God choose Trump to Save the USA from Destruction.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2020
Western North America
United States
... then GOD wasted HIS TIME providing Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers;

None of these are the Messiah, the anointed one of the Lord. These are only human men that have received the spiritual gifts that are necessary for their respective offices in the Ekklesia.

The only "anointed" one that I follow is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

I reject the Trump prophecies as false revelations.

and more importantly, -- wasted HIS TIME sending the TWO WITNESSES, which I believe to be Trump and Pence who I expect to lie dead in the streets for three days and PELOSI as the NEW PRESIDENT who will give the sovereignty of the United States to the United Nations.

And yes, Scripture appears to provide that we crossed the threshold into the 42 month Tribulation some 26 months ago, and now have some 16 months until the end of this age. But you don't know what you don't know ...

Bobby Jo

I do not accept these interpretations of Scripture. I think that they are designed to serve the interests of the political cult that surrounds the anti-christ, Donald Trump.

I shall only follow Jesus and remember the warnings of anti-christs mentioned in the Scriptures.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States

The stuff you deleted. Would you like me to show you again?

Foolish to think America could be Great Again?

Foolish to imagine that he was competent to keep all those promises he broke. Would you like me to show you them, again?

WHAT Budget?

"It can be done. ... It will take place and it will go relatively quickly. ... If you have the right people, like, in the agencies and the various people that do the balancing ... you can cut the numbers by two pennies and three pennies and balance a budget quickly and have a stronger and better country."
Trump-O-Meter: Campaign Promises that are about Federal Budget | PolitiFact

Ask Trump. He said he'd balance it. He failed. Badly increased the debt and deficits

There WAS a HUGE Deficit the Day Trump was sworn in as President.

And he massively increased it. Would you like to see that?

Obama Health Care? Where in the entire US Constitution was the Central Government Authorized to Compel or Demand Any Citizen of the US to be Subject TO a Healthcare Insurance Plan?

Trump promised to put in a different system that would cost less and provide more. He failed. No such thing happened.

He promised to build a wall on the Mexican border. He failed. Even the repair of existing barriers failed when he gave a contract to a big contributor, only to have their wall fall over because of wind. Would you like to see that?

Tell it to the Supreme Court. Trump claimed he'd build a new system that was better and cheaper. He failed.

TRUMPS initiative "has been with success,"
* appealing to Insurance Companies...to lower costs,

And the result...

Year Billions spent on Healthcare
2016 $3,337.2
2017 $3,492.1

2018 $3,649.4
See for Yourself If Obamacare Increased Health Care Costs

Another failure.

Instead he hired more criminals
and other swamp creatures than any president since Nixon. You want the details?
All the Trump associates convicted or sentenced in the Mueller investigation

Really? YOU want Every Politician in Congress and the Senate Ejected from Their Position?

Just the crooks. Most of the crooks, as you see with the Trump organization were hired, not elected.

March 11, 2020- the World Health Organization Announced Covid-19 a PANDEMIC...

What did Trump Do to Botch WOrld Health Organization suggestions?

A detailed timeline of all the ways Trump failed to respond to the coronavirus

The federal coronavirus response shows a president dead set on avoiding responsibility for the pandemic.
...Here’s what things looked like in January.

January 11: The first death from a confirmed case of Covid-19 is reported in China.

January 16: A researcher in Germany develops the first coronavirus test.

January 19: Human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus is confirmed by the Chinese government.

January 21: The first confirmed Covid-19 case in the US is reported in Washington state.

January 22: While at Davos, Trump makes his first public comment on the coronavirus, downplaying the risk in comments to CNBC and CBS News correspondent Paula Reid.

To CNBC: We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s — going to be just fine.

To CBS: We do have a plan and we think it’s going to be handled very well. We’ve already handled it very well … We’re in very good shape and I think China’s in very good shape also.

January 24: Trump praises China’s “efforts and transparency” and thanks Chinese President Xi Jinping for his response to the virus...

A detailed timeline of all the ways Trump failed to respond to the coronavirus

There's a lot more bungling documented there. Go take a look.

Who in the military are you talking about?

Military intelligence organizations. Also FBI and CIA.

And ... if an Attempt occurred and Failed... what is your point?

We don't know how successful it was. But Trump denied what our own military intelligence people had found, and took Putin's word for it.

So your perspective is An Idiot is...

...anyone who sends in troops to drive off peaceful protestors so he can get a photo op near a Church Holding a Bible. Notice, that it further damaged his standing with American citizens. He was an idiot to not realize the consequences.

Declaring the COVID-19 pandemic was "completely controlled" and would go away "like a miracle."

Suggesting that we should "clean lungs" by injecting disinfectant.

Do you have Verification for those Quotes?

Yep. Suprised you never knew about them.

President Donald Trump said Thursday that coronavirus would “disappear,” but noted the spread of the virus may worsen before improving.

“It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear,” Trump said at a reception in the White House Cabinet Room.

Trump suggests 'injection' of disinfectant to beat coronavirus and 'clean' the lungs
A Homeland Security official, under questioning from reporters, later said federal laboratories are not considering such a treatment option.

I would say what Trump did as a private citizen, is his business.

Unless it violates the law. Then it's our business.

And what transpires Between Trump and Any Wife is "their" business.

But he's still a sleazebag for betraying three wives, one after the other.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
If I make crude comments, then I am being crude. I don't split hairs the way some do. If I tell a lie, I am a liar.

You also implied I was not sincere in my prayer. "If you were sincere in your prayer then why make such a crude remark at the end of that post." What can I say? I can say what James said, that a fountain does not give out both sweet and bitter waters. Reread these words of yours about me, "Your prayer probably didn't get answered because your heart is hardened towards him and you were praying out of spite not concern."
I suspect now that you are typing away without composure. You appear to be responding too quickly, without considering what you write. Or perhaps you are not really reading what I write? Let me repeat it, "I asked Jesus to send angels to talk to Trump."

Really? So it would be a sin for me to ask someone in person to do the right thing? You make me laugh. It is never wrong to to people's good side by asking them to do the right thing.
Trump is the one with a mouth problem. He lies so frequently, I find it hard to believe anything he says. What does that say about his heart?

If someone dares to disagree with him, he attacks them and insults them the way he recently did with Governor Ridge. He even attacked Ted Cruz' wife and father and John McCain. Poison comes out of his mouth. He has proved his tongue is not tamed; and that means his religion is in vain.
Now you are bad mouthing Trump by saying he lacks Godly Wisdom to rule the country. Where did you did get that idea? From the ministers who laid hands on him and prayed for God to give him wisdom? I saw that and laughed. They were basically admitting he was foolish and lacking in godly wisdom.

I tend to think people have to want God's Wisdom and ask for it as Solomon did. Now if Trump heard the angel saying, "Do the right thing," and gave it some thought, maybe he'd stop relying on his vicious snakelike wisdom which strikes out with poison and ask God for real Wisdom. His style of wisdom is leading him to defeat as Pharaoh's style of wisdom led him into the sea.

I have never seen a more vile self-centered person as President. He seems to think everything is about him.

He seems to communicate well enough with his base who lap up every word and applaud him wildly. Ever wonder why some people like bullies? It's a major spiritual problem as well as an earthly one.
Lol....I hope you didn't get a headache while trying to creatively come up with a good response.
I don't really care in the sense of what is happening in politics anymore. There is so much corruption and I don't trust any of them. I do TRUST God and I sincerely try to be obedient to His Word....and concerning the rulers, kings, and leaders of this world I pray for them.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
Lol....I hope you didn't get a headache while trying to creatively come up with a good response.
I don't really care in the sense of what is happening in politics anymore. There is so much corruption and I don't trust any of them. I do TRUST God and I sincerely try to be obedient to His Word....and concerning the rulers, kings, and leaders of this world I pray for them.
So why criticize me for praying for them?

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... The only "anointed" one that I follow is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. ....

Matt. 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Bobby Jo
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me.
Have a blessed day.
I don't feel you injured me so I don't feel there is anything to forgive you; but if you did mean to upset me, consider yourself forgiven. What I would hope for would be conversations without personal comments.
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
what does Obama have to do with Trump?
If you read my entire post, you would see that I was responding to a post talking about congressional subpoenas. This was in a discussion between me and another member.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
If you read my entire post, you would see that I was responding to a post talking about congressional subpoenas. This was in a discussion between me and another member.
Posted though on a wide open to the world to all who might get internet access,
no matter if they love the truth or seek the truth at all, no matter what they believe,
for all to read, copy, analyze, collate, save for use against anyone later (everything you post can and will be used against you later , maybe in a court of law - at least it can be, and is being collected in such a way that they can do what they want with all the harvested info on you and on everyone else) ...

(did you see how many robots are scouring the forum every day !? (almost all the forums, and the websites) .... CHINESE BOTS, GOOGLE BOTS, etc etc etc ....harvesting ALL the information )

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I didn't say that, Prayer Warrior. I said that President Trump doesn't accept any checks on his power. Unlike all of the Presidents before him, Trump doesn't accept the checks and balances that are in our system of government. What I've already posted is illustrative of that.

Well......"NO POTUS" would include Trump! You are sadly mistaken if you think there have been NO checks on his power. You have not proven this and CANNOT prove this. Stop exaggerating.

Prior Presidents have not always immediately responded to Congressional subpoenas, I agree, but they've all dealt with them, negotiating, at times, with the Congress as to the conditions as to how they would comply with the subpoenas. Trump is unique in that he has instructed the entire Executive Branch to disregard subpoenas, undermining the Congressional right of oversight.

Did you read the article I posted? Obama dealt with the subpoenas when it was too late for anything to be done!

I remember when I was young, seeing much of Congress engaging in nonpartisan politics, where the Democrats and Republicans regularly passed legislation, hundreds of bills, in the course of a year. There was partisan conflict concerning certain bills, but even on those, many times, deals were made and legislation passed. This is what John McCain called "regular order". At that time, government was practical and sought the pragmatic solution to the nation's problems, and so they did.

This all ended in the Newt Gingrich era, where Gingrich, leading the Republicans, decided to shut down the government as much as possible. The ruling ideology of the time with the Republicans felt that a paralyzed government was preferable to a perceived powerful central government in Washington D.C. The unfortunate effect of this was to prevent any constructive work of government being done. Now few bills are passed because the ideologies of the parties do not permit compromise. For representative governments to work, there must be compromise.

I believe in the earlier nonpartisan politics. I want things to be done and national problems to be solved.

You're blaming Gingrich? Really? I don't know about that. Do you remember when Obama played partisan politics with federal parks and barred Americans from entering them? I remember that.

The divide between Democrat and Republican ideology has widened by leaps and bounds since Gingrich, but I don't blame him. When the Democrats recently kicked God out of their party altogether, I lost all respect for them. I shouldn't have had ANY respect for them considering their ongoing support as a party for killing unborn babies. See, I really do believe that black lives matter!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Jesus said "MY politics IS NOT OF THIS WORLD", and
any good soldier of JESUS "does not get entangled in it"

yes, paraphrased


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
QUOTE="Bobby Jo, post: 797335, member: 8092"]Politics/Christianity, -- only one can be our Cornerstone ...[/QUOTE


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
...campaign promises...

Campaign Promises- is a 60's reporters term that has laughably been turned into the ears of the ignorant at large to mean guarantee.

Anyone with a smidgen of knowledge of How the US Government operates, should know any person campaigning for Office, can only reveal intent to address particular issues!

And any prudent person should know, there are persons in the wings whose sole purpose is to instigate "any measure" to criticize, to make up lies, to make up emergencies, to Wag the Dog.

You failed-
President Elect Trump revealed his Intent to address particular Issues...And has AND is.

You failed-
President Trump's Hair, Diet, Complection, Business Ventures, Marriages, Life style, collusion, etc....
That the Democrats and Media yapped about non stop in their personal hate campaign for two years ... has been a colossal fail.

You failed-
To identify any military person Trump refused to listen to what they had to say.

You failed-
To identify one person with a criminal conviction that Trump hired.

It is Obvious you do not personally like Trump.
I highly doubt you personally know Trump.

I would make a sure bet, you have never paid one cent to pay for any of Trump's personal obligations.... but yet you are whining about being responsible for your own health care.

1 Tim 5:
[8] But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
Campaign Promises- is a 60's reporters term that has laughably been turned into the ears of the ignorant at large to mean guarantee.

A lot of Trump's voters actually believed him when he specifically promised to build the wall and make Mexico pay for it.

Trump’s promise to build a “big, beautiful wall” along America’s southern border was a defining feature of his 2016 presidential campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton. He repeatedly claimed that Mexico would pay for the entire infrastructure project, and maintained that stance as president — even as he allowed the government to shut down in December after Democrats pushed back on a $5.7 billion proposal to fund it.
Trump reportedly promised pardons to aides who break the law to build border wall by 2020 election

And a lot of people who believed him, are now pretty unhappy that he lied to them:

Ann Coulter Blasts Trump for Not Keeping Promise for Border Wall: "He Lied"
Ann Coulter Blasts Trump for Not Keeping Promise for Border Wall: "He Lied"

She actually believed him, when he made the promise.

Yep. LOL indeed. What a sucker she was.

You failed:
To identify any military person Trump refused to listen to what they had to say.

Mattis, Kelly. Both did their best to help him, and he ignored them.

You failed-
To identify one person with a criminal conviction that Trump hired.

List of Trump hires who have been convicted:
All the Trump associates convicted or sentenced in the Mueller investigation

It is Obvious you do not personally like Trump.

I'm an American. So yeah, like most other Americans.

I would make a sure bet, you have never paid one cent to pay for any of Trump's personal obligations....

For example, he took my tax money and used it to charge highly inflated rates for using his hotels during the inauguration. He ordered officials to go out of their way to stay in his hotels, even when they were very distant from the actual destination.

More ways Trump helped himself to our tax money:
A Look At President Trump's History Of Profiting Off His Presidency

And of course, he gave himself a lavish tax cut that will save him billions. We'll have to make up the resulting deficit with our taxes.

but yet you are whining about being responsible for your own health care.

If you have to lie about what I said to make your point, isn't that a clue for you? In fact, I pay pretty high premiums for my health care, and I paid Medicare taxes for many years. Unless I suddenly get a lot less healthy than I am, I'll probably never recoup that money. Fortunately, my wife is extremely savvy about health insurance, and while I pay a high premium, I rarely have any out of pocket medical expenses at all.

Trump of course, has been on the dole for health care, but once, during an family spat, he suddenly cancelled coverage for an infant nephew with severe medical needs, in order to get back at the kid's parents.

The time Donald Trump kicked his nephew’s sick baby off the family insurance plan
The time Donald Trump kicked his nephew’s sick baby off the family insurance plan » MobyLives

He was extremely upset when a judge forced him to reinstate the insurance.

1 Tim 5:
[8] But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

Well said.