Rahab the Woman, Prostitute, Innkeeper, or Israelite Spy

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
In the genealogy of our Lord, and Savior, Jesus the Christ. there is a woman in his linage, according to the flesh, that have been for a long time, surrounded in controversy, and surrounded in mystery. this woman has been portrayed as a harlot/prostitute, but yet, she is without the stigma of a Jezebel, or a Delilah. she is listed among many, according to the bible, as one having great faith, (see Hebrews 11). some have said that this woman was a Tavern-keeper, others, Innkeeper, yet others, in keeping with the biblical record, a harlot and or a prostitute. she has carried this title, harlot, throughout the bible long enough without biblical understanding. many, (including myself), in ignorance misunderstood this word, harlot, and the word prostitute. for centuries, we have lost the original true meaning of these words. especially in the controversy surrounding this woman reputation. I believe it is a mistake on our part, but an honest mistake. Just like Mary Magdalene, she was always referred to as a prostitute, or harlot. which in itself, was found out to be unwarranted. I believe the same title, concerning this woman Rahab, is also unwarranted. if Rahab was not a harlot in the sense that we’re accustom to think what a harlot is, then the painting of this woman history, before the fall of Jericho, is an injustice. not only to her, but to many other women who may have been portrayed in the same light. what, we constitute as a harlot, might be incorrect, (today as we speak). could we have mislabeled this woman, as we did with Mary Magdalene, with an unwarranted title. if so do this make the bible, the word of God in error? God forbid, NO, I believe that the Bible is one hundred percent correct in what it states. but maybe it is our misunderstanding as to what a harlot truly is.
this woman caught my attention again while reading the book of Joshua in earnest, without previous influences. growing up, we all heard of the biblical account of, “Joshua and the battle of Jericho”, and walls came tumbling down. much to our understanding, or lack of it, nothing is said about this woman Rahab, except she hid the spies, and she was a harlot, and or a prostitute. but later changed her ways, and was accepted in the commonwealth of the nation of Israel. then she married a man name Salmon, others say Joshua. and from this union, produce the man Boaz, who married a gentile woman, name Ruth. and from that union comes Jesse, and from him the second king of Israel, David. after doing some initial research into this woman background, things were not adding up for her to be a harlot/prostitute. especially not by our definition today as to what a harlot/prostitute is. so, another look was warranted for this gentile woman? (I have placed a question after gentile? for this woman), in doing so, this produce some surprising results about this woman. was Rahab really a Canaanite? just who and what this woman is and was to the nation of Israel. and was the work of this one woman, in God’s plans contribute to the successful conquering of the promise land. the conquering of the promise land is one of the most important events in bible history. so I placed this topic here in the bible study section. for a re-look, or an in depth study of this woman I believe is required.


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Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
GINOLJC, to all. in the body of Christ there is neither male nor female. the woman (married or not have served God faithfully). this fact that God use women as well as men need to be brought out. but brought fair and equal, meaning the truth.

there was a breakthrough in the study of this woman that made me take another look at her. let’s tear down these Jericho walls again not of the city, but the walls of Ignorance surrounding our minds concerning this woman.
#1. What she was label: Rahab is referred to as a, Zanah, which is the Hebrew word H2181. meaning to commit adultery, (less often of simple fornication), this is the main definition, but take note Rahab was not married until after the walls fell. but, also note, the KJV can also translate it as, (cause to) commit fornication. here is a big revelation. “cause to”, is not to say, they did, but they could be the cause of one to fornicate. let that sink into your thinking. and two, Zanah H2181, it is a verb, and not a noun, hence the action, “to cause”. in the new testament, it is translated as, G4204 πόρνη porne. prostitute, a sex worker. figuratively, an idolater. here is the definition I would like for one to take note of. the same source defines G4204 πόρνη porne, “by extension, one who deliberately stimulates or fulfills unwedded sexual desire by dress, speech or conduct”, we’re using the Mickelson's Enhanced Strong's Dictionaries of the Greek and Hebrew Testaments words to define this word, here is the (to cause). re-read that definition again if need be. hold this definition in your head for a minute. Let’s examine the word origin, and the history of the word prostitute, via online at dictionary.com. Latin, prostituta "prostitute" the fem. of prostitutus. The notion of "sex for hire" is not inherent in the etymology, STOP, read that again, the notion of "sex for hire" is not inherent in the etymology. NOT INHERENT IN THE ETYMOLOGY. which rather suggests one "exposed to lust" or sex "indiscriminately offered". notice what the origin says. “suggests one "exposed to lust" or sex "indiscriminately offered". the etymology of prostitute, have nothing to do with sex for hire. it is not inherent with the word. the rending of the Hebrew word zanah, as prostitute, is incorrect in our today’s thinking. here’s why. again, for prostitute, in its word origin & history, it states. The noun meaning "a woman who offers her body indiscriminately" (usually for money) this is from the1610s definition of the word prostitute, NOTICE THE 1610 DEFINITION. so why is this so important? because the King James Bible was written in 1611. which means from the year 1610 and backwards through time, prostitute was not defined as “sex for hire” as it is rendered today. read the definition again for clarity. the early church could not have seen Rahab in that kind of light, “sex for hire”, as we think of a prostitute today. because only after 1610 was the word prostitute associate with a female having, “sex for hire”, or sex for money. the word prostitute in the early church definition was define as, “one "exposed to lust" or sex "indiscriminately offered". the original definition of this title prostitute, or harlot, clearly liberates Rahab of that unwarranted title, that we know today after 1610. the original definition of prostitute for Rahab is destroyed. let's clear the name of our sister, and great … grandmother of our Lord and savior Jesus the Christ once and for all.

this is just the beginning.


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Jan 26, 2017
United States

Rahab (possibly foreshadowing Israel? Or her sister Judah??) (Where does Naomi fit in?)
Boaz the kinsman redeemer. (foreshadowing Jesus, the kinsman redeemer)
The kinsman redeemer marries a gentile woman named Ruth. (Foreshadowing Jesus' marriage covenant with His church) (Ruth 3: 9) "and he said, Who art thou? And she answered, I am Ruth thine handmaid: spread therefore thy skirt (your authority) over thine handmaid; for thou art a near kinsman."

(Ruth 4: 5) "Then said Boaz, What day thou buyest the field of the hand of Naomi, thou must buy it also of Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of the dead, to raise up the name of the dead upon his inheritance."

Out of their union (Boaz and Ruth) comes Jesse.
Then second king of Israel, David.

What has always confused me. (Ruth 4: 14- 17) "And the women said unto Naomi, Blessed be the Lord, which hath not left thee this day without a kinsman, that his name may be famous in Israel.
And he shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life, and a nourisher of thine old age: for thy daughter in law, which loveth thee, which is better to thee than seven sons, hath born him.
And Naomi took the child, and laid it in her bosom, and became nurse unto it.
And the women her neighbours gave it a name, saying, There is a son born to Naomi; and they called his name Obed: he is the father of Jesse, the father of David." If Naomi foreshadows Israel. And Ruth the gentile church...Ruth gave birth and then gave the child to Naomi to nurse??

I agree with you that Gods definition for "harlot" is different from ours. I am interested to see where this study leads you.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
GINOLJC, to VictoryinJesus, thanks for your response, and yes what you said is true.
Boaz the kinsman redeemer. (foreshadowing Jesus, the kinsman redeemer)
The kinsman redeemer marries a gentile woman named Ruth. (Foreshadowing Jesus' marriage covenant with His church)
but one thing about Ruth, she being a Moabite, may not per say be a Gentile in the sense of blood relation. remember the Moabite nation came from the incestuous relation between Lot and one of his daughters (the firstborn). scripture, Genesis 19:30-38. “And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters. 31 And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth: 32 Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. 33 And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. 34 And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. 35 And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. 36 Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father. 37 And the firstborn bare a son, and called his name Moab: the same is the father of the Moabites unto this day. 38 And the younger, she also bare a son, and called his name Benammi: the same is the father of the children of Ammon unto this day”.

knowing this, what was the connection between the two nation, Ruth the Moabite, and Boaz the Israelite? Lot was Abraham nephew, both nation came from each men. Ruth was “KIN” folk, to say with the nation of Israel by Abraham and Lot who was uncle and nephew. scripture, Genesis 12:5 "And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came”.

yes, VictoryinJesus, you're right on target. also the GENTILES are not that far from the nation, KIN-folk, yes this is a foreshadowing.

next, we will dig more into Rahab bacground, it will be interesting. feel free to input any information or thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
GINOLJC. RAHAB, THE INNKEEPER I’ll put this in two posts, or two parts.
having obtained the knowledge that Rahab is not the prostitute that we thought she was, it now leads us to the word zanah, or the word “zonah”, which is a cognate of the verb Zanah. a cognate in linguistic means (of a word) having the same linguistic derivation as another; from the same original word or root. this word “zonah”, identify Rahab in her day, and time, with her occupation as some say harlot, but we will disagree with that assessment, and set about to prove our point why this is not true. Zanah, the Hebrew word, H 2181 some translated it as the cognate “ittetha pundekitha”, meaning a woman, a tavern-keeper, because of the Hebrew words, “ZOON”, ZON, or “ZUN” which, (laterally), not literally, but laterally, means to furnish food. but in our quest, we will not take that route (the easy way). although those words do render, innkeeper, or hostess, we will get to that definition, THE OLD FASHION WAY, BY “RESEARCH”. here, in these words we have the combination of both occupations, tavern-keeper, and innkeeper. but we would like to look in another direction with this word, “zonah”. we’ll come back to Rahab as a tavern-keeper later. this word, “zonah”, opened up revealing research into this woman occupation, or occupation(s) and background. in reading Joshua 2:6 it states, "But she had brought them up to the roof of the house, and hid them with the stalks of flax, which she had laid in order upon the roof”. here is our first clue to Rahab true occupation. notice the verse mention, “stalks of flax”. this caught my attention, is this very important? yes, because flax was used in the making of clothing. but the eyeopener was, its use in making linen. yes, linen, that is use on beds. if one was operating a business in that field or line of work, let’s say, an innkeeper, perhaps, one might ask, “what so important about that”. here’s why it’s important. one, it connects Rahab real occupation with the use of flax, with linen. which is needed to run a successful business, as an innkeeper. because one needs clean linen daily. that’s if one is in that type of business. and two, the name Rahab itself, connect her to Egypt. her name in itself is revealing, why?. the name of the first city where flax was used to make clothing, and linen, was a famous city in Egypt, with the name “ZOAN”. do this word looks like another word? yes, “ZONAH” which is the cognate of the verb ZANAH, (are we seeing something now?). but “ZONAH”, can also be translated as some say, TAVERN-KEEPER. since she is in the flax business, did she run a bed and breakfast in her day? Let’s look First at the INNKEEPER direction of this study. as Joshua 2:6 states, was she in the flax business? remember this proverb, 31:13 “She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands”. This scripture is about a virtuous woman, and she uses flax, (in making clothing for her family?), YES, a virtuous woman. if Rahab was using flax to make linen, that directly ties Rahab to the INNKEEPING business. because one would need fresh clean linen daily in this type of business. This is further brought out by associating a person name with their occupation, trade, or talent. here’s my point. in the old English language, which the bible was written in, old English format 1611. people was named, or known, by their work, profession, trade, or talent. Family names, and even last names, whose origin relates to a trade or occupation, are one of the foremost common categories of surname, along with last names in our language. examples, the name "Smith", refers to a blacksmith. because of the coal that they used at that time in their forges. "Arkwright" comes from the makers of chests, or arks. The surname "Dymond", meaning dairyman, or “Cooper”, which means barrel maker. also, people was name for a talent that they might possess. example, the queen of soul. or the king of rock and roll. now back to Rahab. according to a few sources, they translate ZONAH as TAVERN-KEEPER. so was Rahab title associated with her identity as a ZONAH? meaning a taver-keeper instead of Prostitute which this word is cognate of?. also take in point, her personal name, Rahab. I’m familiar with her traditional meaning of her name. but the bible use the same name Rahab several times to reference Egypt. again, let’s take a closer look at that city in (Egypt), that was famous for its use of flax, ZOAN.
Part 2 next in post #6.
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Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
let’s take a closer look at that city in (Egypt), that was famous for its use of flax, ZOAN. question, “what’s so striking about this city”. it had a name before it was called ZOAN, its original name was, “Avaris”. and guess where Avaris was located? that’s right in the Land of Goshen. it must be noted, who was in the land of Goshen in afore times? Correct, the Children of ISRAEL. but what’s mind blowing about this city is this, in recent archaeological finding, a ruler there, they found, his name on a signet ring, Yosef. who do that name refer to? yes, Joseph, he was the son of a man, name Yacob, (Jacob). (this is bible history in Egypt), some sources say that this Yacob, (Jacob) was a Horite ruler. now this alone was an eye opener also for me. but the real prize was the Y used in the names. the origins of the “Y” in the names, could have been of Canaanite writing. when I was researching this woman background for her occupation, this surprise came up. her occupation came from a city in Egypt were the children of Israel stayed before they came “back” into the land of Canaan. remember Abraham, and Jacob lived in Canaan. their decedents, in the fourth generation, (400 years later), return back to the land Canaan. is this just a fluke, or coincidence? is there something the bible is trying to tell us about this woman Rahab background? because the bible references Rahab name to Egypt. this peeked my interest in assuming if Rahab was even a Canaanite. also in the same area was the Hyksos. I asked myself is there any connection to the Horite, and the Hyksos, and the children of Israel? the question arises in my mind is this, “is Rahab family really somehow connected with the nation of Israel?”. this question I will address later in Rahab personal life. but as for the different nation in the same area? that’s for another topic of study also. now back to Rahab. if she was in the inn-keeping business, (and this I believe she was), and if she was as beautiful as some historian say, (which I believe also), then we can understand the definition of her as ZANAH, or a prostitute, but mislabel and wrongly identified. Let’s put it all together. the true etymology of the word prostitute is one who is, "exposed to lust" or sex "indiscriminately offered”. not a participant, or partaker in it. the answer for me was in the description of this house of Rahab. we know it was an INN, and on the rooftop, she kept flax. but in the day to day operation of a INN, a lot of times people go there not just for lodging, while on travel. but for other reasons, as we’re fully aware of in our present day and time. meaning to have secret liaison, or rendezvous with the opposite sex. in modern language, “let get a room”. with Rahab, as an operator of this business, she would have been "exposed to the lust or sex” going on around her, just as the word zanah states, but not a participant in it. knowing this let’s look at these two word, “harlot, and prostitute”, in connection with Rahab as an Innkeeper. this word, "porne", G4204 that is used in the new testament, have the same implication, as the old testament word Zanah, H2181, (cause to commit fornication). to understand the implication of this word, one must understand its definition. how was Rahab label as one who, (cause to commit fornication), when married? fornication, in accordance with many dictionary means prostitution. there are two Greek words that indicate prostitution, and its degrees. "porne”, G4204, this is our word that is use of Rahab, and not, G4202, “porneia”. each are vastly different from one another. but are sometimes mistake one for the other in various ways and settings. an Enhanced Strong's Greek Dictionary have the definition, and the renderings of these two words. G4202, πορνεία porneia, it means, illicit sexual intercourse. G4204 πόρνη porne (por'-nay) a prostitute, a sex worker. prostitute is our word that we will zero in on, since it is contained in the NT text. G4204 πόρνη porne was used to identify our innkeeper Rahab. take note, there is nowhere in the bible that states that Rahab had sex with anyone except her husband Salmon. and since Rahab did not have any illicit sexual intercourse with any other man. the Greek word used in our bibles, sustain again in my research of support for the word used by the bible. remember, the definition used before 1611 suggests one "exposed to lust" or sex "indiscriminately offered." so the correct rendering of Rahab the innkeeper, should be one "exposed to lust" or sex "indiscriminately offered” not someone indulgence in it. and by being in this business as an innkeeper, and combined with the fact that Rahab was one of the most beautiful women at that time, or even in the world. we can see why, and know how she was exposed to this kind of behavior. it is said, that the mere mention of her name excited inordinate desire. this definition of, “prostitute", before 1611 above, would have fitted Rahab to a tee. being a beautiful young woman, in men eyes, she would, as the definition states, have had, "indiscriminately offered” made toward her. in their eyes, she would be the one who would, “fulfills unwedded sexual desire”. this fits the zanah, and the porne, G4204 definitions perfectly before 1611 language use. in using the definition of, “by extension”, prostitute means, one who cause, or deliberately stimulates or fulfills unwedded sexual desire by dress, speech or conduct”. today, many women have been portrayed in this same light by how they may dress, or by their conduct. case in point. if a woman have conversation with several different men. the word is out that she “MUST” be sleeping around with all of them, or some of them. also if a woman dress a certain way, she is label “loose” or a flirt, which may not be either case. Rahab, in looking at the evidence, she was more of a women's libber in her day, in the sense why she operated her own business, an inn? Most women today have to be a strong woman to refuse these types of advances, especially when, and maybe when money is involved. if this was the case, and Rahab refused these advances, (and I believe she did, which I will later address), then our assessment of this woman conduct was ill gained, and is unwarranted.


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Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
Rahab the Tavern-keeper.
We have learned that Rahab was an Innkeeper, combine that with being a tavern-keeper as some have translated, a picture of this woman occupation is coming into focus. Let’s turn our attention to Rahab as a tavern-keeper. social contact between the sexes is nothing new. if one is on the mature side in age, they might remember a TV western show called Gunsmoke, for those who are younger just google it. there was a saloon, in combination with a INN, called the, “Long Branch Saloon”. it was operated by a (so called Madam) name Miss Kitty. this saloon/inn had what we called, UPPER ROOMS. there, cowboys, who would socially meet ladies, (may we say), “with like interest”, retire to these UPPERROOMS. in other words, this woman, Miss Kitty, in our modern-day expression, ran, or operated, what we call today, “a house of ill-repute” that's in some eyes, or some my say, just providing a service. Miss Kitty, in her defense, she was the proprietress, or operator of the place, but did not participated in the business HERSELF that went on in the UPPERROOMS. read that again. she just operated the business. I believe this is a good example of what the woman Rahab did. she just operated, or was the proprietress of the business, just as Miss Kitty was in Gunsmoke. there is nothing new under the sun. in Egypt, here’s Egypt again, it was the women who run the taverns, do your research. by running the business, in our example, the name, “madam”, was associate with Miss Kitty Occupation, meaning her business. here’s why I say this. just as in the saloon scenario, people was given name by “relationship” to their profession or trade, as stated before. here, the names are in “association” with their occupation, or profession. example, the name Jezebel. it is in association with provocative make up, and dress. sound familiar? as in the definition, “one who deliberately stimulates or fulfills unwedded sexual desire by dress, speech or conduct”. was Jezebel a prostitute because of the makeup, and the way she dressed. NO, it was because of her evil heart that she carries that stigma. the real stigma was not the makeup nor the dress that was associated with her, but her evil heart. some women, who may dress a certain way, might be ill label, by some of our standards, as a Jezebel, and have nothing to do their heart. also a woman may be, in like manner, label a Delilah, as to in tricking, or deceiving a love one? these are name associations given unto women in history, and some contemporary. in a man case, a Judas, or a benedict Arnold, see the relationship now. there are many other names people have been given by association. are they justified? not all, maybe some. just as in Rahab case, she could have been in a business where such behavior went on, and was falsely associated with the brand of behavior in question. could Rahab profession/occupation may have been misread, or translated, as an entendre. A double entendre is a literary device that can be defined as a phrase or a figure of speech that might have multiple senses, interpretations or two different meanings or that could be understood in two different ways. Oxford Dictionary says that it “conveys an indelicate meaning”. indelicate means having or showing a lack of sensitive understanding or tact. So if she was the owner of what we might call today, a bed and breakfast or running a saloon, It’s clear that she was an tavern-keeper, because men lodge at her home, and conservation went on, and I’m sure the conservation was not “dry”. she was well know for the gathering of men there, in exchange of conversation, the word got out to the king that men from the children of Israel was there. because of the Hebrew words, “ZOON”, ZON, or “ZUN” which, laterally, means to furnish food, and the fact that she also was an innkeeper, because of the flax. by association, this woman occupation is very clear, yes she was running a bed and breakfast type business. was this mislabeling of her association in this dual business carried over into her mistaken identity as a harlot?, I believe so.


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Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
Understanding Rahab as a Zanah, Married?

The most difficult wall of Jericho to fall in our minds is the understanding of what actually went on in this woman personal, or home life. being define as a Zanah, or a harlot was very difficult at first to accept. the word itself refers to a woman, “to commit adultery”, (MARRIED), this is the main definition, also to commit fornication. if one leaves it there, then the case for her exoneration is lost, especially from the stigma as a harlot, either way married or not. the problem, or the wall, is this. why use Zanah? ..... in the book of Joshua, there is no mention of Rahab having a husband at all, (until after the walls fell). if Zanah means a Harlot that is married, how can Rahab be a Zanah, if not married? or was she? that's where the definition can be "to commit fornication". this wall of Jericho in our minds, we have label it, “the zanah wall”, had puzzle me for many, and I mean many of years. at first, this wall, it seems IMPREGNABLE to reconcile. because many hurdles had to be overcome. if our sister Rahab, the great....... grandmother of our Lord and Savior, (according to the flesh) would have a chance at her name being cleared in all respects, this wall had to come down also. by the GREAT POWER, (wisdom), found only in Christ Jesus, the answer is revealed in the way Zanah can be translated, (to commit fornication). but the question, “how can someone be married, and commit fornication?”, as Williams Shakespeare said, “that is the question”. only the married commits adultery, right, but what about fornication in a marriage? yes. a zanah, can be one, a female, who is translated in the KJV as, (to commit fornication), and be married. that open, as well as eliminated the last wall and gate to this woman Rahab honor. the answer came, or the Lord reminded me of another similar situation, where a marriage controversy was misunderstood. “the virgin Mary marriage”. the question came up as to what she was, a Betulah, or Almah, in the marriage. as in our question, “was Rahab married”, as the Zanah wall suggested. or was she not married. with the word zanah in used, it seems as if she is married. and if the bible used the word, then we must find out why God used the word, for the Word of God don’t lie. Now as it seems, according to the scriptures in the book of Joshua at the time of the fall of Jericho, it appears that this woman was not married, only in the sense that we think of. this was a sticking point for a long time. this problem, or wall can be resolved in understanding what an espoused marriage means. such as with the virgin Mary. this involves the definitions of being a Betulah, or a Almah. this needs careful understanding. the question that present itself, is this. was Rahab, a Betulah, or a Almah? Let’s see. first, she had to be a young woman. I base this on the fact that she married Salmon, who also was a young man. who was born in the wilderness time, or in the Exodus from Egypt, in the fourth generation. and two, all who was twenty and under survived the wilderness. we will have to go this route, because the bible say that she was a Zanah, which in turn means, (in a marriage of some kind). but yet, there is no mention, or hint of her having, or staying under the roof of a husband. because if being a Betulah, or Almah one can go both ways to explain her marital status. and I’m fully aware of some of the misunderstanding of the use of these two types of titles. As Mary, was she an almah?, The word alma, it can refer to a young unmarried woman, one of whose characteristics is totally virginity, and is under her father’s roof, or some family member as a protector. and there is no instance where the word alma is used to refer to a non-virgin, especially Proverb 30:18 & 19, as some would contend, because verse 20 tell us why. so the word almah, it clearly refers to virgins. but our problem is that the word, Zanah, (MARRIED) is used in Rahab case. now a Betulah, can be a young married woman who is not a virgin, but pure because she is married. this definition could fit fine with the definition of Zanah, (MARRIED). but the pure aspect would not fit a definition for a Harlot, per say, as we know it. and two, there is no mention of her, Rahab, being under any man’s roof, except her father’s roof. So, to answer this dilemma, I had to put on my Jewish way of a marriage thinking cap for this. Just as the virgin Mary came under Joseph roof, but did not have sex with him, only until after our Lord was born. so by definition, Mary was an Alma, but married. problem solved in Mary case. because Mary was in an espouse marriage. so, by simply coming under her husband Joseph roof, and being not yet fully married, by the consummating of the marriage with sexual intercourse. this is how she was an Alma in every sense of the word. likewise, I believe this is the case here with Rahab, only in the reverse. meaning being at home under her father’s roof, but engage, or espouse to someone, her husband to be, (when consummated). Rahab, in my opinion, was a foreshadow of the virgin Mary to come, I know that just knocked some out of their chairs, hold on to your skirts, and pants. just as there was some controversy surrounding Mary's marriage with child, and being an Alma, without sex, and was espouse to a husband. so is it in a controversy surrounding this woman Rahab reputation, as a Zanah. could Rahab have been in an espousal marriage? just as the virgin Mary was, but this woman was still at home under her father’s roof. Notice I bold “her father roof”. the question is, was Rahab in an espoused marriage, meaning given in marriage, but had no sex, meaning the consummation of the marriage had not taken place yet. likewise, she is still at home under her father’s roof. if true, then there is a chance of the label to commit fornication. remember the KJV, can also translate Zanah, H2181, as (to commit fornication). even if married, but no sex with the espouse husband. and that can only be possible in an espousal marriage. if so, then there would be no need to mention a husband in her account in the book of Joshua. this is confirmed in Rahab own testimony when she converses with the two spies on the roof top. in that conversation, she references her father’s house, with her entire family. Joshua 2:12 "Now therefore, I pray you, swear unto me by the LORD, since I have shewed you kindness, that ye will also shew kindness unto my father's house, and give me a true token. 13 And that ye will save alive my father, and my mother, and my brethren, and my sisters, and all that they have, and deliver our lives from death.” notice she said, deliver “our” lives. these scriptures clearly shows that Rahab was interested in “SAVING LIVES”. still living at home, under her father roof. that takes care of the Zanah, H2181 wall, only if she was in an espouse marriage.. and we will bring that out later.


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Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
Rahab Personal Life and heritage

Now that the zanah wall have fallen, in reference to adultery, we turn our attention to the fornication side of the zanah, which is prone, G4204, of the new testament. but before we get to this side of the wall. I would like to ask a serious question. "why is it always a controversy when a woman, found in a questionable situation, her reputation is at stake, or tainted”. this should get us into the right mood when this last wall falls. remember the Mickelson's Enhanced Strong's Dictionary of the bible can also translate this Hebrew word Zanah, H2181, second definition, as (cause to commit fornication). this word fornication clearly support the espouse marriage scenario that we have just discussed. because the use of fornication clearly tells us that she had to be espouse, but not yet in consummation of the marriage. not that she committed any acts of fornication, but as the definition states, (cause to commit fornication). this definition of zanah, which translate into prone, G4204, NT, have nothing to do with her occupation, but it do have implication on her origins, which tell us about her personal life. this use of the word fornication in a marriage support the thinking of the new testament word that the bible uses as an espouse marriage . we turn to our Lord and savior Jesus the Christ, for our understanding of this word and how it is used in a marriage. Matthew 19:9 "And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery”. this scripture clearly shows our case scenario with Rahab. why, because if she was in a marriage where she had consummate the marriage, (by having sexual intercourse with her husband), then it would have been reported in the new testament as, G3430 μοιχεία moicheia (moy-khei'-ah), which describe the person, and not the action, in adultery instead of fornication, as in prone, G4204. That’s why the bible uses prone, G4204 in Rahab case instead of G3430 μοιχεία moicheia. because before 1610, prone, G4204 was used to identify a female as, “one "exposed to lust" or sex "indiscriminately offered”. not one who was engage in it, but expose to it. that completely tear down the Zanah, H2181 wall, and the prone, G4204 wall. with these walls eliminated, it clears Rahab as an adulteress in the sexual arena altogether. by saying she was a Zanah, H2181, that mean she did not have sexual intercourse outside of her espouse marriage. and with that, she is no harlot as the word origins of prostitute testify to. she is vindicated.

Knowing this information of a possible espousal marriage. the question arises who could she have been espouse to. this is only pure speculation on my part. but what we have in the bible, this we will draw our conclusion on. in the record of the bible according to Matthew 1:5 "And Salmon begat Booz of Rachab; and Booz begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Jesse”. in her marriage to Salmon, after the fall of Jericho. I believe that she was espoused to him before her family came ahead into Jericho, or was sent ahead. remember, not all the families rebelled against the LORD in the wilderness. Hebrews 3:16 "For some, when they had heard, did provoke: howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses. 17 But with whom was he grieved forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness? 18 And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that believed not? 19 So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief”. clearly, we see that the ones who sinned, and those of unbelief, did not enter. also, those who was twenty-one years and up did not enter who did not believe. going by this scenario, Rahab, and Salmon could have been under the twenty years of age limit, and or in the families that did not rebel. understand, a young maiden could be espoused at an early age, even twelve and a half. she could have been under the twenty years of age given for those who was overlook in the nation unbelief. this is only speculation of course. but if this is correct, this would answer many question as to how this woman knew so much about the LORD? the first answer comes to mind her parents. Joshua 2:8 "And before they were laid down, she came up unto them upon the roof; 9 And she said unto the men, I know that the LORD hath given you the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you”. Rahab is the first to engage the name, the “LORD”, which is forbidden to speak. But notice, she is giving these men an intelligence report on the condition of the city as well as the surrounding land. she is telling them that the LORD has given them the land. and in verse 11 she encourages them to take the land. "And as soon as we had heard these things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because of you: for the LORD your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath”. here she uses a term that the prophet Jeremiah will later uses, 23:24 "Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD”. and then this woman in the very next verse speaks of the LORD as her God. verse12 "Now therefore, I pray you, swear unto me by the LORD, since I have shewed you kindness, that ye will also shew kindness unto my father's house, and give me a true token”. did one notice, she did not say, “the LORD your God”. no, she said, “the LORD”. and then next she implements the whole house saving. supportive scriptures, Cornelius and his house saved, Acts 11:14 "Who shall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved”. the Philippian jailor, Acts 16:29 "Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas, 30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?. 31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. 32 And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house”. likewise, when preaching the gospel of God to all that will hear, even the entire household. 1 Timothy 4:16 "Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee”. So, we see Rahab was using a principle that will be in wide spread use in salvation. whole households being saved. the more I research out this woman, the more surprises we get. now here’s one more, did you missed it? it was the woman that secured or was succorer of her father’s household. don’t tell me that a woman cannot be the cause of men salvation. as this woman was the succorer of this household. so was our sister Phebe a succourer of many in her day. This woman Rahab “SAVED” her whole household, yes, a WOMAN BY GOD SAVES. I’m reminded of the scriptures, Galatians 3:27 "For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise”. Galatians 3:27-29 this support my belief that Rahab, was she really a Canaanite, or was she really an Israelite. The next section will bring this out.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
Rahab, the "Israelite" Spy?

Let's go back to the book of Joshua at the beginning of the first encounter with Rahab, at the very first verse in chapter 2. Joshua sent two spies, notice, “secretly”. not just to spy out the land, …. but was to spy the land “secretly”. now to me that's different. because spying is spying, and spying which is secret in itself but to spy secretly, this tell me that this was no regular spy mission. this spy mission was very unusual, and directed from the start. with the word, secretly injected in the Scriptures, it implies to me, in today language, “deep undercover”, or better words, “TOP SECRET”. supportive scripture, Hebrews 11:31 "By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace”. SAY WHAT?, IN PEACE. what’s the big deal about, “receiving” the spies? and to do it in “peace”? Hold it, if I was spying on you, would you receive me in peace? NO, because in spying, it takes something away from you without your knowledge. but to spy secretly? that’s telling me something else is going here. and notice, the spies went straight to Rahab house, to lodge? Lodge is an interesting word it usually refers to laying down in bed, as well as laying with a woman. that laying in bed is a direct reference to being in an INN. What did the spies do when they entered into Rahab house? make a covenant with her. But first, understand this, God said do not make any covenant or agreements with the people of the land, uh o, dead giveaway as to who she was. question, “was Rahab really a Canaanite by birth?”. this is my question concerning the Hyksos, and the Horite, being in the land of Goshen where the children of Israel lived. I only question it, because I have no proof from the bible, yet. but the Gibeonites made a covenant with Israel by trickery. so why make another covenant, especially with this woman if she is a Canaanite, are you going to get get trick twice with 40 years of wilderness under your belt?. or was she and her family any different from the Gibeonites and the Canaanite of the land? was it just because she hid the spies? then this would be the same trickery of the Gibeonites to save their own lives. NO, she hid them, and said something else that was very interesting. listen, Joshua 2:9 "And she said unto the men, I know that the LORD hath given you the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you”. did one see it? if not here it is, she said, “I Know”, I wonder why, and how she “knew” God, the LORD all caps. if a Canaanite, native of the Land, why not say we know? But she said, “I” know, that’s personal. was not the Canaanite king aware of the massing army just across the Jordan?. and then she said, “your terror is fallen upon us”. but she also said, something else. “all the inhabitants of the land”. the us separate her family from the people of Canaan. why not say “all of us the inhabitants of the land”. notice how she says it, “and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you”. that word inhabitant means a person or animal that inhabits a place, especially as a permanent resident. so my question, is why she's not a permanent resident in the land also? ...or why say us, and then in the same breath say, “all” the inhabitants. would not "all" include her and her family also? why make the distinction. and why did they, the spies, make this covenant with her? and only her?. notice something very, very important here. was it not the reason why they were walking around in the wilderness those 40 years because of disobedient. and was expressly told not to make any agreement with the inhabitant of the Land? these spies have 20 to 40 years of experience to know not to make any covenants with any inhabitants of the land. Exodus 34:12 "Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the (inhabitants) of the land whither thou goest, lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee”. after walking 40 years in the wilderness, I’m sure they knew better. on top of that Joshua was not upset with the agreement, seems like he was expecting it. Maybe, just maybe, because he knew of the agreement afor hand, for it was told of him. this is just not adding up as coincidence, or a regular spy mission. notice, there was only two spies, not 12, as before under Moses. Surely after 40 years the land, and armies, have changed, and current intelligence was needed. here's a possibility why they made that agreement, just maybe, and I said maybe, it could have been that Rahab was the source of the Intel that was needed for the invasion. she knew that all the inhabitants of the land were afraid. and Jericho, which was the gateway into the promised land, was shut up tight, (scared). take Jericho, and the promise land is open. they refuse to take it before under Moses, and under the evil report of the 10. so, was she an inside spy. Remember in verse 1, this is a secret spy mission, not just a regular spy mission, but a secret one. She, Rahab, double cross the king of Jericho, is this not what spy agents do? especially if they are double agents. in doing so, it helped to protect the lives of others, just as spies do today. when the king sent for the men, she hid them and sent the king's men another direction. she put her life on the line for the nation of her people. so, was Rahab acting under orders all the time? quietly collecting valuable data on the city, and the surrounding land? by operating an inn, she had access, and or knowledge of those who enter and left the city. It was a good cover in gathering intelligence on the land and by running an INN, she could get all the details of the going on in the city, it’s strengths and weakness. By having an INN as the intelligence headquarters, she was gathered data on the surrounding cities that was outside of the city walls as well inside the walls. the bible always talk about Rahab sending the king's men away and taking in the spies. this woman when Jericho falls, she marries Salmon, according to the bible. this seems strange to me. and to have her whole family saved, and at the same time doing all of this so call prostitution? it just doesn’t add up. “And Joshua saved Rahab the harlot alive, and her father's household, and all that she had; and she dwelleth in Israel even unto this day; because she hid the messengers, which Joshua sent to spy out Jericho”, (Joshua 6:25 kjv). This scripture is a direct reference to a secret spy mission to Rahab. Looking at all that has been said, could this have been one of the best kept military spy mission in the history of the bible, or even in the world. a secret operation that has been kept secret even unto this day? could it have started with Moses after 10 rejected God and ended with Joshua and Caleb entering into the promise land. Who would have suspected a woman spy in that day and time. could Rahab had use this cover as an innkeeper, and Tarvin-keeper to help the spies to gather critical information on the city and the surrounding lands, so that the children of God could enter the promise land? my God what a woman. where 10 men failed one woman replaced them in getting the job done. what a woman, beautiful the flesh, and beautiful in the Spirit. FAITHFUL, and long suffering hence the notation, Heb 11:31 “By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace”. amen, Glory to God almighty.

Let’s explain why we say that she just might be a spy. but first, I’m satisfied that #1. she’s not a prostitute as portrayed by unlearned men. and #2. just maybe she was not a Canaanite. and my third point, through research, maybe she was an undercover spy. just think about it, this woman was a spy. this would be one of the BEST KEPT BIBLICAL/ MILITARY SPY SECRET IN THE WORLD. amen


May 20, 2017
United States
Rahab, the "Israelite" Spy?

Let's go back to the book of Joshua at the beginning of the first encounter with Rahab, at the very first verse in chapter 2. Joshua sent two spies, notice, “secretly”. not just to spy out the land, …. but was to spy the land “secretly”. now to me that's different. because spying is spying, and spying which is secret in itself but to spy secretly, this tell me that this was no regular spy mission. this spy mission was very unusual, and directed from the start. with the word, secretly injected in the Scriptures, it implies to me, in today language, “deep undercover”, or better words, “TOP SECRET”. supportive scripture, Hebrews 11:31 "By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace”. SAY WHAT?, IN PEACE. what’s the big deal about, “receiving” the spies? and to do it in “peace”? Hold it, if I was spying on you, would you receive me in peace? NO, because in spying, it takes something away from you without your knowledge. but to spy secretly? that’s telling me something else is going here. and notice, the spies went straight to Rahab house, to lodge? Lodge is an interesting word it usually refers to laying down in bed, as well as laying with a woman. that laying in bed is a direct reference to being in an INN. What did the spies do when they entered into Rahab house? make a covenant with her. But first, understand this, God said do not make any covenant or agreements with the people of the land, uh o, dead giveaway as to who she was. question, “was Rahab really a Canaanite by birth?”. this is my question concerning the Hyksos, and the Horite, being in the land of Goshen where the children of Israel lived. I only question it, because I have no proof from the bible, yet. but the Gibeonites made a covenant with Israel by trickery. so why make another covenant, especially with this woman if she is a Canaanite, are you going to get get trick twice with 40 years of wilderness under your belt?. or was she and her family any different from the Gibeonites and the Canaanite of the land? was it just because she hid the spies? then this would be the same trickery of the Gibeonites to save their own lives. NO, she hid them, and said something else that was very interesting. listen, Joshua 2:9 "And she said unto the men, I know that the LORD hath given you the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you”. did one see it? if not here it is, she said, “I Know”, I wonder why, and how she “knew” God, the LORD all caps. if a Canaanite, native of the Land, why not say we know? But she said, “I” know, that’s personal. was not the Canaanite king aware of the massing army just across the Jordan?. and then she said, “your terror is fallen upon us”. but she also said, something else. “all the inhabitants of the land”. the us separate her family from the people of Canaan. why not say “all of us the inhabitants of the land”. notice how she says it, “and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you”. that word inhabitant means a person or animal that inhabits a place, especially as a permanent resident. so my question, is why she's not a permanent resident in the land also? ...or why say us, and then in the same breath say, “all” the inhabitants. would not "all" include her and her family also? why make the distinction. and why did they, the spies, make this covenant with her? and only her?. notice something very, very important here. was it not the reason why they were walking around in the wilderness those 40 years because of disobedient. and was expressly told not to make any agreement with the inhabitant of the Land? these spies have 20 to 40 years of experience to know not to make any covenants with any inhabitants of the land. Exodus 34:12 "Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the (inhabitants) of the land whither thou goest, lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee”. after walking 40 years in the wilderness, I’m sure they knew better. on top of that Joshua was not upset with the agreement, seems like he was expecting it. Maybe, just maybe, because he knew of the agreement afor hand, for it was told of him. this is just not adding up as coincidence, or a regular spy mission. notice, there was only two spies, not 12, as before under Moses. Surely after 40 years the land, and armies, have changed, and current intelligence was needed. here's a possibility why they made that agreement, just maybe, and I said maybe, it could have been that Rahab was the source of the Intel that was needed for the invasion. she knew that all the inhabitants of the land were afraid. and Jericho, which was the gateway into the promised land, was shut up tight, (scared). take Jericho, and the promise land is open. they refuse to take it before under Moses, and under the evil report of the 10. so, was she an inside spy. Remember in verse 1, this is a secret spy mission, not just a regular spy mission, but a secret one. She, Rahab, double cross the king of Jericho, is this not what spy agents do? especially if they are double agents. in doing so, it helped to protect the lives of others, just as spies do today. when the king sent for the men, she hid them and sent the king's men another direction. she put her life on the line for the nation of her people. so, was Rahab acting under orders all the time? quietly collecting valuable data on the city, and the surrounding land? by operating an inn, she had access, and or knowledge of those who enter and left the city. It was a good cover in gathering intelligence on the land and by running an INN, she could get all the details of the going on in the city, it’s strengths and weakness. By having an INN as the intelligence headquarters, she was gathered data on the surrounding cities that was outside of the city walls as well inside the walls. the bible always talk about Rahab sending the king's men away and taking in the spies. this woman when Jericho falls, she marries Salmon, according to the bible. this seems strange to me. and to have her whole family saved, and at the same time doing all of this so call prostitution? it just doesn’t add up. “And Joshua saved Rahab the harlot alive, and her father's household, and all that she had; and she dwelleth in Israel even unto this day; because she hid the messengers, which Joshua sent to spy out Jericho”, (Joshua 6:25 kjv). This scripture is a direct reference to a secret spy mission to Rahab. Looking at all that has been said, could this have been one of the best kept military spy mission in the history of the bible, or even in the world. a secret operation that has been kept secret even unto this day? could it have started with Moses after 10 rejected God and ended with Joshua and Caleb entering into the promise land. Who would have suspected a woman spy in that day and time. could Rahab had use this cover as an innkeeper, and Tarvin-keeper to help the spies to gather critical information on the city and the surrounding lands, so that the children of God could enter the promise land? my God what a woman. where 10 men failed one woman replaced them in getting the job done. what a woman, beautiful the flesh, and beautiful in the Spirit. FAITHFUL, and long suffering hence the notation, Heb 11:31 “By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace”. amen, Glory to God almighty.

Let’s explain why we say that she just might be a spy. but first, I’m satisfied that #1. she’s not a prostitute as portrayed by unlearned men. and #2. just maybe she was not a Canaanite. and my third point, through research, maybe she was an undercover spy. just think about it, this woman was a spy. this would be one of the BEST KEPT BIBLICAL/ MILITARY SPY SECRET IN THE WORLD. amen

Useless words from Satan and the beast. Nothing in these words gives created men hope for eternal life.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
Useless words from Satan and the beast. Nothing in these words gives created men hope for eternal life.
if you missed the message, God in her, "HE" saves............. (smiles)


May 20, 2017
United States
if you missed the message, God in her, "HE" saves............. (smiles)

Lot's of words when all you have to say is that all men created in the image of God are saved from their wicked flesh born of Satan.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
Lot's of words when all you have to say is that all men created in the image of God are saved from their wicked flesh born of Satan.
still sore from the reproofing given in the topic "Did Jesus say he God". do worry I'll make you happy, I will use the reproofing there and bring out a point in my topic of "the Godhead, Diversified oneness". ........ (smile).


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
Here is our reasoning why we believe that Rahab was a spy. and two, that she was an Israelite, and not a Canaanite. the key to this question lay in the vault of the new testament scriptures itself. Hebrews 11:31 "By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace”. the key words are, “perished not”, “with them”, “that believed not”. all the bible commentaries I have read MISSED THIS IMPORTANT PHRASE. All have said that, “them which believe not”. was all the people, Canaanite people of Jericho? I disagree with the assessment that all the people in the city of Jericho was Canaanite, just as, not all the people in Egypt was Egyptians. even Moses was an naturalized Egyptian by birth, because he was born in Egypt. Hebrews 11:31 is referring to all the people who came out of Egypt, (in the Exodus), that perished for their unbelief while in the wilderness. this is exactly why they, the Children of the Exodus, was in the wilderness for 40 years, to wipe out all those who did not believe. see (Hebrews 3:16-19). we can clearly see that the verses were speaking about the unbelieving Israelites, some maybe born in Egypt, who came out of Egypt. the reason of their unbelief is found. in the book of Numbers, chapters 13, and 14. there we can clearly see the unbelief of the nation of Israel, with a few exceptions, mainly the two spies, Caleb, and Joshua, and a few families, that was not listed, (was this to protect the families identifies, just as we do today). these two men did not perish, and the little one either, who knew not right and wrong. nor did this woman Rahab, and her family. because the bible clearly states, Hebrews 3:16 "For some, when they had heard, did provoke: howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses”. here we see, “not all”, but most. was Rehab family among the ones who believed? and when in advance into Jericho, possible sent by Moses, who Joshua was the right-hand man of. and was Rehab, and salmon, espouse in marriage as children? now we see why the spies went “secretly“ to Rahab house, and nobody else house. and take note, it was the fourth generation that came out of Egypt. and Salmon was of that Generation. this again is strong evidence that this woman was a faithful spy in the mist of the enemy, the Canaanite people. this had to be a brave woman, as well as her family. this is my speculation of course, but based on the word of God. again, was Salmon the one she was espouse to in marriage? it makes one to think. spying is not done in “peace”, especially when your enemy is standing right outside your gate, ready to overthrow you. NO, I don’t think this was a peaceful scene. unless you are in on the takeover. Hebrews said she receive the spies. she knew that they were coming. if that’s the case, this young woman put her life, and her family life on the line. maybe this is why she is mention in the book of Hebrew among the faithful list of chapter 11, of having great faith, a 40 year long wait. if it took 40 years to hold onto her faith why are we complaining today?.

some closing thoughts. what if this woman was an Israelite? sent as an undercover spy in advance of the coming nation of Israel. and a second thought, some say that Rahab married Joshua. but could Rahab have come from Joshua lineage, or was of his family line? remember, Joshua himself was of the tribe of Ephraim, who was of a mixed breed, with the possibility of Canaanite. the tribe Ephraim came from Joseph, and his Egyptian wife Asenath, the daughter of Potipherah priest of On. Again, the name Rahab is connected to Egypt. if Rahab did come from that linage then her blending into the culture, and operating an INN, would be the perfect cover, to set up a spy apparatus to collect Intel on the land and surrounding cities. what a story this woman have to tell.

We see that this woman Rahab was not a prostitute in the sense as we have come to believe in our day and time. knowing these facts, in the light of this research, makes the bible more accurate, and the words of God is truly well persevered. many mysteries do the bible still hold just waiting for us, his chosen to unlock them. Scripture, Proverbs 25:2 "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter”. only if we go for ourselves and search for the keys to unlock our GREAT GOD treasures chest. Scripture, 2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”. Rahab was to me one of his treasures in his chest. I have personally learned a lot from just researching this woman out. but what she did in setting the stage of thing that will happen in the new testament is amazing.

while overthrowing these walls of mysteries. Rahab have allowed us to see God in a new light. case in point. can one woman succeed where ten men failed. a woman putting her life, and her family life on the line so that many could be saved. a scourer of many in her day, as was our sister Phebe in her day, Romans 16:2. her trade, to furnish food, bread, or foreshadow the true bread of Life in other words to sustain life. it makes no difference what type of work one might be engage in, God is always there with us.

One other negative major problem people have with Rahab is that that they said, “she lied about the spies leaving before the gate was shut”. our answer to them would be, if she was under orders, then it was her work to deceive as a spy. in doing so, she gave the spies rest, and saved their lives, don’t let the gates of hell keep you out of the promise land. seems like a sermon there. in turn God gave her rest in the land that was promised to all who believe. being a forerunner to the virgin Mary, also, Priscilla our sister, and many more women who have bravely stood for the Lord and others in Christ JESUS. our estimation of this woman, as to what she did was a life saver to the nation of Israel. And a herald of the GRACE to come. after reading this book of Joshua, one should come away with a healthy respect, for courageous women who put themselves and their family’s necks, as it was, on the line. I’m reminded of Priscilla and Aquila, when the apostle Paul, said, Romans 16:3 "Greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ Jesus: 4 Who have for my life laid down their own necks: unto whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles”. this woman, as well as Priscilla, and Phebe, and many, many, many, many, others women, have put their own necks on the line in order to save someone else, including men. scripture, Rom 16:2 “That ye receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints, and that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you: for she hath been a succourer of many, and of myself also”.

May reading these post be a blessing unto you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
I believe Rahab was a harlot. And I believe God got much more glory out of her being a harlot then a fine upstanding citizen of Israel as you have divined.



May 20, 2017
United States
still sore from the reproofing given in the topic "Did Jesus say he God". do worry I'll make you happy, I will use the reproofing there and bring out a point in my topic of "the Godhead, Diversified oneness". ........ (smile).

I wasn't considering you're words from Satan and the beast. I can skip over all that garbage that religious people love to talk about instead of listening to the voice of God and obeying ALL His commandments.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
did you understand the Etymology of the word harlot?

Did you understand what I said instead of just a clip of what I said? Many and mischievous can we do with the Greek and Hebrew.



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
I believe Rahab was a harlot. And I believe God got much more glory out of her being a harlot then a fine upstanding citizen of Israel as you have divined.
I understand you on the "divined", in the name of the Lord Jesus I thank you. but I'm misunderstanding you either on the word itself or the definition given on the word "harlot".