God choose Trump to Save the USA from Destruction.

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Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States

You obviously are clueless not knowing:

* the difference between hiring A convicted criminal and hiring a person who is then After being employed is convicted a criminal act.

* tax cuts benefit all obligated tax payers.

* the wall is being built.

* taking responsibility of ones own Household does not obligate a person to care for other households.

* calling a person a Liar does not mean the person is a liar.

* your transparent hatefulness abounds.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2020
Western North America
United States
Well......"NO POTUS" would include Trump! You are sadly mistaken if you think there have been NO checks on his power. You have not proven this and CANNOT prove this. Stop exaggerating.

I didn't say that Prayer Warrior. I said that Trump didn't accept having checks placed upon his power. Trump is unique regarding subpoenas, in his blanket instruction to the Executive Branch not to comply with Congressional subpoenas, in effect, undermining the checks and balances in our form of government. This is inexcusable by the way.

Did you read the article I posted? Obama dealt with the subpoenas when it was too late for anything to be done!

I'm sure that this has happened in prior Administrations. Why is it so offensive to you because Obama did it?

You're blaming Gingrich? Really? I don't know about that.

I was a university student in the late 1970s and 1980s and so witnessed the change in governance. Back then people rightly worried about the future of representative government.

Just look at the history books and Congressional records before Gingrich. There was a lot more activity going on. Senators and Representatives back then worked for their pay doing legislative tasks, instead of today, which is simply doing little, passing only token or necessary bills and spending their other time calling lobbyists and financial donors.

Do you remember when Obama played partisan politics with federal parks and barred Americans from entering them? I remember that.

That was during the 16-day shutdown over the Affordable Care Act, I remember. I also remember that the Republicans had turned against the Act because Obama was supporting it, despite that it originated through the conservative think tank, the Heritage Foundation. Since the Republicans repudiated their own health care proposal, they've never been able to offer an alternative constructive proposal since then.

The divide between Democrat and Republican ideology has widened by leaps and bounds since Gingrich, but I don't blame him.

That's simply a matter of history.

When the Democrats recently kicked God out of their party altogether, I lost all respect for them.

That's incorrect. Perhaps you should read Thomas Jefferson's An Act Establishing Religious Freedom for Virginia, 1786. It explains very well the Democratic Party's religious views. Democrats do not force the consciences of others in matters of religion. They also do not accept the denial of services, public and private, based on race, gender, religion, political views, so that people can live as neighbors to one another.

Republicans have yet to learn to live as neighbors with Samaritans, those they believe are religiously unclean. I remind you of Jesus' parable concerning it.

I shouldn't have had ANY respect for them considering their ongoing support as a party for killing unborn babies. See, I really do believe that black lives matter!

Democrats, I should say, accept, ultimately, the functional equivalent of a belief similar to the Jewish Halakhic law position to the unborn. That position states that until the child's head emerges from the birth canal, it is not under the protection of the law of homicide in Leviticus 24:17. Jewish law notes that in Exodus 21:22 if a pregnant woman is struck and suffers a miscarriage, it's not treated as a homicide but as civil damage in which monetary compensation must be paid. This Biblical text clearly defines the fetus as not being a person. Many Democrats do not see personhood in the fetus for part of its development in the womb. Democrats have always assert the Aristotelian, and Thomistic principle that actuality is prior to potentiality. This means, a mother is clearly and actually a person; a fetus is potentially a person. One cannot destroy the actual rights of one, the mother, on behalf of potential rights of another, the fetus. Imagine if the potential is favored over the actual in other legal disputes. It would lead to tyranny. Every Democrat, of course, wants abortions to be legal and rare. That is in keeping with the Halakhic law on this.

I'm happy that you see that black lives matter.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
* the difference between hiring A convicted criminal and hiring a person who is then After being employed is convicted a criminal act.

You think it's a good thing that all those guys became criminals after joining the Trump organization? Never thought of it, but that certainly makes it worse for Trump.

* tax cuts benefit all obligated tax payers.

But Trump is going to make billions on it. The average person, very little.

* the wall is being built.

Nope. And as you know, many of his former supporters are denouncing him for lying about it. Would you like me to show you again? And even some of the existing walls that he had refurbished, fell over because of wind, because he hired a company that gave him a lot of campaign money, but had no business trying to do that kind of construction.

A segment of President Donald Trump’s signature border wall fell in California and onto some trees on the Mexican side on Wednesday amid high winds, according to footage from KYMA shared by CNN.

No one was injured in the incident at Calexico, California, about 100 miles east of San Diego.
CNN noted that winds of up to 37 mph were recorded in the area.

A day earlier, Trump had boasted about the strength of his wall.

And we are now building that beautiful wall,” he said at a campaign event in Wildwood, New Jersey, on Tuesday. “This powerful border wall is going up at record speed.”

Trump made a “big beautiful wall” that extends across the entire border a key part of his 2016 campaign. He also vowed that Mexico would pay for it.

So far, most of the wall built ― including the segment that fell Wednesday ― has replaced older barrier segments. Trump claimed this week that about 100 miles have been built so far.

Mexico did not pay for it.

(Trump cuts insurance coverage for one of his nephews to get back at the kid's parents)

* taking responsibility of ones own Household does not obligate a person to care for other households.

In this case,he had a legal duty to do so, and a judge forced him to restore the coverage. Trump threw a tantrum, but it did no good.

calling a person a Liar does not mean the person is a liar.

No one, not even his supporters think Trump is not a habitual liar. Would you like some examples?

your transparent hatefulness abounds.

I despise the things Trump does. But I don't want him to go to hell. I pray for his soul. That doesn't mean I don't call him out for the things he's done.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
You think it's a good thing that all those guys became criminals after joining the Trump organization?

Good thing?
Don't be ignorant. I said no such thing.
The point was Trump did Not Hire convicted criminals...as you falsely claimed.

Never thought of it, but that certainly makes it worse for Trump.

LOL...Dumb. Having known a person before they have a criminal charge has no reflection on a person.

But Trump is going to make billions on it. The average person, very little.

So? Trump took the risks to build his wealth...while the average person only needs to fill out a few forms to get government assistance.

Nope. And as you know, many of his former supporters are denouncing him for lying about it.

How do you boldface Lie...amid construction of the Wall?

Would you like me to show you again?

No, your opinions and opinions of others bored me the first time and second time you repeated yourself.

And even some of the existing walls that he had refurbished, fell over because of wind, because he hired a company that gave him a lot of campaign money, but had no business trying to do that kind of construction.

LOL - the Army Corps of Engenieers is the Executive Agent for the DOD wall construction.

A segment of President Donald Trump’s signature border wall fell in California and onto some trees on the Mexican side on Wednesday amid high winds, according to footage from KYMA shared by CNN.

No one was injured in the incident at Calexico, California, about 100 miles east of San Diego.
CNN noted that winds of up to 37 mph were recorded in the area.


A day earlier, Trump had boasted about the strength of his wall.


He also vowed that Mexico would pay for it.

And? What did you expect " a Mexican government Check" ? LOL
The intent of Mexico paying for the wall is through others means or reappropriation of funds. Do you skip the fine print?

So far, most of the wall built ― including the segment that fell Wednesday ― has replaced older barrier segments. Trump claimed this week that about 100 miles have been built so far.

So? Replacing a failing wall or a fallen wall with new construction is building.

Mexico did not pay for it.

And they won't for awhile.
So what? I don't suppose you have Noticed every hour someone is screaming Good golly people are Dying and the majority of the able Body work-force is quarteening themselves and more unplanned funds are being disbursed.

(Trump cuts insurance coverage for one of his nephews to get back at the kid's parents)

Good grief how many times are you going to repeat this stupid remark? Who are you to criticize what Trump is or is not obligated to pay for?
Donald Trumps nephew have a mommy and daddy. They are not part of Trumps household.

In this case,he had a legal duty to do so, and a judge forced him to restore the coverage. Trump threw a tantrum, but it did no good.

So? You think that is so great...hopefully one of your relatives will sue you to be forced to take care of them. Why wait? Start supporting your relatives now.

No one, not even his supporters think Trump is not a habitual liar. Would you like some examples?

No one? That's a lie.
I don't require other people's opinions to establish my own beliefs.

I despise the things Trump does.

Humm, you despise he gives his Presidental Salary Away?

But I don't want him to go to hell.

So? Why would what you Want matter?

I pray for his soul.

Why do you pray for a Saved soul?

That doesn't mean I don't call him out for the things he's done.

I've noticed your repetative gossiping and accusations.

However Scripture teaches IF someone has trespassed against you...take your complaint to them.
I'm sure your Time would be better spent on your own faults...or have you sprouted wings?

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
Good thing?
Don't be ignorant. I said no such thing.

The point was Trump did Not Hire convicted criminals...as you falsely claimed.

So they became criminals after they began working for Trump? That's really a worse reflection on him, isn't it?

(Tax cuts were designed to give the average person very little, and to give Trump billions)

It's what crooked politicians do.

Trump took the risks to build his wealth...

Stupid risks, mostly. He took the many millions of dollars daddy gave him and lost a huge part of it through numerous bankruptcies. Forbes took a look at it, and concluded that he would have done better if he had just put the money in a good fund and let it sit. Would you like me to show you that?

while the average person only needs to fill out a few forms to get government assistance.

Who do you think has to earn all that money Trump gave himself?

And? What did you expect " a Mexican government Check" ? LOL
The intent of Mexico paying for the wall is through others means or reappropriation of funds. Do you skip the fine print?

He lied to you about that. Mexico will never pay a nickel for it. Not going to happen. It's why he shut down the government; he wanted Congress to pass a bill making us pay for it.

(Trump cuts health care insurance for a nephew to get back at the kid's parents, and judge forces him to restore the coverage)

Good grief how many times are you going to repeat this stupid remark? Who are you to criticize what Trump is or is not obligated to pay for?

Turns out, he was obligated. That's why the judge nailed him for it. He admitted the fact.
Explaining this decision, Donald told the paper: "I was angry because they sued,"
Donald Trump once revoked medical funds from a sick baby due to a family feud

In Trump's mind, hurting the child was a good way to get at his parents.

Why wait? Start supporting your relatives now.

I did, when they needed it. That's what family does.

No one doubts that Trump is a habitual liar.

No one? That's a lie.

Who would be dumb enough to deny that?

Humm, you despise he gives his Presidental Salary Away?

I despise that he cheats/cheated on his wives, that he lies constantly, and that he brags about how he gets away with sexual assault.

Why do you pray for a Saved soul?

Because no one knows who is saved and who is not. Only God knows. "By their fruits you will know them." So it doesn't look so good for him, does it?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States

You are a relentless gossiper....and appear to be teetering on jealousy carrying on about Trumps finances.

You obviously are unfamiliar with a what a Saved soul is.

Your relentless personal bashing of Trump and then then saying you pray for his soul ...
Gets a definite eye roll. :eek:


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
You obviously are unfamiliar with a what a Saved soul is.
Has that 'source' of the ungodly posts you reply to been ever identified ? (one person, a group, what source?)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Don't know what you mean.

Glory to God,
That one with what looks to me just like a pagan picture , and without a shirt (vlugar) ...
does anyone know what source their posts are from ?
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
That one with a pagan picture without a shirt (vlugar) ...
does anyone know what source their posts are from ?

Humm, I don't recall seeing that picture you describe.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
I don't feel you injured me so I don't feel there is anything to forgive you; but if you did mean to upset me, consider yourself forgiven. What I would hope for would be conversations without personal comments.
There is a lot we as Ekklesia (born again ones)
are told to do, maybe often, that is very personal..... (and other places are we not told to be slow to anger, be slow to take offfense ? )

1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord ...
biblehub . com/1_peter/3-15.htm
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, New Living Translation Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to ...
Defending Your Faith

www . defendingyourfaith.org/Apologetics.htm
Throughout the course, we will also be discussing ways to effectively argue your faith. As I Peter 3:15 says, "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." But it does not end there. Peter continues, "But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that ...
1 Peter 3:15 NIV - But in your hearts revere Christ as ...

biblegateway . com/passage/?search=1+peter+3:15&version=NIV
1 Peter 3:15 New International Version (NIV). 15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
You've been replying all along with it plainly visible (306, etc)

Oh you are talking about that guys avatar.
Can't usually tell what those tiny pictures are, and never looked at the larger version...
'Till you mentioned it just now....thanks a lot ... (LOL) ... now I can't unsee that creepy photo.

No clue where that came from.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
... now I can't unsee that creepy photo.

No clue where that came from.
I noted to that poster that it is inappropriate , (imagine little children and sensitive women and even men seeing the idol, and wondering what it is allowed ? )

But the messages are even more dangerous - what is the source of his, her or their posts ? (as sometimes men and their wives, or men or women or kids often might together all join in posting under one name at different times)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I noted to that poster that it is inappropriate , (imagine little children and sensitive women and even men seeing the idol, and wondering what it is allowed ? )

But the messages are even more dangerous - what is the source of his, her or their posts ? (as sometimes men and their wives, or men or women or kids often might together all join in posting under one name at different times)

Good luck with that!

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Good luck with that!

Glory to God,
I used to think 'luck' was neutral....

but I read somewhere God says in His Word directly : I hate it when those My people call on lady luck !

So I never do that wittingly nor consciously any more.... (sometimes it may slip out)
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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Could be that Putin wants Trump to have a second term and are using Ukrainian allies to peddle misinformation. Russia and China have both increased their international influence in Trump's term in office.

Dems raise concerns over Russian-linked campaign targeting Biden - CNNPolitics

In recent months, a small group of Ukrainian political figures has injected themselves into the 2020 US presidential election
by releasing and promoting alleged audiotapes of Biden. Some of these figures are connected to Kremlin interests or to Russian intelligence agencies, which experts say suggests their actions may be part of a Russian-backed misinformation campaign.

The recordings are of Biden's dealings with former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, and they appear authentic. But the material reinforces Biden's claims that he promoted US interests and didn't do anything improper in Ukraine. There is no proof of wrongdoing on the tapes, and the Biden campaign maintains that these releases are blatant Russian meddling against Biden.

Some Republicans and right-wing news outlets have embraced the baseless claims being levied by these controversial Ukrainian figures. Some of these figures, including Ukrainian lawmaker Andrii Derkach, have worked closely with Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Johnson has tried to secure testimony from another Ukrainian in this orbit, former diplomat Andrii Telizhenko.

yeah BUT Obama.....!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
You are a relentless gossiper...

I've said nothing that's not a matter of fact. You've already admitted as much, since you abandoned any attempt at making a reasonable argument and have resorted to verbal abuse. Try to come up with a cogent argument,and you'll be much better off.

and appear to be teetering on jealousy carrying on about Trumps finances.

Actually, I've done much better in my ventures than Trump has. Not only have I gotten a better return on the money with which I started out, I've never gone bankrupt once, and he's run at least five of his ventures into the ground by mismanagement.

And as I pointed out, only God can say for sure who is saved. You obviously are unfamiliar with a what a Saved soul is.

Your relentless personal bashing of Trump and then then saying you pray for his soul ...

Is what God asks of us. Jesus prayed for those crucifying Him. Why do you think we should do less? And notice, Jesus relentlessly bashed the Pharisees, even though with his last breaths, he asked God to forgive them. Your pride keeps you from being the imitation of Christ we are called to be. Try to do better.