Your Opinion On Atheists

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New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
A few years ago, there was a survey done* that came to the conclusion that atheists were the least trusted minority in America, you can read into this that we are also flat out disliked. I'm attempting to conduct a nonscientific poll to help me understand the major reasons why this is. I've been attempting to get useful replies from general religious forums but their members seem to be more interested in bickering with each other rather than answer some of my questions. Any posts I submit turn into back and forth hate-o-thons.For those of you who dislike or are of a less than positive opinion of atheists I would like to hear your opinions on the matter. Why do people have such a problem with atheists as an entire group?For those of you who have no qualms with atheists there is no need for you to respond to defend yourselves, I only need the opinions of people offering criticism. I merely want to better understand why atheists are so negatively viewed. I'm not looking for any fights or anything like that, I'm here to seek genuine opinions and that is all. Thanks ahead of time for any replies.*http://www.mndaily.c...lowest-atheists

Firstly, there's really no such thing as an atheist. Many a proclaimed atheist in battle cried out to God in the heat of battle, or in a situation with the fear of death rapidly approaching. The rest of them just have not experienced that fear yet.

One must also consider that some enemies of Christ adopt the position of atheism when they actually worship the devil, the devise being intended to attract others into the position of atheism.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Only... atheists are simply secular fundamentalists; real, American Modernist Dualism. It is also a perfect example of the Log in the Eye Syndrome. One group has over identified with, yet externalized the tenets and ideas related to freedom from religion; the other, has used the same process with Christianity. There is a good reason Americans like Westerns - even if the happen in a different setting (space, military, etc) - everyone gets to over identify with the externalized, personalized good guy. Dualism may be fun as entertainment, but it has nothing to do with Christian doctrine.


New Member
Jun 8, 2007
Jacumba, CA
I don't trust anyone until they show me that they can be trusted. I have relatives that can't be trusted. I was warned today about someone I know who uses people and can't be trusted. I had a brother like that, and one of his sons took after him. I don't like people who use other people selfishly and give nothing in return and then discard the people they can no longer use.


New Member
Nov 30, 2012
Ontario Canada
I forgot to add the post i was responding to. :p

veteran said:
Atheism is simply a self-centered position. That's what makes it attractive to some. It's a position for those who think to be whatever they want to be, and whoever they want to be (according to this world), and not have to worry about suffering any consequences for it, and especially not after they die. It's really a default belief in this present world and trusting in the things of God's creation instead of The Creator Himself.
Hello, I'm an agnostic recently joined to the forum.

I don't actually see atheism as a selfish position.

There are selfish athiests who believe that since they aren't being watched they can do whatever they want; just as there are selfish christians, jews and muslims who believe they can do anything they want because they are being watched by their loving god.

Another point I would like to make is that secular morality tends to be a more pure form of morality. It's performed without a belief of reward in the afterlife or satisfaction that you are pleasing a higher being.

It's all about the betterment of those around you.

As for consequence, I once heard a question posed in a debate.

"Marie Curie was a staunch athiest and yet spend her life helping to better the world. Jeffery Dahmer killed and partially ate 17 young boys, but before he was killed in prison...he was saved."

In a christian viewpoint, Marie Curie was sentenced to hell and Jeffery Dahmer is now in heaven.

In an athiest viewpoint, both are gone forever. No judgement, punishment or reward for either. So where is the justice?

The justice lies here; to this day, Marie Curie is remembered fondly, her contributions and life have touched millions.

In contrast, nobody thinks any better of Jeffery Dahmer.


Not Afraid To Stand
Jul 20, 2011
InquisitiveAgnostic said:
As for consequence, I once heard a question posed in a debate.

"Marie Curie was a staunch athiest and yet spend her life helping to better the world. Jeffery Dahmer killed and partially ate 17 young boys, but before he was killed in prison...he was saved."

In a christian viewpoint, Marie Curie was sentenced to hell and Jeffery Dahmer is now in heaven.

In an athiest viewpoint, both are gone forever. No judgement, punishment or reward for either. So where is the justice?

The justice lies here; to this day, Marie Curie is remembered fondly, her contributions and life have touched millions.

In contrast, nobody thinks any better of Jeffery Dahmer.

Some debate. Let me point out, if I may, that the Bible makes it emphatically clear that God ALONE is the final judge of people. Just because they carry a 'Christian' label means nothing.


New Member
Nov 30, 2012
Ontario Canada
according to John 14:6 and Acts 4:12, there's no other way to salvation except through the acceptance of Jesus. So it really doesn't matter what he had done as long as he truly believed.

And if he was lacking in his belief, his punishment would be no greater than a 12 year old hindu child's


New Member
Apr 12, 2010
In my house
InquisitiveAgnostic said:
according to John 14:6 and Acts 4:12, there's no other way to salvation except through the acceptance of Jesus. So it really doesn't matter what he had done as long as he truly believed.

And if he was lacking in his belief, his punishment would be no greater than a 12 year old hindu child's
While it is true that salvation comes only from Jesus Christ, God is the only one who makes the judgement on who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell.

Romans 2:12-16 For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified; for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them) in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.

Because God is the only one who knows the secrets of men's hearts, He is the only one who will judge a person according to what they know. In order for a person to reject Christ, one must first hear about Christ. If a child was raised in a Hindu home, for example, and have never heard of Christ, how can that child reject Him? If that child dies having never heard of the name of Christ, salvation is also possible for the child because God is the only one who can judge. And God can have mercy on whom He wants to have mercy. Afterall, Christ forgave the pagan Roman soldiers who nailed Him to the cross. Those pagan Roman soldiers were ignorant and were following the orders of their commanders, and did not know who they nailed to the cross.

Furthermore, no one in the Old Testament who died knew who Jesus Christ was. So even those of the Old Testament who died in the past never knowing who Christ is can also have salvation because Christ came to them preaching the gospels after He died (See 1 Peter 3:19).


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
Robert Sheffey once heard these words, "The reason why all of mankind had missed the calling is because they did not feel God's Lovingkindness." In which, in my own words, Atheists have not found God's spiritual light and energies therefore remain unbelievers...

Justin Mangonel

New Member
Nov 7, 2012
Dear I,

They have the spirit of anti-Christ dwelling within them. They are the antithesis of what God wants us all to be. Anything instead of God is their creed. They are the forerunners of strong delusion that is now coming upon the whole Earth. I don't think there is any such thing as a honest Atheist. How can you be truly honest when reject the foundation of truth?


New Member
Nov 30, 2012
Ontario Canada
I have a few objections to that...

Firstly, if you proved God existed tomorrow, I would be the first to convert and praise him. What I have seen however is that the more we discover about the world by studying and refining our observations. The less the bible holds up as a credible source.

I also find that your assumption of athiests lays parrallel to satanists. Athieism is not anti-God, just an absence of it.

As for your point that you don't trust athiests, than you better discount your country's entire constitution. The American Founding fathers were a majority of deists. "Which is to say they thought the universe had a creator, but that he does not concern himself with the daily lives of humans, and does not directly communicate with humans, either by revelation or by sacred books" some were outright athiests."

As for rejecting truth, explain your meaning.

Justin Mangonel

New Member
Nov 7, 2012
Dear I,

By denying someone exists, especially the God who made you, you do in fact stand against Him.

Secondly, it is not true that you would accept that God exists at all. To you, there is nothing in this universe that would prove the existence of God because you have simply decided He does not exist. It is an intellectually dishonest assertion to say "give me proof and I will believe." It is like those who say, "Give me scriptural proof and I will change my belief." That is rarely the case.

Thirdly, God concerned Himself so much with man that He asked His only begotten Son to die in their place, including you. If you will not accept His Sons sacrifice on your behalf then only outer darkness awaits you.

Hell is interesting in one respect that you might wish to consider. Hell...or the lake of fire was originally made before this creation. It was made to punish eternal beings and being made out of the stuff or eternity it is forever. God intended this judgment to fall only upon Lucifer and his demons. However, what is happening right now is that man is deciding which side he will follow. Those who accept and follow Jesus Christ will avoid hell and live forever with God in the New Heavens and New Earth. Those who side with Lucifer and his demons will suffer their eternal fate. Those who are saved will see the tree of life as they enter into New Jerusalem. The who choose to live by the knowledge of good and evil will also see that tree as they are cast into the lake of fire. You are an eternal being. All that remains to be decided is where you will spend eternity in.

You know, those who say there is no God or that we cannot know God are not being honest with themselves or others. Agnostics are not neutral people but rather just passive atheists for although their belief does not actively attack God it rather just ignores God.

Bottom line is that there are none so blind as those who refuse to see. Christ came for you and you simply choose to ignore Him. I wonder what His Father will think of that when you stand before Him. Every time someone gives you proof and a chance to believe it is marked down in the books that record your life. So many chances and all of them thus far have been wasted.


I am here to help...
Oct 11, 2011
I have opinions about individuals, not their particular beliefs or peculiarities (which help define an individual).

I likewise have opinions on atheism, theism, deism, and a plethora of other -isms.

In a nutshell. a well spoken and thoughtful person can be an atheist, buddist, evolutionist, creationist, even arsonist. Likewise, an individual can have a PhD in Aristotelian Philosophy and be an utter buffoon. Since the OP question is logically flawed on it's face I find it completely unanswerable in any thoughtful or meaningful way since one atheist (and my opinion of them) is not representative of the entire spectrum of their belief system.


New Member
Nov 30, 2012
Ontario Canada
Justin, there are many things I would like to say to you about that post, but common courtesy, a respect for the beliefs of others on here, will prevent me from voicing them at the moment.

I would just like to say that you are in dire need of experience and human contact outside of your church and that it's people like you who believe only Christians are capable of honesty and truth that have held back your community from being able to interact with the rest of the world.

Justin Mangonel

New Member
Nov 7, 2012
Dear All,

I do not reject the notion that people have intellect outside the Christian community but I only reject the notion that atheists or agnostics are somehow intellectually honest. That is not how Christ will see the situation as He says depart from me I never knew you. Agnostics are a kind of amiable atheists that want to pretend that they are intellectually honest about their position that God cannot be known. This is preposterous and patently disingenuous. Even the heavens declare God's glory. They have the Bible...they should read it and believe it. God can be found if they seek Him with their whole heart.

It does no good to pretend like God is going to see that a person who did not accept the sacrifice of His son had a point. He is not going to understand that a agnostic really just could not accept that He and His son were right because of lack of proof. The hard facts of the matter are that all agnostics that feel they are just being honest people will burn forever in the lake of fire along with all the rest of the people who rejected the work that Christ did for them on the cross. It will not matter the reasons that you got there but only that you are there and there is no way out...forever.

So a person who is of the agnostic persuasion does not like to have the reality of Hell brought to within 6 inches of their face. What of it? Why should I participate in their deception when I and millions of other people know the truth? Am I doing them any favors by telling them they have the least little bit of a point? No, because they don't. They have rejected God by saying they cannot know God. They have ignored all that God's only begotten son went through on the cross and therefore despise Him. They are not reasonable but out right sinners because they have chosen to ignore the only way that God has provided for them to escape hell and damnation.

Agnostics want Christians to be all loving and reasonable towards them because the are just a type of conscientious objectors to the gospel. There is no such thing and I will not kill someone with kindness when in fact they need to be shaken right down to their core and told how ridiculous and dangerious their position is before God. It is a fallacy to say that if I showed an agnostic proof that they would accept Jesus and His Father tomorrow. Nothing could be father from the truth.


New Member
Nov 30, 2012
Ontario Canada
I'm sorry if I offend anyone on here.

Justin, you claim that only the Bible, God's word as you said it, is the only source of truth. Yet the Bible holds far too many inconsistencies, falsehoods and contradictions to be dictated by an omnipotent universe-creator.