Image and Likeness ?

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Jul 25, 2012
Was it just ADAM and not us that was created in the image and likeness of God - to say or accept that we are created in the image and likeness of God whilst being great for our ego doesnt say much for God - surely like Seth we are created in the flawed and fallen image and likeness of ADAM - See Gen.5:3 - winc


Active Member
Mar 25, 2012
Most of us look like Jonathan Winters but feel like Elvis Presley-strat


New Member
Apr 8, 2012
I think we sons of Adam were made in the same image and likeness of YHWH.Elohim


New Member
Jul 4, 2012
The image and likeness of God was the identity, the spiritual DNA of mankind, which was inherited at the time of creation. However, that very identity is what was lost through disobedience in The Garden. Man went from being extraordinary, possessing the nature of God to becoming ordinary, possessing the nature of sin. So rather than it being the image and likeness of God that was multiplied in the earth, it became the nature of sin, which multiplied in the earth.

This is why Christ died on the cross. So that through His sacrifice we are not only forgiven, but are also, restored in our identity, as the offspring of God, once again possessing the image and likeness of God. Christ being the firstborn. This is why being born again (spiritually) is a requirement for every believer.

We must put off the old man!

[font=Times New Roman']5[/font] For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, [font=Times New Roman']6[/font] knowing this, that our man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. [font=Times New Roman']7[/font] For he who has died has been freed from sin.
Romans 6:5-7 (NKJV)


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Was it just ADAM and not us that was created in the image and likeness
of God

In reality, there is no such thing as us and Adam-- there's only Adam.

†. Jas 3:6-10 . . No one can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of
deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father; and with it we curse
men, who were made in the likeness of God.

The reason that "were made" is in the grammatical past tense is because
God hasn't created anything new for the current cosmos since the sixth day
of creation. When he rested from all His works on the seventh day; God
stayed rested. I know that's true because the seventh day isn't bounded by
an evening and a morning; viz: the seventh day is still running.

In other words; Adam isn't just the progenitor of the human race, nor the
head of the human race; he is the human race; viz: his progeny-- which in
reality are just more of himself --were all created on the very same day as
himself; which is precisely why everybody is blamed for tasting the forbidden
fruit. In other words; if Seth had tasted the forbidden fruit, it wouldn't have
effected his son Enosh because Seth, though a dad, isn't a race; he's a
member of a race.

†. Ezk 18:20 . .The son will not share the guilt of the father, nor will the
father share the guilt of the son.

Note: the upside is; no one need fear going to hell for tasting the forbidden
fruit. The only punishment mandated for that is death (Gen 2:16-17, Gen 3:19,
Rom 5:12). So then, one's demise settles their account with God in regards
to the forbidden fruit. However, there is still the matter of settling the
account for their own personal sins; and since death remains the
consequence for sin (Rom 6:23) then a second death has to be endured in a
special reservoir of liquefied flame depicted at Rev 20:10-15; and since there
is but one resurrection allotted per person (Dan 12:2, John 5:29) then
nobody is coming back from that reservoir because they will have used up
their one resurrection to stand trial at the Great White Throne.

Buen Camino


New Member
May 9, 2012
All men, because of the Fall are alienated from God and are now in the image and likeness of Satan, being a slave to sin. It is God's intention to conform us to the image of Christ set us free from sin to be "slaves of righteousness". He will do this, if we turn away from self and Satan and turn to Him with ALL OF OUR HEART.

Image and Likeness of Satan

Image and Likeness of Christ



New Member
Apr 8, 2012
All men, because of the Fall are alienated from God and are now in the image and likeness of Satan, being a slave to sin. It is God's intention to conform us to the image of Christ set us free from sin to be "slaves of righteousness". He will do this, if we turn away from self and Satan and turn to Him with ALL OF OUR HEART.

Image and Likeness of Satan

Image and Likeness of Christ

that isn't exactly scriptural.


Son Of Man
Sep 14, 2011
Was it just ADAM and not us that was created in the image and likeness of God - to say or accept that we are created in the image and likeness of God whilst being great for our ego doesnt say much for God - surely like Seth we are created in the flawed and fallen image and likeness of ADAM - See Gen.5:3 - winc

You were created in the Image of the flesh of Christ. All men are flesh. The flesh will be done away with eventually and only those who are filled with the Spirit of God will obtain the spiritual bodies that can never die.

3 And the Lord said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."

36 nor can they die anymore, for they are equal to the messengers and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.



New Member
Apr 8, 2012
Can you tell me why it is not?
Rom 6:18 Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.

Rom 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus(Yeshua) hath made me free from the law of sin and death.



New Member
Jul 19, 2012
Calgary, Alberta, CA.
Was it just ADAM and not us that was created in the image and likeness of God - to say or accept that we are created in the image and likeness of God whilst being great for our ego doesnt say much for God - surely like Seth we are created in the flawed and fallen image and likeness of ADAM - See Gen.5:3 - winc

We inherit the image God created in Adam just like ALL life inherits it's condition. We also inherit our fallen condition and when we accept Jesus we inherit God's sonship. That is the way of life, both physical and spiritual.


Sep 27, 2012
"Was it just ADAM and not us that was created in the image and likeness of God - to say or accept that we are created in the image and likeness of God whilst being great for our ego doesnt say much for God - surely like Seth we are created in the flawed and fallen image and likeness of ADAM - See Gen.5:3 - winc"

In my research I have come to understand that to be made in God's image and likeness is not referring to the physical so much as it is the spiritual. God is made up of both a masculine spirit and a feminine spirit. The masculine spirit is the spirit that leads, the feminine spirit is the spirit that acts as a helpmate to the masculine. The masculine spirit is the spirit of correction whereas the feminine spirit is the spirit of compassion. Have you ever know a man who is so severe that he is incapable of showing compassion or a woman who is so compassionate that she becomes a human welcome mat? The man in my example is too dominated by the masculine spirit and the woman is too dominated by the feminine spirit. The obverse would be true as well. The spirits need to work together in harmony or chaos ensues. Our world is being dominated by the feminine spirit. The feminine spirit that seeks to dominate the male spirit is comparable to Jezebel. You could say the spirit of Jezebel is working in the spiritual realm, while the spirit of Ahab is cowering in a corner.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
The image was twisted with the fall.
I would agree with this insofar as the human sex act twists "man made in the image of God" in fornication, homosexuality, contraception, and any illicit sexual act. They are anti-Trinitarian. Remember that God instituted the sacrament of matrimony in Genesis BEFORE the fall, thus the sanctity of marriage remains untouched by the Fall. Marriage is a sacrament because it is a reflection of Christs' marital relationship with His Church by default, no matter how much a Protestant sect rails against the Incarnation principle. Calvin's theory of total depravity is incompatible with the sanctity of marriage instituted by God.

In seeking to understand the traditional family, Christians should keep in mind that not only are individual persons created in the image of God, but so is the family itself. The human family is the closest analogy that mankind will ever come to concretely understanding the Blessed Trinity.

The creeds teach that while there is one God, He exists in three distinct persons. The bible, on the other hand, reveals that man is made in the 'image of God'. From these two truths, therefore, we can acknowledge that the complete image of God is found in the Triune understanding of Him.

This understanding of His Triune nature is reflected by the human family whose personal relationships approach the likeness of the Trinity. There are multiple demonstrations of this truth.

Consider the unity of the Trinity which is reflected in the unity of the family. Or the "family of persons" which is found in both. The persons of the Trinity share the 'same substance ' while a human family becomes one flesh: wife with husband and parents with children.

There is also another element in the Trinity that lends itself to human likeness. The Nicene Creed professes this about the Trinity: "We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life who proceeds from the Father and the Son."

In (C-word) theology, the Holy Spirit is said to proceed from the will of both the Father and the Son, or in other words, through the activity which they engage in, otherwise known as "Love".

The Holy Spirit is poured forth through the exchange of love between the Father and the Son. This is why perhaps Jesus says to the Apostles: " Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you." (John 16:7)

In the eternal economy of the Trinity, therefore, a person 'proceeds' from the love between two other persons. And so, the Holy Spirit is love 'proceeding' or 'coming from' the first two persons of the Blessed Trinity.

The human family has a rather striking parallel to this dynamic. The ultimate act of intimacy in a marriage mirrors the eternal exchange of love between the first two persons of the Trinity. And like the eternal or continual procession of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity, the act of love between a man and a woman causes a 'procession' of another human person (i.e. the birth of a child).

Thus, it is precisely because the homosexual sex act is not ordered to the procession of another person, that it can never be a Trinitarian reflection of the divine essence.

Indeed, the sexual act itself, which is supposed to be a reflection of the Trinitarian relationship, becomes, through the homosexual act, a blasphemy against God since it ends up distorting the Trinitarian image of Him.

The human sexual act either affirms God's image or it twists it. This is why all forms of contraceptive sex, including the homosexual act, are serious sins: they seek to create God in another image. It is anti-Trinitarian.
source: personal files, no longer available on line


New Member
Jul 19, 2012
Calgary, Alberta, CA.
The image was twisted with the fall.

That is speculation. Maybe you can supply some scriptural support for your assertion?

I would agree with this insofar as the human sex act twists "man made in the image of God" in fornication, homosexuality, contraception, and any illicit sexual act. They are anti-Trinitarian. Remember that God instituted the sacrament of matrimony in Genesis BEFORE the fall, thus the sanctity of marriage remains untouched by the Fall. Marriage is a sacrament when it is a reflection of Christs' marital relationship with His Church by default, no matter how much a Protestant sect rails against the Incarnation principle. Calvin's theory of total depravity is incompatable with the sanctity of marriage instituted by God.

In seeking to understand the traditional family, Christians should keep in mind that not only are individual persons created in the image of God, but so is the family itself. The human family is the closest analogy that mankind will ever come to concretely understanding the Blessed Trinity.

The creeds teach that while there is one God, He exists in three distinct persons. The bible, on the other hand, reveals that man is made in the 'image of God'. From these two truths, therefore, we can acknowledge that the complete image of God is found in the Triune understanding of Him.

This understanding of His Triune nature is reflected by the human family whose personal relationships approach the likeness of the Trinity.
There are multiple demonstrations of this truth.

Consider the unity of the Trinity which is reflected in the unity of the family. Or the "family of persons" which is found in both. The persons of the Trinity share the 'same substance ' while a human family becomes one flesh: wife with husband and parents with children.

There is also another element in the Trinity that lends itself to human likeness. The Nicene Creed professes this about the Trinity: "We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life who proceeds from the Father and the Son."

In (C-word) theology, the Holy Spirit is said to proceed from the will of both the Father and the Son, or in other words, through the activity which they engage in, otherwise known as "love".

The Holy Spirit is poured forth through the exchange of love between the Father and the Son. This is why perhaps Jesus says to the Apostles: " Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you." (John 16:7)

In the eternal economy of the Trinity, therefore, a person 'proceeds' from the love between two other persons. And so, the Holy Spirit is love 'proceeding' or 'coming from' the first two persons of the Blessed Trinity.

The human family has a rather striking parallel to this dynamic. The ultimate act of intimacy in a marriage mirrors the eternal exchange of love between the first two persons of the Trinity.

And like the eternal or continual procession of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity, the act of love between a man and a woman causes a 'procession' of another human person (i.e. the birth of a child).

Thus, it is precisely because the homosexual sex act is not ordered to the procession of another person, that it can never be a Trinitarian reflection of the divine essence.

Indeed, the sexual act itself, which is supposed to be a reflection of the Trinitarian relationship, becomes, through the homosexual act, a blasphemy against God since it ends up distorting the Trinitarian image of Him.

The human sexual act either affirms God's image or it twists it. This is why all forms of contraceptive sex, including the homosexual act, are serious sins: they seek to create God in another image. It is anti-Trinitarian.
source no longer available on line

It's not the act that is twisted. There is no such thing as homosexuality in the animal kingdom. Man's desire for the forbidden is the problem. That is what was inherited from the fall and the knowledge of good and evil. The forbidden is a very strong attraction for many people, and not all of it relates to our sexuality. Hypocrisy is just as bad.

Creeds teach nothing that isn't already in scripture. The Apostles Creed or Nicene Creed are great statements of faith, but in and of themselves serve no real purpose, other than to provide a digest of Biblical principles.

The family serves as a microcosm of the church, which Paul identifies many times in his writings. It is to demonstrate levels of responsibility and authority. It is worthy of note that HUSBANDS, married men, are to be in a place of ultimate authority and responsibility within the church, NOT single men.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
"Was it just ADAM and not us that was created in the image and likeness of God - to say or accept that we are created in the image and likeness of God whilst being great for our ego doesnt say much for God - surely like Seth we are created in the flawed and fallen image and likeness of ADAM - See Gen.5:3 - winc"

In my research I have come to understand that to be made in God's image and likeness is not referring to the physical so much as it is the spiritual. God is made up of both a masculine spirit and a feminine spirit. The masculine spirit is the spirit that leads, the feminine spirit is the spirit that acts as a helpmate to the masculine. The masculine spirit is the spirit of correction whereas the feminine spirit is the spirit of compassion. Have you ever know a man who is so severe that he is incapable of showing compassion or a woman who is so compassionate that she becomes a human welcome mat? The man in my example is too dominated by the masculine spirit and the woman is too dominated by the feminine spirit. The obverse would be true as well. The spirits need to work together in harmony or chaos ensues. Our world is being dominated by the feminine spirit. The feminine spirit that seeks to dominate the male spirit is comparable to Jezebel. You could say the spirit of Jezebel is working in the spiritual realm, while the spirit of Ahab is cowering in a corner.

What is Sexual Suicide?

The expression “sexual suicide” is more than the title of a widely read book first published in 1973. It is a two word description of the chaos introduced into one once civilized country after another, including our beloved United States.
Rather than define sexual suicide, let us describe it as understood by those who recognize its terrifying implications.
  • Sexual suicide is sexual liberation that has created a society hostile to the family and the institution of marriage. It is a society that fails to recognize the natural order of the male and female gender.
  • Sexual suicide is the ultimate destination of “feminism”: female inferiority and familiarity and familial disintegration under the auspices of the sexual suicide stare.
  • Sexual suicide is the pollution of a culture by false ideas and misused technology. The result is an erosion of love and family that reduces sex to a form of sexual message.
Similarly, therefore, sexual suicide is the wide spread virus of radical feminism that has penetrated the culture of so many Western nations.
It began with the false premise that the family is a form of male domination. Domineering men, masculine gender, invented the family in order to control the so-called weaker sex. Sexual suicide is masked under the name of women’s liberation. It pretends to restore to women the rights they have over men.
As might be expected, the principle flaw of most of the literature of women’s liberation is its gross under estimation of the real power of women.

What are we saying? We are denying the basic principle of women’s liberation. Invented by Karl Marx, it was widely promoted by Lenin, who introduced communism into the western world. According to Marx, there is no progress without conflict. The deepest conflict is not between the rich and the poor or the capitalist and labor. It is, for Marx, the conflict between the man and the women. The great dream of Marx was to promote conflict between the two genders and thus provide for the progress of human society. Among the nations that have been deeply affected by this demonic lie, the United States stands as a world leader.

We began this section by asking ourselves “what is sexual suicide?” We answer that sexual suicide is the false philosophy of Karl Marx, which claims that the family is a creation of men who want to control women. Women must coincidentally rebel against this domination and assert their right to independence of masculine enslavement.

more here


New Member
Jul 19, 2012
Calgary, Alberta, CA.
What is Sexual Suicide?

The expression “sexual suicide” is more than the title of a widely read book first published in 1973. It is a two word description of the chaos introduced into one once civilized country after another, including our beloved United States.
Rather than define sexual suicide, let us describe it as understood by those who recognize its terrifying implications.
  • Sexual suicide is sexual liberation that has created a society hostile to the family and the institution of marriage. It is a society that fails to recognize the natural order of the male and female gender.
  • Sexual suicide is the ultimate destination of “feminism”: female inferiority and familiarity and familial disintegration under the auspices of the sexual suicide stare.
  • Sexual suicide is the pollution of a culture by false ideas and misused technology. The result is an erosion of love and family that reduces sex to a form of sexual message.
Similarly, therefore, sexual suicide is the wide spread virus of radical feminism that has penetrated the culture of so many Western nations.
It began with the false premise that the family is a form of male domination. Domineering men, masculine gender, invented the family in order to control the so-called weaker sex. Sexual suicide is masked under the name of women’s liberation. It pretends to restore to women the rights they have over men.
As might be expected, the principle flaw of most of the literature of women’s liberation is its gross under estimation of the real power of women.

What are we saying? We are denying the basic principle of women’s liberation. Invented by Karl Marx, it was widely promoted by Lenin, who introduced communism into the western world. According to Marx, there is no progress without conflict. The deepest conflict is not between the rich and the poor or the capitalist and labor. It is, for Marx, the conflict between the man and the women. The great dream of Marx was to promote conflict between the two genders and thus provide for the progress of human society. Among the nations that have been deeply affected by this demonic lie, the United States stands as a world leader.

We began this section by asking ourselves “what is sexual suicide?” We answer that sexual suicide is the false philosophy of Karl Marx, which claims that the family is a creation of men who want to control women. Women must coincidentally rebel against this domination and assert their right to independence of masculine enslavement.

more here

I'm not prone to accepting something written by an RC celibate on 'sexual' anything. Feminism only came about because men have abdicated their responsibility over the years, NOT just in the church, but in society. Responsibility is NOT the same as domination. Man wasn't made to dominate, woman was made to be his helper. The two are mutually exclusive. Man was given the earth and it's wildlife, to rule and subdue, and woman was meant to help him. Man was not told to rule and subdue women either. God is NOT concerned about feminism, He IS concerned about how man has abdicated his role given to him in Gen 1:28 after He created man & woman.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
Stan, you got in your little off topic dig on celibacy twice now. Jesus and Paul were celibate and I am sorry you find that disturbing. I posted on celibacy here: http://www.christian.../page__st__30��post #66. Celibacy was in the flow of the discussion.

God IS concerned with communist sourced feminism because it has infiltrated our society, churches, and our families. By dismissing the SOURCE, you miss out on the TRUTH. Your anti-Catholicism is based on bitter 30 year old prejudices, pride, and an avalanche of "Bible-Christian" misinformation. You seem to be on a mission to negate each of my posts, with little or nothing to contribute to the discussion.

The topic is "image and likeness", I pray the thread does not degenerate into another soapbox for anti-Catholic bigots to pontificate their war against a church they think they know something about.

The degradation of the human family is anti-Trinitarian, given the understanding of "image and likeness" in post #14.

Why Sexual Suicide?

Let us examine what is happening in our society today: mutual love between a monogamous male and female has been replaced with “liberated sex.”

Love in its form of blissful monogamy seems increasingly elusive, and sex as a way to obtain physical pleasure is increasingly available as the supreme human pleasure crucial to our mental health, and is a matter of “human right.” Society sees no need to deprive these pleasures to those who failed to find a life-long partner. The same rationale also made homosexuality and pornography acceptable in our society.

The physical mental and psychological consequences caused by this sexual freedom are seen as “a health issue” where treatment is expected from the health care and scientific community. As an ultimate solution, we seek a break between sexual intercourse and reproduction.

The feminists, homosexuals, and pornographers as a group are united in their desire to divorce sexual activity from procreation. The Catholic Church is the only major institution resisting this effort.

This group gains the financial support of the major foundations for scientific research.
The research objective is beyond the sea for better contraception’s. They seek to eliminate the biological, psychological and symbolic tie between intercourse and childbirth. They foresee a time when artificial means may be employed for human reproduction. Sex, in the long term, is only for physical pleasure.



Apr 25, 2012
Excellent, excellent post and excellent description of anti- Catholic bigotry. I hope you stick around and set the record straight as you have been kepha.Your posts reflect the truth of Catholicism and it is very obvious that most of these forums are made up of members who have very little appreciation of Jesus nor His Church, it appears these anti-Catholics care little about the unity of the family as God planned it all.The Holy Bible plainly shows us that God gave us an example of family unity by His Holy Family.
Never have I ever witnessed a Protestant on these forums address Jesus/mother as "blessed" . They are insulting not only the Words from Sacred Scripture but are also insulting God / Jesus and His mother and God's Family. Thank you very much kepha , my Catholic/Christian faith has been greatly strengthen by your informative,truthful refutation towards ignorance and bigotry.

Kepha, I will "try" to read more and write less, pray for me the strength to refrain from writing, it is so difficult for me not to try and defend the Church I love.Thanks and God Bless to you and all Catholic defenders of the Christian Faith.


New Member
Jul 19, 2012
Calgary, Alberta, CA.
Stan, you got in your little off topic dig on celibacy twice now. Jesus and Paul were celibate and I am sorry you find that disturbing.
God IS concerned with communist sourced feminism because it has infiltrated our society, churches, and our families. By dismissing the SOURCE, you miss out on the TRUTH. Your anti-Catholicism is based on bitter 30 year old prejudices, pride, and an avalanche of "Bible-Christian" misinformation. You seem to be on a mission to negate each of my posts, with little or nothing to contribute to the discussion.

I made a single comment, you are now changing the direction of this thread by quoting another thread, which BTW is against the rules. It's called cross posting. Jesus was indeed celibate, and supported such in Matthew 19:12. It is commonly held that Paul was married, being in the Sanhedrin he had to be, and that his wife left him when he converted. I'm sure it was a very sore point for Paul. I Cor 7 may also indicate his wife was dead at the time he wrote it.​

When exactly did God tell you about this concern he has about COMMUNIST FEMINISM???​
I think you are developing a couple of noids kepha. You know what is said about assuming aye kepha?​

The topic is "image and likeness", I pray the thread does not degenerate into another soapbox for anti-Catholic bigots to pontificate their war against a church they think they know something about.

The degradation of the human family is anti-Trinitarian, given the understanding of "image and likeness" in post #14.

Yes it is kepha, so please try to stay on topic and not bring up this anti-protestant rhetoric all the time. It would be better if YOU actually had something pertinent to say yourself, instead of quoting from books that actually build on your dogmas for you. Calling me a bigot does NOTHING to give you ANY credibility on these forums. Pontification comes from your side my friend, we don't have a Pope, which you seem to follow in a very cultist manner.​

If the 'family' is of such importance to the RCC, why does it not contribute to it practically by having wives and children, legally that is.​