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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I don't know. I wouldn't be able to say, but never had any of them mention it to me when I was a part of it. (Not as an indigo, but as a lightworker. They all group together though.) Though some were really out there. They think they're doing good things but they're not. A lot of "Love & Light" talk and they know neither.

"Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."
Ahh, so that is like a new age mixed with witchcraft?


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
Ahh, so that is like a new age mixed with witchcraft?
Yeah, basically. It's supposed to be people who believe they're psychic and then they have "powers" and do reiki and whatever. Starseeds believe they're aliens from another planet. Indigos believe they're creative talented people with special empathetic abilities. Lightworkers think they're healers. But all believe they're psychic.

I had this confusion after being called "psychic" so many times and went in the wrong direction. I probably had the gift of prophecy when I was younger. Like I was 14, my mom and I hadn't been in contact much because she was out of state and I wasn't aware that she was seeing someone but I had a dream that my mom and I were walking around the mall with a boy in a stroller. I woke up and said, "MOM IS PREGNANT." I just knew-knew-knew.

So she called me up that night and asked, "Have any weird dreams lately?" I said, "I had a dream you were pregnant and having a boy." Her response was "uh-oh." Well she had to wait a few weeks to take a test but she had a boy. I argued with them until the ultrasound came that he was a boy. I was really adamant about it. lol

It was things like that and I just didn't have the right "environment" to grow in as a Christian and went WAAAYYY off track and things went in a bad direction. None of my predictions as a "psychic" were ever true.

2nd Timothy Group

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2020
United States
I don't mean this in a bad way, but can you reword it? I'm missing a lot of what you are saying. It is not just the unsaved that have traumatic experiences they have to work through. Trauma can affect believers in a way it is hard to know how to walk in the power and authority of Jesus Christ. Believers can renew their minds in the Word of God to help heal, but if you are telling her she is not saved, you don't know that. God is the only One who can ultimately heal anyone, but it doesn't mean you get free from adam and eve's curse and you automatically have it all together.

I have no idea of who is saved and who is not saved (considering my own Salvation on a daily basis). What I do know, however, is that God is able to grant Salvation to whomever He decides, and that has nothing to do with feeble little me.

Exodus 33:19 NLT - "The LORD replied, "I will make all my goodness pass before you, and I will call out my name, Yahweh, before you. For I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose."

Is it possible that someone has received a Circumcised Heart but does not yet understand it? I would say yes, so I am unable to determine if a person is saved based upon a few words shared at a Christian Forum. To know if someone is saved, I'd have to know the deep details of what a person does, says, and thinks when they're alone and feel "safe."

What I am saying is that a person who understands the Doctrine of Circumcised Hearts, will ascend to the beliefs that come with it, and their life, no doubt, will change. So . . . does a person still have evil thoughts after they have been Truly saved by Christ? Sure they can, and do, for Peter himself proves this to us when he himself fell astray, led Barnabas astray, and the two of them together then proceeded to lead many others astray. The story begins at Galatians 2:11 and is (what I think) a Keystone set of passages in the Bible. There is much to be thought of and considered in that story of Peter, as he wrestles with the Law of Moses and how it caused him to stumble personally, but to also sin against the innocent Gentiles who suffered none at all to receive the Free Gifts of Christ.

Was Peter saved? Of course, he was, for Scripture was clear in that he was Indwelt by the Holy Spirit, a Spirit who is Promised to never leave. But what Peter needed to do was to keep chipping away at his mental habits, and in this case, he was tremendously weak and insecure, afraid, and the Gentiles whom he had offended (along with Christ) paid the price. And that's how it always is . . . the weak and insecure are the ones who cause others to suffer. And this is why Paul would buffet himself daily, for he needed to ensure not only his own salvation, but didn't want to lead others into the traps of weakness and insecurity that he might have still possessed.

So . . . by understanding the Mysterious Plan of the entire Bible, this understanding is [a] basis and foundation upon which a person is driven to lead and live their lives. By understanding the Mysterious Plan of God, this understanding provides direction and guidance . . . and why wouldn't it? Anyone who Truly possesses the "Mind of Christ," is the one who is seeing life from the right perspective, and that means focusing on the well-being of others instead of self.

I've suffered a lot in this life . . . in this world. So many hardships that have left painful scars, and they are scars that no one ever acknowledged, wanted to talk about, nor ever felt that I might need to talk to someone about being molested as a young child by a boy scoutmaster. I was such a small child, yet no one ever thought that I might need someone to talk to, to work through my thoughts to ensure that fear would not overtake and run my life in wild and bizarre ways. These fears drove me to do things that we fun and illicit . . . I was a very sinful person, enjoying many liberties of this evil world. And while my entire were filled with alleged "Christians," they all sat by and watched my parents throw me away, just less than ten months after finding out what had happened to me. If it were not for a friend of the family, I would have been sent to a military school.

I loved my family, desperately, and could not understand how and why they could do to me what they were actually and truly doing. They were abandoning their child to an essential stranger. In fact, my father thought that this person was gay, yet my father gave me to this person anyway . . . less than ten months after finding out that I had been molested. Age 12 was when I first began wishing that I were not alive, and that brand of life has been given to me by our Powerful God so that I would become who I am today.

I have much to complain about . . . the above is simply the tip of the iceberg. Yet, I do not complain, in fact, I have no issue with how my life has been. Why is this possible? Because my Heart is no longer under the Curse of Adam and Eve. The primary benefit of not being under this Curse is the development of Holy Clarity and Purpose. You're right, in that this development is not instant. In fact, Sanctification is a process that lasts a lifetime where at times we might grow very fast and at others, perhaps much slower. It doesn't matter, for there is no use fighting this life, as the Lord is in Powerful control of all things. And this is an example of what I am talking about, which is . . . why worry about one thing if you know that the Lord is in total control? It is pointless to worry, fret, or tear . . . it just is! And yes, I still struggle with worry, fret, and am much improved on the crying part, but I know that these things produce nothing good, and this knowledge gives me the edge of understanding what is wrong so that I am more able to correct the wrong.

I'm so sorry that my posts are often long . . . believe me, in my opinion, they're very short. So I will say one last thing; understanding the Doctrine of Christ's Circumcision, this understanding shows us not just how to live, but it helps us to understand how we are to feel as we live the life that belongs to those who belong to the Family of Circumcision. So, I hope that I have made things clearer, and if this is the case, I then hope that you will look further into this Doctrine that virtually no one wants to talk about. And no wonder, for this Doctrine of Circumcision of the Heart is the utter "Heart" of the entire Bible . . . and that is no pun . . . it is the Mysterious Plan of God, and how He saves those whom He has chosen before the creation of the world. All would be wise to process all of Scripture through Colossians 2:9-15, and when a person does that, they see how it applies to most of His Word . . . even Genesis 3:22-24.

Our Bible is amazing . . . it is far more amazing than most realize.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
You're right, in that this development is not instant. In fact, Sanctification is a process that lasts a lifetime where at times we might grow very fast and at others, perhaps much slower. It doesn't matter, for there is no use fighting this life, as the Lord is in Powerful control of all things. And this is an example of what I am talking about, which is . . . why worry about one thing if you know that the Lord is in total control? It is pointless to worry, fret, or tear . . . it just is! And yes, I still struggle with worry, fret, and am much improved on the crying part, but I know that these things produce nothing good, and this knowledge gives me the edge of understanding what is wrong so that I am more able to correct the wrong.
This is the sum of it, brother. The process of healing is the process of sanctification and mind renewal. All believers must walk this pathway and it is a day by day walk.

I'm glad that you acknowledge your experience and your process of bringing that to Him.

Each of us have out own set of baggage to carry and shed things we don't need. The process is as individual as the person and their life experiences...and God is good and faithful, not condemning. When we are in His hands, we are exactly where we should be. It's not a sin to be broken ...we just need to bring all our brokenness to Him. And even getting to that point is a process. God knows where we are ...pray for one another, encourage ...love.

We each have been broken by merit of having been born into this fallen world, some more severely shattered than others. Placing a timeframe or our own expectations on someone else isn't beneficial. God knows... He's got this. Just love.


2nd Timothy Group

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2020
United States
This is the sum of it, brother. The process of healing is the process of sanctification and mind renewal. All believers must walk this pathway and it is a day by day walk.

I'm glad that you acknowledge your experience and your process of bringing that to Him.

Each of us have our own set of baggage to carry and shed things we don't need. The process is as individual as the person and their life experiences...and God is good and faithful, not condemning. When we are in His hands, we are exactly where we should be. It's not a sin to be broken ...we just need to bring all our brokenness to Him. And even getting to that point is a process. God knows where we are ...pray for one another, encourage ...love.

We each have been broken by merit of having been born into this fallen world, some more severely shattered than others. Placing a timeframe or our own expectations on someone else isn't beneficial. God knows... He's got this. Just love.


Beeeeeutiful! Truly wonderful writing, TLHKAJ!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
The purpose of EMDR isn’t to force memories to come back.

Rather it’s to help a person process existent memories that are being chaotic and otherwise holding the person hostage.
This is my understanding as well. My main caution is that for someone who has experienced MK Ultra, the exercises can be very triggering. I have gotten the best results from allowing memories to come with God's timing and leading. Very often, He would draw me to spend time in His presence so that I could receive strength to process through trauma memories in the safety of His care. But honestly, whatever tools He leads us to use, that's where we are safe.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2020
United States
honestly, i feel like i am remembering less in the past few months about stuff. maybe i used the word "evil" wrongly, but i just dont know if i feel safe.
i have been accused of false memories and it being influenced for reading things online. they cannot accuse a counselor or therapist cos....well.... i havent been there much ....


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2020
United States
I am not sure if this would encourage you or not Lily, but I wrote out my testimony today. I know you mentioned self injury, and it is one of the obstacles I had to overcome in my life among other things. But with God I was able, and so are you.

Mayflower's Testimony

View attachment 13180

thank you for posting this. it was brave of you, heartbreaking and encouraging. i am not sure i will ever really write a testimony. i forgot mentioning self injury but appreciate you remembering a detail of myself.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
honestly, i feel like i am remembering less in the past few months about stuff. maybe i used the word "evil" wrongly, but i just dont know if i feel safe.
i have been accused of false memories and it being influenced for reading things online. they cannot accuse a counselor or therapist cos....well.... i havent been there much ....

Your memories are your memories. I never pressed charges against my parents and my mom died in 2017. What is done is done. I am so sorry someone doesnt believe you and is accusing you of false memories. It would be good if you could find someone face to face to act as someone to just listen and support you. A counselor is good sometimes. If you go to a good church, your pastor could probably help you find someone too.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
I was wondering if it were safe or evil? I don't know a lot about it. A lot of people recommend it to me.
I wouldn't try it until it's widely accepted in the psychiatric community. They've had dangerous things come up there over the years.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
I believe that when hypnotism is involved, it opens doors to the demonic. That's something I'd never subject myself to. Under regular circumstances, false memories shouldn't be a concern. But under hypnosis, yeah....
Anytime memory regression is used like emdr, false memories can pop up from what I read.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
This is my understanding as well. My main caution is that for someone who has experienced MK Ultra, the exercises can be very triggering. I have gotten the best results from allowing memories to come with God's timing and leading. Very often, He would draw me to spend time in His presence so that I could receive strength to process through trauma memories in the safety of His care. But honestly, whatever tools He leads us to use, that's where we are safe.
From my experience, yeah, too much too fast is super painful.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Sis, I used to hear about this a lot. I don't know for sure if there is anything inherently evil about it, but it didn't have a good feel about it when I looked into it years ago.

I do believe the concept of connecting left and right brain is helpful for ones who have undergone severe trauma that has resulted in dissociation and alter personalities. Eye exercises can help make connections in the brain that have been walled off from each other.

Rather than EMDR, God directed me to use instrumental Christian music while typing (on a computer) ...using two hands, listening to music, helped make connections in the brain and open up memories to bring to God for resolution.
I've looked into EMDR, but I don't trust another human that much.

But I think you've got the right idea here. God will show us those ways that heal us. Music has a lot to do with it for me too.

This is one I like a lot!

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
I've looked into EMDR, but I don't trust another human that much.

But I think you've got the right idea here. God will show us those ways that heal us. Music has a lot to do with it for me too.

This is one I like a lot!

Much love!
I used Enya and Jewel to surface memories, I healed rapidly, painfully too, and false memories surfaced, but to me I knew they were false. The music provided the emotions I needed at the time. But I would advise working thru these things with a licensed therapist to avoid problems. I currently have a therapist and God, my therapist is Christian.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I used Enya and Jewel to surface memories, I healed rapidly, painfully too, and false memories surfaced, but to me I knew they were false. The music provided the emotions I needed at the time. But I would advise working thru these things with a licensed therapist to avoid problems. I currently have a therapist and God, my therapist is Christian.

Getting some outside help can be a very good thing, if it's available.

There was a time some years ago, for about a month's time I just wanted to read Ecclesiastes. So I read it several times a day, and listening to the audio version while driving, or doing dishes, or whatever. I went through it at least few hundred times, I don't know. God used that to rewrite my mind, and change my world view, and to come to terms with my life. It was an amazing and painful time, but very freeing.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
People are too fearful of "false memories." The best way to know you're getting the truth is to pray and ask God for the truth, then trust Him to keep you. I've had so many memories spontaneously surface, and when that happens, I pray ...and most of the time, those memories will be confirmed by other sources to be true.

But the main thing is ....if a memory surfaces, and you're submitting everything to Christ, and you ask Him to bring resolution.... He doesn't have to bring resolution to something that didn't happen. But if He speaks to your heart about those memories, and the pain that is at the root of those memories, that is a confirmation your memories are real.

When memories began resurfacing for me almost 20 years ago, it was very overwhelming at times. The Lord taught me to pray for truth according to His Word. This way, I didn't have to battle denial. I could trust that He is fully able to bring me to the truth and to keep me from believing lies.


Prayer for Truth
(according to Psalm 57:1-3; Psalm 51:6; Jeremiah 1:12; Isaiah 55:11)

"Be merciful unto me, O GOD! Be merciful unto me, for my soul trusts in You! In the shadow of Your wings will I make my refuge until these calamities be overpassed! I (will) cry unto You, the most high GOD, who performs all things for me! Send from heaven and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up! Send forth Your mercy and Your truth into Every Part of my being! You desire TRUTH in the INWARD parts, and I thank You that You will make me to know WISDOM in the HIDDEN part! I know that according to Jeremiah 1:12, You watch over Your Word to perform it! I have prayed according to Your Word, and I thank You that according to Isaiah 55:11, Your Word will not return unto You void, but it accomplishes the thing You sent it to do! I pray these things in the name of the True LORD JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth who came in the flesh 2000 years ago, the Son of the One True and Living GOD in whom there is NO duplicity! Amen."

James Chapter 1
17Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
18Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.

Declaration of Faith:
Today I reaffirm, that I am a child
of the One True GOD,
and HE gives me GOOD GIFTS!
If I ask for bread, He will not give me a stone!
If I ask for fish, He will not give me a serpent!
If I ask for His truth,
He will not give/send me lies!
In Him, there is NO darkness
neither shadow of turning!
the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE -
and in Him there is NO duplicity!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
Too be honest, if it gives a little laugh to yall, I was imagining like an exercise, "eyes left, one, two, three, eyes right, one, two, three." Let's speed it up now ya'll. ^_^ :D