Ten Lost Tribes History, God's Word

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Do you remember Solomon had many wives and concubines of the nations? He also allowed those to bring their idol worship in among the children of Israel, and God warned Solomon about that twice. Solomon didn't stop it, so God said He would rend the kingdom from him, but would do it in the days of his son Rehoboam. All this history is written starting in 1 Kings 11 forward. I'm only going to give a type of 'outline' about it here...

1. God rends the kingdom of Israel from Solomon's son and heir Rehoboam in Jerusalem (1 Kings 11:11-12).
2. Solomon had setup Jeroboam of the tribe of Ephraim as governor over the ten tribes in the northern portions of the holy lands, at that time the ten northern tribes were called the "house of Joseph". (1 Kings 11:26-28)
3. God through His prophet Ahijah told Jeroboam that God would give him ten tribes to reign over, and he would be "king of Israel" instead of Solomon's son Rehoboam. For this Solomon sought to kill Jeroboam, so Jeroboam fled in exile to Egypt. (1 Kings 11:25-40)
4. Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, of the tribe of Judah and house of David, was made king over all Israel at Jerusalem. (1 Kings 12:1)
5. Leaders from the ten northern tribes go to Rehoboam, and ask him to ease his father Solomon's labor burden he had put upon them. Rehoboam refused and said he would make it more. (1 Kings 12:3-15)
6. The ten tribes then said what do they have to do with the house of David? So the ten tribes of Israel departed back north to their tents. At this point old Israel became separated into two branches. Only the tribes of Judah and Benjamin remained in the south under Rehoboam of the house of David. (1 Kings 12:16-20)
7. The ten tribes then called for Jeroboam of Ephraim to return, and they made him "king of Israel" over the ten northern tribes. Only the tribe of Benjamin followed the tribe of Judah in the south. (1 Kings 12:20)
8. Then Rehoboam, king of Judah at Jerusalem, gathered the tribes of Judah and Benjamin with plans to go north to the ten tribes, and bring the kingdom back under his rule. God through his prophet Shemaiah told Rehoboam to not do this, as this split was by God's Hand. (1 Kings 12:21-24)
9. Then northern ten tribe kingdom thus became the "kingdom of Israel" ruled by Jeroboam of the tribe of Ephraim, with its capital city at Samaria in the north. These would also be called the "house of Israel", or just as "Israel", or "Joseph", or "Ephraim", or as "Samaria", in later Bible history. These did not include the Jews of the southern "kingdom of Judah".
10. Then the 2 tribe southern kingdom under Rehoboam of Judah became known as the "kingdom of Judah" with its capital city at Jerusalem. This was made up of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin at this point in the history. These would be called the "house of Judah", or just "Judah", or just "Jerusalem", or "kingdom of Judah", or Jews, in later Bible history.
11. When Jeroboam, king of Israel over the ten northern tribes considered that per the old covenant at that time all Israelites were required to go to Jerusalem to worship, he was afraid a great number of the ten northern tribes might stay at Judea and augment Judah and Benjamin. Jeroboam then instead had two gold calf idols made in two cities in the north and told the ten tribes there was their gods to worship. (1 Kings 12:26-33)
12. Jeroboam then also made common priests of the people, and thus the Levite priests in the north left the ten tribes and went south and joined with Judah. (2 Chronicles 11:14-15)
13. A small remnant out of the ten northern tribes also refused Jeroboam's calf idols, and instead went south and also joined with Judah and Rehoboam. (2 Chronicles 11:16-17)
14. Thus the "house of Judah" under Rehoboam became made up of 3 tribes, the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, along with foreigners that lived in the lands of Judah and became Jewish converts. To this day, this is how it still is with those who call theirselves Jews. They represent only the 3 tribes of old Israel, and a small remnant of the northern ten tribes, and strangers.
15. In all the days Rehoboam, king of Judah, and Jeroboam, king of Israel, they had war against each other. (1 Kings 15:6)
16. God eventually got tired of the kings of Israel over the ten northern tribes not ending Jeroboam's calf idol worship in the north. So God brought the kings of Assyria upon the ten northern tribes and removed them all to Assyria and the lands of the Medes, never to return. Only the Jews of the "house of Judah" remained in the holy land. (2 Kings 17)
17. As it was common by the Assyrian kings, when they would conquer a land, they would remove the original peoples of that land, and supplant them with foreign peoples instead. This the king of Assyria did to the northern ten tribes of Israel. He supplanted the "house of Israel" (ten tribes) with pagan foreigners from Babylon, five peoples which each had their own false god worship. These foreigners became known as the Samaritans, and were Gentiles living in the northern holy lands instead of the ten tribes. The Jews of the southern "house of Judah" would have nothing to do with the Samaritans, knowing they were foreigners. (2 Kings 17)
18. This is where the ten northern tribes of Israel drop out of Bible history (except for future prophecies about them).
19. At this point, only the Jews of the 3 tribe "house of Judah" remain, and are the main subject of Bible history.
20. By the time of about 120 years after the Assyrian kings had removed the ten northern tribes of Israel, the "house of Judah" fell away from God also, and did the same things that Israel in the north did. So in the days of Jeremiah the prophet, God brought Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon upon these of the "kingdom of Judah", and took them captive to Babylon. God had told Jeremiah their captivity would be for 70 years, but that He would take care of them while captives.
21. During the Jew's captivity, their language usage would change, using Aramaic instead of Hebrew, and their religious leadership would create the Babylonian Talmud of sage writings which the Jew's religion would mostly follow. These writings were mostly just traditions. Their Bible understanding became corrupt with false ones that crept in. This was most likely in prep for Jesus' 1st coming to die on the cross by the hands of those Jews.
22. After the Jew's 70 years captivity to Babylon, only a small remnant of the "house of Judah" (Jews) returned back to the holy land, and rebuilt Jerusalem and the 2nd temple, and began old covenant worship again. The majority of the Jews captive to Babylon chose to remain, and were then later scattered through the countries like the ten tribes were; but... the Jews would keep knowledge of their old heritage as part of Israel.
23. The ten northern tribes remained scattered to Assyria, and took other names and customs, and began to lose their Israelite heritage. The Jewish historian who lived in 100 A.D. said the ten tribes were still "beyond Euphrates", and were a great number of people, too many to be counted.

24. Per the Book of Hosea, God prophesied that He would end the kingdom of the "house of Israel" (ten northern tribe "kingdom of Israel" that He gave Jeroboam of Ephraim to reign over).
25. God told His prophet Hosea to take a prostitute for wife, and name their children, which names were to serve as symbols for removing His blessings from the "kingdom of Israel", and ending the kingdom.
26. God said He would then scatter the ten tribe "house of Israel", and give them the full weight of their false Baal worship which they did in forgetting Him.
27. God also said He would hedge up their paths, so they would not be able to find their way back, after they had figured how they had it better before having left the holy land.
28. The ten tribe "house of Israel" would thus lose... knowledge of their heritage as the larger portion of the children of Israel, and thus lose knowledge of God's feast days, new moons, and sabbaths, becoming as Gentiles, scattered among Gentiles.
29. God said He would scatter them to the 'wilderness', which is put for being scattered to new lands.
30. Then there, in the wilderness, God said He would give them a door of hope, and speak softly to them, and take the names of Baali out of their mouths which they called Him.
31. And there, God would given them a "new covenant" with peace and blessings.
32. Then they would call Him "Ishi" (Friend).
33. And where God had said to them, 'not My people', it would then be said, 'you are the sons of the living God'.
34. Apostle Paul would quote that no.33 to believing Gentile Romans in Romans 9. That means God through His prophet Hosea was revealing Christ's Church of both believing Israelites of the ten tribes, and believing Gentiles. It reveals that the ten scattered tribes of Israel had a huge... part in formation of the Christian Church in new lands they were scattered to.
35. In final when Jesus Christ returns, both the believing Israel and Gentiles, which make up Christ's Church today, will be gathered together back to the holy lands of promise, under Jesus Christ. (See Amos 9:9 and Ezekiel 37 about the ten tribes of the "house of Israel" God promised to gather.)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
God returning the believers of both 'houses' back to the promised land, at the future resurrection when Jesus returns...

Ezek 37:12-28
12 Therefore prophesy and say unto them, "Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O My people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.

13 And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O My people, and brought you up out of your graves,

14 And shall put My spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the LORD have spoken it, and performed it, saith the LORD."

That above is pointing to the resurrection on the last day, and also about Christ's future coming and gathering of His saints, and taking them with Him to the holy land to begin His future "thousand years" reign over the nations per Revelation 20.

15 The word of the LORD came again unto me, saying,

16 "Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it,
"For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions': then take another stick, and write upon it, "For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions":

Those two separate sticks are to represent how God back starting at 1 Kings 11 had split the old kingdom of Israel under Solomon into 2 kingdoms. And God then gave ten tribes to Jeroboam of the tribe of Ephraim to rule over as the "house of Israel". They would be separate from "Judah" which made up the "house of Judah" of the southern "kingdom of Judah". Thusly...

"house of Israel" = ten northern tribe kingdom only.
"house of Judah" = three tribe southern kingdom only.

17 And join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in thine hand.

Timed with the resurrection verses previously, God shows the joining of the two sticks, meaning the joining back of the two 'houses' He split back in Rehoboam's day.

18 And when the children of thy people shall speak unto thee, saying, "Wilt thou not shew us what thou meanest by these?"

19 Say unto them, "Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take
the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in mine hand.

Once again, this "stick of Joseph" is about only the ten northern tribes under rule by the tribe of Ephraim, and that are lost to the Jews and to the world today. And the "stick of Judah" are the Jews of the "house of Judah".

20 And the sticks whereon thou writest shall be in thine hand before their eyes.

21 And say unto them, 'Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land:
And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all:

That above is further Biblical proof of the split of old Israel into two separate "nations", or "kingdoms", and that they are still... split apart to this day. Only when Jesus returns in the future will both sticks be put back together and made "one nation" again in the holy land.

23 Neither shall they defile themselves any more with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions: but I will save them out of all their dwellingplaces, wherein they have sinned, and will cleanse them: so shall they be My people, and I will be their God.

That above has still not happened yet today. Even though many of today's Jews try to claim that has been fulfilled when many of the Jews began returning to the holy land in 1948, and via U.N. Charter vote then when Israel became a nation state again in the land, today the "stick of Joseph" has still not yet been gathered to the land. So don't let anyone try to tell you this has already been fulfilled, for it has not.

24 And David My servant shall be king over them; and they all shall have one shepherd: they shall also walk in My judgments, and observe My statutes, and do them.
25 And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob My servant, wherein your fathers have dwelt; and they shall dwell therein, even they, and their children, and their children's children for ever:
and My servant David shall be their prince for ever.

You do realize the above means the literal return of David to the holy land over them, and their having "one shepherd", right? Who do you think that "one shepherd" will be? That's about our Lord Jesus Christ of course, our KING.

And did you not know that today, in Jerusalem, there has not been a king of the tribe of Judah of the house of David upon a throne there since Zedekiah, king of Judah, in Jeremiah's days? That's just another tidbit info which confirms further that this Scripture has yet to be fulfilled today.

26 Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set My sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.
27 My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
28 And the heathen shall know that I the LORD do sanctify Israel, when My sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore.

That is about the "many mansions" in God's House which Lord Jesus promised His elect servants in John 14. If you keep studying into Ezekiel 40 through 47, you'll discover more about that House for the future world to come under Jesus Christ.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
From my understanding all people from the tribes would show up annual for temple sacrifice. Even if they split up, they still continued in their efforts of abiding and keeping the Law, meeting up in Jerusalem, I believe all the tribes where gathered together there during the great tribulation.

When it comes to “many mansions” I take it is talking about the resurrected spiritual body.

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
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Regardless of all this... if they don't repent from their sins and embrace
Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, abiding IN Him until the end... they will not be saved.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Regardless of all this... if they don't repent from their sins and embrace
Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, abiding IN Him until the end... they will not be saved.
It is true that ALL... must bow to Jesus Christ and repent of their sins, and believe on Him, in order to be saved. That is never a question with Bible study about the TEN LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL.

The reason for study about the ten lost tribes of Israel is in order to 'wake up' those who are still blinded to God's Work involving them. And it is to also represent to the whole world, including non-Israelites, just 'how'... God did His Work using them for the benefit of all peoples that believe on His Son Jesus Christ.

If one's jealousy enters in against God's Work through the ten lost tribes of Israel, then also flees one's understanding in His Word about it, because He did cover the matter in His Word, as I have shown. And the fact that what He said would happen came true should make the Faith of all brethren that much stronger in His Promises, including those that have yet to happen. So this study is not about bragging rights, it's about actually 'seeing' how what God promised about the ten lost tribes came to pass, and how it relates to Christ's Church to this day.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
From my understanding all people from the tribes would show up annual for temple sacrifice. Even if they split up, they still continued in their efforts of abiding and keeping the Law, meeting up in Jerusalem, I believe all the tribes where gathered together there during the great tribulation.

When it comes to “many mansions” I take it is talking about the resurrected spiritual body.
The event Jesus called "great tribulation" in Matthew 24 has not happened yet today. It is the time of trouble that Daniel 12:1 is pointing to, as a time on earth the likes that has never been before, nor ever will be again. And linked with it is the timing of the deliverance of the saints, everyone who's name is found written in the book of life. And that definitely puts that prophecy for the very END of this world.

The "many mansions" idea of John 14 is about the chambers for the priests in God's House, which is about the future Millennial temple layout shown in Ezekiel 40 through 47. That temple will manifest with Christ at His future return to this earth for His "thousand years" reign of Revelation 20.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
The event Jesus called "great tribulation" in Matthew 24 has not happened yet today. It is the time of trouble that Daniel 12:1 is pointing to, as a time on earth the likes that has never been before, nor ever will be again. And linked with it is the timing of the deliverance of the saints, everyone who's name is found written in the book of life. And that definitely puts that prophecy for the very END of this world.

The "many mansions" idea of John 14 is about the chambers for the priests in God's House, which is about the future Millennial temple layout shown in Ezekiel 40 through 47. That temple will manifest with Christ at His future return to this earth for His "thousand years" reign of Revelation 20.
I believe it has. But you can disagree if you like. It doesn’t matter either way… as long as we can love one another, because it’s faith in Yeshua and his resurrection which makes us right with Yahavah. There is rest founded there, even through hardship. The many mansions concerns to me spiritual habitation which Yahavah gives to all in resurrection, be it condemned or of life.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
I believe it has. But you can disagree if you like. It doesn’t matter either way… as long as we can love one another, because it’s faith in Yeshua and his resurrection which makes us right with Yahavah. There is rest founded there, even through hardship. The many mansions concerns to me spiritual habitation which Yahavah gives to all in resurrection, be it condemned or of life.
No problem, I disagree with you.

Yes.. it does... matter. Because if I'm a true Christian brother to you, then I don't want you to be deceived with what is coming upon the whole world. Therefore, I have to warn, regardless if I'm listened to or not.

God's Word is much more literal than it would appear that you are aware. The "many mansions" will not be some sandbox castle up in the sky. It's about literal chambers for the priests in Christ's future Millennial temple, written of in Ezekiel 40 through 47. And Ezekiel 47 links with the return of God's River and the Tree of Life to this earth per Rev.22, both as literal things on this future earth.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
No problem, I disagree with you.

Yes.. it does... matter. Because if I'm a true Christian brother to you, then I don't want you to be deceived with what is coming upon the whole world. Therefore, I have to warn, regardless if I'm listened to or not.

God's Word is much more literal than it would appear that you are aware. The "many mansions" will not be some sandbox castle up in the sky. It's about literal chambers for the priests in Christ's future Millennial temple, written of in Ezekiel 40 through 47. And Ezekiel 47 links with the return of God's River and the Tree of Life to this earth per Rev.22, both as literal things on this future earth.
If you say so, Davy.

What matters is loving God and loving others by the spirit! Yahavah looks upon the hearts of those whom are his and writes his laws in their mind and hearts.

I’m not to worried about the “end of times.” The only end of time, for me as I know it. Is when I “die” and move on from here to where Yahavah exists in the Heavenly Kingdom.

There are many who still believe Jesus is still coming back in order to restore things, it’s cool, there are people that will debate to no end.

In the end it’s up for the reader to decide whether or not, Jesus came or did not come, or if they are “really in the end times.” As many people do openly confess and believe they are indeed living in the “end times.”

All the best to you.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
If you say so, Davy.
God's written Word is what says so. I admonish you to check out in God's Word what I pointed to in it.

What matters is loving God and loving others by the spirit! Yahavah looks upon the hearts of those whom are his and writes his laws in their mind and hearts.
If my trying to get you into God's Word for yourself more is not an act of Christian love, then I don't know what is.

I’m not to worried about the “end of times.” The only end of time, for me as I know it. Is when I “die” and move on from here to where Yahavah exists in the Heavenly Kingdom.
It's not about 'worrying' about the end of times. It's about 'keeping' God's Word that He gave His servants.

There are many who still believe Jesus is still coming back in order to restore things, it’s cool, there are people that will debate to no end.

In the end it’s up for the reader to decide whether or not, Jesus came or did not come, or if they are “really in the end times.” As many people do openly confess and believe they are indeed living in the “end times.”

All the best to you.
What you actually are saying with the above, whether you realize it or not, is... that those who do not 'keep' God's Word as written will be in a state of 'shock' by the coming end time events, while those who do... keep God's Word, will not be in shock.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
God's written Word is what says so. I admonish you to check out in God's Word what I pointed to in it.

If my trying to get you into God's Word for yourself more is not an act of Christian love, then I don't know what is.

It's not about 'worrying' about the end of times. It's about 'keeping' God's Word that He gave His servants.

What you actually are saying with the above, whether you realize it or not, is... that those who do not 'keep' God's Word as written will be in a state of 'shock' by the coming end time events, while those who do... keep God's Word, will not be in shock.

If you say so my friend. :) I believe what is written in Yahavahs, gift to the world namely the bible; which doesn't superceed Yeshua, the Word of God, which was born in the flesh, and name Jesus. Yeshua was promised to come and restore all things, and save the bridegroom in that day. If you believe anything that I shared was wrong, namely that was is important is for people to live in faith, seek out the one whom they call Father, and to have fellowship with the Father, and the Son of God, by and through reading the bible, but not only reading... living by and through the spirit... to love Yahavah, first and to know God, which one in time will share with others of what Yeshua had done, and by being risen again, we too can be reborn in newness of spiritual life coming into a relationship with Yahavah, whom had all things come into being by and through his Word. Yeshua, was promised to return, and even though the 10 tribes had split, all 12 of the tribes would still gather annually in Israel at the temple, even gentiles could be outside of the gates. This temple was torn down in 70Ad, and it marks what Yeshua had said about not one stone left which would not be overturned, and he did indeed return, with the Wrath of God, poured out upon israel, for their wicked deeds of having the Son of God, Yeshua, the author and finisher of our faith, in becoming one with Yahavah, by and through the holy spirit of Yahava and the love that God pours on the heart of those whom are his, and continue to follow him, despite hardship, and pain, carrying their cross. The reason I believe Yeshua has already returned is because his mentioning of a generation, which reminds of when Yahavah, allowed a wicked people for 40 years to wander around before they were all killed off. Therefore, Yeshua gave a warning within that Generation. However, he did not know specifically the time just yet, which was retained by his Father, whom was with him, by and through the Holy Spirit of Yahavah, within the flesh of the Lord Jesus. This revelation however, which was retained by Yahavah, was given to Jesus, when Revelation is given out. This is the Revelation of all the events that would take place, in complete restoration between Yahavah and mankind, where now in this world they can have a relationship with God, as were before it was not so personal, because of the Holy spirit given to those whom believe that Yeshua was risen again from the dead, by the holy spirit of Yahavah, and he makes us right with him.

Why people worry about the "end times" which have came and went, do not focus more of spiritual growth, and becoming more into understanding of how things are reconciled and that the people in that day, were indeed, living in the last times. However, many people disagree, that is why I stated, the only end of time I know, is the end of my own life. There is no scripture that states this Earth is ever going to be wiped away. It does become restored with all becoming dead, but not all coming to life, by and through the merit of the power of God unto Salvation founded in the Gospels, and the remain letters to take hold of and partake in reading. I have read the scriptures before, @Davy. Thank you for encouraging me to continue to do so.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
If you say so my friend. :) I believe what is written in Yahavahs, gift to the world namely the bible; which doesn't superceed Yeshua, the Word of God, which was born in the flesh, and name Jesus. Yeshua was promised to come and restore all things, and save the bridegroom in that day. If you believe anything that I shared was wrong, namely that was is important is for people to live in faith, seek out the one whom they call Father, and to have fellowship with the Father, and the Son of God, by and through reading the bible, but not only reading... living by and through the spirit... to love Yahavah, first and to know God, which one in time will share with others of what Yeshua had done, and by being risen again, we too can be reborn in newness of spiritual life coming into a relationship with Yahavah, whom had all things come into being by and through his Word. Yeshua, was promised to return, and even though the 10 tribes had split, all 12 of the tribes would still gather annually in Israel at the temple, even gentiles could be outside of the gates. This temple was torn down in 70Ad, and it marks what Yeshua had said about not one stone left which would not be overturned, and he did indeed return, with the Wrath of God, poured out upon israel, for their wicked deeds of having the Son of God, Yeshua, the author and finisher of our faith, in becoming one with Yahavah, by and through the holy spirit of Yahava and the love that God pours on the heart of those whom are his, and continue to follow him, despite hardship, and pain, carrying their cross. The reason I believe Yeshua has already returned is because his mentioning of a generation, which reminds of when Yahavah, allowed a wicked people for 40 years to wander around before they were all killed off. Therefore, Yeshua gave a warning within that Generation. However, he did not know specifically the time just yet, which was retained by his Father, whom was with him, by and through the Holy Spirit of Yahavah, within the flesh of the Lord Jesus. This revelation however, which was retained by Yahavah, was given to Jesus, when Revelation is given out. This is the Revelation of all the events that would take place, in complete restoration between Yahavah and mankind, where now in this world they can have a relationship with God, as were before it was not so personal, because of the Holy spirit given to those whom believe that Yeshua was risen again from the dead, by the holy spirit of Yahavah, and he makes us right with him.

Why people worry about the "end times" which have came and went, do not focus more of spiritual growth, and becoming more into understanding of how things are reconciled and that the people in that day, were indeed, living in the last times. However, many people disagree, that is why I stated, the only end of time I know, is the end of my own life. There is no scripture that states this Earth is ever going to be wiped away. It does become restored with all becoming dead, but not all coming to life, by and through the merit of the power of God unto Salvation founded in the Gospels, and the remain letters to take hold of and partake in reading. I have read the scriptures before, @Davy. Thank you for encouraging me to continue to do so.
So goes your opinions.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Why are many Jews strongly against this teaching about the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel? especially when God's Word reveals in final He is going to gather the lost ten tribes back to the lands He promised their fathers in final, as I have shown from Bible Scripture like the Ezekiel 37 chapter?

One reason is because ever since long ago when God first scattered the ten northern tribes of Israel out of the holy land, and made them lose their heritage as part of Israel, the Jews of the southern "kingdom of Judah" remained in the holy land, and were the only people of the children of Israel remaining there known as the children of Israel (2 Kings 17). Even though that southern "kingdom of Judah" was made up only of the three tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, they were the only ones left in the holy land that would claim to represent Israel. The king of Assyria would plant Gentile foreigners from Babylon in the northern holy lands where the ten tribes had been, and these foreigners became known as Samaritans.

Per Hosea 1:7 and Hosea 11:12, God said Judah would remain faithful when the ten tribes of the "house of Israel" would be scattered. God showed the Jews, or 3-tribe "house of Judah" would not... lose their heritage as part of the children of Israel. They would keep the traditions of God's feast days, new moons, and sabbaths as a result. But the ten tribes would forget all that, and become like Gentiles living among Gentiles, lost, and no longer known to the world as Israel.

Yet at the end of Hosea 1, which Apostle Paul quoted to Roman Gentiles in Christ per Romans 9, and in Amos 9, God said He will gather the believers of the ten tribes in final, to include the people that God had said were 'not My people', the Gentiles in Christ, along with them.

Thus many, but not all, of the Jews began to forget about the ten scattered tribes as the ten tribes were taken to Assyria and then migrated further westward to the "wilderness", to new lands, under new names, new languages, and Gentile customs. However, Jews living in Judea during the period of the 2nd temple and the Talmud still knew what had happened to the scattered ten tribes. The Jewish historian Josephus who lived in 100 A.D. mentioned that the ten tribes were still "...beyond the Euphrates till now, and are an immense multitude and not to be estimated in numbers." (Antiquities of the Jews; 11:133). IV Ezra (13:34-45) mentions the ten tribes carried away as prisoners out of their own land.

But if you read the Jew's later history of what they thought happened to the ten tribes, they mostly throw the ten tribes away, as if they are gone forever, forgotten. Their scholars began to create fake historical legends about the ten tribes in completely... opposite geographic areas than where the ten tribes were actually scattered to. And those deceived Jewish scholars even start using the title of 'Jew' for them, falsely claiming that's what the ten tribes started calling themselves once scattered to these different lands, like Arabia, Yemen, etc. In other words, those deceived Jewish scholars have turned the fact that the ten lost tribes were scattered to become a majority under Jesus Christ in their new lands, is one big joke. They don't even want you to consider writings like the Apocrypha with II Esdras...

2 Esdras 13:40-45
40 these are the ten tribes which were led away from their own land into captivity in the days of King Hoshe′a, whom Shalmane′ser the king of the Assyrians led captive; he took them across the river, and they were taken into another land. 41 But they formed this plan for themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the nations and go to a more distant region, where mankind had never lived, 42 that there at least they might keep their statutes which they had not kept in their own land. 43 And they went in by the narrow passages of the Euphra′tes river. 44 For at that time the Most High performed signs for them, and stopped the channels of the river until they had passed over. 45 Through that region there was a long way to go, a journey of a year and a half; and that country is called Arzareth.

Per Esdras, after the ten tribes were captive to Assyria, they would then determine to "... go to a more distant region, where mankind had never lived"? Did that sound like Arabia, or Yemen, or any place in the middle east or Asia? No, definitely not. The only new lands where man had never lived back in that time were Westward, to the portions of the earth that had not yet been civilized, called Arzareth.

The Jewish Encyclopedia claims that Christopher Columbus believed Arzareth was referring to the Americas...

Arzareth: The name of the land beyond the great river, far away from the habitation of man, in which the Ten Tribes of Israel will dwell, observing the laws of Moses, until the time of the restoration, according to IV Esd. xiii. 45. Columbus identified America with this land. (See Kayserling's "Christopher Columbus," translated by Dr. C. Gross, p. 15.)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States

Another reason why the study about the ten lost tribes is disregarded among many in the Christian Church is because of the influence of John Darby's Dispensationalist theories that began in the 1830's designed to go with Darby's preaching then of a false Pre-tribulation Rapture theory.

In Darby's theory of Dispensationalism, is a little idea created to try and drum up more support for the false pre-trib rapture theory. It declares Jesus comes to rapture the Church to Heaven prior... to the start of the "great tribulation", and when Jesus does return later, He will then restore all 12 tribes of Israel back to the holy land, on earth, and make them a kingdom again, on earth, while the Church reigns with Jesus from Heaven. That idea of Christ's Church reigning in Heaven away from the earth of course is nowhere written of in God's Word.

But you get the idea, right? Dispensationalism attempts to separate Christ's Salvation into TWO separate paths, one for the seed of Israel and the other for Christ's Church. A later version of Darby's Dispensationalism even developed into Hyper-Dispensationalism where they try to create 'two separate gospels', one for the Jews, and one for the Church, which idea is nowhere written in God's Word. That false idea is simply a modification of Darby's old Dispensationalist separation theories.

Why would Darby see the need to create his personal Dispensationalist theory about the restored nation of Israel upon this earth when Jesus returns? Simply because God's Word through His Old Testament prophets promised to restore the kingdom of Israel on earth. Much is written about that Promise for the future, so it is impossible for anyone well studied in God's Word to try and deny those Scriptures (yet some knuckleheads still try to deny it.)

Thus the Darby pre-trib rapture doctors, and deceived Jews, don't really like the idea of the ten lost tribes of Israel being linked with Christ's Church. They have even come up with a fake seminary title against any idea about the ten lost tribes having become a main part of Christ's Church; they call it "Replacement Theology". The Jews use it because they don't like the idea that God may have used the ten lost tribes to further The Gospel of Jesus Christ which the majority of Jews still reject today. And the Dispensationalists also use that "Replacement Theology" idea because they want us to believe that Christ's Church is not involved in the restoration of the future kingdom of Israel.

Too bad, I say, because when Apostle Paul said the following to Roman Gentile believers on Jesus Christ, quoting from the Book of Hosea, he was joining the future restoration of the kingdom of Israel with Christ's Church in His future Kingdom...

Romans 9:24-26
24 Even us, whom He hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?
25 As He saith also in Osee, "I will call them My people, which were not My people; and her beloved, which was not beloved.
26 And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, 'Ye are not My people'; there shall they be called the children of the living God."

Note the following Hosea passage where Apostle Paul quoted the above from...

Hos 1:9-11
9 Then said God, "Call his name Lo-ammi: for ye are not My people, and I will not be your God.
10 Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, 'Ye are not My people', there it shall be said unto them, 'Ye are the sons of the living God.'"
11 Then shall
the children of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together, and appoint themselves one head, and they shall come up out of the land: for great shall be the day of Jezreel.

Apostle Paul was kind of selective in his quoting that from Hosea 1, do you see it? Paul didn't quote in Romans 9 that part in Hosea 1:11 about the future joining of the two houses back together again, i.e., the 3-tribe "house of Judah" (Jews) with the 10-tribe "house of Israel". Yet God includes the believing Gentiles with believing Israel in their restoration of the two 'houses' of Israel.

In the Book of Hosea, God gave those prophecies originally to the northern ten tribe "house of Israel" kingdom which had then rebelled against Him. So He was getting ready to end their kingdom and scatter them. Just the fact that Apostle Paul quoted that from Hosea 1 to Gentile Roman believers on Jesus Christ, links Christ's Church with that future restoration of the children of Israel that God said there at that Hosea 1:11 verse. And to make sure we know that is about the future restoration of ALL 12 tribes, to include the lost ten tribes, He emphasizes "the children of Judah" (Jews) as one part, and "the children of Israel" (ten tribes) as the other part that will be joined back together!

So what is really going on with those who hate what Apostle Paul revealed from that Hosea 1 Scripture? particularly the deceived Jews and the Darbyites? The Ezekiel 37 Chapter about the future restoration of the kingdom of Israel with the 3-tribe "house of Judah" put back together with the 10-tribe "house of Israel" is especially specific there, with God even telling Ezekiel to write those two separate names for the two separate branches of Israel on two separate sticks, and then join them both together! Who can't understand that? Only those who reject that Bible Scripture as written would try and deny it.

Next, I'll cover another matter why the Orthodox Jews especially reject any link of the ten lost tribes to Christ's Church.



Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States

There's another important reason why the Orthodox Jews reject any idea of the restoration of the Ten Lost Tribes by Jesus Christ at His future return.

If you read from the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish websites from today's nation state of Israel, i.e., the really religious Jews who believe God is restoring the kingdom of Israel now, in today's time, then you will discover the following themes...

The Ulta-Orthodox Jews quote many prophecies from Old Testament Scripture as if they are being fulfilled today; however, some of those Scriptures they quote for today are actually in regard to the future time when Jesus returns. (But of course, those Orthodox Jews still reject Jesus of Nazareth as The Christ, well, I know that already.)

Some of today's Jews that reject any idea of a restoration of the ten lost tribes instead hold to the false idea that the ten tribes are either lost forever and never to return, or that they were already restored back to the holy land among the Jews at some point in history, and thus are no longer scattered. In other words, 'anything' but the actual written Word of God about the ten tribes' future return (a la Ezekiel 37 about the two sticks). Why would they prefer to think that then, especially when their idea conflicts with The Word of God?

This is why it is very important to understand The LORD Yahaveh's Bible prophecies for the very end of this world, which Lord Jesus Christ especially gave us about the end in His Olivet discourse and in His Book of Revelation, two areas which if you read many of my posts, I continually harp upon to try and open the eyes of my brethren in Christ Jesus.

Lord Jesus and His Apostle Paul and Apostle John forewarned the Church about the coming of a false-Messiah to Jerusalem at the end of this world that will play The Christ, working miracles to deceive the whole world. In order for that coming fake-Christ to pull that off, the RESTORATION of all 12 tribes of Israel back to the land, must be a part of that play by that coming false-Messiah, simply because of Bible prophecy written about it for the future coming of MESSIAH.

So what better way to PREPARE the deceived for that deception than to falsely claim all 12 tribes today are already TOGETHER, in the middle east nation called Israel?

Notice what Lord Jesus said here...

Matt 19:28
28 And Jesus said unto them, "Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed Me,
in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of His glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

That "regeneration" is about the restoration of all 12 tribes of Israel back to the holy land, and Jesus gave the time for that being in the future at His return, which is also when His 12 Apostles will sit upon 12 thrones judging the restored 12 tribes of Israel in the holy land. That of course did not happen at Jesus' 1st coming, nor has it happened yet to this day. It is for the future when He returns to inherit the throne of David, which is an earthly throne.

Why then, would the Orthodox Jews want to try and deceive us into thinking the false-Messiah that Jesus warned will come, is the true Messiah of Bible Scripture? That's just it, like Apostle Paul said in Romans 11 that God spiritually blinded the majority of his brethren the Jews, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. That coming false-Messiah, which comes first, prior to our True Lord Jesus' coming, will be accepted by the blind Orthodox Jews as the Messiah of Bible Scripture. But those in Jesus Christ are NOT... to fall into that trap that will come at the end of this world.