that that Americans are already unable to keep up with inflation. Household savings fell to the lowest rate in 14 years, as people struggle to maintain their standard of living. Credit card debt is hitting record highs, and retailers say they are preparing for more consumers to limit their spending to the "bare-bones basics."

My guess is the answer for most (and this of necessity) will be to NOT continue trying to maintain their standard of living but start looking for ways to cut down, and most certainly it will not be to continue going deeper into debt, thinking things will all get better eventually. As scripture states, godliness with contentment is great gain, and this is a truth the modern, prosperous church may have a new appreciation for as we move deeper and deeper into the end-times.

God bless,
Hidden In Him

For those who have not read it, the subject matter discussed above and what to do about it is also dealt with in more detail in the following thread:
Returning To A 19th Century Standard Of Living Soon?

Hello my friend, hope your doing well

Is is already happening in Australia and now interest rates are about to go up again as well "to combat inflation". I don't understand how that works.

Petrol and energy have gone up not because of the war but because the government invested in green energy instead of our traditional cheap fuels like oil and coal.

I notice it's only fresh organic food that's going up. Its actually cheaper buying canned food in some cases which makes no sense at all to me cos you have to cover the cost of processing and packaging.

Supply and demand controls prices but I don't think it is in this case. I think this is a deliberate ploy by the elites to squeeze us.

To answer your question, we have to find ways to save a dollar.
Don't eat meat as much which is a bumper cos I love meat.
Don't go on my Sunday drives.
Maybe even start looking at some canned food even though I don't want to.
Holidays will have to be shorter.
A cheaper car that doesn't drink so much fuel.
None of this eating out at restaurants.
Looking at cheaper ways to eat.
Grow own food.
Buying in bulk if it's cheaper.
Use your electricity wisely
Use appliances that are economical.
Look at getting off grid solar power.
No going to sporting events, concerts, festivals, shows and such.
No buying expensive clothing.
Stop smoking
Work longer hours.
Negotiate a pay rise.
Try find a job that pays more.
What else...
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Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
One of the major things noticed is the price of vegetables. Cabbage, broccolli and cauliflower have gone up exorbitantly. In this situation, it is better for folks to grow their own. Our grocery store is not the only place where we can get these things.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Good answer. :cool:

Whenever these discussions come up, I sometimes get "reprimanded" for quoting numerous passages that teach this very same thing, but as the word of God states, "sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Our primary responsibility is just to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. If we do, we can know He will see to meeting our needs, and things like food and clothing will be provided. Our job is simply not to be distracted from keeping our focus on the Lord and serving Him.

But let me ask, do you think Christians should also consider cutting down on things? As I stated, the teaching of the church was that godliness with contentment was great gain, and "having food and raiment, let us therewith be content." Do you think that scripture will become or should become more applicable to the lives of Christians, especially in the US, than it has been in the past?

God bless, and thanks for the responses.
We should never have abandoned that truth . Godliness with CONTENTMENT IS GREAT GAIN .
I have seen and heard wonderful true stories from lambs overseas .
SOme even saying once we had more than heart could desire . We lived fat and in plenty , but little did we know that we knew not GOD .
But God allowed persecutoin against us . One says he had to give up a good money making job , cause he would have to literally deny
Christ to remain in that job and in that society . Well he refused . He then goes on to say
they were literally on the run and went from what society would call riches to rags , but what he would call from rags to riches .
CAUSE he admits , we did not really know and serve GOD , but when persecutions came
and we had to run , we now live in caves and dig in the trash for some bedding and etc .
BUT WE NEVER BEEN MORE JOYFUL . WE had no idea how lost we were . WE thought we had it all
but yet we had nothing at all for we did not truly serve the living GOD .
And now we have very little , YET WE HAVE ALL FOR WE HAVE THE LORD . To lose for CHRIST is ONLY GAIN .
AND GOD works all things together for the good of those who do love HIM . GOD knows how to chasten .
No matter what we lose for CHRIST IS ONLY GAIN . I MEAN ONLY GAIN . Even in prison we win
even at the end of a whip we win . EVEN at our death WE WIN . FOR JESUS HAS ALREADY WON . NOW be prepared to lose all
cause the longer this goes on , I WARN US ALL It wont lead to teh world and the unified religoin LOVING US MORE
but rather to all out betrayal against those who refused to conform to her satanic lie .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
US Food Prices To Double Soon?
OP ^

Count on astronomical prices.
Count on empty store shelves.
As well, expect the trend to increase of having Less product inside those packages of food.

Count on crime to continue increasing.

Biden’s legacy; A depraved Civil and Morally bankrupted Nation.
You can surely expect all of that to increase .
BUT BANK ON THIS . NO matter what comes against us , no matter what we have to suffer
no matter if even we be put in prison or even killed . WE WIN CAUSE JESUS WON .
COUNT ON CHRIST and count all else as but dung to WIN HIM . THIS WORLD is not MY HOME
MY HOME comes WHEN JESUS DOES . AMEN and forever amen . POINT TO JESUS while there still is time to do so .
and pound and beat upon that door , BUT IT WILL NEVER BE OPENED . The lambs will be with HIM ,
I shudder for all who denied HIM . SO we must get busy pointing to CHRIST while there still be time to do so .