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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
What is "Full Stature", as the NT and Paul, define it?

Its this. ... "Sanctification".....entire.

Now, the born again, are sanctified.
WE are become this, exactly as we are "The righteousness of God, in Christ".
When God makes you righteous, by giving you "the gift of Righteousness" that is SALVATION, then you are equal to God's Righteousness, because you have it.
If you didnt have it, you are not saved, you are not born again.

Now, here is how to understand who you are become as a : "new Creation". 'in Christ".
Now Saint.....Its very simple to read this that im going to say, but to SEE IT as yourself, and BELIEVE IT as God has caused it to be,, is where you have to end up in your : Right BELIEVING.

So, you, the born again.....not just the water baptized, are a ""New Creation IN Christ.""
This means you are the righteousness as God, >Spiritually<, regarding your born again "new man".
The NT tells you that "you are NOT your own, you are bought with a price", and that price God paid to make you righteous, is the Blood Atonement.
The best way to understand the righteousness you have become, is to realize that you are exactly as RIGHTEOUS as the BLOOD of Jesus has made you to be, forever.

This is why the NT tells you, that...""AS Jesus IS, so are the BORN AGAIN, in this world"".
And also....notice this...>we the born again, are ""seated in HEAVENLY PLACES, in Christ"".
So, notice that you are ALREADY THERE, as the "new creation".
You are there, because you are "ONE WITH GOD, and Christ'., having been born again INTO God's Holy Spirit, BY God's Holy Spirit.
See that?
That is you as the "new Creation".

So, that is the PERFECTED YOU. The "NEW MAN"..... YOU are COMPLETED. You can't become more sinless, righteous, or "in Christ".

Do you see yourself now, as God has recreated you to be, as "born again"?
Can you see it?
Will you see it?
That's who you are Saint, as GOD has remade you to EXIST, forever.
That is your Eternity. That is your Eternal life. That is your Heavenly ID.
That is your NEW IDENTITY..."in CHRIST"..
You are become the same as the 1st Adam, before He fell, and this is because the 2nd Adam has provided the BLood ATONEMENT means for you to become the New Creation.
This is what it means to be... "Made Righteous".

Now, all that is the SPIRITUAL you, the "new man", who has been "translated from Darkness TO LIGHT". ANd that means you now exist in the Kingdom of God that IS the Kingdom of Light.
You are now a "child of the Light", and "Jesus is the LIGHT of the World."
We are "LIGHT", just like Christ.

But then....

The real you, that NEW CREATION, lives in a body, in a very evil world., world system.
Its created by the Devil.
Its HIS Kingdom, and we live down here where it exists, Literally.

And so, there is a Spiritual Sanctification, that i just showed you, "Made Righteous"..... and now you have the job of becoming '"perfect".. regarding your LIFESTYLE of HOLINESS.

Now here is the thing. You are already made as Holy as God by the Blood of Jesus which is the "Gift of Righteousness", but now as you continue to live in that body, you have to become sanctified in life, down here..

And what does that mean?
Well, here is what it does not mean. It does not mean that you try to be good, and try to be more good, and then better. See, this sanctification, is not about "Presenting your Body a living sacrifice".... as all that that is your DISCIPLESHIP.
And that is not what im showing you, as "sanctification from the World".
What im showing you, is how to understand how to exist as "perfect", or as Paul says, "as many as BE PERFECT"....as THAT is the sanctification that is something different.

And what is that?
Its the sanctification that EXISTS as : TRANSFORMATiON.
And when you are finally Transformed, you will exist as this....

= "In the World but not OF it"

See that?
The final Transformation, the "perfection", is the sanctification that has occurred when you are NO LONGER WORLDLY at all.
This means, You are absolutely in this world..... but completely apart from it in mind, behavior, lifestyle, desire, ......all of this.

So, the "entire sanctification" is the TRANSFORMATION of becoming no longer connected to the flow of the WORLD, at all.

That is "entire sanctification" that is the "are Perfect" that Paul speaks about, clearly.
It is the "it is not I who lives, but CHRIST who lives in me".... understanding.
This becoming that, totally apart from the world, separated from the world system, the world's mind, the world's flow, is to become :"the fullness of the Stature of Christ"

When you hear a phrase like "walking the walk" , this means to find the path OUT OF THE WORLD, or to "be in the world but not OF it". = Transformed. Sanctified FROM it.

Do you recall when Jesus was about to face His Judgement for all your sin... and He said this...

""""""Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me"""""

Notice Jesus said....."nothing IN me"
See that?
He is talking about "lust of the eye, lust of the flesh, and the pride of Life". or "worldliness".
He's describing the nature of the Devil, or "worldliness" or being "of the World", is not found in Him, at all. He is "in the world but NOT OF THE World".
See that?
So, "of the world" is to be the nature of the Devil, in varying degrees..... This is "LUST".
Lust, is the devil's nature, and Holiness is God's Nature.
We are given God's nature, as our "New Creation" born again Spirit but our Transformation down here is to become finally "in the world but not OF the World". = No longer worldly at all.
See it?

Now you are made Holy in your Born Again Spirit, (new man) but you are still a living being, in a body, in this world. This world is "worldliness". Its devil designed to seduce your eyes and your senses and thereby attract you into its offerings, its sinful pleasures and that is to be "OF the World".
When you are completely transformed OUT of the world, and are "not OF the world" any longer, then you are "sanctified" from it, and Transformed, or, "as many as Be Perfect", Paul explains.
Paul writes of this situation as becoming a "peculiar people".
And in the eyes of the world, you are ODD, peculiar, and that is because you are not to be OF its Lust or Type. = worldly.

Remember Demas? He left Paul's ministry because "Demas loved this present evil world".
In other words, He went back into worldliness, (lust) tho he was not lost, as his born again Spirit was always, born again.
Remember that God does not accept you because you are good. He accepts you only because Jesus died for you.
This is God's Grace.

So, all believers, until they are completely transformed from worldliness, are somewhat worldly.
They enjoy carnal pleasures that are provided by the world.
They still want this, they still enjoy this, yet they are born again.
See that?

God help you to see it and Christ help you to be totally transformed.
And to start this manifestation, you have become and then stay in the right mind, which is to see yourself only and always as God has RECREATED YOU TO BE, as a "new creation".
And in this "renewed mind", you are being transformed OUT OF The "world". And when you do that, you are then not a victim of this issue... "apart from me you can do nothing".
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