Where does the Pope get his authority?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Indeed. One church... One body... With many members. One of those members was the Papal church in Rome. One branch fell away from the true. Apostatised. Wrote it's own bill of divorce through rejecting her Husband and marrying the kings and queens of this world and trusting in them to sustain her power and authority. One branch broke away from the true faith that was in Rome. Just like one individual can break away through unbelief or habitual sin, so can one branch of God's people. That is not too day that there are not any of God people still in the church. There are, else why would God say, "come out of her My people".
Apparently, you don’t understand what ONE Church means.

The Church isn’t a “member” of the ONE Church – it IS the ONE Church. Individuals are members.

As for any ecclesial “divorce” – that came in the 16th century during the Protestant Revolt. YOUR SDA sect is a later incarnation of that divorce, as more and more mad-made perversions infected the Bosy.

The church in Rome BoL was not the only church around, and not the only church that had their roots in apostolic teaching. Jesus indeed said that God's church would be victorious, and that Satan would not prevail over her. Hence the reason why we have genuine Christians all over the world today. They don't all belong to one communion of faith. But every one belongs to Christ, those whose deeds and works reflect trust, obedience, and commitment to the principles of Christ's righteousness as laid out in His word.
Before the East-West Split – there4 was ONLY the Catholic Church.
Every Eastern and Western Father was a Catholic.

You can choose to believe in the historical facts – or you can make it up as you go along, like your foundress, Ellen White, whose MANY perversions you follow.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Well, that is just the point….when the foretold apostasy took hold, Christ left the building…..when Jesus says at the judgment……”I NEVER knew you”….”never” means “not ever”….he has never set foot in any disgusting sham of imitation “Christianity”….full of man-made traditions and borrowed religious rituals not found in any scripture. (Matt 7:21-23)
Another woefully-ignorant statement.

If it weren’t for the Catholic Church - neither YOU nor ANY other renegade offshoot of Christianity would have ever heard about the Gospel let alone the rest of the New Testament.

It was the Catholic Church that declared the Canon of Scripture ion the 4th century.

Are you making excuses now?
Murder is the unlawful taking of human life…..not ever sanctioned by God in the Christian Era……bad leaders were not removed from your church and because of the continuing corruption, it just went from bad to worse. The hapless members of the church were at the mercy of these tyrants for centuries, drunk with their own power over those who were made deliberately ignorant so that they could not ascertain the truth for themselves, but were forced to swallow all the lies that the RCC fed them, under threat of the Inquisition. That indoctrination continues to this day, as does the ignorance and fear that keeps them shackled to a religious system that bears no resemblance whatsoever to the Christianity that Christ instituted.
Nope – I haven’t made a SINGLE excuse.

I’m pointing to the errors of LEADERS in the Church over the years who were just as guilty as the Protestant leaders who sanctioned the murders of countless Catholic.

That’s why I said that there was plenty of blood on everyone’s hands, Einstein . . .

Indeed, but it is not your church….how could it be? Everything Christ said not to do, is what Catholicism teaches and practices. The Reformation happened because the corruption had reached a stage where Luther‘s conscience had said “enough!“ He didnt want to start a new religion, but simply wanted to clean up the disgusting state of the church. Did he succeed? NO! But he did start a revolution and broke the power of the hopelessly corrupt Roman church…..but Protestantism only broke the church up into more divided fragments, never able to come to a consensus on “what is truth”.
The Catholic Church can be documented all the way back to the Apostles. In the FIRST century.

YOUR sect can’t go back ANY further than the after the 16th century . . .

O you are funny…..your church knows full well where those celebrations come from….renaming pagan festivals and retaining all the trappings of the originals, but calling them “Christian” doesn’t fool God for a moment.
Paul’s words should ring loud in your collective ears….
2 Cor 6:14-18….
What Relation Can There Be between Righteousness and Iniquity? Do not associate with unbelievers. For what basis can there be for a partnership between righteousness and lawlessness? What do light and darkness have in common? Can Christ ever be in accord with Beliar? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? Can there be an agreement between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God, and for this we have God’s word:“I will live in them and walk among them.I will be their God,and they shall be my people. Therefore, come out from their midstand separate yourselves from them,says the Lord.Do not touch anything unclean,and I will welcome you. I will be a father to you,and you shall be my sons and daughters,says the Lord Almighty.” (New Catholic Bible)

The RCC has borrowed all its festive celebrations from pagan sources….let me inform you, in case this has never been brought to your attention…

1) No one knows the date of Jesus’ birth for the simple reason that the Jews did not celebrate birthdays because of its spiritistic origins. It was astrologers who cast horoscopes based on the date of a child’s birth to predict its future. That was forbidden in God’s law. (Deuteronomy 18:9-12)
So Christ would not have celebrated his own birthday as it would have been a violation of his Father’s law.
The date of “Christmas” as well as all the traditions that accompany it, were part of pagan celebrations.

2) The Catholic Encyclopedia makes the following admission: “Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church. Irenaeus and Tertullian omit it from their list of feasts.” When apostate Christians began to fall away to pagan practices, Tertullian complained: “By us, who are strangers to Sabbaths, and new moons and festivals, once acceptable to God, the Saturnalia [and other pagan feasts] are now frequented, gifts are carried to and fro, . . . and sports and banquets are celebrated with uproar.” (Gal 4:10; Col 2:8)

In an effort to gain pagan converts the Roman Catholic clergy in the fourth century after the death of Christ took in this pagan “Saturnalia” on December 25 and sponsored it as the “mass of Christ” or “Christ-mass.” Christmas, therefore, is nothing more than a carbon copy of the pagan Saturnalia. This is generally admitted by historical and religious scholars. Is the God of truth a party to this disgusting adoption?

3) Easter is equally pagan in origin and the fact that they didn’t even change the name of the fertility goddess in whose honor the original festival was held, with her symbols, rabbits and eggs, featuring prominently in the celebration, is proof enough of its origins. You can’t seriously read the scripture quoted above and still defiantly carry on as if it doesn’t matter. To engage in such things is to rule yourselves out of admission to God’s spiritually clean family of “sons and daughters”.
Boy – you’re FULL of idiotic historical inaccuracies today
Time for a History Lesson . . .

Not only did the pagan festivals of Saturnalia and Sol Invictus come to an END by December 23rd, they didn’t even come into practice until AFTER Christians had been celebrating the birth of Christ on December 25th. It wasn’t even adopted until the Roman Emperor Aurelian made it official in 274 AD.

Christmas, on the other hand, was being celebrated a full 70 years BEFORE (204 AD).

The Christian historian, Hippolytus of Rome, explains in his Commentary on the book of Daniel (c. A.D. 204) that the birth of Jesus was believed to have taken place on December 25th:
“For the first advent of our Lord in the flesh, when he was born in Bethlehem, was December 25th, Wednesday, while Augustus was in his forty-second year, but from Adam, five thousand and five hundred years. He suffered in the thirty-third year, March 25th, Friday, the eighteenth year of Tiberius Caesar, while Rufus and Roubellion were Consuls.”

So, stop bearing FALSE witness and do your


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
I guess you can protest all you like…..but the evidence speaks for itself….it’s not what you say….it’s what you do that counts…..we will be judged by our actions, not just our words, which ring pretty hollow when you see Catholic idolatry in action.

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What do you call this?
If God’s command in Ex20:4-5 is to be obeyed, rather than blatantly disobeyed, then what is the excuse?

What did God tell his people?
“You shall not make idols or any image of things that are in the heavens above or that are upon the earth or that are in the waters under the earth. You shall not bow before them nor shall you serve them. I, the Lord, am your God, a jealous God, who punishes the sins of fathers upon their sons until the third and fourth generations of those who hate me”. (New Catholic Bible)

The command was not to “MAKE” an image of anything that exists, and not to “BOW BEFORE THEM”
And here is the leader of your church doing exactly what God told his people NOT to do.

Please stop excusing this pretend Christianity….
Your ignorance is ASTOUNDING . . .

The Commandment, in CONTEXT, was not to worship false gods. It was NOT about the making of images.

God commanded Moses to create 2 golden angels to place on top of the Ark (Exod. 25:18).

God ALSO commanded Moses to create a Bronze Serpent and lace it on a pole to heal the people (Num. 21:8-10).

are guilty of having graven images in your wallet and in your home on your walls and mantle.
So, point your accusing fingers at
yourself . . .

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Another woefully-ignorant statement.

If it weren’t for the Catholic Church - neither YOU nor ANY other renegade offshoot of Christianity would have ever heard about the Gospel let alone the rest of the New Testament.
Oh please.....it’s God’s word...remember? God can use whomever he wishes to carry out his will...even his enemies as he has demonstrated in the past. Since the Roman church was basically the only “Christianity” in existence when it was time to produce his complete word, he would use them to make his gospel known....the original scripture was inspired, not by the church, but by God’s spirit. I can assure you that there is a good reason why no scripture was ever penned by any member of the Catholic Church.
It was the Catholic Church that declared the Canon of Scripture ion the 4th century.
No it wasn’t....it was God who declared what was to be contained in his word....whom he used is inconsequential. He used Babylon to punish his disobedient people, but then destroyed Babylon for her own iniquities. He will destroy “Babylon the great” for the same reasons. (Rev 18:4-5)
Nope – I haven’t made a SINGLE excuse.
You never stop making them....
I’m pointing to the errors of LEADERS in the Church over the years who were just as guilty as the Protestant leaders who sanctioned the murders of countless Catholic.

That’s why I said that there was plenty of blood on everyone’s hands, Einstein . . .
And I agreed with you Einstein....the whole of Christendom is corrupt because they base their foundational beliefs on the RCC’s version of a three headed god....it’s adopted belief in an immortal soul.....and the fear mongering of eternal torment in Hell Fire.

Your church was the foundation of the devil’s counterfeit.....all who adopted her teachings, though they claim to be Christ’s disciples hold all three of those beliefs in common.....all Protestantism did was shave off the very obvious grafting of many false doctrines....the adoration of Mary which was merely mother goddess worship adopted from paganism....belief in Mary’s “immaculate conception” and bodily “assumption” to heaven....”purgatory and limbo”....and Peter’s position as the first “Pope”.

The God of Israel was not three gods in one “head” but one singular entity......and the fact that the dead are not really dead, but live on in some other place, is nothing but a continuation of the first lie told in Eden....”you surely will not die”.....and the roasting in a hell of eternal flames, which was designed to keep the ignorant masses in check....an ignorance fostered by evil men intent on gaining more and more self imposed authority. It’s all there in plain sight for those whose eyes have been opened.
The Catholic Church can be documented all the way back to the Apostles. In the FIRST century.
What utter nonsense. There is no evidence of apostolic succession because Peter was not ‘the rock upon whom Christ’s Church is built’.....Jesus himself is “the chief cornerstone” of God’s Kingdom....the 12 apostles form the rest of the foundation....Peter is not singled out as head of the church any more than any of the other apostles....most of whom made no contribution to scripture.....only Matthew, Peter and John wrote books of the Bible. Paul wrote more than they did, but he was not one of the 12.
YOUR sect can’t go back ANY further than the after the 16th century . . .
My sect? You do understand that original Christianity was viewed as a sect, which made Jesus basically the leader of an apostate cult.....those who listened to Jesus were ostracised and persecuted like Jesus was, but the persecutors were the main offenders of the God they claimed to worship. It’s nothing new.

History has repeated because humans are too ignorant and/or too lazy to inform themselves regarding the true teachings of Scripture. They simply swallow what is fed to them......so, the longer a lie is told, the greater the likelihood that it will eventually be regarded as truth, especially if all opposers are silenced.
Do you get that?
Boy – you’re FULL of idiotic historical inaccuracies today
Time for a History Lesson . . .

Not only did the pagan festivals of Saturnalia and Sol Invictus come to an END by December 23rd, they didn’t even come into practice until AFTER Christians had been celebrating the birth of Christ on December 25th. It wasn’t even adopted until the Roman Emperor Aurelian made it official in 274 AD.

Christmas, on the other hand, was being celebrated a full 70 years BEFORE (204 AD).

The Christian historian, Hippolytus of Rome, explains in his Commentary on the book of Daniel (c. A.D. 204) that the birth of Jesus was believed to have taken place on December 25th:
“For the first advent of our Lord in the flesh, when he was born in Bethlehem, was December 25th, Wednesday, while Augustus was in his forty-second year, but from Adam, five thousand and five hundred years. He suffered in the thirty-third year, March 25th, Friday, the eighteenth year of Tiberius Caesar, while Rufus and Roubellion were Consuls.”
History? You mean Catholic history? Can the words of the so called “church fathers” be regarded as completely accurate when the apostasy that Christ and his apostles foretold, was already beginning in the first century whilst many of the apostles were still alive?
Christ was not born in December for the simple reason that the shepherds to whom God’s angels appeared were out in the fields at night...something they would not be doing in the cold winter months when it often snowed. They kept their flocks indoors in winter.

Not to be forgotten is the command not to adopt the ways of the pagan nations, which the RCC ignored completely. Jews did not celebrate birthdays, which is why no birthdates are ever recorded in the Bible.
Jesus did not celebrate his own birthday, nor would he approve the pagan trappings of the celebration as it has evolved over time into the commercial greed-fest it is today. Same with Easter.....nothing about the original “Easter” is biblical....it was a festival dedicated to a fertility goddess....why else would rabbits and eggs be featured in something meant to honor Christ?

Once the last apostle John passed away, there was no longer any restraint, holding things back, and the ones who would lead the church astray were already well entrenched. From the second century onward we see the decline taking place....in the fourth century we saw where it went....
So, stop bearing FALSE witness and do your HOMEWORK . . .
It would be good if you did some homework of your own, outside of your own church’s inaccurate histories.

It is your “false witness” that shines like a beacon here with the rest of your brethren....completely hoodwinked by a religious empire that, to this day blatantly flouts is sun worshipping roots.....
How is this the bread “broken” by Christ? Who formed it into the shape of the sun?...and why?

Catholic church Sun Gods | Religious Forums

Who changed their “holy” day into “Sunday”? A day the Romans already honored their sun god.

Who has a Babylonian sun wheel in plain view in St Peter’s Square (which is round) complete with an obelisk transported from Egypt where it was a representation of a ray of the sun in honor of Ra, the Egyptian sun god?
Only the blind can not see it.....
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Your ignorance is ASTOUNDING . . .

The Commandment, in CONTEXT, was not to worship false gods. It was NOT about the making of images.
It says plainly in Scripture....not to MAKE an IMAGE OF ANYTHING” let alone not to bow down before them.
Images freely available on Google show us where your beliefs and practices originated....you cannot excuse them.
Ex 20:4-5....Douay Rheims...
Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth. Thou shalt not adore them, nor serve them: I am the Lord thy God, mighty, jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me”...

Does your church obey its own scripture? apparently not....
The next verse says....
“And shewing mercy unto thousands to them that love me, and keep my commandments.”

Does your church keep God’s Commandments...or only their own?
You see where ignorance takes you?
Read your Bible, not your catechism....know the difference.
God commanded Moses to create 2 golden angels to place on top of the Ark (Exod. 25:18).
Yep, God commanded it, not men...and no one ever saw it except for Moses and the High Priest. Even when it was transported, a cover was put over it so that no one would see it.
God ALSO commanded Moses to create a Bronze Serpent and lace it on a pole to heal the people (Num. 21:8-10).
Yes he did for his own purpose...but later, when Israel turned it into an idol, he had it destroyed.....
Again...read your Bible.
YOU are guilty of having graven images in your wallet and in your home on your walls and mantle.
So, point your accusing fingers at
yourself . . .
Since images themselves were not against God’s law as we see in the decoration of the Temple....it was images used in worship that were forbidden because humans are sinful and easily entrapped by what they see. (2 Cor 5:7) Every sin committed by man begins with a bad thought, not dismissed. (James 1:14-15)

The devil knows that our eyes are our downfall....look at how he deceived Eve in the garden, getting her to look at the fruit that was the only one withheld from them.....she saw that it looked delicious and therefore when the devil lied about the death penalty, she took a bite and when she did not die immediately, she offered some to Adam....and hence the entire human race became their victims. (Rom 5:12)

Jesus said that “looking at a woman so as to have passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart”.....again the eyes are involved as the gateway to sin.

Your church has fallen for the oldest trick in the book.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
I don't understand how your sect condemns all Protestants as daughters of the Whore of Babble-on,
It doesn't. How can we possibly condemn anyone? Particularly those that God calls "My people"?
yet you appeal to the reformers rediscovered "truth" that allegedly corrected the errors of Catholicism.
If the reformers knew what their legacy would turn into through the comprising and worldliness of modern man, they may not have begun what they did. So yes. We appeal to those reformers who through courage and love for Jesus, brought light and hope...
in a society and church surrounded in darkness and ignorance.
,and in a time the world recognises as the dark ages. Darkness for lack of light. Light hidden and locked away in church sanctuaries and forbidden to be read by the common people, and forbidden to be translated in the local languages.
long covered in superstition and tradition

So indulgences, which are still offered in return for pilgrimages, and certain prayers and devotions and adoration of saints and Mary aren't a superstition born of tradition?
You should leave Protestantism alone and stick to quoting Ellen G, White. We object to are those aligning
The only Protestantism we object to is that section of it aligning themselves with government in order to create a so called kingdom of God on earth. A kingdom that will speak with the voice of the dragon, and legislating policies and doctrines that will reflect the social teachings of Thomas Aquinas and the Vatican.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
The Church isn’t a “member” of the ONE Church – it IS the ONE Church. Individuals are members.
So only your church is the one church?
As for any ecclesial “divorce” – that came in the 16th century during the Protestant Revolt.
I'm not talking about ecclesial division. I'm talking about apostasy from God. That took place in the same manner that Israel divorced themselves from their Husband...
KJV Isaiah 54:5
5 For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.

KJV Revelation 17:3-6
3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
KJV 1 Samuel 8:8-9
8 According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even unto this day, wherewith they have forsaken me, and served other gods, so do they also unto thee.
9 Now therefore hearken unto their voice: howbeit yet protest solemnly unto them, and shew them the manner of the king that shall reign over them.

Like Israel, the RCC chose Caesar, and even accepted his seat, his throne, and great authority.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Indeed. One church... One body... With many members. One of those members was the Papal church in Rome. One branch fell away from the true. Apostatised. Wrote it's own bill of divorce through rejecting her Husband and marrying the kings and queens of this world and trusting in them to sustain her power and authority. One branch broke away from the true faith that was in Rome. Just like one individual can break away through unbelief or habitual sin, so can one branch of God's people. That is not too day that there are not any of God people still in the church. There are, else why would God say, "come out of her My people". The church in Rome BoL was not the only church around, and not the only church that had their roots in apostolic teaching. Jesus indeed said that God's church would be victorious, and that Satan would not prevail over her. Hence the reason why we have genuine Christians all over the world today. They don't all belong to one communion of faith. But every one belongs to Christ, those whose deeds and works reflect trust, obedience, and commitment to the principles of Christ's righteousness as laid out in His word.

Do you seriously believe what you just wrote? :IDK:

What you call "the Papal church in Rome" is not a 'member' of The Church Christ started. Just like the SDA church that was started after it's founding members broke away from another Protestant church by Reforming the teachings of that church it broke away from. Neither the SDA denomination or the denomination it broke away from are members of The Church. The people (flock) of The Church are members of The Church. THE CHURCH has authority over all its members and it is the pillar and foundation of Truth (1 Timothy 3:15). It is THE CHURCH we are to go to so that we can settle our differences and if we don't adhere to the binding decision of THE CHURCH, we are to be ex-communicated (Matthew 18:17-18). Why haven't you read Scripture for yourself instead of believing the lies of your men?

Also, using your logic/theory; isn't the SDA church 'One branch that fell away from the true?' Is the SDA denomination "Apostatised" [sic] since it is a branch off the Millirite denomination? I mean after all, that is your logic/theory for 'the Papal church in Rome' so it must hold true for your denomination also.

Curious Mary


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
So only your church is the one church?

I'm not talking about ecclesial division. I'm talking about apostasy from God. That took place in the same manner that Israel divorced themselves from their Husband...
KJV Isaiah 54:5
5 For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.

KJV Revelation 17:3-6
3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
KJV 1 Samuel 8:8-9
8 According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even unto this day, wherewith they have forsaken me, and served other gods, so do they also unto thee.
9 Now therefore hearken unto their voice: howbeit yet protest solemnly unto them, and shew them the manner of the king that shall reign over them.

Like Israel, the RCC chose Caesar, and even accepted his seat, his throne, and great authority.
BOTH of these passages are talking about apostate Israel, Einstein.

Christ's Church, on the other hand, gave the world the Nw Tetament and the Gospel message.

False prophets like Ellen White gave the world the SDA sect and others . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
It says plainly in Scripture....not to MAKE an IMAGE OF ANYTHING” let alone not to bow down before them.
Images freely available on Google show us where your beliefs and practices originated....you cannot excuse them.
Ex 20:4-5....Douay Rheims...
Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth. Thou shalt not adore them, nor serve them: I am the Lord thy God, mighty, jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me”...

Does your church obey its own scripture? apparently not....
The next verse says....
“And shewing mercy unto thousands to them that love me, and keep my commandments.”

Does your church keep God’s Commandments...or only their own?
You see where ignorance takes you?
Read your Bible, not your catechism....know the difference.
It doesn’t take a genius to understand the CONTEXT of this Commandment.
It is about worshipping false godsNOT about making a statue or a painting.

Don’t quote the Bible until you understand what it is saying . . .

Yep, God commanded it, not men...and no one ever saw it except for Moses and the High Priest. Even when it was transported, a cover was put over it so that no one would see it.

They PROSTRATED themselves in front of it (Jodh. 7:6).

Yes he did for his own purpose...but later, when Israel turned it into an idol, he had it destroyed.....
Again...read your Bible.
Ummm, He didn’t destroy the GOLDEN ANGELS atop the Ark.
Solomon created gigantic statues of angels and placed them in the Temple – and God was pleased.

Do your
Since images themselves were not against God’s law as we see in the decoration of the Temple....it was images used in worship that were forbidden because humans are sinful and easily entrapped by what they see. (2 Cor 5:7) Every sin committed by man begins with a bad thought, not dismissed. (James 1:14-15)

The devil knows that our eyes are our downfall....look at how he deceived Eve in the garden, getting her to look at the fruit that was the only one withheld from them.....she saw that it looked delicious and therefore when the devil lied about the death penalty, she took a bite and when she did not die immediately, she offered some to Adam....and hence the entire human race became their victims. (Rom 5:12)

Jesus said that “looking at a woman so as to have passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart”.....again the eyes are involved as the gateway to sin.

Your church has fallen for the oldest trick in the book.
Make up your mind, Einstein. Either images WERE against God’s Law or they WEREN’T.

You can’t have it BOTH ways, hypocrite . . .

- instead of your long, psychotic rants - learn how to give CONCISE anders . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Oh please.....it’s God’s word...remember? God can use whomever he wishes to carry out his will...even his enemies as he has demonstrated in the past. Since the Roman church was basically the only “Christianity” in existence when it was time to produce his complete word, he would use them to make his gospel known....the original scripture was inspired, not by the church, but by God’s spirit. I can assure you that there is a good reason why no scripture was ever penned by any member of the Catholic Church.
And not ONCE did God ever use an enemy or an “evil” source to declared the truth of His Word – not ONCE. He used men like Pharoah to fulfill His will – but NOT to convey His message of truth.

He ONLY used His chosen messengers for that.

The Catholic Church declared the Canon of Scripture in 383 AD.

No it wasn’t....it was God who declared what was to be contained in his word....whom he used is inconsequential. He used Babylon to punish his disobedient people, but then destroyed Babylon for her own iniquities. He will destroy “Babylon the great” for the same reasons. (Rev 18:4-5)

God is the AUTHOR of Scripture.
His Church is the VEHICLE by which it was proclaimed to the world.

The Bible didn’t fall out of the sky.

You never stop making them....

And I agreed with you Einstein....the whole of Christendom is corrupt because they base their foundational beliefs on the RCC’s version of a three headed god....it’s adopted belief in an immortal soul.....and the fear mongering of eternal torment in Hell Fire.

Your church was the foundation of the devil’s counterfeit.....all who adopted her teachings, though they claim to be Christ’s disciples hold all three of those beliefs in common.....all Protestantism did was shave off the very obvious grafting of many false doctrines....the adoration of Mary which was merely mother goddess worship adopted from paganism....belief in Mary’s “immaculate conception” and bodily “assumption” to heaven....”purgatory and limbo”....and Peter’s position as the first “Pope”.

The God of Israel was not three gods in one “head” but one singular entity......and the fact that the dead are not really dead, but live on in some other place, is nothing but a continuation of the first lie told in Eden....”you surely will not die”.....and the roasting in a hell of eternal flames, which was designed to keep the ignorant masses in check....an ignorance fostered by evil men intent on gaining more and more self imposed authority. It’s all there in plain sight for those whose eyes have been opened.
And your Protestant Fathers were just as guilty of bloodshed.

And, since Protestantism was born of ecclesial divorceYOUR anti-Trinitarian sect further divorced itself from Protestantism and created a quasi-Christian abomination.

What utter nonsense. There is no evidence of apostolic succession because Peter was not ‘the rock upon whom Christ’s Church is built’.....Jesus himself is “the chief cornerstone” of God’s Kingdom....the 12 apostles form the rest of the foundation....Peter is not singled out as head of the church any more than any of the other apostles....most of whom made no contribution to scripture.....only Matthew, Peter and John wrote books of the Bible. Paul wrote more than they did, but he was not one of the 12.
Time for a Bible Lesson – and another History Lesson . . .

In Acts 1, the Apostles and over a hundred others gathered together to choose a SUCESSOR for Judas. Peter stands up and, among other things, he says:

Acts 1:20

“Let another take his office.”

The Greek word used here for “office” is “Episkopay”, which means “Bishopric”.
Judas’s office was that of BISHOP, a successive office.

Now, for your History slap-down . . .

Ignatius of Antioch was a 1st century Bishop and a lifelong student of the apostle John. While Jon was still presumable alive, Ignatius wrote the following on his way to Rome to be martyred:

Ignatius of Antioch

Follow your bishop, every one of you, as obediently as Jesus Christ followed the Father. Obey your clergy too as you would the apostles; give your deacons the same reverence that you would to a command of God. Make sure that no step affecting the Church is ever taken by anyone without the bishop’s sanction. The sole Eucharist you should consider valid is one that is celebrated by the bishop himself, or by some person authorized by him. Where the bishop is to be seen, there let all his people be; just as, WHEREVER JESUS CHRIST IS PRESENT, THERE IS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH (Letter to the Smyrneans 8:2 [A.D. 110]).

“Follow your Bishop”
“Obey your clergy”
“The sole EUCHARIST”
“The CATHOLIC Church.”

Gee – WHICH Church does that sound like?

My sect? You do understand that original Christianity was viewed as a sect, which made Jesus basically the leader of an apostate cult.....those who listened to Jesus were ostracised and persecuted like Jesus was, but the persecutors were the main offenders of the God they claimed to worship. It’s nothing new.
And YOUR sect came about thousands of years LATER . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
History has repeated because humans are too ignorant and/or too lazy to inform themselves regarding the true teachings of Scripture. They simply swallow what is fed to them......so, the longer a lie is told, the greater the likelihood that it will eventually be regarded as truth, especially if all opposers are silenced.
Do you get that?
That is hilarious, coming from a person who adheres to man-made inventions that came about over 1500 years AFTER the Jesus and the Apostles built the Catholic Church.

indeed . . .
History? You mean Catholic history? Can the words of the so called “church fathers” be regarded as completely accurate when the apostasy that Christ and his apostles foretold, was already beginning in the first century whilst many of the apostles were still alive?
Ummm it’s history whether YOU agree with the ECFs or not. History doesn’t depend on YOUR approval.

arrogance . . .
Christ was not born in December for the simple reason that the shepherds to whom God’s angels appeared were out in the fields at night...something they would not be doing in the cold winter months when it often snowed. They kept their flocks indoors in winter.
This isn’t Alaska – it’s Israel.
Winte nights may get down to the mid-40’s at times – but that is NOT too cold for a shepherd to be out.

I think those who loved in the 2nd century would know the date of Jesus’s birth MUCH better than YOU, 2000 years later . . .

Not to be forgotten is the command not to adopt the ways of the pagan nations, which the RCC ignored completely. Jews did not celebrate birthdays, which is why no birthdates are ever recorded in the Bible.
Jesus did not celebrate his own birthday, nor would he approve the pagan trappings of the celebration as it has evolved over time into the commercial greed-fest it is today. Same with Easter.....nothing about the original “Easter” is biblical....it was a festival dedicated to a fertility goddess....why else would rabbits and eggs be featured in something meant to honor Christ?

Once the last apostle John passed away, there was no longer any restraint, holding things back, and the ones who would lead the church astray were already well entrenched. From the second century onward we see the decline taking place....in the fourth century we saw where it went....
How do YOU know that Jesus didn’t celebrate His birthday??

There is not a SINGLE verse about Him going to the bathroom. Do you honestly think he “held it” for 33 years, Einstein??

This is the problem with the man-made Protestant invention of
Sola Scriptura . . .
It would be good if you did some homework of your own, outside of your own church’s inaccurate histories.

It is your “false witness” that shines like a beacon here with the rest of your brethren....completely hoodwinked by a religious empire that, to this day blatantly flouts is sun worshipping roots.....
How is this the bread “broken” by Christ? Who formed it into the shape of the sun?...and why?
The circle has always been a symbol of ETERNITY – as in the Eternal God.
It has no beginning and no end.

Your ignorance is
mind-blowing . . .
Who changed their “holy” day into “Sunday”? A day the Romans already honored their sun god.

Who has a Babylonian sun wheel in plain view in St Peter’s Square (which is round) complete with an obelisk transported from Egypt where it was a representation of a ray of the sun in honor of Ra, the Egyptian sun god?
Only the blind can not see it.....
The word, “ignoramus” comes to mind . . .

What is sitting at the top pf that obelisk, Einstein.
A CROSS sits at the top, signifying Christ’s victory over paganism.


Jude Thaddeus

Active Member
Apr 27, 2024
AJ said:
"Who has a Babylonian sun wheel in plain view in St Peter’s Square (which is round) complete with an obelisk transported from Egypt where it was a representation of a ray of the sun in honor of Ra, the Egyptian sun god?
Only the blind can not see it.....

The following is from a book written by a non-Catholic Egyptologist. Notice there is no explanation as to why this particular obelisk is the only one in the world that has no (previous) inscriptions on it, and has never been broken.

The Obelisk in the Piazza di San Pietro

The obelisks of the Piazza San Pietro, Piazza dell’ Esuilino, and the Piazza del Quirinale are all uninscribed. Their dates, provenances, and the reasons they were left uninscribed are not known…Neither Flinders Petrie, nor any other excavator working in the ruins of Heliopolis, has ever found an obelisk, or even a small fragment of an obelisk, that was uninscribed. The sovereigns of ancient Egypt were ever eager to decorate monuments with their own names and with phrases proclaiming their own glory, no matter what the size of the monument. The only undecorated obelisks in Egypt were unfinished ones abandoned in their quarries, and in fact one of these decoration was already in progress. More probably, the uninscribed obelisks were quarried in Egypt by the Roman emperors expressly to be taken to Rome, although it is possible that they were left incomplete because of the untimely death of the pharaoh.

The Obelisk in the Piazza di San Pietro is important chiefly by its surroundings.. It is made of red granite and stands 25.37 meters high. It was erected in the Julian Forum in Alexandria by order of Augustus and remained their until 37 A.D. when the Emperor Caligula ordered the forum demolished and the obelisk transferred to Rome. It was then erected in the Vatican Circus, and there it remained until its removal to the square before the Basilica of St. Peter (1586). Legend has it that in the Vatican Circus innumerable Christians, including St. Peter and that the reason this obelisk was not later overturned as were all the others in Rome was that was looked upon as the witness to the martyrdom of St. Peter.

Pope Sixtus V appointed engineer Domenico Fontana to move the obelisk from the Vatican Circus

April 28, 1586, Fontana and his men attended Mass at 2:AM, and later offered public prayers for the success of this feat.

Dedication ceremonies, Mass, and a procession with the entire papal court went to the obelisk. More prayers were offered and the obelisk was purified, and surmounted with a cross.
Obelisks of the World, by Labib Habachi, Scribner’s Sons, 1974, page 74-75

(Former Chief Inspector of Antiquities Labib Habachi is an Egyptian archeologist who has published several books on Egyptology, as well as articles in many journals.)

On the top of this Christianized pagan symbol, is a cross. Inside this cross, is a relic of the true cross. Here we have a stone monument that stood in the presence of hundreds of the earliest Christian martyrs containing a relic of the true cross. To accuse us of paganism is an insult to the deaths of the martyrs who refused to pay homage to Roman gods.

Aunt Jane, please explain why it is OK to have an obelisk tombstone over the grave of your foundress A.G. White.

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Mar 7, 2017
United States
It says plainly in Scripture....not to MAKE an IMAGE OF ANYTHING” let alone not to bow down before them.
Images freely available on Google show us where your beliefs and practices originated....you cannot excuse them.
Ex 20:4-5....Douay Rheims...
Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth. Thou shalt not adore them, nor serve them: I am the Lord thy God, mighty, jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me”...
Hey Jane,

You should read that in context. What it says is don't make a god (out of wood, gold, stone etc) AND THEN adore or serve that god for I am God!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Yes he did for his own purpose...but later, when Israel turned it into an idol, he had it destroyed.....
Again...read your Bible.
Yup. You are right Jane. King Hezekiah destroyed it because the people worshipped it as a god (2 Kings 18:4).

Did you know that Jesus compared Himself to the bronze serpent (John 3:14)?


Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Aunt Jane, please explain why it is OK to have an obelisk tombstone over the grave of your foundress A.G. White.
It’s very simple really.....E.G.White is not my “founders”, nor is any human the dictator of my beliefs.
Scripture tells the truth......humans are not reliable sources of truth unless there is careful fact checking.

Dedication ceremonies, Mass, and a procession with the entire papal court went to the obelisk. More prayers were offered and the obelisk was purified, and surmounted with a cross.
Obelisks of the World, by Labib Habachi, Scribner’s Sons, 1974, page 74-75
“The obelisk was purified”??? Do you never ask what it was doing there in the first place? And what place any pagan edifice has in the worship of the true God?....the one who forbade his people to make an image of anything.....
(Former Chief Inspector of Antiquities Labib Habachi is an Egyptian archeologist who has published several books on Egyptology, as well as articles in many journals.)

On the top of this Christianized pagan symbol, is a cross. Inside this cross, is a relic of the true cross. Here we have a stone monument that stood in the presence of hundreds of the earliest Christian martyrs containing a relic of the true cross. To accuse us of paganism is an insult to the deaths of the martyrs who refused to pay homage to Roman gods.
You will find obelisks in all sorts of places, but their origin is in false worship and I believe that they are offensive to God because of that.

There is no such thing as a “Christianized pagan symbol”......did Jesus ever “Christianize” anything pagan? He taught us to “flee from idolatry”.
We are to “walk by faith, not by sight”.
All the church did was paganise the Christianity......the ignorant people had no idea what was being imposed on them....and still don’t.

When the Jews turned to images in their worship, God punished them.
Were there ceremonies to turn pagan beliefs and practices into things that God approved of? NO! Just the opposite. They were to be destroyed and the offenders punished. Did God somehow slacken his standards to accommodate another apostate religious system?.....one that he already foretold was to take over the world? It wasn’t a recent event.

In St Peter’s Square there stands a large edifice (in the middle of a Babylonian sun wheel), that was worshipped by the pagan nation that produced it....the very nation that held God’s people in slavery.....
Putting a tiny cross (also a pagan religious symbol) on top of it, does absolutely nothing to negate any of that, in a religious system that created its own doctrines as a fusion between weakened Christianity and Roman sun worship, centuries after Christ died, but still so glaringly obvious to this day.
It astounds me what the devil has accomplished by taking the word of God away from the people and putting it in the hands of wicked men, who twisted it to support their adopted doctrines....none of which are taught or practised in the Christian Scriptures.

Relic worship is still idolatry.
Why do you think that Christ’s body was never found? We can only imagine bits of him all over the world in Catholic Churches with millions idolizing bits of bone or dried up flesh......like the shroud of Turin or the weeping statues of Mary.....all designed to deceive people and lead them away from God...pointing them in the other direction. The trap of idolatry is still there and passed from generation to generation.....the command in Exodus 20:4-5 speaks of God’s blessing on those who obey his commandments, but not on those who willingly disobey him as Israel did.

He said he is a God who “requires exclusive devotion, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing loyal love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.”

Those who ”hate” God are the ones who refuse to do as they are told, but who want to impose their own authority over the people like the Pharisees did. What did Jesus say to them?...

“You hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about you when he said: 8 ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far removed from me. 9 It is in vain that they keep worshipping me, for they teach commands of men as doctrines.’”

History is repeating right under millions of collective noses.....


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Who changed their “holy” day into “Sunday”?
When Jesus rose from the dead-on Sunday, he changed the holy day to Sunday!:woohoo!:

In the NT when the Christians are meeting to worship the Lord, receive Communion and take up collections it is either “daily,” or “on the first day of the week” (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2).

Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in regard to food or drink or in respect to festival, or a new moon or a Sabbath day—things which are a mere shadow of what is to come, but the substance belongs to Christ (Col. 2:16-17).
Hmmm....why did Paul write that Jane? Maybe because the NT Christians were being judged for keeping SUNDAY as the new "Sabbath"?

And if you knew your own Christian history, of which I know your men haven't taught you, you would see that the earliest records we have document Sunday worship in 70, 74, 110AD.

Notice how I gave Scripture and Christian history to back up what The Church teaches. In your post all I see are your personal beliefs. Thank you for your personal beliefs. We will stick with facts instead.

Historical and Scriptural....Mary
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
And if I hear ONE more know-nothing tell me that we “worship Mary“ - despite the easy access to the Catechism online – my head will explode . . .
People like @Aunty Jane believes just because we honor, respect and love the mother of God, we are worshiping her. Didn't Jesus and God honor, love and respect Mary also? Sounds like we are in good company when we honor, love and respect a woman who was (is) full of grace and blessed among women!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
In St Peter’s Square.…which is not a square, but is a round Babylonian sun wheel decorated by an obelisk imported from Egypt where it represented the sun god Ra.
Jane.....I schooled you on this back in August of 2023 in a different post. Here it is again: The obelisk was brought to Rome by Gaius Caligula in 37 AD. At the time it was the largest non-inscribed obelisk to leave Egypt. It was moved from it's original spot, about 4 miles, to the Vatican in 1586.The east and west sides of the obelisk have exorcist formulas on it, a cross was mounted on its top and religious text were engraved on both sides to ensure that it wouldn’t be worshiped by pagans or other idolators. It was preserved as a sign of Christianity's win over paganism. :)
In 1817
several disks of marble were placed in the ground surrounding it to form the compass rose as well as the meridian line which made the obelisk a sundial.
Soooooo what man taught you that there is a Babylonian sun wheel in St Peter's Square? Can you provide your source that the obelisk represented the sun god Ra when it was NON-INSCRIBED when it was brought from Egypt?

Notice in that post from almost a year ago I asked you what man taught you that there is a Babylonian sun wheel in St Peter's Square? Can you provide your source that the obelisk represented the sun god Ra when it was NON-INSCRIBED when it was brought from Egypt?

You never answered. Why didn't you give evidence of your false allegation? Because what you wrote was either a lie OR your opinion.