I Will Say What the Political Leaders Cannot Say About Pete Buttigieg

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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
United States

I Will Say What the Political Leaders Cannot Say About Pete Buttigieg


ATTENTION: Major social media outlets are finding ways to block the conservative/evangelical viewpoint. Click here for daily electronic delivery of The Stand's Daily Digest - the day's top blogs from AFA.


It is certainly politically incorrect to say this. In fact, in the eyes of many, what I’m about to say is a classic example of extreme religious bigotry. But I will say it nonetheless. Choosing an out and proud “married” gay man to run for president, let alone become president, would contribute to the further degeneration and moral confusion of our society along with further attacks on our most fundamental rights.

When I tweeted this statement out on February 8, it received far more retweets and likes than my average tweet. Far more. So, it obviously struck a chord. The support was strong and consistent.

Also, as expected, there were words of condemnation and rebuke, including this tweet from Bible teacher Gilbert Gonzalez Jr. He wrote: “Please tell me this tweet is from a different century. There is no way that anyone today that has any education would ever write something so generally uninformed, childish, and biblically ignorant. This is why people don’t take Christianity seriously. Its leaders refuse to learn.”

Obviously, I fully expected responses like this. That’s why I began my tweet by saying, “Call me a homophobic bigot, but I'll say it anyway.”

What else could I expect? The moment you say a word about Mayor Pete being “married” to another man, all while flaunting his deep Christian faith, you will be called a homophobic bigot.

So be it. I’ve been called worse things than that.

Come to think of it, Jesus Himself, our perfect Savior, was called far worse things.

And He told us to expect the same: “It is enough for students to be like their teachers, and servants like their masters. If the head of the house has been called Beelzebul [basically, the devil himself], how much more the members of his household!”

According to Prof. Randall Rauser, however, to call me a homophobic bigot is not out of line. (Prof. Rauser is a moderate Canadian evangelical and a constant basher of President Trump.) As he wrote in his blog, “Behavior and reasoning like this provide very plausible evidence that Christians like Brown have an irrational fear of and/or antipathy toward gay people.”

Indeed, according to Prof. Rauser, “Evangelicals like Brown fall over themselves to excuse Trump’s grotesque immorality. . . . Among his latest egregious actions, last week he mocked the words of Jesus at the National Prayer Breakfast while evangelical pastors laughed in the audience.”

But that’s where Prof. Rauser misses the point, as do Gilbert Gonzalez and other critics. (See also this excellent response to Rauser by Steve Hayes.)

First, I have never excused the president’s past immorality. In fact, I probably called attention to it as much as any evangelical leader during the primaries. To say, I “fall over [myself] to excuse Trump’s grotesque immorality” is to speak a lie.

Second, to this day, like a broken record, I draw attention to aspects of the president’s behavior that I find destructive and harmful. In fact, shortly after the National Prayer Breakfast, I wrote an article addressing the very issues Prof. Rauser mentioned regarding Trump’s response to the words of Jesus.

So, to brand me hypocritical for speaking out against Mayor Pete’s proud homosexuality is to be either misinformed, dishonest, or both.

But there is a much bigger issue that the critics are missing.

President Trump is not flaunting his past immorality, nor is he pushing it presently. Instead, when the ugly tape of his lewd comments went public, he said, “I’ve never said I’m a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I’m not. I’ve said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize . . . . I pledge to be a better man tomorrow and will never, ever let you down.”

In stark contrast, Mayor Pete has talked about how his homosexual relationship to his “husband” Chasten has brought him closer to God. He has kissed his partner at public rallies. He is pushing his homosexuality, not apologizing for it.

You better believe that he will do everything in his power to normalize homosexual relationships even more in the eyes of America. He will also do his best to marginalize those who are convinced that these relationships are contrary to the will of God.

And this leads me to the primary reason for my tweet (and for this article).

It is not so much that homosexual practice is worse than adultery or fornication. Rather, it is the fact that there is an aggressive, gay agenda that has systematically undermined biblical morals for decades. It has also sought to silence all dissenting voices, becoming the principal threat to our religious and moral freedoms.

That’s why I’ve been active in resisting LGBT activism since 2004, reaching out to individuals with compassion but resisting the agenda with courage.

And so, it is not the people whom I oppose. (God forbid. I’ve made that clear hundreds, if not thousands of times.) It is not even homosexual acts which primarily concern me (although issues of health and safety should not be ignored.)

It is an aggressive agenda that I oppose, one that I and others have tracked carefully for many years. (See already the important 2003 volume by Alan Sears and Craig Osten, The Homosexual Agenda: Exposing the Principal Threat to Religious Freedom Today.)

It is an agenda that would only be fueled with great intensity by an out and proud gay president.

And so, just as President Obama’s administration pushed radical trans activism on our nation’s schools, under severe penalties, things would only intensify under a president who would flaunt his “husband” being the country’s first “First Gentleman.”

In the end, this has nothing to do with having “an irrational fear of and/or antipathy toward gay people.” (How is it that Christian leaders end up repeating the world’s talking points?)

Instead, it has everything to do with recognizing where gay activism has taken us in the last 50+ years and recognizing where it wants to take us next.

I, for one, will continue to sound the alarm in advance.

Things are confused enough already. We don’t need to make things any worse.

Calling me a homophobic bigot will only avoid dealing with the real issues at hand.

We avoid them to our own demise.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
United States
Thank you for this. People are getting sicker by the day.
yes sir probably close to 25 years ago a old time preacher man said in the pulpit were going to see things we thought we never would see. i said amen.. know i sit in wonder what i am seeing today at age 58
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Rather, it is the fact that there is an aggressive, gay agenda that has systematically undermined biblical morals for decades.
This is the real issue. No one cares what perverts do behind closed doors. But when they aggressively promote a political and social agenda of perversion, and try to recruit impressionable young people to that lifestyle, it becomes spiritual warfare.

As for bumbling Pete (who is a liar and a cheat to boot, hence #MayorCheat) we have just learned through the conservative media that when he was in high school he was actually promoting Bernie Sander's and his Communism. So he is essentially a radical Leftist pretending to be someone else.

If someone like Buttigieg actually became the president of any country, that country would become the laughingstock of the world.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
United States
This is the real issue. No one cares what perverts do behind closed doors. But when they aggressively promote a political and social agenda of perversion, and try to recruit impressionable young people to that lifestyle, it becomes spiritual warfare.

As for bumbling Pete (who is a liar and a cheat to boot, hence #MayorCheat) we have just learned through the conservative media that when he was in high school he was actually promoting Bernie Sander's and his Communism. So he is essentially a radical Leftist pretending to be someone else.

If someone like Buttigieg actually became the president of any country, that country would become the laughingstock of the world.
your exactly right bernie sanders is just as dangerous
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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus

I Will Say What the Political Leaders Cannot Say About Pete Buttigieg


ATTENTION: Major social media outlets are finding ways to block the conservative/evangelical viewpoint. Click here for daily electronic delivery of The Stand's Daily Digest - the day's top blogs from AFA.


It is certainly politically incorrect to say this. In fact, in the eyes of many, what I’m about to say is a classic example of extreme religious bigotry. But I will say it nonetheless. Choosing an out and proud “married” gay man to run for president, let alone become president, would contribute to the further degeneration and moral confusion of our society along with further attacks on our most fundamental rights.

When I tweeted this statement out on February 8, it received far more retweets and likes than my average tweet. Far more. So, it obviously struck a chord. The support was strong and consistent.

Also, as expected, there were words of condemnation and rebuke, including this tweet from Bible teacher Gilbert Gonzalez Jr. He wrote: “Please tell me this tweet is from a different century. There is no way that anyone today that has any education would ever write something so generally uninformed, childish, and biblically ignorant. This is why people don’t take Christianity seriously. Its leaders refuse to learn.”

Obviously, I fully expected responses like this. That’s why I began my tweet by saying, “Call me a homophobic bigot, but I'll say it anyway.”

What else could I expect? The moment you say a word about Mayor Pete being “married” to another man, all while flaunting his deep Christian faith, you will be called a homophobic bigot.

So be it. I’ve been called worse things than that.

Come to think of it, Jesus Himself, our perfect Savior, was called far worse things.

And He told us to expect the same: “It is enough for students to be like their teachers, and servants like their masters. If the head of the house has been called Beelzebul [basically, the devil himself], how much more the members of his household!”

According to Prof. Randall Rauser, however, to call me a homophobic bigot is not out of line. (Prof. Rauser is a moderate Canadian evangelical and a constant basher of President Trump.) As he wrote in his blog, “Behavior and reasoning like this provide very plausible evidence that Christians like Brown have an irrational fear of and/or antipathy toward gay people.”

Indeed, according to Prof. Rauser, “Evangelicals like Brown fall over themselves to excuse Trump’s grotesque immorality. . . . Among his latest egregious actions, last week he mocked the words of Jesus at the National Prayer Breakfast while evangelical pastors laughed in the audience.”

But that’s where Prof. Rauser misses the point, as do Gilbert Gonzalez and other critics. (See also this excellent response to Rauser by Steve Hayes.)

First, I have never excused the president’s past immorality. In fact, I probably called attention to it as much as any evangelical leader during the primaries. To say, I “fall over [myself] to excuse Trump’s grotesque immorality” is to speak a lie.

Second, to this day, like a broken record, I draw attention to aspects of the president’s behavior that I find destructive and harmful. In fact, shortly after the National Prayer Breakfast, I wrote an article addressing the very issues Prof. Rauser mentioned regarding Trump’s response to the words of Jesus.

So, to brand me hypocritical for speaking out against Mayor Pete’s proud homosexuality is to be either misinformed, dishonest, or both.

But there is a much bigger issue that the critics are missing.

President Trump is not flaunting his past immorality, nor is he pushing it presently. Instead, when the ugly tape of his lewd comments went public, he said, “I’ve never said I’m a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I’m not. I’ve said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize . . . . I pledge to be a better man tomorrow and will never, ever let you down.”

In stark contrast, Mayor Pete has talked about how his homosexual relationship to his “husband” Chasten has brought him closer to God. He has kissed his partner at public rallies. He is pushing his homosexuality, not apologizing for it.

You better believe that he will do everything in his power to normalize homosexual relationships even more in the eyes of America. He will also do his best to marginalize those who are convinced that these relationships are contrary to the will of God.

And this leads me to the primary reason for my tweet (and for this article).

It is not so much that homosexual practice is worse than adultery or fornication. Rather, it is the fact that there is an aggressive, gay agenda that has systematically undermined biblical morals for decades. It has also sought to silence all dissenting voices, becoming the principal threat to our religious and moral freedoms.

That’s why I’ve been active in resisting LGBT activism since 2004, reaching out to individuals with compassion but resisting the agenda with courage.

And so, it is not the people whom I oppose. (God forbid. I’ve made that clear hundreds, if not thousands of times.) It is not even homosexual acts which primarily concern me (although issues of health and safety should not be ignored.)

It is an aggressive agenda that I oppose, one that I and others have tracked carefully for many years. (See already the important 2003 volume by Alan Sears and Craig Osten, The Homosexual Agenda: Exposing the Principal Threat to Religious Freedom Today.)

It is an agenda that would only be fueled with great intensity by an out and proud gay president.

And so, just as President Obama’s administration pushed radical trans activism on our nation’s schools, under severe penalties, things would only intensify under a president who would flaunt his “husband” being the country’s first “First Gentleman.”

In the end, this has nothing to do with having “an irrational fear of and/or antipathy toward gay people.” (How is it that Christian leaders end up repeating the world’s talking points?)

Instead, it has everything to do with recognizing where gay activism has taken us in the last 50+ years and recognizing where it wants to take us next.

I, for one, will continue to sound the alarm in advance.

Things are confused enough already. We don’t need to make things any worse.

Calling me a homophobic bigot will only avoid dealing with the real issues at hand.

We avoid them to our own demise.

Thank God Pete is falling behind in the polls, I hope he falls behind with delegate numbers too though, unfortunately he is winning the delegate count at the moment by 1, I think it is safe to say though, if Pete or Bernie were to go up against Trump, they would lose, as they are both too far left for the majority of the American people, if it were in another country, it could be a different story, but still it would be highly disappointing for Pete to be nominated.

And Twitter is crazy these days, the extreme left are incredibly noisy on it, that's just what happens, if you speak the truth on twitter, you get a heap of negative replies.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
United States
if Pete or Bernie were to go up against Trump, they would lose,
i dunno there could be a possibility .i would hope the american people would see. there is a lot of blindness out there . i am not %100 trump but i will vote for him. if he would listen to his advisors his policies would work better


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
United States
I don't know but it seems a little early for these people to take over, though it seems obvious that they have a grip on media.

pacifying or appeasing the "Christian community" in politic goes back to Constantine in his efforts to sway their influence his way. it SOP in USA politics. degenerates have always portrayed an image to what they perceive as voter liking. in a heavily Christian influenced society and what that society perceives as what a Christian ought to be, is betrayed and contested constantly in a free speech society.

and that has been going on all during RCC's influence in Europe's history. human nature never changes why expect it to be God like, when there is nothing in human nature that is of God's Nature.

what you see is no different then its ever been thing is what a Christian is to the voter, in this case, is the problem.

for example if you get on any of these web sites where Christianity is discussed you will find some one asking what is a Christian to you, or what is God to you. hence cultivating the human nature to judge what a Christian is or ought to be and what God is and ought to be in their own judgement. (that steams from the serpent at the tree)

so where are the people that do the things that Christ did? in that the Almighty verifies His Presence to the world He is with so and so? like Peter or Steven. the power to become a son of God is so, because one has the same Life as Christ therefore is able to do as Christ did.

and that is what a "Christian" ought to be. but the true child of God is called, then chosen and is faithful. and those who call themselves Christian, don't call themselves to the Lord's Table.


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
i dunno there could be a possibility .i would hope the american people would see. there is a lot of blindness out there . i am not %100 trump but i will vote for him. if he would listen to his advisors his policies would work better

I would now say Pete doesn't have a chance of winning in the USA this year, but Bernie is a possibility though, as Bernie is the most likely to be up against Trump, he has done well in the most recent polls against Trump, even on the Fox News polls.

New FOX poll shows any Democratic candidate would beat President Trump

RealClearPolitics - 2020 - Latest 2020 General Election Polls

Sanders is running away with the delegate count, Sanders is now at 45 and Pete is at 25. Still early days though.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
United States
peteboy or sanders is very bad choice in fact the democratic party has no true candidates

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... Bernie ... has done well in the most recent polls against Trump ...

Ummmmmm, I won't place TRUMP bumper stickers on my vehicles, because I don't want them "keyed" (damaged) by the "peace loving" Democrats. I also won't answer a telephone poll honestly.

In fact, while living in New Hampshire in 1984 I was a registered "Independent" so that I could vote in the Democratic Primary of NINE candidates, against Reagan. So I "wrote-in" RONALD REAGAN on the Democratic Primary Ballot, -- and Ronald Reagan came in FIFTH.

House Speaker, "Tip" O'Neal, was fit to be tied over the insult and umbrage of the New Hampshire voters.

Bobby Jo


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Those who voted for Trump lost all moral high ground four years ago

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
United States
Well, Pete is out... So it's a moot point. I am a conservative and unlikely to vote for a liberal, so he was not a candidate I would vote for anyway.

I would vote for a homosexual, and even one who claimed to be a Christian. But IF his campaign was based on his homosexuality, I wouldn't. My ideal candidate has the right things in mind and the ability to get it done. I see nothing in that in any democrats. Actually, Warren has the best resume of them, but that's not saying much.

Pete's homosexuality wouldn't keep me from voting against him unless you hat was his platform.