Watching the Olympics

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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
(1) Strict training

I Corinthians 9:24-27

It all looks so easy… but a sporting career demands enormous commitment and dedication over many years. Athletes don’t just spend many hours exercising and training, but they also have to be careful about their diet and general health. And how easy it is for a last-minute injury or just an ‘off’ day to ruin all their hopes! If they are willing to sacrifice so much for the possibility of a few brief moments of glory, how much more motivated should we be in our Christian lives? “Run in such a way as to get the prize!” (verse 24)

The problem is, of course, that our natural selves are self-indulgent; nobody finds it easy to read the Bible regularly, or to pray, and for many of us attending a church is a struggle. It takes some effort! But if we want to make real progress in the Christian life, we need to be self-disciplined and make that effort. Like the top athletes, some of us may even have to give up perfectly legitimate activities in order to have time to serve Christ more effectively.

The exclusion of most of the Russian team is a salutary reminder that an athlete’s career can be ruined by the use of illicit drugs. In the same way, a Christian’s ministry or witness can be ruined by sin. Holiness is not optional! Paul was under no illusions; he knew that not even he was above temptation (verse 27). So we all need to watch ourselves; our lives should be kept as ‘clean’ as possible, so that we do not bring our ‘team’ (the Church) into disrepute.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
(2) Running the race

Hebrews 12:1-3

The Christian life is a race, not a stroll in the sunset! And for most of us it isn’t a short sprint, but a marathon.

You may have noticed that the course for a marathon, being run on ordinary roads, is marked by a painted line. For a long time I assumed that they just sent some workman round with a map and a paintbrush, but actually it’s a little more sophisticated than that. Many years ago, I remember watching the Commonwealth Games when they were in Edinburgh, and we were shown how it was done. What happens is: the day before the race, an experienced marathon runner runs the course, and the painters go after him, painting a line that follows his exact route (i.e. not just down the middle of the road but taking the smoothest line round a bend and the best line if the ground is uneven) - so that the race runners the next day literally follow in his footsteps. And this is what the writer to the Hebrews says: the race is “marked out for us” because Jesus has gone ahead and we are following in His footsteps. He has lived a perfect human life and given us an example to follow - such as when He washed His disciples’ feet. “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” (John 13:14,15)

In an endurance event like the marathon, the athletes have to run with concentration and determination in order to complete the course - and they do it even if they know they have no chance of getting a medal. But they are encouraged by the cheering of the spectators, and we too should be inspired and encouraged by the “great cloud of witnesses” - the saints who have preceded us.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
(3) Winning the prize

II Timothy 4:7,8

When the Bible promises that we shall wear crowns, it doesn’t mean royal crowns but victory crowns - like the laurel wreaths that the winners in the ancient Greek games were presented with. Our modern trophies are slightly longer-lasting, but still only metal. And every gold medallist knows that their title lasts only four years; eventually they will have to surrender it to someone younger. Every four years, records are set… only to be broken the next time round.

But our prize is righteousness and immortality. It will be ours for eternity, and it will be awarded to all those who finish the race, “all who have longed for the Lord’s appearing.” There will be no league table, no losers, no ‘second best’. We will all celebrate together.