Mask Control: Prove COVID-19 exists...I dare you!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
2020: The Year We Let Ourselves Be Infantilised And Dehumanised

SATURDAY, DEC 19, 2020 - 23:30

Authored by Rob Slane via,

Read Part 1 here...

I recently wrote a satirical speech by our Prime Minister, in which I imagined him coming up with all sorts of absurd rules for the Christmas season. It was really hard. Not because I was unable to come up with hundreds of such rules, were I minded to do so, but because the whole point of satire is to raise the absurdities up a step or two, in order to highlight the ridiculousness of what is happening. But how do you do this when the real-life absurdities have already been turned up to 11 on the amplifier? I kid you not when I tell you that my original list included a rule against playing certain board games over Christmas — which I rejected — only to see a few days later SAGE coming out and advising against the playing of board games.


We have now had nearly nine months of being treated like utter imbeciles. A once great country with a once free people has been reduced to the level of being governed by pathetic, childish slogans. And for some reason we have allowed ourselves to be infantilised.

I am utterly baffled as to how people can have sat through some of these slogans being introduced without responding with howls of laughter.

“Stay Alert. Control the Virus. Save Lives.”

What on earth is this actually supposed to mean?

Stay Alert? For what? Are we supposed to be on our guard for a virus that is approximately 120 nanometres, or around 1,000th the width of a human hair? Are we to carry an electron microscope around with us wherever we go, just in case? One of my favourite signs is an electronic one I sometimes see on my occasional drives into the office. On one day, it says, “Stay Alert. Control the Virus.” On another, it says, “Stay Alert. Watch out for Cyclists.” It should be noted that cyclists are considerably bigger than 120nm and even often wearing the kind of hi-vis jackets that coronaviruses refuse to wear.

Control the Virus? Say what? You mean they actually think we’re stupid enough to think they’re clever enough to devise schemes that can actually control those little invisible 120 nm virus particles that are in the air and on surfaces. Apparently so.

Save Lives? I am yet to hear a convincing argument as to how I and my family, not having any symptoms and thus not being infected by the virus, can possibly stop the spread of said virus that we don’t have by staying at home or wearing a piece of cloth over or respiratory passages, such that we save lives.

More recently, it has been decided that the slogans were maybe a bit too high-brow and needed to be simplified further, this time into monosyllables: “Hands. Face. Space.” Although I tend to avoid watching Comrade Johnson and Co as they spout this nonsense at their regular stand-ups, on the occasions when I have had that misfortune, it has felt eerily like suddenly being thrust into the world’s largest Kindergarten with teacher talking down to his little charges as if they were really, really stupid.

I won’t sport with your intelligence by mentioning all the other mind-numbing slogans we’ve been fed this year, suffice it to say that phrases such as “social bubble” and “Covid-secure” would be deeply funny were it not for the seriousness of the situation into which those coming up with such tripe have placed us (as an aside, are such buildings for which it is claimed that they are “Covid-secure” also “Flu-Secure” and “Cold-Secure”?)

But the infantilising of an entire population is by no means the worst thing they have done to us. Worse by far has been the dehumanising of millions of people, which has been done via a number of enormously destructive methods.

Chief of them is the idea that we must all avoid each other. I cannot even begin to think how destructive this has become. In a normal society, if you or I have symptoms of a particularly nasty seasonal respiratory illness, which is what Covid-19 is, we would avoid one another. Obviously. But the idea of perfectly healthy people avoiding other perfectly healthy people must qualify as one of the most absurd concepts ever dreamt up. Not only is it self-evidently unnecessary, it is bound to have long-terms consequences for the way we view one another, the way we relate to one another, the way we behave around one another. It turns us from seeing one another as humans, made in the Image of God, to walking virus carriers and a potential risk. Some people now literally behave as if they are navigating their way through a crowd of potential terrorists, rather than simply walking through a group of fellow humans.

People avoidance is not just deeply destructive from a psychological and social perspective, it is also deeply cruel. The idea that a grandparent cannot have contact with their children or grandchildren is just obscene. And the very thought of the elderly being left to fester away in care homes, rather than being allowed contact with their families is sick. Yet that’s what we’ve done, or allowed to be done.

And of course, I cannot leave off talking about dehumanisation without mentioning masks. These wretched things were introduced in the Summer, long after the epidemic had waned, at a time when they could not possibly have done any good, even if they had been capable of doing any good. Why were they introduced? Partly to keep the fear-narrative going, even though there was extraordinarily little risk of dying of a seasonal respiratory virus at that time of the year. But even more important, they are a sign of submission. They are a, “we can do with you what we like moment.” They are nothing to do with health. They are a psychological mask, and even more than the social distancing, they have served to alter the way we see one another and are seen by others.

Millions of people humiliated by the Marketing Team of Covid-19 and their infantile slogans. Millions of people dehumanised by having their faces, their smiles, their laughter, their thoughtfulness etc covered to make them into expressionless drones. That was the year we just lived through. Will 2021 be the year a critical mass try to escape the Kindergarten and return to being human?

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
2020: The Year We Let Ourselves Be Infantilised And Dehumanised

SATURDAY, DEC 19, 2020 - 23:30

Authored by Rob Slane via,

Read Part 1 here...

I recently wrote a satirical speech by our Prime Minister, in which I imagined him coming up with all sorts of absurd rules for the Christmas season. It was really hard. Not because I was unable to come up with hundreds of such rules, were I minded to do so, but because the whole point of satire is to raise the absurdities up a step or two, in order to highlight the ridiculousness of what is happening. But how do you do this when the real-life absurdities have already been turned up to 11 on the amplifier? I kid you not when I tell you that my original list included a rule against playing certain board games over Christmas — which I rejected — only to see a few days later SAGE coming out and advising against the playing of board games.


We have now had nearly nine months of being treated like utter imbeciles. A once great country with a once free people has been reduced to the level of being governed by pathetic, childish slogans. And for some reason we have allowed ourselves to be infantilised.

I am utterly baffled as to how people can have sat through some of these slogans being introduced without responding with howls of laughter.

“Stay Alert. Control the Virus. Save Lives.”

What on earth is this actually supposed to mean?

Stay Alert? For what? Are we supposed to be on our guard for a virus that is approximately 120 nanometres, or around 1,000th the width of a human hair? Are we to carry an electron microscope around with us wherever we go, just in case? One of my favourite signs is an electronic one I sometimes see on my occasional drives into the office. On one day, it says, “Stay Alert. Control the Virus.” On another, it says, “Stay Alert. Watch out for Cyclists.” It should be noted that cyclists are considerably bigger than 120nm and even often wearing the kind of hi-vis jackets that coronaviruses refuse to wear.

Control the Virus? Say what? You mean they actually think we’re stupid enough to think they’re clever enough to devise schemes that can actually control those little invisible 120 nm virus particles that are in the air and on surfaces. Apparently so.

Save Lives? I am yet to hear a convincing argument as to how I and my family, not having any symptoms and thus not being infected by the virus, can possibly stop the spread of said virus that we don’t have by staying at home or wearing a piece of cloth over or respiratory passages, such that we save lives.

More recently, it has been decided that the slogans were maybe a bit too high-brow and needed to be simplified further, this time into monosyllables: “Hands. Face. Space.” Although I tend to avoid watching Comrade Johnson and Co as they spout this nonsense at their regular stand-ups, on the occasions when I have had that misfortune, it has felt eerily like suddenly being thrust into the world’s largest Kindergarten with teacher talking down to his little charges as if they were really, really stupid.

I won’t sport with your intelligence by mentioning all the other mind-numbing slogans we’ve been fed this year, suffice it to say that phrases such as “social bubble” and “Covid-secure” would be deeply funny were it not for the seriousness of the situation into which those coming up with such tripe have placed us (as an aside, are such buildings for which it is claimed that they are “Covid-secure” also “Flu-Secure” and “Cold-Secure”?)

But the infantilising of an entire population is by no means the worst thing they have done to us. Worse by far has been the dehumanising of millions of people, which has been done via a number of enormously destructive methods.

Chief of them is the idea that we must all avoid each other. I cannot even begin to think how destructive this has become. In a normal society, if you or I have symptoms of a particularly nasty seasonal respiratory illness, which is what Covid-19 is, we would avoid one another. Obviously. But the idea of perfectly healthy people avoiding other perfectly healthy people must qualify as one of the most absurd concepts ever dreamt up. Not only is it self-evidently unnecessary, it is bound to have long-terms consequences for the way we view one another, the way we relate to one another, the way we behave around one another. It turns us from seeing one another as humans, made in the Image of God, to walking virus carriers and a potential risk. Some people now literally behave as if they are navigating their way through a crowd of potential terrorists, rather than simply walking through a group of fellow humans.

People avoidance is not just deeply destructive from a psychological and social perspective, it is also deeply cruel. The idea that a grandparent cannot have contact with their children or grandchildren is just obscene. And the very thought of the elderly being left to fester away in care homes, rather than being allowed contact with their families is sick. Yet that’s what we’ve done, or allowed to be done.

And of course, I cannot leave off talking about dehumanisation without mentioning masks. These wretched things were introduced in the Summer, long after the epidemic had waned, at a time when they could not possibly have done any good, even if they had been capable of doing any good. Why were they introduced? Partly to keep the fear-narrative going, even though there was extraordinarily little risk of dying of a seasonal respiratory virus at that time of the year. But even more important, they are a sign of submission. They are a, “we can do with you what we like moment.” They are nothing to do with health. They are a psychological mask, and even more than the social distancing, they have served to alter the way we see one another and are seen by others.

Millions of people humiliated by the Marketing Team of Covid-19 and their infantile slogans. Millions of people dehumanised by having their faces, their smiles, their laughter, their thoughtfulness etc covered to make them into expressionless drones. That was the year we just lived through. Will 2021 be the year a critical mass try to escape the Kindergarten and return to being human?

Geez... That was such an excellent article @APAK.
I was either nodding in agreement or shaking my head at what the world has become in less that a year...
Is it from where u are, Florida? I kept thinking it was British for some reason...

Infantalised is a new one for my vocab, thank you
Slogans... Ohh man those cheesy slogans make me cringe

Chief of them is the idea that we must all avoid each other
That was my chief concern at the very start as well for the same reason he goes onto say.
The idea that we must be suspicious that everyone might be a biohazard is morally abhorrent.
The mental and phycological implications of this are so enormous i can't even see where it ends
Division is one of Satans favourite tools and what a way to implement it... With such evil cunning

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Geez... That was such an excellent article @APAK.
I was either nodding in agreement or shaking my head at what the world has become in less that a year...
Is it from where u are, Florida? I kept thinking it was British for some reason...

Infantalised is a new one for my vocab, thank you
Slogans... Ohh man those cheesy slogans make me cringe

Chief of them is the idea that we must all avoid each other
That was my chief concern at the very start as well for the same reason he goes onto say.
The idea that we must be suspicious that everyone might be a biohazard is morally abhorrent.
The mental and phycological implications of this are so enormous i can't even see where it ends
Division is one of Satans favourite tools and what a way to implement it... With such evil cunning
He is an English bloke..have know of him for a while...think alike..

I love the slogan, not in this article that says "we are in it together" In what together? Stupidity or ignorance? I'm not in it with you or anyone else I say....

This article and others like it are all about the current mind manipulation and control methods to permanently change your life. This is what's at stake......there will be many more sophisticated, updated and new slogans prepared for the world public in the future, beyond COVID-xx ....when compliance is common place and resistance was found to be .... immune citizen is a good citizen...
...don't blow it and keep your rights ... deviant behaviour and earn points...
...count on vaccines to save your life.... anti-vaxxers and earn big...
...deadline to upgrade you implant is fast approaching....
...we have been in it together now for 15 years and counting.....



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Pharmacist Of 43 Years: CDC Says COVID More Deadly Than Flu – “I Believe We’re Being Played” – Here’s Why
December 20, 2020 Constitutional Nobody Politics

So, a man who has been a pharmacist for 43 years and owned a pharmacy for 30 years says there is “something very strange going on with this Covid thing.” He points out that while we are well into the flu season, he hasn’t dispensed any generic Tamiflu at all, and a friend of his who is with a national wholesaler with 75 accounts hasn’t sold any to any pharmacies. Yeah, I’d say that is very strange. He also stated he believes we’re being played and why.

The pharmacist goes by Harvey Staub on Twitter. Here’s the threat he presented earlier this week.

1) Covid 19. There’s something very strange going on with this Covid thing. I’ve been a Pharmacist for 43 years, 30 years as an owner. It’s December 12, 2020, well into the “flu season”

2) I have not dispensed any Tamiflu this season whatsoever. Tamiflu generic is the most prescribed medication for the flu, once you’re diagnosed having the flu. Extremely effective. I asked my friend Mike, who works as a salesman for a major national wholesaler.

3)…how much tamiflu and generic has he sold to Pharmacies this season. He hasn’t sold any. He has 75 accounts of independent pharmacies across the United States.

4) Conclusion: By now, it’s well known that Covid tests give false positives. How many of these false positives are actually “the flu”? How many are just “the common cold”? Why does the CDC report daily case numbers & deaths for Covid and not for the flu? …

5) CDC says Covid is more deadly than the flu. Well, if you’re potentially taking a large number of flu cases and bundling them into the Covid numbers, then yes, the perception is that it’s more deadly. …

6) I believe we’re being played. Yes, Covid is real, it can be deadly. We now have drug regimens to treat Covid effectively, one being Dr. Zev Zelenko’s @zev_dr regimen, among others. I believe the Covid numbers are being skewed upward, on purpose…

7)…to continue instilling fear and panic into people, for governments to continue with lockdowns, for more small businesses to be put out, for more people to kill themselves, or others; for more & more social upheaval. Why? Total population control through fear. …

8) If we are so obedient to wear masks, obedient to stand here, don’t stand there, obedient to get the Covid vaccine, obedient to carry proof you’ve gotten the vaccine; otherwise, you won’t be able to fly; then it will be buses, trains, taxis, Uber’s, Target, Walmart, grocery stores…

9)….everything. Just like that. You’re giving up your freedoms to a virus that has a 99.4 % survival rate, according to the CDC. And the vaccine? Like I’ve told my customers all these years; don’t be the first on your block to try anything new. …

10)They really don’t know what they’ll find out in 6 months, a year, 5 years & longer, that can be attributed to the vaccine. It’s way past time for people to take their heads out of their ass & start thinking for themselves. / Done

Others seemed to confirmed the tweets in their area.

There’s definitely a control mechanism to this but I think one commenter hit on the other aspect of all of this.

Finally, just keep in mind a little history of influenza in the first place. Arthur Firstenberg’s “The Invisible Rainbow” recounts quite a bit of history concerning electricity, radio waves and radiation effects upon the human body. One man wrote, based on Firstenberg’s book, how this narrative of explanation of viruses and flu has evolved.

The word “influenza” originated in Italy. The first record of this strange and inexplicable illness occurred around the year 1580. As the phenomenon recurred, acute observers recognised that it tended to ‘pop up’ simultaneously in multiple locations, sometimes on multiple continents. In an effort to explain this cognitively dissonant fact, Italian ‘scientists’ examined sun-spot records and noticed that outbreaks always seemed to coincide with peaks of sun-spot activity.

They understood that when the sun’s surface (or CORONA) was most active, there were mass-ejections from the sun that manifested as spectacular displays of the Aurora Borealis in northern climes and that there were also magnetic effects (or magnetic ‘waves’) from the sun that struck the earth with uncommon intensity at these times.

Thus the word “INFLUENZA became the name of this illness. “Influenza” being short for “Influenza delle stelle” … INFLUENCE OF THE STARS.

So, by the early 1600s European scientists had worked out that the cause of the illness now known as ‘influenza’ was the effect of unusual magnetic waves impacting the human body.

This “flu” narrative was accepted throughout the 1700s and 1800s. There were multiple references to the illnesses brought on by the proliferation of telegraph communications and the installation of AC power grids in US cities. Some of the reported effects were very serious for the persons involved, listlessness, loss of energy, depression, headaches and much more*.

The ‘electric/magnetic’ causation narrative continued as a model for explaining ‘flu’ symptoms right up until about 1920 and the global catastrophe of 1918/19 that was ‘The Spanish Flu’.


Again, this illness spread so fast that scientists could not explain the rate of contagion by human-to-human transfer of particles but it was the SECOND WAVE of Spanish Flu that killed tens of millions of people right across the world.

The US Surgeon General ordered a series of investigations into the nature of this disastrous contagion. One such series of experiments were conducted using 100 healthy volunteers from the US Navy by bringing them into close, controlled contact with patients suffering from the illness. A number of tests were repeatedly performed. Blood was extracted from the sick and injected into the volunteers. Patients spat into trays and the uninfected drank their sputum. Patients sneezed and coughed while volunteers, nose-to-nose, inhaled the droplets ejected as deeply as they could.

Doctors found, to the amazement of many, that NONE OF THE VOLUNTEERS GOT SICK.



Many scientists and thinkers of the day, such as Rudolf Steiner, declared that the apparent “contagion” was the result of simultaneous exposure to the new RADIO WAVES (electro-magnetic frequencies) that were being broadcast for the first time across almost the entire world.

Given that 50 million died, ELECTRICITY AS POTENTIAL CAUSE OF DEATH was not an idea that our finance rulers could allow the public at large to believe. This awareness was excluded from the public domain and the false ‘virus’ narrative was invented to explain ‘the flu’.

If the public had been allowed to think that electrical installations and the radiation thereof might KILL them, then the entire 20th Century couldn’t have happened. All plans for development, industrialisation and corporate profits involved electricity. The establishment needed another story.

They got it. The ‘virus’ narrative exactly mirrors the ‘new EMF’ narrative of causation of influenza.

A virus keeps mutating. Our bodies adjust to the old virus/emf frequency and we are then OK until a new mutation/new frequency comes along.

I’m firmly we are being played, but that it’s been going on for quite some time (Revelation 18:23).

Experimentation and installation of higher energy EM waves have always contributed directly to new ailments and new virus mutations...

and now we get to have 5G/6G and even 7G to make new virus'....yippee

Many major hospitals use the intense high-energy 5G inter-building communications already today...I wonder if this can contribute to the so-called COVID-19 virus? Na, nothing to see here...
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
CDC Issues New Guidelines, Launches Probe After 1000s Negatively-Affected Following COVID-19 Vaccination
by Zero Hedge

Thousands of people have been unable to work or perform daily activities, or required care from a healthcare professional, after getting the new COVID-19 vaccine, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

As of Dec. 18, 3,150 people reported what the agency terms “Health Impact Events” after getting vaccinated.

The definition of the term is: “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional.”

As The Epoch Times’ Zachary Stieber reports, the people reporting the negative effects reported them through V-safe, a smartphone application. The tool uses text messages and web surveys to provide personalized health check-ins and allows users to quickly tell the CDC if they are experiencing side effects.

Robert Barnes and Alex Jones Discuss the elite’s clear and present call for control of the masses through forced vaccines and inoculations designed to be the ultimate gatekeeper to returning back to normal life.

The CDC and Pfizer, which produces the vaccine with BioNTech, didn’t respond to request for comments.

The information was presented by Dr. Thomas Clark, a CDC epidemiologist, to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, an independent panel that provides recommendations to the agency, on Saturday.

The CDC said that 272,001 doses of the vaccine were administered as of Dec. 19. That means most people who were vaccinated did not experience negative effects.

The CDC has identified six case reports of anaphylaxis, or severe allergic reaction, that occurred following vaccination with the new vaccine, Clark reported. Other case reports were reviewed and determined not to be of anaphylaxis.

In an update on Friday, the agency stressed that anyone who has ever had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient in a COVID-19 vaccine should not get that vaccine. People with severe allergic reactions to other vaccines should consult their doctor about getting the new vaccine while those with a history of anaphylaxis not related to vaccines “may still get vaccinated.”

“CDC recommends that people with a history of severe allergic reactions not related to vaccines or injectable medications – such as allergies to food, pet, venom, environmental, or latex – may still get vaccinated,” the CDC said.

“People with a history of allergies to oral medications or a family history of severe allergic reactions, or who might have a milder allergy to vaccines (no anaphylaxis) – may also still get vaccinated.”

Anyone who experiences anaphylaxis after getting the first vaccine should not get the second shot, the CDC said. COVID-19 vaccines are meant to be given across two doses, spaced about three weeks apart.

At least five healthcare workers in Alaska experienced adverse reactions after getting the Pfizer vaccine, the Anchorage Daily News reported. One of two experiencing adverse reactions at the Bartlett Regional Hospital required treatment at the hospital for at least two nights.

An Illinois hospital halted vaccinations after four workers suffered adverse reactions.

Dr. Peter Marks, the director of Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, told reporters in a call on Thursday night that the agency is working with the CDC, and colleagues in the United Kingdom, on probing the allergic reactions.

“We’ll be looking at all of the data we can from each of these reactions to sort out exactly what happened. And we’ll also be looking to try to understand which components of the vaccine might be helping to produce them,” he said.

A container of 5 doses of COVID-19 vaccine sits on a table at Roseland Community Hospital in Chicago, Ill., on Dec. 18, 2020. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Noting that he was speculating, Marks said it’s known that polyethylene glycol – a component present in both the Pfizer vaccine and one from Moderna that regulators approved earlier in the day – can be associated, uncommonly, with allergic reactions.

“So that could be a culprit here. And that’s why we’ll be watching very closely,” he said. “But we just don’t know at this point.”

Both vaccines have “systemic side effects,” which are “generally mild,” Marks said.

They go away after a day. According to the FDA website, the most commonly reported side effects include tiredness, headache, muscle pain, and chills. The agency said they go away after several days.

One volunteer in Pfizer’s late-stage clinical trial experienced an allergic reaction. Two people in Moderna’s phase 3 clinical trial experienced anaphylactic reactions, the company said during a meeting on Thursday. But the data showed the benefits outweigh the risk, FDA officials said, as they granted emergency use authorization to the vaccines about seven days apart.

People who get a COVID-19 vaccine should be monitored for at least 15 minutes after getting vaccinated, according to the CDC.

If someone experiences a severe allergic reaction against getting a COVID-19 vaccine, vaccination providers are supposed to provide rapid care and call for emergency medical services. The person should continue to be monitored in a medical facility for at least several hours.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
CDC Issues New Guidelines, Launches Probe After 1000s Negatively-Affected Following COVID-19 Vaccination
by Zero Hedge

Thousands of people have been unable to work or perform daily activities, or required care from a healthcare professional, after getting the new COVID-19 vaccine, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

As of Dec. 18, 3,150 people reported what the agency terms “Health Impact Events” after getting vaccinated.

The definition of the term is: “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional.”

As The Epoch Times’ Zachary Stieber reports, the people reporting the negative effects reported them through V-safe, a smartphone application. The tool uses text messages and web surveys to provide personalized health check-ins and allows users to quickly tell the CDC if they are experiencing side effects.

Robert Barnes and Alex Jones Discuss the elite’s clear and present call for control of the masses through forced vaccines and inoculations designed to be the ultimate gatekeeper to returning back to normal life.

The CDC and Pfizer, which produces the vaccine with BioNTech, didn’t respond to request for comments.

The information was presented by Dr. Thomas Clark, a CDC epidemiologist, to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, an independent panel that provides recommendations to the agency, on Saturday.

The CDC said that 272,001 doses of the vaccine were administered as of Dec. 19. That means most people who were vaccinated did not experience negative effects.

The CDC has identified six case reports of anaphylaxis, or severe allergic reaction, that occurred following vaccination with the new vaccine, Clark reported. Other case reports were reviewed and determined not to be of anaphylaxis.

In an update on Friday, the agency stressed that anyone who has ever had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient in a COVID-19 vaccine should not get that vaccine. People with severe allergic reactions to other vaccines should consult their doctor about getting the new vaccine while those with a history of anaphylaxis not related to vaccines “may still get vaccinated.”

“CDC recommends that people with a history of severe allergic reactions not related to vaccines or injectable medications – such as allergies to food, pet, venom, environmental, or latex – may still get vaccinated,” the CDC said.

“People with a history of allergies to oral medications or a family history of severe allergic reactions, or who might have a milder allergy to vaccines (no anaphylaxis) – may also still get vaccinated.”

Anyone who experiences anaphylaxis after getting the first vaccine should not get the second shot, the CDC said. COVID-19 vaccines are meant to be given across two doses, spaced about three weeks apart.

At least five healthcare workers in Alaska experienced adverse reactions after getting the Pfizer vaccine, the Anchorage Daily News reported. One of two experiencing adverse reactions at the Bartlett Regional Hospital required treatment at the hospital for at least two nights.

An Illinois hospital halted vaccinations after four workers suffered adverse reactions.

Dr. Peter Marks, the director of Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, told reporters in a call on Thursday night that the agency is working with the CDC, and colleagues in the United Kingdom, on probing the allergic reactions.

“We’ll be looking at all of the data we can from each of these reactions to sort out exactly what happened. And we’ll also be looking to try to understand which components of the vaccine might be helping to produce them,” he said.

A container of 5 doses of COVID-19 vaccine sits on a table at Roseland Community Hospital in Chicago, Ill., on Dec. 18, 2020. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Noting that he was speculating, Marks said it’s known that polyethylene glycol – a component present in both the Pfizer vaccine and one from Moderna that regulators approved earlier in the day – can be associated, uncommonly, with allergic reactions.

“So that could be a culprit here. And that’s why we’ll be watching very closely,” he said. “But we just don’t know at this point.”

Both vaccines have “systemic side effects,” which are “generally mild,” Marks said.

They go away after a day. According to the FDA website, the most commonly reported side effects include tiredness, headache, muscle pain, and chills. The agency said they go away after several days.

One volunteer in Pfizer’s late-stage clinical trial experienced an allergic reaction. Two people in Moderna’s phase 3 clinical trial experienced anaphylactic reactions, the company said during a meeting on Thursday. But the data showed the benefits outweigh the risk, FDA officials said, as they granted emergency use authorization to the vaccines about seven days apart.

People who get a COVID-19 vaccine should be monitored for at least 15 minutes after getting vaccinated, according to the CDC.

If someone experiences a severe allergic reaction against getting a COVID-19 vaccine, vaccination providers are supposed to provide rapid care and call for emergency medical services. The person should continue to be monitored in a medical facility for at least several hours.
The numbers in this article are blatantly false. They are widely outside of known numbers. It's tantamount to libel and slander.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Lasting COVID-19 side effects force patients to change their diets, lifestyles | WKRN News 2
Parosmia is a condition where a person experiences a distortion of their sense of smell. Dr. David Beckham, a neuro-infectious disease expert with Colorado’s UCHealth, says a form of this neurological side effect of COVID-19 is commonly found in larger studies. He estimates roughly 25 percent of the patients he has seen have reported having smell or taste abnormalities.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Waffle House CEO confirms zero evidence of coronavirus spread from 2,000+ locations
19 mins ago
0 3 minutes read

The CEO of Waffle House revealed that there has been “zero evidence” of any coronavirus spread across any of the chain’s more than 2,000 locations in the nation.

Walter Ehmer called out the “devastating impact” on the American people that the coronavirus lockdowns have had, discussing the restrictions being imposed on restaurants during an interview with Fox News on Sunday. The breakfast chain’s CEO noted that Waffle House has “proven” that the data doesn’t support the strict orders being implemented by local and state governments.

“Are the lockdowns you all are facing now making sense given the science?” Fox News’ Leland Vittert, co-anchor of “America’s News Headquarters,” asked Ehmer Sunday as Congress was debating the latest coronavirus relief bill.

“I don’t think it makes sense at all,” Ehmer replied. “And what the data is now starting to show us is that shutting down restaurant dining rooms virtually has no impact on reducing the spread.”

(Source: Fox News)

“And what it does have is a certain devastating impact on the millions of people in this industry that look to restaurants to provide their livelihood for their families, to put roofs over their head and, at this time of year, to buy Christmas presents for their kids,” Ehmer added.

“It’s having a devastating impact on people and yet there’s no data to indicate that it’s helping to reduce the spread,” he contended.

Ehmer admitted he does not understand the insistence by governors and mayors to shut down indoor dining and implement more restrictions on restaurants in order to stop the spread of COVID-19.

“I think it’s a very visible thing. It’s wrong to pick out certain people, certain businesses to say these are essential and these are not. Every job is essential to the person that has it,” he said, adding that leadership isn’t serving Americans well by singling out one industry or another.

The restaurant industry has “likely fallen into a double-dip recession,” according to the National Restaurant Association, which reported that eateries sales are “more than $12 billion – or 19% – below their pre-coronavirus levels in January and February.”

In discussing the issue of financial relief from the government, Ehmer noted that it is not an ideal long-term solution.

“The government cannot substitute for someone’s entire ability to earn a living for themselves,” he said. “Our people want to work. We are in our restaurants every day side by side with our people, they want to work. We have customers that want to eat with us.”

“And we have proven over these 9 months, we have zero evidence of any spread being traced back to our restaurants for our people or our customers,” he emphasized.

Vittert interrupted to drive home the statement, asking Ehmer to confirm that across all of the 2,100 Waffle House locations, there has not been a “single incident” of a coronavirus infection that could be traced back to the chain.

“Zero,” Ehmer confidently declared.

“We’ve traced back all of our infections… and it all traces back to something away from the restaurant,” he told Vittert, adding that he has spoke to other restaurant CEOs who are reporting the same thing.

“They are not finding spread being traced back to their dining rooms,” he revealed.

“We are disproportionately hurting American people who are wanting to work for no data and no science that ties back to that being a dangerous place,” he added. “And if you look at even the infection rate of our population, the tens of thousands of people that we hire, the population that works for Waffle House has an infection rate that’s far below the national average.”

Senior Staff Writer
[email protected]

Originally from New York, Powers graduated from New York University and eventually made her way to sunny South Florida where she has been writing for the BizPacReview team since 2015.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
22 Highly Renowned Scientists: Out Of All Of The Covid Patients We’ve Identified With The PCR Test, 97% Never Had Covid
HAFDecember 22, 2020

It’s confirmed: The pandemic is driven by the faulty PCR tests, just like Pfizer’s ex-Chief Science Officer, Dr. Michael Yeadon, told us months ago.

“Almost all” of the tests for Covid-19 are producing false positives, Dr. Yeadon warns.

Today we learn that 22 highly renowned scientists conclude that the PCR test produces 97% false positives. So out of all of the Covid patients we’ve ever seen, 97% never had Covid.



The study is available here and here.

Anthony Fauci has also recognised the problem with PCR testing, calling it a “fatal flaw.”

A European lawsuit has solidified the fact that the widely used PCR test for detecting the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is up to 97 percent unreliable – so basically useless.

Portuguese judges reportedly upheld a lower court ruling that forcibly quarantining four German tourists after one tested “positive” for Covid-19 was unlawful because the PCR test is inherently fraudulent. – Continue reading

In conclusion, the lockdowns and all other oppressive measures are driven by junk science – and the governments know it. So why are they doing it? Here’s the ultimate proof that Covid-19 Was Planned to Usher in the New World Order.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
So...all those sick people in the hospital working some of my friends to death are just faking it eh? The fake sick people lining the hallways aren't really there eh?



Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States

The patient had two positive tests for SARS-CoV-2, the first on April 18, 2020, and the second on June 5, 2020, separated by two negative tests done during follow-up in May, 2020. Genomic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 showed genetically significant differences between each variant associated with each instance of infection. The second infection was symptomatically more severe than the first.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
The many strange long-term symptoms of Covid-19, explained

Six months later, Brown is still very ill. She has been hospitalized for blood clots and has lingering heart problems, nerve pain, and extreme fatigue. “Even making breakfast is now out of the question,” she says. Most troublingly, she’s still experiencing severe brain fog, which makes it hard for her to return to work.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
The many strange long-term symptoms of Covid-19, explained

Six months later, Brown is still very ill. She has been hospitalized for blood clots and has lingering heart problems, nerve pain, and extreme fatigue. “Even making breakfast is now out of the question,” she says. Most troublingly, she’s still experiencing severe brain fog, which makes it hard for her to return to work.
When you said blood clots and (severe) brain fog, a flag went up. There has been many studied in the past and recently where folks exposed by working and living around high energy EM fields fro hours on end, in the radar and mm ranges have produced these symptoms you listed. I know many of the hospitals now use high energy inter-communication nets for at least data/computer comm, like in the 5G freq. ranges today. Do you know if the hospital in Nashville has this setup. I would guess yes...


Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
22 Highly Renowned Scientists: Out Of All Of The Covid Patients We’ve Identified With The PCR Test, 97% Never Had Covid
HAFDecember 22, 2020

It’s confirmed: The pandemic is driven by the faulty PCR tests, just like Pfizer’s ex-Chief Science Officer, Dr. Michael Yeadon, told us months ago.

“Almost all” of the tests for Covid-19 are producing false positives, Dr. Yeadon warns.

Today we learn that 22 highly renowned scientists conclude that the PCR test produces 97% false positives. So out of all of the Covid patients we’ve ever seen, 97% never had Covid.


View attachment 12212

The study is available here and here.

Anthony Fauci has also recognised the problem with PCR testing, calling it a “fatal flaw.”

A European lawsuit has solidified the fact that the widely used PCR test for detecting the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is up to 97 percent unreliable – so basically useless.

Portuguese judges reportedly upheld a lower court ruling that forcibly quarantining four German tourists after one tested “positive” for Covid-19 was unlawful because the PCR test is inherently fraudulent. – Continue reading

In conclusion, the lockdowns and all other oppressive measures are driven by junk science – and the governments know it. So why are they doing it? Here’s the ultimate proof that Covid-19 Was Planned to Usher in the New World Order.

Good work @APAK... On a slightly different note.
For months some doctors have been saying that these new vaccines will modify our DNA. The response from the MSM has been to resort to censor, silence, demonize, slander, sack, socially shame and such. They say that it doesn't modify our DNA, that is not genetic engineering and dismiss the claim as misinformation.

I am finding it impossible to get a full list of the ingredients used in these vaccines as they are hidden behind a veil of secrecy...
However i recently found this... The packaging for the AstraZeneca covid vaccine
bandicam 2020-12-20 10-51-40-158.jpg

It doesn't tell us much at all and its a bit blurry. But we can see this, ChAdOx1-S (recombinant)
The ChAdOx1-S part of it is basically what AstraZeneca have called their vaccine. But what does that word in brackets mean, recombinant.

The NIH says...
Genetic engineering is the process of using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology to alter the genetic makeup of an organism.
Here is a link to the source... Genetic Engineering.

Another source says this...
Recombinant DNA is the general name for taking a piece of one DNA, and
and combining it with another strand of DNA. Thus, the name recombinant!
Recombinant DNA is also sometimes referred to as "chimera." By combining two or
more different strands of DNA, scientists are able to create a new strand of DNA

Link to the source... An Introduction to Recombinant DNA

So there we have it, the truth of it, you can confirm it for yourselves.
These vaccines will genetically modify us and that will be passed onto your kids.
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