Mask Control: Prove COVID-19 exists...I dare you!

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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
--------the rest of them-----------

David Jenkins, 31, Olympic silver medalist diver unexpectedly passes away: David Jenkins dead at 31: Tributes paid to Tom Daley’s ex-diving coach who was key part of Team GB at Tokyo Olympics – Metro

Paul Zisper, 27, Munich basketball pro, has emergency surgery after brain hemorrhage related to J and J: Paul Zipser wird notoperiert – Drama um Basketball-Star der Bayern | Sport

Filip Ingebrigsten, 28, Norwegian runner suffers loss of form post vaccine:

Avi Barot, 29, Saurashtra cricketer suffers cardiac arrest, passes away:

Abou Ali, 22, professional footballer collapses on pitch during game: Footballer, 22, awake but 'shocked' in hospital after collapsing on pitch

Fabrice NSakala, 31, Besiktas defender collapses on pitch during game: Fabrice N’Sakala of Besiktas recovering in hospital after on-field collapse

Jens De Smet, 27, footballer collapses on field, passes away of heart attack: Jens (27) collapses on the football field and dies: “This is not… (Maldegem) - NewsWep

Jente van Genechten, 25, footballer collapses on field due to heart attack:

Frederic Lartillot, French footballer collapses in changing room, passes away due to heart attack after game: Ain. Décès d'un joueur de foot après un match : ses coéquipiers ont tout tenté pour le sauver

Benjamin Taft, 31, German footballer collapses after game, passes away due to heart attack:

Rune Coghe, 18, Belgian footballer suffers cardiac arrest on pitch:

Helen Edwards, referee taken off court during World Cup qualifier due to heart issues: DFB-Spiel unterbrochen! Linienrichterin vom Platz getragen

Dimitri Lienard, 33, FC Strasbourg midfielder collapses during game:

Sergio Aguero, 33, Barecelona star striker admitted to hospital for cardiac exam after match: Sergio Aguero: Barcelona star admitted to hospital for 'cardiac exam' after chest pain during match - CNN

Emil Palsson, 28, Sognal midfielder collapses due to cardiac arrest during game: Footballer collapses from cardiac arrest during game in Norway

Antoine Méchin, 31, French triathlete suffers pulmonary embolism following Moderna: Le triathlète saintais Antoine Méchin met un terme à sa saison et « ne se referait pas vacciner si c’était à refaire »

Luis Ojeda, 20, Argentine football player unexpectedly passes away: La emotiva carta de Lola Ortiz tras la muerte de su novio, el futbolista Luis Ojeda: "No soporto la idea de no volver a verte"

Greg Luyssen, 22, Belgian pro cyclist ends career due to heart issues:

Pedro Obiang, 29, ex-West Ham star suffers myocarditis post vaccine: Pedro Obiang: 29-Year-Old Professional Footballer Suffers Myocarditis After COVID-19 Vaccines, Possible End of Career

Cienna Knowles, 19, equestrian star hospitalized due to blood clots:

Boris Sadecky, 24, Slovak hockey player dies of heart attack during hockey game:


WoW... So many healthy people... The healthiest people... Athletes... I appreciate the effort in presenting the links...

Have a look at the video below. Its a good video but jump to 18.30 where an FDA rep asks a Pfizer rep about there being more hospitalizations from post vax myocarditis than covid. Listen to his convoluted reply and try make sense of it... The presenter breaks it down well

Not only are the jabs not working... Their causing more damage. Nurses and doctors have reported increases in blood clots, cardiac arrests, myocarditis, anaphyllaxis, penocarditis, miscarriages, child birth defects, cancers, neurological disorders, mental disorders and many more health problems... Even Pfizer recorded record sales in those medications... The love of money is the root of much evil

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Covid is nothing but the flu re-branded. A pandemic with a death rate of.25% is not a pandemic. A sickness with no symptoms is not a sickness.

Florida, Sweden and Norway which have opened up with no consequences have proven covid is a hoax.

Im still not sure APAK. There is also a strong argument to say that it came from the lab in Wuhan and funded by Fauci...
It definitely has a death ratio comparable to a bad flu season, and thats with inflated numbers as well...

Either way it was always brought in with this agenda in mind;
Forced jabs, health passports, great reset, globalism, population control, complete subjugation of the people, NWO...

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
STUDY: Covid "vaccines" kill nine out of 10 babies in first trimester of pregnancy
STUDY: Covid “vaccines” kill nine out of 10 babies in first trimester of pregnancy
Thursday, November 04, 2021, by: Ethan Huff


(Natural News) New research published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) has found that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are not even close to being safe for pregnant women like the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims they are.

Dr. Simon Thornley, a senior lecturer at the University of Auckland, and Dr. Aleisha Brock, also from New Zealand, say that a re-analysis of the data clearly shows that pregnant women should not be getting injected for the Fauci Flu.

It turns out that miscarriages during the first trimester are as high as 91 percent in women who take the jab. The original data that was used by the federal government to authorize the jab for pregnant women in the first place clearly shows this.

Based on this data, the New Zealand researchers calculated a range of 81.9 percent to 91.2 percent spontaneous abortions in women who get injected for the Fauci Flu before 20 weeks gestation. (RELATED: The latest science shows that Chinese Virus injections are causing more disease.)

Beyond heart breaking, beyond conscience, -- a satanic attack on mankind.
Bobby Jo


I couldn't find words to convey my feelings... This actress does a good job of it



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Im still not sure APAK. There is also a strong argument to say that it came from the lab in Wuhan and funded by Fauci...
It definitely has a death ratio comparable to a bad flu season, and thats with inflated numbers as well...

Either way it was always brought in with this agenda in mind;
Forced jabs, health passports, great reset, globalism, population control, complete subjugation of the people, NWO...
Well the rebrand of the flu meant there was the introduction of other proteins with it, before the vaxxes of this year were introduced which is a completely different animal and mix of toxins.

No one has ever spoken of from the beginning even until now the real possibility of clandestine operations for this germ spread or outbreak. And it's telling to me. You would think this area would not be glossed over so easily. And it has! I believe it was forgotten quickly and necessarily for this global hoax gig to work without prying eyes and noses catching wind of their plot for the beginning. There are many red flags in the way of this so-called 'spread' around the globe, so unnaturally, as it was definitely scripted and worked in secret.

I have a theory that this 'flu plus' unnatural germ could have been deliberately dispersed secretly for months all over the globe to get the numbers up and to show real sickness in the MSM and on the tube. It was a clandestine grand operation from the start. It could have been deployed secretly in plain site as a released mist or invisible spray as people were working and going about their lives and work. Placed conveniently say in the A/C systems. Introduced surgically in the hospitals, old folks home etc. and in parts of the cites to give the appearance that it was a new natural virus pandemic, when it was in fact a contrived and faked and unnatural spread. That's why as I brought it up before, the deaths seem to occur only in the hospitals and not in residences...and further, why this spread never went through an entire populated area as a natural germ outbreak. It just suddenly stopped and then nothing was heard of it again in that particular area. And because it's also not contagious in the natural outside air.

I do believe this is how it all started, and no one is saying anything about it. It's really a telling sign of a clandestine ops from the start.
This artificial germ was planted deliberately and moved from China they said, with folks falling down and doing stupid things for the cameras. Then to Italy around old folks in Tuscany, and showing even fake hospital scenes, and then suddenly to Iran, all surgically planted in these places 'by the hands of men in black' so to speak. Then into Europe proper and later to N America via a cruise from Hawaii to Seattle. How cute and very incredible and unbelievable if not planted there deliberately. And then to S America and down under. Notice the continent of Africa was clearly and suspiciously left out of the action for quite a while. Naturally occurring pandemics do not work this way! I just never bought into this unbelievable spread of a pandemic that never's thus a hoax in this context...

So here's another mad, oops.... man-made pandemic of a conspiracy idea to spread around....:rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Im still not sure APAK. There is also a strong argument to say that it came from the lab in Wuhan and funded by Fauci...
It definitely has a death ratio comparable to a bad flu season, and thats with inflated numbers as well...

Either way it was always brought in with this agenda in mind;
Forced jabs, health passports, great reset, globalism, population control, complete subjugation of the people, NWO...
I do not believe it was spread FROM A LAB...not in China! I believe it was created in A LAB in the US first then spread around the globe surgically by men in 'suits' carrying this 'flu plus' germ in carefully protected cases as a clandestine operation that I spoke of in another post to you a few minutes ago. This is how it all started, 'around' the globe as a scripted sequence for which places to 'hit' and infect first...and last...

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
I do not believe it was spread FROM A LAB...not in China! I believe it was created in A LAB in the US first then spread around the globe surgically by men in 'suits' carrying this 'flu plus' germ in carefully protected cases as a clandestine operation that I spoke of in another post to you a few minutes ago. This is how it all started, 'around' the globe as a scripted sequence for which places to 'hit' and infect first...and last...

In an interview, Dr Zelenco from NY (you know the Jewish one that introduced HDQ) speculates whether the flu itself has been modified with and played into our societies for a long time... Cos he can't answer the question of where the flu disappeared to... I thought they've just been counting flu and cold cases as covid but who knows, he might be onto something.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
In an interview, Dr Zelenco from NY (you know the Jewish one that introduced HDQ) speculates whether the flu itself has been modified with and played into our societies for a long time... Cos he can't answer the question of where the flu disappeared to... I thought they've just been counting flu and cold cases as covid but who knows, he might be onto something.
I have heard of him this Dr. Zelenko..I tend to agree with his assessment. They modified a flu virus years ago and had it ready for 'us.' There is nothing out there that makes more sense. Flu like symptoms indeed!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Well the rebrand of the flu meant there was the introduction of other proteins with it, before the vaxxes of this year were introduced which is a completely different animal and mix of toxins.

No one has ever spoken of from the beginning even until now the real possibility of clandestine operations for this germ spread or outbreak. And it's telling to me. You would think this area would not be glossed over so easily. And it has! I believe it was forgotten quickly and necessarily for this global hoax gig to work without prying eyes and noses catching wind of their plot for the beginning. There are many red flags in the way of this so-called 'spread' around the globe, so unnaturally, as it was definitely scripted and worked in secret.

I have a theory that this 'flu plus' unnatural germ could have been deliberately dispersed secretly for months all over the globe to get the numbers up and to show real sickness in the MSM and on the tube. It was a clandestine grand operation from the start. It could have been deployed secretly in plain site as a released mist or invisible spray as people were working and going about their lives and work. Placed conveniently say in the A/C systems. Introduced surgically in the hospitals, old folks home etc. and in parts of the cites to give the appearance that it was a new natural virus pandemic, when it was in fact a contrived and faked and unnatural spread. That's why as I brought it up before, the deaths seem to occur only in the hospitals and not in residences...and further, why this spread never went through an entire populated area as a natural germ outbreak. It just suddenly stopped and then nothing was heard of it again in that particular area. And because it's also not contagious in the natural outside air.

I do believe this is how it all started, and no one is saying anything about it. It's really a telling sign of a clandestine ops from the start.
This artificial germ was planted deliberately and moved from China they said, with folks falling down and doing stupid things for the cameras. Then to Italy around old folks in Tuscany, and showing even fake hospital scenes, and then suddenly to Iran, all surgically planted in these places 'by the hands of men in black' so to speak. Then into Europe proper and later to N America via a cruise from Hawaii to Seattle. How cute and very incredible and unbelievable if not planted there deliberately. And then to S America and down under. Notice the continent of Africa was clearly and suspiciously left out of the action for quite a while. Naturally occurring pandemics do not work this way! I just never bought into this unbelievable spread of a pandemic that never's thus a hoax in this context...

So here's another mad, oops.... man-made pandemic of a conspiracy idea to spread around....:rolleyes:
Sounds plausible to me.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@Cristo Rei @Truman yes, this Dr Zelenko does speak my language..It aligns with my thinking nearly 100% on this specific area....less the deployment theory of mine for the start, at the end of 2019.

Dr. Zelenko Drops ATOMIC BOMB: Where Did the Influenza Go?
The Stew Peters Show
OCTOBER 26, 2021

We have been desperately fighting through censorship and propaganda, battling a decades-long propagandist media that has lulled people to sleep, giving millions of unsuspecting people a false belief that their so-called “news” channel is truthful, and we’ve been talking with experts, doctors, scientists, pharmaceutical whistleblowers, patients, victims, nurses and even the inventor of the technology inside of these death shots. We won’t stop.

We will, however, pause. We want to switch our focus to TREATMENT. Dr. Zev Zelenko is famously known for saving thousands of lives, including 99.9% of his HIGH-RISK Covid patients in upstate New York. Zelenko is a Nobel Prize nominee, as well as the recipient of the nomination for the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Dr. Zelenko believes in early treatment protocol, and that’s how he saved lives. The globalists have attempted to silence him, he’s been censored, de-platformed and even threatened for his humanitarian efforts to save lives, but he has not stopped. I admire that.

Dr. Zelenko has formulated the ZStack, which he refers to as the “COVID Killer”. Zelenko has previously appeared on this program to describe how Zinc is the bullet that kills COVID, Quercitin is the gun that shoots the zinc, and how Vitamins C and D3 combined with the other ingredients in his formula keep people healthy and safe from this engineered virus, shedding, and even from the ticking time bomb that Zelenko says doesn’t need to detonate. That’s referring to people who may have already been inoculated.

We’ve been making people aware of the ZStack, and now Dr. Zelenko is joining us because he’s making this formula available for kids.

Z-Stack Protocol Info

YOU CAN DOWLOAD THE VIDEO IN THE LINK...I think it is a KEEPER for the archives...before it suddenly gets misplaced!!!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
@Cristo Rei @Truman yes, this Dr Zelenko does speak my language..It aligns with my thinking nearly 100% on this specific area....less the deployment theory of mine for the start, at the end of 2019.
Did you see Dr Zelenko's letter to Donald Trump sent in March, 2020? Had Trump put him in charge of his task force things would have turned out quite differently.

Also, it seems that I am the only person who has been calling these lethal injections "bogus vaccines". Now here is the basis for calling them bogus.

"Specifically, the timing of the change – before COVID in December of 2019 – along with the apparent hurried status – burying the change on page 595 of a U.S. federal funding act – again suggests the possibility that COVID-19 may be a falsified pandemic exercise which U.S. federal government public health officials and politicians were preparing for by attempting to legally protect themselves with several significant changes to laws, strategies, and plans governing and regulating public health “emerging threats,” pandemics, vaccines, or related subjects."

Congress made crucial change to vaccine definition weeks before COVID-19
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
@Cristo Rei @Truman yes, this Dr Zelenko does speak my language..It aligns with my thinking nearly 100% on this specific area....less the deployment theory of mine for the start, at the end of 2019.

Dr. Zelenko Drops ATOMIC BOMB: Where Did the Influenza Go?
The Stew Peters Show
OCTOBER 26, 2021

We have been desperately fighting through censorship and propaganda, battling a decades-long propagandist media that has lulled people to sleep, giving millions of unsuspecting people a false belief that their so-called “news” channel is truthful, and we’ve been talking with experts, doctors, scientists, pharmaceutical whistleblowers, patients, victims, nurses and even the inventor of the technology inside of these death shots. We won’t stop.

We will, however, pause. We want to switch our focus to TREATMENT. Dr. Zev Zelenko is famously known for saving thousands of lives, including 99.9% of his HIGH-RISK Covid patients in upstate New York. Zelenko is a Nobel Prize nominee, as well as the recipient of the nomination for the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Dr. Zelenko believes in early treatment protocol, and that’s how he saved lives. The globalists have attempted to silence him, he’s been censored, de-platformed and even threatened for his humanitarian efforts to save lives, but he has not stopped. I admire that.

Dr. Zelenko has formulated the ZStack, which he refers to as the “COVID Killer”. Zelenko has previously appeared on this program to describe how Zinc is the bullet that kills COVID, Quercitin is the gun that shoots the zinc, and how Vitamins C and D3 combined with the other ingredients in his formula keep people healthy and safe from this engineered virus, shedding, and even from the ticking time bomb that Zelenko says doesn’t need to detonate. That’s referring to people who may have already been inoculated.

We’ve been making people aware of the ZStack, and now Dr. Zelenko is joining us because he’s making this formula available for kids.

Z-Stack Protocol Info

YOU CAN DOWLOAD THE VIDEO IN THE LINK...I think it is a KEEPER for the archives...before it suddenly gets misplaced!!!
I've always wondered about the flu.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Did you see Dr Zelenko's letter to Donald Trump sent in March, 2020? Had Trump put him in charge of his task force things would have turned out out differently.

Also, it seems that I am the only person who has been calling these lethal injections "bogus vaccines". Now here is the basis for calling them bogus.

"Specifically, the timing of the change – before COVID in December of 2019 – along with the apparent hurried status – burying the change on page 595 of a U.S. federal funding act – again suggests the possibility that COVID-19 may be a falsified pandemic exercise which U.S. federal government public health officials and politicians were preparing for by attempting to legally protect themselves with several significant changes to laws, strategies, and plans governing and regulating public health “emerging threats,” pandemics, vaccines, or related subjects."

Congress made crucial change to vaccine definition weeks before COVID-19
They are bogus indeed. We'll see if the modified flu and the reg. flu strain(s) this winter are both or more are TURNED ON as Dr. Zelenko suggests they might, causing an even more manufactured crisis...we'll see


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
.....Does/did this COVID virus really exist..I say again!! it really the common flu with fused/added proteins and enzymes that can kill the elderly more effectively? ...not the was never about the kids at that early stage...

And now the jab is doing the REAL dirty deed!!! For both the kids, young and old!!

Hospitals in America, Australia And Sweden Are Swamped With People ‘Sicker Than Ever’ — And They Don’t Have Covid

Chris Menahan | Information Liberation

Hospitals in America, Australia and Sweden are reportedly being overwhelmed with patients who are sicker than ever and the media insists that “no one knows why.”


“ERs are now swamped with seriously ill patients — but many don’t even have COVID,” Michigan Radio reported last week.

Inside the emergency department at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Mich., staff members are struggling to care for patients who are showing up much sicker than they’ve ever seen.

Tiffani Dusang, the emergency room’s nursing director, practically vibrates with pent-up anxiety, looking at all the patients lying on a long line of stretchers pushed up against the beige walls of the hospital’s hallways. “It’s hard to watch,” she says in her warm Texan twang.

But there’s nothing she can do. The ER’s 72 rooms are already filled.

[…] Even in parts of the country where COVID-19 isn’t overwhelming the health system, patients are showing up to the ER sicker than they were before the pandemic, their diseases more advanced and in need of more complicated care.

Months of treatment delays have exacerbated chronic conditions and worsened symptoms. Doctors and nurses say the severity of illness ranges widely and includes abdominal pain, respiratory problems, blood clots, heart conditions and suicide attempts, among others.

Alex Jones breaks down the hospitals filling with patients suffering from symptoms associated with ADE while world leaders scramble to find out why. Meanwhile, top scientists have been warning of this very scenario after widespread COVID injections.

Australia is now reporting the same.


“Australia’s hospitals under pressure, despite COVID-19 respite, as healthcare workers prepare for Delta threat, AMA report finds,” reported Thursday.

Australian hospitals are already overwhelmed and falling behind, even with the “once-in-a-generation” slowdown in patient numbers that came with COVID-19, an AMA report has found.

[…] According to the report, the number of patients leaving the emergency departments within four hours dropped to 69 per cent, its worst level since 2012–13.

Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan mentioned the surge in patients during a press conference on Sunday:

Similar is happening in Sweden, as P4 Jönköping reported last month (article translated by Google):


What could possibly be causing a surge in blood clots, heart attacks, heart conditions and weakened immune systems?

It's now from the jab...silly

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I couldn't find words to convey my feelings... This actress does a good job of it

minus the gender , lipstick , blush and long hair , that looks like my face
when i both hear francis and his men and see the reaction of how fast our churches are sucking this social all inclusive gospel they preach
right up .

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
.....Does/did this COVID virus really exist..I say again!! it really the common flu with fused/added proteins and enzymes that can kill the elderly more effectively? ...not the was never about the kids at that early stage...

And now the jab is doing the REAL dirty deed!!! For both the kids, young and old!!

Hospitals in America, Australia And Sweden Are Swamped With People ‘Sicker Than Ever’ — And They Don’t Have Covid

Chris Menahan | Information Liberation

Hospitals in America, Australia and Sweden are reportedly being overwhelmed with patients who are sicker than ever and the media insists that “no one knows why.”


“ERs are now swamped with seriously ill patients — but many don’t even have COVID,” Michigan Radio reported last week.

Inside the emergency department at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Mich., staff members are struggling to care for patients who are showing up much sicker than they’ve ever seen.

Tiffani Dusang, the emergency room’s nursing director, practically vibrates with pent-up anxiety, looking at all the patients lying on a long line of stretchers pushed up against the beige walls of the hospital’s hallways. “It’s hard to watch,” she says in her warm Texan twang.

But there’s nothing she can do. The ER’s 72 rooms are already filled.

[…] Even in parts of the country where COVID-19 isn’t overwhelming the health system, patients are showing up to the ER sicker than they were before the pandemic, their diseases more advanced and in need of more complicated care.

Months of treatment delays have exacerbated chronic conditions and worsened symptoms. Doctors and nurses say the severity of illness ranges widely and includes abdominal pain, respiratory problems, blood clots, heart conditions and suicide attempts, among others.

Alex Jones breaks down the hospitals filling with patients suffering from symptoms associated with ADE while world leaders scramble to find out why. Meanwhile, top scientists have been warning of this very scenario after widespread COVID injections.

Australia is now reporting the same.


“Australia’s hospitals under pressure, despite COVID-19 respite, as healthcare workers prepare for Delta threat, AMA report finds,” reported Thursday.

Australian hospitals are already overwhelmed and falling behind, even with the “once-in-a-generation” slowdown in patient numbers that came with COVID-19, an AMA report has found.

[…] According to the report, the number of patients leaving the emergency departments within four hours dropped to 69 per cent, its worst level since 2012–13.

Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan mentioned the surge in patients during a press conference on Sunday:

Similar is happening in Sweden, as P4 Jönköping reported last month (article translated by Google):


What could possibly be causing a surge in blood clots, heart attacks, heart conditions and weakened immune systems?

It's now from the jab...silly
Yes our Hospital here are full and my mum now has had the Jabs and first got abdominal pain and now has a heart condition weakened immune system and now blood clots.
My elder sister is still recovering from having an operation from myocarditis.
My elder brother has heart problems now.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
minus the gender , lipstick , blush and long hair , that looks like my face
when i both hear francis and his men and see the reaction of how fast our churches are sucking this social all inclusive gospel they preach
right up .
adc: Is your comment meant for you only, or code to a select few, or to the general audience? I ask this because you seem to be reacting to an image of a woman that is meant to represent her expressions and emotions after losing her fetus or baby. Does this have something to do with modern 'churches' losing their way of the true gospel and accepting Universalism? I just do not get the connection here. Thanks
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Yes our Hospital here are full and my mum now has had the Jabs and first got abdominal pain and now has a heart condition weakened immune system and now blood clots.
My elder sister is still recovering from having an operation from myocarditis.
My elder brother has heart problems now.
I'm so sorry Reggie. I hate to hear this from you, of your mum, sister and brother. I pray they recover quickly. There's not much more I can say. May God restore their health and for you to keep your faith strong, in Christ's name Reggie...Bless you and your family who are in real need of restoration.:(

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
minus the gender , lipstick , blush and long hair , that looks like my face
when i both hear francis and his men and see the reaction of how fast our churches are sucking this social all inclusive gospel they preach
right up .
Pope Frances is a bastard who has pledged his loyalty to Lord Rothschild on TV. I nearly fell over backwards when I seen it, but I suppose the majority do not understand what it is that people are doing when the Pope sits in the chair and his underlings come up to him and kiss the ring on his hand. They are subjecting themselves to his authority in fact.
How many Roman Catholics know ! are they that stupid or ignorant that they don't understand such things.

The Pope gave his loyalty of total obedience to Lord Rothschild in the same way, on TV for crying out loud !
Pope Frances is Lord Rothschild's dog on a leash in fact.
Pope Frances has abandoned Christ Jesus for the wealthiest man on earth by far ! no one comes remotely close in fact to such wealth, the advertise richest man in the world is not in the class as Lord Rothschild such people are his lap dogs. Now he has Popes Frances as a lap dog.

Now I of an opinion that before the creation of WW2 that the RCC had cunning devils working underhandedly in setting things up to play out as they had planed, remember the Pope just happened to of died so conveniently before they signed that crap with Hitler. I would believe that the Pope refused to play along on some grounds, that his minors had him killed.
I believe all through the RCC History their were always bastards within the top positions and after WW2 then Vatican 2 kicked off, at first I thought Vatican II was a good thing because it drew me to it, thinking that it was more modern and progressive intelligent movement for the advancing world in the 80's but then I came to see it as a whore that replaced Christ Jesus and was making people become bastards of this world. Not all RC are that stupid tho, but most are because they are only shallow and Socialist at heart and that's what they peddle in fact. I have had they claim that socialism is Christianity and I have put forward yes one that's without Christ Jesus in fact.
They mainly think or claim that Jesus was just a good man, and then it filters down to that he was Gay etc etc dribble that carnal man will dream up, because such are under delusions, so they peddle such delusions down others necks. I have seen such displays and they get riled when I reject their pathetic nonsense. They hate me and come at me with malice. so I remind them that's what such as they did to Jesus Christ in fact.
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