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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
That's the point I'm trying to make, thank you.

There is The Church and then there are many churches. A church is simply a congregation of like minded people.. ie: the church in the wilderness.

There are many kinds of churches. How do we know which is The Church?

my advice . if anyone claims to BELIEVE ON JESUS THE CHRIST
and are in sin of any sort . FOLLOW THE PATTERN PAUL TAUGHT THE CHURCH .
Do not even eat with such a one , YES TRY and CORRECT THEM etc
FOLLOW the pattern . IF they wont repent , you gotta seperate them out
or at least seperate yourself from their company .
I just take a fellow at his word whether he really is or not .
IF one says or claims they beleive ON JESUS THE CHRIST . THEN I am gonna do the pattern BOTH JESUS
and the apostels set .
We got many lukewarm ones . A church can get lukewarm . BUT IF SO
it must be warned . a believer can err , IF SO he or she must be corrected .
ZIGGY , paul and others , as well as CHRIST left us a pattern for to do . WE NEED TO learn it and to DO IT .
EVERY WORD written long ago and recorded IS FOR OUR LEARNING .
And we need TO KEEP THAT PATTERN . cause if we dont , if we start to slip , LOOK OUT
leaven gonna LEAVEN UP THE PLACE , just as it do the man . SIN must be corrected within that church .
and as i said , if anyone cliams to beleive on JESUS then you DO as paul instructed us TO DO . read again the letters .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I don't really care what others think. I care about what God says how I should live my life and how I should treat others.
what the rest of the world does is God's problem.
watch this ziggy .
IF , for example , an unbeliever had invited me to a banquet
and if i were disposed , desired to go , I could go and eat whatever was set before me .
NOW if an beleiver IN KNOWN SIN invited me to go eat with him . I WOULD NOT . because he is a believer
and he is IN SIN and needs to repent . DO you see the difference .
And if i did go to the banquet with the unbelievers , THE LIGHT OF CHRIST GONNA BE WITH ME .
meaning this , IF they particpated in sin , I WOULD NOT and could even correct it persay .
BUT I WOULD NOT DO as THEY DO if what they were DOING was SIN . Does that make sense .
I mean lets look at JESUS . LOOK at how HE was when he was invited . AND IF , IF he did see
error he did correct it . HE never just went along WITH THE ERORR . that too is a fact .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
IF we claim to KNOW CHRIST , then we ought to walk as HE DID . And we all know JESUS NEVER SINNED .
We need to follow HIM , the SPIRIT and take HEED to the SPIRIT .
Now raise those hands , IT BE LORD PRAISING TIME in the building .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I don't really care what others think. I care about what God says how I should live my life and how I should treat others.
what the rest of the world does is God's problem.
well ziggy , i dont care what anyone might say about ya , I STILL LOVES YA . now march onwards in the glorious LORD .
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
That's the point I'm trying to make, thank you.

There is The Church and then there are many churches. A church is simply a congregation of like minded people.. ie: the church in the wilderness.

There are many kinds of churches. How do we know which is The Church?

ok, yes, within congregations/gatherings of believers efforts should be made to deal with sin in the camp. But I would consider "the" church to be in spirit, not a visible, tangible organization as such. There are tares among the wheat who don't really belong to "the" church, even though they may be part of a Christian congregation or gathering.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
HOW i wish the church folks would just return to scriptures , to the letters and to have read them FOR THEMSELVES
and not through a here and there twist a bit mindset of a preacher teaching the precepts of men .
I seen what you wrote in quite a few different letters . RIGHT from the very letters the apostels once wrote to the CHURCHES .
and yet , and yet how so very many in many a church would not RECOGNIZE this pattern .
many would see it as hate , as being JUDGMENTAL ,
We've been badly infected with political correctness in our society....it's not like this in all cultures....but people in the west are too sensitive to the concepts of rebuke, reprove, correct as being just a normal part of life and being human and iron sharpening iron. And it has infected the churches. You can disagree with people and still love them. But we are just too polite and hide all our disagreement with everything and nobody is used to just being "normal" and hearing people just truthfully speaking their minds any more. Whereas the bible says to speak truth to your neighbour. This is very much what the devil has done, his deliberate strategy of attack to hamshackle and shut down the word of God and silence plain good sense.....and it's worse here in Canada than the USA I believe but America is fast going down that path too unfortunately.


Jan 1, 2024
United Kingdom
Christians tend to treat LGBTQ as if it is a singular thing. It's not.
It's a very complex subject that the church has, for the most part, swept under the rug.

Those who have stepped up to be inclusive have taken the heat for it.
And there is even a broad spectrum of how inclusion can play out.
LGBTQ is not a B+W issue. There is a whole spectrum of gray to be considered.

I have known for some time that this is an issue that the church needs to come to grips with.
My own wake-up call came when I went back to college in my 50's to study interior design.
Among my classmates I discovered gay Christians. Say what? How could this be?
For this straight, white, married, Protestant, evangelical male, it was quite a shock.

In my interior design class, I estimated that 10% were males. The rest were female.
Of those males I estimated that half were probably gay. So, an estimated 5% gay students.
My instructors even cautioned me that if I worked as an interior designer,
I would likely be accused of being gay.

So, I had to ask myself, WWJD with LGBTQ?

Because of another topic on the forum that has a title that asks the WRONG question,
I wanted to launch a topic that would ask the right questions.

I have done my homework as part of that other topic.
And I am still making some discoveries about the subject.
Here are a few.

- There is a 40% suicide rate among gays, which is driven by societal rejection. (genocide)
- Parental testimony shows children indicating a transgender preference as early as 3 to 5 years old.
- 1 in 1,500 children are born intersex, meaning either both, or ambiguous genitalia.
- Birth sex is determined by what is between your legs; gender identity is determined by what is between your ears.
- Christian gays that come out are at risk of losing family, friends, church, employment, housing...
- Many gay couples are monogamous, and great contributors to our society.

There are other factors as well. This is a place to discuss them. Thanks.


/ @TinMan @BarneyFife @Chadrho @Hillsage
There is nothing the church or christianity needs to come to grips with, its a sin, its written in black and white in the bible.
Just with any sin, you can repent, you can choose to live a life away from that, you can seek help from fellow christians.
But if you actively practice it, knowing its against gods word, well tough, that's on you and that's for God to judge, for as long as you don't repent in the name of Jesus Christ though, there is no redemption.
I'm not going to get into the statistics and politics of it all as its an absolute farce and a poor argument, when it comes to Christianity thats how it is, and that's God's word, and much like how the LGBTQ community is trying to bend the world to suit them, you cannot bend God's word, but that's the purpose of this post, to attempt to do that.
My advice is turn away from the devil, seek Jesus, seek a church and a fellowship to help you with this sin and look into who is exactly behind this huge driving force of this community, go find its roots, you'll go running to Jesus if you're a true Christian after learning all of that.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
There is nothing the church or christianity needs to come to grips with...
That makes you part of the problem, not part of the solution.

1) Were LGBTQ humans created in the image of God?
2) Does God love LGBTQ humans?
3) Did Jesus die to pay the death penalty for LGBTQ humans?
4) Has the church recognized these factors?
5) Has the church acted accordingly?
6) What is your church, or fellowship, doing about this issue?
7) What can you do personally to grapple with this issue?



Jan 1, 2024
United Kingdom
That makes you part of the problem, not part of the solution.

1) Were LGBTQ humans created in the image of God?
2) Does God love LGBTQ humans?
3) Did Jesus die to pay the death penalty for LGBTQ humans?
4) Has the church recognized these factors?
5) Has the church acted accordingly?
6) What is your church, or fellowship, doing about this issue?
7) What can you do personally to grapple with this issue?

I'm not the problem, can you not see how you, trying to condone living in sin, would be the problem here?

To answer your questions in summary, "no", its of the devil. And frankly your salvation is on you, shoving your sin down peoples throats to pander to you will not grant you salvation.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
I'm not the problem, can you not see how you, trying to condone living in sin, would be the problem here?
I'll repeat what I wrote on the other topic.

This is the problem with even trying to discuss this issue.
Everyone thinks I am promoting sin. I am not.
I am addressing the way the church responds to the issue.
Like you, the church wants to make it a black and white issue.

To answer your questions in summary, "no", its of the devil. And frankly your salvation is on you, shoving your sin down peoples throats to pander to you will not grant you salvation.
You answer "No." to all these?

1) Were LGBTQ humans created in the image of God?
2) Does God love LGBTQ humans?
3) Did Jesus die to pay the death penalty for LGBTQ humans?
4) Has the church recognized these factors?
5) Has the church acted accordingly?
6) What is your church, or fellowship, doing about this issue?
7) What can you do personally to grapple with this issue?

So, you say that:
- LGBTQ humans were NOT created in the image of God?
- Jesus did NOT die to pay the death penalty for LGBTQ humans?
- You and your church can do nothing with these issues?

Were not every human created in the image of God?
Did not Jesus die for every human?

Perhaps you don't think LGBTQ folks are human?



Jan 1, 2024
United Kingdom
I'll repeat what I wrote on the other topic.

This is the problem with even trying to discuss this issue.
Everyone thinks I am promoting sin. I am not.
I am addressing the way the church responds to the issue.
Like you, the church wants to make it a black and white issue.

You answer "No." to all these?

1) Were LGBTQ humans created in the image of God?
2) Does God love LGBTQ humans?
3) Did Jesus die to pay the death penalty for LGBTQ humans?
4) Has the church recognized these factors?
5) Has the church acted accordingly?
6) What is your church, or fellowship, doing about this issue?
7) What can you do personally to grapple with this issue?

So, you say that:
- LGBTQ humans were NOT created in the image of God?
- Jesus did NOT die to pay the death penalty for LGBTQ humans?
- You and your church can do nothing with these issues?

Were not every human created in the image of God?
Did not Jesus die for every human?

Perhaps you don't think LGBTQ folks are human?

You have to see that what you're saying is trying to promote sin though and that's why everyone is shutting it down. The things you're saying are not acceptable, there is nothing that Christians need to learn about the LGBTQ community, there is nothing to 'learn' or 'understand', its a sin, end of, doesn't need to go any further, there is nothing to discuss here, I advise you look at sin in itself regardless of what the sin actually is and see how there is no discussing the topic of the sin itself, or 'learning' about it, because in doing that, its trying to promote the sin, or justify parts of it. Because frankly, why else are you writing these things that are demands other Christians 'learn' about LGBTQ.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
You have to see that what you're saying is trying to promote sin though and that's why everyone is shutting it down. The things you're saying are not acceptable, there is nothing that Christians need to learn about the LGBTQ community, there is nothing to 'learn' or 'understand', its a sin, end of, doesn't need to go any further, there is nothing to discuss here, I advise you look at sin in itself regardless of what the sin actually is and see how there is no discussing the topic of the sin itself, or 'learning' about it, because in doing that, its trying to promote the sin, or justify parts of it. Because frankly, why else are you writing these things that are demands other Christians 'learn' about LGBTQ.
- Is same-sex attraction a sin if not acted on?
- Is a three-year old sinning when they are drawn to activities of the opposite gender?
- Were you a Tom-Boy as a girl? (preferred to play with boys)
- Why do we accept Tom-Boys but not Pink-Boys? (boys who prefer to play with girls)
- Is a person that feels that they were born in the wrong body gender a sinner?

How can you write: "... there is nothing that Christians need to learn about the LGBTQ..." ???

You are making a very complex issue black and white.



Active Member
Nov 15, 2022
United States
Christians tend to treat LGBTQ as if it is a singular thing. It's not.
It's a very complex subject that the church has, for the most part, swept under the rug.

Those who have stepped up to be inclusive have taken the heat for it.
And there is even a broad spectrum of how inclusion can play out.
LGBTQ is not a B+W issue. There is a whole spectrum of gray to be considered.

I have known for some time that this is an issue that the church needs to come to grips with.
My own wake-up call came when I went back to college in my 50's to study interior design.
Among my classmates I discovered gay Christians. Say what? How could this be?
For this straight, white, married, Protestant, evangelical male, it was quite a shock.

In my interior design class, I estimated that 10% were males. The rest were female.
Of those males I estimated that half were probably gay. So, an estimated 5% gay students.
My instructors even cautioned me that if I worked as an interior designer,
I would likely be accused of being gay.

So, I had to ask myself, WWJD with LGBTQ?

Because of another topic on the forum that has a title that asks the WRONG question,
I wanted to launch a topic that would ask the right questions.

I have done my homework as part of that other topic.
And I am still making some discoveries about the subject.
Here are a few.

- There is a 40% suicide rate among gays, which is driven by societal rejection. (genocide)
- Parental testimony shows children indicating a transgender preference as early as 3 to 5 years old.
- 1 in 1,500 children are born intersex, meaning either both, or ambiguous genitalia.
- Birth sex is determined by what is between your legs; gender identity is determined by what is between your ears.
- Christian gays that come out are at risk of losing family, friends, church, employment, housing...
- Many gay couples are monogamous, and great contributors to our society.

There are other factors as well. This is a place to discuss them. Thanks.


/ @TinMan @BarneyFife @Chadrho @Hillsage
God is HOLY, His word is clear, all those living in sin will not enter the kingdom of God. Repent- it means changing of your mind on sin and turning to God (believing His standard/will). I hope you repent because to say that sin is gray is a line straight out of the devil's playbook.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
God is HOLY, His word is clear, all those living in sin will not enter the kingdom of God.
Will anyone enter the kingdom? We all sin in ways we don't even know.

Repent- it means changing of your mind on sin and turning to God (believing His standard/will).

I hope you repent because to say that sin is gray is a line straight out of the devil's playbook.
What are you accusing me of? Is bearing false witness a sin?
