The store pt 5

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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Now the reasons I do these posting are basically 2 reasons.

The first is that the Lord our God Jesus Christ tells me to. At least that is who I believe I hear from as my Lord. A Lord gives instructions, and so it is there is One who give me instructions as my Lord. I now hear Him, but I used to not hear Him. Over 40 years of my life was spent not knowing Him. More than 20 years now I do hear Him. This store was done about 20 years ago, and was a direct result of hearing Him every day.

The other reason is that because I hear from Him I believe He is God, as in the Word of God who is God (Jn 1), and He seems worth knowing. Knowing Him is not a religious thing!! It is a personal thing!! You, as you are, and Him, as He is, walk and talk together. God is spirit, so He talks to you via His Holy Spirit speaking to your spirit. So the Word of God we should be preaching is found in our mouths and in our hearts. And He is always with us, so we should be hearing from Him a number of times everyday. How could it be otherwise. How much do you want to hear from God, and that is how much you will be hearing Him, if you believe in Him.

So let me testify to this some more to help give people an idea of how it was with Him and me.

At that time He was taking me to yard sales a lot. They of course are a good place to get things you need without spending much money, and I was going through my money pretty quickly, because it was a slow store. I opened the store on Saturdays at 10, so before that He took me to yard sales. Because I sold used Christian books, the yard sales were a good place to get some, but not only that. There are a number of things that can be found and used. So I went, and that according to exactly where He was telling me to go! The following verses explain it really well.

Is 30:20,21 Although the Lord has given you bread of privation and water of oppression, He, your Teacher will no longer hide Himself, but your eyes will behold your Teacher. Your ears will hear a word behind you, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left.

He would tell me turn right up here and left hear, and look for the sign. And as we went He gave me teachings. I would pull up to a sale and He would tell me about the sale before I got out of the car. He sometimes told me what price to pay for what I was going to find even before I got out of the car. He also taught me, but having me look at the sale and house and telling me things about the person or people I was about to encounter. It seemed that there was nothing too small to talk about with Him. So let me give some specifics.

At one sale I pulled up to He told me the man working the sale was a pastor, before I started looking at the sale. And yes, there were a few used Christian books there. I picked them up and took them up to pay for them and told the man that he was a pastor, because the Lord had told me that. The man looked at me an explained that he was a youth pastor. That was interesting, because the Lord didn't call him a youth pastor but 'a pastor'. So I learned that the Lord does not look at things like we do. The man was a pastor, even though he saw himself as a youth pastor.

Another time He took me to a yard with quite a number of Christian books and He told me to make an offer for all of them. The offer wasn't a lot, but since He told me to make that offer I did so. It didn't seem to make the lady too happy, but He had told me what to do. I was thinking that perhaps I could get a few for her asking price, which seemed fair, yet the Lord was not changing His mind. So I wait for her to consider and she accepted the offer.

As I was picking them up, she asked me what I was going to do with them all. So, I explain that the Lord had me open a Christian bookstore where I sold used books, and there were going there. That seemed to upset her more, that I was getting them from her to sale them for more. Ok, I guess I could understand that point of view. Anyway, the store was costing me and was an interesting ministry. So she was helping and getting paid some for the books she no longer wanted but was selling. She didn't have to take the offer, but apparently the Lord knew that she was going to accept his offer.

I also found it interesting that about ten years later the Lord had me helping in a Christian healing ministry, when she came into the ministry for prayer. We usually had about 7 different groups, and she wound up in mine and remembered me. She was still upset that I had made a low offer and she had accepted it. If anyone has worked in a Christian healing ministry they are going to know that perhaps the biggest issue with Christians getting healing is the failure to forgive, forget, and move on. She had not been cheated, but something in her was telling her that she had and she was holding on to that spirit.


Over and over and over, in that Christian healing ministry, the Lord had me/us leading people in forgiveness, and that part about not remembering and moving on. The really sad part is that sometimes we don't want to even forgive the Lord, and He does not sin. So often when we lead people to asked the Lord who they needed to forgive, the answer came back to them that they needed to forgive the Lord. It is not that He did anything wrong, but that we didn't like what He did in our lives.

We need to learn to listen to the Lord everyday. And if that is a problem, you might was to start by asking Him if there is anyone in your life you need to forgive. Just say, "Jesus Christ, is there anyone that I need to forgive?', and see what comes to you. And don't be surprised if you hear that you need to forgive yourself or even Him!
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Giving God the glory! @Karl Peters Praying for you brother!

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matt 6:33

I took the above verse and the verse Amadeus put under his post for a reason.

We not only have a King, Jesus Christ, but of course if we have the King we then have access to His Kingdom. And it was during the time when The Lord had me doing yard sales that He also was showing me a lot about His Kingdom - and note the verse Amadeus provided - it reads "all these things shall be added unto you"! All what things? The things you need to carry on in this world, that is what things!

Of course, one of the main things the Lord had me doing by going to yard sales was getting used book to sale at the store. So it should be of no surprise, based upon the verse provided, that the Lord was going to have angels ministering to me and helping me also, while going to yard sales. The work of God is that all should come to know the Son, yet the work of the Kingdom involves having "all these things" that we need added to us.

It was at that time that Lord sent 40 angels to me and I was supposed to figure out their names. It is not easy figuring out the names of someone. Don't we introduce others by telling their name. So how do you figure out the names of angels who you see but have not been introduced to?

We find in the Bible that the names there have meaning. Jesus is called Jesus because that means God's Salvation, and He is that. He is also called the Word of God because He has the words of God. They were given to Him by His Father, along with all else. So when the Holy Spirit speaks to us, He does not speak His own words but rather takes the words of God which Jesus Christ owns and gives the to us. (Jn 16:12-15)

So it was that I would start off by listening to the Lord and at some point He would usually tell me that He was going to have an angel ministering to me. I would often get a vision of the angel in the group of 40 angels, and then I would heard him ministering to me. By what he ministered I could figure out his name. And if I figured out his name he would minister to me all the more and I have to tell you that angels, while they are not God, they are smarter and better ministers that any person you have heard. And they are way more dedicated to the Lord than any person you know also. In the Bible we find that Jesus explained that John the Baptist was the greatest born of woman but he would be the least in heaven. So to not seek the Kingdom of God, which includes the King (Jesus Christ) an also those faithful angels who serve Him is a big mistake. Still, most of the time at Christian churches I do not meet many who have much real knowledge about the Kingdom of God.

Anyway back to testimonies:

I was doing a yard sales one day when the Lord had an angel start ministering to me. The angel started telling me to go this way and then that way and it seemed that he had completely moved we out of any possible yard sales, and not far under some mountains that are close to us. I was thinking, "Where are you taking me. It doesn't look like there are any yard sales here." But, I was told to just be patient. Finally he had me turn into a group of houses, but there were not yard sale sign around there.

He had me turn left, then left again, then right and going down the street on a long block there was a big yard sale laid out. "This is the place", he told me. I would have never found it on my own. So, I got out and look around not seeing a single book. So I went up to the table where the lady running the sale was at. As I got there she was in a conversation with someone else. She was saying to the other person about how they had just gone to a mission trip to the homeless in San Francisco, and while they were there, they felt sure that they had run across an angel.

The timing was perfect, and I had to laugh inside. This angel had taken me on this back route to the specific yard sale just to hear a testimony about an angel working in San Fransico. Now about angels it is written, "all the not all ministering spirits" (Heb 1), and that is what they are - spirits! So do they manifest at times. It seems so, but we should be picking them up with our spiritual ears regularly, considering we are supposed to be seeking first the Kingdom of God and listening with our spiritual ears, right? That was not explained in the testimony I picked up at that yard sale.

Now as I listened to that testimony and exchange someone behind me ask the lady, 'How much are these books"?

BOOKS? - How did I miss any books? I turned around and to my surprise I saw a vast number of books laid out on two blankets. The lady responded to that man, "5 for a dollar!" That was a great price and there were a lot of them. That man pick up 5, and I picked up a large over filled box full, paid for them and drove away wondering how that angel had gotten me to the testimony at the exact right time, without me seeing a single yard sale sign, and had somehow manage to cause me to miss that vast amount of books I walked right by, so that I would hear that testimony about an angel, then exposed what I had missed to fulfill, "all these things shall be added unto you."

I was talking to another Christian lady at me church just very recently. She is a wonderful Christain lady that rightfully does a lot of teaching and ministering at my church. And yet when I talked to her about angels her response was that she had heard other Christians talk about angels like me. Why did she not understand this? So I asked her what the first thing prayed for in the Lord's prayer was? She started saying the Lord's prayer.

"Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."

So what is the first thing asked for: "Thy kingdom come" - of course - because "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name" is adoration and not a request. So seek first the kingdom of God is done when we pray the Lord's prayer and it is also written: ‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.'(Jer 33:3)

So when I learned that when I call upon the Lord and ask, "Thy kingdom come", in the morning during my prayer time with Him, it turns out that He indeed sends His angels to minister to me. And should not every Christian be doing that?
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
@Karl Peters
Amen! Seek ye first the Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.
When does it stop?

Yes, Amen to seeking the Kingdom of God.

When does it stop?

The Kingdom is in our midst so is only stops when we don't seek the Kingdom of God and pay attention to what is going on. So it stops all too often in our lives and we should realize that about ourselves, so we seek the Kingdom of God (the King of Kings and those who serve Him) a lot more.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Yes, Amen to seeking the Kingdom of God.

When does it stop?

The Kingdom is in our midst so is only stops when we don't seek the Kingdom of God and pay attention to what is going on. So it stops all too often in our lives and we should realize that about ourselves, so we seek the Kingdom of God (the King of Kings and those who serve Him) a lot more.
So, in other words, it should only stop when we run out of time. While we have time, let us continue to seek!

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
So, in other words, it should only stop when we run out of time. While we have time, let us continue to seek!

No it stops when we don't seek Him!!

It is not that He stops trying to help us, but that we stop seeking Him and His voice most all the time!!

We should know that, right?

There is something written about praying unceasingly, and also something about how Jesus says and does only what the Father tells Him!! And so it is that He is the Word of God, because He doesn't even say a word to us via His Holy Spirit except that He heard His Father tell Him what to say!!

Therefore He did not and has not leaned on His own understanding at any time, except when talking to His Father. And if anyone is truly talking to Him regularly, and hearing the words He got from His Father, they would understand this! And thus they would understand that we (all of us and no not one of us is exempt from) not seeking and obeying like we should. And while we talked about the angelic servants in the Kingdom of God, did we even listen to those ministering spirits He sends us? I ask, because with my dealing with the angels, they understand what I am explaining entirely. Not even any of the angels is heaven are perfect, in there seeking and obeying, and so they understand that only He is worthy. The rest of us are reckoned as being righteous, because we believe and trust in Him, so we seek Him and listen to Him as we can.

The angels can and do listen and follow the Christ as their Lord a whole lot better that we do. Yet we are counted as children of the most high, if as His sheep we do hear His voice, and so we like sheep we kind of wonder around and can get horrible lost if He didn't keep and eye on us. Sheep are not exactly like a faithful dog who loves hanging out with the master, and we are like sheep, who perhaps occasionally look up to notice what is going on around them.

So our seeking Him has nothing to do with our 'running out of time' but everything to do with occasionally looking up!!!

And we looked honestly at ourselves, right? We are not just trying to sound "religious", are we. We are going to be honest, and especially so because we know that He is always with us and always knows what is going on - so lying, even to ourselves, does work too well with Him. So Christians should be honest, and not "religious" and especially about themselves, right.

So it is that I honestly tell people that I hear from Him a dozen times a day - and when doing so i understand that means I am terrible at listening to Him. I mean - if He is always with us then I should be hearing from Him a few hundred times a day, right? Yet if I explain I hear that small voice of His about a dozen times a day here on this Christian forum, many are going to think I am boasting when I am actually confessing how poorly I do hear from Him.

And so, if it is not clear, I should also confess that I don't listen to the angels He sends to minster to me like I should either. And honestly, He gets on to me for that. That is to say that I usually pray the Lord prayer in the morning, in which I pray "Thy kingdom come", and He is not slow to answer as some think, so He the King will talk to me and send me angels to ministry to me and watch over me, just like explained in the Scriptures - right?

Ps 91 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty....
He will give His angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your ways.

So that happens, that He gives His angels charge concerning me, but do I listen to them like I should? NO NO NO - I perhaps listen to them for a few minutes and my mind wonders away. Perhaps I pick Him and the angels up again an hour or so later, then again wonder away. Then I have a thought about the Lord, in another hour or so, and seek Him again for an answer and get an answer. And that is how my days and life goes on.

So what does that have to do with running out of time?? NOTHING, thats what!

From what I hear, my running out of time with the Kingdom of God is not something I can even understand now. Indeed, it seems that a day will come when I will even have trouble remembering how it was in the flesh on earth now? Say a few billions years worth of time as we now know it go by, am I then going to remember or think about the troubles I have in this life now?

Perhaps I am not understanding enough of other people/Christians. But from dealing with the Lord, even as poorly as I do, I can not understand how a Christian can write:

So, in other words, it should only stop when we run out of time. While we have time, let us continue to seek!

How much time do we Christians think we have? How long is eternal life???

We can seek the Kingdom of God now and for whatever time eternal life turns out to be, but it is called "eternal" and so we Christians are now part of that Kingdom of God if we know the King and are involved with His Kingdom, right???

Perhaps I should say I am sorry, but the Lord our God and King, Jesus Christ makes sense to me and so do the angels He sends to talk to me. They don't make it about me running out of time, unless they are talking about the possible use of the time I now have in the flesh, but never about me running out of time to talk to the Lord and to them! Instead they tell me how the angels and I are going to be friends from now going forward. They say things like about how they will take me with them and show me places I could never imagine.

When we talk about our Saviour and eternal life, we mean we are going to be with the King and His Kingdom from now on, right???


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Wow, a whole lot of responding for me to respond to...
No it stops when we don't seek Him!!
Yes, but I did say, "should". What people should do and what they actually do very often are not the same.
It is not that He stops trying to help us, but that we stop seeking Him and His voice most all the time!!

We should know that, right?

There is something written about praying unceasingly, and also something about how Jesus says and does only what the Father tells Him!! And so it is that He is the Word of God, because He doesn't even say a word to us via His Holy Spirit except that He heard His Father tell Him what to say!!

Therefore He did not and has not leaned on His own understanding at any time, except when talking to His Father. And if anyone is truly talking to Him regularly, and hearing the words He got from His Father, they would understand this! And thus they would understand that we (all of us and no not one of us is exempt from) not seeking and obeying like we should. And while we talked about the angelic servants in the Kingdom of God, did we even listen to those ministering spirits He sends us? I ask, because with my dealing with the angels, they understand what I am explaining entirely. Not even any of the angels is heaven are perfect, in there seeking and obeying, and so they understand that only He is worthy. The rest of us are reckoned as being righteous, because we believe and trust in Him, so we seek Him and listen to Him as we can.

The angels can and do listen and follow the Christ as their Lord a whole lot better that we do. Yet we are counted as children of the most high, if as His sheep we do hear His voice, and so we like sheep we kind of wonder around and can get horrible lost if He didn't keep and eye on us. Sheep are not exactly like a faithful dog who loves hanging out with the master, and we are like sheep, who perhaps occasionally look up to notice what is going on around them.

So our seeking Him has nothing to do with our 'running out of time' but everything to do with occasionally looking up!!!
When we have finished our course, has not our end been decided? There is then no more time to decide how we are going finish...

2ti 4:7I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
2ti 4:8Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

And we looked honestly at ourselves, right? We are not just trying to sound "religious", are we. We are going to be honest, and especially so because we know that He is always with us and always knows what is going on - so lying, even to ourselves, does work too well with Him. So Christians should be honest, and not "religious" and especially about themselves, right.

So it is that I honestly tell people that I hear from Him a dozen times a day - and when doing so i understand that means I am terrible at listening to Him. I mean - if He is always with us then I should be hearing from Him a few hundred times a day, right? Yet if I explain I hear that small voice of His about a dozen times a day here on this Christian forum, many are going to think I am boasting when I am actually confessing how poorly I do hear from Him.
Indeed, how "good" is our hearing? How "good" is our eyesight?
And so, if it is not clear, I should also confess that I don't listen to the angels He sends to minster to me like I should either. And honestly, He gets on to me for that. That is to say that I usually pray the Lord prayer in the morning, in which I pray "Thy kingdom come", and He is not slow to answer as some think, so He the King will talk to me and send me angels to ministry to me and watch over me, just like explained in the Scriptures - right?

Ps 91 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty....
He will give His angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your ways.
So that happens, that He gives His angels charge concerning me, but do I listen to them like I should? NO NO NO - I perhaps listen to them for a few minutes and my mind wonders away. Perhaps I pick Him and the angels up again an hour or so later, then again wonder away. Then I have a thought about the Lord, in another hour or so, and seek Him again for an answer and get an answer. And that is how my days and life goes on.

So what does that have to do with running out of time?? NOTHING, thats what!
Again, I was speaking of finishing our course. I was speaking of natural death.
From what I hear, my running out of time with the Kingdom of God is not something I can even understand now. Indeed, it seems that a day will come when I will even have trouble remembering how it was in the flesh on earth now? Say a few billions years worth of time as we now know it go by, am I then going to remember or think about the troubles I have in this life now?

Perhaps I am not understanding enough of other people/Christians. But from dealing with the Lord, even as poorly as I do, I can not understand how a Christian can write:

How much time do we Christians think we have? How long is eternal life???
What does the following verse mean to us?
Joh 9:4I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.

We can seek the Kingdom of God now and for whatever time eternal life turns out to be, but it is called "eternal" and so we Christians are now part of that Kingdom of God if we know the King and are involved with His Kingdom, right???
Perhaps I should say I am sorry, but the Lord our God and King, Jesus Christ makes sense to me and so do the angels He sends to talk to me. They don't make it about me running out of time, unless they are talking about the possible use of the time I now have in the flesh, but never about me running out of time to talk to the Lord and to them! Instead they tell me how the angels and I are going to be friends from now going forward. They say things like about how they will take me with them and show me places I could never imagine.

When we talk about our Saviour and eternal life, we mean we are going to be with the King and His Kingdom from now on, right???
I do not know that "time" will have any meaning after the dirt is shoveled over my face. For me the end our natural allotted time is the end of time. Then...?

Re 10:6... that there should be time no longer:

1jo 3:2Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Wow, a whole lot of responding for me to respond to...

Yes, but I did say, "should". What people should do and what they actually do very often are not the same.

When we have finished our course, has not our end been decided? There is then no more time to decide how we are going finish...

2ti 4:7I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
2ti 4:8Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

Indeed, how "good" is our hearing? How "good" is our eyesight?


Again, I was speaking of finishing our course. I was speaking of natural death.

What does the following verse mean to us?
Joh 9:4I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.

I do not know that "time" will have any meaning after the dirt is shoveled over my face. For me the end our natural allotted time is the end of time. Then...?

Re 10:6... that there should be time no longer:

1jo 3:2Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

There is a difference between being "Religious" and knowing Jesus Christ, and is shows up!!

And let me give and example:

When someone writes something like: "Yes, but I did say, "should". What people should do and what they actually do very often are not the same."

It is not that they/we are wrong, but they/we are looking at others instead of themselves!!

It should actually be written " What "we" should do and what "we" actually do very often is not the same".

It seems like some petty thing to bring this up, but it is not because is show how prideful "we", as people, are!! We are that way!!

And so if a person really gets to know Jesus Christ, they find out that they are a person like any other, and that understanding causes they to seek Him more. Therefore, the lack of that understanding causes a person to seek Him less and then the person becomes prideful and thus "Religious".

There is a tricky, but very wise thing that the Lord does!! He puts the word of God we preach in our spirit in such a way that that to find the word of God to us, we have to examine the very words that are coming out our mouth!! - and in the case of this forum out our writing. There is something written about how if you teach others, do you not teach yourself!

Now it was brought up, that "we" need to seek first the Kingdom of God, and so we do. And then the questioned arose about when 'we 'don't do that, and the correct answer is "most of the time"!! Therefore we should start by seeking the Kingdom, and if we can do that in earnest, at least we start on the right foot, and maybe we will get help with the following steps whether we know it or not, and mostly not! That is how we are. We are that way, not they are that way, but we are that way!!

Paul wrote: "Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?"

That was not Saul the pharisee who wrote that, but Paul the Christian man who wrote that!! And if we don't have that understanding deep in us, are we going to keep turning back to the King of Kings and His Kingdom?? No - if 'we' don't understand that about ourselves, we are going to turn to Christianity as a religion, as opposed to Jesus Christ and the relationship 'we' are supposed to have with Him!!

And so when I give a testimony it is about Him, The King who has a Kingdom!!

So it is that I preach the Word of God to mean that He talks to us, and I also preach the Kingdom of God, because if we know the King we are obviously going to know something about His Kingdom, right? And all that through our relationship with the King and not through our leaning on our own understanding of what we read in the Bible!! They - the King and His Kingdom - will help you with understanding, but understand that even the angels in heaven that serve Him got their understanding from talking with the Lord our God Jesus Christ!
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Now perhaps I should give an other example of what it is like to have the Lord send you angels to minister to you, and watch over you. Of course, the best thing for us to do is to actually seek Jesus Christ and listen to Him, but since He is the King He will also hook you up with His Kingdom - angels that serve Him.

Not all the spirits serve Him! Yet there are more with you than against you. And having angels sent to you from Him will make you aware of this. If our eyes our open then you will be able to see the army of God, but if all we concentrate on are the demons, then you will not see the army of God, and you will be like the servant of the prophet who saw the the enemy around the city but the army around them with chariots of fire.

Anyway back to the example.

There are some angels we tend to like more that others, just like there are some people we like more than others. Yet just like the more you talk to someone the more you come to understand them and like them, if they are not just a bad person. And so it was the at first I did not like the angel Obedience. He was big and bulky like a lineman in the NFL, but bigger. Success on the other hand, I really liked. He was smaller and reminded me of Sonny Bono - very friendly - not that I ever knew Sonny Bono - but Success had a big smile and seemed friendly and helpful. Actually, Obedience was every bit as helpful, but just didn't seem as friendly.

Now the pastor at my church, and others, have talked about how there is some thinking in Christianity that 1/3 of the angels in heaven fell. That is pretty much what I got from my hearing. And I was told that more of some types of angels fell than other types. This apparently has some importance to us today. I was told that not very many angels of Obedience fell, because they just tended to be obedient!! Whereas more angels of Success tended to fall, because it was easier for them to want to lean on their own understanding.

Now the angle of Success that is from the Lord will tell you right off that success is achieved by listening to the Lord and doing what He tells you - like opening a Christian bookstore if He tells you! Of course, the Lord's version of success is not this world's version of success!!!!!

Therefore a slow Christian bookstore who got people to listen to Him is more a success than a busier large corporate Christian bookstore who got people leaning on their own understanding, right? That is because the work of God is that all should come to know the Son, Jesus Christ. Therefore listening to the angel of Success did not mean I was going to have a busy money making store. It was going to mean that I would listen to the Lord, like that angel said and did. So having the angel of Success minister to me, helped me understand about discernment of spirits. So, a demon of success might try and get people to buy more, whereas and angel of success will have you trying to help the person get what the Lord wants them to get.

And kind of influence is being put on us every day, whether we know it or not. Jesus Christ, as the light of this world, wants us to see this and understand, whereas the dark evil spiritual forces we all battle with don't want us to see this! We indeed have a battle in us, and we as Christians need to be more aware of it. We become aware of it by seeking first the Kingdom of God, which means we seek Jesus Christ and listen to Him, as our Lord and King, and He also sends angels that serve Him to watch over us and minister to us, if indeed we stay under Him.

Ps 91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

Ps 91:11 For He will give His angels charge concerning you,
To guard you in all your ways.

Heb 1:7 And of the angels He says,

Heb 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?

Again - I like the angel of Success who serves the Lord, but I tell you that the angel of Obedience who serves the Lord were less likely to fall. And I will also tell you that the more I talked to the angel of Obedience the more I got to like Him. And consider: if you were walking down a dark alley would you rather have a Sonny Bono type or a Dick Butkis type as a friend walking with you? (I guess you can tell my age by the references) The one might be funner to listen to but the other is better at guarding you, right. You can have access to both if you come to know the King!
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