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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I'm bringing this here because I believe it has relevance to the subject of MK Ultra (concerning a certain US politician).
(2 posts here)

Posts in thread 'CRAZY weather'
CRAZY weather

CRAZY weather


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I'll post this here because most people avoid this thread like the plague ....and thank God, because He sends people here who need support. We don't need harassment.

Post in thread 'CRAZY weather' CRAZY weather

Anyway, @amigo de christo I am posting a link to your post in another thread. And I'd like you to watch this video, please.
Tagging @Nancy as well.



New Member
Jan 20, 2024
United Kingdom
Thank you for this thread. I found out recently that I am a victim of SRA and have DID and this has been a very sad and lonely journey.
Being able to read you all helped me a bit.

GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
Thank you for this thread. I found out recently that I am a victim of SRA and have DID and this has been a very sad and lonely journey.
Being able to read you all helped me a bit.
Precious friend, sorry to hear; I will pray for you; hope this is encouraging And Comforting:

God's GRACE Word for our infirmities!

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New Member
Jan 20, 2024
United Kingdom
So my handlers are trying to kidnap me with the help of one of my altar that I just found out is loyal to them...
I need to write this because I'm afraid they might very well succeed. Protecting oneself from enemies from the outside that's one thing, but from someone who sees through your eyes, hears through your hears, always knows where you are and who can take control of your body without you being able to do anything about it....
How do you deal with that?

I want to write a bit of my story before they get me. Hopefully she won't delete this.

I was born in a tropical island.
I have almost no memories whatsoever of my childhood, even my adulthood is fuzzy. I regulaly had missing time and skills that went and go.
I knew having amnesia is not normal but not knowing felt safer.

Last may I started to have heavy demonic oppression : objects moving, hair ripped, eventually feeling like there was a vibrator 24/7 between my legs (sorry for the graphic image).
I prayed and fasted. A lot.
God led me through a process of sanctification: dealing with unforgiveness for things I had no memories of before God brought them back, generational stuff, removing the pictures of pagan Gods in my home (you'd be surprised how much of them there are on regular objects like a pencil eraser or a publisher's logo).
Finally I asked "how can they still access me after all I cleaned up?".
God lead me to an interview of someone who was targeted by witches so I figured I might find some answers there. What I find were her SRA/DID symptoms matching my own experience of life.
I dismissed it.
I went to watch an unrelated video to relax and went to check the description of the channel. "A Christ centred approach to RSA and DID" what were the odds? Surely just a coincidence.
I went to check that woman's podcast on deprogramming. I almost instantly fell asleep.
Then she mentioned seeing repetitive numbers....
I eventually accepted that what God was saying was in fact correct.

The moment I accepted a whirlwind started in my mind. They were finally free to speak.
There are only three if us : the psychic, the super soldier and the one with beta programming.
But our programming is meant to form various configurations so we're only three but also not really.

In our dreams the demons would speak to us, inviting us to join them, to sin against God... what they didn't account for is what I lack in memory I make up for with observational skills and pattern recognition, just like they intended the program to work. Also one of the other sneakily detailed our being slipt in a story we wrote as a teenager.
With all the information I had I was able to figure out which occult organisation did this to me.
In the next dream the demons promised to kill me.

I found a ministry to help me, they are encouraging and know their stuff. It was a relief.
All our parts were Christian, it would be easy.
Until God denounced the lies of the beta who was really a witch. The horror...
But it gets worse other victims started to fall on my lap like one person randomly mentioning they were missing the 6 first years of their lives. (I was already fragmented at 2 yo).
Bit by bit this was getting bigger and bigger. It involves daycares, schools, high schools, churches... the oldest victim I met (whitout digging) is around 65.
It's well hidden. No one around me have any clue whatsoever, and without God telling me I wouldn't know either.
All the presenters live normal lives, those are not cult families but stolen lives. Slaves who have no idea they are not free.

They didn't just tortured me. They hurt mom, my little sister, my friends from elementary school that I tried to protect from bullies, everyone I ever met growing up.
And now because I know I must die.
They'll probably manage to kidnap me since there is a part of me programmed to despise me and to follow their orders. They also sent someone astral projecting in my home who has been trying to chloroform me regularly since yesterday evening.

But my life belongs to God. He said I would go through the fire but that it would not stigmatise me.
Dear Jesus I want justice for my mom, my sister, my family, my friends, my schoolmates, my island. For every single little kid that had been defiled and tortured.
I would not mind not getting kidnapped though if it was ok with your plans for me.

I'm currently in the streets as they have accessed my home. Pretty much everyone I know is programmed. The only people I know who are from somewhere else are my Pastor and his wife but they said I could not sleep at their home tonight. I'm in a mall and the person astral projecting to try to chloroform me so that the witch would take over is here.
I wish I had enough money jump in a plane and start fresh far far away.

Anyway, if anywhere I go they'll end up getting me, I might as well spend some time with my family before that.
Thank you for reading. It's good to be seen.
God bless you.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Protecting oneself from enemies from the outside that's one thing, but from someone who sees through your eyes, hears through your hears, always knows where you are and who can take control of your body without you being able to do anything about it....
How do you deal with that?
God is able to keep you through all of this. Stay in the Word, and fill your home/atmosphere with scripture and praise and worship as much as possible. Knowing the truth is what makes us free. Deprogramming the mind is mind renewal. The best way to do this is knowing what His Word says. So cling to His Word when the battle intensifies. And when you don't have the strength to do anything else, cling to HIM .....He is our Rock, our Fortress, our High Tower. When the storm (programming, spiritual warfare, etc) is raging and it's so dark, you can't see or even know which way is up ....just cling to Jesus, and when the storm settles you'll find He never moved.

Daily, present yourself and Every Part of your being to Christ asking Him to protect you/all from satan's plans, traps, plots, and schemes. Ask God in Jesus' name to shine His light into every part of your being and entrust to Him the keeping of your mind, soul, body, spirit.

He will keep you. I won't tell you that it will be easy or that persecution won't come.... or that your parts will suddenly turn to Christ. But stay the course and God will bring you and every part of you to freedom... in His time.

When you hear Him calling and drawing you to spend time in His presence, come to Him and present your whole being (every part/alter) to Him, and just listen ....sit with Him, and He will draw parts out and just love them ....and powerful healing can happen during these times.❤️
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Anyway, if anywhere I go they'll end up getting me, I might as well spend some time with my family before that.
Be very prayerful about this. Your family will be programmed as well. The cult will use them to gain access to you. It's not worth risking reprogramming. It isn't uncommon for things to become more intense for awhile ....maybe months, or a year or two. The intent is to get you to go back ....back to bondage, to denial, to your family who are programmed as you were. The intensity will change and you'll gain strength in the Lord and stand stronger and stronger in Him. When you gain freedom, the Lord will possibly lead you back to witness to them. And they will be given a choice to choose truth/freedom/Christ ....or denial/bondage/satan.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Recent interview with a well-known survivor, "Svali" giving details of her own personal testimony.

If you are a survivor, please pray before listening.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Imagination Podcast

"John Uhler LPC -Digging into D.I.D. & Parts: Dissociation, Switching, & Internal Dialogue"

*multigenerational SRA/MK
*recognizing signs of D.I.D.
*steps to taking responsibility for healing and freedom
*communication with alters



Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Imagination Podcast

"John Uhler LPC -Digging into D.I.D. & Parts: Dissociation, Switching, & Internal Dialogue"

*multigenerational SRA/MK
*recognizing signs of D.I.D.
*steps to taking responsibility for healing and freedom
*communication with alters

This was the first time I'd listened to John Uhler. He seems to have some very good points. But he, for some reason ....after working with survivors of SRA/MK for years .....is presenting the notion that a survivor of SRA/MK may have "as many as 350 alters and may take 2 or even 3 years to heal." (That's a ballpark figure based on what he shared.)

I'm telling you right now, that this man has never taken a survivor to complete deprogramming, healing, and freedom if his clients have only reached 200-300 alters in a couple years and think they're done. That's just scratching the surface, because a bloodline survivor will have had their psyche already split via torture while still in the womb. And that process of using torture and trauma to split the mind continues throughout that person's life ....especially in the first decade to two decades (and periodically thereafter). And this man seems to be totally unaware (either legitimately or purposefully) that survivors will have End Times programming.

The deepest layers of alters hold End Times programming. BUT ....before one can get to those layers, there is a sort of booby trap ...a false integration program. A blank slate alter is cued forward. The top layers of alters that the survivor has worked through will experience a "shatter" and will be buried deep inside while all their memory/files are downloaded into the blank slate alter. (Some have termed this an "end times clone alter.") She/he then believes she/he is the whole/integrated, healed and free person. Meanwhile, the deepest layers of alters holding End Times programming are left intact, and operational while this blank slate ("healed/whole/integrated) is completely oblivious. There will be a strong amnesic wall between her/him and the deep/End Times programmed alters.

I myself encountered this programming in 2013 when a supposed "Christian" minister/counselor cued out my end times/blank slate alter. The shatter happened ....I and all the top layers of alters were buried in some sort of comatose state. And this blank slate for a brief time ....maybe a couple weeks, thought she was the healed, whole, integrated me. But by the grace of God, she began to realize it was a lie. She closed the doors to this handler/counselor and cried out to God. He grounded her in Himself, a footing and rooting she needed ....to know her true identity in Christ. She was co-conscious as the deepest alters were being cued forward fir End Times assigned roles ....and those alters, one by one, refused to follow and step into their programmed roles. And deeper alters, one by one, began to come forward share their stories, their roles, who their handler/programmer was, etc.

Instead of a disaster, God turned it into freedom and healing that is still ongoing today, 11 years later. Yes, I experienced much suffering after that ....many punishments, nearly dying as my body began to shut down from so much trauma ....the stealing of my granddaughter by the cult, and the loss of my youngest son. :cry:

I still face threats, and have to be diligent where safety is concerned, and in much prayer.

Now ....why do these ministers who say they've brought survivors to complete healing, freedom, and integration never mention this End Times programming?? Why do they not tell the whole story ...or mention that an SRA/MK survivor (especially multigenerational bloodline) will have thousands, if nkt hundreds of thousands of alters? I had well over 200,000 alters ....and untold numbers of shattered fragments whose job was just to hold all that trauma. I've not found an SRA/MK minister yet who has spoken on this... not the famed Russ Dizdar who made his road to fame speaking about "the black awakening" and using his conferences as a front to gain access to survivors .... not Doug Riggs, Amanda Buys, or Dan Duval .....or anyone else.

Something is very ....very.... amiss!
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New Member
Jan 20, 2024
United Kingdom
So, I am still here. A miracle of God no doubt.
He was kind enough to place on my path the ressources I needed to face this situation.

I'll share here what God showed me to do about my alter cooperating with those who want to hurt me, in case someone else needs it at some point.

My bible kept opening on the page with 1 Samuel 26:12 that ends with "because a deep sleep from the LORD was fallen upon them."
So I had been praying for that alter to fall into a deep sleep.
Unfortunately I noticed that an object was missing from my home and got confirmation that they still took over my body regardless of my prayers.

This is when God led me to a video called "The Dissociative Continuum" that explains that you can have parts that are programmed, but you can also have fragments that are programmed. The notion of fragments was not something I had heard of before.
And so I prayed for God to put to sleep any parts and any fragments in me that would cooperate voluntarily or involuntarily with my enemies.

Since then I have not noticed any trace of switching, and I obviously did not walk out the door to deliver myself to be kidnapped so it seems that this time the prayer is working.
(I do however repeat it regularly during the day and before going to bed, just in case. I also avoid the trigger that I know to be used to switch to that alter.)

Hopefully this will help someone some day.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
@Monosy the reason there is this issue with parts (alters and fragments) is that each of them hold a part of your will that was broken and shattered through trauma. They each have a will ....it is part of your will, but held by different parts that were broken off because of trauma. And God doesn't impose His will on our will. Parts have to choose Him over submission to satan, and their cult handlers, programmers, etc.

There will be many cult active alters ...not just one. That's the reality where SRA/MK is involved.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I also avoid the trigger that I know to be used to switch to that alter
Triggers ....or more accurately, cues. Cuing can be done by the cult in many ways ....via phone, text, email, flashes of lights through your window, taps on the wall or door (from outside), song lyrics played intentionally over a public intercom, or a (cult) person you pass by on the street or in the grocery store flashing a hand signal, or walking past you wearing something that is a cue (specific color/clothing or ring, etc), an ad on YouTube or TV (which can be done purposefully), even V2k (voice to skull) ....on and on it goes.

There are soooooo many ways cuing happens, it's next to impossible to avoid them all. So the key is to talk often with alters ....even if they don't respond at first. Speak often/daily to alters about your commitment to Christ, and why you serve Him ....speak love to them, explaining your desire for freedom and that you want to keep them safe ...and that they no longer need to respond to their cues, etc. Invite parts to be co-present with you while you do chores, cooking, gardening, or a fun hobby ....new, healthy experiences are very healing and eye-opening. And ....believe them and be willing to hear their concerns.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Understanding SRA/DID: Resolving internal conflicts
Tom Hawkins, Ph. D.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
This is a time that we are grateful for the price Jesus paid for the sins of the world, conquering sin, death, and the grave. But "easter" is also a time (tonight) that the cult uses for ritual human sacrifice. It is dangerous for survivors of SRA (satanic ritual abuse) who have broken free, as we are under threat of kidnapping and much trauma. Please pray for the release of ritual victims and the freedom and protection for those living under continual threat.

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
My family is getting me institutionalized because they think I'm making up the demonic attack so the handlers will likely get their hands on me.
Please pray for me
@Monosy if and when you're able, can you try and check in, here or private message?

This is a real danger where it comes to family because they are still programmed and cult active. Anyway, we can discuss this sometime in the future, meanwhile, I can place information here in the thread.
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