Dream Intrepertation

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New Member
Jun 6, 2011
(this dream stuck with me although it was some time ago. I immediately wrote it down) ((and edited so that it makes more sense for foreigners))

The lucid stage started insanely fast last night.

I was flying over the house in matter of seconds. But something was off. I did not wish for a certain event to happen, which is strange if you can control your dreams to the extent of flying and stopping cars by just looking in their direction.

I'm lying. It started in the first dream (before I woke up and went back to sleep) where I realized that I have a tattoo on my right bicep which reached around the whole arm. It was a simple tattoo with a leaf in the middle. A Salvia leaf. (not important – I think)

It was night time and we were driving over the Brackenfell bridge towards Protea Heights, Cape Town, South Africa.


Next dream after waking up (02:57am – I remember looking at the radio clock on my desk)


This is where I could lift my feet. Still having the tattoo on my arm, I found it weird that it was mid day suddenly.

I came out of my room to see that my brother also has a tattoo on his arm that he did not have before. More excited than worried about what the parents will say, we could both remember exactly how it felt getting it. Not really painful, but rather fun. Addictive if you will.

It was a sunny day, not cold, but just warm enough. Somewhere near the Stellenberg region the events took place.

There was a baggy of cocaine in which my father also had a share. :/

Me and by brother treated the coke, warmed it up and grinded it with a credit card so that it can be snorted. The only exception was that my mother can not find out about this. Every now and then we would go back to the room and have another line of the slightly yellowish bag of goodness. My father loved it. He wanted more the whole time. After which I told him to wait just a little while, for it is a waste to be snorting everything at once. He waited. (My father wont EVER do this as he is a missionary)

Outside on our exceptionally green grass, people were having fun. Parting and being merry. All was good. Smiles all around and laughter filled up the air. What a beautiful day it was.

Jumping around and hovering in the air, most people were used to seeing me do this. As if they have seen this in previous episodes. It didn’t matter at all, for I was having fun in the sun. :p

Minutes passed and this feeling of “I think I should go to this place now I don’t knoow why” struck me. I went there. (I will be able to point out the place if you put me in the scene again) I saw a coach and his team riding a street “bobsled” at massive speeds. I told them that I want to do this as well, but I want no team.

“Impossible!” the coach said.

I took the sled up the hill again, jumped on the back and went for it. Reaching “great speeds” it felt as if I could run faster than that. Leaning into the corners so that the sled wont fall over I saw a speed bump up ahead. The coach, screaming from behind, “You are going to crash! You will die!“ did not stop me from grinning for I knew I could simply fly over the crash, which I have done perfectly.

They could not comprehend this. How can this person fly? What is going on??


A woman clothed in black appeared in the street. I felt how she was mourning over someone and she did not even do anything. She had a blank expression. She just stood there.

I looked back up the street and saw a garbage truck reaching high speeds and heading straight for us. I looked her in the eyes and told her not to worry. Nothing will happen, we are safe. (was this a test??)

The garbage truck struck us from behind with a great force, unto a "protection layer". It was about 16cm behind my back. We were safe. We moved with the force of the truck forward, but it had not struck us. I received a feeling of confidence. Grinning at her I told her to ‘check this one’. Immediately I jumped, holding her close so that she will accompany me into the air. This was unbelievable as it worked 100% as I wanted it to. Smiling all the way.

Gut pain. Something struck me in my gut. Not an object, but an emotion.

What was this feeling? I still can not describe it. I knew that I had to go into some certain direction, but I did not know why. I arrived at my home again wondering about the tattoo. Who put it there, why can’t I remember who did it? (The feeling of the tattoo was so real that when I woke up this morning, I checked to see if its still there!)

After getting back to the party our yard looked a bit different than before. There were no walls surrounding our property, less people and only a handful of familiar faces. Where did everyone go? Why did they leave? Did they have a choice?

I went back into my room only to find out that I can’t have anymore of the bag of coke. Apparently my grandma, father and brother had a blast. There was still a bit left, but every time I want to scoop some out, it turned into weed. And I did not want to snort the green. It was for smoking. I did not smoke any of it.


I blinked my eyes once


I'm in a sacred place that looks as if it may be located in the desert with brown, sandish coloring all over. This place was definitely in a desert of some kind. Stairs running descendingly down in a spiral that keeps on expanding in width but not in length. So you keep on taking the same length of step, but have more space towards left and right.

The mission was to go save the ‘someone’ at the end. But against time. We had no time really. Time did not exist. This was the greatest battle of all existence!

We reached her with the company of holy friends. Suddenly a M-A-S-S-I-V-E ROOOAAAR!!!!! bursts out into the air, filling every room, crack and ear with tremble. Something big was about to happen. And then it actually started.

Armies of faces start forming from behind us! (as we were on our way back up again).

Some of the faces I knew, but most of them I could not recognize. Ugly, deceiving, beautiful, smart, wise, terror, brute, friendly any faces you can think of were participating in this mission. We fended them of with our swords that were given to us at the entrance. (Yes, swords)

The song Blister in the Sun started as a soundtrack???? (maybe it was just toooo epic not to have a soundtrack)

As we were fighting our way up the stairs, slashing and stabbing anyone that gets to close to our heels, reinforcements ,for each side, kept coming from both ways. It was a slaughter. I saw a face that I recognize, Hano Burger, asking me for a cigarette. He did not look at all stressed about what is going on around him. Someone else gave him the Marlboro Light and right after he was slaughtered.

The girl that we had to save, still clenching my hand firmly, wanted to stay and watch. It was no struggle to get her to realize that this could be the end for the both of us.

I got her to run up with me. The first gap I saw, we took every time.

The end of the spiral was near; I could see where we were. Just around the last corner when a *BEEP BEEP BEEP* woke me up.

My alarm went of. Looking around for the girl I realized that I had just woken up! I closed my eyes immediately to see if she was safe but to no prevail. The tattoo was also gone.

I felt sad after waking up and chased two cups of coffee just to know I'm awake and not in just another world. What an epic dream. My limbs which I used most in the dream were aching and my bed covered in sweat.


Now my question: Does this mean anything, and if it does, please please please share the thought!



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
The conscience is in a different department from the other parts of the mind. Since the conscience does not understand language it sometimes operates in dreams and spits out its feelings in metaphors. So lets examine the metaphors of your dream...

Leaf - Lost of innocence or a fall from grace... Salvia leaf... Indicates the use of drugs.
Sled - Childishness and fun-loving events.
Flying - Sense of freedom
Tattoos - Past decisions
Cocaine - The use of the drug due to internal emptiness
Green Grass -Prosperity
Mourning - Inability to let go of the past, bad luck, and unhappiness.
Garbage Truck - The old habits in your life.

First dream - Memories of a past drug life
Second dream - Memories of a current drug life with your brother and your dad. The desire for your family for better things.
Third Dream - Green grass and sledding... The desire for health and happiness
Fourth dream - The mourning lady and the garbage truck represents the trap of drugs and the inability to escape from the fantasies of the old life.

Which was the best I could do for your dream. I would recommend that you and your family get together and discuss the direction of your lives and then take the results of your discussions in prayer and fasting before God. Get a hold of a new hope and let the Spirit of God lead you out of old things and into new.


New Member
Jun 6, 2011
The use of drugs was part of my old life , this is correct. And i am still confused if it is a sin or not. (if the drugs do not harm your body/vessel.

" inability to escape from the fantasies of the old life."
Clearly i am still trapped in that mind set. =/

Its mostly the instant snap to the last part of the dream that got me thinking. The part where we had to go fight and save the girl. Is the girl just a symbol or is it really someone in need of being saved? Why did i see all my friends' faces as clear as i can see my colleagues faces right now? Why the soundtrack? :eek:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
The use of drugs was part of my old life , this is correct. And i am still confused if it is a sin or not. (if the drugs do not harm your body/vessel.

" inability to escape from the fantasies of the old life."
Clearly i am still trapped in that mind set. =/

Its mostly the instant snap to the last part of the dream that got me thinking. The part where we had to go fight and save the girl. Is the girl just a symbol or is it really someone in need of being saved? Why did i see all my friends' faces as clear as i can see my colleagues faces right now? Why the soundtrack? :eek:


I must be very careful here on the advise I give. The number one point here is that your conscience is troubled over your life's decisions... Satisfy your conscience and the dreams will go away. I challenge you to read the Pilgrims Progress.... You will like John Bunyans works as he speaks in metaphors. Please share with me your readings and I will help interpret them for you... http://www.chapellibrary.org/bunyan/volume-3/

For more on dreams... http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/ ...