What happens in these days?

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Oct 15, 2017
pilgrimage home Grand in Mecca and visit the grave of Mstafah Habib Muhammad peace be upon him in Medina

Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam, Allah has imposed on the Muslims in the sixth year Hijri, one of the best works, was asked the Messenger of Allah :) Any business better?
He said: (faith in Allah and His Messenger).
It was said: Then what? He said: (Jihad in the way of Allah).
It was said: Then what? He said: (accepted Hajj (the pilgrimage which was mixed with sin.) _ [Agreed]
And Aisha - may Allah be pleased - said: O Messenger of Allah Jihad see the best work do you not strive? He said: (No, but the best Jihad accepted Hajj) _ [Agreed].
The Hajj is an expiation for sins, he said :) (of Hajj and does not and does not immoral act, he returned the day his mother bore him) _ [Agreed]. He also said: ('umrah to an expiation for them, and accepted Hajj brings no less a reward than Paradise) _ [Agreed] said :) (Amar delegation of pilgrims and God, who goes, and they asked him to them gave He) _ [Bazaar].

Hajj and cleanses the soul and restores clarity and fidelity, and that it would be human to be patient and endure, and Hajj implanted in the soul the spirit of bondage full of God, and submission true to the law of God, and the pilgrimage leads a person to God grateful for the blessing of money and blessing of wellness.

Hajj and lead to long relationship with the Muslims, including different colors, languages and home, and feel more strongly the Association of Islamic brotherhood, and helps to spread the call of Islam, as it is a popular conference to address the Muslims and to identify the conditions, and discuss their problems.

The conditions of Hajj being obligatory:
1 - Islam, Hajj is not obligatory on the infidel.
2 - puberty, there must be a boy, even pilgrimage boy before puberty, is not acceptable for duty after puberty, but to perform Hajj once again, for saying :) (Any boy Ag then reached Perjury (age of reference), he should do Hajj again) _ [ Tabarani].
3 - the mind, not on the pilgrimage crazy, but do not correct it.
4 - freedom, there must be a slave.
5 - Being, so that it is able to withstand the hardship of travel, and that he has enough is enough of having to beg until he returns.
And women, like men in the conditions of Hajj being obligatory but it is essential that accompanied a husband or a mahram, or be with her trustworthy women



Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Hajj and cleanses the soul and restores clarity and fidelity...
Why do you post this on a Christian forum? Does it not belong on a Muslim forum? As far a Christians are concerned Hajj means nothing. It is the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ which cleanses the soul from sin and guilt. If you wish to be here the least you can do is read the New Testament and understand who Christ is.
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Oct 15, 2017
Why such variance in viewpoints? To begin with, different theological camps disagree on which books should be included in the Bible. One camp’s apocrypha is another’s scripture. Secondly, even among those books that have been canonized, the many variant source texts lack uniformity. This lack of uniformity is so ubiquitous that The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible states, “It is safe to say that there is not one sentence in the NT in which the MS [manuscript] tradition is wholly uniform.”[2]

Not one sentence? We can’t trust a single sentence of the Bible? Hard to believe.


The fact is that there are over 5700 Greek manuscripts of all or part of the New Testament.[3] Furthermore, “no two of these manuscripts are exactly alike in all their particulars…. And some of these differences are significant.”[4] Factor in roughly ten thousand manuscripts of the Latin Vulgate, add the many other ancient variants (i.e., Syriac, Coptic, Armenian, Georgian, Ethiopic, Nubian, Gothic, Slavonic), and what do we have?

A lot of manuscripts

A lot of manuscripts that fail to correspond in places and not infrequently contradict one another. Scholars estimate the number of manuscript variants in the hundreds of thousands, some estimating as high as 400,000.[5] In Bart D. Ehrman’s now famous words, “Possibly it is easiest to put the matter in comparative terms: there are more differences in our manuscripts than there are words in the New Testament.”[6]

How did this happen?

Poor record keeping. Dishonesty. Incompetence. Doctrinal prejudice. Take your pick.

None of the original manuscripts have survived from the early Christian period.[7]/[8] The most ancient complete manuscripts (Vatican MS. No. 1209 and the Sinaitic Syriac Codex) date from the fourth century, three hundred years after Jesus’ ministry. But the originals? Lost. And the copies of the originals? Also lost. Our most ancient manuscripts, in other words, are copies of the copies of the copies of nobody-knows-just-how-many copies of the originals.

No wonder they differ

In the best of hands, copying errors would be no surprise. However, New Testament manuscripts were not in the best of hands. During the period of Christian origins, scribes were untrained, unreliable, incompetent, and in some cases illiterate.[9] Those who were visually impaired could have made errors with look-alike letters and words, while those who were hearing-impaired may have erred in recording scripture as it was read aloud. Frequently scribes were overworked, and hence inclined to the errors that accompany fatigue.

In the words of Metzger and Ehrman, “Since most, if not all, of them [the scribes] would have been amateurs in the art of copying, a relatively large number of mistakes no doubt crept into their texts as they reproduced them.”[10] Worse yet, some scribes allowed doctrinal prejudice to influence their transmission of scripture.[11] As Ehrman states, “The scribes who copied the texts changed them.”[12] More specifically, “The number of deliberate alterations made in the interest of doctrine is difficult to assess.”[13] And even more specifically, “In the technical parlance of textual criticism—which I retain for its significant ironies—these scribes ‘corrupted’ their texts for theological reasons.”[14]

Errors were introduced in the form of additions, deletions, substitutions and modifications, most commonly of words or lines, but occasionally of entire verses.[15] [16] In fact, “numerous changes and accretions came into the text,”[17] with the result that “all known witnesses of the New Testament are to a greater or lesser extent mixed texts, and even several of the earliest manuscripts are not free from egregious errors.”[18]

In Misquoting Jesus, Ehrman presents persuasive evidence that the story of the woman taken in adultery (John 7:53-8:12) and the last twelve verses of Mark were not in the original gospels, but added by later scribes.[19] Furthermore, these examples “represent just two out of thousands of places in which the manuscripts of the New Testament came to be changed by scribes.”[20]

In fact, entire books of the Bible were forged.[21] This doesn’t mean their content is necessarily wrong, but it certainly doesn’t mean it’s right. So which books were forged? Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, 1 and 2 Peter, and Jude—a whopping nine of the twenty-seven New Testament books and epistles—are to one degree or another suspect.[22]

Forged books? In the Bible?

Why are we not surprised? After all, even the gospel authors are unknown. In fact, they’re anonymous.[23] Biblical scholars rarely, if ever, ascribe gospel authorship to Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. As Ehrman tells us, “Most scholars today have abandoned these identifications, and recognize that the books were written by otherwise unknown but relatively well-educated Greek-speaking (and writing) Christians during the second half of the first century.”[24] Graham Stanton affirms, “The gospels, unlike most Graeco-Roman writings, are anonymous. The familiar headings which give the name of an author (‘The Gospel according to …’) were not part of the original manuscripts, for they were added only early in the second century.”[25]

So what, if anything, did Jesus’ disciples have to do with authoring the gospels? Little or nothing, so far as we know. But we have no reason to believe they authored any of the books of the Bible. To begin with, let us remember Mark was a secretary to Peter, and Luke a companion to Paul. The verses of Luke 6:14-16 and Matthew 10:2-4 catalogue the twelve disciples, and although these lists differ over two names, Mark and Luke don’t make either list. So only Matthew and John were true disciples. But all the same, modern scholars pretty much disqualify them as authors anyway.


Good question. John being the more famous of the two, why should we disqualify him from having authored the Gospel of “John”?

Umm … because he was dead?

Multiple sources acknowledge there is no evidence, other than questionable testimonies of second century authors, to suggest that the disciple John was the author of the Gospel of “John.”[26] [27] Perhaps the most convincing refutation is that the disciple John is believed to have died in or around 98 CE.[28] However, the Gospel of John was written circa 110 CE.[29] So whoever Luke (Paul’s companion), Mark (Peter’s secretary), and John (the unknown, but certainly not the long-dead one) were, we have no reason to believe any of the gospels were authored by Jesus’ disciples



Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
United Kingdom
You claim that the quran is uniform. That is only because all possible varriations were destroyed by Ultman.
The claim that there wwre no major variations in early copies of the quran is disputed by scholars.
as wiki says:-
"Some scholars, such as John Wansbrough, Michael Cook, and Patricia Crone, have been unwilling to attribute the entire Quran to Muhammad (or Uthman), arguing that there "is no hard evidence for the existence of the Quran in any form before the last decade of the 7th century.."

So it is possible that what you proclaim is in error.


Oct 15, 2017
The entire Quran was however also recorded in writing at the time of revelation from the Prophet’s dictation, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, by some of his literate companions, the most prominent of them being Zaid ibn Thabit.[1] Others among his noble scribes were Ubayy ibn Ka’b, Ibn Mas’ud, Mu’awiyah ibn Abi-Sufyan, Khalid ibn Waleed and Zubayr ibn Awwam.[2] The verses were recorded on leather, parchment, scapulae (shoulder bones of animals) and the stalks of date palms.[3]

The codification of the Quran (i.e. into a ‘book form’) was done soon after the Battle of Yamamah (11AH/633CE), after the Prophet’s death, during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr. Many companions became martyrs at that battle, and it was feared that unless a written copy of the entire revelation was produced, large parts of the Quran might be lost with the death of those who had memorized it. Therefore, at the suggestion of Umar to collect the Quran in the form of writing, Zaid ibn Thabit was requested by Abu Bakr to head a committee which would gather together the scattered recordings of the Quran and prepare a mushaf - loose sheets which bore the entire revelation on them.[4] To safeguard the compilation from errors, the committee accepted only material which had been written down in the presence of the Prophet himself, and which could be verified by at least two reliable witnesses who had actually heard the Prophet recite the passage in question[5]. Once completed and unanimously approved of by the Prophet’s Companions, these sheets were kept with the Caliph Abu Bakr (d. 13AH/634CE), then passed on to the Caliph Umar (13-23AH/634-644CE), and then Umar’s daughter and the Prophet’s widow, Hafsah[6].

The third Caliph Uthman (23AH-35AH/644-656CE) requested Hafsah to send him the manuscript of the Quran which was in her safekeeping, and ordered the production of several bounded copies of it (masaahif, sing. mushaf). This task was entrusted to the Companions Zaid ibn Thabit, Abdullah ibn Az-Zubair, Sa’eed ibn As-’As, and Abdur-Rahman ibn Harith ibn Hisham.[7] Upon completion (in 25AH/646CE), Uthman returned the original manuscript to Hafsah and sent the copies to the major Islamic provinces.

A number of non-Muslim scholars who have studied the issue of the compilation and preservation of the Quran also have stated its authenticity. John Burton, at the end of his substantial work on the Quran’s compilation, states that the Quran as we have it today is:

“…the text which has come down to us in the form in which it was organized and approved by the Prophet…. What we have today in our hands is the mushaf of Muhammad.[8]

Kenneth Cragg describes the transmission of the Quran from the time of revelation to today as occurring in “an unbroken living sequence of devotion.”[9] Schwally concurs that:

“As far as the various pieces of revelation are concerned, we may be confident that their text has been generally transmitted exactly as it was found in the Prophet’s legacy.”[10]

The historical credibility of the Quran is further established by the fact that one of the copies sent out by the Caliph Uthman is still in existence today. It lies in the Museum of the City of Tashkent in Uzbekistan, Central Asia.[11] According to Memory of the World Program, UNESCO, an arm of the United Nations, ‘it is the definitive version, known as the Mushaf of Uthman.’[12]

This manuscript, held by the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan, is the earliest existent written version of the Quran. It is the definitive version, known as the Mushaf of Othman. Image courtesy of Memory of the World Register, UNESCO.

A facsimile of the mushaf in Tashkent is available at the Columbia University Library in the US.[13] This copy is proof that the text of the Quran we have in circulation today is identical with that of the time of the Prophet and his companions. A copy of the mushaf sent to Syria (duplicated before a fire in 1310AH/1892CE destroyed the Jaami’ Masjid where it was housed) also exists in the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul[14], and an early manuscript on gazelle parchment exists in Dar al-Kutub as-Sultaniyyah in Egypt. More ancient manuscripts from all periods of Islamic history found in the Library of Congress in Washington, the Chester Beatty Museum in Dublin (Ireland) and the London Museum have been compared with those in Tashkent, Turkey and Egypt, with results confirming that there have not been any changes in the text from its original time of writing.[15]

The Institute for Koranforschung, for example, in the University of Munich (Germany), collected over 42,000 complete or incomplete ancient copies of the Quran. After around fifty years of research, they reported that there was no variance between the various copies, except the occasional mistakes of the copyist which could easily be ascertained. This Institute was unfortunately destroyed by bombs during WWII.[16]

Thus, due to the efforts of the early companions, with God’s assistance, the Quran as we have it today is recited in the same manner as it was revealed. This makes it the only religious scripture that is still completely retained and understood in its original language. Indeed, as Sir William Muir states, “There is probably no other book in the world which has remained twelve centuries (now fourteen) with so pure a text.”[17]

The evidence above confirms God’s promise in the Quran:

“Verily, We have revealed the Reminder, and verily We shall preserve it.” (Quran 15:9)

The Quran has been preserved in both oral and written form in a way no other book has, and with each form providing a check and balance for the authenticity of the other



Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
The Quran has been preserved in both oral and written form in a way no other book has, and with each form providing a check and balance for the authenticity of the other
#1 Some Muslims argue, "The Qur'an is the Word of God because the text of the Qur'an has been preserved perfectly." This argument is erroneous for two reasons:
a. Factually, the text of the Qur'an has not been preserved perfectly. The text has additions, deletions, conflicting manuscripts, and variant readings like any other ancient writing.
b. Logically, it is irrelevant whether the text of the Qur'an has been preserved because preservation does not logically imply inspiration. A book can be perfectly copied without implying its inspiration.
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Spiritual Warrior
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May 10, 2018
United States

As ex-Muslims, we believe freedom of conscience and expression of that conscience to be the most important principle of our secular and free society – and we wish for Muslims to understand this principle too. That is why we supported the Quran Project when it seemed their posters may have been removed.

In that spirit we will now repudiate a claim made by the Quran Project in one of their billboards.

In reference to the Quran, the billboard declares that it has ‘Never Changed, Never Altered’

This is a central claim of Islamic apologia. This is understandable, because without this assertion the most basic claim of Islam as to its uniqueness and superiority is undermined and worthless.

Stressing the perfection, flawlessness and unchanged, unaltered nature of the Quran is perhaps the single most important assertion for those engaging in ‘Da’wah’, or Islamic prosletysation.

The problem is, it’s simply untrue.

Of course if you are a believing Muslim you have to believe that the Angel Gabriel recited words directly from Allah into Muhammad’s ear and that the current form of the Quran is word for word the same as each word recited by Allah through the Angel Gabriel into Muhammad’s ear.

The Quran has been altered. The Quran has been changed.

There are multiple ways of demonstrating this, even through using primary Islamic religious texts:

(1) Firstly it is important to remember that the Quran was never actually written down into any single book during Muhammad's life. It was always recited.

(2) Even during the period before it was written down, there is some evidence that the Quran was changed by Muhammad himself.

According to Ibn Ishaq, the earliest source on the life of Muhammad, there was an additional verse in Surah an-Najm that Muhammad later removed, saying that Satan had tricked him into believing it was from God. The verse is commonly referred to as verse 20.5, because it was supposed to fit between 20 and 21. It is also knowns as the "Satanic Verse" The verse went like this:

19: Have ye thought upon Al-Lat and Al-‘Uzzá
20: and Manāt, the third, the other?
20.5: These are the exalted gharāniq, whose intercession is hoped for.

Later Islamic scholars came to deny that this ever happened.

But it seems to me that the reasoning behind denying the veracity of this event has nothing to do with scholarly skepticism and everything to do with the dangers of the theological repercussions of accepting the veracity of this.

After all, if Satan had tricked Muhammad into believing that this verse was from God, then how can we be certain that all the other verses of the Quran are from God and not from Satan?

Also the idea that Muhammad could be tricked by Satan, even for a short time, flies in the face of the notion that Muhammad is the perfect man.

From a non-religious perspective, the acceptance of the three traditional Pagan Goddesses into Islam makes sense when Muhammad was weak and needed reconciliation with the Pagans, and the removal of this verse later when he was stronger and no longer needed their support makes a lot of sense, for that reason I do not doubt the veracity of the event so much.

(3) There are some Hadiths that claim that portions of the Quran are lost because the only written parts of it were eaten by a sheep or a goat (depending on translation):


Reported ‘Aisha (RA):

‘the verse of stoning and of suckling an adult ten times was revealed, and they were (written) on a paper and kept under my pillow. When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) expired and we were occupied by his death, a goat entered and ate away the paper.’ (Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith 1944) (Hasan)
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Prayer Warrior
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Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
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Spiritual Warrior
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May 10, 2018
United States
I would like to remind members that this section is for non christians/ other beliefs. You are free to reply to threads here but not create them. Please keep in mind that Christianity Board's forum rules, cover all sections of this forum including this section. Thank you... https://www.christianityboard.com/threads/christianity-board-forum-rules.11388/
Not sure if my response is what you are referring to? I am debating the claim that the Quran has never been altered or changed.
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Oct 15, 2017
The Quran is the holy book which Muslims recite and turn to for guidance in all aspects of their lives. Its verses have remained intact since their original revelation by God in the 7th century. This brochure explains the divine origin of the Quran by elaborating upon its preservation, authenticity and miracles. It also discusses the Quranic message which has universal appeal and is relevant for all times.

The Quran is the last testament in a series of divine revelations from God (Allah in Arabic). It consists of the unaltered and direct words of God, which were revealed through the Angel Gabriel to Muhammadp, the final prophet of Islam, more than 1400 years ago.

Islam is a continuation of the message received by previous prophets, such as Noah, Abraham, David, Moses and Jesus, peace be upon them all. Therefore, the Quran maintains the pure teachings of previous revelations, including the Torah and the Gospel. The Quran describes that all the prophets taught people to believe in the One God, the Creator. The messengers also instructed them to spend their lives with God-consciousness, doing good deeds and avoiding sins. Moreover, they warned their fellow humans of accountability in the afterlife, a subject which the Quran returns to again and again.

Since its revelation, the Quran (also spelled ‘Koran’) has remained preserved in its exact, primary text. While numerous translations of the Quran exist, they are all based on the single, original Arabic script, making the Quran unique from previous scriptures in its pure authenticity.


The distinctive approach of the Quran is that its spiritual message includes practical injunctions aimed at the general welfare of individuals, society and the environment in which we live.

The Quran’s message is eternal and universal, transcending our differences in race, color, ethnicity and nationality. It provides guidance on every facet of human life – from economics and the ethics of trade to marriage, divorce, parenting, gender issues and inheritance.

Monotheism is a prominent theme of the Quran, affirming that God is One without any partners. In a concisely-worded Quranic chapter, God commands, “Say, ‘He is God the One, God the eternal. He begot no one nor was He begotten. No one is comparable to Him’” (112:1-4).

A foundational message in the Quran is its emphasis on righteous conduct built on firm belief and love for God. The Quran acknowledges human desires while reminding individuals to cultivate their souls. In addition, God calls on humans to use their intellect and reflect on the world around them. The Quran encourages humankind to recognize the signs of God’s existence in the precise order of the universe and the careful placement of every object in the total scheme of creation.

As Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam), former British pop star, has expressed, “Everything made so much sense. This is the beauty of the Quran; it asks you to reflect and reason… When I read the Quran further, it talked about prayer, kindness and charity. I was not a Muslim yet, but I felt the only answer for me was the Quran and God had sent it to me.”


Muslims believe that God sent many revelations to humanity throughout history, and over time they underwent changes from their original form. However, God chose to preserve His message to humanity in His final revelation, the Quran. Yet, one might wonder, which evidence supports the claim that the Quran has never been modified?

The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammadp over a period of 23 years. The unique rhythmic style of the Quran made it easy to memorize, which has been the main source of its preservation. Moreover, since Prophet Muhammadp could not read or write, he appointed scribes to record the Quran as it was being revealed to him. Thus, the complete Quran was not only memorized by Prophet Muhammadp and many of his companions, but it also existed in its entirety in written form during his lifetime.

Within a year after Prophet Muhammadp’s death, a manuscript of the entire Quran was assembled by a committee led by his chief scribe, who followed stringent criteria to safeguard against any errors. This copy was approved unanimously by Prophet Muhammadp’s companions, including hundreds that had memorized the entire Quran. Eventually, several copies of the Quran were compiled in book form and distributed to the major Muslim cities. One such copy is currently at the museum in Tashkent and a facsimile of it, produced in 1905, is available in the Columbia University Library.

The process of memorization began during Prophet Muhammadp’s life and is still emphasized by Muslims to this day. In his book, An Introduction to Hadith, John Burton explains that oral transmission through the generations aids preservation by diminishing reliance solely on written records. Manuscripts which are not protected through memorization can be altered, edited or lost overtime. However, a book that is committed to memory by millions of people across the world over centuries cannot be changed due to the amount of people who know it word-for-word.

God promises in the Quran, “We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly Guard it (from corruption)” (15:9).


Many people mistakenly believe that the Quran was authored by Prophet Muhammadp. In fact, the Quran is the preserved speech of God. At the same time, one might ask, which proofs indicate that the Quran is the Word of God and not the writings of Prophet Muhammadp?

In the Quran, God addresses Prophet Muhammadp, “You never recited any Scripture before We revealed this one to you; you never wrote one down with your hand” (29:48). In other words, Prophet Muhammadp, who was known to be illiterate, neither read any previous scriptures nor wrote the Quran.

Prophet Muhammadp was greatly regarded in his society for his superior character and exceptional manners, earning him the title of the ‘Truthful One.’ Even after his prophethood, the elite of Mecca were ready to make him their leader, so long as he allowed them to continue their pagan lifestyles. Yet, he was willing to forego all worldly glory in order to fulfill his mission. As a result, he suffered patiently through persecution and exile before ultimately succeeding in revolutionizing the entire Arabian Peninsula.

Through it all, God kept on revealing the Quran to him piecemeal. Occasionally, the revelations stopped temporarily, reminding him and others that he had no control over them. Once, when two envoys posed some questions to him, he replied, “Tomorrow I will tell you.” He expected God will inspire the answers in him through revelation and he waited for Angel Gabriel. However, revelation did not come during the next few weeks even as Meccans taunted him. Finally, God sent him the response while admonishing him, “Do not say of anything, ‘I will do that tomorrow,’ without adding, ‘God willing’” (Quran, 18:23-24).

The Quran was revealed at a time when the Arabs excelled in oral poetry. However, despite his intelligence, Prophet Muhammadp was not skilled in composing poetry. Yet, when the Quranic verses were recited, they stunned even the most acclaimed poets in the society. Deeply moved by the rhythmic tone, literary merit and penetrating wisdom of the Quran, many converted to Islam. Indeed, the science of Arabic grammar was developed after the revelation of the Quran, using the Quran as a basis for devising its rules.

There are many miracles in the Quran which themselves attest to the fact that this truly is a divine scripture.


The Quran mentions phenomena that were unknown at the time. In fact, many were only recently discovered by modern science.


Oct 15, 2017
For example, God describes the stages of human development in the womb:

We created man from an essence of clay, then We placed him as a drop of fluid in a safe place, then We made that drop into a clinging form, and We made that form into a lump of flesh, and We made that lump into bones, and We clothed those bones with flesh, and later We made him into other forms –– glory be to God, the best of creators! (Quran, 23:12-14)

Professor Keith Moore, a prominent scientist of anatomy and embryology at the University of Toronto, Canada, has stated, “It has been a great pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Quran about human development. It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God … because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later.”

The Quran also describes the expansion of the universe: “And it is We who have built the universe with (Our creative) power; and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it” (51:47). It was not until 1925, when Edwin Hubble provided evidence of receding galaxies, that the expanding universe came to be accepted as a scientific fact.

Professor Alfred Kroner, a world-famous geologist, explained: “Thinking about many of these questions and thinking where Muhammad came from, he was after all a Bedouin, I think it is almost impossible that he could have known about things like the common origin of the universe, because scientists have only found out within the last few years with very complicated and advanced technological methods that this is the case.”


“This is the Scripture in which there is no doubt, containing guidance for those who are mindful of God, who believe in the unseen…” (Quran, 2:2-3).

The Quranic message is relevant to every nation and era – another proof that the Quran is truly the Word of God. Intending for this Book to remain a source of guidance, inspiration, wisdom and healing for all of humanity, God designed its message to transcend the bounds of time.

The Quran’s divine message applies to all aspects of life and rises above the superficial differences among humans. Its teachings guide the spiritual, social and intellectual needs of humanity. It encourages us to remember God often, to humble ourselves before Him, to fulfill our promises, to work together as a community and to remain patient and perseverant in times of hardship. Quranic stories teach us the importance of placing our trust in God, speaking the truth in the face of injustice and dealing with fellow humans with mercy.

In a world starved of love and compassion, the Quran’s universal message provides the solution to the collective despair of the human condition. We invite you to open it and receive the great benefit this book has to offer.

This is a blessed Book which We sent down to you [Muhammad], for people to ponder over its message, and for those with understanding to be reminded. (Quran, 38:29)



Oct 15, 2017
Islam is submission to God
Islam is a very old religion
Islam is the religion of all the prophets of all time
The message of monotheism is a
Worship the God

Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him did not worship idols
In his childhood
The prophet came

To correct the distortion in the previous books

Adam has gotten the first revelations and taught them to his own children and grandchildren, then with the right sciptures .... every prophet came with God, Solomon, Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus, every single one of them were sent by the same God to guide us back to the truth, everytime, mankind lost the message, changed it and created a new man-made religion. So Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and other religions are to some extent based on the truth, but still everyone of them is man-made religions. Only Islaam is the truth.
it is history. it does represent reality

Concept of kissing Hajr-e-Aswad (Black Stone) - YouTube
Zakir Naik Q&A-58 | Why Muslims worship Kaba during Haj ...
Hajj Stories (Bay Area): Introduction to the Hajj (Part 1 of 5) ...


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Doesn't your culture advocate violence against "infidels" by beheading them? Are men allowed to beat and even kill their wives if they even suspect inappropriate behavior in public or private? Do you marry girls as young as 9?
Your religion may speak of love of one another but you do not demonstrate it in your actions.
I know that not all Muslims reflect this behavior but many do.
Does the Quran teach that you must destroy heretics and people of other faiths to keep your faith pure?
These are questions that many Christians believe about the Muslim faith.


Jun 6, 2019
United States
(The Question is about Jewish Populated Countries ... historically those places are killed off, that is also true today)


Jesus was Born in the "Wilderness of the Exodus", then he went to Egypt, and from there, he traveled by boat to the Coastal City, and then he went into Jerusalem.
(because John the "still born" was blessed, they said also that Jesus was born in Jerusalem)
(invalid statement) Herod killed all the Children before the Birth of Jesus (the gospel records that "Herod died in the book of acts, 12:21") (after the euthanasia of the people, after the crucifixion, after paul and others witnessed a star) (the Angel Writes that the Babies were Killed to denote "Spiritual Judgment", since an Angel said that claim, its not legal and historical)
(God cuts off spiritually, a "people" or "geographically" .............. this is not a "flesh and blood judgement like revelations" (that calls for complete extermination of various "genetic lines", Angels did that in the past (old testament sons of man), but God doesn't answer for that) (humanity has to kill billions for that, being a false witness against me or god is a worthless position, make use of the suicides, like you can see with me, daily)
(So they did not, and do not largely understand the gospel, and then the bible is "republished", and many things are just deleted, it does not change the validity of what is written .................. now a brief look at vietnam)

Nguyen Van Lem was born in Cambodia, then, he moved to Vietnam, where, most likely, pedophilia the state and ethnics there pleasured themselves with in conceal their pain over hurting him, and other things, over years (similar to terrorism today), their pain increases (they are unclean and cannot/do not pray, like jewish countries).................(however, genocide, the need to addressed that because god removes satan's pleasure, was attributed to cambodia the place of Nguyen Van Lem's birth, most likely).

(I have the good position, Jesus performed a special trick to obtain the same position, of me being born in a jewish country, and the incest/rape/murder/suicide, focused also in the same country ............... they don't have my corpse yet, but once I am deceased, every country will try to kill off the usa and its peoples to remove their pain, of god cutting humanity off spiritucally, not just a poeople ora race, but in the mean time, it is many people and countries) (so there is another level to this argument)

(jews and ethinc are living corpses, but that is not the point. A flesh and blood judgment like revelations you are, humanity is not entitled to. and Humanity will not kill "dead flesh" because it interferes with its pleasure .................. that only means like Jesus spoke of in the book of matthew? (not judgment from god will be valid, but only, wars and rumors of wars for the sake of pleasure).

(humanity is only entitled to some frequent acts of being a false witness against me, state funded incest/rape/murder/suicide with me and my relatives and ethnic people, and then if its is fortunate my corpse, nothing else from god .................. if it isn't fortunate it will suffer until it is dead, in its pleasure with me)

(humanity deceased next year, but in the mean time, satan will go for my corpse, as the mechanism it will use to kill of this jewish country, to try to solicit god, but remember, how the jews and cutting their lives short, is no controversy with god, but before the Lord was Appointed, God appointed King David for himself, and before the Lord was seen, was there not many slaughters of the jews)

(my power and my authority of which I have none, does not concern this earth directly, jews or ethnics of any kind, does not concern those genetic lines ............... nontheless, in order to complete global suicide, and the conviction with god, god has to or it is already a function, that is imposed where it appears that god's mercies have fallen out of my hands)

(the usa is marked for death over my corspe, or the corpse of a prophet, following his country of birth, that is 100 percent truth with god, but it doesn't mean they will get this pleasure ............... in the mean time, God is still cutting off spiritually (this is not a flesh and blood judgement), and this will go on until humanity is dead)

(a simple holocaust of the jews or ethnic cleasning, is not effective, there will be a few targets in the future by nuclear weapons, in satan's quest, to have a "flesh and blood judgment" and its pleasure in cursing god and so forth, but this is all vain, completely worthless)

(god will save a few souls and then humanity is till put to death, completely worthless, all of this will be resolved on 12/21/2020, perhaps with total global euthanasia) (in the mean time, god can save anyone, but the "flesh and blood judgment" is very rigid god makes no exceptions for that, but God also does not act on that himself, from time to time either an angel or son of man does only, that means the "bracelet") (anything else in their incest or suicide pleasures ................. just don't speak to loudly or unfaithfully, and they will do that until they die, that is the good news, that is the natural way of demise)

(its a new kind of suicide in cursing god, and demeaning mankind, that will grow quickly, so this is a transitional suicide from pleasuring themselves with me, from that, global terrorism, migrant crisis, and other unclean things, new movements of "peace" will come forth, more universalism in resources, more accessibility, going back to the 1970s and 1920s in extremes, new gospel stuff, filthy stuff)
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