Dreams and Visions

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Dream About The College Students: I was with a couple of women, and we appeared to be in a cafeteria having a tea break. We were in a college. I was possibly a teacher, or maybe part of the staff, but definitely not a student. As we were chatting, I heard something that made me look towards the...
Groom Without A Bride: In my dream, I saw a man wearing what appeared to be a white wedding suit. It was unusual because it had a very thin, black, widely spaced, plaid design across it The man was holding a bouquet of flowers. It had maiden hair, gerbers and other flowers made up and bunched...
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Dreams and Visions
The Black Horse: The dream began with a black Horse standing in front of me, staring intently in my direction. He was beautiful, tall and black and had a long black mane and tail. He spoke without words, daring me to come and sit on his back. I thought about, how I have not been on a horse for...
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Dreams and Visions
Gazing At The Stars I was sitting on a precipice of some kind, very high up and it was night time. The stars were out in their full glory and I could see them surrounding me like I had a 360 view.. As I looked out at them, I seemed insignificant in comparison to everything that God had made and...
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Dreams and Visions
Walking In The Snow I was walking down a snow covered slope making my way to the bottom and I was wearing snow shoes. As I trudged through the snow, a skier came whizzing past me down the slope, then another but I kept walking till I got to a tobbogan. I thought that I may make more progress...
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Dreams and Visions
The Rose: It was difficult to determine whether this was a dream or a vision because I was still awake but my eyes were closed. I was holding a rose in my hand. It was a beautiful and deep red in color. As I looked at it, it began to wilt and the edges of the petals began to change color from...
Dream About The Wheat Field I was walking somewhere in the countryside and was walking past a field of wheat. It looked like it was ready for harvest. Then I saw what looked like 3 roughly made wooden crosses, and each cross-like structure had a man's white shirt hanging on it (a little like a...
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Dreams and Visions
Following a Camel in the Desert: This is the second time I have had this dream. The last time was the night before 4/12/24. The dream began with me looking at a camel standing in the desert, and I wondered where he came from because he was alone. It almost seemed that he was waiting for me. He...
Dream About A Tunnel I dreamed I was in a long, dark passageway or tunnel, and I could hear someone calling out my name, but I had no idea which direction it was coming from. So I had to choose either left or right, as the sound called from all directions, and both ways looked exactly the same...
Dream About Gemstone Rings: (This was a very quick dream.) This was the last dream before I woke up. I saw in my dream I saw a cluster of all kinds of rings that appeared to have big, multicoloured gemstones in them. They held or represented a place of position or some sort of significance. (3...
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The Path of Life
I dreamed I was somewhere in my own country at the top end of a valley overlooking forest-covered ranges as the sun was just about to set. It was stunning with orange and pink colours melting together with hues of red right across the sky. I was standing near a van that had been converted into...
Dream about a new member I dreamed that there was a new member to the forum. Cannot remember the person's avatar. I do remember that there was some kind of scenery on this person's avatar with writing over it. I think it was the words written on it that made this avatar stick out (similar to...
In my dream, I got a message that appeared to have numbers written after it like a code. It was from my friend (I will call Luke) and it read "I will be leading the men in this endtime army and I want you to lead the women. Let me know if you want to team up with me or not otherwise we will...
I dreamed about a friend of mine (I’ll call him Luke) He was recruiting a team and had made friends with this lady who had written something on an on-line forum which differed to what he believed. He asked her about it but she said she was going to mention it but must have slipped her mind...
In my dream I was contacted by a woman who asked if I knew a particular male member of a forum. I said that I did. She told me that he had been following her around. She had asked him why he was doing that because she was scared that he was some kind of crazy person but he responded that he...
I dreamed that my friend contacted me to tell me that he and his wife had broken up. I asked what happened and he said she wanted him to do things with her all the time and although he did that, he also wanted time to do things he had been looking forward to startiing as well. He said she wanted...
I dreamed I was dressed as a woman warrior in the form of an avatar. I appeared at my friends house by the Holy Sprit. My friend was sleeping and I was deeply concerned because I could sense that there was wrestling going on with tormenting spirits and dreams. I was about to step forward and...
I was awake with my eyes closed so I will call this a vision of the night while in my bed. My friend from Australia rang me and said she and her husband, his friend and his friends buddy (who had just come back from an overeas outreach) were all planning to come back to NZ and spend a few days...

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