Why does God have to judge and hurt me?

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Moonstone Eterni

Active Member
Mar 15, 2022
United States
Nobody likes to be judged for their private conduct, especially when there isn't any victim and the activity in question doesn't concern anyone else.

I like to have a drink of wine here and there. Pretty tame stuff, right? And come to think of it, the Bible approves of drinking in moderation. The Gospels say that Jesus performed a miracle by turning water into wine, and he also drank wine during the Last Supper. Scriptures suggest that drinking a little bit here and there is no harm no foul.

Unfortunately, God has been treating me very poorly when I drink wine, a completely harmless activity. He tells me I'm committing a horrible sin, which is a lie given what the Bible says about drinking alcohol in moderation.

When I ask God why he thinks drinking alcohol is so horribly sinful, even when consumed in small, moderate amounts, his response is always the same: He thinks that because a very tiny amount of people drink irresponsibly and kill others in car accidents that no one can therefore be allowed to drink alcohol, not even people who drink responsibly, in moderation, and from time to time sparingly.

This logic is extremely unfair. It's every bit as "astute" as people with politcally left-wing views who want to ban guns. They dislike how some bad people get guns and kill others in school shootings, so they figure no one can be allowed to own guns, including all the good gun-owners who want weapons for self-defense only. This is extremely unfair to all the responsible Second Amendment supporters who never kill anyone.

When God gives me this doubtful response, I ask him why does the Bible approve of drinking in the scriptures I quoted? God never answers. He instead chooses to ignore me.

When I went to church last Sunday, I had leave early feeling extremely bad. Towards the end of the religious service, we drink actual wine and eat bread to celebrate becoming one with Christ. But God told me to leave church because apparently he thinks I would commit some horrible sin by participating.

Because of how God treated me recently at church, he made me feel humiliated, rejected, inferior, unwanted and like a worthless piece of garbage.

Before anyone feels the need to write to me and say, "Well, it's just one sip of wine..." Hold on just a minute...

At the grocery store I frequent, they have wine tasting samples once or twice a week to sell brands they are promoting. I know for sure that if I were to have a sip of sample wine at the grocery store that God would be infuriated with me, acting as if I committed the worst crime in the world for participating in something so harmless.

So yeah, God does is excluding me from drinking wine and eating bread at religious services, saying I can't partake in the ceremony where Christians become one with Christ!

Again, I feel so horrible by the way God is treating me here. It hurts even more that the Bible approves of drinking wine in moderation or even a little bit of it, but God feels the need to treat me like a terrible criminal for doing something so harmless.

I want an answer from God, but he never gives me an answer. He keeps lying to me, telling me that because a tiny amount of people drink wine too irresponsibly and kill others in car accidents that no one, not even responsible drinkers or light drinkers, can even be allowed to drink wine ever again.

I debunked his childish, deceptive logic many times. He knows I debunked it, and he knows he is lying to me. But he continues to lie to my face.

So really, what going on, God? I want to know what his problem is. Why is he judging me for something so harmless that isn't any of his conern? It's maddening.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Hi @Moonstone Eterni Good to see you.

Actually, God will not tell you anything different from what His Word the Bible says. Sometimes ideas and voices which we may hear in one form or another might seem 'religious' but what is being said is not necessarily from God at all.

The most wonderful thing which the Bible says is about the revelation of God's Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who came into the world and died at the Cross in order to save sinners. The Gospel of God's grace is summarized by John 3.16:

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

It's a tremendous blessing to concentrate our thoughts on what the Bible actually reveals.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
I want an answer from God, but he never gives me an answer. He keeps lying to me, telling me that because a tiny amount of people drink wine too irresponsibly and kill others in car accidents that no one, not even responsible drinkers or light drinkers, can even be allowed to drink wine ever again.

I debunked his childish, deceptive logic many times. He knows I debunked it, and he knows he is lying to me. But he continues to lie to my face.

So really, what going on, God? I want to know what his problem is. Why is he judging me for something so harmless that isn't any of his conern? It's maddening.

I find it awfully funny that you can find verses about drinking wine in the Bible but have not even looked to see the characteristics of the God we serve. People do this a lot to pad their case.

Numbers 23:19
God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?

Titus 1:2
In hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began.

Hebrews 6:18
So that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us

I'm kinda curious why the drinking of wine means so much to you.

There are many churches which offer bread and grape juice. That's a solution to your lack of of ability to take communion. Aside from the Catholic church, I've never been to a church which offers wine.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States
Are you sure you are talking to God? There are very convincing, deceiving spirits out there. We have freedom in Christ. Having an occasional drink of wine does not sound like something he would condemn.

If It is God maybe he doesn’t want you to drink because there is a good reason, like maybe you will drink a little too much and wreck your car(God forbid) or something like that. He keeps certain things vailed for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

When I ask God why he thinks drinking alcohol is so horribly sinful, even when consumed in small, moderate amounts, his response is always the same: He thinks that because a very tiny amount of people drink irresponsibly It's maddening.

You are confusing your guilt trip, and your self condemnation, with God.
He's not your guilt trip.
You are.
He's not judging you, you are judging you.
You are, by drinking, stinging your own conscience.
He's not doing that to you... You are doing that to you.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Are you sure you are talking to God? There are very convincing, deceiving spirits out there. We have freedom in Christ. Having an occasional drink of wine does not sound like something he would condemn.

If It is God maybe he doesn’t want you to drink because there is a good reason, like maybe you will drink a little too much and wreck your car(God forbid) or something like that. He keeps certain things vailed for some reason.

Hi Mantis, you beat me to the punch! I do believe our friend here is hearing another Jesus. Too many are so willing to change God's never changing characteristics.
@Moonstone Eterni , you are NOT hearing God, you are listening to your own self condemnation or the evil one is putting these thoughts in your head. God is not a genie and He is not a taskmaster. As you said, Jesus Himself drank wine but...not to the point of drunkenness so, I see no problem with having an occasional glass of wine from the fruit of the vine, as He did. Responsibly.
I pray for your understanding bro.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Nobody likes to be judged for their private conduct, especially when there isn't any victim and the activity in question doesn't concern anyone else.

I like to have a drink of wine here and there. Pretty tame stuff, right? And come to think of it, the Bible approves of drinking in moderation. The Gospels say that Jesus performed a miracle by turning water into wine, and he also drank wine during the Last Supper. Scriptures suggest that drinking a little bit here and there is no harm no foul.

Unfortunately, God has been treating me very poorly when I drink wine, a completely harmless activity. He tells me I'm committing a horrible sin, which is a lie given what the Bible says about drinking alcohol in moderation.

When I ask God why he thinks drinking alcohol is so horribly sinful, even when consumed in small, moderate amounts, his response is always the same: He thinks that because a very tiny amount of people drink irresponsibly and kill others in car accidents that no one can therefore be allowed to drink alcohol, not even people who drink responsibly, in moderation, and from time to time sparingly.

This logic is extremely unfair. It's every bit as "astute" as people with politcally left-wing views who want to ban guns. They dislike how some bad people get guns and kill others in school shootings, so they figure no one can be allowed to own guns, including all the good gun-owners who want weapons for self-defense only. This is extremely unfair to all the responsible Second Amendment supporters who never kill anyone.

When God gives me this doubtful response, I ask him why does the Bible approve of drinking in the scriptures I quoted? God never answers. He instead chooses to ignore me.

When I went to church last Sunday, I had leave early feeling extremely bad. Towards the end of the religious service, we drink actual wine and eat bread to celebrate becoming one with Christ. But God told me to leave church because apparently he thinks I would commit some horrible sin by participating.

Because of how God treated me recently at church, he made me feel humiliated, rejected, inferior, unwanted and like a worthless piece of garbage.

Before anyone feels the need to write to me and say, "Well, it's just one sip of wine..." Hold on just a minute...

At the grocery store I frequent, they have wine tasting samples once or twice a week to sell brands they are promoting. I know for sure that if I were to have a sip of sample wine at the grocery store that God would be infuriated with me, acting as if I committed the worst crime in the world for participating in something so harmless.

So yeah, God does is excluding me from drinking wine and eating bread at religious services, saying I can't partake in the ceremony where Christians become one with Christ!

Again, I feel so horrible by the way God is treating me here. It hurts even more that the Bible approves of drinking wine in moderation or even a little bit of it, but God feels the need to treat me like a terrible criminal for doing something so harmless.

I want an answer from God, but he never gives me an answer. He keeps lying to me, telling me that because a tiny amount of people drink wine too irresponsibly and kill others in car accidents that no one, not even responsible drinkers or light drinkers, can even be allowed to drink wine ever again.

I debunked his childish, deceptive logic many times. He knows I debunked it, and he knows he is lying to me. But he continues to lie to my face.

So really, what going on, God? I want to know what his problem is. Why is he judging me for something so harmless that isn't any of his conern? It's maddening.

Moonstone, we always have to test the spirits. God will never tell you something against His own word. He doesn't mind drinking a little wine, in fact, Paul told Timothy to drink a little wine for his stomach. God just doesn't want us to get drunk with wine. Here is what God would actually say,

17 Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,

You have no melody in your heart. You've been robbed. John 10:10. To discern it is the devil speaking, he knows that wine is representative of the blood of Jesus. That confirms that it was him that told you to leave the church before drinking the Cup of the New Covenant. 1 Corinthians 11:25. Don't contribute all thoughts to God, but test the spirits to see if what they are saying is TRUTH.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
You are confusing your guilt trip, and your self condemnation, with God.
He's not your guilt trip.
You are.
He's not judging you, you are judging you.
You are, by drinking, stinging your own conscience.
He's not doing that to you... You are doing that to you.
In a case like this , they are damned if they drink . For they do it not by faith .
I suggest this person does NOT drink a drop .
Paul speaks well about meats , drinks and days . Its not in every man conscious . Thus i suggest this person
dont touch a drop of it peroid .
I believe as did paul and my mind is fully persauded concering meats , drinks and days . But to he or she who is not
i say Dont touch it . Their conscious being weak .


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
Nobody likes to be judged for their private conduct, especially when there isn't any victim and the activity in question doesn't concern anyone else.

I like to have a drink of wine here and there. Pretty tame stuff, right? And come to think of it, the Bible approves of drinking in moderation. The Gospels say that Jesus performed a miracle by turning water into wine, and he also drank wine during the Last Supper. Scriptures suggest that drinking a little bit here and there is no harm no foul.

Unfortunately, God has been treating me very poorly when I drink wine, a completely harmless activity. He tells me I'm committing a horrible sin, which is a lie given what the Bible says about drinking alcohol in moderation.

When I ask God why he thinks drinking alcohol is so horribly sinful, even when consumed in small, moderate amounts, his response is always the same: He thinks that because a very tiny amount of people drink irresponsibly and kill others in car accidents that no one can therefore be allowed to drink alcohol, not even people who drink responsibly, in moderation, and from time to time sparingly.

This logic is extremely unfair. It's every bit as "astute" as people with politcally left-wing views who want to ban guns. They dislike how some bad people get guns and kill others in school shootings, so they figure no one can be allowed to own guns, including all the good gun-owners who want weapons for self-defense only. This is extremely unfair to all the responsible Second Amendment supporters who never kill anyone.

When God gives me this doubtful response, I ask him why does the Bible approve of drinking in the scriptures I quoted? God never answers. He instead chooses to ignore me.

When I went to church last Sunday, I had leave early feeling extremely bad. Towards the end of the religious service, we drink actual wine and eat bread to celebrate becoming one with Christ. But God told me to leave church because apparently he thinks I would commit some horrible sin by participating.

Because of how God treated me recently at church, he made me feel humiliated, rejected, inferior, unwanted and like a worthless piece of garbage.

Before anyone feels the need to write to me and say, "Well, it's just one sip of wine..." Hold on just a minute...

At the grocery store I frequent, they have wine tasting samples once or twice a week to sell brands they are promoting. I know for sure that if I were to have a sip of sample wine at the grocery store that God would be infuriated with me, acting as if I committed the worst crime in the world for participating in something so harmless.

So yeah, God does is excluding me from drinking wine and eating bread at religious services, saying I can't partake in the ceremony where Christians become one with Christ!

Again, I feel so horrible by the way God is treating me here. It hurts even more that the Bible approves of drinking wine in moderation or even a little bit of it, but God feels the need to treat me like a terrible criminal for doing something so harmless.

I want an answer from God, but he never gives me an answer. He keeps lying to me, telling me that because a tiny amount of people drink wine too irresponsibly and kill others in car accidents that no one, not even responsible drinkers or light drinkers, can even be allowed to drink wine ever again.

I debunked his childish, deceptive logic many times. He knows I debunked it, and he knows he is lying to me. But he continues to lie to my face.

So really, what going on, God? I want to know what his problem is. Why is he judging me for something so harmless that isn't any of his conern? It's maddening.

As a few others here have said, what makes you think you're hearing from God? Especially if you say that "God keeps LYING to me"?

If you're hearing lies, then you KNOW you're not hearing from God.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
United Kingdom
Nobody likes to be judged for their private conduct, especially when there isn't any victim and the activity in question doesn't concern anyone else.
All of creation is Gods, he has every right to judge our behaviour, thankfully our sins have ben dealt with by Jesus.

God told me to

Really, how did God tell you?

Let me illistrate how God works:- If you are in the army, or work in a big company. The Commander in Cheif/ Company chief executive, does not come and wake you up, twell you what to wear, what to eat etc etc.
There are standing order in the armed forces that say when soldies get up, what they are to ear and eat, officers and sargents see that these are followed.
in a company you are expected toget to work on time fit to work.

It is the same in Christianity. We have the ten commandments, we know we have to serve Jesus so we get on with it.

If you are hearing God speaking about not taking communion etc you need to see a doctor.
Why is he judging me for something so harmless that isn't any of his conern?
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
In a case like this , they are damned if they drink . For they do it not by faith .
I suggest this person does NOT drink a drop .
Paul speaks well about meats , drinks and days . Its not in every man conscious . Thus i suggest this person
dont touch a drop of it peroid .
I believe as did paul and my mind is fully persauded concering meats , drinks and days . But to he or she who is not
i say Dont touch it . Their conscious being weak .

I was thinking of this very thing brother.

Romans 14:23
"And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin."

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I was thinking of this very thing brother.

Romans 14:23
"And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin."
Yep .
A good reminder my sister who is not a calvinist and that BY CHOICE .
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Rich R

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2022
Julian, CA
United States
Nobody likes to be judged for their private conduct, especially when there isn't any victim and the activity in question doesn't concern anyone else.

I like to have a drink of wine here and there. Pretty tame stuff, right? And come to think of it, the Bible approves of drinking in moderation. The Gospels say that Jesus performed a miracle by turning water into wine, and he also drank wine during the Last Supper. Scriptures suggest that drinking a little bit here and there is no harm no foul.

Unfortunately, God has been treating me very poorly when I drink wine, a completely harmless activity. He tells me I'm committing a horrible sin, which is a lie given what the Bible says about drinking alcohol in moderation.
First of all, I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time. I'd like to suggest that God is not treating you poorly at all.

Do you believe in the devil and his cohorts? If so, you might look there for your poor treatment. The word "devil" is the Greek word "diabolos" which litterer means, "a slanderer" or "an accuser."

But maybe it's just a matter of physical health. I know I suffer from just drinking 2 beers. I don't think it's God though. It's just the nature of my own body. Maybe I'm allergic to beer?
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Bob Carabbio

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2016
Dallas, TX
United States
Unfortunately, God has been treating me very poorly when I drink wine, a completely harmless activity. He tells me I'm committing a horrible sin,

The FACT is that God isn't telling you any such thing. Maybe your "church" is (some of them are all hung up that way), and since alcohol apparently is a "Hot Button" (for whatever reason) for you, then satan is SURE to scream condemnation in your ear. I'd suggest screaming back (albeit not in public, lest they look at you strangely), and telling satan to take his condemnation and stick it where the sun don't shine. After all satan would LOVE for you to mistake him for God.
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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Nobody likes to be judged for their private conduct, especially when there isn't any victim and the activity in question doesn't concern anyone else.

I like to have a drink of wine here and there. Pretty tame stuff, right? And come to think of it, the Bible approves of drinking in moderation. The Gospels say that Jesus performed a miracle by turning water into wine, and he also drank wine during the Last Supper. Scriptures suggest that drinking a little bit here and there is no harm no foul.

Unfortunately, God has been treating me very poorly when I drink wine, a completely harmless activity. He tells me I'm committing a horrible sin, which is a lie given what the Bible says about drinking alcohol in moderation.

When I ask God why he thinks drinking alcohol is so horribly sinful, even when consumed in small, moderate amounts, his response is always the same: He thinks that because a very tiny amount of people drink irresponsibly and kill others in car accidents that no one can therefore be allowed to drink alcohol, not even people who drink responsibly, in moderation, and from time to time sparingly.

This logic is extremely unfair. It's every bit as "astute" as people with politcally left-wing views who want to ban guns. They dislike how some bad people get guns and kill others in school shootings, so they figure no one can be allowed to own guns, including all the good gun-owners who want weapons for self-defense only. This is extremely unfair to all the responsible Second Amendment supporters who never kill anyone.

When God gives me this doubtful response, I ask him why does the Bible approve of drinking in the scriptures I quoted? God never answers. He instead chooses to ignore me.

When I went to church last Sunday, I had leave early feeling extremely bad. Towards the end of the religious service, we drink actual wine and eat bread to celebrate becoming one with Christ. But God told me to leave church because apparently he thinks I would commit some horrible sin by participating.

Because of how God treated me recently at church, he made me feel humiliated, rejected, inferior, unwanted and like a worthless piece of garbage.

Before anyone feels the need to write to me and say, "Well, it's just one sip of wine..." Hold on just a minute...

At the grocery store I frequent, they have wine tasting samples once or twice a week to sell brands they are promoting. I know for sure that if I were to have a sip of sample wine at the grocery store that God would be infuriated with me, acting as if I committed the worst crime in the world for participating in something so harmless.

So yeah, God does is excluding me from drinking wine and eating bread at religious services, saying I can't partake in the ceremony where Christians become one with Christ!

Again, I feel so horrible by the way God is treating me here. It hurts even more that the Bible approves of drinking wine in moderation or even a little bit of it, but God feels the need to treat me like a terrible criminal for doing something so harmless.

I want an answer from God, but he never gives me an answer. He keeps lying to me, telling me that because a tiny amount of people drink wine too irresponsibly and kill others in car accidents that no one, not even responsible drinkers or light drinkers, can even be allowed to drink wine ever again.

I debunked his childish, deceptive logic many times. He knows I debunked it, and he knows he is lying to me. But he continues to lie to my face.

So really, what going on, God? I want to know what his problem is. Why is he judging me for something so harmless that isn't any of his conern? It's maddening.

You're not hearing from God but from a demon. And you should be very, very careful about insulting God. He is not to be mocked by you if you expect anything good from Him in return.

Rich R

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2022
Julian, CA
United States
You're not hearing from God but from a demon. And you should be very, very careful about insulting God. He is not to be mocked by you if you expect anything good from Him in return.
I agree with her being affected by demons and not God. However, I might point out that all people mocked God at some point in their lives, and yet God was gracious enough to send His only begotten son to die for all of us. I don't think It's as clear cut as you seem to make it.