Russia Plans To Attack NATO

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Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
I don't know the difference in their doctrines.
I don't study denominations I study the bible.

And if you don't know what some of these folks believe... you won't be ministering to them.

They'll shuck and jive you right on out the door!

It doesn't take very long at all to gather some info on what these folks believe to be able to counter wonky beliefs with scripture


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
And if you don't know what some of these folks believe... you won't be ministering to them.

They'll shuck and jive you right on out the door!

It doesn't take very long at all to gather some info on what these folks believe to be able to counter wonky beliefs with scripture
That's not my job.
You can have it if you want it.
My job is to find the better way.


Active Member
Jan 31, 2023
United States
Ezekiel chapter 38 .
Russia and Islamic brotherhood will attack America through Alaska at end of the 6th trump.
God is in control. Jesus want's the heathen to know He's Real !!.

Russia can't do it alone. Islam will go along with Russia near future.

I documented this already.

God will destroy them at Canadian mountains, 7th trump.

Jesus doesn't want America claiming credit.

Ezekiel chapter 38.
Isaiah chapter 63


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Unless it is nukes, Russia doesn't haven't enough technology nor modern munitions left to mount a serious threat to NATO.

Russia has hypersonic nuclear missiles. Suicidal ideation is increasing in individuals of every kind: ethnicity; affluence; social class, etc. This is a lethal combination.

Earth's survival thus far is an astounding miracle of God.

We need have no doubts that angels are holding this world back from the brink of self-destruction. :)

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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Russia has hypersonic nuclear missiles. Suicidal ideation is increasing in individuals of every kind: ethnicity; affluence; social class, etc. This is a lethal combination.

Earth's survival thus far is an astounding miracle of God.

We need have no doubts that angels are holding this world back from the brink of self-destruction. :)

Well it is possible according to Ezekiel that there may be a nuclear exchange between Russia nd america.

There is real doubts that Russia's hypersonic missiles are actually fully functional. They may have a few but the western sanctions have crippled Russias military.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Well it is possible according to Ezekiel that there may be a nuclear exchange between Russia nd america.

There is real doubts that Russia's hypersonic missiles are actually fully functional. They may have a few but the western sanctions have crippled Russias military.
That's not true at all.

Russia is more advanced by far than the USA in so many things.
Russia also has a way better military than the USA, bar for size, but the USA has been hopeless in every War after WW2 in fact, just pathetic ! and useless ! sure it's the system not the people fighting the War but the system makes a joke out of getting so many of the USA people killed for nothing !

Look at Nam, that was criminal intent in regards the Governments, why. well the Communist knew the plan of attack before hand when and how was coming in every day in fact ! They were warned before hand by who ? do you know who it was that warned them Communist off ? prolonging the War for years !

And that's it Stupid fool Wars that go on for years, when it could of been over in a month or so ! But it's all games behind the issue that the Government spin ? No one could be so stupid to War like they have done for so many years !

Russia Military does not play games or silly buggers !

Sanctions against Russia have only strengthened Russia, Russia is doing well and boasting that the USA is only going backwards for the future.

The West is trying to destroy it's self in fact ! no one could be so stupid ! everything that they do is wrong ! undermining themselves ! selling their Nations out in fact and so as to become trash people in fact ! That's what they push 24/7 ! Joe Biden is full of it ! and so is the UK, Australia, Canada. Just full on trying to undermine the good working productive people and empowering all of the toe rags !

The day will come when they pull the rug out from under the West and Crash the economy ! For we are all in so much debt, that they can easy destroy such Nations easy as.

Remember Germany had to pay back it's debt ! a time limit was set !
What if the USA has to call in it's debt in 3 months ? what if every West Nation had to ?
People who are in debt are Slaves in fact ! a Nation that is in debt is a Slave in fact !

Why would the best Nation in the World the USA ! be in so much Debt ? No one could be so stupid ! such is Criminal !
It's like a Son who got given a Ranch, the best in the World in fact and could not make a go of it ? but ran up a huge debt ! Why ! Such a one must be on drugs, or is a derelict or is being conned by an enemy ?

The USA should be lending money to other Nations in fact and so wealthy that no one would go without at all ! fix all of the problems with the blacks easy as, jobs for all ! But no ! Governments feed on racial BS 24/7 and work to undermine everyone in fact and it's so obvious that such have set us up to be milked dry !

To make it simple Dady gives you much land ! and you can not make a go of it ! then you go and borrow money to keep it afloat ? Dady comes and says who are you ? and who are you borrowing off ! well Son says, well i do not know who i am in debt to truly ! Dad say why do you not know who ? Son well we are not allowed to know such things ! Dad says, are you in debt to the Islamic or the Jews ? Son, i do not know ! Dad says why would you sell yourself out to Godless people ? who have no Grace in fact ! so Your an abomination !

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
Russia Military does not play games or silly buggers

They couldn't whip the Boy Scouts in a conventional ground war... we've learned that about them as they can't even take a nation full of nazis (Ukraine)

At this point Russia is just embarrassing itself... they don't know their backside from deep center field!


Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
They couldn't whip the Boy Scouts in a conventional ground war... we've learned that about them as they can't even take a nation full of nazis (Ukraine)

At this point Russia is just embarrassing itself... they don't know their backside from deep center field!

View attachment 40237
But they have not taken them on in fact ! It's not a War yet !
The Media claims that Russia is trying to take over Ukraine. Russia is not trying at all to take Ukraine over, it's just a dispute over the Lands on the East Ukraine that the moron Nazi Dog Zelensky has brought on them people of Ukraine. and Biden is ramping up and up the anti in fact.

Putin is being nice to the Ukraine People in fact ! but it's only the Devils like Joe Biden that has created this issue in fact !

I like your muttly picture, i remember him haha !

But i do not support the issue of them who wanted War in Ukraine at all, they brought it all on in fact and Putin had to deal with all this in his own back yard ! for Russia has every right in fact and The West is totally out of line on this issue. It's moronic but hey the MSM is totally full of crap ! lies after lies are spun by the MSM in fact, totally childish BS as well that only a fool would believe, like claiming Russia has no more Weapons they have ran out ? Does the world think Russia is so pathetic like Australia run by total morons we can not even make petrol here anymore. we have like 3 weeks supply at times, stop the fuel containers and were finished !

Russia does not need others to survive, they can make anything they want.

Why the big deal nowadays over Russia !

Russia was a total shit under Communism and the West were way to gutless to take it on and they had every right to smash Russia back then for sure, i would support that 100%. but not nowadays For Russia was coming on fine with the West, thanks to Putin in fact, bar for a hand full of criminals in the West who have worked to make Russians look bad in fact, they are not bad ! sure they have some who are rotten eggs and issues, but Putin has dealt with most of such in fact.
But the West could never of brought Russia out of Communism like Putin has done in turning Russia around to become a great Nation once again. But the West is truly on the decline and becoming Communist in fact ! Putin has been down that hole and does not want it for Russia and has warned the West that it is falling into the same total depravity that Communist Russia was, just a total s hole ! That's what the West is heading into in fact ! becoming Slaves to godless totally evil dictating morons in fact !

What's the big deal with Russia ? Nothing really in fact ! bar for a insane mad man running loose in a stolen Government of the USA ! Creating stupid Wars in fact ! That's what it truly is in fact !

The Ukraine Government Dictatorship can go * it's self ! and so can Joe Biden and crew ! I have nothing but total despise for such as them full on Satanist. Evil, total Evil ! bringing hellfire on people like that is Satanic.

Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
It's the suffering that bothers me. I don't want to watch the world burn.
I don't want to be Noah listening to the screams while people drowning all around.
But when you really think about... they are screaming inside...
Are we doing enough?
Are we fulfilling the mission we were given?

You make me think too hard lol.
Goodnight friend

Tarry yet awhile Lord,
in the hope that someone might yet be converted.

Pax et Bonum
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