Your Thoughts on : What is a Christian Forum ?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

I SEE a "Christian" Forum, as a 24/7 Online Church "outreach" , with members assembled together.
And its job is to grow and protect.
Its to Grow all believers, in Grace and Theology, and its to protect the new believer who shows up from heretics and heresy that is designed to cause Faith to be ruined... for life.

That's my "short" interpretation of a Christian Forum< and that dictates what you see me do on them, in case you were wondering.... "why is Behold always so Theological and so serious and so DIRECT.""


Christianity is based on a few sacred spiritual Truths, and its rooted in the Cross of Christ.

Accept no substitute.

Jude tells us to "contend for the real faith", and Paul teaches that there are those who pretend to be of that Faith, but are not at all.

We are to love each other, and do good to those who knowingly abuse us, but that does not mean be a "door mat" for heretics and religious pretenders and atheist's to abuse.

The BORN AGAIN... are never to set aside Gospel Truth, and become one theologically dumbed down pile of blind sheep who know nothing and their religion is "lets all get along". "who needs that bible".

Did you notice that this world didn't get along with Jesus, and still does not?
It it likes you, then that is because they don't you are a Christian.

Christianity is not about "getting along" with the church next door, nor is it about building a 20,000 "seater" monument to the Pastor... ...... its about bringing unbelievers to the Holy One, while we ourselves continuously become more available and dependable in God's Service.
That's the "work".

Keep in mind if you are actually born again, that you are going to meet Jesus in person after you die or are Raptured and give account......... Not for your sin, but for your service.
"What did you do in MY BODY">...

Christians, ... real ones.. not water baptized fakirs who believe that all will be saved and hell is just a set of different definitions... but the real ones... The Born again.... are the only JESUS this world of darkness will be able to find so that they can be led out of their darkness and into God's beautiful Light of Eternal Life.

We need to be thinking about all that, and not about "setting aside theology so that we can all talk about "fun stuff".

There is a time for "fun stuff" and i love the "fun stuff..... but its not "all the time".

There is a type of person, who believes that Christian Forums are just "Facebook" and "Twitter" and "Instagram" with the word "Christian" stuck in front.

A.) = Wrong answer.
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States

I SEE a "Christian" Forum, as a 24/7 Online Church "outreach" , with members assembled together.
And its job is to grow and protect.
Its to Grow all believers, in Grace and Theology, and its to protect the new believer who shows up from heretics and heresy that is designed to cause Faith to be ruined... for life.

That's my "short" interpretation of a Christian Forum< and that dictates what you see me do on them, in case you were wondering.... "why is Behold always so Theological and so serious and so DIRECT.""


Christianity is based on a few sacred spiritual Truths, and its rooted in the Cross of Christ.

Accept no substitute.

Jude tells us to "contend for the real faith", and Paul teaches that there are those who pretend to be of that Faith, but are not at all.

We are to love each other, and do good to those who knowingly abuse us, but that does not mean be a "door mat" for heretics and religious pretenders and atheist's to abuse.

The BORN AGAIN... are never to set aside Gospel Truth, and become one theologically dumbed down pile of blind sheep who know nothing and their religion is "lets all get along". "who needs that bible".

Did you notice that this world didn't get along with Jesus, and still does not?
It it likes you, then that is because they don't you are a Christian.

Christianity is not about "getting along" with the church next door, nor is it about building a 20,000 "seater" monument to the Pastor... ...... its about bringing unbelievers to the Holy One, while we ourselves continuously become more available and dependable in God's Service.
That's the "work".

Keep in mind if you are actually born again, that you are going to meet Jesus in person after you die or are Raptured and give account......... Not for your sin, but for your service.
"What did you do in MY BODY">...

Christians, ... real ones.. not water baptized fakirs who believe that all will be saved and hell is just a set of different definitions... but the real ones... The Born again.... are the only JESUS this world of darkness will be able to find so that they can be led out of their darkness and into God's beautiful Light of Eternal Life.

We need to be thinking about all that, and not about "setting aside theology so that we can all talk about "fun stuff".

There is a time for "fun stuff" and i love the "fun stuff..... but its not "all the time".

There is a type of person, who believes that Christian Forums are just "Facebook" and "Twitter" and "Instagram" with the word "Christian" stuck in front.

A.) = Wrong answer.

I see it as more of a Town Square, or small-town America. A gathering place for a community of folks from all walks of life, with diverse experiences and perspectives. Maybe it's in a "Christian Country" -- but what does that even mean anymore? It has relevance perhaps only in a historical sense.

And the individual sections and threads are like little churches in this one small town.... one on every corner, like Starbucks coffee shops they pop up everywhere and in each one some preacher-man. Some staunchy suit-clad elder, or highschool-voted-most-likely-to-succeed cool guy with torn jeans and $1000 tennis shoes up on stage. One for every denomination and some non-denominational altogether.

Here is the church and here is the steeple, open the roof and see all the people.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I see it as more of a Town Square, or small-town America. A gathering place for a community of folks from all walks of life, with diverse experiences and perspectives. Maybe it's in a "Christian Country" -- but what does that even mean anymore? It has relevance perhaps only in a historical sense.

And the individual sections and threads are like little churches in this one small town.... one on every corner, like Starbucks coffee shops they pop up everywhere and in each one some preacher-man. Some staunchy suit-clad elder, or highschool-voted-most-likely-to-succeed cool guy with torn jeans and $1000 tennis shoes up on stage. One for every denomination and some non-denominational altogether.

Here is the church and here is the steeple, open the roof and see all the people.

Thanks for your response.
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
Jesus said to them, "Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you.



Active Member
Nov 15, 2021
United States

I SEE a "Christian" Forum, as a 24/7 Online Church "outreach" , with members assembled together.
And its job is to grow and protect.
Its to Grow all believers, in Grace and Theology, and its to protect the new believer who shows up from heretics and heresy that is designed to cause Faith to be ruined... for life.......

Christianity is not about "getting along" with the church next door, nor is it about building a 20,000 "seater" monument to the Pastor... ...... its about bringing unbelievers to the Holy One, while we ourselves continuously become more available and dependable in God's Service.
That's the "work".

Keep in mind if you are actually born again, that you are going to meet Jesus in person after you die or are Raptured and give account......... Not for your sin, but for your service.
"What did you do in MY BODY">..

Christians, ... real ones.. not water baptized fakirs who believe that all will be saved and hell is just a set of different definitions... but the real ones... The Born again.... are the only JESUS this world of darkness will be able to find so that they can be led out of their darkness and into God's beautiful Light of Eternal Life.

We need to be thinking about all that, and not about "setting aside theology so that we can all talk about "fun stuff".

There is a time for "fun stuff" and i love the "fun stuff..... but its not "all the time".

There is a type of person, who believes that Christian Forums are just "Facebook" and "Twitter" and "Instagram" with the word "Christian" stuck in front.

A.) = Wrong answer.
Churches typically overlook Jesus’ gospel altogether. Rarely is Jesus even seen as one who preached the gospel. He is usually seen as the content of the gospel, the one whom ought to be preached. Masses have been influenced by Billy Graham, whose association published tracts saying that Jesus, “came to do three days work,” (Tract put out by The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in 1980) that is, “He came not primarily to preach the Gospel… but He came rather that there might be a Gospel to preach.”

Sentiments and statements like these have had a deep, profound and lasting effect upon the Christian perspective, psyche, and culture. I have yet to come across an average, church going Christian that is even aware that Jesus and his disciples were preaching a gospel that was very different than the one they hear on Sunday mornings and read about in gospel tracts.

Allow me to show you the 90 percent of the gospel that you do not hear about in your Church. One question… If you read a statement from Jesus that said… I was sent for this purpose… would you not seek out that purpose? At all cost? Well, that is exactly what Jesus said in Luke and it had nothing to do with coming to do three days work as Billy Graham and most Churches teach today.

Let’s read in Luke 4:43 But He said to them, "I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose."

Jesus just stated he was sent for the purpose to preach the kingdom of God, wait there is more.

Luke 8:1 Soon afterwards, He began going around from one city and village to another, proclaiming and preaching the kingdom of God. The twelve were with Him,

Now Jesus is preaching the kingdom of God in the presence of his twelve. Then He sends them on their way…

Luke 9:1
And He called the twelve together, and gave them power and authority over all the demons and to heal diseases. 2 And He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to perform healing.

Now we have the apostles healing the sick, casting out demons and preaching the kingdom of God. But what did they preach? Let me explain…

Luke 18:31 Then He took the twelve aside and said to them, "Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and all things which are written through the prophets about the Son of Man will be accomplished. "For He will be handed over to the Gentiles, and will be mocked and mistreated
and spit upon, and after they have scourged Him, they will kill Him; and the third day He will
rise again." But the disciples understood none of these things, and the meaning of this statement was hidden from them, and they did not comprehend the things that were said.

Joh 20:9 For as yet they did not understand the Scripture, that He must rise again from the dead.

Now if, as it is commonly said, the Gospel consist of information about the death and resurrection of Jesus only, how is it that both Jesus and the twelve proclaimed the Gospel without reference to the Savior's death and resurrection? The answer is clear. The Gospel of the kingdom was announced before Jesus died.

Mark 1:14
Now after John had been taken into custody, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel."

Mat 4:23 Jesus was going throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people.

You starting to see yet? Jesus and His disciples were preaching for years about kingdom of God without ever teaching about Jesus dying for your sins as his disciples… Luk 18:34 understood none of these things.

Now what about after Jesus death and resurrection?

Act 1:3 To these He also presented Himself alive after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God.

Yet, still preaching about the things concerning the kingdom of God.

Act 1:6
So when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, "Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?"

Even Paul preached the kingdom

Act 20:25 "And now, behold, I know that all of you, among whom I went about preaching the kingdom, will no longer see my face.

Act 28:23 When they had set a day for Paul, they came to him at his lodging in large numbers; and he was explaining to them by solemnly testifying about the kingdom of God and trying to persuade them concerning Jesus, from both the Law of Moses and from the Prophets, from morning until evening.

That Kingdom message remains as the primary component of the Gospel. Jesus’ death and resurrection are additional, indispensable subjects for belief. So I want you to see. What is taught and preach about today in our churches as the whole gospel is only about 10% of the Gospel. It is very important but not the whole.

Act 8:12
But when they believed Philip preaching the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were being baptized, men and women alike.

Act 28:31 preaching the kingdom of God and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all openness, unhindered.

It should be obvious… preaching the kingdom of God is not the same as what we hear today in our water down spiritual milk dispensing churches today. It’s unfortunate that Frontier-Revivalist have limited our gospel down to 10% of it’s original message. But truth be told, the whole good news about the kingdom of God has not been preached in well over 1800 years.

Then there are the creeds to be learned, catechisms to be memorized, and confirmation services to go through. There are so-called prayer meetings (where very little praying is done!) to be attended, committee meetings to be held, programs of all sorts to be developed in both Church and Sunday School, choir practice, youth meetings, door-to-door canvassing, and Vacation Bible School. All these are things that must be partaken of if the person is to remain a member in good standing and considered "spiritual" and a "mature Christian" by the Church.
If the Churches had to drop all their rituals, forms, programs, and ceremonies; all their confirmations, baptisms, and communion services; all their special singing, organ music, and altar calls, they would feel as though they had been stripped naked and could not serve God in any way. All this simply demonstrates the terrible fact that the faith and dependence of the Churches IS NOT IN GOD, but is in the trappings that they have accumulated to themselves throughout the centuries.

If you tell them they do not need their forms, or their rituals, their baptisms, their holy days, their confirmations, their committees, their programs, or any of the other activities their Churches engage in, you will be branded a false prophet and given the right foot of fellowship! These same Church members love to sing and talk about Jesus being ALL THEY NEED, but they still must have all these other things! So actually their faith is not in the Christ at all, but in ALL THESE RELIGIOUS THINGS. Jesus opposed all this religious order that He met, and He opposes the whole thing today.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Churches typically overlook Jesus’ gospel altogether. Rarely is Jesus even seen as one who preached the gospel.

The Gospel of the Grace of God , came from Paul.

Jesus gave it to him, and he gave it to us.

Paul calls it "My Gospel" 3x in the NT.

If you own a bible, you should research that fact., Pierac.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2021
United States
The Gospel of the Grace of God , came from Paul.

Jesus gave it to him, and he gave it to us.

Paul calls it "My Gospel" 3x in the NT.

If you own a bible, you should research that fact., Pierac.
Then show me Paul's Gospel.... Paul also said.... All things are of God... 6X in the NT...

So if your wife gets raped by 5 dudes... You got Paul's Gospel.... Deal with it

The other Paul
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Then show me Paul's Gospel....

"The Preaching of the Cross"

"We preach Christ Crucified".

"""""For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ and Him crucified.""""

"The preaching of the Cross is the power of God....unto Salvation".

"For it pleased God, by the foolishness of PREACHING (The Cross) to save those who Believe".


Active Member
Nov 15, 2021
United States
"The Preaching of the Cross"

"We preach Christ Crucified".

"""""For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ and Him crucified.""""

"The preaching of the Cross is the power of God....unto Salvation".

"For it pleased God, by the foolishness of PREACHING (The Cross) to save those who Believe".
Let's review Pauls.... PREACHING....

ESV Rom 9:15 For he says to Moses, "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion." 16 So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy. 17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, "For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth." 18 So then he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills. 19 You will say to me then, "Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?" 20 But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, "Why have you made me like this?" 21 Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable
use? 22 What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, 23 in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory-- 24 even us whom he has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles? 25 As indeed he says in Hosea, "Those who were not my people I will call 'my people,' and her who was not beloved I will call 'beloved.'"

CEV Rom 9:15 The Lord told Moses that he has pity and mercy on anyone he wants to. 16 Everything then depends on God's mercy and not on what people want or do. 17 In the Scriptures the Lord says to Pharaoh of Egypt, "I let you become king, so that I could show you my power and be praised by all people on earth." 18 Everything depends on what God decides to do, and he can either have pity on people or make them stubborn. 19 Someone may ask, "How can God blame us, if he makes us behave in the way he wants us to?" 20 But, my friend, I ask, "Who do you think you are to question God? Does the clay have the right to ask the potter why he shaped it the way he did? 21 Doesn't a potter have the right to make a fancy bowl and a plain bowl out of the same lump of clay?" 22 God wanted to show his anger and reveal his power against everyone who deserved to be destroyed. But instead, he patiently put up with them. 23 He did this by showing how glorious he is when he has pity on the people he has chosen to share in his glory. 24 Whether Jews or Gentiles, we are those chosen ones, 25 just as the Lord says in the book of Hosea, "Although they are not my people, I will make them my people. I will treat with love those nations that have never been loved.

Silly Child.... You can let go of your ankles now.... Your Spiritual Spanking is complete...
The other Paul


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Let's review Pauls.... PREACHING....

ESV Rom 9:15 For he says to Moses, "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion." 16 So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.

God talking to Moses and presenting engraved stones , is not Jesus talking to the House of Israel before the Cross is raised, is not Jesus sending Paul the gentile apostle into the "time fo the Gentiles" to deliver the "Gospel of the GRACE... OF GOD".
So, listen to God...

"If i be lifted up on the Cross, i will Draw ALL people to me"

"For God so loved the WORLD (all people) that He gave His SON"

"ALL .... that call on the name of Jesus, by faith, shall be saved"

See that?
That is where we are now.
That is Salvation now.
Its the Cross of Christ
Notice there was not one available for Moses. ??

But there is one Available now.,... for ALL. who will come and BELIEVE.

"faith is counted as righteousness"


Active Member
Nov 15, 2021
United States
God talking to Moses and presenting engraved stones , is not Jesus talking to the House of Israel before the Cross is raised, is not Jesus sending Paul the gentile apostle into the "time fo the Gentiles" to deliver the "Gospel of the GRACE... OF GOD".
So, listen to God...

"If i be lifted up on the Cross, i will Draw ALL people to me"

"For God so loved the WORLD (all people) that He gave His SON"

"ALL .... that call on the name of Jesus, by faith, shall be saved"

See that?
That is where we are now.
That is Salvation now.
Its the Cross of Christ
Notice there was not one available for Moses. ??

But there is one Available now.,... for ALL. who will come and BELIEVE.

"faith is counted as righteousness"
We are talking about the 1000 year reign... Your talking about when Jesus gives back the Kingdom to his God...

1Co 15:25 For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet. 26 The last enemy that will be abolished is death.
1Co 15:27 For HE HAS PUT ALL THINGS IN SUBJECTION UNDER HIS FEET. But when He says, "All things are put in subjection," it is evident that He is excepted who put all things in subjection to Him. 28 When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son (Jesus) Himself also will be subjected to the One (GOD) who subjected all things to Him (Jesus), so that God may be all in all.

Every one misses Until...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
United States
a Christian forum is just a forum you can be anyone you want. they can be fun they can be a learning tool. just a place to discuss things.. BUT IT can NOT replace the Church