Mask Control: Prove COVID-19 exists...I dare you!

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Bravo Dr Zelenko for dealing in facts... He brings up an angle that i was focusing on right at the start of the video...

They admit that these are possible side effects at the start of it all...
Yet they still promote it as safe and effective.
Thats already criminal

View attachment 18529

And now we see these exact same side effects yet they continue to push it as "safe and effective" even forcing on people...
That is murder in the 1st degree, genocide according to Dr Z.

I tried to make an analogy for people to try and understand but it didn't seem to work...
If i have 1,000 candy bars and i know one of them will kill someone is it still ethical for me to sell them?
No... What if i put a warning on there "may contain nuts", is that suitable?
Well they are not only with holding these side effects but their promoting it as safe. Its a crime for any other company do do that in any other industry... And don't even get me started on indemnity from liability...

Its all messed up... Fauci needs be prosecuted in a clean court along with Gates and hundreds of other politicians, maybe thousands.
I hope to witness Nurmberg 2.0 one day if it ever happens

Hold the trials in stadiums and sell tickets to them...
Id claim front row in Daniel Andrews trial...:D
Id be cheering him all the way to prison

There could be show trials unlike any we've seen before...
Basketball stadiums sold out, maybe even football stadiums sold out to see Biden or whoever get sentenced to prison...
Pay per view coverage on cable...

But the Nuremberg codes are punishable by death...
I don't believe in the death penalty... Not even to these low life scum bags...
But i bet you could fill a concert hall to see Fauci get hung or electrocuted. I would decline the invitation but i could understand how some people would pay to see it.
May be they could all win 1000 candy bars and have to eat them all within a time frame and nothing other to eat. oh that's may be a bit harsh but then again.
Or maybe go on a show ride or two :p the last time I went to the Show on a ride was 1979 oh boy was I ill ! never again ! or I want to be in charge of the stop and go things.

I remember when Homer Simpson went down to Hell and he was force fed donuts, one of the goons said, Well have all the donuts in the world ! and Homer just ate them all up, saying More More ! the goon was left scratching his head.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Why is De Santis stopping with just the vaccine mandate? Why is he not talking about secession from the USA, and getting the other states to join him? Especially the 17 states who went to SCOTUS about election fraud and were brushed off. The union is finished and the Constitution is in the garbage. So why are these governors still acting as though things are going to get better? Why did Abbott not start doing something about the Texas border in November, 2020, when the election was stolen? By now he could have shut down all the migrant invasion through Texas. Why is De Santis not telling the Republican turncoats to impeach Biden? Everyone was quick to impeach Trump. Yet this evil Joe Biden is getting a free pass. What do you see wrong with this scenario?

What you say here are the cold facts of the matter, no question. Not to be an apologist for even DeSantis, although he may have a grander plan to try and bring back a more conservation America. He just kicked off his re-election campaign yesterday. He may actually become more aggressive in those areas you just mentioned after he gets re-re-elected next year. Who knows. I'm afraid though his efforts will measure too short for decisive and complete success.

I do not believe impeachment of Biden for example is going to make much difference at this point in time. And it's too time-consuming and maybe actually be a waste of effort. I believe the needle has tilted too far to the left that even if all the RINOs suddenly became conservative and anti-globalists overnight the evil forces in North America and around the globe are too powerful to stop. Their communist policies and the brain washing of the masses have already penetrated too deeply. We actually do need divine intervention on a major scale today!

I remember when the concept of a NWO was limited in scope and mention in the halls and rooms of cigar smoking men in their private clubs. Then it showed up in the MSM as a faint whisper. And then into Hollywood and the movies especially by the 80s. Then when Bush Sr spoke his public words of a real possibility of a NWO in our life time, I knew the shadow powers had already been activated for their plans of a neo-feudal global system of governance and using all visible organizations to promote and cement their new world view of slavery for the common person. The MSM, Hollywood, and the UN and ALL visible governments and businesses became alive with talk and action of a 'green' earth, save the whales, climate change, the end of oil, we are all one community slogans.....

And I've just been watching it all unfold from my couch, every year with every President in this country and other leaders of other countries, all playing the same music, regardless of their political persuasion. It's like a message from an evil voice was transmitted one day, an 'all call' to arms. It was received by all evil minds who oppose God in heaven. It triggered a bomb to go off inside the hearts and minds of evil men, of a call to do destruction on this planet, to rid it of any sacred, law-abiding, God-fearing and loving....system of governance

No it's all too late to fight this system of Babylon being installed. It will fall when the heavens open up once again by the Father of all creation, to bring glory and salvation on himself and his Son, as what the Father did before, when he brought to the world via his Son at his baptism...real salvation to those that accept both the Father and the Son!

I know I drew my response out a bit..........;)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Good for him... I don't like politicians much from either side... They all seem to end up being corrupted... But there are some that still have the peoples best interests at heart, there are some here as well... And RDS appears to have done the best he can under the circumstances, he even criticized Australia's response to covid which was really good to hear, we need more international condemnation...

The key is Fauci... Arrest him... Prosecute him and Nuremberg 2.0 should follow... I think...
Until then Australia is only going to get worse and the blue states in America will follow and already are in many respects
Yep the blue State commies will follow to the 'end' of this country.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Bravo Dr Zelenko for dealing in facts... He brings up an angle that i was focusing on right at the start of the video...

They admit that these are possible side effects at the start of it all...
Yet they still promote it as safe and effective.
Thats already criminal

View attachment 18529

And now we see these exact same side effects yet they continue to push it as "safe and effective" even forcing on people...
That is murder in the 1st degree, genocide according to Dr Z.

I tried to make an analogy for people to try and understand but it didn't seem to work...
If i have 1,000 candy bars and i know one of them will kill someone is it still ethical for me to sell them?
No... What if i put a warning on there "may contain nuts", is that suitable?
Well they are not only with holding these side effects but their promoting it as safe. Its a crime for any other company do do that in any other industry... And don't even get me started on indemnity from liability...

Its all messed up... Fauci needs be prosecuted in a clean court along with Gates and hundreds of other politicians, maybe thousands.
I hope to witness Nurmberg 2.0 one day if it ever happens

Hold the trials in stadiums and sell tickets to them...
Id claim front row in Daniel Andrews trial...:D
Id be cheering him all the way to prison

There could be show trials unlike any we've seen before...
Basketball stadiums sold out, maybe even football stadiums sold out to see Biden or whoever get sentenced to prison...
Pay per view coverage on cable...

But the Nuremberg codes are punishable by death...
I don't believe in the death penalty... Not even to these low life scum bags...
But i bet you could fill a concert hall to see Fauci get hung or electrocuted. I would decline the invitation but i could understand how some people would pay to see it.
Wouldn't it be nice to see all the leaders and the experts, and all the drug pushers, from all around the globe who have promoted unapologetically, death with extreme blood thirst and delight, to be together in one setting. To be all lined up in the bleachers of judgement for all to see their executions. It just might happen....although in another setting with the same effect.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
German Newspaper Highlights “Unusually Large” Number of Soccer Players Who Have Collapsed Recently
by Paul Joseph Watson

German newspaper Berliner Zeitung has published a report seeking to answer why an “unusually large number of professional and amateur soccer players have collapsed recently.”

Headlined ‘Puzzling heart diseases in football,’ the report begins by highlighting the case of FC Barcelona’s Sergio Agüero, the 33-year-old striker who recently had to be withdrawn from a match after 41 minutes suffering from dizziness and breathing difficulties.

The article lists a large number of recent cases of footballers who have had heart problems or collapsed on the field, in some cases leading to death.

That list is republished here;


As we previously highlighted, other professional athletes have also recently suffered similar health problems, including 24-year-old Slovak hockey player Boris Sádecký, who tragically died after collapsing on the ice during a match last Friday.

28-year-old bodybuilder Jake Kazmarek also died “unexpectedly” four days after taking the COVID jab.

The Berliner Zeitung article doesn’t speculate as to whether reactions from COVID vaccines had anything to do with the rash of collapses and heart problems.

However, it does note that “heart muscle inflammation (myocarditis)” can “already occur in the course of banal virus infections” and lead to “life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias.”

A “small number” of vaccinated people have suffered heart inflammation problems as a result of the vaccine, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

Researchers are now investigating reports that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines “are likely causing the inflammatory heart conditions myocarditis and pericarditis.”


Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
In that latest interview with Dr Zelenko he echo's a cry that iv been thinking about from even before the pandemic...


Forget about religions and denominations...
Stop bickering over things like who was a virgin, baptism, the Eucharist, the trinity
And unite under the one most powerful truth...


So many people believe in God... One God.
Yet the evil one has chopped us up into countless religions and denominations arguing about pointless doctrinal details and forgetting about the most important thing that we agree on...


Even Muslims... They have one God... The same God that guided Moses and Abraham... I know heaps of Muslims where I'm from and I never have a problem with them cos we are in agreement about the one most important truth...


That's why you will rarely see me arguing about Holy things... I'm fine with arguing about earthly things but it feels wrong to be arguing about God...
And even now with Satan's forces dominating earth in plain sight, we have people concerning themselves with absolute rubbish that is just divisive and serves as a distraction...
We need to unite under one truth...


They talk about a great restet and I agree... There needs to be a great restet towards one truth...


Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Yep the blue State commies will follow to the 'end' of this country.....
Putin was talking about the West nowadays is what first happened in Russia with the Bolsheviks.
Bolsheviks were intolerant of opinions other than their own, Putin pointed out.
Not to mention Putin pointed out that anyone who dares mention that men and women actually exist, which is a biological fact, risk being Ostracised !

This is the Idiot world that we live in nowadays. why would I bother to listen to a MSM or a Government and take them seriously ! No ! to hell with them morons.
Why do people follow along with such outright lies :rolleyes:. are people really that stupid ! what is it :confused:.
When I talk with my old Aboriginal mates and some of the others, they point out with great laughter at how gullible white people are overall.
White people overall believe in the narrative ? set down for all without questioning such at all.
Now I have seen that some people rely on their cunning to get by and when I question them on such, they claim that they are smarts.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
My sister went out with an Indian in the 70's and he would be directly out front, on using the Black skin card with no regards to further his own ends regardless.
I suppose if you give some people an inch, they will take a mile. so you have Gays etc all playing on this type of cunning games to prop themselves up.

So we have to reap what is sown, due to morons attitudes playing the victim cards. when they are not a victim at all but just another sleazy tosser playing on the morons who are simple minded gullible jerks, who can not read such game play, but I have to ask myself, why is it that they are so pathetic and living in such a fantasy world. they just float along with the diabolical MSM nonsense.

Like with Trump, the MSM were just pissing into the wind 24/7 and look at all who were standing down wind bathing in it all.
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Putin was talking about the West nowadays is what first happened in Russia with the Bolsheviks.
Bolsheviks were intolerant of opinions other than their own, Putin pointed out.
Not to mention Putin pointed out that anyone who dares mention that men and women actually exist, which is a biological fact, risk being Ostracised !

This is the Idiot world that we live in nowadays. why would I bother to listen to a MSM or a Government and take them seriously ! No ! to hell with them morons.
Why do people follow along with such outright lies :rolleyes:. are people really that stupid ! what is it :confused:.
When I talk with my old Aboriginal mates and some of the others, they point out with great laughter at how gullible white people are overall.
White people overall believe in the narrative ? set down for all without questioning such at all.
Now I have seen that some people rely on their cunning to get by and when I question them on such, they claim that they are smarts.

It sounds like that recent Putin speech i tried to post on here... He said whats happening in the west is a "phantasmagoria" (real word, look it up)

But to your question of why people follow outright lies... Thats what i keep asking myself as well. Its amazed me just how
easily they have managed to implement authoritarianism all with most of the publics support using smoke and mirrors...
I understand what cognitive dissonance but this is en masse

One thing i have now is a much better understanding of human nature and just how Germany, USSR, Japan and such devolved into such immorality. The powers that be know human nature better than we do. They know how to subconsciously program your mind without knowing...

By drilling propaganda at you for as long as possible... Every day, several times a day...
You keep feeding someone a lie constantly, over and over and it eventually becomes trew for many... 4+4 becomes 5

Fear... I won't say much here cos u know better than i what fear can make people do

They can flash an image on the screen so fast you won't see it but your subconscious will... They did this in the 70s in an ad break they flashed a beautiful woman promoting coke. Sure enough sales of coke jumped in the hours after that as everyone felt the urge to drink a coke.

They can also send your transmission using particular refresh patterns that put you into an almost hypnotic state, making your mind much more open to suggestions.

They put crap in our waters like
fluoride to make us more docile and subservient

Im speculating that they may have already infected many people with tiny nano bots through our food, water supply, air, even vaccines.
Don't believe everything you hear but don't discount it either... You know they can control the minds of mice, right?
Using light waves. They can erase memories and implant new ones into mice. Don't underestimate the level of where real science is at.
They can do scary stuff like clone humans and genetically modify them.

Or how about this one... Zombies... LoL... Thats why... A lot of people are simply zombies... :)
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Why is De Santis stopping with just the vaccine mandate? Why is he not talking about secession from the USA, and getting the other states to join him? Especially the 17 states who went to SCOTUS about election fraud and were brushed off. The union is finished and the Constitution is in the garbage. So why are these governors still acting as though things are going to get better? Why did Abbott not start doing something about the Texas border in November, 2020, when the election was stolen? By now he could have shut down all the migrant invasion through Texas. Why is De Santis not telling the Republican turncoats to impeach Biden? Everyone was quick to impeach Trump. Yet this evil Joe Biden is getting a free pass. What do you see wrong with this scenario?

No need to succeed from over-teaching feds...states have Nullification Option.

Governors have options to get tuffer as re-election for their own position draws near.

Impeachment is trickerier, designed to remove a lawful sitting representative..
Proving his cheating, would nullify his position as being lawful and nullify all the laws, acts, treaties he signed.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
My sister went out with an Indian in the 70's and he would be directly out front, on using the Black skin card with no regards to further his own ends regardless.
I suppose if you give some people an inch, they will take a mile. so you have Gays etc all playing on this type of cunning games to prop themselves up.

Biggest Government Hoax Ever!

The only Constitution Division of people...
Is lawful citizenship;
Freedom and lawful incarceration.

Making of laws based on race, gender, age, preference of lifestyle, likeable, looks, intelligence, dividing the people Under Color of Law.

Under the Law a lawful citizen is a Free citizen, and the government rep is a Servant.
Under the Color of Law, the person Makes an Application TO an unconstitutional government office to become “qualified” to voluntarily give up a portion of their liberty and Become A Subject OF, and Subject TO the Government dictation.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
In that latest interview with Dr Zelenko he echo's a cry that iv been thinking about from even before the pandemic...


Forget about religions and denominations...
Stop bickering over things like who was a virgin, baptism, the Eucharist, the trinity
And unite under the one most powerful truth...


So many people believe in God... One God.
Yet the evil one has chopped us up into countless religions and denominations arguing about pointless doctrinal details and forgetting about the most important thing that we agree on...


Even Muslims... They have one God... The same God that guided Moses and Abraham... I know heaps of Muslims where I'm from and I never have a problem with them cos we are in agreement about the one most important truth...


That's why you will rarely see me arguing about Holy things... I'm fine with arguing about earthly things but it feels wrong to be arguing about God...
And even now with Satan's forces dominating earth in plain sight, we have people concerning themselves with absolute rubbish that is just divisive and serves as a distraction...
We need to unite under one truth...


They talk about a great restet and I agree... There needs to be a great restet towards one truth...

IMO anyone can believe in God, it is what God, that really matters. Some will converse with you and say I also believe in God, although it is not the one that brought Christ into this world for our salvation. You mentioned that you get along with some Muslims. Great! Do they also believe that Christ was the Son of God and the our Saviour? The ones I've come across only believe that Jesus was not the Christ. That he was a special and good man who was a prophet only, and cannot bring you salvation of your soul for the next life....just saying.

Now this Dr. Zelenko speaks of the need for divine intervention. And he is right. He speaks to a future Messiah. He may well be a Messianic Jew. Or maybe he is one that does not believe that Christ already came to earth and died on the Cross and ascended to his Father.

Again, another example of believing in, seemingly, the same God, although not really, when we peel back the onion a bit....this is the truth to me and it is specific and not a general 'wide open' you can run a semi through it truth.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
It sounds like that recent Putin speech i tried to post on here... He said whats happening in the west is a "phantasmagoria" (real word, look it up)

But to your question of why people follow outright lies... Thats what i keep asking myself as well. Its amazed me just how
easily they have managed to implement authoritarianism all with most of the publics support using smoke and mirrors...
I understand what cognitive dissonance but this is en masse

One thing i have now is a much better understanding of human nature and just how Germany, USSR, Japan and such devolved into such immorality. The powers that be know human nature better than we do. They know how to subconsciously program your mind without knowing...

By drilling propaganda at you for as long as possible... Every day, several times a day...
You keep feeding someone a lie constantly, over and over and it eventually becomes trew for many... 4+4 becomes 5

Fear... I won't say much here cos u know better than i what fear can make people do

They can flash an image on the screen so fast you won't see it but your subconscious will... They did this in the 70s in an ad break they flashed a beautiful woman promoting coke. Sure enough sales of coke jumped in the hours after that as everyone felt the urge to drink a coke.

They can also send your transmission using particular refresh patterns that put you into an almost hypnotic state, making your mind much more open to suggestions.

They put crap in our waters like
fluoride to make us more docile and subservient

Im speculating that they may have already infected many people with tiny nano bots through our food, water supply, air, even vaccines.
Don't believe everything you hear but don't discount it either... You know they can control the minds of mice, right?
Using light waves. They can erase memories and implant new ones into mice. Don't underestimate the level of where real science is at.
They can do scary stuff like clone humans and genetically modify them.

Or how about this one... Zombies... LoL... Thats why... A lot of people are simply zombies... :)
My said to her family last night that she would get me in my sleep with the Covid Jab, threating me with, You will not be able to go out to eat or over the Border next year, because I will not have a Passport to do so, So get the Jabs or else !
I said no, I am not standing for any Nazi bastard is going to tell me what to do, they have no rights to do such under the constitution !
Yes they have she claims.
No they don't ! I said.
The TV propaganda machine is hard at work and I understand what it is that they are doing and I am not swallowing it at all, because it's all totally wrong on every angle, They are waging a war on the people, the Satanic low life bastards ! and that's a fact.

Yes Zombies of sorts that's true, Nazi Germany used fluoride in the Camps to make people more docile and subservient, I do not know the level that they used in the camps, but here in my town they have experimented on us with 3 times over the recommended dose, not that they say that, but that such was just a mistake :rolleyes: BS nothing is a mistake like that, no one could be so stupid to get that wrong, but then again if they are :eek: what else are they doing.
They were exposed with using the 3 times level, if they were not exposed no one would of known.

Criminals have to dominate over other people, or they could be exposed. That's why the Nazi Party and Communist Party's had to do what they did. There is a reason for this Covid hype being played out the way it is and I don't trust any of it at all because of the way that they have gone about it all, it reeks of outright lie after lie and deception after deception in order to create delusions, even both of my brother in laws were saying just how stupid it all is, they are boggled by it all and have little faith in Governments directions on Covid and they have worked for Governments there whole life, so they have to comply regardless even when they knew downright that things that they were forced to do are outright wrong and they were totally pissed off about having to comply with such pathetic outright nonsense.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Worth The Risk? Triple & Quadruple Vaccinated People Have “No Antibodies”
by Kelen McBreen
With Covid booster shots being rolled out across America, many people are wondering why their first two doses of the vaccine weren’t sufficient.

According to mainstream media, “vaccine protection is waning more significantly over time than experts expected.”

In July, the Pfizer injection was shown to be only 39% effective against Covid, and by September, the Johnson & Johnson was down to just 13%.

Instead of admitting jabs don’t protect people as long as advertised, the establishment is moving the goalpost and preparing citizens for never-ending Covid shots.

Booster shots in America are currently only approved for those over 65-years-old, adults at high risk, adults with underlying medical conditions or anyone who got the Johnson & Johnson dose.

The establishment maintains those with compromised immune systems need the “protection” provided by the experimental shots more than the average person, but will they need boosters more frequently?

According to a CNN report published Tuesday, some immunocompromised individuals are failing to produce any Covid antibodies whatsoever despite taking three or even four booster shots.


The story focuses on a 34-year-old man called Andrew Linder who received a life-saving kidney transplant from his wife Emily in September 2019.

Linder says he took three doses of the Pfizer vaccine and an additional booster, yet has “no antibodies.”

“I had no antibodies whatsoever. That was shocking and scary and sucky for sure,” Linder told CNN. “I almost feel just as unsafe or if not potentially a little bit more unsafe now than at the beginning of the pandemic, just for the fact that I could get it at this point in time.”

Meanwhile, star actor Matthew McConaughey revealed in an interview with the New York Times on Tuesday that his 90-year-old immunocompromised mother also has no antibodies despite taking three Covid shots.

“Mom is vaccinated three times, still has not created any antibodies for it,” he explained.

Not only is the experimental mRNA tech proving to be inadequate in protecting vulnerable people, but those with compromised immune systems could also be more susceptible to adverse reactions to the shots.

Pfizer and BioNTech announced Tuesday they’re seeking emergency use authorization from the FDA for the Covid-19 vaccine booster to be administered to all individuals over 18-years-old.

The CDC and a study out of Israel have both already admitted natural immunity provides better protection against Covid-19 than the experimental jabs, so are they really worth the risk?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
The Banking System is Responsible for Our Enslavement
November 10, 2021


(It's all black magic. Money is just digits on a ledger kept by the Rothschilds. Occasionally they will produce coupons, i.e. currency, to make it seem real.)

The COVID scam and deadly 'vaccinations' have awakened the public to the fact that politicians and cops whose salaries we pay don't work for us, but for the central banking cartel that wishes to lock down humanity permanently. The same applies to the mass media and most professions. Everyone dances to the money tune, and Rothschild is the Pied Piper.

We suffer from blood poisoning. "Money" is the blood supply of society. This "medium of exchange" circulates like blood in a human body. With it, everyone is sanguine; without it, you have a corpse. Unfortunately, our feckless ancestors gave control over money creation to Cabalist Jews and Freemasons who find excuses (wars, scamdemics) to produce it endlessly in the form of a debt to themselves.

Their goal is to expand their monopoly over money creation into a monopoly over literally everything, (e.g. thought, "wokeness") inducting humanity into their satanist sex (god) cult.

They have weaponized the common cold (flu) as a pretext to decimate and enslave humanity. This is the essence of Communism and the New World Order.

Mankind is doomed unless the central bank is nationalized, "debt" disowned and money is created debt-and-interest free.
This is not likely to happen as long as its minions control everything.

Money is a Mind Game
"...They created credit money with a view to making its volume close to infinite. is an abstraction, a being of thought, a figure, number, credit, faith...."

Illuminati Insider Chaim Rakovsky
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Man Shot to Death Counted as COVID-19 Fatality - in NZ

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
The Banking System is Responsible for Our Enslavement
November 10, 2021


(It's all black magic. Money is just digits on a ledger kept by the Rothschilds. Occasionally they will produce coupons, i.e. currency, to make it seem real.)

The COVID scam and deadly 'vaccinations' have awakened the public to the fact that politicians and cops whose salaries we pay don't work for us, but for the central banking cartel that wishes to lock down humanity permanently. The same applies to the mass media and most professions. Everyone dances to the money tune, and Rothschild is the Pied Piper.

We suffer from blood poisoning. "Money" is the blood supply of society. This "medium of exchange" circulates like blood in a human body. With it, everyone is sanguine; without it, you have a corpse. Unfortunately, our feckless ancestors gave control over money creation to Cabalist Jews and Freemasons who find excuses (wars, scamdemics) to produce it endlessly in the form of a debt to themselves.

Their goal is to expand their monopoly over money creation into a monopoly over literally everything, (e.g. thought, "wokeness") inducting humanity into their satanist sex (god) cult.

They have weaponized the common cold (flu) as a pretext to decimate and enslave humanity. This is the essence of Communism and the New World Order.

Mankind is doomed unless the central bank is nationalized, "debt" disowned and money is created debt-and-interest free.
This is not likely to happen as long as its minions control everything.

Money is a Mind Game
"...They created credit money with a view to making its volume close to infinite. is an abstraction, a being of thought, a figure, number, credit, faith...."

Illuminati Insider Chaim Rakovsky
The Devil will give you what you want. but we will reap what we sow.

When I hear people claiming to be so called Christians, claiming things as to the Bible as a "Done deal" I know that they are of Satan ! God does not do deals ! only the Devil does Deals ! and why is it that the Devil has to do deals ? well because he is an imposter ! God owns everything ? so why would or should he make a deal with you at all, he owns you, he made you and everything, so why would he lower himself to you or anyone in fact, you abide in him only and not into the delusions and deceptions of the Devil.

Because of the Nature of Man, he wants or desires can lead one astray.

Now the man who borrows money has put himself in the position of that of a slave. Now such a one is a Slave = Owned ! One may have to pay back that that you borrowed in time or even directly if it's called back, like it was in Germany in the Great depression for example and then came runaway inflation of 200% fun times for all.

People nowadays are totally ignorant about money, they have given up totally on keeping an eye on how much they are indebt or the Nations debt. It's got to the point that the majority do not care at all about such things, it's a non issue now ! well when your chooks turn into emus they will come and peck your dunny down, with you in it. one will loose everything that you worked for.
Remember 2008 we had PM Turnbull who was one of the big winners who robed the US people in all that and that's how he got so rich and bought his way to the top of the Australian political Party, his history is one that is that of a monster, if anyone would bother to look. but the MSM prop this monster up 24/7.

I just had some prick try and rob me ! I court him looking into my car in my garage as I was in this computer, I looked up and chased him away.

Now comes the good part, The big major banks clean up in the bad times, it's a bonanza all them homes going up dirt cheap yeeehaar ! The major Banks are the Casino in fact and the Casino never loosed because they make to rules. not to mention anyone who goes into a Casino is taking part in a grave Sin, All Casinos should be banned because they are a curse.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
The Devil will give you what you want. but we will reap what we sow.

When I hear people claiming to be so called Christians, claiming things as to the Bible as a "Done deal" I know that they are of Satan ! God does not do deals ! only the Devil does Deals ! and why is it that the Devil has to do deals ? well because he is an imposter ! God owns everything ? so why would or should he make a deal with you at all, he owns you, he made you and everything, so why would he lower himself to you or anyone in fact, you abide in him only and not into the delusions and deceptions of the Devil.

Because of the Nature of Man, he wants or desires can lead one astray.

Now the man who borrows money has put himself in the position of that of a slave. Now such a one is a Slave = Owned ! One may have to pay back that that you borrowed in time or even directly if it's called back, like it was in Germany in the Great depression for example and then came runaway inflation of 200% fun times for all.

People nowadays are totally ignorant about money, they have given up totally on keeping an eye on how much they are indebt or the Nations debt. It's got to the point that the majority do not care at all about such things, it's a non issue now ! well when your chooks turn into emus they will come and peck your dunny down, with you in it. one will loose everything that you worked for.
Remember 2008 we had PM Turnbull who was one of the big winners who robed the US people in all that and that's how he got so rich and bought his way to the top of the Australian political Party, his history is one that is that of a monster, if anyone would bother to look. but the MSM prop this monster up 24/7.

I just had some prick try and rob me ! I court him looking into my car in my garage as I was in this computer, I looked up and chased him away.

Now comes the good part, The big major banks clean up in the bad times, it's a bonanza all them homes going up dirt cheap yeeehaar ! The major Banks are the Casino in fact and the Casino never loosed because they make to rules. not to mention anyone who goes into a Casino is taking part in a grave Sin, All Casinos should be banned because they are a curse.
Folks are ignorant about fiat money or the legal IO paper money for sure. They do not realize that this gig invented by the Central Bankers will be up in the near future, and it will all come down, on us....
Here in the US, they have plans to give about US$75k for a family to be on welfare, doing nothing. Can you see just because of this move, how the prices in many areas with go up to maximize the greedy pockets of businesses and then the elderly will live on pittance. They will not be able to keep up with these price hikes of the future.

Reggie: hate to bring it up...can I ask you to refrain from using language that many people dislike, including me...on the 5th line from the bottom of your post.......all good then...;)
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