Are Ghosts Real?

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Let's first try to define what a ghost is.

Ghosts - are understood to be bodiless spirits (some believe them to be souls) that have not yet gone to their appointed place for some unknown reason. The place where people go to after they have physically died. (Ghosts) can appear as an apparation of a family member, in a residence/property or area. Sometimes without any connection to the present occupier. They do not inhabit humans unless a human uses an art form that is forbidden by God. Deuteronomy 18:10-12

Can this happen? Let's take a look at other types of spirits to understand if there is a difference

Demons - we understand demons to be bodiless spirits that are evil and part of satan's army. There are numerous types and levels of demons within their Heirarchy. Their purpose is to thwart God's plan of salvation and destroy those who believe in Jesus by faith. We will not get into how they came about because this is a discussion within itself. Demons will inhabit humans due to sin. Demons can be cast out when sin is repented of, in Jesus name.

Angels - Angels are spiritual beings who have a different kind of body and are part of God's army. They are also part of a Hierarchy in terms of various levels and specific duties. They do not inhabit humans. There are Myriads of angels who work in a multitude of ways for God's plan to be fulfilled on the earth and for the benefit of all believers.

The Holy Spirit - Is the Spirit of the living God who dwells within born-again believers who have been saved by grace through faith. John 14:46, Acts 1:8, 2 Corinthians 1:22, 2 Corinthians 5:5, Ephesians 1:3, Ephesians 4:30.

Getting back to the original topic. I have personally encountered demons many times in the deliverance ministry. They are evil spirits. When you deal with them, you get an understanding of their nature through discernment from the Holy Spirit. Their nature is what they manifest ie: the spirit of violence will manifest a violent spirit. The spirit of Jezebel will manifest Jezebel or any number of her many children etc.

There is an atmosphere that comes with the presence of demons. This atmosphere is foul and there is an unpleasant odour. Sometimes there is a sulphar like stench when a demon is cast out. This is understood via discernment of the Holy Spirit. There is also strong sense of restriction where those demons cannot breakthrough the barriers that God has placed around those involved with deliverance who are noted to be spiritually clean. Any breach could mean disaster for a deliverance minister who is not spiritually clean which will not be discussed here.

I have also encountered Bodiless spirits (ghosts) where people have asked me to come and remove them from their home and also other times. One time a resident from work had just passed away. He was a believer and his family had just left the premises. I was walking down a passage when I heard a voice beside me say "Hey, how do I get out of here?" I knew that this was the voice of the man who just passed I stopped right there and prayed that God send one of his angels to take this man to the place where he ought to be. That was the last time I heard from him.

I do not directly talk to angels nor do I talk to demons (unless directly casting them out or telling them to leave, in Jesus name). I also do not talk to bodiless spirits (ghosts). I only talk to God in these situations. Only to God in Jesus name.

Another time, a person asked me to come and stay at his house because he kept seeing a little child in his house around various places. This person also has the gift of discerment and many other gifts but could not get to the bottom of it. So I stayed one night with his family and I was able to give him some answers the next morning. This apparation appeared to me in the middle of the night. I won't go into the full details because it is just plain sad but I will tell you that my friend and I prayed that God send an angel of the Lord to take this little boy to where he ought to be and that bodiless spirit was never discerned or appeared there again.

I'd like to point out that there is a difference in atmosphere between professed bodiless spirits and Demons. When dealing with demons, there is a foul stench and an atmosphere of evil surrounding them. It is spiritual in nature and demons are subject to laws which encompasses the person being delivered in Jesus name. When dealing with a bodiless spirits, there appears to be sense of loss, tragedy or sorrow which affects the soul. It is soulish in nature rather than spiritual. There is also no evidence of stench or foul odour as when demons are present.

I am in no way trying to convince anyone that there are such thing as ghosts that exist in this world. What I am saying is that there is a marked difference between bodiless spirits (ghosts) and demons as I have encountered them both. I'd also like to point out that if you are in the deliverance ministry and you cannot cast out a (ghost) from a house, perhaps you should ask God to send an angel of the lord take them to their appropriate, appointed place.

Blessings and Peace!


Angelina 14/07/ 22

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