Presidential Election Live Coverage 2020

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Jun 19, 2019
United States

Leftists Declare A Biden-Harris Victory, Cue The Marxist Sing-Alongs

NOVEMBER 13, 2020 By Evita Duffy
The bizarre trend where school children are forced to sing songs and write poems about Democrats is not new, but has spiked again in response to the media’s projected victory of a Biden-Harris administration. This time at Stanley Eugene Clark Public School in Brooklyn, New York, where a poetic rendition is dedicated to Sen. Kamala Harris, who even elementary children know is waiting in wings.

“Brown girl brown girl, what do you feel,” reads the teacher. “That #blackgirlmagic will help us all heal,” recite the children.

The poem is an update of Leslé Honoré’s poem “Brown Girl,” which she originally wrote in 2016 for her book of poetry, “Fist & Fire.”

“Brown girl, brown girl, what do you see,” is a play on the classic children’s book, “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” by Eric Carle and Bill Martin Jr.

Honoré said she saw “meaningful identity” for herself and her daughters with Harris’s projected victory.

“In the midst of a double pandemic, of everything everyone has been enduring, it was such a huge piece of tangible that I just wanted to acknowledge it and encapsulate it and hold onto that,” she said. “I was just over the moon. I am still tingling thinking about it.”

“Brown girl brown girl, whatcha gonna do,” continues the public school teacher. “March, fight and create till I make this world new,” answer the students.

This isn’t the first time the left has enlisted children to recite creepy songs and poems about newly elected presidents reminiscent of the sort of thing we see in communist footage of school children honoring Mao. Let’s take a trip down memory lane, shall we?

Remember that time children in California sang, “we’re gonna change it, and rearrange it,” with “nations all joined as one?” Who can ever forget the Marxist sing-chant, “yes we can, can, can?”

Then there were young elementary students at a Burlington, New Jersey public school who chanted “Mm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama,” while listing the former president’s accomplishments, which is a feat unto itself. At one point the children directly quote the classic Bible school song, “Jesus Loves the Little Children,” but replace Jesus’ name with Obama’s: “He said red, yellow, black, or white, all are equal in his sight: Barack Hussein Obama.”

Then there’s the classic “Hillary 4 U & Me.” This song, I’m not gonna lie, is pretty catchy and declares that Hillary will “bring back our democracy,” so “everyone for Hillary!”

Of course, the time when Sophie B. Hawkins remade her hit song, “Damn! I Wish I Was Your Lover,” to “Damn! We wish you were President,” for Hillary Clinton.

Hollywood celebs jumped on the communist band wagon when they pledged to “be a servant to the President,” Obama. Unsurprisingly, the video was shown to public school children.

Last but not least, “I got a Crush on Obama,” lip-synced by actress and model Amber Lee Ettinger. “I cannot wait, ’til 2008, baby you’re the best candidate.”

Evita Duffy is an intern at The Federalist and a junior at the University of Chicago, where she studies American History. She loves the Midwest, lumberjack sports, writing, & her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1
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Feb 4, 2018
United States
Trump called it that he won, he knows that he won. he knew beforehand that the system was corrupt or such that will not pass law by rights. he warned about such before hand and told people to vote in person because of such.

The majority of lefty's must believe an election is as simple as a prom Queen, well the media are make such out to be as simple as such.

I happened to record a show here in Australia The curse of oak island and it recorded the beginning of a show called Full frontal with a woman called Samantha Bee calling the shots, boy ! was she out there carrying on about Trump, she was like a deranged fruit loop, it's life must only truly revolve around setting idiot tasks, it was so excited about having setting records of a black woman ? Kamala Harris coming into a position as such, that was the only point and that some Gay people were making it in as well, she was so over the moon with such. only because of the goal of having such in power was the motivation for the excessive pride for such, noting other mattered at all. it was just a set agenda that the moron was looking for to tick the boxes off :confused: what a total moron ! she came across as a real clown, loopy as they come.
I will have to watch more of her to work out where she is truly coming from. it was a huge ego trip for her and I am sure she is totally possessed ! it comes across as that USA mid day show with all the degenerates the compare brought in to make humanity look like dregs, I can't think of his name that compared the show, it was about 20 years ago, but it was a shocking display. I informed a Islamic bloke about the show on the job I was at and he totally detested that show as well. it painted the USA people in a real bad light, of total degenerates. :eek:

That USA mid day show with Alan degenerate is 3rd rate what I have seen of her as well, what a nasty piece of work that is and then of late she got a bad rap about being a total monster to all her staff and all around her and I thought yep ! I knew it, I know that type of person traits well, such as them total creeps are gaining power, they just go ballistic if anyone may think different to them, they are dead set Political Correct bigots that are on par with the worst of the Nazis, who rant and rave just like Hitler did and they will never listen to reality, they push their way 100%.

Sadly if Trump does not win we will become enslaved under such dictating trash that will destroy all true freedom of speech and will be relentless in standing over all like a mongrel dog, they are totally full of malice the low life vindictive filthy trash. I will not let any such Nazi types stand over me like such. :mad:

Such people live in lumpy space, a utopian glorified fast and if you burst their bubble then you see them change from playing the nice game so overly nice load of hogwash dribble into a fire breathing dragon in an instant, going spastic at ya. sorry to burst you bubble and all but can you come down to earth, I say.:eek::oops:

YOU are right in that, if Trump does not prevail look out beloved OZ I love and NZ I love dearly....did you read about the Chinese now wanting to form an economic Bloc pact with S. Korea, Japan, Australia and New Zealand....LOOK OUT FOLKS..a storm is definitely brewing down under...

God protect and bless us throughout all this Reggie.....g'day to you mate and stay the course of righteousness in the Lord...APAK
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Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Trump answer to manual recount of Georgia. It is recognition of signatures that is the problem.

You got to laugh hahaha. It is the accusation of fraudulent switching of votes from Trump to Biden. If this 100% fails there is nothing. The manual count will show up copied votes etc. The truth is confirmed counts win the day. And the clock is ticking. Everything else is just fluff.

Raids in Germany appear fake news. If the election authorities believe everything is good, that is their job. Slander against them should be suable, because this is what it is coming to. Fools have no political future when it's clear they are irresponsible fools. But without this awareness the hole just gets bigger......


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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Do you not see the absurd idea that worldwide an off the cuff remark normally said to someone in a meeting etc. is now public.

Absurd to speak freely?
Nope...I do not find it Absurd to speak freely.

I give Individuals more credit TO Know their OWN preferences, and not be infantile crybaby critics,
...when someone says Black, when "they personally" prefer Person of Color.
...when someone says White, when "they personally" prefer Caucasian.
...when someone says Jew, when "they personally" prefer Israel
...when someone says Mexican, when "they personally" prefer Hispanic.

• Trump speaking on an American exercising his Right to speak freely.

• If you favor "speech Censoring" by the "presupposed adopted Political Correctness"...
• Seems that works out negatively for you.

I often use the term lady to politely refer to women, or girls, or if I say darling
"in the "wrong context" it is "a rebuke".".

Context? Speaking openly, to Anyone who Wants to hear, or Not, can walk away.

Rebuke? So what is your solution?
Pre-screen EVERY person who might hear you, to find out how "they Personally" want to be addressed? LOL

If you are so tippy toe, about offending a person's description, and not interested in the Point of the should probably walk away, instead of trying to Deflect away from the speakers Point, to you being Offended, by a description that has for eons Applied to you.

Personally...I am not a polition.
Personally...I enjoy my liberty of free speech.
Personally...I am Not offended by what others say About me...I know the Truth that Applies to me.

And Personally ... I throughly Enjoy having a President that IS NOT a politician and does NOT yield to the World's Pseudo so called "political correctness"

I am mature enough to be more interested in Trumps Point...than delivery.

No filter, no public relations people making sure policy is not made up as they go, that things are balanced so the right people are addressed.

Ah, the latest politico "catch Word"...."Filter".
Scripturally...Some things are "KEPT FROM" • The Ears of BABES...reserved for the Ears of The MATURE.

Tweets ARE on a Public Computer Forum...
It is the Individual with a Computer, with access To TWITER, who is "the one with the responsiblity" to KNOW the level of his own households MATURE and IMMATURE occupants and Censor himself and his household, per the Mature and IMMATURE.

My wife always says I say things with one meaning and context, but others could think the context in another way I did not intend and it have a bad impression or result.

Correct. Mrs. Trump is Reminding The President that MANY Adults who Should BY NOW BE MATURE, are Adults with a STILL Immature Mind.

I agree with the President. Treat Adults like Adults...IF THEY have a STILL IMMATURE BABE Mindset...speaking to them Like A BABE, is About giving them a "feel good about themselves"...and HAS Nothing to Do with the Point.

• Scripturally, the POINT, is JESUS, And Learn About His Offering.
• Man's NEW POINT in many Congregations, is Come to the House of God, and Learn "how to feel good about yourself"

What IS Absurd the Number of "Adults"...who "set aside Jesus' Point" and fall for man's " Temptation, that It's all about a man's FEELINGS".

In the UK a sports person referred to people of colour, which is a term for black people in some cultures, non white, are referred to. He was called inappropriate and some said he should resign.

Prime example of an "IMMATURE Adult"....
not only "thinking immaturely", but Opening His Mouth "and Revealing His IMATURITY"

I end up finding I have to be very careful which word I use, in case some group miss-understand my context.

Tip toeing ... must be exhausting for you.

It seems you have developed a "way" to get around that "careful tip toeing", in Particular circumstances....

•• Like FOR Example...Trump is NOT a member of This NO bars hold (careful tip toeing required)... You can let loose With ANY accusation, description, name ABOUT Trump...and (obviously without Trumps Membership on this Forum), you do not have to Contend with the negative Rebuke from Trump.••

•A clever Relief For you.
•But then ALSO a Reveal Of AND By your own Evidenced Proof... speaking TO a person requires (careful filters)....but speaking About a person, behind their back...requires NO filter!

I said to you...that you trying to point your finger at other don't even realize you are shinning the spotlight on you.

Sometimes words cannot be reversed and have life changing consequences.

Words do not require "reversal".
A "MATURE" Listener, is Already KNOWLEDGABLE, that the SAME, written and spoken WORD, has multiple meanings.
An "IMMATURE" person "requires" a dictionary and Then BE TOLD which meaning is "in Context" being spoken....because the ARE too IMMATURE to cognitively Figure it out themselves.

If you have Just taught A BABE, Christ Jesus IS the True LIGHT...then tell that BABE, it's dark, go to Turn on the LIGHT....ya think that BABE "thinks he is TURNING Christ ON"?
Maybe. And maybe he will go tell his friends, they can't be his friend if the don't believe him.

So politicians do not take to twitter easily, but are very careful what and how they say things.

Yes, "career POLITICIANS" are years in training, with trained "speech writers" to speak With the Focus that "Every every group Listening" Be So impressed that "the Pseudo ROYAL" political Speaker..."Makes them"...feel good about themselves! LOL ... and that is the EXTENT of the Point "they Hear".

It's an old TACTIC...of Satan.
Soft touch, to make one feel important, that A person of Power, has just Confirmed they Should feel good about themselves...and are feeling so good about themselves...they don't even Hear...the "Pseudo Royal"...say they INTEND to TAKE your God Given Liberty AWAY from them!

Trump does not seem to follow this.

Precisely! Trump is NOT a Trickster Politician.
And WHY a MATURE audience Loves him.
They Already KNOW who they "are".
They Don't require "confirmation", of "Defining" by a "a human man", to feel good about themselves.

That to me is just a joke, in a real sense.

Expressly noted. Expressly disagree with you.

No awareness of the true impact this has, like a bull in a china shop. Ahhhhhhhhh

Expressly noted. Expressly disagree with you.

• I love that Trump is Not a Groomed career politician.
• I love that Trump does not Attempt to pat MATURE American citizens on the head, like IMMATURE Babes.
• I love that Trumps Record of Accomplishments Stands for ALL American citizens, regardless of what little "grouping", "they" personally and individually want to "identify" themselves with.
• I love that Trump recognizes the Difference Between ALL Americans citizens, and EVERYONE Else.
• I love Trump Recognizes he was Elected to "Serve" All of America and Her Citizens....and IS NOT a "personal servant" of Any man.

I, As a Saved and Born Again person and Citizen OF The Lord Gods Kingdom...
He Serves me and I Serve Him.

I, as a Citizen of Natural born Citizen of these United States of America and Natural Citizen thereof, Trump Serves me and I support the manner in which his Record of Service is proved most beneficial to me.

That Simple.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
There are three sub sets in global geography. London is one, or at least the financial sector... It is not officially a part of Britain but is an independent state with it's own governance.
The second is WashingtonDC. It is the military hub of the USA.
The third is the Vatican. The religious center of the planet. . A Trinity of independent States working together for world governance.
Economically London, Wallstreet, Hong Kong trading centers have power but just as hubs.
Real power resides now in tech companies which governments are reelling in. Because things are shifting so fast it's not possible to use the word control. Access and abuse probably more key. Russia sold its assets to friends of Putin, but Russians still stayed poor.
The key to stop dictatorships is always us small successful businesses. Spreading influence removes the ability of the centre to plot. That's were the emphasis has to be.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Trump answer to manual recount of Georgia. It is recognition of signatures that is the problem.

You got to laugh hahaha.

No, I don't "got to laugh".

I find nothing funny about people Forging Signatures on voting Ballots.

I rather find that a Most egregious ACT to perpetuate upon American Citizens.

And BTW...a SPOTLIGHT on how "some" Non-Americans have Twisted Mindset.

If the election authorities believe everything is good, that is their job.

Correct....That is The JOB of Those Inspecting Ballots....which INCLUDES...
Overseerer Watchers!

You seem to be in denial... that JOB of "is good", is Limited to Only "one group".

Error!! The JOB of "is good", is dependent UPON of Inspection of The an Agreement "of IS GOOD" by TWO separate INSPECTIONS...

How can you Read repeatedly...Two inspections of Ballots "ARE Lawfully Required in the US", and giggle, when they have NOT been TWICE inspected?

Are you trying to Project you think "US LAW violations" ARE a Funny thing to you?

Very Strange. Irrelevant. But very Strange.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Absurd to speak freely?
Nope...I do not find it Absurd to speak freely.

There is a simple point to make. Your politics and Trumps are very similar so of course you agree with his positions and take.

If people have been through great trauma and personal loss, words matter. Yes words can be manufactured and the responses likewise, but to avoid unnecessary upset is useful. Politics has become about identifying with each subset of voter, which was developed in the 2000's.

If voters liked fishing, go fishing, like sport, watch matches etc. so they feel you are like one of them. The real connection is probably only in their heads. Trump has cut through this speaking to those left behind by massive social change and tapping into their sense of being left behind.

Brexit in the UK did the same. If you live in the north, you may never have seen foriegners let alone live with different cultures. The default position of reject the outsider and stick with what you know. Whole communities voted for leaving the EU when they had personally benefited from their funding, and would literally be worse off. In many countries, they advertised openly the help the EU had provided so that this feeling would be counter acted. In the UK this was largely left silent, to avoid the backlash. But the backlash came anyway.

Trump represents the part of America that has not embraced the world. But the world is embracing America, and approves of its democracy and way of government. What is also strange about the USA is its volatility, which is often hidden from the outside world, because it is such a vast place. Like in the UK we rely on outside communities to run everything as part of the UK economy, this is happening everywhere. It is a popular idea to support our fishing industry, but it almost 100% goes to europe. They voted to leave the EU but that is their only market.

So what is really going on is about identity which has not caught up with economic reality. And I love the american risk taking approach to development with the guts to fail, and then try again. In the UK failure is failure, the end. So everything is very slow and little desire to be adventurous, and get investment, not a chance. So what I am saying is we need this risk culture without blame, but also institutional robustness.

It is why this challenge to the voting system is counter productive, but then the Trump movement is born out of dreams of long ago which have now gone. It is the power of what works which is our future, in every community and culture on earth. It is hard to believe that this is now the reality, but truly with the internet, these words can now have real meaning. God bless you


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Correct....That is The JOB of Those Inspecting Ballots....which INCLUDES...
Overseerer Watchers!

You seem to be in denial... that JOB of "is good", is Limited to Only "one group".

Error!! The JOB of "is good", is dependent UPON of Inspection of The an Agreement "of IS GOOD" by TWO separate INSPECTIONS...

How can you Read repeatedly...Two inspections of Ballots "ARE Lawfully Required in the US", and giggle, when they have NOT been TWICE inspected?

Are you trying to Project you think "US LAW violations" ARE a Funny thing to you?

Very Strange. Irrelevant. But very Strange.

If you have a legal challenge to the process and how it was handled you go to court.
You want to cry foul, when it appears according the courts no foul has been committed.

This is not strange, it is the legal reality. And power, real power is based upon this legal reality nothing more.
There are always lunatic fringes who rail against how governance is performed, but that does not matter.

I realised it is upsetting to see believers put forward cases of fraud because they believe one way of interpreting the news over another.
It is obvious there were some issues, but proving this is always another issue entirely.

I know the poison of the left, by having one of my children calling me disgusting for giving pushback on the left wing descriptions of me being a privilege white male whose opinion should be ignored. But these nutcases can be simply defeated by talking through the issues because they then evaporate. It is the same with racist right wing nut jobs who hate everyone with a different look. Once you put their attitude against talented and gifted people from all round the world, it is obvious it is just hatred of difference and very stupid.

It is also why I come to forums such as these and just put facts and the actual story line that is on going. Trump has lost and will leave the white house though he thinks he has won, and the power that put him there will not take it away. This is just insane, because his authority is a gift given by the government system, and its process of choosing the next president. But then losing is not something he accepts, but like all people in a prison, they have no choice when the government says its time to go. God bless you


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
If you have a legal challenge to the process and how it was handled you go to court.
You want to cry foul, when it appears according the courts no foul has been committed.

This is not strange, it is the legal reality. And power, real power is based upon this legal reality nothing more.
There are always lunatic fringes who rail against how governance is performed, but that does not matter.

I realised it is upsetting to see believers put forward cases of fraud because they believe one way of interpreting the news over another.
It is obvious there were some issues, but proving this is always another issue entirely.

I know the poison of the left, by having one of my children calling me disgusting for giving pushback on the left wing descriptions of me being a privilege white male whose opinion should be ignored. But these nutcases can be simply defeated by talking through the issues because they then evaporate. It is the same with racist right wing nut jobs who hate everyone with a different look. Once you put their attitude against talented and gifted people from all round the world, it is obvious it is just hatred of difference and very stupid.

It is also why I come to forums such as these and just put facts and the actual story line that is on going. Trump has lost and will leave the white house though he thinks he has won, and the power that put him there will not take it away. This is just insane, because his authority is a gift given by the government system, and its process of choosing the next president. But then losing is not something he accepts, but like all people in a prison, they have no choice when the government says its time to go. God bless you

I don't think that that many of the lower courts are going to agree and don't think President Trump and his legal team is expecting them to agree.

By agree, they are more or less waving the flag that says, were are all scum bags in this state and completely corrupt.

The federal courts are merely a stepping stool to the supreme court....

The investigations....the arrests....the court could be a long time.

None of this happens at lightening speed and usually the system does not allow definitive actions while there is litigation going on. See ya in

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
This election was not just "another" election. This is a spiritual battle over the heart and soul of America!

WELL STATED! -- This is not about Communism, Marxism, Antifa, Fascism, or Democrat. This is about satan versus GOD, -- darkness versus Light.

So we should call it as it ACTUALLY IS, versus what satan hides behind. :)
Bobby Jo

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
It’s hitting Sky News that Trump has admitted to losing the election, any news of that kind in the US ?
Dear Rita,

It's no different than the "news" that Kushner and (make up a bunch of names) are encouraging Trump to CONCEDE. -- satan does his best to infiltrate and disrupt every entity including our governments, the church, and even "Sky News". :rolleyes: So when we hear these false assertions, all we can do is recognize that infiltration, -- then shrug --, and then be encouraged that GOD has brought these men, Trump & Pence, at this time for this purpose. And their ministry WILL be fulfilled, up to that completion:

Rev. 11:7 And when they have finished their testimony, the beast that ascends from the bottomless pit will make war upon them and conquer them and kill them ...

With Very Best Regards,
Bobby Jo :)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
There is a track record of the same people working on elections, election after election.
It is hard to imagine that one will be so different from the previous, and so likewise the common issues are failures.
After dealing with large databases and how information is held there is always a 80/20 rule. 20% of the data will cause a problem.
And you have to work you way through it as best you can. Unfortunately unless you spend the time and resources you will get issues, glitches etc. What you are claiming is intentional behaviour not data issues. I would always favour data issues unless it is statistically beyond the regular experience of such problems.

I am not taking any propaganda, I just dislike liars and people who exaggerate for their own benefit and accuse others of criminal activity without proof. It seems this principle of innocent until proven guilty is not part of the Trump fraud followers or accusations. This in itself is not constitutional. If one claims to be defending the nation you do not set about destroying it.

God bless you

What you are forgetting is that it is much more difficult to pull as much fraud if you have primary in person voting. The whole concern has been over the massive mail in voting. Which is ripe for massive fraud. And you are forgetting that the left want a win at any cost here.

Democrats are telling us they will not accept a Donald Trump win. Are you listening?

There IS evidence of fraud and illegal activity as has been shown to you throughout this thread. Now if this is enough to stop enough if the votes from being counted and if it's enough to change the current declaration, well that remains to be seen.

All we want is to know that the illegalities and fraud has been delt with and then we can have confidence restored in our process.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
United States
And then there is this path to 270

Excerpts from the ..

Posted on November 11, 2020 by State of the Nation
The 270 Electoral Vote Threshold

There is a profound and pervasive misunderstanding about the 270 electoral votes necessary to win the U.S. presidential election.

Yes, 270 are required to win, but if a candidate’s campaign engages in a massive voting fraud and/or election theft operation, they have automatically disqualified themselves from the race. Especially when such a highly organized operation was conducted with the explicit purpose to steal the election have the perpetrators rendered themselves unfit to serve in high office.

Much of that rapidly growing body of evidence is scientifically based and data-driven; some of it is anecdotal and circumstantial, still other conclusive proofs are being submitted in the form of videos, photos and audios. Then there are the missing or destroyed or altered ballots themselves which are showing up near or at the numerous crime scenes across the country. The Democrat’s mail-in ballot fraud is perhaps the greatest systematic crime spree ever implemented.

What’s the critical point?

All President Trump has to do is prove that Team Biden (which includes the Democrat Party) carried out intentional fraud to steal the election, which they did to a tremendous degree and IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. The Democrat perpetrators did not even care if they got caught. Not only that, they barely tried to cover up their criminal activity leaving their fingerprints all over the myriad crime scenes.

In other words, once the intentional fraud was committed, Joe Biden and Kamal Harris effectively lost their right to further stand for the election. That means President Trump will be inaugurated on January 20, 2020.

The SCOTUS ruled in a landmark case UNITED STATES v. THROCKMORTON (98 US 61 – Supreme Court 1878) that “fraud vitiates everything”.[1]

KEY POINT: By categorically asserting that “fraud vitiates everything”, the SCOTUS affirms that perpetrating fraud undermines the entire endeavor, the whole contract, the complete judgment, the final result … or the election outcome, etc. Once the fraud is proven, the enterprise in its entirety, such as a POTUS candidacy or campaign, has been irreparably tainted and any result is invalidated. In order words, if it was only the Michigan vote was stolen by Team Biden, their victory would still have been nullified since “fraud vitiates everything”. (“Vitiates” in this legal context means negates, quashes, annuls, invalidates, revokes and abrogates) See: Let’s be very clear about the 2020 election outcome: “FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING”.

(It's call disqualification..this is not an election for a prom queen....)


I'd love to believe this, but unfortunately there has been little evidence that anything like this would be upheld. I don't foresee this happening in the least.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
What you are forgetting is that it is much more difficult to pull as much fraud if you have primary in person voting. The whole concern has been over the massive mail in voting. Which is ripe for massive fraud. ...

Significant fraud, -- certainly. But the MASSIVE FRAUD is though the "Dominion" electronic Vote SWITCHING (500K) and DELETION (2.5M). And when the EVIDENCE from our U.S. Special Forces raid against the SCYTL computer center in Germany comes to light, THERE WILL BE NO HIDING THE FRAUD. :eek:

Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I'd love to believe this, but unfortunately there has been little evidence that anything like this would be upheld. I don't foresee this happening in the least.

We can only hope...There is some reality that needs to be understood though..

I know the MSM loves to compare these current events concerning the ballots with the previous election in Florida between Gore and Bush. Their issues were very, very mild and were not systematic as compared to today's SYSTEMIC irregularities stemming across at least 8 States and not just ONE State. And then only localized to a few areas within Florida with ONLY ONE type of vehicle/method used for fraud...the hanging chads....

This is my reality anyway.....
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... with ONLY ONE type of vehicle/method used for fraud...the hanging chads....
This is my reality anyway.....

Certainly the level of "Voter Fraud" has increased exponentially under the Obama Administration, leading to a SYSTEMATIC RIGGED ELECTION.

And it's not just YOUR "REALITY", -- it's all of ours! :)
Bobby Jo
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