Yes, yes, we all believe in Jesus; now let's get onto the important stuff!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
Do we all believe in Jesus and if so, how much?????????

Did we not read in the Bible anything about people of little faith (His disciples actually) and those with greater faith, and about that centurion? You remember - that Roman centurion who Jesus explained that He had not seen anyone with so great of faith in all of Israel!!!

And let us not forget that Jesus Christ was around from the beginning, and as the Word of God was the One who called Jacob, Israel. So that centurion had greater faith, and probably understanding, than Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Elijah, Elisha, David,....

I know me and how while I hear from the Lord everyday - I still have trouble believing for what I hear. So yeah, I believe in Him but not so well. And I find that really sad, because I seen Him do sooooooo many incredible things around me. I have been kissed by a greenish colored could, I have been taken out of my body, only to be asked by Him, "Karl, do you think I can take you anywhere I want?" That was a good question! Do I believe He can take me anywhere He wants, I was just above my body when He asked me. I kind of think He can, but not always. He had me working in a Christian healing ministry where I saw legs grow out in front of me. People throw walkers away. And I saw to many miracle healings, and they number in the hundreds if not over a thousand. And as far a coincidences go: well I just don't believe in coindecences because I hear from the Lord every day I have come to know that He is in control. Yeah, He gives people freewill and lets the devil mess with us so that we all battle with the dark spiritual forces of this world, but He is so great that He knows the choices we are going to make and the devil is really just nothing more than a tool (like and obstacle course) that He uses to train us up.

And what is that training supposed to do? It seems like it is supposed to develop more belief and trust in Him!!

So what is with the OP?

Yes, yes, we all believe in Jesus; now let's get onto the important stuff!

Is not the belief (the trust in Him) - the important stuff?

There is something written about how God so loved that world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall be saved!

So what does it mean to believe in Him, if not walking and talking with Him every day? Are we doing that, or are we just going around leaning on our own understand and just saying we believe in Him?

Believing in the real Jesus, there are different ones being taught on earth. Thats the first step. But that teaching of believing means more than appears in word. Because at Matthew 7:21-23( judgement scenario) Jesus tells those who obviously believe in him--Get away from me, you who work iniquity i must confess, i never even knew you. Only those doing powerful works, etc believe in Jesus, proving it takes more than mere belief as one would take from that statement. I would say those that believe in Jesus, learn every single teaching and apply every single teaching. Because at John 3:36 it shows--Those not obeying Jesus remain in Gods wrath. The problem with that is hardly any teachers claiming to be of Jesus are. They teach little of what Jesus teaches and are paid to teach that religions brand of dogma, failing the flock. The teachers Jesus appoint teach every single teaching he gave without fail. And a super important one is: Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God= OT-NT over and over, year after year without fail. Its easy to look and see if they have the teachers Jesus appointed or these( 2Cor 11:12-15)

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
.= """Pray without ceasing,” Paul said; “in everything give thanks: for this is the WILL OF GOD in Christ Jesus concerning you. """""

This is correct, but how many Christians really understand what Paul means???

Prayer is a conversation with God!!

A conversation is not a one way means of communication but is a back and forth means of communication!!!

So the Lord's prayer - and there is no use trying to suggest He didn't tell us to pray it - is part of a two way communication with God!!

That is what it seems you are failing to understanding! - or why else to you view the Lord's prayer as a "route/routine"???

The Lord's prayer is not a "Law", a "Routine", or a "religious" act, though those who don't know Him might make that mistake. The Lord's prayer is the beginning of a conversation back and forth with Him!!!!!!

Mat 6:6 “But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.

The instruction given by Jesus to pray in a certain way is for "when you pray, go into your inner room"

This is not your walking and talking with our Lord Jesus Christ, this is for when you go into your inner room to have a conversation with the Father!!!! And the Lord's prayer is how to start that conversation with Him!! And you have an instruction from Jesus recorded in the Bible!!!

Mat 6"9 “Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name....

Those are instructions from your Lord Jesus Christ, and God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. If we listen to Him He still has us going into the place, that inner room spiritually speaking, where you close off the world to just spend some time with God the Father. Of course God is One and Jesus is the Word of God, so the words of the Father still come through the Son, which explains why Isaiah explained that the child born to us would be called "Everlasting Father" among other names.

So it is no use trying to saw either that you follow the Bible, or even more so that you follow Jesus Christ, and still don't go into the inner place, close the door and pray the Lord's prayer. That is not following a law, but it is starting a conversation with God, so you pray the Lord's prayer and listen to what He has to say to you!!!!! The listening is as important as the saying, because both are part of the conversation. However, you should know that the Lord's prayer is actually a prayer to get you to seeking Him and what He has to say to you!!!

When you pray, "Thy Kingdom Come" you are asking for the King (Jesus Christ who is the Word of God) and His Kingdom (which includes His ministering angels) to come near, meaning you should start hearing. That is what you are praying for, that they come and talk to you!!! And when you ask for your daily bread, you are asking for Jesus Christ, because He is the true manna that comes down from heaven, and His words are spirit and life to you!! So praying for your daily bread is asking for words from Him whose name is called "The Word of God" because He has the words of God for you. And when you pray to be forgiven as you forgive, you as setting aside sin so that your sin does not get in the way of your conversation with Him!! And when you pray to not be lead into temptation and to be delivered from evil, your are asking God to stop the work of the devil so you might have the conversation you need to have with Him without interruption!!

So, the Lord's prayer is wisdom that enables you to get into a personal conversation with God!!!

Jesus told His disciple to pray that way, but remember before the cross He asked His disciple to stay awake and pray??? The didn't happen, but why??? Isn't it because they didn't start with the Lord's prayer??? Didn't they fail to call down the Kingdom of God which is a Kingdom of power? Didn't they forget to get the words of God which are spirit and are life - the daily bread? Did they remember to ask for forgiveness? They certainly forgot to not be lead into temptation and to be delivered from evil, but evil came on them and they all fell asleep!!!

So why is it that we have so many problems in the USA today? Is it not the same problem!! We are not talking the Law, we are not talking a routine, we are not talking about some religious act - we are talking about the wisdom to follow the instructions we have already been given!!

Oh - and I love the part about praying unceasingly! Most of our time we are working, shopping, and just walking around. We need to stay into a conversation the best we can with Him then too - but that is not our closed-door inner room time is it? So do what you need to do and pray the Lord's prayer like instructed when you get in to that special place with God!!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018

I was sitting in my favorite chair one day many years ago when the presence of God came powerfully into the room. If someone doesn't understand, let me just say that God can clearly make His presence felt if He wants. Sometimes if feels like fire, sometimes like fresh water, and sometimes it is like a strong awareness suddenly hits you. That was how it was that time - and I hear Him talking to me. He asked what I wanted. I thought about asking for a million souls for Him. I heard where a famous evangelist had once done that and that was why God made him a famous evangelist. I considered that and noted it to the Lord, but honestly what I really wanted was someone to spend the rest of my life with. So I told the Lord that, but since He asked I was not going to just leave the request like that.

I remembered the story in the Bible where a prophet gave a king the opportunity to show God about defeating his enemies. The king stuck with a stick, but the prophet reproved the king for not striking much more so the enemy would be defeated. It is better to not just pass up on this opportunity. So I gave the Lord a long list of requests about my future wife which I wanted.

I intentionally didn't include riches, because too much money can lead a person to forget about God. I didn't include great beauty but I did request that I find her attractive. Yet I did include that she must speak in tongues, because I sometimes go around the house praying in tongues and I didn't want her freaked out. Of course, I also included that she must also hear His voice and know Him. Yet I included some really strange requests. For example; I wanted someone to go places with at times. I live in Southern. California, so I decided to ask Him for someone whom I could take to Disneyland for the first time in their lives. Honestly, I don't know where you find someone living in Southern California who hasn't been to Disneyland at some point, but the was going to be His problem because I ask for that.

It was a couple of years later. I had was in church, a church that I loved and was well known at, but also I had been at another church doing something the Lord wanted me to do for about six months before that day. It turned out to be a weird day. Two things happened that day. The Lord pointed out a lady that was dancing in the front of the church and He asked me to tell her, "That she was a very important part of this ministry". I had never seen her before. Of course, the service was going on, so I would catch her after the service. Still another thing happened. The Lord gave me a vision about a lady who had gone up for prayer. In the vision I saw her running across a bridge that span a great gap. After she fan over the bridge fell and disappeared. That lady was sitting just behind and to the right of me with her husband.

After the service I turned to that lady and her husband and told them about the vision. She asked me if that meant she was going to die? No, He wouldn't do that to me, would he. I told her I didn't know but I didn't think so. It probably had something to do with get prophetic words. I saw her husband about a year later at my storage unit. He told me that she did die about a week later. My jaw dropped, and I started to apologize for the message I brought, but he stopped me. It turned out that the message was of great comfort to him, knowing that she had crossed over. God is weird, but back to my wife.

I had gotten so into explaining the vision to the one lady and her husband that I forget about the other lady I was supposed to tell her that she was a very important part of this ministry. Oh MY! I scanned the church and didn't see her any where until.... WOW she was standing right there next to me. It turns out that the Lord had told her that she was supposed to welcome me. That was funny, because except for the last few months I had been at that church for some years, and she had not been there then. So, I told her that she was a very important part of this ministry, like instructed, then she just started talking and talking.

I was standing there asking the Lord, "What are you up to!!" She was telling me that she was from the midwest, that she was getting her Masters Degree and was going to be a teacher, and that she was a security guard, and ....... she kept just going on. I was kind of looking up, because I kind of tend to do that when I think the Lord is up to something. The thing was, I didn't get a good look at her. I couldn't even remember what she looked like after she left.

I finally got a response from the Lord after she left. "Again, what are you up to Lord", I asked.

He responded, "Oh, you are going to marry her."

I was driving home thinking, 'I don't even know what she looks like!!'

And Him hooking us up together stayed as weird and that. A week later I was at the church and this lady I did know and knew was very prophetic, was sitting just a couple seats over. She never sat there. She always sat up front. Suddenly she throws her arms in the air, turns and looks at me, and exclaimed - "Oh you are going to get married!" I looked over at her thinking, 'Only God and I know that!!' The prophetic lady started to describe her perfectly. "She has curly dark hair and is kind of short." explained the prophetic lady. I smiled at her thinking, 'Ok Lord do you have to tell everyone'. I still couldn't remember what she looked like, and she wasn't there that week.

Let me just conclude by explaining that He did work it out. He even had a high school kid give her a prophet word about her getting married right before we meet. And it turned out that she used to live just a block away from Disneyland. She could see the park from her apartment, but she had never been there. That was where we spent our honeymoon.

If a person really gets to know the Lord, they will know He is weird. His thoughts are not your thoughts. But as high as the heaven is above the earth so are His thoughts higher than your thoughts. So, to know Him you actually have to get to know Him, spend time with Him, and find out that He is love, the Great I Am, and Mighty God, and King of kings, - and that all means that He cares for you and can work all things for good for you!

So back to the question: "did you fall in love with your wife because someone advised you how to?"

Yes Yes Yes - He not only advised me, talked to me, He also set it all up!!!!!

And PS - One of the pieces of advice He gave me concerning how to love her was - "Karl, tell her you love her everyday and you will love her everyday!"

So many marriages fall apart because the couples do not speak love into their marriages. God spoke things into existence. Speaking love into your relationship is extremely important if you want love in your relationship!!!
So this now qualifies you to advise others on Salvation, Karl?
It is NEWS we are asked to about the unprecedented......and what could be unprecedented when it comes to Jesus???

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Believing in the real Jesus, there are different ones being taught on earth. Thats the first step. But that teaching of believing means more than appears in word. Because at Matthew 7:21-23( judgement scenario) Jesus tells those who obviously believe in him--Get away from me, you who work iniquity i must confess, i never even knew you. Only those doing powerful works, etc believe in Jesus, proving it takes more than mere belief as one would take from that statement. I would say those that believe in Jesus, learn every single teaching and apply every single teaching. Because at John 3:36 it shows--Those not obeying Jesus remain in Gods wrath. The problem with that is hardly any teachers claiming to be of Jesus are. They teach little of what Jesus teaches and are paid to teach that religions brand of dogma, failing the flock. The teachers Jesus appoint teach every single teaching he gave without fail. And a super important one is: Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God= OT-NT over and over, year after year without fail. Its easy to look and see if they have the teachers Jesus appointed or these( 2Cor 11:12-15)

I generally like the above post, but there is one failed bit of understanding which is a big problem.

Yes, there are many preaching a Jesus that is not our Lord!!!

And Yes, Jesus is so right to tell some that He never knew them!!

And Yes, those not obeying Jesus remain in Gods wrath!!

So where is the problem? Well it is the misunderstanding of all the above that shows up in the statement "EVERY utterance from God = OT-NT

Jesus explained that His sheep hear His voice, and hearing and "utterance" is not reading something!!!!!

Yes, God spoke to the authors of the Old Testament and New Testament, so they heard utterances from God, but their hearing utterances from God is not your hearing utterances from God!!!! Just because they heard from God and wrote doesn't mean you heard from God!! And it doesn't mean that if you read what they wrote!! That is still not hearing an utterance from God, but His sheep hear His voice!! His sheep hear His voice "TODAY"!!! Reading what was written in the past is not hearing what God has to personally say to you "TODAY"!! If you think that it is because you are saying in your heart that the Lord Jesus Christ is either dead or in some far-off placed called heaven, so that He is not longer around to talk to you personally!!! And that conflicts with the Word of God we preach, because the word of God we preach is found near you!! It is found in your heart and mouth, not in your Book that God had written!!

So you are not preaching the word of God we are if you think the word we are preaching is in the Bible, because they Bible says that is not so!!

Romans 10: 6-8 But the righteousness based on faith speaks as follows: “DO NOT SAY IN YOUR HEART, ‘WHO WILL ASCEND INTO HEAVEN?’ (that is, to bring Christ down), or ‘WHO WILL DESCEND INTO THE ABYSS?’ (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead).” But what does it say? “THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART”—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching,

People - understand clearly - the Word of God we are preaching is near you at all times, because the Holy Spirit will bring the words that God has for you personally to your spirit!! So the word of faith we are preaching is found in your heart and even in your mouth, because that is where we find what has been said to our spirit from the Holy Spirit!! So your Bible might have gotten left at home with your phone, but the word we are preaching is always near you!!!

Still, Jesus explained to many, as recorded in the Scriptures:

Jn 5:39,40 “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life.

There are still people doing that and advising others to do that! They keep writing that all God has to say to us in found in the Scriptures, the fore proving that what Jesus said is still true today!

People - Jesus is still standing at the door and knocking, and if anyone hears His voice and opens the door He will come into them and dine with them!! We can talk to Him just like we might talk anyone, except that God is spirit, so His words are spirit!! I am talking about that small peaceful quiet voice that speaks words we pick up usually inside, but perhaps we don't notice until after they came out our mouth. His sheep hear that voice of His, and they know Him and He knows them. And He doesn't lie about it so that one day He will tell you He never knew you even though you and Him ate together!! True believers know who I am talking about!! The first words He said to me were, "Read Your Bible" but those were anything but the last words He had to say to me. We have been talking back and forth for over twenty years now. I know Him, and He knows me. So, since He is not a liar, He cannot ever now tell me that He never knew me!!

And because we talk every day called "Today" I could never tell someone that every word He said is found in the Bible. He told me to go get a birthday cake this morning for my son, and take it to him this morning. He was just finishing up a session of the soccer practice with his girls college soccer team that he coaches. I heard they enjoyed the cake and celebrating their coaches birthday with him. You can't find instructions like that from the words in the Bible!! You have to get to know Him, personally!!!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
The forum here is an avenue for me to have a chat about the things which lay on my heart. When it morphs into folk presenting a dissertation in the hope of proving how right they are and how wrong others are, they loose me.

I scan the text, see its length; get a handle on its objective and I'm outta there. Effectually they are communicating their ego which frankly, I find boring as a sparrows fart.

So guys.....self awareness is helpful :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
I generally like the above post, but there is one failed bit of understanding which is a big problem.

Yes, there are many preaching a Jesus that is not our Lord!!!

And Yes, Jesus is so right to tell some that He never knew them!!

And Yes, those not obeying Jesus remain in Gods wrath!!

So where is the problem? Well it is the misunderstanding of all the above that shows up in the statement "EVERY utterance from God = OT-NT

Jesus explained that His sheep hear His voice, and hearing and "utterance" is not reading something!!!!!

Yes, God spoke to the authors of the Old Testament and New Testament, so they heard utterances from God, but their hearing utterances from God is not your hearing utterances from God!!!! Just because they heard from God and wrote doesn't mean you heard from God!! And it doesn't mean that if you read what they wrote!! That is still not hearing an utterance from God, but His sheep hear His voice!! His sheep hear His voice "TODAY"!!! Reading what was written in the past is not hearing what God has to personally say to you "TODAY"!! If you think that it is because you are saying in your heart that the Lord Jesus Christ is either dead or in some far-off placed called heaven, so that He is not longer around to talk to you personally!!! And that conflicts with the Word of God we preach, because the word of God we preach is found near you!! It is found in your heart and mouth, not in your Book that God had written!!

So you are not preaching the word of God we are if you think the word we are preaching is in the Bible, because they Bible says that is not so!!

Romans 10: 6-8 But the righteousness based on faith speaks as follows: “DO NOT SAY IN YOUR HEART, ‘WHO WILL ASCEND INTO HEAVEN?’ (that is, to bring Christ down), or ‘WHO WILL DESCEND INTO THE ABYSS?’ (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead).” But what does it say? “THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART”—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching,

People - understand clearly - the Word of God we are preaching is near you at all times, because the Holy Spirit will bring the words that God has for you personally to your spirit!! So the word of faith we are preaching is found in your heart and even in your mouth, because that is where we find what has been said to our spirit from the Holy Spirit!! So your Bible might have gotten left at home with your phone, but the word we are preaching is always near you!!!

Still, Jesus explained to many, as recorded in the Scriptures:

Jn 5:39,40 “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life.

There are still people doing that and advising others to do that! They keep writing that all God has to say to us in found in the Scriptures, the fore proving that what Jesus said is still true today!

People - Jesus is still standing at the door and knocking, and if anyone hears His voice and opens the door He will come into them and dine with them!! We can talk to Him just like we might talk anyone, except that God is spirit, so His words are spirit!! I am talking about that small peaceful quiet voice that speaks words we pick up usually inside, but perhaps we don't notice until after they came out our mouth. His sheep hear that voice of His, and they know Him and He knows them. And He doesn't lie about it so that one day He will tell you He never knew you even though you and Him ate together!! True believers know who I am talking about!! The first words He said to me were, "Read Your Bible" but those were anything but the last words He had to say to me. We have been talking back and forth for over twenty years now. I know Him, and He knows me. So, since He is not a liar, He cannot ever now tell me that He never knew me!!

And because we talk every day called "Today" I could never tell someone that every word He said is found in the Bible. He told me to go get a birthday cake this morning for my son, and take it to him this morning. He was just finishing up a session of the soccer practice with his girls college soccer team that he coaches. I heard they enjoyed the cake and celebrating their coaches birthday with him. You can't find instructions like that from the words in the Bible!! You have to get to know Him, personally!!!

To come to Jesus means listening to him. Because the final destination for all is to get to the Father. Jesus said-No one comes to the Father but through me. Jesus points his followers to his Father in all things. So by learning all he taught and applying those things gets one to Jesus, so he then sends those to his Father to accomplish this-John 4:22-24. Few will actually believe Jesus over the errors handed down since the religion that came out of Rome screwed it all up by satans will. They use translations altered by satans will. And are lacking of truth and cannot accomplish John 4:22-24

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Believing in the real Jesus, there are different ones being taught on earth. Thats the first step. But that teaching of believing means more than appears in word. Because at Matthew 7:21-23( judgement scenario) Jesus tells those who obviously believe in him--Get away from me, you who work iniquity i must confess, i never even knew you. Only those doing powerful works, etc believe in Jesus, proving it takes more than mere belief as one would take from that statement. I would say those that believe in Jesus, learn every single teaching and apply every single teaching. Because at John 3:36 it shows--Those not obeying Jesus remain in Gods wrath. The problem with that is hardly any teachers claiming to be of Jesus are. They teach little of what Jesus teaches and are paid to teach that religions brand of dogma, failing the flock. The teachers Jesus appoint teach every single teaching he gave without fail. And a super important one is: Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God= OT-NT over and over, year after year without fail. Its easy to look and see if they have the teachers Jesus appointed or these( 2Cor 11:12-15)
Exactly my friend . Even the devils believe and tremble . True belief entails TRUE BELIEF . IF we BELIEVE JESUS is who HE IS
then we would quickly OBEY HIM . Most folks dont understand that love and obediance cannot be seperated .
What we love is what we do , WHO we love is who we obey . HE who loves ME keeps my sayings . Time to learn the biblical JESUS .
Cause far too many are following another jesus and that one cannot save .

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
To come to Jesus means listening to him. Because the final destination for all is to get to the Father. Jesus said-No one comes to the Father but through me. Jesus points his followers to his Father in all things. So by learning all he taught and applying those things gets one to Jesus, so he then sends those to his Father to accomplish this-John 4:22-24. Few will actually believe Jesus over the errors handed down since the religion that came out of Rome screwed it all up by satans will. They use translations altered by satans will. And are lacking of truth and cannot accomplish John 4:22-24

I kind of like the above post! But does it actually match up with what it explains?

First we read "To come to Jesus means listening to him."

That is right!! If you indeed come to Jesus you get to know Him because He speaks words to us via His Holy Spirit!

But we also read, "So by learning all he taught..."

HOLD IT - If we are indeed listening to Him we are not learning what He taught but rather what He teaches!!!

Maybe this is just a mistake in semantics. but it doesn't seem so because it goes to altered translations. When we talk about the translations, we are talking about what He taught - which is to say that if we are concerned about translations, we are concerned about what He taught and not what He teaches to us from listening to Him.

Now if I am truly making it about listening to Him, I am not worried about any errors in the translations because He can point out what He needs to. And frankly, from listening to Him while going over the Scriptures, rarely does He seem to be concerned with the translations. He often takes me to one translation then a different one later to make a point. He will sometimes have me look up words for the Hebrew or Greek to discuss the meaning of a word, if He needs to. Other times He takes me to a more literary or easy to read version because He wants me to focus on the story behind the words instead of particular words.

We need to remember that He is still God and is the ruler of heaven and earth!! Do we not know that Satan can not doing anything in which God doesn't let him do??? Remember that Satan had to ask God before going after Job, and if the Lord said, 'but you can't kill him' then Satan couldn't kill him. So the Lord knows what was happening every time a translation was being written, and Satan could not even mess it up unless the God let him. If God let him, then God had a purpose!!

So I read the post and like the fact that it starts by pointing out the coming to Jesus means listening to Him. That is sooooo right! But I don't understand how someone listening to Him and getting to know the King of kings and Lord of lords can be so worried about altered by Satans translations. That could not have happened unless God had a purpose for it, because even Satan was a creation of God, and I am not about to say God didn't know what He was doing when He created all things!

God knows, so if I want to know I need to listen to the words of God that come from His mouth!

Prov 2:6 For the LORD gives wisdom;
From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Exactly my friend . Even the devils believe and tremble . True belief entails TRUE BELIEF . IF we BELIEVE JESUS is who HE IS
then we would quickly OBEY HIM . Most folks dont understand that love and obediance cannot be seperated .
What we love is what we do , WHO we love is who we obey . HE who loves ME keeps my sayings . Time to learn the biblical JESUS .
Cause far too many are following another jesus and that one cannot save .

Gal 3:22 But the Scripture has shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.

Gal 3:24 Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith.

Jn 5:39-41“You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life. “I do not receive glory from men;

Jn 6:63,64“It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. “But there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who it was that would betray Him.

It is a bit hard to understand by the above post, but what does it mean by "biblical JESUS"?

I mean - Jesus is not the Bible!!! So "biblical" is not His first name!!! Indeed there is a problem recorded in the Bible where people search the Bible instead of coming to Him! They are still Law and so the Scriptures has shut them up under sin and they don't yet actually know that Jesus Christ is the promise, and that we hear from Him by faith. You have to believe He is there, and if you do actually believe He is there then you do actually seek Him and it is written that all who seek find.

Now the first words I heard from Him were, "Read Your Bible", and so I did and we discussed it many times, including a little time this morning also. He has me go to Daniel and we look at it together. Still that was just for a bit! I have already talked to Him more about things other than the Bible already today!! And it is only 9am. So why are people so into saying "biblical Jesus", is it because they are searching the Scriptures instead of going to Him. Has He not yet been revealed to them, so that they are still under the Law? I don't know, but it sure seems that way when I read what they write.

Now when I got us this morning I decided to ask Him a question I hadn't ask Him before. The question was, "What name do you like to be called by the most?"

Jesus Christ is called by so many names in the Bible. There are even books on the names of God. Rev 19:13 says, He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood and His name is called The Word of God. I know the Holy Spirit will always tell you, "Jesus Christ is Lord", and I often just call Him "Lord", because He gives me instructions, like "open up your bible to Daniel." So this morning I asked Him what name He liked the most?"

He started by saying, "Jesus is fine. You can call me the Christ, but that is more what I am as opposed to who I am. But since you asked me what name I like you calling me the most I will tell you. I like when you call me friend."

So I read the above post and got to thinking - Yeah they can call Him 'the biblical JESUS', but wouldn't it be better for them if they knew Him as their friend? That will happen if you start spending a lot of time just talking to Him about your life in general. May that is what was meant by "BELIFE"? No - that does seem to match up with the post either. I read the post, but it does seem that I have a different Jesus - my Jesus is my friend.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Gal 3:22 But the Scripture has shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.

Gal 3:24 Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith.

Jn 5:39-41“You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life. “I do not receive glory from men;

Jn 6:63,64“It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. “But there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who it was that would betray Him.

It is a bit hard to understand by the above post, but what does it mean by "biblical JESUS"?

I mean - Jesus is not the Bible!!! So "biblical" is not His first name!!! Indeed there is a problem recorded in the Bible where people search the Bible instead of coming to Him! They are still Law and so the Scriptures has shut them up under sin and they don't yet actually know that Jesus Christ is the promise, and that we hear from Him by faith. You have to believe He is there, and if you do actually believe He is there then you do actually seek Him and it is written that all who seek find.

Now the first words I heard from Him were, "Read Your Bible", and so I did and we discussed it many times, including a little time this morning also. He has me go to Daniel and we look at it together. Still that was just for a bit! I have already talked to Him more about things other than the Bible already today!! And it is only 9am. So why are people so into saying "biblical Jesus", is it because they are searching the Scriptures instead of going to Him. Has He not yet been revealed to them, so that they are still under the Law? I don't know, but it sure seems that way when I read what they write.

Now when I got us this morning I decided to ask Him a question I hadn't ask Him before. The question was, "What name do you like to be called by the most?"

Jesus Christ is called by so many names in the Bible. There are even books on the names of God. Rev 19:13 says, He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood and His name is called The Word of God. I know the Holy Spirit will always tell you, "Jesus Christ is Lord", and I often just call Him "Lord", because He gives me instructions, like "open up your bible to Daniel." So this morning I asked Him what name He liked the most?"

He started by saying, "Jesus is fine. You can call me the Christ, but that is more what I am as opposed to who I am. But since you asked me what name I like you calling me the most I will tell you. I like when you call me friend."

So I read the above post and got to thinking - Yeah they can call Him 'the biblical JESUS', but wouldn't it be better for them if they knew Him as their friend? That will happen if you start spending a lot of time just talking to Him about your life in general. May that is what was meant by "BELIFE"? No - that does seem to match up with the post either. I read the post, but it does seem that I have a different Jesus - my Jesus is my friend.
Your case failed miserably . Those who searched the scrips never knew GOD . WHEN JESUS was speaking to them
THEY were not the sheep . THEY at most kept some of the law and yet omitted things that suited them .
and DO IT NOW . DO IT NOW lest these charlatons of today lead ya astray . Dont expect me to ever once
stop for even one second hollering how dire important it is that beleivers KNOW that bible well . That my friend
Is the hill i choose to die on . But remember this day well . Cause on the day of the LORD many will wail .
THEY FOLLOWED MEN Who twisted stuff and preached another jesus . AND IT COULD NOT SAVE THEM .
OPEN BIBLE and never look back .


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Your case failed miserably . Those who searched the scrips never knew GOD . WHEN JESUS was speaking to them
THEY were not the sheep . THEY at most kept some of the law and yet omitted things that suited them .
and DO IT NOW . DO IT NOW lest these charlatons of today lead ya astray . Dont expect me to ever once
stop for even one second hollering how dire important it is that beleivers KNOW that bible well . That my friend
Is the hill i choose to die on . But remember this day well . Cause on the day of the LORD many will wail .
THEY FOLLOWED MEN Who twisted stuff and preached another jesus . AND IT COULD NOT SAVE THEM .
OPEN BIBLE and never look back .
Can never go wrong with this brother.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
I kind of like the above post! But does it actually match up with what it explains?

First we read "To come to Jesus means listening to him."

That is right!! If you indeed come to Jesus you get to know Him because He speaks words to us via His Holy Spirit!

But we also read, "So by learning all he taught..."

HOLD IT - If we are indeed listening to Him we are not learning what He taught but rather what He teaches!!!

Maybe this is just a mistake in semantics. but it doesn't seem so because it goes to altered translations. When we talk about the translations, we are talking about what He taught - which is to say that if we are concerned about translations, we are concerned about what He taught and not what He teaches to us from listening to Him.

Now if I am truly making it about listening to Him, I am not worried about any errors in the translations because He can point out what He needs to. And frankly, from listening to Him while going over the Scriptures, rarely does He seem to be concerned with the translations. He often takes me to one translation then a different one later to make a point. He will sometimes have me look up words for the Hebrew or Greek to discuss the meaning of a word, if He needs to. Other times He takes me to a more literary or easy to read version because He wants me to focus on the story behind the words instead of particular words.

We need to remember that He is still God and is the ruler of heaven and earth!! Do we not know that Satan can not doing anything in which God doesn't let him do??? Remember that Satan had to ask God before going after Job, and if the Lord said, 'but you can't kill him' then Satan couldn't kill him. So the Lord knows what was happening every time a translation was being written, and Satan could not even mess it up unless the God let him. If God let him, then God had a purpose!!

So I read the post and like the fact that it starts by pointing out the coming to Jesus means listening to Him. That is sooooo right! But I don't understand how someone listening to Him and getting to know the King of kings and Lord of lords can be so worried about altered by Satans translations. That could not have happened unless God had a purpose for it, because even Satan was a creation of God, and I am not about to say God didn't know what He was doing when He created all things!

God knows, so if I want to know I need to listen to the words of God that come from His mouth!

Prov 2:6 For the LORD gives wisdom;
From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

The real Jesus gives holy spirit. Not the false Jesus being taught. Few believe Jesus over the errors translated in. Jesus is not God. Trinity Greek lexicons prove their error at John 1:1. There are 2 spots in the NT where God is mentioned and Jesus mentioned at one and satan at the other. In both spots, the true God is called Ho Theos, plain Theos to the other 2. Clearly showing a difference of what one is being called. The same translating rule applies at both spots. In those 2 instances plain Theos= small g god. That is why there is a difference. Small g god carries the meaning-has godlike qualities, it is not calling them The God.

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
The real Jesus gives holy spirit. Not the false Jesus being taught. Few believe Jesus over the errors translated in. Jesus is not God. Trinity Greek lexicons prove their error at John 1:1. There are 2 spots in the NT where God is mentioned and Jesus mentioned at one and satan at the other. In both spots, the true God is called Ho Theos, plain Theos to the other 2. Clearly showing a difference of what one is being called. The same translating rule applies at both spots. In those 2 instances plain Theos= small g god. That is why there is a difference. Small g god carries the meaning-has godlike qualities, it is not calling them The God.

Jesus is not God

John 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. ....

....And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of [fn]the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Rev 19:13 He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.

When I tell people about Jesus Christ, the Lord of lords and King of kings, and explain that He is not the Scriptures so we actually need to seek Him, that matches up with the Bible and what should be standard Christain belief. The Scriptures are not wrong!! After all people who knew Him wrote them. So Jesus is God! People would understand that if they really got to know Him - and in fact they would understand that better if they got to know Him!!

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Your case failed miserably . Those who searched the scrips never knew GOD . WHEN JESUS was speaking to them
THEY were not the sheep . THEY at most kept some of the law and yet omitted things that suited them .
and DO IT NOW . DO IT NOW lest these charlatons of today lead ya astray . Dont expect me to ever once
stop for even one second hollering how dire important it is that beleivers KNOW that bible well . That my friend
Is the hill i choose to die on . But remember this day well . Cause on the day of the LORD many will wail .
THEY FOLLOWED MEN Who twisted stuff and preached another jesus . AND IT COULD NOT SAVE THEM .
OPEN BIBLE and never look back .

If in fact you do know Him how come you are not telling people to get back to Him?????

I Now again, the first words He told me were, "Read Your Bible", and so I did and do. But He is not the Bible but the One who as the Lord, gives instructions!!!

So I don't point people to the Bible but to the Lord - which is not what you are doing!!!

Now I use the Bible to help point people to Him, but not just the Bible. Testimonies are helpful. And if testimonies of God have you not come to know Him?

James 2:23 and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “AND ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS RECKONED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS,” and he was called the friend of God.

We read in the Bible and find out that Abraham and the Lord talked back and for with each other. That faith the Abraham had which enabled him to talk back and forth with God was credited to Abraham as righteousness, and because they talked back and forth he was obvious all called the friend of God. But as for a person writing that their friend is a "hill", I don't know about them! How can out be friends with a hill? You can't!! A hill doesn't talk, but a person, even the person of Jesus Christ as the Word of God talks to you. But who believes that? Ok - I have heard numerous really weird things from people who say they read the Bible. Sadly, I don't hear enough testimonies about people hearing from the Word of god, Jesus Christ, as their friend! I did read about that being the case with Abraham, in the Bible, so shouldn't that be the case with the sons of Abraham, spiritually speaking?

Anyway, I testify that the One whose first words to me were, "Read Your Bible" about 20 years ago, today calls me His friend. He often tells me that He loves me. He sometimes calls me "son." And while we talk about the Bible, we talk about a whole lot more than that. My life is not made up of reading the Bible. I have work, indeed a business that He had me open, to work on. I have a wife and kids to talk to Him about. He has me working in a prayer ministry for Him. And He has me come to the forum to tell people about Him!! It seems, to His liking, not enough people know Him as their friend. I don't know - maybe they are looking to some hill instead of the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ!

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
People: Getting into the Bible is not exactly the same thing as getting into Jesus Christ!!

As the Teacher, Jesus is most likely going to tell you to read and study the Bible, but but but if at any point you make it about knowing the Bible instead of knowing Jesus Christ you have gotten into another gospel!! That is what the book of Galatians is about. The churches of Galatia, as a group, wound up into a different gospel! If that happened then it will happen today because people are still people! We could have learned that from reading the Bible, and we would have learned that if we read the Bible while talking to our Lord Jesus Christ!

Gal 1:6,7,I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.

The Bible "is really not a different gospel" but if you left Jesus Christ for following the Bible instead of Him - as in knowing the Bible as opposed to knowing Him personally - then you have gone over to a different gospel!! That happens because there are those who are disturbing us and want to distort the gospel of Christ! In case you don't know, I am talking about the work of the dark forces of this world! Religious spirits will get you to go after the things of God instead of God, and the Bible is something from God but is not God. So if demons can get you thinking going after the Bible, following the Bible, leaning on your understanding of the Bible, start you preaching the Bible instead of Jesus Christ, those demons have succesfully switched you over to a different gospel and they have gotten you to desert Jesus Christ!!!

So Paul wanted to know just one thing from the Galatians:

Gal 3:1,2 You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified? This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?

When we start lifting up the Bible as the Word of God, thus making it about leaning on our understanding of the Bible instead of seeking Jesus Christ and listening to Him as the Word of God, we have gone over to a different gospel. The Bible does not save you! Jesus is the savior, which is why He is called Jesus - God's salvation. Knowing your Bible is not the same thing as knowing Jesus Christ, who sends His Holy Spirit to speak to your spirit in words!

So the only thing that then needs to be know is if you received the Spirit by works of the Law, even working at studying the Bible, or was is by hearing by faith?

As for me, I seek that small voice of my Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit comes speaking His words to me personally.

Gal 3:5 So then, does He who provides you with the Spirit and works miracles among you, do it by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?

As for me, He even had me work in a Christian healing ministry where I saw many miracles performed by the Lord. Yet He told me over and over that He had me there because I listened to Him! Indeed, while working in that ministry I made it about listening to Him and doing what He personally asked me to do. And while there may have been someone there trying to lean on their own understanding, those through whom miracles seemed to occur the most were hearing from the Lord and trying to do what He asked them to do. Indeed, in that ministry we started by folding a paper the person wanting prayer gave us, and without looking at it we sought the Lord for what He had to say before we even looked at the paper! We then wrote down things we believed we heard from the Holy Spirit. So it was about hearing with faith, not leaning on our understanding of the Bible!

That is the way we need to go about our life also!! When you go to work, are you seeking Jesus Christ and what He has to say to you? When you go to the store are you seeking Jesus Christ and what He has to say to you? When you are at home are you seeking Jesus Christ and what He has to say to you? Or are you proclaiming yourself right according to your understanding of the Bible?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
John 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. ....

....And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of [fn]the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Rev 19:13 He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.

When I tell people about Jesus Christ, the Lord of lords and King of kings, and explain that He is not the Scriptures so we actually need to seek Him, that matches up with the Bible and what should be standard Christain belief. The Scriptures are not wrong!! After all people who knew Him wrote them. So Jesus is God! People would understand that if they really got to know Him - and in fact they would understand that better if they got to know Him!!

Every spot in OT where God or LORD is-YHWH belongs. By satans will it was removed and replaced with those titles to mislead. Gods will is for his name to be in every one of those spots. Thus all using the altered translations are being mislead to support satans will over Gods will. Thats even to mention he willed the religion that came out of Rome to invent false teachings at the councils they held in the 4th century ,and they mistranslated certain parts to fit those false teachings. Like the capitol G God in the last line at John 1:1--Its not that way in the Greek Lexicons which is trinity translating.
Only begotten translates-created direct-first and last. Your religions are deceivers-a house divided, it will not stand. Jesus is not with a divided house( 1Cor 1:10)


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
....the important stuff? Isn't that the things rattled on about? If it wasn't we wouldn't make such a big deal of it!

Luke 6:45 '.....out of the abundance of the heart the mouth/pen speaks'

Hebrews 6
6 Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, 2 of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. 3 And this we will do if God permits.