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Aunty Jane
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  • I think I see that you are still a member of J.W.? I know so little about that group, and you have positive things to say about them. At other places where Christianity is discussed, I see a lot of negative things said. Are you willing to tell me what the real issue may be, or do you think that the anti J.W. rhetoric has an invalid basis? Thank you for your very interesting posts!
    You never responded to my #39 post on the 'WILL JUDAS BE SAVED' thread. I wondered if you had not received a notification. I just noticed your name never showed up in the post's 'quote' boxes. I'm assuming you just never got a notification to come back. If that's the case I'm just letting you know. If it's something else, I'd appreciate you letting me know.
    Aunty Jane
    Aunty Jane
    If you don't quote me I get no alert.
    Dinosaurs, some had grinding molars. Others had teeth for killing prey. Fossil records do not fit JW doctrine.
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