Hell's Population Clock

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
According to Jesus Christ's testimony as a credible expert witness in all
matters pertaining to the afterlife; most of the world's responsible souls
haven't been making it to safety when they cross over to the other side.

Luke 13:22-24 . . And he went through the cities and villages, teaching,
and journeying toward Jerusalem. Then said one unto him, master, are there
few that be saved? And he said unto them: Strive to enter in at the strait
gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

Matt 7:13-14 . . Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and
broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But
small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find

Matt 22:14 . . For many are called, but few are chosen.

Webster's defines "many" as consisting of, or amounting to, a large but
indefinite number; while "few" is defined as consisting of, or amounting to,
only a small number; viz: relative to many then, few is the lesser. Bear with
me while I flesh this out.

Well; according to the US Census Bureau: as of Apr 12, 2012 @ 11:21 pm
New York time, the resident population in the United States was
approximately 313,353,038 with a death rate of approximately one every 13
seconds; which translates to an average of 6,646 American deaths of all
ages, races, and genders during just one 24-hour calendar day.

According to 2009 US Census data; roughly 27.3% of America's daily deaths
are under the age of 19, which would indicate that approximately 4,832 of
the current daily death rate of 6,646 per 24 hours are adults. Giving the
"many" the benefit of the doubt by setting their maximum percentage at
51%, would indicate a minimum of 2,464 American adults transferring to
perdition every day: which translates to roughly 103 per hour.

That's a very conservative estimate as the Lord didn't really specify exact
percentages to represent the quantities of "few" and "many". But just think:
if the traditional hells were real places; then by the time CBS completes its
half-hour evening news report, a bare-bones minimum of 51 Americans
would be new arrivals.

Using the ratio of 2,464 condemned souls per 313,353,038 population:
computing the number of condemned souls worldwide from a currently
estimated global population of 7,006,673,612 people, would suggest
something like 55,096 new arrivals in one of the traditional hells every 24
hours; which translates to 2,296 souls every sixty minutes on the clock.

That rate would fill the 51,800 seats of the new Yankee Stadium to capacity
in roughly 22 hours and 33 minutes. In other words: if the world's
condemned souls started filing into the stadium at 06:00 am this morning,
then by 04:33 am tomorrow, the stadium would be full to capacity.

Christmas and New Year are even worse. A study done of 26 years of death
certificates shows that coronary fatalities are, on average, 11.9% higher on
those days than any other days of the year; with non-heart deaths spiking to
12.2% higher.

The netherworld never closes; no, not at all: it's open for business 24/7/365
nonstop and indifferent to global warming, Wall Street crashes, massive
layoffs, outsourcing, school shootings, terrorism, tsunamis, earthquakes,
nuclear meltdowns, air, water, and soil pollution, freeway pile-ups, brown
outs, threatened species, the price of oil, student debt, GMO, trade deficits,
protests, Federal debt, factory recalls, overpopulation, pandemics, lock
downs, desertification, genocides, revolutions, civil wars, acid rain, road
rage, oil spills, conscious decoupling, ISIS, LGBT marriage, Obamacare,
blood diamonds, fracking, twerking, and/or President Donald Trump's wall.

If classical Christianity's perception of the hereafter is correct; then it's
apparent that souls never stop cascading into the abyss in an endless
procession like the unbelievable millions of poultry broilers passing annually
through Tyson chicken processing plants on their way to Wendy's,
McDonalds, Carl's Junior, Jack in the Box, Burger King, Chic-fil-A, KFC, A&W,
Arby's, Dairy Queen, Taco Bell, et al; and to supermarkets and restaurants
all over the USA and wherever else Tyson vends its meats. The slaughtering
and the butchering never stop.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Well...we'd better get preaching and pray the Holy Spirit moves powerfully, huh?!

Actually, Rach, I don't think more effort would make a difference in those
numbers. The majority would still be lost and I honestly think 51% is on the
low side. Let me show you what I mean.

†. 1Cor 16:22 . . If anyone love not the Lord, let him be accursed.

Does a Muslim have to be a terrorist to be cursed? No; they only have to be
a Muslim; same goes for Atheists, Nonreligious, Baha'i, Buddhists, Chinese
Universalists, Confucianists, Jains, Kabbalah mystics, Shintoists, Spiritists,
Taoists, Zoroastrians, Sikhs, and Hindus— they're all cursed.

How many people am I talking about? Well, as of mid 2009, worldwide there
7,305,000 Baha'i
483,821,000 Buddhists
454,579,800 Chinese Universalists
6,446,890 Confucianists
935,460,000 Hindus
5,669,000 Jains
1,523,212,150 Muslims
2,782,800 Shintoists
24,222,700 Sikhs,
13,810,000 Spiritists
8,849,700 Taoists
181,650 Zoroastrians,
639,907,110 Nonreligious, and
138,777,200 Atheists.

The grand total from that list is 4,245,025,000 non Christians (and that's
not counting Kaballah mystics). The population of the world in mid 2009 was
approximately 6,776,763,237 people. Those 4,245,025,000 people
represented roughly 63% of the world; and that's not even counting all the
Christians who are Christians in name only. It's my guess that the tares
easily outnumber the wheat.

Note: I have to count Muslims because the Lord said salvation is of the Jews
rather than the Arabs. (John 4:22) and that he is the truth rather than
Muhammad (John 14:6) and to believe in him and God rather than in
Muhammad and Allah. (John 14:1)

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New Member
Apr 17, 2010
Well...to a certain point I would agree that the numbers wouldn't change....after all, if God has predestined someone, they won't die and slip through God's grace. But also, it is clear in scripture that God uses us to preach His good news...and while the Holy Spirit does the saving, He often uses us as the message tool.
I don't know what real use it is to actively calculate the number of poor souls headed for eternal damnation...but we know from scripture that God does want all to repent and be saved, and while it is obvious that despite that desire of His, He has not elected everyone, I still think it behoves us to adopt the same sort of principle...focusing on saving as many as possible. If God wants us to spread the gospel, and we know that any of the lost before us, no matter their religion, past sins or present reluctance or resentment, they may in fact be elected and are just waiting for God to use us to open the eyes of their hearts...then we need to focus on that mission, and those numbers, rather than the number of the lost. Those numbers are entirely in God's hands.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
I've participated on a pretty good number of internet forums in the last
fifteen years, and it's been my experience that most people, including
professing Xians, haven't really given the Bible's hell much thought.

I just wish there were tour buses to hell sort of like those buses in Beverly
Hills where people are taken around to see the homes of the stars so people
could see what's in store down there; and not only the degree of suffering
that people can expect in the next life, but also hell's impact upon the
human mind.

People have been on the road to perdition not only since the time of Christ,
but since even before the Flood. I won't speculate how many years that
might be, but Egypt's first pyramid, the Step Pyramid of Djoser, was
constructed about 4,600 years ago.

Homo sapiens is thought by some to have achieved full behavioral modernity
something like 50,000 years ago. Whether that extends clear on back to
Adam and Eve I have no clue; but just think: if it does, then Cain and others
from his era have been down in the netherworld all this time.

It's difficult for the human mind to appreciate 50,000 years. I've been on the
Earth for just 68, and I've noticed that my childhood is so far in the past to
me now as to seem more like a fantasy rather than a memory.

Well; time stands still in hell: it's for the now; it's an existence. People who
arrived there yesterday didn't begin doing time in jail like Lindsay Lohan
expecting to get out some day; nor is perdition a temporary tour of duty like
shipping out to Afghanistan. No, people in hell are in it as perpetual
residents; they're in a rut.

They go year, after year, after year, after year, with no relief from the pain
and discomfort: no vacations, no recreation, no reading materials, and no
hobbies— there's absolutely nothing to do but reminisce and writhe in fire.
The mental atrophy, and the boredom that must result from that kind of
mindless existence is beyond estimation.

In life, everybody enjoys God's blessings; even the really bad people. We're
all breathing fresh air, basking in sunshine, drinking cool water, savoring
tasty foods, listening to birds chirp, star gazing at night, throwing snow balls
at each other in winter, river rafting, fishing, snow skiing, tending gardens,
pruning shrubs, greeting friends during the holidays, spending days with
grandkids; and all that sort of thing. In the Bible's hell, there are no
blessings of any kind at all: only perpetual sadness, vexation, despair, and

In the unruly society of Hades; it's reasonable to expect quarrels, bickering,
hard feelings, vendettas, rivalry, selfishness, insensitivity, irritation,
aggravation, and ugly words exchanged between people. Is there really any
good reason to be courteous and/or respect your fellow man's human rights
in the Bible's hell; or to be kind, forgiving, affable, genial, courteous, cordial,
charitable, altruistic, tolerant, generous, and patient? I was once discussing
the netherworld with a co-worker and he remarked: "Hell won't be so bad;
I'll have plenty of friends down there". No he won't.

And the din: think of the volume of noise down there with all the wailing and
sobbing, and the screams, shrieks, howls, and gnashing teeth. Conditions
are really bad, and everyone is sad, blue, and lonely. After a few years of
the conditions I'm describing, I should think most folks break, and go mad
from the stress.

But just imagine bringing with you a craving for tobacco with none available.
Or longing for a cocktail with no liquor in sight. A desire for music, with no
way to produce it. A skill for writing, with no pen and paper. Yearning for a
walk out in nature, with no world to do it in.

People in the Bible's hell will never again smell a sea breeze, sit in the shade
of a tree, take deep breaths of mountain-fresh air, play at sports, hear a bird
chirp, see a sunset, watch a lunar eclipse, jog in the park, strum a guitar,
enjoy a Christmas dinner with loved ones; nor make little pigs of themselves
gobbling barbecued spare ribs and corn on the 4th of July.

Sports and recreation are gone: no more world series, no more super bowl,
no more Olympics, no more Las Vegas, no more Indian casinos, no more
lottery, no more Lego World, no more Sea World, no more NASCAR, no more
golf, no more surfing, et al.

No baths, no showers, no sleep, no TV, no radio, no iPods, no computers, no
Twitters, no texting, no FaceBook, no YouTube, no MySpace, no internet, no
clean sheets, no breakfast, no lunch, and no dinner. No snacks, no gum, no
candy, no flowers, no parks, no rivers, no snow, no seasons, no picnics, no
malls, no fast food, no trades, no careers, no trendy fashions, no jewelry, no
cosmetics, no concerts, no operas, and no hobbies; absolutely nothing of
this world that brings people the pleasures and the satisfactions of just being

No pets are allowed in the Bible's hell and no flowers or vegetation of any
kind. The absence of birds, fish, and animals of course precludes the citizens
of hell ever again spending a day at the zoo. The one advantage of the lack
of pets and vegetation in hell is the absence of fleas and allergies. I suppose
you could say that's at least one good thing about it. There's a bright side to
everything I guess; even to that place.

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Apr 12, 2012
United States


New Member
Nov 27, 2009
North Carolina
.I'm going on the premise that Isa 66:23-24, Mrk 9:47-48, Luke 16:19-31,
Rev 20:11-15, Luke 13:22-24, Mtt 7:13-14, Mtt 22:14, John 4:22,
John 14:1, John 14:6, and 1Cor 16:22 speak of realities.

And so...... what is your definition of hell? How long are people there? what happens there? Are people there now?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
what is your definition of hell?

The Bible's hells are penal colonies where people exist in conscious afterlife
suffering in flame and perpetual dehydration.

How long are people there?

There are two hells revealed in the Bible: a hell that's now, and a hell that's
later on. People are being held in the now hell only until the Great White
Throne event depicted at Rev 20:11-15 at which time the dead will be
transferred from the now hell to face the music and afterwards be cast into a
reservoir of liquefied flame; which is labeled a "second" death. Since there is
only one resurrection allotted per person (Dan 12:2, John 5:29) then nobody
is coming back from that reservoir because they will have used up their one
resurrection in order to appear at the Throne; viz: the dead's incarceration in
the reservoir will be permanent.

what happens there?

There's quite a bit of information located in post #5. But, I've yet to mention
a couple of rather grim details. The dead will die in the reservoir of liquefied
flame. However; according to Isa 66:23-24 and Mrk 9:47-48, their corpses
will be preserved as nourishment for a curious species of supernatural worm

Mtt 10:28 reveals another rather grim detail. The permanent hell is capable
of destroying bodies and souls; however, its fire isn't formulated to destroy
spirits. I know that's true because the Devil is a spirit, and according to Rev
20:10 he will suffer in the final hell; but not die there. What I'm saying is:
though people's bodies and souls will die in the reservoir, they will continue
to exist in conscious suffering because humans consist of not just body and
soul, but also spirit. (1Ths 5:23, Heb 4:12)

Are people there now?

According to Luke 16:19-31 and 1Pet 3:18-20, people are in the temporary
hell right now even as we speak; but to my knowledge, none as yet are in the
permanent hell.

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New Member
Apr 17, 2010
Ummm, yeah. Jiggy and I don't tend to agree on hell really, but I'm going to have to back him up here and say it appears you've taken a few obscure verses on scripture and made up a nice little (or rather horrifying!) 'reality' with them. I do believe in hell, I do believe in eternal judgement and condemnation, but you've put so many details in your descriptions of hell that are simply not in scripture...I think that is dangerous. Remember the Pharisees...they had 613 laws to follow, and like that wasn't enough, they added some more of their own. Jesus spent some time telling them that wasn't okay...that God's word is sufficient. The Bible gives us exactly all the details we need to know about hell. Everything else is speculation and not helpful for edification. If He had wanted to scare people into a loving relationship with Him, maybe he would have started those bus tours. But as He hasn't, we need to operate and live strictly with the information He has given.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
I find your opinion interesting, but i see more scriptural support against it than for it.

So it all boils down to how people "see". In other words: one man interprets
the Bible this way; and another man interprets the Bible that way.
Meanwhile; it's possible that both men need glasses and don't know it.

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New Member
Apr 17, 2010

So it all boils down to how people "see". In other words: one man interprets
the Bible this way; and another man interprets the Bible that way.
Meanwhile; it's possible that both men need glasses and don't know it.


I very much like how you've worded that! It's quite true however! No matter how 'sure' we are, it helps to always be open to what God and His word may want to teach us. I suppose the trick is to make sure that learning is only from God and His doctrines and not from man made ones. May God grant all of us wisdom and biblical discernment!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Judas goats are trained for use in slaughterhouses and herd control. In
stockyards, they lead sheep to slaughter; and are also used to lead other
animals to specific pens and on to trucks. The term is a reference to the
biblical traitor Judas Iscariot.

The phrase has also been used to describe goats utilized to find feral goats
targeted for eradication. They're usually outfitted with a transmitter, painted
in red and then released. The goats then locate the remaining herds of feral
goats, allowing hunters with tracking devices to find and exterminate them.

You know what can be even worse than going to Hell? Your own children
following you there. Here's a cute story I heard once. I don't know if it's true
but I guess it could be.

An alcoholic farmer went out to his barn in the dead of night after a snowfall
to sneak a pull from his liquor bottle. Just as he got to the barn door he
heard something behind him. Turning, the farmer recognized his little boy
coming towards him. In amazement he asked the little guy how he ever
managed to find his way out to the barn in the dark. His son replied: It was
easy; I walked in your footsteps.

For some families, the only thing they have to look forward to in the afterlife
is a sad reunion in fire and agony; and some will suffer even more in the
knowledge that trusting kin followed them down there. For those families, it
would have been better if the parents had been neutered rather than
perpetuate generations for the furnaces.

†. Luke 16:27-29 . . Then he said: I beg you therefore, father [Abraham]
that you would send [Lazarus] to my father's house, for I have five brothers,
that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.

That poor man had no way to contact his surviving kin and let them know
where he was; but his biggest fear was that he knew them well enough to
know that all five were coming down where he was— and there was nothing
he could do to prevent it; and those were only his brothers. Imagine that
man's anxiety had they been his children.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Through me; the way to the eternal city.
Through me; the way to eternal sadness.
Through me; the way to lost people.

Justice moved my supreme maker:
I was shaped by divine power,
By highest wisdom, and by primal love.

Before me, nothing was created
That is not eternal: and eternally I endure.
Abandon all hope, you that enter here.

The Divine Comedy
by Dante Alighieri
Inferno: canto 3, v.1-9

Dante's Divine Comedy is called a comedy because it has a happy ending as
opposed to a tragedy; at least for Dante anyway. The souls he and Virgil
pass along the way through the Inferno portion of Dante's odyssey will
never, nor anon, have a happy ending; hence the sign above the entrance to
the netherworld: "Abandon all hope, you that enter here."

Pop Clock Update: 519 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 28,594,824 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Apr 12, 2012.

Buen Camino


New Member
Aug 22, 2012
Why is Hell more important than following Christ's example?

The Bible spends more time teaching us how to live our life, than elaborating on after death. Why do Christians spend more time talking about Hell and sin than they spend talking about Jesus and loving their neighbor?
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New Member
Nov 27, 2009
North Carolina
Eltanin said:
Why is Hell more important than following Christ's example?

The Bible spends more time teaching us how to live our life, than elaborating on after death. Why do Christians spend more time talking about Hell and sin than they spend talking about Jesus and loving their neighbor?
Excellent question and observation, I agree and am curious to see the responses. :)
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