What is sin?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
So this is the amplified bible. I wouldnt have found this verse because the KJV translates "sinful nature" as "the flesh".

I guess now I have to decide if the flesh = sin nature. I suppose it is.

Romans 5

Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin;

so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I believe mankind is fallen and our flesh is corrupted. But a "sin nature"? I wonder about that.

Which Scriptures mention a "sin nature"? If we have a sin nature, doesn't that mean a similar thing as total depravity?

Paul teaches it..like this..

"reckon it dead".. = " knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Jesus, so that the body of sin might be destroyed, that we are no longer enslaved to sin."""

What is that?

Its the "mind of the Flesh". Its the "carnal desires".. Its the "Lust of the eye"..

What is it replaced with when this 'old man is crucified with Christ"?

2 Peter 1:4

"Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of The Divine Nature..

All the born again have this.. as that comes from OUR Father who is in Heaven.

What were we before?

Jesus said.. "You are of YOUR Father, the DEVIL, and the LUSTS of your Father, you will do".

See those LUSTS? That is the "adamic nature" or the "sin nature".. its the opposite of God's Divine nature.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Yes, God does use other believers to bring them into the light of life, including career preachers, ah hoc ones, friends, family and others around him.

You too.
Ultimately though it is the Spirit of God that is doing all this work to cause our rebirth

We are told to do good works.
The best one you'll ever do is to lead someone to Christ.

We can't save them, regarding birthing their spirit, but we can be their last stop before they die and go to hell, were it not for us sharing the Gospel with them.

Story for you..

Billy Graham.....was a young Evangelist on the "circuit".. That is like a Rock Group being on tour..

Night after night, city after city.

So, Billy is about 2 yrs out of Seminary and he is very much "in demand" as he has a real gift for Evangelism, and God is keeping Him busy.

So, its a weekend, and he flies into some small town, on a Friday.., and that night he has to "preach".. so He preaches Fri night, and Saturday night, and then Sunday morning and then Sunday night....... 4 X.. and he's TIRED Tired Tired, by Sunday night......exhausted really.

He is driven after the Sunday night service back to the Hotel, on Main Street, and as he is getting out of the cab, in the dark night, when he notices a dirty while male, living on the street, not far from the Cab .. This man is on the sidewalk and Dr Graham walks right past him, and notices him.... but He's tired... and just as He's about to go into the Hotel Foyer, .. Dr Graham feels that feeling he gets when he believes that he is to talk to someone about Jesus...... "go back and talk to him he feels inside"...

well, Dr Graham is exhausted and needs sleep,, he has to pack, .. Leaving first thing in the morning to another Church and do it all again, mid week.
So, He goes on in....

Next morning..

Dr Graham is having some Juice and some scrambled eggs, in the Hotel Lobby, before He goes to the Airport.
There is a news paper.. small town...
On the front page........>"Man Murdered in front of HOTEL">.. and there is a PHOTO of the man.

= Doctor Graham's Hotel.....

It was that same man that Dr Graham didnt talk to,.

Dr Graham was His last chance.
Dr Graham cried. and never will forget., and never did forget.

See @APAK.

We are the sowers.
It matters so much, as it can be that someone's eternity can change because we did.

God's spirit is persistent, and calls our heart to repentance and for our rebirth, and then only choose the 'right' heart.

That is Calvin's nonsense you posted.

As the heart in every sinner is the same, its a heart of unbelief and filled with desire to sin.

He never makes a bad choice.

Here is God's Choice.

"Jesus came into the world to save sinners"

Who is that?

Everyone ., as "ALL have sinned".

And those chosen do not realize they have been chosen until they are touched by the Spirit within their heart for the first time.

That is Calvin's lie.

See, what God does is Call everyone, using the Cross of Christ.

And God's Foreknowledge knows, before we are born,.... if we will believe.......and he knows who will never.

All are called by The Cross, but not all will come.

Preachers are sent not to the "elect" but to the SINNERS, and "all have sinned".

God never chose ONLY some for heaven the rest for hell.

How do you know?

Its because If God wont let you become a Christian..< , and then the only reason a person goes to Hell is because they didn't believe in Jesus and become born again..

Then God would be unjust, because God is sending them to Hell, for being a Christ rejector, and that is because God caused them to be one.

That is Calvin's God, and that one is not the one who Sent His Son to the Cross, for the sin of the world.

"""""Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the = whole world”
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
You too.

We are told to do good works.
The best one you'll ever do is to lead someone to Christ.

We can't save them, regarding birthing their spirit, but we can be their last stop before they die and go to hell, were it not for us sharing the Gospel with them.

Story for you..

Billy Graham.....was a young Evangelist on the "circuit".. That is like a Rock Group being on tour..

Night after night, city after city.

So, Billy is about 2 yrs out of Seminary and he is very much "in demand" as he has a real gift for Evangelism, and God is keeping Him busy.

So, its a weekend, and he flies into some small town, on a Friday.., and that night he has to "preach".. so He preaches Fri night, and Saturday night, and then Sunday morning and then Sunday night....... 4 X.. and he's TIRED Tired Tired, by Sunday night......exhausted really.

He is driven after the Sunday night service back to the Hotel, on Main Street, and as he is getting out of the cab, in the dark night, when he notices a dirty while male, living on the street, not far from the Cab .. This man is on the sidewalk and Dr Graham walks right past him, and notices him.... but He's tired... and just as He's about to go into the Hotel Foyer, .. Dr Graham feels that feeling he gets when he believes that he is to talk to someone about Jesus...... "go back and talk to him he feels inside"...

well, Dr Graham is exhausted and needs sleep,, he has to pack, .. Leaving first thing in the morning to another Church and do it all again, mid week.
So, He goes on in....

Next morning..

Dr Graham is having some Juice and some scrambled eggs, in the Hotel Lobby, before He goes to the Airport.
There is a news paper.. small town...
On the front page........>"Man Murdered in front of HOTEL">.. and there is a PHOTO of the man.

= Doctor Graham's Hotel.....

It was that same man that Dr Graham didnt talk to,.

Dr Graham was His last chance.
Dr Graham cried. and never will forget., and never did forget.

See @APAK.

We are the sowers.
It matters so much, as it can be that someone's eternity can change because we did.

That is Calvin's nonsense you posted.

As the heart in every sinner is the same, its a heart of unbelief and filled with desire to sin.

Here is God's Choice.

"Jesus came into the world to save sinners"

Who is that?

Everyone ., as "ALL have sinned".

That is Calvin's lie.

See, what God does is Call everyone, using the Cross of Christ.

And God's Foreknowledge knows, before we are born,.... if we will believe.......and he knows who will never.

All are called by The Cross, but not all will come.

Preachers are sent not to the "elect" but to the SINNERS, and "all have sinned".

God never chose ONLY some for heaven the rest for hell.

How do you know?

Its because If God wont let you become a Christian..< , and then the only reason a person goes to Hell is because they didn't believe in Jesus and become born again..

Then God would be unjust, because God is sending them to Hell, for being a Christ rejector, and that is because God caused them to be one.

That is Calvin's God, and that one is not the one who Sent His Son to the Cross, for the sin of the world.

"""""Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the = whole world”
To each is his own Behold. Scripture is king not my or your own opinion. Check out the many scripture that says we are called to salvation. What do you think a preacher is doing via the Spirit of God. Calling a person to be saved by the power of the message for salvation.

Off the top of my head I count 21 verses concerning our calling by the Spirit...and there's more. I would think one of them might strike your fancy at least? Read them!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
This question is simple and I am interested in what people have to say, but first let me just define sin based on how John put it.

1 John 3​
4Everyone who practices sin practices lawlessness as well. Indeed, sin is lawlessness.

So sin is basically a transgression of a law. There are numerous references to laws in the Bible. There is the law of Moses, the law of God, the law of Christ, the law of freedom, etc.

In the New Testament, there are laws still given to people that were continued to be taught, such as the 10 Commandments. They can be found here and there throughout the New Testament, and Jesus even listed some in Matthew 19, saying they are necessary to keep in order to enter eternal life.

So we know that sin is a violation of something that has been codified into law, i.e., God's law.

With all of this in mind, why would someone not enter the kingdom of God or be cast into the lake of fire for doing something that wasn't codified as a law and, arguably, isn't actually a sin?

Revelation 21:8 says cowards and sorcerers, get cast into the lake of fire. Is there is a law against being a sorcerer or coward?

Galatians 5:19-21 mentions that those who are impure, practice debauchery, sorcery, hatred, discord, jealousy, rage, drunkenness, etc will not enter the kingdom of God. While I fully know and agree that these things are unsavory and bad, where were they codified as sin?

Is the conclusion here that people can miss out on eternal life without actually being guilty of sin, but rather something that is immoral, distasteful, or otherwise frowned upon?
We all sin ie, break The Law.....oh wretched man that I am.....stuck in my flesh as is all humanity......whether we acknowledge it or not.
The 'religious' will arrange all manner of fancy footwork (give multiple explanations and reasons why your 'contribution' changes how God sees)

THE SIN however, is to dismiss; to discount, to water down that which has been freely given (hear it) to all mankind; to assume one can do a deal with God by somehow 'believing' something that twists God's arm into giving you the big tick; to ultimately look to oneself for a solution; to take the Glory from God and cleverly apply it to oneself.

What does this do to the psyche? It gives no assurance because one is and can never be sure if one has jumped through enough 'hoops'.....and it ensures one makes more and more 'rules' in an attempt to persuade oneself and others.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The devil blinded you to try to keep you from believing.
He does this to everyone, right until the moment they "first Believed".
he blinded me that was, until God brought me to believe in Jesus.
God "foreknew" you would trust in Christ before you were born.
His Foreknowledge knows everything about everything, including who will be born again, after they arrive here.

That is God KNOWING, all things....before they happen........but that is not God causing all things to happen.

See, Calvin falsely re-defined "God's Foreknowledge", as "God pre-destines" and he sold this incredible LIE, as a part of his Theology to billions of people.
The Pope sells Mary to Billons of People.
L. Ron Hubbard sells "Scientology" to millions.

Its what Heretics do.. They create clever doctrines of devils and they sell them as Truth.

All Calvinist's teach that "God's Foreknowledge" is = Calvin's "pre-destined"...
God chose and predestined me to become Born Again...as his Living word says, ...
They can sow a SEED and pray that God waters it. but that is all.

It can be that once the seed is sown, and God starts working on the person.. the person may need some answers...

And in that case, the "sower" needs to have them.
Only God by his Living Spirit can. Spirit gives birth to spirit....

You can believe in Jesus as much as you like and believe in your heart, ..but, without the witness of the Holy Spirit, when we become Born Again by Gods Living word, ....it’s only human faith and belief..

You need that Living word of God, where he testifies with our spirit as he’s indwelling us, as he’s birthing our spirit into his, Spirit gives birth to spirit......that we are Gods children, that is the witness of the Holy Spirit, witnessing Gods Spirit and truth to our heart/ spirit.
Sometimes the hearer knows the seed is true, and they refuse it.
You can’t refuse the will of God, if he decides to make you Born Again...

You hear when he testifies with our spirit as I’ve explained above.you can’t hear unless the Spirit witnesses his truth to your spirit, as he makes our spirit Born Again, Spirit gives birth to spirit...only then do you have the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit.....His Spirit liveth and abideth forever...where, ?..in our heart / spirit.
Paul teaches this as "they tasted the heavenly gift, and have ""shared in the Holy Spirit" they have been "enlightened" and yet they "fell away".

So, to taste the heavenly gift and to share in the Holy Spirit it to have that seed sown by the Holy Spirit...that is the "Drawing".
That is not the drawing imo...God doesn’t say that..he’s says we are Born Again of imperishable seed...

The imperishable seed is the Holy Spirit, he is the one who births our spirit into the Spirit of God....Spirit gives birth to spirit
This person has become "Enlightened", by the LIGHT of the Gospel, through the power of the Holy Spirit., and yet they "fell away"

They wont have it. They said...>"NO"..
You can’t say NO to becoming Born Again as we were chosen and predestined..we were Born Again by the will of God, not mans will...

You wouldn’t know how to become Born Again by the Spirit of God....

If you read Acts 28:28 you'll find that Paul told these Christ rejectiong Jews that He was taking the Gospel to the gentiles as they would "have it".

These Jews had all you had, and all i had............and they said....'NO", and Paul said....>"there remains no more sacrifice for your sin", as when you reject the Sacrifice, then there is nothing else left.
We’re talking becoming Born Again this day and age.

Gods Spirit is “ Alive” how would you know his Spirit is Alive in your heart? I think I asked you this before, I don’t think you answered my question?xx
Yes, he also knows the exact time you will go to bed on April 10th.
God knew this before you were born.
But he does not cause it. Its not "pre-destined".
But He certainly knows it.
That’s your opinion....Yes!...he caused me to become Born Again, explained above,xx
Yes, the washing of regeneration by the seed of the word.

And you cant do that of yourself.
The washing of regeneration, is the Living seed of God, making our spirit Born Again..I notice you don’t mention much that Gods word is Alive and Active....how would I know that Gods word is Alive and Active?xx
That is 1 John 3:9
There is no arguing in my post,..I just post what I believe to be the truth of Gods word, ..I can NEVER deny how God made me Born Again by the power of HIS Spirit...

There is NO power in my spirit to make it Born Again, as a non believer I wouldn’t even know what that meant, ...as Gods Living word testifies to our spirit....the natural man doesn’t understand that of the Spirit it’s foolishness to them.

God witnesses HIS truth to our spirit via his Living Spirit who resides in our spirit......he speaks to us through his Living Spirit, then I check it out with his written word...

The written word is just that, you must receive God’s Living word into your heart / Spirit gives birth to spirit,to understand his written word.

I have just posted my testimony/ belief/ POV....that is no more valid than anyone else’s.

God Bless you Brother and may we all come to the knowledge of Gods truth....xx

Ps.unfortunately Brother...you teach how one should believe and how they became Born Again...and if one doesn’t believe “ your truth” then they are a Calvinist and teach a doctrine of the devil.
That is what “ YOU” believe them to be teaching.......you post your belief they post their belief, your interpretation of scripture, their interpretation of scripture....and so the cycle goes on and on.....one belief over another belief,xx
I post what I believe the Living word to be saying....I can’t deny that...I too have posted and told members they are wrong in what they believe...how would I know that...how would you know it..?
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
The obedience of the one was Jesus and we can only be made righteous by the will of God.

No one can make themselves righteous.

Listen I’m not being confrontational or rude , please don’t take it that way....I’m trying to understand...that is why I keep asking questions.....God knows my heart and how I need heart revelation of his truth.

I know I have to be patient and wait for him,xx

Remember how I had to have imo heart revelation regarding sin...it was my head trying to make sense of it....whereas it was my heart that needed to receive by the witness of the Holy Spirit, what Born Again of imperishable seed was....only HE could witness that truth of imperishable seed and what it was...

I struggled with that for ages because I was listening to me in my head and not God in my spirit...that’s where the spiritual information comes from....his Spirit.....that’s how he speaks to us through his Spirit....

We learn to communicate with God in spirit....that has taken years and years to be brought to that understanding by God via his Spirit.xx
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Active Member
Dec 20, 2023
Just as a side note for your interest. The word sin in english means a transgression of Gods laws. But it is also the propper name for a deity in ancient Egypt. In fact the same deity that is behind Islam.

Eze 30:15 And I will pour my fury upon Sin, the strength of Egypt; and I will cut off the multitude of No.
Eze 30:16 And I will set fire in Egypt: Sin shall have great pain, and No shall be rent asunder, and Noph shall have distresses daily.
Eze 30:17 The young men of Aven and of Pibeseth shall fall by the sword: and these cities shall go into captivity.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Scripture is king not my or your own opinion.

You teach Calvin's words, and think you are "teaching Scripture".

That's pretty sad., but you can't help it, as your mind is owned by that demonic heretic and that is why he comes out of your posts.

You know, i use to watch you hop from forum to forum, and all you ever did was argue your "i hate the idea of the Trinity".

But now your Calvin obsession is on fire, so, i wonder why that has shown up, recently.

Perhaps you are being over encouraged by someone that keeps giving you a Like everytime you post something else that Calvin has you believing.

I vote : Yes, thats the reason., as both you and St.Steven, are pushing Calvinism, and neither of you ever did this, until someone recently started chasing you both around and gave you a LIKE.. everytime you manifested a TULIP.



Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
he blinded me that was, until God brought me to believe in Jesus.

God caused you to know the truth... but he didnt make you believe it.

God chose and predestined me to become Born Again...as his Living word says, ...

Im tired of hearing you talk about your calvinism

Take it away from me.

Give it to Apak and St.Steven. and Brightframe

I dont need it.

And be sure you hear me.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
You teach Calvin's words, and think you are "teaching Scripture".

That's pretty sad., but you can't help it, as your mind is owned by that demonic heretic and that is why he comes out of your posts.

You know, i use to watch you hop from forum to forum, and all you ever did was argue your "i hate the idea of the Trinity".

But now your Calvin obsession is on fire, so, i wonder why that has shown up, recently.

Perhaps you are being over encouraged by someone that keeps giving you a Like everytime you post something else that Calvin has you believing.

I vote : Yes, thats the reason., as both you and St.Steven, are pushing Calvinism, and neither of you ever did this, until someone recently started chasing you both around and gave you a LIKE.. everytime you manifested a TULIP.

I think you need to chill and seriously read your Bible and stop labelling people you disagree with. And I do not teach Calvinism or Augustinianism or any other ...ism. Stop being so childish and get off that high horse you are wearing Behold. Give this horse a much needed rest. And many others might then see a calmer and more reasonable Behold who has actually feet to stand on, like the rest of us.


Active Member
Dec 20, 2023
I think you need to chill and seriously read your Bible and stop labelling people you disagree with. And I do not teach Calvinism or Augustinianism or any other ...ism. Stop being so childish and get off that high horse you are wearing Behold. Give this horse a much needed rest. And many others might then see a calmer and more reasonable Behold who has actually feet to stand on, like the rest of us.
It may be a good idea to find out what translation they are using first. A lot of the misunderstandings is a result of the variations of the new international versions. Changes are small but it opened the door for all sorts of misconceptions.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
It may be a good idea to find out what translation they are using first. A lot of the misunderstandings is a result of the variations of the new international versions. Changes are small but it opened the door for all sorts of misconceptions.
ahhhh, the expression 'it's raining cats and dogs' definitely needs a word study because who knows if the translators have it right!

Idioms convey other than their words. Don't pick up on this and one is on a fools errand.
The scriptures are full of idioms (would that be ancient Hebrew idioms?). Word studies, though interesting can and often do result in a blindness thought of as great wisdom.

Here is another expression, 'I went to pick blackberries but found they were red so I knew they were green'
Would you tell a non English speaking person to do a word study to determine its meaning? Only foolishness would take that track.....and yet we do that with the scriptures!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
It may be a good idea to find out what translation they are using first. A lot of the misunderstandings is a result of the variations of the new international versions. Changes are small but it opened the door for all sorts of misconceptions.
What translation, for what word(s) or expression(s) from my previous post? Your reply is not clear to me I'm afraid.


Active Member
Dec 20, 2023
What translation, for what word(s) or expression(s) from my previous post? Your reply is not clear to me I'm afraid.
Take for example this verse.

Php 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
The NIV manuscript leaves out the By Christ Jesus part at the end which will change the whole motivation of the promise.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
This question is simple and I am interested in what people have to say, but first let me just define sin based on how John put it.

1 John 3​
4Everyone who practices sin practices lawlessness as well. Indeed, sin is lawlessness.

So sin is basically a transgression of a law. There are numerous references to laws in the Bible. There is the law of Moses, the law of God, the law of Christ, the law of freedom, etc.

In the New Testament, there are laws still given to people that were continued to be taught, such as the 10 Commandments. They can be found here and there throughout the New Testament, and Jesus even listed some in Matthew 19, saying they are necessary to keep in order to enter eternal life.

So we know that sin is a violation of something that has been codified into law, i.e., God's law.

With all of this in mind, why would someone not enter the kingdom of God or be cast into the lake of fire for doing something that wasn't codified as a law and, arguably, isn't actually a sin?

Revelation 21:8 says cowards and sorcerers, get cast into the lake of fire. Is there is a law against being a sorcerer or coward?

Galatians 5:19-21 mentions that those who are impure, practice debauchery, sorcery, hatred, discord, jealousy, rage, drunkenness, etc will not enter the kingdom of God. While I fully know and agree that these things are unsavory and bad, where were they codified as sin?

Is the conclusion here that people can miss out on eternal life without actually being guilty of sin, but rather something that is immoral, distasteful, or otherwise frowned upon?
Sin is literally an archery term in greek for "you missed."

The mark you miss representing the will of God, be it codified into law or not.

Romans 2:12-15 "12 All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. 14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)"

Verse 12 doesn't excuse those who die outside the law.

Verse 15. But even those outside the law have requirements written in their consciences.

Though the conscience can be corrupted and this world contributes to its utter corruption. Titus 1:15 "To the pure, all things are pure, but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their minds and their consciences are defiled."

So the necessity of being born again of the Holy Spirit is realized, in giving us a renewed mind to properly recognize good and evil. That we might be able to follow the spirit of the law, which is the will of God.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Take for example this verse.

The NIV manuscript leaves out the By Christ Jesus part at the end which will change the whole motivation of the promise.
(Php 4:19) And my God shall supply every need of yours according to His riches, in glory in Christ Jesus.(NEV)
I pray that God will take care of all your needs with the wonderful blessings that come from Christ Jesus!(CEV)
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.(KJV)

I think that the Greek transliterated word 'en' means more 'in' Christ Jesus that 'by' as God the Father is actually to source of the glorious riches via his Son who is united with us.

Not to pick..I do understand what you are saying though


Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
United States
Sin is literally an archery term in greek for "you missed."

The mark you miss representing the will of God, be it codified into law or not.

Romans 2:12-15 "12 All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. 14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)"

Verse 12 doesn't excuse those who die outside the law.

Verse 15. But even those outside the law have requirements written in their consciences.

Though the conscience can be corrupted and this world contributes to its utter corruption. Titus 1:15 "To the pure, all things are pure, but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their minds and their consciences are defiled."

So the necessity of being born again of the Holy Spirit is realized, in giving us a renewed mind to properly recognize good and evil. That we might be able to follow the spirit of the law, which is the will of God.
The only thing about the conscience is that while it seems more or less standardized across the board for people, it can vary from person to person, be changed, or be taken advantage of by manipulators. It would seem that even those who were already in the faith can be drawn away or mislead and develop a conscious so desensitized it may as well have been seared with a hot iron.

Perhaps God judges differently based on what people are aware. Jesus said, after all, “If you were blind you would not be guilty of sin. But since you claim you can see, your guilt remains.” Also, "For with the same judgment you pronounce, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
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Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
United States
So this is the amplified bible. I wouldnt have found this verse because the KJV translates "sinful nature" as "the flesh".

I guess now I have to decide if the flesh = sin nature. I suppose it is.
Paul said this curious statement, "Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with my mind I serve the law of God, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin."
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