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A few weeks ago I was up early having a coffee on my back doorstep. I was just relaxing, watching the dawn turn into daylight. Pink and purple hues reflected through dark clouds like a back drop as the sun began to burst through painting everything pastel pink. Just then, I notice a feather on my back porch. It was just laying there with white closest to the quill and a darker shade to black toward the tip. I picked it up and turned it over and thought it was unusual. It appeared tobe a wing feather which is quite a strong feather. You could probably turn it into an ink quill (pen)

My property has a lot of trees and there are birds nesting and flying back and forth but not as close to the back porch as to have had a feather land there....
Anyway, I thought nothing of it

The same morning I finished vacuuming my hallway and as I came back through a few minutes later I found another feather on the floor I just vacuumed over it wasn't there before. This feather was a bit different, softer. I pick it up and noticed it was a contour feather which would be found closer to the body. Again, I thought it odd but saw it as a coincidence. That night I went to bed and woke up the next morning only to find another contour feather on my bedroom floor.

Strangest thing. Please note that I have no clothing, blankets, quilts or duvets that have feathers in them - Odd fc929c9a138e8e8e29db5b37e8fc4d60.jpg

Angelina 14/04/24

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