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  • BOOK RELEASE: Cheeseburgers with God (& The Great Awakening) is now available for purchase: Get your copy today!

    Cheeseburgers With God is part one of the Sounding Series. Look for Twice Rejected Messiah soon to follow.
    I like your Devils Adovate using definitions from Christian Science.
    I'm not sure what Christian Science says, I was referring to what God says as opposed to what people have believed.
    The Learner
    The laguage you used was similar to what CS Readers used. I was involved with it in Jr High and had a flash back. I was injured when picking up a rock with someone with a shovel. They wanted me to give a testimony that I was healed even when the wound was still visible. Google Science & Health by Mary Baker Eddy Glossary to see how messed up their religion is.
    Hi ScottA, nice to see you here love!
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    Hi Gabrielle, I am struggling to remember folks. So much time has passed and with avatars and all. So...tell me...
    Aww, Yes, Scott, always the one that had a hard time telling someone the way he felt or believed. LOL Good to see you again brother. Hope to be your friend.
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